AB 665: Hunting or fishing: local regulation.
- Session Year: 2015-2016
- House: Assembly
(1)The California Constitution provides for the delegation to the Fish and Game Commission of powers relating to the protection and propagation of fish and game. Existing statutory law delegates to the commission the power to regulate the taking or possession of birds, mammals, fish, amphibia, and reptiles in accordance with prescribed laws. Under existing law, the Department of Fish and Wildlife exercises various functions with regard to the taking of fish and game. Under existing law, a city or county has no authority to regulate fish and game except that a city or county may adopt an ordinance that incidentally affects fishing and hunting for the protection of public health and safety.
This bill would provide that the state fully occupies the field of the taking and possession of fish and game. The bill would provide that unless otherwise authorized by the Fish and Game Code, other state law, or federal law, the commission and the department are the only entities that may adopt or promulgate regulations regarding the taking or possession of fish and game on any lands or waters within the state.
(2)Existing law requires the commission, when adopting certain regulations relating to the taking or possession of resident game birds, game mammals, and fur-bearing mammals, to consider populations, habitat, food supplies, the welfare of individual animals, and other pertinent facts and testimony.
This bill would require the commission to consider these factors when adopting certain regulations relating to the taking or possession of fish, amphibians, and reptiles. The bill would also require the commission to consider public health and safety when adopting these regulations.
(3)Existing law generally makes any violation of the Fish and Game Code or any rule, regulation, or order made or adopted under the code a misdemeanor, and specifies that a violation of designated statutes or regulations is either an infraction or a misdemeanor.
This bill would make a violation of a specified statute relating to the intentional discharge of a firearm or release of an arrow or crossbow bolt over or across a public road or other established way open to the public in an unsafe and reckless manner an infraction or a misdemeanor.
(3)Existing law makes it unlawful for a person to intentionally discharge a firearm or release an arrow or crossbow bolt over or across a public road or other established way open to the public in an unsafe and reckless manner. Existing law makes a violation of this provision a misdemeanor.
This bill would delete the reckless element from that provision. Because the bill would expand the definition of a crime, it would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
Discussed in Hearing