Existing law provides that the Department of Transportation has full possession and control of all state highways and associated property. Existing law designates and describes state highway routes, and also describes the state highway routes in the California freeway and expressway system, including all of Route 710 in the County of Los Angeles.
This bill would require the Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, to establish the State Route 710 North Advisory Committee, with a specified membership, to study the alternatives considered in the State Route 710
North Draft Environmental Impact Review and other transit options to improve travel in, and environmental impacts of, the State Route 710 North project area, along with alternatives not considered by the environmental review. The bill would require the advisory committee, by January 1, 2019, to make recommendations in a report to the Legislature, the Department of Transportation, and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority on the most appropriate and feasible alternative in the State Route 710 North project area that would promote smart and functional land use, reduce automobile dependency, encourage multimodal trips, improve traffic operations, and maximize the use of the latest available technologies to enhance the performance of the existing transportation system to minimize impacts of regional traffic on the communities along the State Route 710 corridor. The bill would require the department to implement the
alternative recommended by the advisory committee, if appropriate and feasible. The bill would limit the portion of Route 710 included in the California freeway and expressway system to the portion between Route 1 and Route 10. This bill would remove a specified portion of Route 710 from the California freeway and expressway system on January 1, 2024, or when the SR 710 North Project is complete, whichever is sooner.