Senate Floor
- Anna Caballero
Madam Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Alvarado-Gill, Arcelletta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballero, Cortese, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limon, Mcguire, Menjivar, Min. Newman, Wynn, Niello, Ochoa-Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Anna Caballero
A quorum is present. Would the Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery please rise? We will be led in prayer this afternoon by our chaplain, Mary Sister Michelle Gorman, after which, please remain standing. We will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag by Senator Durazo.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
So let us bring ourselves, our minds and bodies and hearts into God's presence. In his world renowned book, the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz offers a practical guide for personal freedom. One, be impeccable with your word. Two, don't take anything personally. Three, don't make assumptions. Four, always do your best. So we pray. Gracious and loving creator, we thank you for the leadership of today's Latino Spirit Awardees.
- María Elena Durazo
By the witness of their lives, they have shown themselves to be role models in the art of bringing the best of themselves to their work for the betterment of humankind. Their generosity of spirit has led them to focus on education, social justice and service to others, as well as the joy they bring through music, art and literary work. We ask you to keep them in your care and hold them in your love.
- María Elena Durazo
As they continue to inspire courage, strength and resilience in all those seeking to flourish in an intercultural and sometimes alienating society. May they continue to exemplify the spirit of their rich and diverse Latino heritage. For the benefit of all those who follow them. We ask this in your name. Amen.
- Committee Secretary
Colleagues, please join me. I pledge allegiance to the flag of.
- Unidentified Speaker
The United States of America.
- Anna Caballero
Members, we're going to move on to privileges of the floor. Without objection. The next order of business will be file item number 55. Senate Resolution 25. Senator Gonzalez is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Please read Senate Resolution 24 by Senator Gonzalez relative to Cinco De Mayo Week.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Gonzalez at the Majority leader's desk.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you, Madam President. As chair. As Vice Chair of the Latino Caucus, it is my honor to rise today to present SR 24, which memorializes Cinco De Mayo as a significant date in Mexican and California history. On May 562, at the Battalion De Puebla in Mexico, a small army of indigenous Mexicans, outnumbered and outgunned, formulated a strong resistance and defeated a French colonial force. A force that was larger, better trained, and very equipped.
- Lena Gonzalez
Despite a severe lack of resources, the Mexican army's determination to be free from colonization carried them to a historic victory. We recognize Cinco De Mayo because it serves as a symbol of our Mexican culture, resilience, and character.
- Lena Gonzalez
Cinco De Mayo serves to remind us that the foundation of our nation and our state and its people in their spirit and courage in the face of adversity, in the strength of their drive to achieve self determination, and in their willingness to sacrifice even life itself in the pursuit of freedom and liberty. Latinos in California have challenged the frontiers of social, economic, and environmental justice and have strengthened and uplifted our community in so many different ways.
- Lena Gonzalez
We are at the forefront of issues that impact our community's livelihood and well being, ensuring that we are civically engaged and represented at the local, state, and national level. We continue to make real and meaningful investments in our children and ensure higher education is affordable and accessible regardless of immigration status. We understand the storied plight of our farm workers and their families, especially during the pandemic, and have worked to ensure that they are recognized as the essential workers they are for our state and nation.
- Lena Gonzalez
So on this day, when we recognize the courage, strength, and the importance of the symbolism of the victory of the Batalla de Puebla by Mexican forces, the Latino Caucus is proud to share with you the courage, strength, and resilience that is embodied in the spirit of the 11 Latino leaders we've selected to receive our annual Latino Spirit Award today.
- Lena Gonzalez
The biographies of the 11 Latino Spirit Award honorees who will be honored today can be found on the programs we've made available to all Senators and I hope you all can read them. They are exceptional group of leaders who we feel are proud that we are proud to recognize because of their dedication and passion to positively representing our diverse Latino culture and heritage. Members, I am honored to celebrate our rich heritage and culture with you today.
- Lena Gonzalez
I thank you for any supportive comments and I respectfully ask for an I.
- Anna Caballero
Vote thank you, Senator Min thank you, Madam President.
- Dave Min
On behalf of the AAPI Legislative Caucus, I rise in support of SR 24. As was mentioned, Cinco De Mayo recognizes the courage of the Mexican people who defeated a better trained and equipped army at the Batalla De Pueblo and reminds us the foundation of any nation is his people. Let's always celebrate the underdog and we in the API Legislative Caucus stand with our Latino brothers and sisters celebrating their accomplishments and heritage. The courage and sacrifice of those who want freedom and liberty should be commended.
