
SB 843: Vehicles: school pupil transportation: advisory committee.

  • Session Year: 2025-2026
  • House: Senate

Current Status:

In Progress

(2025-02-24: From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 24.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law requires the Department of the California Highway Patrol to adopt reasonable rules and regulations that, in the judgment of the department, are designed to promote the safe operation of specified vehicles, including, among other vehicles, schoolbuses and commercial motor vehicles. Existing law requires the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol to appoint an advisory committee to assist with developing and adopting regulations affecting school pupil transportation. Existing law specifies appointment of the 11 members of the committee, including, among others, one member employed as a schoolbus driver.

This bill would expand the committee to 13 members by including the appointment of 2 members of low-income communities, as specified.

Bill Author

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