Assembly Standing Committee on Appropriations
- Chris Holden
Good morning. We would like to welcome you to the September 1, 2023 Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing. We have seven bills to consider this morning as a part of our regular ordered hearing. Immediately following the regular ordered hearing, the Committee will consider the bills on the Committee's suspense file. Before we begin, I have a few Housekeeping notes to cover. We encourage the public to provide written testimony before the hearing by visiting the Committee website at
- Chris Holden
Please note that any written testimony submitted to the Committee is considered public comment and may be read into the record or reprinted. The hearing room is open for attendance. All are encouraged to watch the hearing from its stream on the Assembly website at We encourage the public to monitor the Committee's website for updates.
- Chris Holden
We will accept public comment on any Bill placed on the suspense file by the Committee today, for which the author waived presentation before the close of the regularly ordered hearing. Testimony on any such Bill will be limited to statement of name, organization of any in position on the Bill. The Committee will allow no more than 40 minutes of testimony in total.
- Chris Holden
As you came into the hearing room today, the Sergeants directed your attention to the rules for public attendance and participation which were posted outside the door. I encourage Members of the public who are in attendance to be aware of and observe those rules. Please be aware that violations of these rules or other violations of General courtesy or decorum may subject you to removal or other enforcement processes. With that, we will look to see if we have a quorum, and if so, we'll establish it.
- Chris Holden
I don't believe we're there yet. We had our first we are. No, it's not. We're going to move to our presentations this morning as a Subcommittee, and then once we have a quorum, that will establish it and move forward from there. Senator Laird, you were the first to sign in, and you're here to present on SB 544 that enjoys the due pass.
- John Laird
There we go. Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. This is Senate Bill 544, which amends the teleconference requirements in the Bagley-Keene Act, governs how state boards and commissions operate, open meetings. Originally, this Bill extended the Executive Order, the provisions in the Executive Order that were in operation during the pandemic and expired on June 30.
- John Laird
There is a budget Bill that is moving and should be acted on next week that would actually extend those provisions further to January 1, and this Bill is about what happens after that. I really want to thank the Committee staff and the Chair for their work on this Bill. Originally, the benefits of the pandemic processes were a reduction of cost in 90%, extended participation to people that didn't have to come to Sacramento, and extended participation to people with disabilities, aging, or who are immunocompromised.
- John Laird
There was pushback in the various committee hearings. And in the Go Committee of the Assembly, we took a number of amendments and we made the commitment to take additional amendments. Now, I think we are very close to agreement with the stakeholders, with the committee staff, and with the Administration. And I commit to take the amendments that address the issues on the Assembly Floor. And the major amendment is a physical quorum would be required at one physical location for all meetings. So people would have that there.
- John Laird
There are additional ones that would address the exceptions for people with disabilities and the exceptions for people that have medical issues. There would be additional one that addresses the issue of on camera requirements and it would overall maintain the guardrails that people have been asking for, but then still deal with allowing the increased participation that we experienced during the pandemic. And all of these provisions would sunset now at the end of 2026 so that we would have a chance to see how they work.
- John Laird
And we are still experiencing a COVID surge right now, so that is still an issue. That is the state of play. I appreciate the work. We want to take the amendments on the Floor that would do it. And with me to testify and support are Carol Schwarzlander from the California Commission on Aging and Ethan Rarick from the Little Hoover Commission. At the appropriate time, I would respect and aye vote on a Dupas motion.
- Karol Swartzlander
Thank you. Thank you, Chair Holden and Members of the committee. My name is Karol Swartzlander, and I am the Executive Director of the California Commission on Aging. The Commission is established in state statute to serve as the principal advocate for older adults in California before the Governor, Legislature, state and federal agencies.
- Karol Swartzlander
So the Commission's interest in this Bill was really to remove barriers for older adults, people with disabilities, or anyone who couldn't travel, to serve on state boards and commissions and be part of the democratic process. So we're really pleased to sponsor this Bill, and we're also pleased that it will have cost savings, particularly to the smaller boards and commissions who don't have a ton of money. So with that, ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Ethan Rarick
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Members. My name is Ethan Rarick. I'm the Executive Director of the Little Hoover Commission, an independent citizen and legislative commission charged with making recommendations for improving state policy. I would echo Ms. Swartzlander's comments based on our experience of using remote technology for meetings and on our survey of other Bagley-Keene agencies. There are no additional costs, really, that are involved, and any additional minor costs are more than offset by fiscal savings in reduced travel costs for boards and commissions. So I respectfully request your aye vote thank you.
- Chris Holden
We'll turn to the public for comment and support or opposition to SB 44544.
- Michael Robson
Good morning. I'm Mike Robson. I'm here on behalf of the Glass Packaging Institute but also speaking for another coalition of other business trade associations in opposition to the Bill, I didn't track all the amendments. Our oppositions based on the policy grounds, essentially, that state boards and commissions make consequential decisions that affect the life, liberty, and property of Californians businesses and individuals.
- Michael Robson
And those decisions should be made in public, in full view of the public, in full view of the stakeholders and the media and other affected parties. And really think this Bill, in the course of amending this Bill, as you pass it out and do it on the floor, there's probably some boards and commissions that are advisory in nature. And those advisory boards, sure, you could make remote participation, make board Member participation a little easier. That's fine.
- Michael Robson
But there are consequential decisions made by major boards and commissions, and those people should show up and do that decision making in public. And we'd ask for your opposition. Thank you.
- Megan White
Good morning. Megan White with the California Privacy Protection Agency. We have a support, if amended, position on the Bill and support accessibility by allowing all board meetings to be held remotely. Thank you so much.
- Tara Thornton
Tara Thornton. Freedom angels. Absolutely in opposition to anything that isn't transparent.
