
SB 1073: State acquisition of goods and services: low-carbon cement or concrete products.

  • Session Year: 2023-2024
  • House: Senate

Current Status:


(2024-08-15: August 15 hearing: Held in committee and under submission.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law authorizes state agencies to enter into contracts for the acquisition of goods or services upon approval by the Department of General Services. Existing law requires the State Air Resources Board (board) to develop a comprehensive strategy for the states cement sector to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases associated with cement used within the state, as specified. Existing law also requires the board to develop a framework for measuring the average carbon intensity of the materials used in the construction of new buildings and a comprehensive strategy for the states building sector to achieve a 40% net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of building materials, as specified. Existing law, the California Climate Crisis Act, sets forth the policy of the state, including, among other things, to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, as soon as possible, but no later than 2045, and to achieve and maintain net negative greenhouse gas emissions thereafter.

This bill would authorize a state agency to enter into forward contracts to purchase low-carbon cement or concrete products up to 10 years in advance to facilitate the commercialization of concrete, cement, and supplementary cementitious materials and in furtherance of either of the policy and comprehensive strategy policy, comprehensive strategy, or framework relating to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, as described above. The bill would make a related statement of legislative findings and declarations.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources14MIN
Jun 17, 2024

Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources

Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality15MIN
Apr 24, 2024

Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality

Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality17SEC
Apr 24, 2024

Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality

Senate Standing Committee on Governmental Organization22MIN
Apr 9, 2024

Senate Standing Committee on Governmental Organization

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