AB 3074: Developmental services: integrated competitive employment.
- Session Year: 2017-2018
- House: Assembly
Existing law, the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, requires the State Department of Developmental Services to contract with regional centers to provide services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Existing law establishes the Employment First Policy, which is the policy that opportunities for integrated, competitive employment be given the highest priority for working age individuals with developmental disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disabilities.
Existing law authorizes a consumer to choose a tailored day service or vouchered community-based training service, in lieu of any other regional center vendored day program, look-alike day program, supported employment program, or work activity program. Existing law requires a tailored day service to (1) include an individualized service design, as determined through the individual program plan (IPP) and approved by the regional center, that maximizes the consumers individualized choices and needs and (2) encourage opportunities to further the development or maintenance of employment, volunteer activities, or pursuit of postsecondary education, maximize consumer direction of the service, and increase the consumers ability to lead an integrated and inclusive life.
This bill would authorize a consumer in a supported employment program or work activity program who has the stated goal of integrated competitive employment in his or her IPP to request to use tailored day services in conjunction with his or her existing program to achieve that goal, if specified criteria are met, including that the type, amount, and provider of tailored day service allowed under these provisions is determined through the IPP process. The bill would specify the maximum hours of tailored day services that may be authorized in conjunction with existing services under these provisions.
Existing law, until January 1, 2025, provides that the Legislature intends that in order to increase effectiveness and opportunity to gain meaningful integrated competitive employment opportunities, habilitation services shall also provide community-based vocational development services. Existing law requires the department to conduct a 4-year demonstration project in up to 5 volunteer regional centers to determine whether the provision of community-based vocational development services increases, integrated competitive employment outcomes and reduces purchase of service costs for working age adults. As part of the pilot program, existing law requires a plan to be developed if community-based vocational development services are determined to be a necessary step to achieve a supported employment outcome, and provides for the hourly rate for the services and hours of participation that may be provided. Existing law requires the department to secure federal Medicaid funding for these services prior to implementation of the project and requires these provisions to be implemented only to the extent that federal financial participation is available and any necessary federal approvals have been obtained.
This bill would delete the provisions stating legislative intent and requiring the department to conduct a demonstration project, thereby implementing the provisions that require habilitation services to also provide community-based vocational development services effective statewide without a demonstration project. The bill would also delete the January 1, 2025, repeal date, and would thereby extend the operation of these provisions indefinitely.
Discussed in Hearing
Assembly Standing Committee on Human Services
Bill Author