
AB 2788: Wireless telecommunications facilities.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Under existing law, a wireless telecommunications collocation facility, as specified, is subject to a city or county discretionary permit and is required to comply with specified criteria, but a collocation facility, which is the placement or installation of wireless facilities, including antennas and related equipment, on or immediately adjacent to a wireless telecommunications collocation facility, is a permitted use not subject to a city or county discretionary permit.

This bill would permit the use of a small cell, as defined, without a city or county discretionary permit or aesthetic review in all zoning districts, subject only to a building permit or administrative permit, as applicable. The bill would require a city or county to issue those permits, as applicable, within 60 days, except as specified.

Under existing law, a city or county, as a condition of approval of an application for a permit for construction or reconstruction of a development project for a wireless telecommunications facility, may not require an escrow deposit for removal of a wireless telecommunications facility or any component thereof, unreasonably limit the duration of any permit for a wireless telecommunications facility, or require that all wireless telecommunications facilities be limited to sites owned by particular parties within the jurisdiction of the city or county, as specified.

This bill would require the city or county to renew a permit with a duration of less than 10 years for an equivalent duration unless the city or county finds that wireless telecommunications facility does not comply with the codes and permit conditions applicable at the time the permit was initially approved. The bill would also prohibit a city or county from precluding the leasing or licensing of a site owned by the city or county for the installation of a small cell, except as specified. The bill would authorize a city or county to impose a fee associated with a permit application for construction or reconstruction of a development project for a wireless telecommunications facility only if similar fees are charged within the city or county for similar types of commercial development. By imposing new duties on local agencies, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.

This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.

The Administrative Procedure Act governs the procedure for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of regulations by state agencies and for the review of those regulatory actions by the Office of Administrative Law. Existing law provides that, if a state agency makes a finding that the adoption of a regulation or order of repeal is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, or general welfare, the regulation or order of repeal may be adopted as an emergency regulation or order of repeal. Under existing law, a regulation, amendment, or order of repeal adopted as an emergency regulation remains in effect no more than 180 days unless the adopting agency and the Office of Administrative Law comply with certain requirements.

This bill would instead require that certain emergency regulations adopted by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources in the Department of Conservation effective February 5, 2016, remain in effect until the adoption, amendment, or repeal of the regulations is promulgated by the division pursuant to the act. The bill would repeal this provision on January 1, 2019.

This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources11MIN
May 3, 2016

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources

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