SB 1224: Statewide longitudinal education and workforce data system.
- Session Year: 2017-2018
- House: Senate
Existing law establishes the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, commonly known as CALPADS, which is required to be used, among other ways, to provide a better means of evaluating educational progress and investments over time, to provide local educational agencies information that can be used to improve pupil achievement, and to provide an efficient, flexible, and secure means of maintaining longitudinal statewide pupil level data.
This bill would establish a statewide longitudinal education and workforce data system to include data on California students from enrollment in kindergarten to their entry into the workforce. The bill would require the State Department of Education, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, and the California State University, and would request the University of California, to set up a data collection system to track student data for these purposes, and would require the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to provide wage record and workforce program data for those students recently entering the workforce. who recently entered the workforce after graduation, completion, or otherwise ending their attendance of school or the public postsecondary education system. The bill would require any research or report developed with the use of the data system to be accessible to the public, and would require the development and maintenance of the data system to comply with applicable state and federal privacy laws.