- Chris Holden
Thank you. Seeing no others that would like to comment on the Bill, we'll bring it back to the committee. Are there any questions for the Senator? Seeing none. Is there a motion? This Bill, let me just say, is a due pass recommendation. And I know, Senator, there's an expectation that goes along with this motion that you will continue to work with the opposition to address some of the questions or concerns you heard just a moment ago.
- Chris Holden
But also those are some of the similar concerns that the committee Members hold as well. So we look forward to your engaging on that and making sure that the public's right to directly address their government is in an open and transparent manner, in which I know that that is your goal. Been moved by Mr. Lowenthal. Is there a second 2nd by Mr. Bryan? Senator, you may close.
- John Laird
I would just say I make the commitment that you just asked for, Mr. Chair. And I think in response to one of the questions, I was trying to be clear that the amendment that is the premier one will have a majority of people in person at one location at all times, and this will be done in public, and it will be in transparent. And we're really allowing for people with disabilities or emergencies or who are seniors.
- John Laird
And we just lost a board Member who withdrew this week for a major board at the state that all of, you know, because of health issues, didn't feel like he could make the commitment to serve on the board. This allows the transparency and allows us to address those issues. And I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Chris Holden
Thank you. The Bill is out on a roll call with Mathis, not voting. We'll put a pin in that action. And first, call the roll to establish a quorum.
- Committee Secretary
Holden, Dahle, Bryan, Caldero, Carillo, Dixon, Fong, Hart, Lowenthal, Mathis, Papan, Pellerin, Sanchez, Soria, Weber, Wilson.
- Chris Holden
Okay. With the preamble that the chair has already recited, this Bill is a due pass. And it's out on a broll called Mathis Not Voting. We will now welcome Senator Bradford. You're here on SB 429, and this Bill is also due pass. Moved by Lowenthal, second by Hart. Thank you. Proceed. You're good? Okay.
- Steven Bradford
Good morning, Mr. Chair, Members. I'm here to present SB 429, which will modernize the current vehicle inspection requirements for TNC drivers by authorizing them to use remote and virtual inspections. This will make work opportunities more accessible to drivers, ensure drivers are compensated for the time it takes to complete their inspections. As noted in the committee's analysis, there are no significant costs associated with this Bill. Here testifying with me today is Lydia Olson with a Rideshare driver, and I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Lydia Olson
Morning, Mr. Chair and Members. As Senator Bradford said, Lydia Olson, Sacramento based rideshare driver of six years, here, speaking in support on behalf of the thousands of California drivers who have written in to support SB 429. This is a great Bill that modernizes the annual vehicle inspection requirement for rideshare drivers. It will fix the access to work issues that many drivers face and will provide new compensation to offset costs that did not exist today. This will save drivers time and money, and we respectfully request your support. Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Thank you. We'll now turn to the public to take any comments in support or in opposition to SB 429.
- Dylan Hoffman
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Dylan Hoffman on behalf of TechNet in strong support.
- Chris Holden
Okay. That would seem to conclude public comment. We do have a motion this Bill has a due pass. Senator, if you'd like to close
- Steven Bradford
Respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you
- Chris Holden
The Bill is out on an A roll call with Mathis Not Voting. We'll now turn to the suspense file. There are five bills on the suspense file. Madam Clerk, you would read the suspense file.
- Committee Secretary
ACA 7, Jackson. ACA 13 Ward. SB 326 Eggman. SB 508, Laird. SB 765 Portantino.
- Chris Holden
Okay, the suspense calendar is deemed approved. We'll now turn to public comment on any of the bills that are on the suspense calendar that the author has weighed. Presentation. We'll now hear from the public and name organization, if any, and position on the Bill.
- James Powell
Good morning. James Michael Powell with AFSCME California. Urge your support on ACA 13. Thank you.
- Maria Fong
Hi. My name is Eva Zoe. I represent the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation in strong opposition in ACA 7.
- Lydia Olson
Good morning. My name is Maria Fong, and I live in Sacramento. I am a Member of Equal Rights for all PAC, and today I am delivering the message from Mr. Ward Connerly, who is the President of the Equal Rights for All Pac.
- Chris Holden
I'm sorry. Just name, organization and your position on the Bill.
- Lydia Olson
In an effort to avoid sorry. Okay. We are opposing thank you.
- Selena Chu
Hello. My name is Selena Chu. I am a Member of the Equal Rights for All PAC. So I am here to firmly oppose the ACA 7. Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Thank you.
- Su Xu
Hi, I'm Su Xu. I represent Silicon Valley Chinese Association. We strongly oppose ACA 7. Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Thank you.
- Greg Gracey
Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. Greg Gracey. On behalf of the California Association of Realtors in opposition to ACA 13 by Assemblymember Ward thank you so much.
- Andrea Rivera
Good morning. Andrea Rivera, on behalf of the California Pan Ethnic Health Network, opposed unless amended on SB 326 by Senator Eggman. Thank you.
- Sarah Dukett
Sarah Dukett, on behalf of the Rural County Representatives of California and the California State Association of Counties, in strong support of SB 508 and the Rural County Representatives of California and the Irving counties of California, with a position of concerns on SB 326.
- Eric Lawyer
Morning. Eric Laura. On behalf of the California State Association of Counties, representing all 58 counties, in strong support of ACA 13. Thank you.
- Manya Young
My name is Mayna Young from Business and Housing Network. We are strongly opposed to ACA 7 and ACA 13.
- Vicky Lam
Good morning. My name is Vicky Lam. I represent San Diego Asian Americans for Equity. I'm strongly opposed of ACA 7 and 13.
- Tara Thornton
Tara Thornton, Freedom Angels, in strong support of SB 14. Shannon Grove.
