Senate Floor
- Scott Wilk
Secretary. Call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gil, Archuleta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballero, Cortese, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limone, McGuire, Menjivar, Min, Newman, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
A quorum is present with the Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery. Please rise. We'll be led in prayer this afternoon by our own chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman after which, please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.
- Michelle Gorman
So let us remember we are in God's presence. Contemporary theologian young eun Sophia Park invites us to enter contemplation by taking a long, loving gaze at the real. She says, the long gaze can be a prophetic action which stands against mere productivity and effectiveness and which stands for affection and relationality. A loving gaze channels the divine favoring the poor and the invisible.
- Michelle Gorman
Today, in our contemplative journey, we can ask ourselves where can we face the real and experience the mystery brought about by God's absence and God's presence? Holy mystery in these days when so much needs to be accomplished? Help us to view our work with soft ayes and a loving gaze bringing to fruition more than we can imagine. We ask this in your name. Amen.
- Scott Wilk
You please join me. Putting your right hand over your heart. Repeat after me. I pledge allegiance. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
All right. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments adopted. Now, we are moving to motions, resolutions and notices. Without objection, the Senate journals for August 28th, 2023 through September 1st, 2023 will be approved as corrected by the minute Clerk. There are floor amendments at the desk. They will be deemed adopted. Moving on to consideration of the daily file.
- Scott Wilk
We have some gubernatorial appointments and our goal is to get through 39 bills today. Most of those are support, support, so let's keep that in mind when we're doing our presentations. With that, we're going to move to second reading file items number one through 360. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Joint Resolution Seven, Senate constitutional amendment one, two, six, Senate Bill 871, Assembly Bill 1, 34, 57, 2-
- Scott Wilk
Second reading file will be deemed read. I don't like it when our Clerk admonishes me because you kids are bad. So stop it. Okay, moving on to gubernatorial appointments. I see that Senator Grove is prepared. So, secretary or no reading. Just item 362, Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues. Item number 362 is the confirmation of the following water quality control board appointments: Denise Kandara to the Central Valley Regional Board, Beatrice Gonzalez and Peter Satin to the Colorado River Basin Regional Board and Kimberly Cox to the Lahonton Board and Hector Bodella to the North Coast Regional Board. These appointees were approved by the Rules Committee on August 16 with a 5-0 vote. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
All right. Seeing no mics up. Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins aye. Becker. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen aye. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Becker aye. Limon. Padilla.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members. Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Limon. Padilla.
- Scott Wilk
Okay, Mr. Secretary, one more time.
- Committee Secretary
Limon aye. Padilla.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 39. Nos zero. The appointment is confirmed. Moving on to Senator Grove once again for a file item 363. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues. Item 363 is the confirmation of Gideon Krakow to the reappointment to the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board. He was first appointed to the board in 2020 and also serves as a South Coast District's representative on the California Air Resources Board. He was approved of the Rules Committee by August 16 on a unanimous vote. Sarcastically, now that our colleague from Santa Barbara has graced us with her presence, we will take a full floor vote.
- Scott Wilk
Seeing no mics up to comment. Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuletta aye. Ashby. Atkins aye. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Dahle aye. Jones aye. Nguyen. Padilla. Seyarto.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 37. Nos, zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now moving on to file item 364. Senator Grove, the floor is yours.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues file. Item 364 is a confirmation of Laura Firestone for reappointment to the State Water Resources Control Board. Ms.. Firestone joined the board in 2019, and she serves as a board position in the board's position as the attorney who is qualified in fields of water supply and water rights. She was approved in the Rules Committee on August 16 on a 50 vote, respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Grove. Seeing no mics up. Secretary please call the role.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuleta aye. Ashby. Atkins aye. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Dahle. Nguyen. Padilla. Seyarto. Wahab aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 36, no zero. The appointments are confirmed. Now moving on to Assembly third reading up first is file item 413. Senator Bradford, are you prepared? And he is.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk, please read Assembly Bill 1118 by Assembly Member Kalra and acquiring to criminal procedure.
- Scott Wilk
- Steven Bradford
Mr. President. Thank you. AB 1118 simply makes technical changes to the Procedures of Racial Justice Act claims to ensure that most efficient processes are used. Since the Legislature passed the Racial Justice Act to address racial discrimination and bias in criminal proceedings, some ambiguities existed in the language that led to different interpretations of the processes available to address these questions and ensure intent of the laws followed.
- Steven Bradford
This Bill simply clarifies that the Racial Justice Acts claims can be raised on appeal if individual evidence is needed, permits individuals to request a stay of an appeal, and remand the trial court to file a motion, and clarifies that the case need not be set for trial. In order to file a Racial Justice Act motion, this Bill has received bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Seeing no mics up secretary call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-GilI aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Jones aye, Laird aye, Limone aye, Mcguire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla aye, Portantino aye, Roth I Rubio aye, Seyarto. Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Wiener aye Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
I secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Nguyen, Padilla, Seyarto.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 37, no, zero. The measure passes. Moving it now on to file item 416. Senator Cortese. You prepared? He is.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1649 by Assembly Member Kalra an act relating to public contracts.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mr. President and Members. AB 1649 would increase change order thresholds for the county of Santa Clara until January 1, 2027. The county would also be required to submit a report to the Legislature by July 1, 2026. The provisions are the same as AB 712 back in 2021, which authorized the same changes for Los Angeles County.
- Dave Cortese
Change orders are amendments to a construction contract that change the contractor's scope of work, for example, moving the location of a wall to accommodate some other design element, and, of course, usually increases the contract price. Existing law limits the maximum amount of delegated officers or engineers who can approve without requiring a vote by the Full Board of Supervisors. These limits have not been updated since 2011 and do not reflect inflation, changes in construction, market pricing, or changes in the scale of projects.
- Dave Cortese
The result is that the maximum threshold requiring a Board of Supervisors vote is frequently reached, often leading to costly delays. As the number of necessary change orders increases, the county of Santa Clara has a series of relatively large projects in the construction pipeline, including a new Behavioral Health services center and seismic retrofits for hospital buildings that are underway and nearly completed.
- Dave Cortese
Adjusting the change order thresholds to the same cap as Los Angeles will allow the county to avoid possible delays on these large time sensitive projects. I would respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Cortese, not only is this a support support, but it's eligible for unanimous roll call. Oh, I'm sorry, Senator Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mr. President. I was just rising in support of this support support Bill and suggest that we all support it. Thank you very much.
- Scott Wilk
Very good. Seeing no other-- care to close?
- Dave Cortese
Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Okay, thank you very much. This is again eligible for a unanimous roll call. Seeing any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. Nos zero. Measure passes. Now we are moving on to file item 418. That'd be Senator Rubio. I see that she's up.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 279 by Assembly Member Blanca Rubio an act relating to water.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mr. President. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, today I'm proud to present AB 279 by Assembly Member Blanca Rubio. This is a district Bill which specifically affects our regional water quality authority overseeing the cleanup of the San Gabriel Basin as the sole entity in charge of planning, coordinating and providing funding for cleanup of one of the biggest Superfund sites in our districts and in the United States. The San Gabriel Valley Basin Water Quality Authority and its work is invaluable to our residents.
- Susan Rubio
This Bill simply adjusts the pumping rights assessment limit, which will ensure stable and predictable funding for the continued remediation of the basin through the sunset date of 2050. This measure does not change the assessment itself and any increases must be approved by the board through a public hearing process and constituent engagement.
- Susan Rubio
As such, this Bill has widespread support in the San Gabriel Valley, no opposition on filed and has passed with bipartisan support through the legislative process. And with that, I respectfully ask for an vote. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Rubio, seeing no other mics up, Secretary, call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen? Aye. Alvarado-Gil? Aye. Archuleta? Aye Ashby? Aye. Atkins? Aye. Becker? Aye. Blakespeare? Aye. Bradford? Caballero? Aye. Cortese? Aye. Dahle? Aye. Dodd? Aye. Durazo? Aye. Eggman? Aye. Glazer? Aye. Gonzalez? Aye. Grove? Aye. Hurtado? Aye. Jones? Aye. Laird? Aye. Limon? Aye. McGuire? Aye. Menjivar? Aye. Min? Aye. Newman? Aye. Nguyen? Aye. Niello? Aye. Ochoa Bogh? Aye. Padilla? Portantino? Aye. Roth? Aye. Rubio? Aye. Seyarto? Skinner? Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas? Aye. Stern? Aye. Umberg? Aye. Wahab? Aye. Weiner? Aye. Wilk? Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Padilla. Seyarto.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 38. Nos zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 429. Senator Grove, are you prepared? And she is.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1371 by Assembly Member Lowe and acquisition the crimes Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Members. This is support. Support Bill. It's AB 1371. It would prohibit a person convicted of statutory rape for fulfilling community services in areas where minors frequently congregate, which includes such things as schools, playgrounds, and daycares. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Grove. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. ayes 39. No zero measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 430. Senator Limon. She is up and ready. So, Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 417 by Assembly Member Bennett, an act relating to school governance.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, AB 417 is a cleanup measure to a Bill from 2021 which allowed students to petition to become student board Members on county boards of education and charter school governing boards. This Bill simply fixes that these students may be selected to serve. There is no opposition and has received bipartisan support in both houses. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Limon seeing no mics up, secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins aye. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen aye. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 39. No zero, measure passes. Now we are moving back to unfinished business. And that excuse me for a second. Excuse me. Now we're moving on to file item 651. And that'd be Senator Gonzalez. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 421 by Assemblymember Bryan Enacrilating to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary Gonzalez.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mr. President and Members, I rise today to present AB 421. On behalf of Assembly Majority Leader Brian AB 421 strengthens our referendum system in a way that honors the promise of direct democracy for Californians today. Our referendum process has become the outlet for a concentrated collection of special interests, and too often, this process is subverted and abused in a way that manipulates voters. The power to buy a suspension of a law demands responsibility and accountability.
