
AB 2171: Coastal resources: development review: appeals.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Existing law, the California Coastal Act of 1976, requires any person wishing to perform or undertake any development in the coastal zone, as defined, in addition to obtaining any other permit required by law from any local government or from any state, regional, or local agency, to obtain a coastal development permit. The act further provides for the certification of local coastal programs by the California Coastal Commission. The act prohibits the commission, except with respect to appeals to the commission, from exercising its coastal development permit review authority, as specified, over any new development within the area to which the certified local coastal program, or any portion thereof, applies. The act specifies that any appealable action on a coastal development permit or claim of exemption for any development by a local government or port governing body may be appealed to the commission by an applicant, any aggrieved person, or any 2 members of the commission, except as provided. Under existing law aggrieved person means any person who, in person or through a representative, appeared at a public hearing of the commission, local government, or port governing body in connection with the decision or action appealed or who, by other appropriate means prior to a hearing, informed the commission, local government, or port governing body of the nature of his or her concerns or who for good cause was unable to do either.

This bill would, notwithstanding those provisions, and to the extent permitted under federal law, authorize an applicant for a coastal development permit, permit or any aggrieved person, as defined, person to file an appeal of any appealable action on a coastal development permit or claim for exemption for any development proposed to be located in an area subject to a certified local coastal program directly to a superior court of competent jurisdiction, in lieu of filing an appeal with the commission. The bill would also further limit the meaning of aggrieved person to a person who is either domiciled or owns real property in a coastal county impacted by the decision or within 1,000 feet of an impacted coastal county.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Standing Committee on Education9MIN
Jun 20, 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Education

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources15MIN
Apr 4, 2016

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources

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