- Chris Holden
I'm sorry, we're only going to take comments on the bills that are on that have just been put on the suspense file.
- Henny Cooperstein
Henny Cooperstein, in opposition of Assembly Bill 1147 expenses, needs to die.
- Chris Holden
Let me just say this, and I'm not going to say it again. If you're here to comment on any Bill that was just put on the suspense file, then this is what the public comment is for ACA 7, ACA 13, SB 326, SB 508, or SB 765.
- Urenda Ratia
Good morning, everyone. Urenda Ratia. On behalf of Gurdwara Dashmesh Darbar committee, we're opposing ACA 7.
- Baldev Singh
Thank you. Good morning. Baldev Singh from Gurdwara Dashmesh Darbar Committee Strongly opposed AC 7.
- Brandon Boparai
Good morning. Brandon Boparai from Gurdwara Dashmesh Darbar. Strongly opposing ACA 7and ACA 13. Thank you.
- Julie Navores
Mr. Chair, Members. Julie Navores on behalf of the League of California Cities in support of SB 508.
- Eric Lawyer
Eric Lawyer, also on behalf of the League of California Cities, in strong support of ACA 13.
- Chris Holden
Thank you.
- Charlie Huang
Good morning. I'm Charlie Huang living in Elk Grove. I strongly oppose ACA 7. Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like to speak on the suspense file? As we have established today? Seeing none. Then that concludes the public comment. And that also concludes the business of the committee on our regularly ordered calendar. So the meeting is adjourned, and we will have a few minutes, and we'll just open up the hearing on the suspense file.
- Chris Holden
Good morning. We'd like to call to order the Appropriations Suspense File hearing for September 1. Madam Clerk, call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Holden, here. Dahle, here. Bryan, not here. Calderon, not here. Wendy Carrillo, here. Dixon, here. Fong, here. Hart, here. Lowenthal, here. Mathis, here. Papan, here. Pellerin, not here. Sanchez, here. Soria, here. Weber, here. Wilson, here. We have a quorum.
- Chris Holden
We have a quorum. Before we start with the 276 bills on the Suspense file, I would like to thank the committee staff, who is absolutely second to none. They are an amazing group of people. I think we should give them an applause as well as our Republican staff members. They work extremely hard and they have provided amazing support to this committee and it's very much appreciated.
- Chris Holden
I'd also like to thank the staff of the Speaker's office, the Assembly Sergeant's office, the information technology personnel, and the many others who've helped ensure the democratic process continues and this committee functions appropriately. I would also like to thank my Vice Chair for her cooperation and support. Vice Chair Dahle, thank you for all that you've been able to do to keep us working well and even up to the very minute that we sit here today.
- Chris Holden
I would also like to thank the Members of the committee for their hard work on the bills that have come before this committee. Over the past several months the committee has moved the 276 bills under consideration of the Suspense file. It's now time to dispense with them. I'd also like to announce that the hearing agenda is organized alphabetically by author, with one Bill authored by the Senate Governance and Finance Committee listed at the end of the agenda.
- Chris Holden
Electronic copy of the agenda is available online at the Assembly Appropriations Committee website, which is located at There are also a limited number of hard copies of the agenda in the hearing room. Later this afternoon, following today's hearing, the committee will post the results of this Suspense file hearing on the same website. Now I'll turn to my Vice Chair to see if she would like to make any comments before we begin.
- Megan Dahle
Thank you Mr. Chair. I would like to thank you for your friendship and the opportunity to work alongside you as Vice Chair of Appropriations, and also to all of the Appropriations staff. Thank you so much for your hard work and I know long, long hours were put in and very thoughtful consideration. And I want to definitely, a special thank you to Joe Shinstock. He makes our life on our side a lot easier. So thank you so much and I look forward to moving through this process today.
- Chris Holden
I would also like to note that in a number of cases, the committee will designate a Bill as a two year Bill. I'd like to emphasize that such a Bill is not dead. Rather, in committee's view, such a Bill has merit, though the committee believes there are critical issues that need to be resolved before the committee will move the Bill to the Assembly floor. It is the committee's intent that author and stakeholders of any such Bill work together over the next several months to resolve these issues so that the committee may once again consider the Bill in the second half of the 2023-24 legislative session. And with that, let us begin.
- Chris Holden
The first Bill before the committee is Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1 by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry. It's a due pass with author amendments to add accountability measures, allow up to 5% of taxes and bond proceeds to be used for Administration, modify the definition of affordable housing, allow taxes and bond proceeds to be used for down payment assistance and make other changes.
- Megan Dahle
And Mr. Chair, I'd like to call for a roll call vote on this Bill, please.
- Chris Holden
Okay, let's entertain a motion. It's been moved and there is a second. Roll call on the Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Holden, aye. Dahle, no. Bryan, aye. Calderon, not voting. Wendy Carrillo, aye. Dixon, no. Fong, aye. Hart, aye. Lowenthal, aye. Mathis, no. Papan, aye. Pellerin, aye. Sanchez, aye. Soria, not voting. Weber, aye. Wilson, aye. Clarify, Sanchez, no.
- Chris Holden
With ten "aye's" and four "no's", the Bill is out without objection. We will substitute the motion and second for all due pass or due pass with amendments on the rest of the suspense file. Committee will move, let's see, hold on. Okay, next Bill before us. Senate Bill 303, Allen Plastics, SB 54 cleanup, due pass out on A roll call. SB 414, Allen Hydrogen Study, hold in committee. SB 502, Allen Medical Children's Vision Services, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 665, Allen Plastics Alternatives Working Group, due pass as amended to add CDFA to the working group. Republicans not voting. SB 777, Allen Reusable Bags, due pass as amended to modify the reporting requirements. That's, Republicans not voting. SB 470, Alvarado-Gil Drought Relief Grant Programs, due pass as amended to strike section four.
