
SB 1314: Veterans’ homes: services: complex mental and behavioral health needs.

  • Session Year: 2017-2018
  • House: Senate

Existing law provides for the establishment and operation of veterans homes at various sites, and provides for an administrator of each home, as specified. Existing law establishes the duties of the Department of Veterans Affairs with regard to the establishment and regulation of veterans homes.

This bill would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct a survey to assess the ability of veterans homes to assist veterans with complex mental and behavioral health needs, and develop a plan to accommodate that population, as prescribed. The bill would require the department to submit the plan and any recommendations for future legislation necessary to achieve its objectives to specified committees of the Legislature by January 1, 2020. 2020, and to begin adopting the recommendations by appropriate means, by July 1, 2020.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations1H
Aug 16, 2018

Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations

Assembly Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs5MIN
Jun 26, 2018

Assembly Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

Senate Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs6MIN
Apr 24, 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

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