- Lena Gonzalez
And AB 421 makes several critical reforms needed to protect voters in the referendum process from these abuses. It ensures that each voter will be able to open their voter information guide and see who paid to put the referendum on the ballot. Provides much-needed transparency, as, unfortunately, voting on a referendum today is incredibly confusing.
- Lena Gonzalez
And a recent poll, independent poll by PPIC, found that overwhelmingly there were majorities across partisan groups.% of Democrats, 76% of Republicans, and 74% of Independents across regions and demographic groups agreed referendums are often too complicated or confusing for voters to understand what happens if it should pass. AB 421 will ask voters to choose keep the law or overturn the law and AB 421 authorizes an important tool for reaching constructive compromise, which is the ability for referendum proponents to withdraw a proposed measure granting flexibility to initiative proponents.
- Lena Gonzalez
It contains common sense changes that will ensure referendums return to a people-powered process that protects the rights and intents of voters. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Gonzalez. Senator Becker?
- Josh Becker
I rise so as part of this measure and schools, I do hope in the future. I know there was an attempt also to register to regulate inquire the registration of signature gatherers, and that's one of the things that got removed throughout the process. I hope we tackle that in the future, but I think this Bill does a lot of important things, and I'll be proud to support it here today.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Becker. Seeing no other mics up, Senator Gonzalez, you may close.
- Lena Gonzalez
I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Secretary call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespeare aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle no, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove no, Hurtado aye, Jones no, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar. aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen no, Niello no, Ochoa Bogh no, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto no, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern Aye, Umberg aye, Wahan aye, Wiener aye, Wilk no
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil no. Atkins, Padilla
- Scott Wilk
On the urgency. ayes 29. ayes 29 no's nine. And on the measure, it passes 29 to nine. Now, we're going to go back in order to Senator Glazer on file item 431. Senator Glazer looks like he's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary please read Assembly Bill 275 by Assemblymember Ward and accolading to school governance.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazer, the floor is yours.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for your fine work today. Members. Student board members play a crucial role in representing the student voice and sharing student perspectives with school districts and county boards of education. Yet, despite their important responsibilities, curtain law prohibits them from receiving compensation for their work. This Bill respects school board members time and work student school board member time and work. And to step towards ensuring that students have the opportunity to participate and receive compensation without a respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Glazer. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll. I did not make the error. Okay. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. That's very rare, so I'm going to take credit for it. So with that, any objections to unanimous roll call? Seeing being none ayes 39, 38 no. Zero. Now, moving on to file item 433. Senator Skinner. She is prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1457 by Assemblymember Ortega in accritane to Public Social services.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, pleased to present AB 1457 by Assemblymember, Liz Ortega. AB 1457 would require that decisions on applicant eligibility for state and federal services be made exclusively by county or other civil service employees. This is already the procedure for such things as MediCal, Calworks, and Calfresh. AB 1457 would simply expand those same provisions to the other like services and ensure that the programs are administered by those best equipped to determine eligibility, as our state and federal laws require. And with that, I ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Skinner. Seeing no mics up. Secretary call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Jones aye, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire. Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla. Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio, Seyarto aye, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye. Secretary, please call the absent Members Atkins, McGuire aye. Padilla, Rubio aye. Ayes 38, no zero measure passes. Now moving on to file item 439.
- Scott Wilk
That'd be Senator Ashby. I see that she is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 534 by Assembly Member McCarty an act relating to local government.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise today to present Assembly Bill Five 34 on behalf of Assemblymember McCarty, AB Five 34 streamlines processes that collects fees for airport infrastructure projects by eliminating the sunset date that applies to the alternative customer facility charge and removing the requirement that airport rental car facilities carry outstanding debt. In order to impose that charge, this Bill is passed on unanimous consent and has bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Seeing no mics up, no further debate. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen aye. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
I wilk? Aye. Secretary, please call the absent Members. Atkins, Jones, Padilla, the ayes, 37, no zero measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 440, Senator Min and he is prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 648 by Assemblymember Valencia and acclimate to common interest developments. Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. President. AB 648 by Assemblymember Valencia Builds off successful efforts that were taken during the COVID pandemic and permanently allows homeowner association meetings to take place by teleconference. During the COVID state of emergency. When HOAs had flexibility to meet remotely, they reported significant increases in participation, cost savings, and enhanced participant diversity. This Bill allows for the continuation of these successful meetings in the future by allowing homeowner associations to decide how they wish to meet again.
- Dave Min
The Bill is permissive and merely allows does not require teleconference meetings to be an option for HOAs. And AB 648 contains safeguards to ensure advanced posting of meeting notices, clear instructions on how to participate, and technical assistance. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Min. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing no objections, ayes 38 no zero, measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 456 Senator Blakespear. I'm just so excited about getting to Senator Blakespear. Okay, file item 450. Senator Gonzalez, and she's more than ready. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 470 by Assembly Member Valencia an act relating to Healing Arts.
- Scott Wilk
Senator. Go ahead.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mr. President. And Members, I rise to present AB 470 on behalf of Assembly Member Valencia, which is a Latino caucus priority that will expand cultural medical equity. AB 470 will encourage development of new continuing medical education courses where physicians can learn to speak languages that are spoken by 10% or more of the state's population. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Gonzalez. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call, seeing no objections, ayes 38 no zero measure passes next. Now moving on to file item 456, Senator Blake Spear, who's more than ready secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1268 by Assembly Member Irwin an act relating to tax Administration.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Blakespear. Thank you.
- Catherine Blakespear
President and colleagues, I rise today to present AB 1268 on behalf of Assemblymember Irwin, which will allow individuals to sign up for the California Organ and Tissue Donor Registry on state income. Tax forms. This Bill has bipartisan support with zero no votes and no registered opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you. Senator Blakespear. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing no objections ayes 37 no zero measure passes. Moving on to file item 460 Senator Alvarado-Gil.
- Committee Secretary
And she is prepared. Secretary please read Assembly Bill 1560 by Assemblymember Flora and acclimating to professions of vocations and making an appropriation therefore.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you so much, Mr. President. AB 1560 requires the purchaser of a crematory to submit an application to the cemetery and funeral bureau for approval. While keeping the crematory open, this Bill creates a more streamlined and seamless process for transferring ownership of Crematory, which will prevent a temporary shutdown while a new license is sought. This Bill has received unanimous support and has no opposition. My colleague, Assemblymember Flora, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Alvarado Gill. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing no objections, ayes 37. No zero measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 461. Senator Menjivar. Are you prepared? She is. Secretary please read
- Scott Wilk
Assembly Bill 16 42 43 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan and accolades to juveniles. Senator Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I rise on behalf of Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan to present AB 1643, a Bill that expands rehabilitation options for youth. Youth who commit low-level, nonviolent offenses have the opportunity to receive diversion and avoid lifetime criminalization. However, if the restitution amount exceeds $1,000, youth are automatically sent to court. This $1,000 standard was not originally part of the law. It was added in 1989 and has not been updated since the year I was born.
- Caroline Menjivar
AB 1643 simply increases this threshold to $5,000 to make this needed program more accessible, reducing recidivism and giving more youth a second chance. The Bill has no opposition, and I respectfully ask for your ivote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Senator Menjivar. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll, Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespeare aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove Hurtado aye, Jones, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto no, Skinner no, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk no.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please call the absent Members. Atkins, Dahle no. Grove no, Jones? No. Nguyen? No. Niello? No. Ochoa Bogh No. Padilla
- Scott Wilk
Ayes, 30, noes, eight measure passes. Now, Members, moving on to file item 465, Senator Smallwood Cuevas, and she is prepared. Secretary please read Assembly Bill 368 by Assemblymember Holden and acrilane to community colleges. Senator, floor is yours.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you. Mr. President, I rise to present amendments for AB 68 on behalf of Assemblymember Holden. The amendments are technical in nature as it relates to defining unrepresented groups, such as first time college students who are current or former foster youth, homeless students or students at risk of being homeless, students with disabilities, students with dependent children, and undocumented students.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
The Bill has passed through both houses on consent and requires the governing board of a community college district participating in college and Career Access Pathways partnership to enroll high school pupils in any course that is part of the CCAP partnership offered at the community college campus. And with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Seeing no mics up. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing none. ayes 38. No zero, measure passes. Moving on to file item 476. Caballero and she's prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 947 by Assemblymember Gabriel in aquilane to privacy. Senator Caballero
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mr. President and Members, I rise to present AB 947 on behalf of Assemblymember Gabriel, which makes a small but important change to the California Consumer Privacy Act by adding citizenship and immigration status to the CCPA's definition of sensitive personal information, which currently includes a Social Security number, driver's license number, precise geolocation, and genetic data.