- Chris Holden
Republicans not voting. SB 589, Alvarado-Gil Disaster Aid, hold in committee. SB 606, Alvarado-Gil State Route 203, due pass out on an A roll call. SB 716, Alvarado-Gil Excluded Employees Binding Arbitration, due pass, A roll call. SB 514, Archuletta Wiretapping, due pass, A roll call. SB 757, Archuletta Rail Crew Contract Transporters, due pass as amended to specify transporters must have a permit of a type as required by the Public Utilities Commission. That's out on a B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 314, Ashby Sacramento County Redistricting Commission, due pass, B roll call. SB 321, Ashby School Library Partnership Program, due pass, A roll call. SB 350, Ashby, Excused absences, due pass, A roll call. SB 578, Ashby Juvenile Dependency, due pass with the author amendments to modify the court's determinations, A roll call. SB 659, Ashby Groundwater Recharge Plan, due pass as amended to, among other things, move the groundwater plan into the existing California water plan.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 731, Ashby Return to Work Notice, due pass as amended with technical and clarifying changes, B roll call. SB 824, Ashby Criminal Background Check Exemptions, hold in committee. SB 447, Atkins GoBiz Bridge Project, due pass as amended to authorize GoBiz to receive donations and other technical amendments, B roll call. SB 450, Atkins By Right Approval of Duplexes and Lot Splits, due pass as amended to make clarifying and technical changes, B roll call. SB 487, Atkins Abortion Provider Protection, due pass with clarifying amendments, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 519, Atkins Corrections, due pass, B roll call. SB 48, Becker Building Energy Savings Act, due pass as amended to remove reference to establishing building performance standards, B roll call. SB 49, Becker Caltrans Right Away Strategic Plan, due pass as amended to require Caltrans to conduct an evaluation of issues and policies impeding use of its right of way for clean energy purposes. Republicans not voting. SB 322, Becker Battery Manufacturing Block Grant Program, two year Bill. SB 362, Becker Data Broker Registration.
- Chris Holden
Due pass with author's amendments to add exemptions, extend compliance deadlines and modify reporting requirements, B roll call. SB 410, Becker Energization DPA, due pass as amended to require third party review of distribution grid infrastructure as a condition of using the rate making mechanism, B roll call. SB 474, Becker Canteens, due pass with author amendments to impose markup limits over five years.
- Chris Holden
Republicans not voting. AB 485, Becker Election Workers Protection due pass as amended to add poll workers to the definition of election officers and make other clarifying changes, B roll call. SB 570, Becker Prenatal Screening Program, hold in committee. SB 582, Becker Electronic Health Records, due pass as amended to include consideration of data for Administration functions and other clarifying amendments. Republicans Not Voting. SB 755, Becker Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Web Portal, hold in committee. SB 803, Becker Personal services contract.
- Chris Holden
Due pass as submitted to make subject to appropriation and technical amendments, B roll call. SB 391, Blakespear Skin Cancer Presumption, due pass, A roll call. SB 452, Blakespear Micro Stamping, due pass with author amendments to delay deadlines and modified DOJ obligations, among other changes, B roll call. SB 482, Blakespear Supportive Housing capitalized operating reserves, due pass as amended to provide ACD additional flexibility. Republicans Not Voting. SB 511, Blakespear GHD emissions Inventories, hold in committee. SB 677, Blakespear Lossan Rail Corridor, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 50, Bradford Vehicle Enforcement, due pass with author amendments to narrow the included infractions and make clarifications, B roll call. SB 51, Bradford Cannabis provisional licensees equity applicants, due pass, Republicans not voting. SB 384, Bradford Barbering and Cosmetology, due pass, A roll call. SB 441, Bradford Criminal Procedures, due pass with authors amendments to limit discovery materials that must be provided early, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 661, Bradford college Athletes, due pass as amended to exempt Division Three programs and clarify further laws related to college athletes shall take precedent. Republicans Not Voting. SB 673, Bradford Ebony Alert, due pass as amended to authorize instead of require CHP to activate an alert and revise alert criteria. Republicans Not Voting. SB 700, Bradford Cannabis Employment Discrimination, due pass as amended with technical and clarifying changes, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 873, Bradford Prescription drug rebates, hold in committee SB 17, Caballaro Senior housing tax credit goals, due pass, A roll call. SB 306, Caballaro Building decarbonization extreme heat, due pass as amended to modify and streamline the reporting requirements. Republicans not voting. SB 565, Caballaro free tax return preparation, due pass as amended to impose a sunset date and address chaptering issues, b roll call. SB 657, Caballaro homeless services staff training, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 684, Caballaro by right approval of small housing developments, due pass as amended to strike the by right eligibility of single family residential lots. Republicans Not Voting. SB 711, Caballaro Blockchain Industry Report, hold in committee. SB 747, Caballaro Surplus Lands Act, due pass, A roll call. SB 753, Caballaro Cannabis cultivation, due pass, A roll call. SB 800, Caballaro advanced Air Mobility and Aviation Electrification Committee.
