
AB 2514: Local government: redevelopment: successor agencies to redevelopment agencies: enforceable obligations.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Existing law dissolved redevelopment agencies and community development agencies as of February 1, 2012, and provides for the designation of successor agencies to wind down the affairs of the dissolved redevelopment agencies and to, among other things, make payments due for enforceable obligations and to perform obligations required pursuant to any enforceable obligation. Existing law defines the term enforceable obligation for these purposes to mean, among other things, preexisting obligations to the state or obligations imposed by state law, other than specified passthrough payments that are made by the county auditor-controller.

This bill would expressly include federal base reuse obligations for the former Norton Air Force Base pursuant to specified agreements as a preexisting obligation to the state or obligation imposed by state law.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Standing Committee on Education11MIN
Jun 20, 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Education

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