Showing 753-768 of 810 results found

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Transaction Type
Total to Thurston Smith
GiverReceiverTransaction TypeDateAmount
SANDWICK, JILLThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$1,000
PAGE, MICHAELThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$250
BOSTICK, LUCINDAThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$1,000
SMITH, ROBERTThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$1,000
OTWELL, REBECCAThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$1,000
SHANNON, SHANNONThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$1,000
VENTURA, JAMESThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 15, 2019$200
MCEACHRON, RYANThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 10, 2019$1,000
ORR, DENNISThurston SmithCandidate DonationsOct 9, 2019$250
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$9,131
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$25,003
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$25,920
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$650
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$1,300
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$1,440
CALIFORNIA ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS & EDUCATIONThurston SmithIndependent Expenditures$18,535