AB 2207: Medi-Cal: dental program.
- Session Year: 2015-2016
- House: Assembly
Existing law provides for the Medi-Cal program, which is administered by the State Department of Health Care Services and under which qualified low-income persons receive health care benefits. The Medi-Cal program is, in part, governed and funded by federal Medicaid program provisions. Existing law provides that certain optional benefits, including, among others, certain adult dental services, are excluded from coverage under the Medi-Cal program. Existing law, beginning May 1, 2014, or the effective date of any necessary federal approvals, whichever is later, provides that only specified adult dental services are a covered Medi-Cal benefit for persons 21 years of age or older.
This bill would require the department to undertake specified activities for the purpose of improving the Medi-Cal Dental Program, such as expediting provider enrollment and monitoring dental service access and utilization. The bill would require a Medi-Cal managed care health plan to provide dental health screenings for eligible beneficiaries and refer them to appropriate Medi-Cal dental providers. This bill would provide that those provisions shall only be implemented to the extent that the department obtains any necessary federal approvals and federal matching funds.
Existing law requires the department to establish a list of performance measures to ensure the dental fee-for-service program meets quality and access criteria required by the department. Existing law requires the department to annually post on October 1 the list of performance measures and data of the dental fee-for-service program for the previous calendar year on its Internet Web site. Existing law also requires the department to establish a list of performance measures to ensure dental health plans meet quality criteria required by the department. Existing law requires the department to post, on a quarterly basis, the list of performance measures and each plans performance on the departments Internet Web site.
This bill would add performance measures to the lists for both the dental fee-for-service program and dental health plans described above, as specified. The bill would, as of October 31, 2016, eliminate the requirement that the department annually post the performance measures and program data relating to the dental fee-for-service program for the previous calendar year on October 1 and instead would require the department, commencing January 31, 2017, to post that information for the previous fiscal year on its Internet Web site on or before January 31 of each year. The bill, commencing April 30, 2017, and on specified dates thereafter, would require the department to post dental fee-for-service program performance data, the dental health plan performance measures, and each dental health plans performance on a quarterly basis for the preceding fiscal quarter on its Internet Web site. The bill would require the department to ensure, to the greatest degree possible, that the categories of data and performance measures selected for the dental fee-for-service program and for dental health plans are consistent with one another. The bill would require the department, no sooner than July 1, 2019, to annually publish specified utilization data for both the dental fee-for-service and dental managed care programs from the preceding calendar year and to make this information available on its Internet Web site.
Existing law establishes the Medi-Cal 2020 Demonstration Project Act, under which the department is required to implement specified components of a Medicaid 1115(a) demonstration project, referred to as Californias Medi-Cal 2020 demonstration project, consistent with the Special Terms and Conditions approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Existing law requires the department to implement the Dental Transformation Initiative (DTI), a component of the Medi-Cal 2020 demonstration project, under which DTI incentive payments, as defined, within specified domain categories would be made available to qualified providers who meet achievements within one or more of the project domains, and would require the department to evaluate the DTI as required under the Special Terms and Conditions.
This bill would require, consistent with the Special Terms and Conditions and the evaluation requirement described above, the departments reports of data and quality measures submitted to CMS and made publicly available for each of the domain areas under the DTI to include specified information.
Discussed in Hearing
Assembly Floor
Senate Floor
Senate Standing Committee on Health
Assembly Floor
Bill Author