
AB 12: Tenancy: security deposits.

  • Session Year: 2023-2024
  • House: Assembly

Current Status:


(2023-10-11: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 733, Statutes of 2023.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law regulates the terms and conditions of residential tenancies, and prohibits a landlord from demanding or receiving security for a rental agreement for residential property, however denominated, in an amount or value in excess of an amount equal to 2 months rent, in the case of unfurnished residential property, and an amount equal to 3 months rent, in the case of furnished residential property, in addition to any rent for the first month paid on or before initial occupancy.

This bill would, beginning July 1, 2024, instead prohibit a landlord from demanding or receiving security for a rental agreement for residential property in an amount or value in excess of an amount equal to one months rent, regardless of whether the residential property is unfurnished or furnished, in addition to any rent for the first month paid on or before initial occupancy. The bill, unless the prospective tenant is a service member, as defined, would prohibit a landlord from demanding or receiving security for a rental agreement for residential property in an amount or value in excess of 2 months rent, in addition to any rent for the first month, if the landlord (1) is a natural person or a limited liability corporation in which all members are natural persons and (2) owns no more than 2 residential rental properties that collectively include no more than 4 dwelling units offered for rent.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Floor1MIN
Sep 13, 2023

Assembly Floor

Senate Floor6MIN
Sep 12, 2023

Senate Floor

Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary23MIN
Jun 20, 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary

Assembly Floor3MIN
May 22, 2023

Assembly Floor

Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary23MIN
Apr 11, 2023

Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary

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