- Anna Caballero
This Bill will ensure that businesses disclose if they are collecting information about a consumer's citizenship and immigration status, disclose what the information is used for, and allow the consumer to forbid the sale or sharing of the information. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes? 38. Noes, zero. Now, Members, moving on to file item 470. Next, 477. Senator Ashby. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1021 by Assemblymember Wicks and accolade to control substances. Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Mr. President. Today I rise to present AB 1021 on behalf of Assembly Member Wicks. AB 1021 grants California's licensed healthcare professionals the authority to prescribe previously classified Schedule One substances for medical purposes, ensuring patients receive the care they need. This Bill only applies to substances that have been FDA-approved and rescheduled by the DEA and does not decriminalize or legalize the use of any banned substance for nonmedical purposes. AB 1021 has garnered bipartisan support and has no formal opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Senator Ashby. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll. Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove aye, Hurtado. Jones. Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto aye, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members. Alvarado-Gill No. Atkins. Hurtado No. Jones. Nguyen. Padilla. Ayes, 34. Noes two. Measure passes. Now, Members, moving on to file item 483. Senator Menjivar is prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 954 by Assemblymember Bryan and accolade to juveniles. Senator Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mr. President. Again, I rise today on behalf of the Assembly Majority Leader Bryan, to present AB 954, a Bill that will ensure that a parent who is diligently following all aspects of their case plan would not be denied family reunification simply because they are unable to pay for a court ordered service.
- Caroline Menjivar
Today, when a child is removed from a parent's care, the court may order the parent to complete a variety of services to assist in rehabilitation before they are reunified with their child. In most counties, that parent is responsible for recovering the fees of services that can run up to 52 weeks or more and cost well beyond the parent's means.
- Caroline Menjivar
In many cases, parents complete these requirements, but are denied a certificate of completion because they have outstanding fees when a parent is denied these reunification services or loses their parental rights simply because they cannot afford to provide proof that they have completed service, we are punishing poverty and delaying family reunification. This Bill has no opposition and has received bipartisan support in both houses. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Senator Menjivar. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll. Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta aye, Ashby aye Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespeare aye, Bradford. aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove, Hurtado aye, Jones aye, Laird aye, Limon aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk. Secretary, please call the absent Members. Alvarado-Gil aye, Atkins. Dahle, Grove aye, Nguyen, Niello, Padilla, Rubio aye, Seyarto. Wilk aye. Ayes 34.
- Scott Wilk
No zero measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 497. Senator Niello is prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1668 by Assemblymember Joe Patterson. Enact relating to alcoholic beverages. Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mr. President. I I rise to present AB 1668 on behalf of Assemblyman Joe Patterson and Assemblywoman Dahle AB 1668 would provide a limited exception for Placer County to the existing Alcohol Beverage license limit set by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control. It's important to note that recently recognized by the state of California as pro-housing, Placer County is one of the fastest-growing counties in the state.
- Roger Niello
In fact, because of this rapid growth, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control can't keep up with the allowance of licenses. So we need to support smaller businesses, restaurants, and allow for growth at the rate that the population of the counties at the rate that population of the county grows. Which is why there is a need for AB 1668. It passed out of the Assembly with unanimous support. I respectfully, along with Assembly Members Patterson and Dahle, ask for an aye vote on AB 1668.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Niello. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38. Noes zero. Moving on now to file item 505. I see that Senator Umberg is prepared. Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1458 by Assemblymember Ta in accolade to common interest developments. Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, AB 1458 simply changes the vote requirement of a homeowners association. If they can't reach a quorum the first time around, 20 days later they can reduce it to 20%.
- Unidentified Speaker
Urgent, aye vote. Well done, Senator. Umberg Seeing no. Seeing no mics up. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38. Nos zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 13. Senator Roth is prepared. Secretary, please read. Assembly Bill 242 by Assembly Member Wood and that relating to Healing Arts. Senator Roth.
- Richard Roth
This eliminates a five-year sunset and allows critical access hospitals to employ physicians.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Roth. Seeing no mics up. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections?
- Scott Wilk
Seeing none. Ayes 38. Noes zero measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 516. Senator Archuleta. And he is prepared. So, Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 349. By Assemblymember Ramos and accolade to state property.
- Bob Archuleta
Mr. President, arise to present AB 349, which would authorize Patton State Hospital, located in San Bernardino County, to enter into an agreement with a nonprofit or local government to provide services to Inland Empire's homeland population. A successful model is in this particular city, which is my city of Norwalk, which is in the district, and it's award winning, and it will follow suit. And for these reasons, I ask for your aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Senator Archuleta. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll. Allen aye, Alvarado Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Jones aye, Laird aye, Limon aye, Mcguire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members. Atkins, Nguyen aye, Padilla, Rubio aye. Ayes, 38. No zero, measure passes. Moving on to file item 521. I see that Senator Durazo is prepared. Secretary, please read it.
- Committee Secretary
You Assembly Bill 636 by Assemblymember Kalra and accolade into employment.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise to present Assembly Bill AB 636. By Assemblymember Kalra. It would require H Two A visa employees to give all H2A farm workers, on their first day of work a written notice of basic employment rights with a separate section in Spanish or if requested, in English, describing an agricultural employee's additional rights under state law. Last year, more than 43,000 foreign farm workers were imported by roughly 100 California growers and farm labor contractors. This number has been increasing annually.
- María Elena Durazo
H2A farm workers in California are largely recruited in Mexico and are tied to a single California employer who provides them with housing, meals, and transportation. Many H2A workers have never been to California before and neither speak nor read English. If they are fired for any reason, they are subject to immediate deportation, which is a powerful disincentive to report any abusive workplace conditions they are subjected to.
- María Elena Durazo
This Bill gives the Labor Commissioner discretion to develop a template containing a summary of rights and to post it on their website for H2A employers to use to comply with the notice requirement. This Bill has no recorded opposition and I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator. Durazo seeing no mics up, secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespeare aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle, no. Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glaser, Gonzalez aye, Grove no, Hurtado aye, Jones no, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen no, Niello no, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto no, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern, Wahab aye, Wiener aye, Wilk no.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gill aye, Glazer aye, Ochoa Bogh. Padilla, Umberg aye, Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 31, No seven. Measure passes now, Members, moving on to file item 526, Senator Alvarado-Gil. She is ready. Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 839 by Assemblymember Addis and accolade to residential care facilities for the elderly and making an appropriation.
- Scott Wilk
Therefore, Senator Alvarado-Gil.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Mr. President. Today I rise as chair of the Senate Human Services to present AB 39 on behalf of my colleague, Assemblymember Addis. AB 839 is designed to offer direct assistance to the residential care facilities for the elderly, nonprofit facilities. It aims to grant them access to more favorable interest rates and taxes at financing through the California Health Facilities Finance Authority. AB 839 has received unanimous support, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator. Any comments? Seeing no mics up, this measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. No zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 530. And that would be Senator Glazer, and I see he's up and about and prepared.
- Scott Wilk
So, Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 993. By Assembly Member Blanca Rubio and accolade to cannabis. Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio. This measure seeks to add the civil rights Department and the Department of Industrial Relations to the membership of the existing task force on state and local regulation of commercial cannabis activities. With that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Glazer. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39, noes zero. Measure passes. Now moving on to file item 535. Senator Cortese and he is prepared secretary.
- Committee Secretary
Please read Assembly Bill 13 four by Assemblymember Papan in accolade to weights and measures.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Cortese, the floor is yours.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise. President AB 13 four on behalf of Assemblymember Papan, this Bill simply increases the amount, weights, and measures can charge, and that increases the first one since 2008. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Cortesi. Seeing no mics up, secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. aye, Alvarado-Gil. aye, Archuleta. aye, Ashby. aye, Atkins. aye, Becker. aye, Blakespear. aye, Bradford. aye, Caballero. aye, Cortese. aye, Dahle. aye Dodd. aye, Durazo. aye Eggman. aye Glazer. aye Gonzalez aye, Grove aye Hurtado, aye, Jones aye, Laird, aye Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar, Min, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye. Secretary, please call the absent Members Padilla, Seyarto.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 38 no zero. The measure passes. Moving now on to file item 545. And that'd be Senator Eggman, and she is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1752.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Eggman
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1752 by the Assembly Committee on agriculture and aggregating to bees.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Thank you very much, Members, AB 1752 is an AG committee deal dealing with AGS, pesticide, bees and counties. I ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Eggman. Seeing no microphones up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. Noes zero. Measure passes. Now moving on to file item 546. Senator Weiner and he is prepared secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 948 by Assemblymember Berman and accolading to health coverage.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President, colleagues. SB 948 makes permanent the $250 cap for 30-day supplies for Copays, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Weiner. Seeing no mics up, this is also eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39, no zero. Measure passes. Now moving on to file item 551, once again going back to Senator Weiner.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1114 by Assemblymember Haney and accrilating housing Senator Weiner.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, AB 1114 will require that post entitlement site building permits are ministerial and not discretionary, so they don't get caught up in appeals and politics as they have been routinely doing in San Francisco. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Senator Weiner. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39, no zero. Measure passes. Now, Members, moving on to file item 560. Senator Becker. Well, I'm going to pause for one moment.
- Committee Secretary
All right, Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 971 by Assemblymember Lee in accolade to vehicles.