- Chris Holden
Due pass as amended to with author amendments to recast the committee as an advisory panel with membership as determined by Cal Trans. Republicans Not Voting. SB 831, Caballaro Agricultural Works Lawful Permanent Resident Status, due pass with author amendments to strike the pilot program and instead allow an agreement with the US Attorney General to grant an agricultural employee parole. B roll call. SB 10, Cortese Opioid overdoses in schools, due pass as amended to strike the Fentanyl workgroup, strike annual notifications, require the Department to maintain certain information on website.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 69, Cortese CEQA Local Agency Filing Notices, due pass, A roll call. SB 94, Cortese Resentencing, due pass with author amendments to clarify the legal standard for granting a petition. B roll call. SB 309, Cortese Exercise of Religion, due pas, A roll call. SB 433, Cortese Classified Employee Disciplinary Hearing, due pass, B roll call. SB 553, Cortese Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, due pass as amended to limit application of the plan to specified settings, strike provisions regarding shoplifting, and make other changes.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 631, Cortese Workers Compensation Study, hold in committee. SB 646, Cortese C-SAM Civil Actions, two year Bill. SB 745, Cortese Drought Resistant Buildings, due pass, B roll call. SB 648, Dahle Joint Powers Authority funding, due pass, A roll call. SB 847, Dahle Safety Helmet Exception, due pass, A roll call. SB 3, Dodd Water Shut Offs, due pass as amended to modify the Fund source and make other technical changes. B roll call. SB 61, Dodd UC Native American Reparation, hold in committee.
- Chris Holden
SB 74, Dodd social Media cybersecurity, due pass. SB 263, Dodd annuities and life insurance, two year Bill. Oh, I'm sorry. Let me back up. So SB 74 Dodd Social Media Cybersecurity, due pass, A roll call. SB 263, Dodd Annuities and Life Insurance, two year Bill. SB 271, Dodd Powered Wheelchair Right to Repair, due pass as amended to add a statute of limitations.
- Chris Holden
Republicans not voting. SB 296, Dodd In-vehicle cameras, due pass, A roll call. SB 310, Dodd cultural Burns, two year Bill. SB 328, Dodd local Contribution Limits, hold in committee. SB 353, Dodd beverage Containers Recycling, due pass, B roll call. SB 387, Dodd Leasing of State Property for Broadband, due pass with Chaptering Amendments. Republicans Not Voting. SB 430, Dodd Common Parent Company Exception, hold in committee. SB 650, Dodd Charitable Raffles, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 27, Durazo University of California Vendors, due pass as amended to redraft the Bill into public contracting code and make other technical and clarifying changes. Out on a B roll call. SB 52, Durazo Large City Redistricting, due pass as amended to specify the criteria a redistricting commission and established the city charter must meet and require language translation during meetings.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 491, Durazo County Mail Programs, hold in committee. SB 525, Durazo Healthcare Minimum Wage, due pass. Let me just say that we're encouraged by the conversations that are going on in this particular Bill and I know that the author and the stakeholders are continuing to meet. And we hear that they're very close. And so we look forward to a fruitful outcome in that regard. And that's a B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 567, Durazo Tenant Protection Act of 2019, due pass, B roll call. SB 686, Durazo Domestic Workers, due pass as amended to strike the Technical Assistance Program and address chaptering. B roll call. SB 710, Durazo SR 710 Planning Taskforce, due pass, A roll call. SB 723, Durazo rehiring and retention, due pass, B roll call. SB 822, Durazo Interagency High Road Act, due pass as amended to reduce and revise the state agencies that must enter into MOUs, strike the reporting requirement and make other clarifying changes. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 43, Eggman LPS Act Substance Use Disorders, due pass as amended to allow counties to opt in and make clarifications in the hearsay provision. Republicans not voting. SB 244, Right to Repair Act, due pass is amended to add a statue of limitations. Republicans not voting. SB 267 Eggman credit reports, due pass, B roll call. SB 282, Eggman Medical same day visits, hold in committee. SB 311, Eggman Medicare Part A buy-ins, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 326, Eggman Behavioral Health Services Act, due pass as amended to create a Revenue Stability Workgroup and Innovation Partnership Fund, address housing provisions, require the state auditor to audit the BHSA, change some timelines and other technical and clarifying amendments. Republicans not voting. SB 363, Eggman Behavioral Health Treatment Database, hold in committee. SB 586, Eggman Flood Management Deadlines, due pass as amended to modify the Bill to instead extend the deadline for Mossdale track 2030. Republicans not voting.
- Chris Holden
SB 694, Eggman Medical blood pressure devices, due pass with author's technical amendments. Republicans not voting. SB 28, Glazer Education facility bonds, two year Bill. SB 29, Glazer Political Reform Education program, due pass. Out on an A roll call. SB 569, Glazer lobby and report audits hold in committee. SB 597, Glazer rainwater catchment system, two year Bill. SB 644, Glazer hotel reservations, due pass, B roll call. SB 683, Glazer hotels and short term rentals fee and tax disclosure, due pass, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 724, Glazer Political communications disclosures, two year Bill. SB 773, Glazer Cal Works Homeless assistance, due pass as amended to delay implementation, require counties to refer families to additional housing programs and make other clarifying changes. Republicans Not Voting. SB 856, Glazer CSU California Promise Program, hold in committee. SB 394, Gonzalez Master Plan for Climate Resilient Schools, due pass as amended to, among other things, require CEC to consult with OEHHA.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 435, Gonzalez Demographic Data Collection, due pass as amended to delay implementation and make other clarifying changes. Republicans not voting. SB 498, Gonzalez alcohol violations, due pass, A roll call. SB 616, Gonzalez paid sick days, due pass as amended to reduce the number of paid sick days to five days, B roll call. SB 633, Gonzalez, California Dream grants, due pass, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 695, Gonzalez Caltrans Data Pool, due pass as amended with author amendments to delay the date by which Caltrans is to make data available and to make other changes. Republicans not voting. SB 769, Gonzalez local official training, hold in committee. SB 14, Grove Human Trafficking, due pass as amended to exempt human trafficking victims from the serious felony provision. It's out on an A roll call. SB 15, Grove Oil Imports data, hold in committee. SB 231, Hurtado DWR Water supply forecasting, hold in committee.
