AB 565: Building standards: live/work units.
- Session Year: 2017-2018
- House: Assembly
The California Building Standards Law provides for the adoption of building standards by state agencies by requiring all state agencies that adopt or propose adoption of any building standard to submit the building standard to the California Building Standards Commission for approval and adoption. In the absence of a designated state agency, the commission is required to adopt specific building standards, as prescribed. Existing law requires the commission to publish, or cause to be published, editions of the code in its entirety once every 3 years.
This bill would require the Department of Housing and Community Development, commencing with the next triennial edition of the California Building Standards Code adopted after January 1, 2019, to develop and submit for approval by the California Building Standards Commission clarifications in the California Building Code and the California Residential Code pertaining to the requirements for the construction of live/work units.
Discussed in Hearing
Assembly Floor
Assembly Standing Committee on Housing and Community Development
Senate Floor
Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
Senate Standing Committee on Transportation and Housing
Assembly Floor
Assembly Standing Committee on Housing and Community Development
Bill Author