
SB 784: Home improvement loans: right to cancel contracts.

  • Session Year: 2025-2026
  • House: Senate

Current Status:

In Progress

(2025-02-24: From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 24.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



(1)Existing law generally regulates various types of consumer credit contracts and transactions, including consumer loans, home solicitation contracts and offers, and home improvement businesses and contracts.

This bill would regulate home improvement loans. The bill would require a lender to take specified actions before a consumer executes a contract for a home improvement loan, including obtaining oral confirmation of key terms of the home improvement loan contract, as defined and specified. The bill would require a lender that offers or provides a home improvement loan to make certain information available to the consumer or the property owner, as specified, and would prescribe how a lender must respond to requests for information from a consumer. The bill would prohibit a consumers repayment obligations under a home improvement lone until the lender has taken specified actions. The bill would prohibit a lender making a home improvement loan from providing cash or material value to a third party in excess of the actual price charged by that third party.

(2)Existing law authorizes a buyer who cancels certain home solicitation contracts or offers until midnight of the 3rd business day after the day on which the buyer signs an agreement or offer to purchase that complies with specified requirements. Existing law authorizes a buyer to cancel a home solicitation contract written for certain home improvement work until midnight of the 3rd business day after the buyer receives a signed and dated copy of the contract or offer to purchase that complies with specified requirements. Existing law requires contracts for a home solicitation contract or offer to include a notice of cancellation form with specified statements as to the buyers right to cancel. Existing law permits a buyer to provide a seller an express waiver to this right to cancel, if the contract meets other specified requirements.

Existing law requires specific provisions and requirements for home improvement contracts, as defined, that are not governed by the provisions described above. Existing law requires these contracts to include a notice regarding the buyers 3-day right to cancel.

Existing law provides an alternate 5-day period of time to cancel the contracts or offers described above if the buyer or property owner is a senior citizen, as defined, for contracts entered into, or offers to purchase conveyed, on or after January 1, 2021.

This bill would extend those 3-day and 5-day periods to 5-day and 7-day periods, respectively. The bill would also make conforming changes. The bill would apply these new extended periods to transactions on or after January 1, 2026.

Bill Co-Author(s):

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