- Chris Holden
SB 577, Hurtado Fire program fees, due pass as amended to strike reference to state appropriations that specify private funding sources. Republicans Not Voting. SB 628, Hurtado State Healthy Food Access Policy, due pass as amended to strike the report. Republicans not voting. ACA 7, Jackson Proposition 209, Mitigation, due pass. And that's out on an A roll call. Siri just had to weigh in at some point in this. SB 236, Jones Vertical Prosecution, hold in committee. SB 842, Jones, Interagency Council on Homelessness, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 272, Laird Sea Level Rise Planning, due pass. Republicans not voting. And on that, we are going to take a short break.
- Chris Holden
I'm going to, for clarification on ACA 7, Jackson that was a due pass and that should have been reported out as a B roll call. ACA 7, B roll call.
- Chris Holden
Okay, we're going to continue. We are at SB 327, Teacher Retirement Benefits, due pass, A roll call. SB 416, Laird Leave Certification, due pass, B roll Call. SB 506, Laird Colored Pavement Marking Project, due pass, A roll call. SB 508, Laird Cannabis CEQA, two year Bill. SB 540, Laird Cannabis Products Health Warning, due pass, A roll call. SB 623, Laird PTSD presumption, due pass, A roll call. SB 857, Laird LGBTQ Plus Pupil Needs Task Force, due pass. Republicans Not Voting. SB 324, Limon Coverage for Endometrios, hold in committee. SB 390, Limon Voluntary Carbon Offsets, due Pass. Republicans Not Voting. SB 401, Limon Crypto Kiosk, due pass as amended to apply Bill provisions to a kiosk customer instead of a resident and make other clarifying changes and provide contingent enactment language related to AB 39 Grayson. That's a due pass, B roll call. SB 476, Limon Food handler cards, due pass, B roll call. SB 496, Limon biomarker testing, due pass with technical amendments. Republicans not voting. SB 557, Limon California prompt payment act, due pass, A roll call. SB 675, Limon prescribed grazing, due pass, A roll call. SB 702, Limon gubernatorial appointments report, due pass, A roll call. SB 18, McGuire tribal housing, due pass, A roll call. SB 281, McGuire Aggravated arson, due pass, A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 286, McGuire Offshore Wind Energy Projects, due pass as amended to clarify that compensatory mitigation shall be reasonable. Republicans not voting. SB 319, McGuire Electricity infrastructure planning, due pass as amended to require the California Energy Commission, the Public Utilities Commission and the California Independent System Operator to create a guidebook to assist transmission developers, navigate the electric transmission permitting. Republicans not voting. SB 500, McGuire Fish and Wildlife, due pass as amended to make technical and clarifying changes. Republicans not voting.
- Chris Holden
SB 601, McGuire home improvement contractors, due pass, A roll call. SB 791, McGuire postsecondary disclosure of sexual harassment, due pass, A roll call. SB 260, Menjivar Cal Works Aid payments, hold in committee. SB 456, Menjivar home key grants, hold in committee. SB 499, Menjivar School Extreme Heat Plans, hold in committee. SB 541, Menjivar Contraceptives, due pass as amended to delete vaccination requirements, no longer require tamper proof dispensaries, make notice accessible, make changes to findings and declarations and other technical amendments.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 635, Menjivar Hearing aid coverage, due pass, A roll call. SB 729, Menjivar coverage for fertility treatment, two year Bill. SB 241, Min Firearms Dealers, due pass, B roll call. SB 337, Min 30 by 30 Goal, due pass, B roll call. SB 381, Min Electric Bicycle Study, due pass, A roll call. SB 241, Newman Candidate Experience Disclosure, hold in committee. I'm sorry, what am I missing?
- Chris Holden
So under Min we have SB 434, Min Street Harassment Survey, due pass, A roll call. SB 493, Min ZEV Reporting, due pass, A roll call. SB 666, Min Small Business Financing, due pass, A roll call. SB 872, Min Class Size Report, due pass, A roll call. And then I've covered.
- Chris Holden
SB 248, Newman Candidate Experience Disclosure, hold in committee. SB 409, Newman Video Statement pilot program, two year Bill. SB 425, Newman CVRP fuel Cell and Battery electric pickup trucks, hold in committee. SB 444, Newman MESA programs, due pass as amended to strike provisions pertaining to use of budget funding for MESA programs.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 44, Newman Escrow Agent remote Work, two year Bill. SB 760, Newman All Gender restrooms, due pass. B roll call. SB 369, Nguyen Model Curricula, due pass as amended to focus the Cambodian's curriculum on Cambodian American history and heritage. A roll call. SB 264, Niello Disaster Loss Income Tax Deduction, due pass. A roll call. SB 548, Niello County Trial court pensions, due pass. A roll call. SB 240, Ochoa Bogh surplus state property, due pass. A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 246, Ochoa Bogh Interagency Council on Homelessness, hold in committee SB 283, Ochoa Bogh Student Asthma Plan, hold in committee SB. 318, Ochoa Bogh 211 information and Referral Network, hold in committee SB 354, Ochoa Bogh Special Education Inclusive practices, due pass as amended to delay certain requirements and make provisions contingent on appropriation. A roll call. SB 531, Ochoa Bogh School Contractor Background checks, due pass. A roll call. SB 722, Ochoa Bogh Daycare facilities incidental medical services plan, due pass as amended, with clarifying changes.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 418, Padilla State Prison Redevelopment Reports, hold in committee. SB 534, Padilla Workforce Pilot Program, hold in committee. SB 583, Padilla Sultan Sea Conservancy, due pass as amended to more clearly differentiate the role of the conservancy and the existing SSMP. Republicans Not Voting. SB 605, Padilla Waive Entitled Energy, due pass as amended to direct the California Energy Commission as part of the 2024 IEPR to evaluate the feasibility, cost and benefits of using wave energy and tidal energy as forms of clean energy.
