
SB 657: Homelessness services staff training.

  • Session Year: 2023-2024
  • House: Senate

Current Status:


(2024-01-25: Veto sustained.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law establishes the California Department of Aging in the California Health and Human Services Agency. Existing law requires the department to designate various private nonprofit or public agencies as area agencies on aging to work for the interests of older Californians within a planning and service area and provide a broad array of social and nutritional services. Existing law requires the area agencies on aging to develop systems of home- and community-based services that maintain individuals in their own homes or least restrictive homelike environments and to function as the community link at the local level for the development of those services. Existing law requires each area agency on aging to maintain a professional staff that is supplemented by volunteers, governed by a board of directors or elected officials, and whose activities are reviewed by an advisory council consisting primarily of older individuals from the community.

Existing federal law defines continuums of care as the groups organized to carry out specified responsibilities, including responsibilities related to homelessness, including certain nonprofit entities, victim service providers, faith-based organizations, governments, businesses, and advocates. Existing state law establishes specified grants and programs available to continuums of care.

Existing law requires the Governor to create the Interagency Council on Homelessness for specified purposes, including to create partnerships among various entities for the purpose of arriving at specific strategies to end homelessness, including participants in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Developments Continuum of Care program and the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, and to identify mainstream resources, benefits, and services that can be accessed to prevent and end homelessness in California.

This bill would require the council to coordinate with the California Department of Aging, the California continuums of care, and the area agencies on aging to convene a working group no later than March 1, 2024, to develop recommendations on best practices for assisting older adults to prevent and overcome homelessness and for training those who assist older adults to prevent and overcome homelessness. The bill would require the working group to develop a training for those who assist older adults with housing needs to help those individuals access resources to prevent and overcome homelessness, as specified, no later than March 1, 2025. The bill would require the working group, on or before March 1, 2025, to report to specified committees of the Legislature on their recommendations.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Floor39SEC
Sep 11, 2023

Senate Floor

Assembly Floor1MIN
Sep 7, 2023

Assembly Floor

Assembly Standing Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care21MIN
Jul 11, 2023

Assembly Standing Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care

Senate Standing Committee on Housing7MIN
Apr 24, 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Housing

Senate Standing Committee on Human Services8MIN
Apr 17, 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Human Services

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