- Josh Becker
Good afternoon. This Bill allows cities additional flexibility to manage transit only traffic lanes in their jurisdictions and to curb heavy traffic. Bill previously passed to our House of Consent, but came back for technical amendments requested by the Administration. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. This is also eligible for unanimous consent if there are no objections. Seeing none, seeing one, Clerk will call the roll. Did anyone want to object? No. Unanimous roll call 39 to zero measure passes.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
All right, moving on to file item 562 by Mr. Wilk. Clerk will read Assembly Bill 414 by Assembly Member Rayes and AC relating to digital equity. Please proceed.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Madam President, I rise to present AB 4114 on behalf of Assemblywoman Reyes, which seeks to ensure broadband is sufficient, reliable, affordable, and ubiquitous. It would make it the policy of the state that broadband Internet subscribers benefit from equal access within the service area of a broadband provider. COVID-19 highlighted how wide the digital divide is and how crucial broadband infrastructure has become to modern life.
- Scott Wilk
People need reliable and affordable broadband to participate in society, whether it's their education, paying their taxes, finding a job, or traveling. Every California should have access to affordable, reliable, and sufficient Internet services. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Reading Clerk
Thank you very much. Seeing no other mics up, Clerk will call the roll. One time through the roll. Members Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle. Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzalez aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Jones, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portantino aye, Rothaye, Rubio aye, Seyarto, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye.
- Committee Secretary
Umberg, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye,
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Senator Wilk moves the call. All right, moving on now. File item 581. File item 576 by Senator Laird for Mr. Ramos, please. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1459 by Assemblymember Ramos in accolade to state capitol.
- John Laird
Thank you. Madam President. AB 1459 would require we construct incorporate a mural honoring Native Americans in the construction of the new State Capitol annex, their support on both sides. I ask for an aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Seeing no other mics up, Clerk call the roll. Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzales aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto aye, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Senator Laird moves the call. Moving on, file item 581, presented by Senator Becker. He is ready. Clerk will read Assembly Bill 663 by Assemblymember Haney and accolade into healing arts Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. This Bill would allow mobile pharmacies to dispense medications for opioid addiction treatment. It would expand local efforts to prevent overdose deaths and improve access to health care for some of our most vulnerable populations. Under current law, local governments can operate mobile pharmacies if they choose to do so. However, these pharmacies are currently restricted from providing medications for opioid addiction. This Bill has broadbride partisan support. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Becker. Seeing no mics up. Secretary call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle aye, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzales aye, Grove aye, Hurtado aye, Jones aye, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh aye, Padilla, Portaninto aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto aye, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Padilla, Wahab aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 39. No zero. Measure passes. Now moving on to file item 582 going to be presented by Senator Weiner. And this must be a historic day because this is the third Bill today that Senator Weiner is jockeying that has the eligible free unanimous roll call. You don't roll that way. But with that, Senator Weiner floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. You underestimate me. What? Colleagues, I'm presenting AB 835 on behalf of Assemblymember Lee.
- Scott Wilk
I'm sorry, Senator Weiner I was so excited about moving this along that I didn't have the Clerk read, so my apologies.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 835 by Assemblymember Lee in accrlane to fire protection.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Senator Weiner. My apologies. No problem, Mr. President. You are doing a great job though, today. Thank you. So I rise to present AB 835 on behalf of Assemblymember Lee. This will direct the state fire marshal to study the safety potential of allowing single staircases and apartment buildings with more than three stories instead of the current mandate of two stairways. This will allow for more housing, more diverse types of housing. It's consistent with how it's done in other parts of the world. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Weiner. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. No zero. The measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 587. Presentation will be by Senator Ochoa Bogh. I see that she is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 232. By Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry and accolade to healing arts, Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Mr. President and Members, I rise to present Assembly Bill 232 on behalf of Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry. Currently, individuals physically located in California must be treated by a therapist who is licensed by the Board of Behavioral Sciences, with no exceptions. However, when individuals travel to California or move to California from another state, they may wish to continue sessions with their current therapist.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
A person who may not be licensed in California, AB 232 would grant a 30 day temporary practice allowance to qualify out of state therapists so they can provide therapy via telehealth to their clients who are in California. This Bill will help clients maintain continuity in their mental health care while when are traveling or in the process of relocating to California. This Bill has no opposition on file and has received no no votes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Cho Bogue. Seeing no mics up. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. Noes zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 590. That'd be Senator Newman, and he is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 840 by Assemblymember, Addis and acrilane to alcoholic beverages.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise today on behalf of Assemblymember Addis to present AB 840, which would create exemptions to tide House laws for several venues on the California State University campus system. These exemptions will allow CSU campuses to access much needed revenue, benefiting the athletic and arts programs that utilize these venues. Given the fiscal and budget challenges we face as a state, giving CSU campuses options for non state funding is more imperative than ever. On behalf of Assemblymember Addis, I respectfully ask for your aye vote today.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Newman. Seeing no mics up. This measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39, no zero. Now, moving on to file item 621. And that'd be Senator Durazo, and she is prepared. So, Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1309 by Assemblymember Reyes and accolades long-term health care facilities.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary I mean, Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. President. I present AB 1309 which will provide greater protections for nursing home residents being discharged or transferred. AB 1309 is intended to discourage facilities from pursuing unwarranted discharges, prompt residents to appeal their discharges if they feel the discharge was unjust, and enhance the quality of resident appeals. This Bill has received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Durazo. Seeing no mics up. This measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39, no zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 626. That'd be Senator Dodd, and he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1658 by Assemblymember Santiago and accrilating to tribal gaming and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Bill Dodd
Senator Dodd, AB 1658 ratifies 22 amendments to tribal compacts who respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Dodd, seeing any mics up? There is none. This is actually eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39,no zero on the urgency, and ayes 39 no zero on the measure. Measure passes. Now we are moving to unfinished business. File item 386, Senator Wahab, and she is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 403 by Senator Wahab and acclimating to discrimination.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. This is a civil rights Bill. I respectfully ask for an aye voted.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Grove. You're recognized.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. The author, who I have tremendous respect for, argues that SB 403 will not target Hindus and South Asians. However, these communities clearly understand that this Bill does. All major dictionaries, including Webster's, Oxford and Camdenbridge, define caste as a part of Hinduism. California's children learn that caste is a part of Hinduism in our schools. The Civil Rights Department, which is under the Department of Industrial Relations, defines caste as a strict Hindu social and religious hierarchy.
- Shannon Grove
The bill's sponsor says that caste derives from Hindu scripture and that caste exists in all South Asian religions. This Bill targets Hindus and East Indians. It appears that there's unscientific survey out there that we use to claim widespread caste discrimination. But the survey was thrown out by a Cisco judge in 2021 who refused to admit it as evidence. Then there's also the claim that 25% of all dollits in the per se caste system were physically assaulted and raped in America.
- Shannon Grove
And I tell you, colleagues, that's a slur against our East Indian Americans who are presumed to be engaged in a level of widespread violence. Where are the police records that validate such dangerous and slanderous claims? There is only one case of caste litigation in the state of California, and that's the Cisco case.
- Shannon Grove
The Civil Rights Department hid material evidence from a judge that the Cisco manager gave every leadership position of its Cisco startup to senior candidates who were all from what they consider the Dalit per se classe. This is opposite of caste discrimination. Not to mention that the oppressed Dalits per se in this particular situation made up to $4 million a year. Colleagues, there's a lot more to this case thance triggered in this Bill, including ethical violations, prosecutorial abuse, and gross overreach by this state government.
- Shannon Grove
SB 403 would hand over enforcement to cast for the civil rights to the Civil Rights Department, which allegedly grossly misprosecuted the Cisco case. If you look at the Cisco decision, the Civil Rights Department seemed a lack of understanding of the Hindu religion and the South Asian culture. The same CRD who assigned both Hindu religious identity and caste to an atheist Cisco manager simply because he was Indian American. Insert now the new perceived language of SB 403.
- Shannon Grove
The same CRD who assigned all 50 workers at Cisco as upper caste status became just because they were Indian or South Asian descent. No wonder so many South Asian Indians in California are outraged. A simple legal definition of caste has eluded scholars who have studied the topic for their entire careers.
- Shannon Grove
In 2018, the UK government was faced with a similar Bill, sponsored a government study which found that it could not define caste and that the definition of caste would be open to a variety of interpretations and the over broad and deeply intertwined with caste or excuse me, class. Yet this Bill attempts to institutionalize a definition despite of being in no agreement of what it actually means.
- Shannon Grove
SB 403 says that caste can be characterized as the inability of restricted ability for one's inherited status and socially enforced restrictions on marriage. So are the poor affected by this? A cycle of poverty? Is that caste is inherited. Ask a poor man about marriage. What about ugly and handsome, a characteristic that is often passed down by our parents? Where else does caste, or religion is it inherited? We have historical restricted marriage.
- Shannon Grove
When you think about SB 403 and you apply it to Muslim women, is that caste? There are actually restrictions that alter either status. They're socially enforced restrictions on marriage and private and public segregation. In Mosque, one of the largest Dalit American advocacy groups, has been sidelined by what they say in SB 403. It defines caste as a social stratification or a social hierarchy. Hierarchy permanently institutionalizing divisions of South Asian community, either oppressed or as an oppressor.
- Shannon Grove
We're identifying people as someone who is oppressed and someone is an oppressor in this Bill. What are we doing that for? The Civil Rights Division already filed a caste case on existing law and SB 403 agrees. Caste based discrimination already covered under existing law. And this is not a Bill that protects, but it's a Bill that profiles. California has been labeled the litigation hellhole several years in a row. And this Bill use yet another trial attorney, Goldmine, that'll be able to sue on perceived characteristics.