- Chris Holden
Republicans not voting. SB 619, Padilla Energy Commission review of transmission projects, due pass as amended to provide the California Energy Commission fee authority to recover resulting administrative costs. Republicans Not Voting. SB 688, Padilla Agrovolta Grants, hold in committee. SB 751, Padilla Franchise agreements, due pass as amended to make technical and clarifying changes. B roll call. SB 797, Padilla Lithium Extraction Tax, due pass as amended to limit the number of committee meetings and clarify CDTFA's role and make other changes. Republicans not voting.
- Chris Holden
SB 2, Portantino CCW licensing, due pass. B roll call. SB 96, Portantino Historic Venues, due pass, A roll call. SB 234, Portantino Opioid antagonists, due pass, A roll call. SB 257, Portantino Diagnostic Breast Imaging, due pass, A roll call. SB. 301, Portantino Zero emissions aftermarket conversion project, due pass with author amendments to, among other things, strike the 2 million appropriation and make other changes to the program.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 323, Portantino School Safety Plans, due pass with technical author amendments. Republicans Not Voting. SB 357, Portantino Reform of Mandatory reporting to DMV, due pass. Republicans Not Voting. SB 368, Portantino Firearms Dealers, due pass, B roll call. SB 422, Portantino Sequoia Expedited Review, due pass, A roll call. SB 427, Portantino HIV AIDS treatment coverage, due pass. Republicans Not Voting. SB 445, Portantino IEP Translation Services, due Pass. A roll call SB 509, Portantino School Employee Mental health Training, due pass. A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 538, Portantino Chief Advisor on Bicycling and Active Transportation, due pass. B roll call. SB 551, Portantino Mental Health Boards, due pass. A roll call. SB 596, Portantino School Employee Harassment, due pass. B roll call. SB 640, Portantino CSU Food Service Contracts, due pass. B roll call. SB 671, Portantino Safety for Students With Disabilities, due pass.
- Chris Holden
A roll call. SB 696, Portantino Notaries Republic, due pass with author amendments to modify Secretary of State obligations and add consumer protection measures and make other changes. Republicans not voting. SB 765, Portantino Retired Teacher Compensation, due pass. A roll call. SB 805, Portantino Coverage for Autism and related disorders, due pass. A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 45, Raw Psychiatric Hospital Loan Fund, hold in committee. SB 46, Roth Probation Drug treatment, due pass. A roll call. SB 75, Roth Judgeship, due pass. A roll call. SB 228, Roth National Guard Youth Challenge Program, due pass. A roll call SB 258, Roth General Aviation Airports, hold in committee. SB 419, Roth Space Flight property tax exemption, due pass. A roll call. SB 641, Roth Naloxone Distribution project, due pass as amended to exclude products DHCS would need to ship. Republicans not voting. SB 813, Roth Structural Pest Control Board, due pass. A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 814, Roth, Bureau of Household Goods and Services, due pass. A roll call. SB 815, Roth Medical Board Sunset Review, due pass with amendments related to physician misconduct investigations and discipline repeal provisions of AB 2098 of 2022 and other technical amendments. B roll call. SB 816, Roth Department of Consumer Affairs Licensing Fees, due pass. B roll call. SB 331, Rubio Child Custody, due pass with author's amendments to remove expert witness provision and modified judicial training and reporting provisions.
- Chris Holden
A roll call. SB 344, Rubio California Cancer Registry, due pass as amended with technical amendments. Republicans not voting. SB 558, Rubio Childhood sexual abuse, due pass. A roll call. SB 690, Rubio domestic Violence, two year Bill. SB 734, Rubio Possessory interest tax application, due pass. A roll call. SB 848, Rubio Reproductive loss leave, due pass. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 19, Seyarto Antifentanyl Abuse Task Force, due pass as amended to remove reimbursement. A roll call. SB 67, Seyarto Overdose reporting, due pass. A roll call. SB 367, Seyarto Farm, Ranch and Public Lands Cleanup, hold in committee. SB 520, Seyarto Homeowners Property Tax Exemption, due pass as amended to strike property tax reimbursement prohibition. A roll call. SB 613, Seyarto AB 1383 Low Population Waiver, due pass. A roll call. SB 54, Skinner Venture Capital, due pass with author amendments to change covered entities reporting requirements and court procedures. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 81, Skinner Parole, due pass with author amendments to narrow the scope of the Bill to court review of parole board denials. B roll call. SB 88, Skinner School Driver Qualifications, due pass as amended to provide exemptions for long distance field trips, provide a month long exemption to drivers transporting certain foster students while the student's transportation plan is being finalized, other clarifying and technical amendments. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 233, Skinner Bidirectional Charging, due pass as amended to remove the mandate and instead authorize the Air Resources Board in consultation with the Energy Commission and the Public Utility Commission to require any weight class of bev include biodirectional charging. B roll call. SB 274, Skinner Willful defiance, due pass. B roll call. SB 343, Skinner Child Support, due pass. A roll call. SB 345, Skinner Protected Health Care Activities, due pass with author amendments to change Healing Arts Board provisions and remove extradition provisions, among other changes. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
AB 348, Skinner School Meals, due pass as amended to remove expanded learning program funding provisions and conditionally remove certain nutritional requirements. Republicans Not Voting. SB 377, Skinner Firearms, two year Bill. SB 440, Skinner Regional Housing Finance Authorities, two year Bill. SB 516, Skinner Debtor Bill of Rights, due pass as amended to revise offset program provisions and address chaptering issues. B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 598, Skinner Healthcare Prior Authorization, hold in committee. SB 680, Skinner Social Media Actions, hold in committee. SB 16, Smallwood-Cuevas Civil Rights Enforcement, two year Bill. SB 521, Smallwood-Cuevas Cal Works Pregnant or Parenting Students, due pass. A roll call. SB 627, Smallwood-Cuevas Displaced worker transfers, due pass as amended to clarify a transfer worker will not impact promotional opportunities for existing workers.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 830, Smallwood-Cuevas Public Works, due pass as amended to delay implementation to contracts beginning July 1, 2024, and require employee certification of certified payroll records. B roll call. SB 864, Smallwood-Cuevas Workplace Rights Curriculum, two year Bill. SB 261, Stern Climate Related Financial Risk Disclosure, due pass as amended to among other things, require ARB, to establish an administrative fee to cover its implementation costs and remove Secretary of State from the Bill. B roll call. SB 302, Stern Medical Cannabis Health Facilities.