- Dave Min
I ask you, joining me in supporting SR 24.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Madam President. As Vice Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, I, too, rise in strong support of Sr 24 and proclaiming May 1 as the start of California Cinco De Mayo Week and to acknowledge the Latino Spirit Awards. We recognize Cinco De Mayo as an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of Mexico's victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Pueblo in 1862. The Legislative Black Caucus recognizes Cinco De Maya. Celebrations are part of our very fabric of California.
- Steven Bradford
And we understand that it is up to our youth, like those Spirit Award winners, being honored here today to continue to keep the rich history and traditions of Cinco De Maya week alive for future generations to come. Today we stand in unity with the Latino Caucus and our brothers and sisters of that caucus, as well as with all of our non-Latino partners who celebrate the historic battle fought.
- Steven Bradford
And in honor of young Latino Spirit Award winners and the brave resolve that they demonstrated, we acknowledge their heroes, Mexican citizens displayed when they stood their ground on their own sovereign land. We must always remember the strong tradition set forth by the past and the warrior spirit of tomorrow's future. Latino leaders. Members, it is with great pleasure and support that we celebrate not only Cinco De Mayo Day, but Cinco De Ma Week. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Madam President. Members of the Senate, I rise before you today as a Member of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus to express my resounding support for Sr 24. Cinco De Mayo, or May 5, as in Spanish, commemorates the extraordinary victory of the Mexican people fighting the French invasion of 1862. At the time, the French army was recognized as the best, strongest army in the world.
- Susan Rubio
And Mexico, which was coming out of a difficult internal war, in debt, with little ammunition and with an army that was mostly made up of volunteers, soldiers who had never seen battle before, managed to overcome a much better armed French empire with nothing but will, courage and determination. The achievement of the underdog resonates deeply with the Jewish community as they, too, have a long history of triumphing against all odds. In fact, the phrase David and Goliath originates from the Jewish history.
- Susan Rubio
The Battle of Puebla, as Cinco De Mayo is known, is truly a David versus Goliath. Cinco De Mayo embodies the struggle against colonialism, which is a universal fight for human rights and justice. This occasion serves as a reminder that the quest for freedom and liberation is a cause that we can all get behind. It reminds us that the spirit of the resistance and perseverance knows no boundaries and is something that we must all uphold.
- Susan Rubio
It is also appropriate to acknowledge that Latinos are an important, integral part of the Jewish community. According to recent research, 25% of Latinos have significant Jewish ancestry, which includes my family, who were forced to hide their fate during the Inquisition. As a community that has experienced the impact of untracked power firsthand, the Jewish people can relate to the struggle against imperialism.
- Susan Rubio
It is also vital to recognize that Mexico was a beacon of anti fascism during World War II and the Holocaust, providing a refuge for many Jewish people. Seeking a haven from the horrors in Eastern and Central Europe, the Mexican people opened their doors to welcome the Jewish community, providing people with safety and support in a time of need. As a community, we take great pride in joining Mexican American siblings and celebrating Cinco De Mayo.
- Susan Rubio
We are proud to stand in solidarity with the Mexican community and honor the spirit of resistance and freedom that is present. Additionally, we would like to extend our congratulations to the honorees of this year's Latino Spirit Award and commend the hard work of the Latino Caucus in organizing this annual event. In closing, it is an honor to vote in favor of Sr 24 on behalf of the Jewish Caucus, we urge you and our colleagues to vote aye on this resolution.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Madam President. Members, I rise on behalf of the Legislative Women's Caucus in support of this resolution, and it is a pleasure to honor the Latino Spirit Award recipients today and to see the very impressive group of women among them. And they are a testament to the intersection of opportunity, hard work, community support that all of those things can do to uplift and inspire.
- Nancy Skinner
As our colleague from the Jewish Caucus referenced, Cinco De Mayo celebrates the victory of the underdogs, the side that had fewer resources and smaller numbers. Yet they won the day today, Latinas and the entire Latino community. So both Latinas and Latin men, but I want to stay specific to Latinas continue to be underestimated and undervalued. Latinas do not achieve equal pay. Their equal payday in any year is October eigth.
- Nancy Skinner
Latinas must work 21 months to earn what a white, non-Hispanic man earns in just 12 months. So we know there's a lot of work to be done to close that pay gap and to close the opportunity gap. More workforce development, more educational opportunities, more high road job opportunities, as our other colleague from Los Angeles references. And of course, better access to childcare so women can return to work and are not burdened by high costs of childcare.
