
AB 514: Ordinances: violations: administrative fines.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Existing law authorizes the legislative body of a city, county, or city and county to collect any fee, cost, or charge incurred in specified activities, including the abatement of public nuisances, enforcement of specified zoning ordinances, inspections and abatement of violations of the State Housing Law, inspections and abatement of violations of the California Building Standards Code, and inspections and abatement of violations related to local ordinances that implement these laws. Existing law limits the amount of this fee, cost, or charge to the actual cost incurred performing the inspections and enforcement activity, including permit fees, fines, late charges, and interest.

Existing law authorizes the legislative body of a local agency to make, by ordinance, any violation of an ordinance subject to an administrative fine or penalty and limits the maximum fine or penalty amounts for infractions, as specified. For violations of city or county building and safety codes determined to be an infraction, existing law limits the amount of the fine to $100 for a first violation, $500 for a 2nd violation of the same ordinance within one year, and $1,000 for each additional violation of the same ordinance within one year of the first violation.

This bill would authorize a county to establish administrative fines, not to exceed specified limits, for violations of certain county ordinances, including a county building and safety ordinance, brush removal ordinance, grading ordinance, film permit ordinance, or zoning ordinance, determined to be an infraction, subject to certain county findings.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Standing Committee on Public Safety18MIN
Jun 26, 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Public Safety

Assembly Floor1MIN
Sep 2, 2015

Assembly Floor

Senate Floor3MIN
Aug 31, 2015

Senate Floor

Senate Standing Committee on Governance and Finance14MIN
Jul 8, 2015

Senate Standing Committee on Governance and Finance

Assembly Floor2MIN
May 22, 2015

Assembly Floor

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations1MIN
May 20, 2015

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations

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