Assembly Standing Committee on Emergency Management
- Freddie Rodriguez
Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez, chair of the Committee on Emergency Management. Welcome to today's hearing. Let's turn to today's agenda and remind everyone of the ground rules for today's hearing. As always, we seek to protect the rights of all who participate in the legislative process so that we can have an effective deliberation and decisions on the critical issues facing California.
- Freddie Rodriguez
In order to facilitate these goals, we will not permit conduct, disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of the legislative proceedings. At today's hearing, we will make public comments for those in the room. Members of the public may also submit testimony to the Committee at AEM, Assembly CA gov. First, let's establish a quorum. Secretary, can you please take the role?
- Committee Secretary
Quorum call? Rodriguez here. Rodriguez? Here. Waldron Agara Curry. Agara Curry? Here. Alvarez calderon here. Calderon? Here. Dally dally here. Chiabo? Here. Chiabo? Here.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Okay, with that, having established a quorum, our next order on the business, there are two bills on the consent calendar, SB 265, Hurtado. Regarding cybersecurity preparedness. The motion is due. Pass to Assembly Committee on appropriations. SB 577 Hurtado. Regarding the California Fire Preparedness Training and Education Program. The motion is due passed to Assembly Committee on appropriations. Do I have a motion and second to approve? We have a motion by Calderon second by Schiavo
- Committee Secretary
Secretary Calderon. On the consent calendar, SB 265, Hurtado. SB 577 hurtado. Do pass to committee on appropriations. Rodriguez aye. Rodriguez aye. Waldron Aguirra Curry. Aguirra Curry. Aye Alvarez. Calderon. Calderon. Aye Dahle. Dahle.
- Freddie Rodriguez
And with that, consent calendar is out. We'll leave the roll open for missing Members. So with that, our next final item on the agenda, SB 673, which unfortunately, Mr. Bradford is still in session, but we are able to have Assembly Member Calderon present on his behalf. So with that, Ms.. Calderon, you can go ahead.
- Lisa Calderon
Thank you, chair Members. SB 673 would establish an Ebony Alert to address the often ignored or lack of attention to Black youth and young women that disproportionately missing in California. African Americans make up 13% of the US. Population. However, Black children make up about 38% of all missing child cases and receive less media attention to the fact that they are missing.
- Lisa Calderon
Black youth are disproportionately classified as runways in comparison to their White counterparts who are classified as missing and do not receive the benefit of an Amber Alert.
- Lisa Calderon
The fact that they are missing, no media coverage, and less police and government resources are available to help locate them. In addition, Black women and girls are at an increased risk of being harmed and trafficked. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Report on human Trafficking found in a two year study of human trafficking incidents across the country that 40% of sex trafficking victims were identified as Black women.
- Lisa Calderon
The Ebony Alert provides law enforcement with an additional tool to disseminate timely, accurate information and to engage with the public and the media to more effectively assist with locating missing Black youth and young women. SB 673 would also encourage, but not require that radio, television, cable, satellite and social media systems cooperate by disseminating the information contained in an Ebony Alert. This Bill has no opposition and has received bipartisan support.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you for your remarks. Is there anyone else in the witness in support? Seeing none. Is there any witnesses in opposition in the room? Seeing none. With that, we'll bring it back to the committee Members. Any questions or comments? Committee Members? No. Seeing none. Thank you. Senator Assemblymember, would you like to close?
- Lisa Calderon
Yes, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you very much. We do have an Aye Rec as well. With that, again, the motion is do passed to the Committee on Appropriations. Secretary called a vote. Oh, I'm sorry. Before we do that, we have a motion a second. A motion by Aguiar Curry. Second by Schiavo Will. Go ahead. There is a motion a second.
- Committee Secretary
SB 673. Bradford Do pass to committee on appropriations. Rodriguez aye. Rodriguez. aye Waldron. Aguir Curry. Aguir Curry. aye Alvarez. Calderon. Calderon, aye Dahle. Dahle, aye Schiavo Schiavo.
- Freddie Rodriguez
That motion is out. We'll hold the row open for missing Members. Thank you, Senator. Assembly Member.
- Lisa Calderon
Thank you.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Secretary open the roll on the consent calendar. File number one, SB 577, Hurtado. And file number two, SB 265, Hurtado call the missing Members.
- Committee Secretary
On the consent calendar. SB 265 SB 577 do pass to committee on appropriations. Waldron. Waldron aye.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you. And the next item would be file item number three, SB 673. Secretary open the roll on file item 673.
- Megan Dahle
SB 673. Motion is due passed to the Committee on Appropriations. Waldron. Waldron aye.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you. And I believe with that, our hearing is completed. Thank you all.