
AB 693: Multifamily Affordable Housing Solar Roofs Program.

  • Session Year: 2015-2016
  • House: Assembly

Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission has regulatory authority over public utilities, including electrical corporations. Existing law authorizes the commission to fix the rates and charges for every public utility, and requires that those rates and charges be just and reasonable.

The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 establishes the State Air Resources Board as the state agency responsible for monitoring and regulating sources emitting greenhouse gases. That act requires the state board to adopt a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit, as defined, to be achieved by 2020, equivalent to the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level in 1990. The state board is authorized to include market-based compliance mechanisms to comply with the regulations. The implementing regulations adopted by the state board provide for the direct allocation of greenhouse gas allowances to electrical corporations pursuant to a market-based compliance mechanism.

Existing law authorizes the commission to allocate 15% of these revenues for clean energy and energy efficiency projects established pursuant to statute that are administered by electrical corporations and requires the commission to direct the balance of the revenues to be credited directly to the residential, small business, and emissions-intensive trade-exposed retail customers of the electrical corporations, as specified.

This bill would authorize a qualified 3rd-party administrator to administer the clean energy and energy efficiency projects.

Existing law requires the commission to ensure that not less than 10% of the funds for the California Solar Initiative are utilized for the installation of solar energy systems, as defined, on low-income residential housing, as defined. Pursuant to this requirement, the commission adopted decisions that established the Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes Program and the Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing Program, pursuant to which the electrical corporations provide monetary incentives for the installation of solar energy systems on low-income residential housing.

This bill would require the commission to annually authorize the allocation of $100,000,000 or 10% of available funds, whichever is less, beginning with the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2016, and ending with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, from the greenhouse gas allowance revenues received by electrical corporations set aside for clean energy and energy efficiency projects for the Multifamily Affordable Housing Solar Roofs Program, which the bill would create. The bill would require the commission to consider the most appropriate program administration, as specified, with not more than 10% of the allocated funds to be used for administration. The bill would require the commission to authorize, by June 30, 2017, the award of monetary incentives for solar energy systems, as defined, that are installed on qualified multifamily affordable housing properties, as defined, through December 31, 2030, with the target of the program being to install a combined generating capacity of at least 300 megawatts on qualified properties. The bill would require the commission to require that the electricity generated by qualifying solar energy systems installed on qualified multifamily affordable housing properties pursuant to the program be primarily used to offset electricity usage by low-income tenants. The bill would require that low-income tenants receive credits on utility bills from the program through tariffs that allow for the allocation of credits, as specified. The bill would require the commission, on or before July 30, 2020, and by July 30 of every third year thereafter through 2029, to submit an assessment, as specified, to the Legislature of the Multifamily Affordable Housing Solar Roofs Program.

Existing law makes any public utility and any corporation or person other than a public utility that violates any part of any order, decision, rule, direction, demand, or requirement of the commission guilty of a crime.

Because the provisions of this bill require action by the commission to implement its requirements, a violation of these commission-ordered requirements would impose a state-mandated local program by creating a new crime.

The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.

This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Floor2MIN
Sep 11, 2015

Assembly Floor

Senate Floor2MIN
Sep 10, 2015

Senate Floor

Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations58SEC
Aug 24, 2015

Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations

Senate Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications17MIN
Jul 13, 2015

Senate Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications

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