- Shannon Grove
If you read the language with the amendments that were taken on the Assembly, it changed everything in proof of what identification in certain categories are. And it says right here in the Bill language, cast means an individual's perceived position in a system of social stratification and the basis inherited status.
- Shannon Grove
A system of social stratification on the basis of inherited status may be characterized by factors that include, but are not limited to the ability and restricted ability to alter inherited status, socially enforced restrictions on marriage, private and public segregation, and discrimination of a social exclusion on the perceived status. That's exactly what happened in this Cisco case. The criminal rights or the civil rights division perceived that an individual manager was of Hindu descent just because he was Asian. East Asian Indian.
- Shannon Grove
When you look at the language in here now with the amendments. Lineal descent, direct descent. The definition is direct descendant of a person, such as a child or a grandchild. Heritage is defined as something that is handed down from the past or a tradition. Parentage identify the origins of one. Parents can consider a perceived caste or a perceived discrimination. Colleagues, none of us will ever be able to change the fact of where our parents come from.
- Shannon Grove
Inherited social status is where you're born or inherits them, regardless of the individual's abilities and skills. That's where ugly and thin or obese or the restrictions on Muslim women occur. This Bill, with the amendments, the Bill makes it worse. It is based on perceived what someone perceives and not actual fact or truth. And I would just respectfully ask for a no vote. When you talk about profiling, this Bill profiles Hindus and East Indians based on the way they look, not for any factual basis whatsoever.
- Shannon Grove
Sikhs and other individuals can be caught up in this as well, because it's all based on perception and not real fact. Because the amendments that were taken in the Assembly, I respectfully ask for a no vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Grove, Senator Dally.
- Brian Dahle
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I too also rise in opposition. When this Bill first came to the Senate floor, I laid off of it, did not understand what the Bill really did, because this is America, and in America we have a constitutional right to freedoms of our religion and also not to be profiled. And so I reached out to my community, the Indian community got educated. Most of them that I represent are opposed to 403.
- Brian Dahle
And I believe that this Bill is actually going to make it worse. So for those reasons, I too, along with all the comments that my colleague made from Bakersfield, oppose SB 403.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Dahle. Seeing no other mics up, Senator Wahab, you may close.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Although I do respectfully disagree with the comments made and the points made, this Bill is very simple. It is to protect all people against caste discrimination, regardless of caste, upper caste, lower caste, it does not matter. SB 403 continues to clarify that caste discrimination will not be tolerated in California under our Fair Employment and Housing Opportunity Act, the UNRA Civil Rights Act, and the Education Code. The amendments taken in Assembly make caste a subset of ancestry.
- Aisha Wahab
While maintaining the definition of caste approved by the Senate, the amendments also strengthen the bill's ability to withstand legal challenges. SB 403 still functionally does what it was intended to do when it was approved by the Senate, and that is to ban caste discrimination in California. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Wahab. Secretary, please call the role.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Aye. Alvarado-Gil, Archuletta, Aye. Ashby, Aye. Atkins, Aye. Becker, Blakespear, Aye. Bradford, Aye. Caballaro, Aye. Cortese, Aye. Dahle, No. Dodd, Aye. Durazo, Aye. Eggman, Aye. Glazer, Aye. Gonzalez, Aye. Grove, No. Hurtado, Aye. Jones, No. Laird, Aye. Limon, Aye. McGuire, Aye. Menjivar, Aye. Min, Aye. Newman, Aye. Nguyen, No. Niello, Aye. Ochoa Bogh, Aye. Padilla, Portantino, Aye. Roth, Aye. Rubio, Aye. Seyarto, No. Skinner, Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas, Aye. Stern, Aye. Umberg, Aye. Wahab, Aye. Wiener, Aye. Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado gill. Becker. Padilla. Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes, 31. Nos Five. The Assembly amendments are concurred. Now, moving back. To motions and resolutions, Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
I request to submit a letter to the General in reference to SB 403.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Jones,
- Brian Jones
I'd like a roll call. On the motion, please.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, sir. So, Senator Wahab is asking for an I. Senator Jones is asking for an Nay. Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gil, Archuletta, Aye. Ashby, Aye. Atkins, Aye. Becker, Blakespear, Aye. Bradford, Aye. Caballaro, Aye. Cortese, Aye. Dahle, No. Dodd, Aye. Durazo, Aye. Eggman, Aye. Glazer, Aye. Gonzalez, Aye. Grove, No. Hurtado, Aye. Jones, No. Laird, Aye. Limon, Aye. McGuire, Aye. Menjivar, Aye. Min, Aye. Newman, Aye. Nguyen, Niello, No. Ochoa Bogh, No. Padilla, Portantino, Aye. Roth, Aye. Rubio, Aye. Seyarto, Skinner, Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas, Aye. Stern, Umberg, Aye. Wahab, Aye. Wiener, Aye. Wilk, No.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the roll. Absent Members, thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Allan, Aye. Alvarado-Gill. Becker, Aye. Nguyen, Padilla. Seyarto. Stern. Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes. 30. No, 6. The motion carries. And Members, we've been very efficient today, so I want to thank you for that. But because of that, we're going to pause for a couple of minutes because we're looking at new bills for you all to consider.
- Unidentified Speaker
Welcome back, members. Moving back to motions and resolutions, recognize Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mr. President. This is a request for reconsideration on file item number 465. AB 68.
- Unidentified Speaker
Any objections?
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
68. AB 368.
- Unidentified Speaker
Motion to reconsider. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes, 39. Nos, zero. Reconsiderations granted. Now we're moving on to part two of today's file. First up is file item 412. Senator Blakespear is prepared secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 806 by Assembly Member Maienschein and accredited to criminal procedure.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, President and colleagues. AB 806 would extend the list of domestic violence related crimes that can be joined and tried in one jurisdiction when the alleged crimes are by the same defendant and against the same victim. Without an amendment, victims may be subjected to many levels of exposure and involvement with prosecution and trial. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Blakespear. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. Nos zero. Measure passes. Moving on to file item 417. Senator Bradford.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please read. Assembly Bill 1736 by Assembly Member Juan Carillo and accolading to Groundwater. Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mr. President. AB 730, 1736 by Assembly Member Juan Carillo would simply authorize the governing board of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California to negotiate a contract to construct a public works project if it receives no bids. This Bill simply fixes what would align WRD with other local agencies that already have the authority and flexibility to proceed with constructing critical regional water infrastructure. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I'm going to reluctantly oppose this bill today, and I want to explain why. We have extensive rules, we have extensive rules regarding contracting. They're listed in the analysis. I encourage you to take a look at them. And it's meant to have a very fair, transparent process. We have to receive bids that are sealed. We have to let the lowest responsible bidder get the contract. We have to open the bids in a public place so everyone can see what's happening in our bidding process. The analysis speaks to this issue of public trust and if permission to read, I'd like to read from the analysis.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Steven Glazer
So the analysis says for the public to have confidence in the decisions that they make talking about public entities, public officials must spend the public's money in full view. Inviting bids and awarding contracts to the lowest possible bidder is the most effective method of ensuring transparency, the expenditure of public funds compared to negotiating a contract. So in the case of this particular water replenishment district in 2022, they advertised 18 projects for bid. All of them were awarded except for two. Two cases. And those two cases are the basis for the requests that are before us today of allowing for a no bid contract simply to be negotiated and let me point out two things. One is that this is a water replenishment district that has had serious financial improprieties in the past. This is not a clean slate where you have public officials who have operated at the highest level of public trust. That's not the case with this district. And finally, Members, many of the contracting protections that this measure seeks to override were put as a result of the district's financial concerns, financial problems. So for me, giving them added flexibility to have a negotiation rather than a formal bid process, I think is an overreach of this legislation. It's why I can't support it today.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you. Senator Glazer, seeing no other mics up, Senator Bradford, would you care to close?
- Steven Bradford
I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, sir. Secretary, call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. Aye. Dodd. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Glazer. No. Gonzalez. Grove. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. Aye. Laird. Limon. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Roth. Rubio. Seyarto. Aye. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Umberg. Wahab. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Wilk.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator moves the call. Now, moving on to file item 454. Hold. Secretary, please call the absent Members on AB 1736.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Alvarado-Gil. No. Atkins. Aye. Blakespear. Dodd. Eggman. Gonzalez. Grove. Aye. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Stern. Umberg. Aye. Wilk.
- Brian Dahle
Dally. I don't know.
- Committee Secretary
Dally. I don't know.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes 25, nos three. The measure passes. Now members, moving on to file item 454. That'd be Senator Alvarado-Gil. And she is prepared. Secretary, please read. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 936 by Assembly Member Wood and acquiring to healing arts and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Alvarado Gill.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Mr. President. AB 936 updates. AB 880 authorizing final year dental students to participate at Preclinics administered by either a sponsoring entity, a local government entity, or both. It also defines a qualified dental student as someone who has begun clinical training at a dental school. Approved by the Dental Board of California. AB 936 would allow dental students the opportunity to provide much needed care to underserved Californians and to embrace the privilege of giving back to the community, thus increasing access to care.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
This Bill has no opposition and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Alvarado Gill seeing no other mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 39. No zero on the urgency. Ayes 39. No zero on the measure. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 466. Senator Blakespear and I see that she is ready. So secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 301 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan and acquiring to crimes.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Blakespeare.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you. President and colleagues, I am proud to present AB 301 on behalf of Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, a Bill that allows a court to consider the acquisition of body armor when issuing a gun violence restraining order. We are seeing a rise in perpetrators of mass violence wearing body armor. Body armor has become the go-to accessory for mass shooters, enabling them to prolong their attacks against our communities and making it harder for law enforcement to de-escalate.
