
AB 554: Desalination: statewide goal.

  • Session Year: 2017-2018
  • House: Assembly

Existing law, the Cobey-Porter Saline Water Conversion Law, states the policy of this state that desalination projects developed by or for public water entities be given the same opportunities for state assistance and funding as other water supply and reliability projects, and that desalination be consistent with all applicable environmental protection policies in the state. The law provides that is it the intention of the Legislature that the Department of Water Resources undertake to find economic and efficient methods of desalting saline water so that desalted water may be made available to help meet the growing water requirements of the state.

This bill would establish a goal to desalinate 300,000 acre-feet of drinking water per year by the year 2025 and 500,000 acre-feet of drinking water per year by the year 2030.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations1H
May 26, 2017

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations

Assembly Standing Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife40MIN
Mar 21, 2017

Assembly Standing Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife

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