Assembly Standing Committee on Education
- Al Muratsuchi
Good evening. It's working. Okay. I am calling this hearing of the Assembly Education Committee to order. Will the Secretary please call the role to establish Quorum?
- Committee Secretary
Muratsuchi, Here. Dahle, Here. Juan Carrillo, Here. Hoover, Here. Lee, McCarty. Quirk-Silva.
- Al Muratsuchi
Quorum has been established. We have one Bill on file. Assembly Bill 1433 by Speaker Emeritus Rendon. Yes, I will skip all the formalities. Speaker Emeritus, welcome.
- Anthony Rendon
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Members, AB 1433 will make certain that school construction projects funded by General Fund Dollars employ prequalified contractors who will perform safe and reliable work on our schools. In 2020, a portion of Linwood High School in my district collapsed due to poor construction work. We're working to rebuild Lynwood High School through a General Fund appropriation and pre qualified contractors. However, current law does not explicitly require this standard.
- Anthony Rendon
Pre qualification will compel contractors to disclose information, including their qualifications, business history, or even potential violations they may have committed. This Bill will require that regardless of the state funding, source, trustworthy contractors are working on school facility projects. By doing so, we can protect our students and staff by helping to guarantee that incidents like the one at Linwood High School never happen again in any part of our state.
- Anthony Rendon
I'd like to add that the collapse of the school structure happened during the middle of COVID And if it wasn't for that, if students had been students and faculty had been on the campus would have been far worse. Ask for your aye vote.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you. Do you got to call Misty to be a witness. No witnesses.
- Anthony Rendon
No witnesses.
- Al Muratsuchi
Okay. All right. Thank you.
- Anthony Rendon
We had one, but they're not going to come. They're not coming. They thought I could handle this. Okay.
- Al Muratsuchi
All right. I don't see any Members of the public any public comment in support of the Bill? Seeing none. Are there any witnesses in opposition? Seeing none. Public comment in opposition? Seeing none. Bring it back to the Committee for any questions.
- Al Muratsuchi
All right. Seeing no comment. Speaker Emeritus, would you like to close?
- Anthony Rendon
Ask for your aye vote. Thank you, Members.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. Madam Secretary, please call the roll
- Committee Secretary
AB 1433. The motion is that the Senate amendments be concurred in.
- Committee Secretary
Mersuchi, Aye. Dahle Aye, Juan Carrillo, Aye. Hoover, Aye. Lee. McCarty. Quirk-Silva.
- Al Muratsuchi
Bill is out.
- Anthony Rendon
Thank you. Thank you, Members.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. All right, this hearing is adjourned.
- Unidentified Speaker
I know we're still trying to dig into this. How long do you think we should.
Committee Action:Passed
Previous bill discussion: August 14, 2023