- Catherine Blakespear
According to the Violence Project, 21 mass shooters have recently worn body armor during their attacks. When combined with recent threats and violent behavior, acquisition of body armor can be an important indicator of an increased risk for gun violence and should be considered as part of restraining order proceedings. AB 301 helps safeguard the security of our communities, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Blakespear. Seeing no mics up, secretary please call the role.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins aye, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle no, Dodd aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzales aye, Grove no, Hurtado, Jones no, Laird aye, Mcguire aye, Menjivar aye, Min aye, Newman aye, Nguyen no, Niello no, Ochoa Bogh no, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto no, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umberg aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil no. Hurtado aye. Padilla.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 31, noes eight. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 466, once again, Senator Blakespear. I'm sorry. Stand corrected. 467 and she's prepared.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please read. Assembly Bill 361 by Assembly Member Ward and acquiring to vehicles. Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mr. President and colleagues. AB 361 establishes an optional pilot program to allow cities to more efficiently ticket cars that are parked in bike lanes in downtown city centers. As city centers have become more congested with vehicle traffic and parking, using a bike lane for transportation has become a more viable and convenient option for urban downtown travel. This bill will ensure that cars do not create unsafe bike lanes, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you. Senator Blakespear. Seeing no mics up, secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Aye. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. No. Dodd. Aye. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. No. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. No. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. No. Niello. No. Ochoa Bogh. No. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Aye. Seyarto. No. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Wilk. Aye.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Aye. Eggman. Padilla.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the abstinent members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
Eggman. Aye. Padilla.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes 32, nos zero. The measure, 37, 32 to seven. Measure passes. Okay, let's get through this, people. I'm starting to fade. Okay, moving on to file item 474. Senator Menjivar. And she's helping me out by being prepared.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please read. Assembly Bill 783 by Assembly Member Ting and acclimating to restrooms. Senator Menjivar?
- Caroline Menjivar
Always, Mr. President. Colleagues, today I rise on behalf of Assembly Member Ting to present AB 783, which enforces existing law requiring all single-user restrooms be identified as all-gender toilet facilities. This is a follow-up to his previous bill, AB 1732, which passed in 2016 and requires that all single-occupancy restrooms and businesses, government buildings, and places of public accommodation be available to everyone. Restricting access to bathrooms disproportionately impacts transgender and gender nonconforming individuals, women and parents, and caretakers of differently gendered dependents. Compliance with the law is a matter of changing the sign on a restroom door. Unfortunately, not everyone is complying with the law. In order to enforce existing law, AB 783 requires cities to provide written notice to each business licensed applicant that all single-user toilet facilities be designated as all-gender. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Menjivar. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, can you please call the roll?
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Aye. Alvarado-Gil. Aye. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Aye. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. Dodd. Aye. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Aye. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. No. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Nguyen. Excuse me. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. No. Niello. No. Ochoa Bogh. No. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Aye. Seyarto. No. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Weiner. Aye. Wilk. No.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
Dahle. No. Grove. Padilla.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes, 31. Nos seven. The measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 496, Senator Alvarado-Gil. I see that she's prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 516 by Assembly Member Ramos an act related to development fees.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
President thinking you're doing swell. AB 516 is aimed at yes is aimed at increasing transparency to the Mitigation Fee Act by providing clarity for small business and property owners across our glorious state. AB 516 adds requirements that local agency must include information for delays on these projects, as well as information as to when the construction might resume. This Bill would also require that a local agency inform those paying those fees to their right to request an audit of these funds. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. ayes 39. No's. Zero. Swell job. Presenting now, moving on to file item 515. That'd be Senator Caballero. And I see that she's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 281 by Assembly Member Grayson an act relating to planning and zoning.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mr. President and Members, I rise to present AB 281 on behalf of Assemblymember Grayson. A good governance measure that would apply 30 to 60 day timelines, depending on the size of the development, to the time periods that special districts have to weigh in and to provide feedback on a post entitlement phase permit that a local agency has deemed complete. Currently, only cities and counties are under specified timelines for reviewing these post entitlement phase permits.
- Anna Caballero
AB 281 will bring parity between cities and special districts and apply the same timelines to all agencies across the board. The Bill will help prevent costly delays and reduce barriers to housing production. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Caballero seeing no mics up. This measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes, 39. Noes, zero. Now, moving on to file item 573. Senator Cortese and he is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1204 by Senator Member Holden an act relating to contractors.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mr. President. Senators, AB 1204 is a bill aimed at addressing the issue of employees being misclassified as independent contractors in the construction industry. The bill seeks to limit the number of independent contractors working under a single subcontract. It helps to curb employee misclassification and ensures accurate certified payroll reports while decreasing the likelihood of project abandonment. It does not affect legitimate subcontracting relationships, where employers properly classify themselves as such and their workers as employees. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Cortese. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Aye Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Aye. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. Dodd. Aye. Durazo. Eggman. Aye. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. No. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Aye. Seyarto. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Wilk. Aye.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Aye. Dahle. Durazo. Aye. Grove. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Seyarto.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes 32. Nos one. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 603. I see that Senator Blakespear is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1033 by Assembly Member an act relating to housing.
- Scott Wilk
Go ahead, Senator. Blakespear
- Catherine Blakespear
AB 1033 allows for the separate sale or conveyance of an accessory dwelling unit. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Seeing no mics up. Seeing no mics up. Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gil, Archuletta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballaro, Cortese, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limon, McGuire, Menjivar, Min, Newman, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please.
- Committee Secretary
Archuleta Ayeto no.
- Scott Wilk
Mr. Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil no Dodd, Hurtado. Limon, Min, Newman, Ochoa-Bogh no Padilla. No Portatino. Roth Wahab.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Blakespear moves the call. Now, moving on to file item 605. I see that Senator Cortese is ready. Secretary please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill by Assembly Member Low an act relating to elections.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Cortese, we are not icing. You like a field goal kicker. We just had a little bit of a technical glitch up here, but with that, you have the floor.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, Mr. President and colleagues, on behalf of Assembly Member Wicks AB 1319 enacts targeted modifications to state law governing the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority, which is also known as BAHFA. BAHFA is governed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Cortese, I was told 1319 apologize. Thank you. You pulled a Wilk. You went one ahead. So we're going to pause for a second. I guess that icing the kicker thing really did work. Okay, you're ready with 605?
- Unidentified Speaker
All right, here we go. So we're going to file item 605. Secretary, please read. Or did you read that one the last time? And then we jumped? Okay, so 605. So Senator Cortese floor is yours.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, Mr. President. You know, when you ice the kicker, he always makes it the second time. Senators, on behalf of Assembly Member Lowe, AB 1227 is a district bill to allow my county, Santa Clara County, to adopt ranked choice voting for county elections. In the 1998 General election, Santa Clara County voters approved Measure F, which would allow the county to implement ranked choice voting in county elections as soon as the technology becomes available. Although the technology is available today, current law, state law is ambiguous about whether charter counties can do this. AB 1227 clarifies and allows Santa Clara County to implement the will of the voters back to 1998 and implement ranked choice of voting. Should the Board of Supervisors agree to do that. With support from the Board of Supervisors and the county sheriff, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 1227. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you. Senator Cortese. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Aye. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. Dodd. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Aye. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. No. Laird. Aye. Limom. Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Ochoa Bogh, no. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Aye. Seyarto. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Wilk.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. No. Dahle. No. Dodd. Aye. Grove. Nguyen. Niello. No. Padilla. Seyarto. No. Wilk. Aye. Grove, I don't know.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes 31. Nos seven. The measure passes. Now, moving on to item 629, going back to our favorite Senator, Senator Cortese. Secretary, please read.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1319 by Assembly Member Wicks an act relating to local government.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, Mr. President. Now, on behalf of Assembly Member Wicks, AB 1319, which enacts targeted modifications to state law governing the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority, as I said earlier, known as BAHFA. BAHFA is governed by the MTC, the association of Bay Area Governments who are sponsors of this Bill in the Bay Area, along with regional advocates for affordable housing. BafA was created to help the Bay Area take a regional perspective to a regional problem, which is housing affordability.
- Dave Cortese
It was created by AB 1487 in 2019 through a collaborative process between the Legislature led by Assembly Member David Chu at the time and our very own Senator McGuire and regional leaders from the Bay Area. When I was an MTC commissioner at that time, I personally sat on the steering committee that shaped AB 1487. So I feel that I'm intimately familiar with the law.
- Dave Cortese
But since BAHFA was created, it has hired an Executive Director developed a business plan, received $20 million from the state to implement pilot programs, and begun preparations for a ballot measure. This Bill clarifies a handful of places where the law needed to be clarified to allow BAHFA to proceed, and it includes modifications necessary to address existing issues. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Cortese seeing no mics up secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gil, Archuletta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballaro, Cortese, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limon, McGuire, Menjivar, Min, Newman, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Min aye. Padilla
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 31, no's eight measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 649. I see that Senator Durazo is prepared.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1104 by Assembly Member Bonta: an acrilane to corrections and rehabilitation.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. President. In 2016, the Legislature directed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to create a mission statement that moved away from punitive punishment and towards a more restorative justice approach. Despite this progress, the penal code has not been updated. AB 1104 aligns Penal Code 1170 with the CDCR's mission statement by making two critical changes. One, that once a person has been sentenced to a term of incarceration, the punishment goal of sentencing is satisfied, meaning that a person's incarceration alone is punishment.