- Nancy Skinner
So I want to thank all of you for working on these issues with us. And I reiterate my congratulations to the Spirit Awardees, and I request an aye vote Members.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any further discussion or debate, Senator Eggman?
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Very much, Madam President. I rise today on behalf of the LGBT caucus to recognize SR 24 and Latino Spirit Week. And I'm also proud to say the majority of our LGBT caucus happens to be Latino. So we are really standing in solidarity with all the recipients today. And we certainly know what it's like to come from behind and rise above. And we raise our hats to all the winners today. We know oftentimes, especially as part of our community, have a little bit extra struggle.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
But the love of our family, the vibrancy of our culture is what helps us continue to carry forth. The LGBT LGBT community and the Latino community have always been very linked in our arts and our passion and our music, and we celebrate all of you today, and I ask for your aye vote on Sr 24.
- Anna Caballero
Any further discussion or debate? Any further discussion or debate? Saying none. Senator Gonzalez, you may conclude.
- Lena Gonzalez
I thank my colleagues for their incredible comments, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Nancy Skinner
Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil, aye. Archuleta, aye. Ashby, aye. Atkins. Aye Becker. Aye Blakespear Bradford aye Caballero. Aye Cortese. Aye Dahle. Aye Dodd aye derazzo aye Eggman aye Glazer Gonzalez. Aye Grove. Aye Seyarto. Aye Jones aye Laird. Aye Limone. Aye Mcguire. Aye Menjivar. Aye Min. Min. Newman aye Wynn. Aye Niello. Aye Achoa. Bogue. Aye Padilla.
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Blakespear, Glazer, Min. Men. I Wilk.
- Anna Caballero
Ayes 37. No, zeros
- Anna Caballero
The resolution is adopted. Members under privileges of the floor, Senator Gonzalez and the California Latino Legislative Caucus will introduce the 2023 Latino Spirit Award honorees. We ask all Members to remain seated during the ceremony, and we will ask all the Members to come up for a group upon a group picture upon completion of the ceremony. Senator Gonzalez, the floor is yours.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Madam President. As Vice Chair of the California Latino Legislative Caucus, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you some very special guests joining us today, our 2023 Latino Spirit Award honorees. The Latino Spirit Awards were founded 22 years ago by the Latino Caucus to highlight contributions made by leaders of our diverse community. Our honorees are bold, they're inspiring and passionate leaders that truly embody a Latino spirit, and I'm proud to share many of their accomplishments with you all today.
- Lena Gonzalez
Also, this Latino Spirit Award show, the Beaded Bear. I'm not supposed to read that. I just said that out loud, though, which every one of our honorees will receive is a bear made in Nayarit, Mexico. It's the Wecho Chakira art style and every award has been given one and it's made in its own unique pattern, so there's no two that are alike. And this is all for our Latino Spirit Award honorees, which is incredible.
- Lena Gonzalez
So with that, I'd like to start off by introducing our very first honoree, Yvette Merino. Yvette is not only a great friend, but she is the Academy Award winning producer of Encanto and the first Latina to receive an Oscar for the animated feature.
- Lena Gonzalez
Marino was first arrived at Walt Disney Animation Studios over 25 years ago and has worked in a variety of production capacities on some of the most popular animated features of all time, including Oscar winning feature Big Hero Six, as well as the Oscar nominated Moana. Merino also helped start vosses at Disney, the studio's First Latinx Employee Resource Group, where she served as copresident for two years. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in Arts and Entertainment honoree Yvette Merino.
- Lena Gonzalez
Diaz brothers Joel, Antonio and Julio the Diaz brothers are Mexican former professional boxers who for over 20 years have continuously put the Coachella Valley on the map for boxing, as trainers and as world Boxing champions. Antonio is the former International Boxing Association light welterweight and WBO Latino light middleweight champion. Julio 'The Kid' Diaz is a former IBF lightweight world champion. Joel is a former IBF Intercontinental champion, but now retired from competing in the ring.
- Lena Gonzalez
The Diaz brothers run their own Diaz training camp in the Coachella Valley. Led by Joel, this camp trains many current and future champions and educates and trains on self defense techniques and combat sports. Please join me in also welcoming the Diaz Brothers for their 2023 achievement in Athletic honoree. You yeah, we don't want to mess with them. Raised on both sides of the border, San Diego and Tijuana, and as a first generation Latina and college graduate, Elsa Marie Collins works hard to represent her community.
