
AB 1188: Transportation: bicycle safety handbook.

  • Session Year: 2023-2024
  • House: Assembly

Current Status:


(2024-02-01: From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law establishes within state government the Transportation Agency, which consists of the Department of the California Highway Patrol, the California Transportation Commission, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Transportation, the High-Speed Rail Authority, and the Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun. The agency is under the supervision of the Secretary of Transportation, who has the power of general supervision over each department within the agency. The secretary, among other duties, is charged with advising the Governor on, and assist the Governor in establishing, major policy and program matters affecting each department, office, or other unit within the agency.

This bill would, upon appropriation by the Legislature, require the agency to develop and distribute, on or before September 1, 2024, a bicycle safety handbook that includes information on, among other things, existing laws regulating bicycles and e-bikes, safety equipment, and sharing roads and bikeways with other users, as specified. The bill would require the agency to make the a downloadable electronic version of the bicycle safety handbook available on the internet, as specified, and in print at all Department of Motor Vehicles offices, state libraries, Department of the California Highway Patrol offices, and other appropriate state offices. In developing the handbook, the bill would require collaboration and consultation between the agency and the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of the California Highway Patrol, the California Office of Traffic Safety, the Department of Transportation, and other relevant stakeholders, as specified.

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