
AB 1357: Children and Family Health Promotion Program.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Existing law provides various programs that prevent disease and promote health.

This bill, subject to specified exemptions, would impose a fee on every distributor, as defined, for the privilege of distributing in this state bottled sweetened beverages, at a rate of $0.02 per fluid ounce and for the privilege of distributing concentrate in this state, either as concentrate or as sweetened beverages derived from that concentrate, at the rate of $0.02 per fluid ounce of sweetened beverage to be produced from concentrate. The Board of Equalization would be responsible for administering and collecting the fee and registering the distributors upon whom the fee is imposed. These amounts would be deposited into the Children and Family Health Promotion Trust Fund, created by the bill. The bill would require moneys in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to be allocated to the State Department of Public Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Department of Education, and the Department of Food and Agriculture, as specified, for various purposes of statewide diabetes and childhood obesity treatment and prevention activities and programs, including awarding competitive grants to local governments, nonprofit organizations, school districts, and other entities for activities in support of the bills objectives. This bill would also authorize the State Public Health Officer, the Director of Health Care Services, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Secretary of Food and Agriculture to establish regulations and provide procedural measures, to bring into effect those purposes.

This bill would require the State Department of Public Health, in consultation with the other participating departments, to prepare and adopt an annual program budget, as specified. The bill would establish the Children and Family Health Promotion Administration Account within the fund, to be used, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to reimburse expenditures by the State Department of Public Health in administering and implementing the activities required by the bill, and to repay specified loans from other funds.

This bill would make legislative findings and declarations relating to the consumption of sweetened beverages, diabetes, childhood obesity, and dental disease.

This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.

Existing law provides various programs that prevent disease and promote health.

This bill would establish the Children and Family Health Promotion Program in the Department of Public Health. This bill would require the program to consist of a competitive grant process in which grants are awarded by the department to counties, cities, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, and licensed clinics that seek to invest in childhood obesity and diabetes prevention activities and oral health programs. The bill would authorize the department to award a grant to any entity that will use the grant to support programs that use educational, environmental, policy, and other public health approaches to achieve specified goals.

This bill would require the department to develop an application and application process for the program, and would provide that the program will be funded by moneys appropriated by the Legislature to the department for this purpose.

This bill would make legislative findings and declarations relating to the consumption of sweetened beverages, childhood obesity, and dental disease.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Health56MIN
May 12, 2015

Assembly Standing Committee on Health

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