- Lena Gonzalez
She co founded Podaristas, which is focused on Latina civic engagement and voting and this is about humanity, an organization raising awareness and funds for separated and reunified families at the US Mexico border. This is about humanity most recently opened a relief kitchen where they fed 3000 children and families seeking asylum. The organization supports unaccompanied minors, families and the LGBTQ plus community, inclusive of support for housing, food security, legal services, educational resources and other basic needs.
- Lena Gonzalez
Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in Human Rights Honoree Elsa Marie Collins. Next we have Bamby Salcedo is a transgender Latina activist known for her passionate and productive social, political and economic influence. As the President and CEO of the Trans-latina Coalition, Bambi steadily leads this nationally recognized organization that advocates for and addresses the issues of transgender Latinas throughout the United States.
- Lena Gonzalez
Bamby's wide ranging activist work has brought visibility and given a voice to not only the Trans community, but to countless others whose efforts focus on critical topics that include immigration, HIV at risk youth, LGBTQI plus issues, incarceration and much more. Through her dynamic leadership, Bamby has developed several organizations that have networks and connections where there were none, including the Center for Violence Prevention and Transgender and Wellness in Los Angeles. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in Human Rights Honoree Bamby Salcedo.
- Lena Gonzalez
All of our honorees are so incredible David Perez Tejada Padilla has over 15 years of experience in public service, holding several positions at the local, state and federal levels. As a congressman representing the State of Baja California, he led economic development, climate change and housing initiatives. David has also held several leadership positions in business organizations on both sides of the border, including San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce.
- Lena Gonzalez
He currently serves as Director of Bi-national affairs at the State of Baja California, where he works tirelessly to relaunch the Commission of the Californias and collaborates with stakeholders on both sides of the border to boost the regional economic innovation. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in Public Service honoree David Perez-Tejada Padilla. Next we have Graciela Moreno. She is an Emmy Award winning journalist at KFSN ABC 30 in Fresno, California.
- Lena Gonzalez
In 1997, she was the first journalist in the Central Valley to cross over from a Spanish language television station to anchor the news in the market's number one English language television station, ABC 30. She has spent the last 26 years at ABC 30, anchoring and covering major stories, using her bilingual skills to amplify voices with the Latino community.
- Lena Gonzalez
Moreno also mentors young Latino professionals and is a frequent speaker at valley schools and adult programs where she encourages students of all ages to set goals and pursue their academic dreams. Please join me in again welcoming our 2023 achievement in journalism and media. Graciela Moreno. Good. Don Miguel Ruiz is the internationally bestselling author of the series of books, including the Four Agreements, which boasts over 10 million copies sold in the US alone and translations into 46 languages.
- Lena Gonzalez
Since its release in 1997, Don Miguel has published more than a dozen books, each going deeper into the wisdom that defines his unique teaching and life experience by exploring the human mind from a shamanic as well as scientific perspective, Don Miguel has combined old wisdom with modern insights, creating a new message for all mankind. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 Achievement and literature honoree Don Miguel Ruiz. Irene M. Gutierrez, also known as DJ Irene, is an artistic sensation and America's most loved DJ.
- Lena Gonzalez
Her music trajectory began at East LA House parties led her to circus Disco as she eventually became an established resident DJ at Arena in Hollywood, California, where for 15 years she filled the venue to capacity with 18 produced mixed albums. She is the top selling female DJ in the United States with remixes that include Lady Gaga and Madonna.
- Lena Gonzalez
With a bachelor's and master's degree in Music, Irene passionately teaches college students in urban communities and continues to keep her fans dancing worldwide in the most sought after venues. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in music and entertainment. Honoree Irene Mejia Gutierrez DJ Irene. Miguel Angel Elizondo, Jr. Is a Grammy Award winning producer, songwriter and musician who has collaborated with major artists across many genres.
- Lena Gonzalez
In addition to an 11 year partnership with Dr. Dre, Elizondo has produced songs for Eminem, Carrie Underwood, Fiona Apple, Ed Sheeran and many more artists. In 2016, Lynn Manuel Miranda asked him to produce three songs in the Hamilton mixtape. He recently reunited with Lin Manuel to coproduce the music for Disney's Encanto, which he received a Grammy for Best Compilation for Visual media. He also received the Grammy for Best Folk Album for Madison Cunningham's album Revealer.
