AB 2360: Pupil nutrition: best practices for school districts to create food bank partnerships.
- Session Year: 2017-2018
- House: Assembly
Existing law establishes the Office of Farm to Fork within the Department of Food and Agriculture, and requires the office, to the extent that resources are available, to work with various entities, including, among others, the agricultural industry and other organizations involved in promoting food access, to increase the amount of agricultural products available to underserved communities and schools in the state.
Existing law requires a school district or county superintendent of schools maintaining kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, to provide a needy pupil, as defined, one nutritionally adequate free or reduced-price meal during each schoolday, and authorizes the school district or county superintendent of schools to use funds available from any federal or state program to comply with that requirement, as provided.
This bill would require the State Department of Education to collaborate with the Department of Food and Agriculture, including its Office of Farm to Fork, and to consult with the State Department of Public Health and the State Department of Social Services, and other entities and experts determined relevant by the department, to develop and promote best practices for school districts to create partnerships with food banks that increase the access of pupils to fresh produce and healthy foods, as specified. The bill would require the State Department of Education and the Office of Farm to Fork to each post, on or before January 1, 2020, the best practices on its respective Internet Web site. The bill would require, on or before July 1, 2020, the State Department of Education to disseminate to school districts the best practices.
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