- María Elena Durazo
Second, clarifies that the purpose of incarceration is rehabilitation and preparing for reentry, and highlights the critical role of community-based organizations. It's clearly time for a significant paradigm shift in the way we think about incarceration, rehabilitation and reentry services that provide people with the tools they need to be successful. AB 1104 is supported by a diverse group of organizations, including the Women's Foundation, the California Catholic Conference, and Transformative In-Prison Workgroup with no opposition to the bill. On behalf of Assembly Member Bonta, I respectfully request your aye vote .
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Durazo. Seeing no mics up, Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen? Aye. Alvarado-Gil? No. Archuleta? Aye. Ashby? Aye. Atkins? Becker? Blakespear? Bradford? Aye. Caballero? Aye. Cortese? Aye. Dahle? No. Dodd? Aye. Durazo? Aye. Eggman? Aye. Glazer? Aye. Gonzalez? Aye. Grove? No. Hurtado? Jones? No. Laird? Aye. Limón? Aye. McGuire? Aye. Menjivar? Min? Aye. Newman? Aye. Nguyen? No. Niello? No. Ochoa bogh? Padilla? Portantino? Aye. Roth? Aye. Rubio? Aye. Seyarto? No. Skinner? Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas? Aye. Stern? Aye. Umberg? Aye. Wahab? Aye. Weiner? Aye. Wilk? No.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Atkins. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Hurtado. Menjivar. Ochoa Bogh. No. Padilla.
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes: 27. Noes: 9. Measure passes. Now we're moving back, Members, to file item 591. Senator Ashby? I see Senator Ashby is at her desk. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1707 by Assembly Member Pacheco an act relating to health care.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Mr. President. AB 1707, which I am presenting for Assemblywoman Pacheco, would safeguard all reproductive health care providers under the Healing Arts license from hostile laws in other states with regard to their licensure, as well as the protections of provider staff privileging in the hospital setting. This Bill is supported by a coalition of healthcare providers and has no registered opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Ashby. Seeing no mics up, secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gil, Archuletta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballaro, Cortese, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limon, McGuire, Menjivar, Min, Newman, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Atkins Hurtado McGuire. Aye Ocho-bogh? No Padilla Hurtado.
- Scott Wilk
ayes 30. Nose eight measure passes. And we're moving back to Senator Ashby file item 574. She is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1217 by Assembly Member Gabriel and accolading to business pandemic relief.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Mr. President. Arise today to present Assembly Bill 1217 on behalf of Assembly Member Gabriel. 1217 will support California's restaurants impacted by COVID-19 by preserving outdoor dining across the state, maintaining existing regulatory flexibility related to the outdoor patio and Al Fresco dining by extending the current temporary catering authorization that allows restaurants to serve guests in expanded outdoor dining areas. This bill has received no no votes and has bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Ashby. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38. Nos zero. Okay, I hope I woke everybody up because you seem a little lethargic. And our next four bills are going to be presented by Senator Glazer, who desires your full attention. And with that, we are going to move on to file item 561. Senator Glaser, the floor is yours. Oh, secretary, please read. I'm so excited that I jumped ahead.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 969 by Assembly Member Pellerin in acquisition to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. Let the record reflect that Senator Wilk is not wilted. Members, I'm here to present Assembly Bill 969 on behalf of Assemblymember Pellerin who's chair of the Assembly Elections Committee. AB 969 prevents a jurisdiction from terminating an existing voting system contract without having a replacement contract in place.
- Steven Glazer
The bill does not prevent a jurisdiction from deciding to terminate a voting system contract. It simply says that they must have a replacement ready to go. This bill also prohibits an election official from performing a manual count under certain conditions. This bill reflects our serious integrity issues that we have in the running of an election. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Glazer. Seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
Allen. Aye. Alvarado-Gil. Aye. Archuleta. Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. No. Dodd. Aye. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Aye. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. No. Laird. Aye. Limon, Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. No. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Aye. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Aye. Seyarto. No. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Wiener, Aye. Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
Atkins. Grove. No. Niello. No. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 30, noes, six. The measure passes. Oh, on the urgency, ayes 30, noes, six. On the measure, ayes 30, noes, six. Moving now on to file item 561. I believe that's Senator Glazer. Secretary, please read. See who's running the floor. 589. Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 962 by Assembly Member Vince Fong, an act relating to identification courts.
- Vince Fong
That's not my best. That's not, no. Pass on file. I don't.
- Scott Wilk
Okay, we're going to pass on file. It's anonymous roll calls. I'm surprised you passed on that. Okay, now we're moving on to . . . Senator Glazer. Are you ready for 523? Are you the floor manager on that Bill?
- Steven Glazer
- Scott Wilk
Okay, great. Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 721 by Assembly Member Valencia an act relating to school districts.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. Members, this bill modernizes how school districts are able to post budget meeting notices. This bill provides greater accessibility and cost efficiency for our taxpayers under current law from the 1970s. Requires that county superintendents publish district budget meeting notices in their local papers. This provides flexibility for school districts to continue posting through newspaper mediums or on their website, leaving the decision up to the local officials. This Bill will save education dollars and increase accessibility and transparency, appreciate your consideration and respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Glazer. Seeing no mics up, this measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38. Nos zero. Now, moving on to file item 445.
- Steven Glazer
Backwards here.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazers, are you the floor manager for this Bill? Yeah, you are. Great. Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 592 by Assembly Member Wilson an act relating to vehicles.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazer?
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. This Bill establishes a three year pilot program that would authorize Contra Costa, Solano, and Alameda counties to adopt an ordinance to regulate the transport of solid waste by non franchise solid waste haulers on public roads and unincorporated areas. Illegal dumping is a safety and health nuisance. This Bill takes a measured step to penalize this practice. With that, I respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Glazer. Seeing no mics up, this measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38. Nos zero. Now moving on to file item 559. That would be Senator Limon. And she is up and ready. Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1612 by Assembly Member Pacheco an act relating to clinics.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. I rise to present AB 1612, which will streamline licensing and building standards for community health centers and increase their ability to provide health care to those most in need. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Limon. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38, Nos zero. What now? We're moving on to our next file if you could give us just 1 minute and then we'll proceed. Sorry. I'm sorry, file item 583, Senator Limon she's ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 773 by Assembly Member Pellerin an act relating to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. Today I rise to present AB 773, which eases the candidate filing process by requiring that all county election officials accept submissions of candidate statements of qualifications in other filing forms electronically. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Limon. Seeing no mics up, Secretary, please call the roll. All right, just was told that this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none on the urgency, ayes 38, nos zero on the measure. Ayes 38, nos zero. Now we're going back to file item 589 and I believe Senator Glazer is now not going to pass and is ready to present, so secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 962 by Assembly Member Vince Fong an act relating to identification courts.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of Assembly Member Fong, this bill lowers the fee for reduced fee ID cards by $2 beginning in 2027 enjoyed unanimous support and no opposition. Would that respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, sir. Seeing no mics up, this measure is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. Ayes 38, nos zero. Fine job, Senator Glazer. Now we're take, so we're going to take a two minute break. You guys have been phenomenal today I'm the only one holding you back but we're going to power through. Hold on.
- Scott Wilk
All right, thank you, Members. That was two minutes and 10 seconds. So we're going to need to make up time here. So now we're moving on to file item 557, and that would be Senator Weiner. And he is prepared, so secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill Bill 994 by Assembly Member Jackson an act relating to law enforcement.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Weiner.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise to present AB 994 on behalf of Assembly Member Jackson, which is an LGBTQ Caucus priority Bill. AB 994 builds on work last year AB 1475 and will bring all Californians even more equity, fairness, and privacy. AB 994 strengthens current law in two important ways. First, the Bill requires that a law enforcement agency not dead name an individual and use the names and pronouns that actually pertain to them when they are arrested and when they're posting these mugshots on social media.
- Scott Wiener
Second, AB 994 will also allow for law enforcement to use other legal names or aliases of individuals when posting on social media. If using that name or alias will assist in locating or apprehending the individual if it reduces or eliminates an imminent threat to an individual or public safety, or if there's an exigent circumstance. Lastly, AB 994 will now require that booking photos be taken down from social media after 14 days after being initially posted, unless a given exception applies. Colleagues, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you. Senator Weiner seeing no mics up, Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen? Aye. Alvarado-Gil? Archuleta? Ashby? Atkins? Becker? Blakespear? Bradford? Aye. Caballero? Cortese? Dahle? No. Durazo? Aye. Eggman? Aye. Glazer? Gonzalez? Aye. Grove? No. Hurtado? No. Jones? No. Laird? Aye. Limon?McGuire? Aye. Menjivar? Aye. Min? Newman? Aye. Min? No. Niello? Ochoa Bogh? No. Padilla? Portantino? Aye. Roth? Aye. Rubio? Seyarto? No. Skinner? Aye. Smallwood? Aye. Stern? Umberg? Aye. Wahab? Aye. Weiner? Aye. Wilk? No.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil, Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
- Committee Secretary
Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Becker. Aye. Blakespeare. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dodd. Glazer. Limon. Aye. Min. Niello.
- Committee Secretary
Padilla. Rubio. Stern.