- Lena Gonzalez
Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in music and entertainment. Honoree Miguel Angel Elizondo Jr. Patricia Guerrero is no stranger to the Senate Floor. She is the 29th Chief Justice of California, making history as the first Latina to serve as California's Chief Justice when she first joined the California Supreme Court as an associate justice in March 2022. Chief Justice Guerrero was also the first Latina to serve on the state's High court.
- Lena Gonzalez
Prior to being elevated to the California Supreme Court, Chief Justice Guerrero served as an Associate justice at the Fourth District Court of Appeal, Division One as a judge at the Superior Court of San Diego County and was a supervising judge of its Family Law division in 2017. Chief Justice Guerrero is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and was born and raised in California's Imperial Valley. Please join me in welcoming our 2023 achievement in law and public service. Honoree Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero. Out last honoree could not be here.
- Lena Gonzalez
Gustavo Tudamel is one of the most decorated conductors of his generation, driven by the belief that music has the power to transform lives and to change the world. He is currently the art Director at the LA thought Phil Harmonic and that concludes our 11 honorees. And I want to thank my colleagues for indulging us. And I really just thank the 11 honorees for all the incredible work they've done on behalf of the Latino Caucus. I got it.
- Anna Caballero
Members. Now I'd like to ask the honorees to please come forward to the desk. We're going to take a picture of the honorees. After the picture of the honorees, we'll take a picture with the Latino Caucus and then after that with the full Senate could waTch. If you could look for the. If you Members, if you could just let the photographer handle this and you may have to turn sideways to be able to squish in next.
- Anna Caballero
If we could get the Members of the Latino Caucus to join our honorees up front. Everybody get close. Pretend you're friends. Now the rest of the Senate, whoever wants to get in a picture, it's a call for everybody. Now you really have to act like your friends Members on the okay. They asked us. They asked us to go ahead.
- Lena Gonzalez
Your leadership so you could do it.
- Anna Caballero
Okay, everybody. One23.
- Lena Gonzalez
It, it.
- Anna Caballero
She got.
- Lena Gonzalez
- Anna Caballero
Okay. Guess they got it. I don't know. Psych.
- Anna Caballero
Members, the Senate will reconvene in 30 seconds.
- Anna Caballero
Congratulations to all our honorees. We're honored to have you join us here in the Senate today. And on behalf of Senators Alan and Bradford, the California State Senate welcomes members from Leadership Torrance to the chambers, as well.
- Anna Caballero
We're pleased and proud to have you join us here today. Members, we're going to move on with our agenda. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read, messages from the Assembly will be deemed read, reports of Committee will be deemed read, and amendments adopted.
- Anna Caballero
Members, we're going to move on to motions, resolutions, and notices. Without objection. The Senate Journals for April 24, 2023 through April 27, 2023 will be approved as corrected by the Minute Clerk. Members are going to move on to consideration of the daily file. We're going to take up the second reading file. Madam Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 676. SB 1, SB 778, with amendments. SB 7, with amendments. SB 440, with amendments. SB 563, with amendments.
- Anna Caballero
The second reading file will be deemed read, and we're going to move on to governor's appointment. File item number 32. Senator Grove is ready. Please read. No. Senator Grove, the floor is yours.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues. I have file item 32 is a confirmation of Sean Duryee as the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol. He started his career at the CHP as an officer nearly 25 years ago, and prior to his appointment, he was serving as the acting Commissioner.
- Shannon Grove
He's an asset to the California Highway Patrol and to the State of California and the safety of its citizens that drive on that road. You know, he started out as a motorcycle cop, but no one's perfect.
- Shannon Grove
But I ask all of you for your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate? seeing none. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes. 37. No, 0. The appointment is confirmed. Moving on to file item number 33. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. And just for clarification, I was only digging on Commissioner Duryee for just a little bit. He's a great guy, and thank you for his confirmation. File item 33 is a confirmation of Joe Stephenshaw as Director of Department of Finance prior to his role at the governor's office, serving at the governor's office.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. I just want to lend my voice in strong support of Mr. Stefanshaw. Of all the appointments that I've been able to vote on over the last 12 years since being in the Senate, I think this is one of the most qualified individuals that I've met.
- Steven Bradford
Many times, we think it's about the policy, but it's about the finance that makes this operation work. And Joe is one of the most skilled individuals. He's always calm, he's prepared, and he's just a smooth operator.
