
SB 590: School finance: school districts: annual budgets: reserve balance.

  • Session Year: 2017-2018
  • House: Senate

In a fiscal year immediately after a fiscal year in which a transfer is made into the Public School System Stabilization Account, existing law prohibits a school districts adopted or revised budget from containing a combined assigned or unassigned ending fund balance that is in excess of either 2 or 3 times the minimum recommended reserve for economic uncertainties adopted by the State Board of Education, depending on the school districts units of average daily attendance. Existing law authorizes the county superintendent of schools to waive the prohibition, pursuant to specified conditions, for up to 2 consecutive fiscal years within a 3-year period if the school district provides documentation indicating that extraordinary fiscal circumstances substantiate the need for the balance.

This bill would repeal those provisions.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Standing Committee on Education17MIN
Apr 26, 2017

Senate Standing Committee on Education

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