
AB 1257: Medi-Cal: ground ambulance rates.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Existing law provides for the Medi-Cal program, which is administered by the State Department of Health Care Services and under which qualified low-income persons receive health care benefits. services, including medical transportation services. The Medi-Cal program is, in part, governed and funded by federal Medicaid provisions. Existing law provides, except as specified, that certain optional Medi-Cal benefits, including, among others, certain adult dental services and optometric and optician services, are excluded from coverage under the Medi-Cal program. Existing law, beginning May 1, 2014, or the effective date of any necessary federal financial participation approvals, whichever is later, provides that only specified adult dental services are a covered Medi-Cal benefit for persons who are 21 years of age or older, as specified. Existing law and regulations prescribe various requirements governing payment policies and reimbursement rates for these services.

This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to this provision. require the State Department of Health Care Services to establish payment rates for ground ambulance services based on changes in the Consumer Price Index-Urban and the Geographic Practice Cost Index, and would require the department to designate a specified ambulance cost study conducted by the federal Government Accountability Office as the evidentiary base.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Health2MIN
Apr 28, 2015

Assembly Standing Committee on Health

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