- Steven Bradford
And he gives me so much confidence when I'm sitting in the room. That he's telling us what we need to know. And helps us make great decisions when it comes to the financial well being of the State of California. So I'm honored to say I strongly encourage his appointment today. So thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. In addition to what the Senator from Gardena said about Mr. Stephenshaw. I am coming in as a new Senator on the Budget Committee. He was there. He taught me.
- María Elena Durazo
He explained things to me. He was patient with me. No matter what question I had. I am so proud to know him and to see him rise, especially to this particular Department and as Director. So I wholeheartedly support his appointment.
- Anna Caballero
Any further discussion or debate? Further discussion or debate? If not, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes, 37. No, 0. The appointment is confirmed. Members, if you could take any conversation off the floor in the back of the room. It's real hard to hear up here with all the chitter chatter going on. Thank you. File item number 34, Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. Colleagues. Leanna Bailey Crimsons is the Director of Department of Technology. Prior to this appointment, she was serving as the Department of State's Chief Technology Officer. She started her career at the service of over 35 years ago and has served in eight different state departments.
- Shannon Grove
She really is an incredible asset to the state when it comes to technology and just the advancement of where we need to be to make sure that we're competitive and also that we maintain the security of our systems. She was approved on the Rules Committee, by the Rules Committee on April 19. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate? Any discussion or debate? Seeing none, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes, 37. No, 0. The appointment is confirmed. Members, we're going to move on to Senate third reading and take up file item number 46, SB 412. Senator Archuleta, are you ready? He is.
- Anna Caballero
Please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 412 by Senator Archuleta, an act relating to criminal procedure.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Archuleta, the floor is yours.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Madam President and members. Today I'm presenting Senate Bill 412. To ensure all crime victims are treated equally in how much notice they must provide to the Board of Parole hearings in order to attend a hearing.
- Bob Archuleta
Current regulations require that direct victims of a crime to provide 15-day notice to the board of their intent to attend a hearing. But it is required that indirect victims, such as their family members and others, to provide 30-day notice if they are also wishing to attend a parole hearing.
- Bob Archuleta
This Bill would simply require that all victims need only to provide a 15-day notice. By aligning all notifications to 15 days, this Bill eliminates confusion and ensures that families can be heard.
- Bob Archuleta
The current rules regarding victim notification are contrary to the definition of a victim under Marsy's Law and the state constitution. Marsy's Laws defines a victim as a person who suffers direct or threatens/being threatened, physical, psychological or financial harm as a result of the commission or attempted commission of a crime.
- Bob Archuleta
The term victim, under Marsy's Law also includes the person's spouse, parents, children, siblings or guardian. And includes a lawful representation of a crime and the representative of the crime victim who is deceased, a minor, or physically or psychologically unable to participate.
- Bob Archuleta
Murder cases and others where the direct victim are deceased or unable to physically or mentally participate highlights the need for the Bill. In these cases, there is no direct victim that can testify.
- Bob Archuleta
This means that there is effectively a tougher notification standard for homicide cases than for cases in a living victim. This is not the right, and this is not right or fair for families that have lost their loved ones. California must not punish their families by letting confusion in the law cause them to miss a hearing.
- Bob Archuleta
Notification requirements are extremely strict. Missing the deadline by even a day, means that a victim will likely be unable to attend the hearing.
- Bob Archuleta
Senate Bill 412 provides equal opportunity for all victims by creating a uniform 15-day notification requirement. This Bill is supported by the California District Attorneys Association, the Sheriff's Association, and has received unanimous bipartisan support. I respectfully ask your aye vote and thank you for your time.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate? Seeing none. This item is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using it? Seeing none. Ayes, 37. No, 0. The measure is adopted. Moving on to file item number 69. Senator Skinner, SB 25. She is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
She is prepared pease read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 25 by Senator Skinner. An act relating to elections.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Skinner, the floor is yours.
- Nancy Skinner
Thanks so much, Madam President. Members, SB 25 deals with a specific aspect of our election law that states if you are a person that is going to be a candidate for public office in California to file your declaration of candidacy, you must do it before an elections official in person in the State of California.
- Nancy Skinner
So let's say you're in circumstance where you are taking care of a relative in another state, or you're a Congress Member, for example, and you must be in session during that time, and you can't physically be in California to get that declaration signed. So what this bill does is allow for a person to file their declaration of candidacy before a notary public anywhere and to be able to submit that declaration of candidacy to our Secretary of State and be viable.