- Chris Holden
Due pass, A roll call. SB 539, Stern Sepulveda Basin, due pass. A roll call. SB 572, Stern Natural Gas Price Report, due pass as amended to extend the reporting requirement to August 1, 2024. Republicans not voting. SB 664, Stern Electricity Reliability Planning Assessment, due pass. A roll call. SB 717, Stern Courts Incompetent to stand trial, due pass as amended to strike requirements that were counties contact an individual who is incompetent to stand trial. B roll call. B.
- Chris Holden
SB 779, Stern Primary Care Clinic data, due pass. B roll call. SB 781, Stern natural Gas Certification, hold in committee. SB 795, Stern HVAC Equipment Cell Registry, hold in committee. SB 30, Umberg Zero Emission Vehicle Signage, hold in committee. SB 60, Umberg Social media orders, due pass. A roll call. SB 71, Umberg Civil case Limits, due pass. A roll call. SB 777, Umberg Voter Signature Verification, due pass as amended to revise how the elections official must attempt to contact a voter and authorize the election official to use specified contact information. Republicans not voting.
- Chris Holden
SB 336, Umberg Indirect cost reimbursements, due pass as amended to specify the guarantees reimbursement rate must be requested in the grant program application and make other clarifying changes. Republicans Not Voting. SB 404, Wahab Unauthorized Marriage, hold in committee. SB 464, Wahab Evidence Audit, due pass with authors technical amendments. Republicans Not Voting. SB 464, Wahob Evidence Audit, due pass with author's technical amendments. Republicans Not Voting. SB 465, Wahab Refugee Resources, due pass. A roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 555, Wahab Social Housing, hold in committee. AC 13, Ward Voter Threshold, due pass as amended to add intent, language and make technical and clarifying changes.
- Megan Dahle
And Mr. Chair, I'd like to call for a roll call vote on AC 13.
- Chris Holden
Roll call on AC 13 Ward.
- Committee Secretary
Holden, aye. Dahle, no. Bryan, aye. Calderon, aye. Wendy Carrillo, aye. Dixon, no. Fong, aye. Hart, aye. Lowenthal, aye. Mathis, no. Papan, aye. Pellerin, aye. Sanchez, no. Soria, not voting. Weber. Wilson.
- Chris Holden
The Bill is approved. SB 4, Wiener By Right affordable Housing, due pass as amended to clarify the definition of heavy industrial use and make other technical changes. Republicans not voting. SB 58, Wiener Hallucinogens, due pass as amended to strike provisions regarding transfer of substance modify provisions, decriminalizing therapeutic use, make other amendments to delayed decriminalization of personal use and reduce personal possession amounts, among other changes. Out on a B roll call.
- Chris Holden
SB 70, Wiener Prescription Drugs Nonmedical Switching, hold in committee. SB 76, Wiener Entertainment Zones, due pass as amended to limit entertainment zone authorization to coincide with remitted events in San Francisco. Republicans Not Voting. SB 97, Wiener Criminal Procedures, due pass with authors amendments to clarify the definition of new evidence. Republicans Not Voting. SB 238, Wiener Independent Medical Review, hold in committee. SB 253, Wiener Corporate Climate Disclosures, due pass as amended to, among other things, require ARB to establish an administrative fee to cover its implementation costs.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 273, Wiener San Francisco Peers 30 through 32, due pass as amended to strike Section Ten and make other technical changes. Republicans Not Voting. SB 339, Wiener HIV Prep and Pep, due pass as amended to exempt medical managed care plans, clarify scope of practice, and allow therapeutic alternatives.
- Chris Holden
Republicans Not Voting. SB 365, Wiener Civil Procedures, due pass. B roll call. SB 407, Wiener Foster Care Resource Families, due pass as amended to strike the requirement that CDSs develop a caregiver handbook and that an applicant sign a specified document and make other clarifying changes.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 423, Wiener By Right approval of Multifamily Housing under SB 35 of 2017, due pass as amended to modify the coastal zone exemption, modify public meeting provisions, modify San Francisco eligibility criteria, add language on fire hazard severity zones, make other clarifying changes. It's out on a B roll call. SB 770, Wiener Ununified health care financing, due pass with authors clarifying and technical amendments.
- Chris Holden
B roll call. SB 868, Wilk Trauma Kits, two year Bill. SB 889, Committee on Government and Finance Tax Administration, due pass as amended to allow a directly interested predecessor to receive fee payer information. Republicans not voting. We're going to go back to ACA 1 to give Members who did not have an opportunity to add on to the vote roll call.
- Committee Secretary
Calderon, aye.
- Chris Holden
Okay, that's out 11-4.
- Chris Holden
Looking for granted. The Appropriations Committee suspense meeting is adjourned.
No Bills Identified