- Roger Niello
- Henry Stern
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, call the absent Members one final time.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. No. Atkins. Dodd. Glazer. Aye. Min. Padilla, Rubio. Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes, 25. Nos, 11. The measure passes. Now, moving on to item 536. Senator Weiner is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1308by Senate Member Quirk-Silva an act relating to land use.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
I thank you, Mr. President. I rise to present AB 1308 on behalf of Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. AB 1308 prohibits new minimum parking requirements when someone is remodeling updating or adding to a single family residence, as long as the project stays within the floor area ratio restriction.
- Scott Wiener
Current regulations can force homeowners to add one or even two additional parking spaces simply because they're updating remodeling expanding their home, which can cost an enormous amount of money and can be infeasible regardless of the type of remodel. Even if it's adding just a small bathroom. They can be required to add a two car garage. That is not reasonable. And AB 1388 would make sure that that does not happen. This does not apply to new housing. This is about remodels. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Wiener. Seeing no mics up, Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta. Ashby. Aye. Atkins. Becker. Aye. Blakespear. Aye. Bradford. Aye. Caballero. Aye. Cortese. Aye. Dahle. Dodd. Aye. Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Aye. Glazer. Aye. Gonzalez. Aye. Grove. Hurtado. Jones. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye. McGuire. Aye. Menjivar. Aye. Min. Aye. Newman. Aye. Nguyen. Niello. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Roth. Aye. Rubio. Seyarto. No. Skinner. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Stern. Aye. Umberg. Aye. Wahab. Aye. Wiener. Aye. Wilk. No.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Aye. Archuleta. Atkins. Dahle. Grove. No. Hurdado. Aye. Jones. No. Nguyen. Niello. No. Ochoa Bogh. Padilla. Portantino. Rubio. Rubio. Aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes, 28. Nos, five. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 547. Senator Wiener. is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1288 by Assembly Member Rendon and accolading to health coverage.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Weiner.
- Scott Wiener
I thank you, Mr. President. I rise present AB 1288 on behalf of Assembly Member Rendon, which prohibits commercial health plans from imposing a prior authorization before patients can access medication, assisted treatment for substance use disorder. These medications, for example, Naloxone or Narcan, can help with detoxification, can reverse overdoses, and are lifesavers. Prior authorization creates an unnecessary barrier and delay, and we should eliminate them, which this bill does. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Senator Weiner. Seeing no mics up, Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen? Aye. Alvarado-Gil? Archuleta? Aye. Ashby. Aye. Atkins? Becker? Aye. Blakespear? Bradford? Aye. Caballero? Aye. Cortese? Aye. Dahle? Aye. Dodd? Aye. Durazo? Aye. Eggman? Aye. Glazer? Aye. Gonzalez? Aye. Grove? Aye. Hurtado? Aye. Jones? Aye. Laird? Limón? Aye. McGuire? Aye. Menjivar? Aye. Min? Newman? Aye. Nguyen? Niello? Aye. Ochoa Bogh? Aye. Padilla? Portantino? Aye. Roth? Aye. Rubio? Aye. Seyarto? Skinner? Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas? Aye. Stern? Aye. Umberg? Aye. Wahab? Aye. Weiner? Aye. Wilk? Aye.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil? Aye. Atkins? Blakespear? Aye. Laird? Aye. Min? Aye. Nguyen? Padilla? Seyarto?
- Unidentified Speaker
Ayes: 36. Noes: 0. Measure passes. Now, Members, moving on to file item 600. I see that Senator Laird is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1341 by Assembly Member Berman in accolades to public health and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Unidentified Speaker
Mayor Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Mr. President. AB 1341 will extend the current authority of local pharmacists to provide therapeutic treatments for COVID-19 without a prescription until 2025. There's support on both sides. I ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Yes. Thank you. Got it. Seeing no mics up. This is eligible, free, unanimous roll call. Any objections? Seeing none. ayes 38. No zero on the urgency. Ayes 38. No zero on the measure. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 567. I see that Senator Menjivar is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 282 by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry in allocade to Healing Arts.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Menjivar, the floor is yours.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I rise on behalf of the Assembly Speaker Pro Tem, to present AB 282. This Bill will streamline the licensure process for psychologists by allowing applicants to take required examinations at any time after they complete the qualifying coursework. Has support support? Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Menjivar. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection? Seeing none. Ayes 38. No zero, measure passes. Moving on now to file item 479 again, Senator Menjivar, she's once again prepared secretary please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1187 by Assemblymember Quirk-Silva in accolade to crime victims and making an appropriation.
- Scott Wilk
Therefore, Senator Menjabar, thank you again.
- Caroline Menjivar
Colleagues, today. Now I'm rising on behalf of Assemblymember Quirk-Silva for Assembly Bill 1187. A crucial Bill allowing child victims of crime access to services from certified child life specialists under licensed providers ace or adverse childhood experiences have lasting effects into adulthood, including PTSD, patterns of violence, chronic health problems, mental illness, illness and substance abuse. Children who are survivors of abuse, neglect, family violence, et cetera, deserve support from highly skilled and trained professionals such as Certified Child Life Specialists.
- Caroline Menjivar
These children and families are in the dire need of grief interventions to lessen suffering, promote resilience, and mitigate the potential effects over their lifespan. AB 1187 expands a much-needed pool of behavioral health specialists available to provide essential services to these children and families. The Bill has no opposition, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Seeing no mics up, secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker aye, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzales aye, Grove, Hurtado aye, Jones, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Min, Newman, Nguyen, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Umbeg aye, Wahab aye, Wiener aye Wilk aye. Secretary, please call the absent. Atkins, Dahle, Grove, Jones, Min aye, Nguyen, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Seyarto.
- Scott Wilk
On the urgency. ayes 32. No. Zero.Ayes 32. No zero. Measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 565. Senator Umberg he is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 342 by Assemblymember Valencia and acclimating to professions and vocations.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, AB 342 will give the California Architects Board and the Bureau of Real Estate appraisers the authority to request demographic information regarding race, ethnicity, gender expression and sexual orientation of its licensees I ask for your aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Senator Umberg. Seeing no mics up, secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye, Alvarado-Gil aye, Archuleta aye, Ashby aye, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear aye, Bradford aye, Caballero aye, Cortese aye, Dahle, Dodd aye, Durazo aye, Eggman aye, Glazer aye, Gonzales aye, Grove, Hurtado aye, Jones, Laird aye, Limon aye, McGuire aye, Menjivar aye, Nguyen aye, Niello aye, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino aye, Roth aye, Rubio aye, Seyarto aye, Skinner aye, Smallwood-Cuevas aye, Stern aye, Humbert aye, Wahab aye, Weiner aye, Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Atkins, Becker, Dahle, Grove, Jones, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 33, no zero, measure passes. Now, moving on to file item 565, going back to Senator Umberg. Oh, yeah, we just did 565. This is going to be our last Bill, by the way. I'm calling it quits. Okay. With that, we're going to go to file item 556. Senator Umberg is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
So secretary please read Assembly Bill 1027 by Assemblymember Petrie-Norris in accolade to social media platforms.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Well, Mr. President, I'm sorry to see or hear that you're quitting here. Hope it's nothing that I said. The purpose of this Bill is to address the drug crisis in California, in particular Fentanyl, and what it does, it requires social media platforms to include in their already required policy statements a general description of the platform's policy on the retention of electronic communication and sharing of specified information.
- Thomas Umberg
It adds existing terms of service concerning reporting requirements and an obligation to disclose those policies on addressing the distribution of controlled substances. Also requires that the retention of certain information for 90 days. Urge an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Senator Umberg. Seeing no mics up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections? There is an objection on the floor. So with that, Secretary please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil aye. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman. Glazer aye. Gonzales. grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen aye. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh Aye. Padilla. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Atkins, Eggman aye. Gonzalez, Padilla, Smallwood-Cuevas
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 36, no zero, measure passes. We are going to take a slight pause here. Do not leave the chambers.
- Scott Wilk
Members, I have some good news. We're going to lift the calls, and we have three. First up is file item 582. I can't even read 562. Secretary please call the roll. Absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Dahle, Jones, Padilla, Seyarto, Umberg aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 35, no zero, measure passes. Moving on to file item 576. Secretary, please call the absent Members. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Padilla, Umberg aye.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 39, no zero, measure passes. Now moving on to file item 603. Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Dodd aye. Hurtado no. Limon. Min. Newman aye. Padilla. Portantino. Roth. Wahab. Rubio aye to no. Wahab aye.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary call the absent Members, one more time.
- Committee Secretary
Wahab, I don't know. Limon. Min. Padilla. Portantino. Roth.
- Scott Wilk
Ayes 21, noes 14, measure passes.
- Shannon Grove
- Scott Wilk
So with that, Senator Grove if there's no other business, the desk is clear.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, great job today. We started at 02:00. It is now 5:09. And we dispensed with 67 Assembly Bills and one Senate Bill. We're a little off-kilter here. We should probably focus on some Senate Bills when they come back. Hopefully, we'll do that in the next few days. Total number of bills dispensed with today is 68 bills, in case you do not know. I guess I can't say that.
- Scott Wilk
- Shannon Grove
Bradford's buying dinner.
- Scott Wilk
No, you cannot, cannot say that.
- Shannon Grove
Okay, never mind. God bless you guys. Have a wonderful evening.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator. Thank you, Senator Grove. The Senate has adjourned, and we will reconvene Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 10:00 A.M.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: September 12, 2023
Previous bill discussion: May 31, 2023