- Nancy Skinner
So it just fixes that one part of the law. All other parts of the candidacy requirements remain the same. And the Bill is sponsored by our Secretary of State and by the Notary Association. U. S. Notary Association. And with that, I ask for your I vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate seeing none, this also is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Ayes 37. No, zero. The measure is adopted. Moving on to file item number 75. Senator Dodd is prepared. Please read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 329 by Senator Dodd, an Act relating to local government.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Dodd, the floor is yours with plenty of time.
- Bill Dodd
Thank you very much, Madam President. Members, today I rise to present SB 329. This Bill will raise the compensation limits for City Council Members in general law cities for the first time since 1984. This Bill aligns the new limits with the California Consumer Price Index to reflect the economic reality of today. Local control is strongly preserved with this legislation. A pay increase would have to be voted on by City Council at two separate meetings and would only take effect after the next election.
- Bill Dodd
Voters will still have the ability, via a ballot measure, to set compensation at any level, should they wish. As mentioned, the Legislature has not raised the base pay amounts for City Council Members in 39 years. In my district and in much of our state, we've seen the cost of living increase dramatically since then. City councils should be reflective of the community they represent, and I believe raising the compensation is an important step to achieving that outcome. There is no opposition to the Bill.
- Bill Dodd
The Bill received unanimous bipartisan support in the Committee, and I hope that that will continue on the Senate Floor. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate. Seeing none, please call the roll. This is eligible for unanimous roll call as well. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call? Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Members Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Aye's 34. No zero. The measure is adopted. Moving on to file item number 87. Senator Seyarto. He is prepared. Please read
- Reading Clerk
Senate Resolution 15 by Senator Seyarto, relative to California Fitness Day.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Seyarto, the floor is yours.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you, Madam President. I stand to present SR 15. SR 15 would recognize Tuesday, May 2, as California Fitness Day. Leading health experts recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity each week. Engaging in consistent physical activity produces an abundance of physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages, from improved cognition to reduced anxiety and a reduced risk for an array of physical ailments. Physical fitness is instrumental to living a long and happy life.
- Kelly Seyarto
It also has variety of great community benefits. Studies show that increased levels of physical activity lead to more resilient health systems, greater care for the environment, stronger economic development, greater community well being, and increased quality of life. These benefits are all too easy to take for granted, and we so often only recognize how precious our physical and mental faculties are when they start to fade.
- Kelly Seyarto
That is why I think it is appropriate to take a day to remind ourselves of the importance of physical activity and to appreciate our personal health. It is my hope that California Fitness Day will inspire Californians to pursue an active lifestyle for the health and happiness of themselves and their families. It doesn't have to be a competition with anyone other than yourself. Even setting aside 10 minutes today means that you can be a stronger, healthier, and more confident version of yourself tomorrow.
- Kelly Seyarto
Tomorrow, I ask this legislative body to join me in acknowledging the need to prioritize, preserve, and promote physical activity in public health policy by recognizing tomorrow, Tuesday, May 2 2nd, as California Fitness Day. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this resolution? Any discussion or debate? Seeing none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using the unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Aye's 37, no zero. The resolution is adopted. Members, that concludes our third reading calendar. We're moving on to the consent calendar. Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President.
- Thomas Umberg
Members, please remove SB 250, Umberg, file item number 100 from the consent calendar, at the request of the Public Safety Committee.
- Anna Caballero
Is that for separate vote? No, just removing it. Okay, very good. The desk will note. Is there anyone else that wants an item pulled from the consent calendar? Seeing none. Madam Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 798, 821, 882, 698, 479, 256, 290, 304, 332, 335, 446, 448, 463, 510, 528, 566, 617, 743, 790, Senate Concurrent Resolution 25, Senate Joint Resolution 4, Senate Bill 736, Senate Bill 7071.
- Anna Caballero
Madam Secretary, please call the roll on file item number 102.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Members Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Aye's 37. No zero. The consent calendar is adopted. Members, if there is no other business, Senator Atkins, the desk is clear.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Madam President. Our next floor session will be this Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 02:00 p.m.
- Anna Caballero
The Senate will be in recess until 3:30, at which time the adjournment motion will be made. We will reconvene Thursday, May 4 at 09:00 a.m.
Committee Action:Passed
Previous bill discussion: April 18, 2023