Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assembly Member Aguiar Curry notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer in the flag salute. Today's prayer will be offered by our Assembly chaplain, Imam Yasir Khan.
- Mohammad Khan
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful, Almighty God, illuminate the path for the Members of this Assembly as they embark on their deliberations, endow them with the virtues of wisdom, empathy and valor, ensuring their choices reflect a commitment to equality and common welfare, nurture a bond of collaboration and esteem among them, fostering an environment where constructive conversations and collective action thrive, shield them from discord, and direct their endeavors towards the flourishing of all under their stewardship. We seek your presence and aid in this work, Amen.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Dr. Jackson will lead us in the pledge of allegiance.
- Corey Jackson
Will you join me in the pledge? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, invisible liberty of justice for all.
- Jim Wood
You may be seated. Reading of the previous day's journal Assembly.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Chamber Sacramento Friday, January 12th, 2024.
- Jim Wood
moves Mr. Gallagher seconds that the reading of the previous day journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions there are none. Introduction and references of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor there are none. Messages from the Senate, there are none. Moving to motions and resolutions, the absences for the day will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to procedural motions. Majority Leader Aguiar Curry, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good morning, Mr. Speaker. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assembly Members Lowenthal, Irwin, Reyes and Ting to speak on an adjournment in memory
- Jim Wood
without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 1118 a to allow Assembly Member Muratsuchi to have guests on the floor and to allow Assembly Member Wallis to have a guest seated at his desk today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 96, I request unanimous consent to re refer the following bills to Committee SB 739, Ashby from the Education Committee to the Rules Committee, and SB 834, Portantino from the Housing and Community Development Committee to the Rules Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I'm giving a one day notice to remove item a one SB 477 Committee on housing from the inactive file at the request of Assemblymember Ward
- Jim Wood
Clerk will note. Members, let's give your respectful attention to as we move into our guest introductions and announcements. So please give your attention, Members, for our guest introductions and announcements. Thank you, Members. Let us wish a happy I believe it's the 11th or 12th birthday for Assembly Member Fong. Mike Fong. Assemblymember Fong has provided breakfast pastries for Members in the lounge. So, Assemblymember Wallis, you are recognized for your guest introduction.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, last week we approved a resolution celebrating engineers week. So today I have on the floor with me my favorite and probably the best engineer around, my little sister, Jamie Wallace. As a civil engineer for verde design, Jamie manages current design projects and oversees the production team in many aspects of the projects she's involved in. She's built school facilities, athletic fields, and public parks. She provides stormwater water calculations and does stormwater pollution prevention plans.
- Greg Wallis
And she was an NCAA Division one softball standout at Santa Clara University. As you can see, I'm very proud of my little sister and her accomplishments. So please join me in welcoming my sister, Jamie Wallace, to the Assembly floor.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Senator Wallis, and welcome Jamie to the floor today. Assembly Member McCarty, you are recognized for your guest introduction.
- Kevin McCarty
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to welcome our Sacramento Camellia Society to our state capitol. This is the 100th anniversary of the Camellia show. Sacramento has many great things to be known. For one, we are the Camellia capital of the world. Camellia seeds were first brought to Sacramento from Japan in 1852. So for over 100 years, we see the Camellia festival going on in our capital city. And of course, driving around Sacramento, you can see beautiful Camellia. So I'd like to welcome in the gallery the board of directors for the Camellia Society of Sacramento. Thank you and welcome to your state Capitol.
- Jim Wood
Thank you and welcome. Moving to business on the daily file, governor's vetoes pass and retain on file item one, a reconsideration. All items shall be continued. Now moving to Assembly. Third reading. Moving to file item number four, HR 69 by assemblymember Muratsuchi. The Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
House Resolution 69 by Assembly Member Muratsuchi relative to read across America Day.
- Jim Wood
Members, please give your respectful attention to Assemblymember Marasucci. Mr. Muratsuchi, you are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Members, March 2 is read across America Day. Read across America Day is the nation's largest celebration of reading. This great tradition was launched by the National Education Association and led by educators throughout the country. As we all know, reading is a critical skill to instill in children at a young age.
- Al Muratsuchi
Please join me in promoting and celebrating the joy of reading the freedom to read by recognizing March 2 as read across America Day, Mr. Speaker, I'd like to ask for the first role to be open for co authors, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Assembly Member Bonti, you are recognized on this resolution.
- Mia Bonta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise today as well in support of HR 69, brought by my colleague from Torrance. Today we celebrate read across America Day. We pay homage to the power of words, the magic of storytelling, and the transformative nature of reading. Growing up, I moved 13 times in 16 years, and one of the only constants, every single one of those moves was a crate of books that I carried with me. Reading fostered my love for learning and my passion for education.
- Mia Bonta
It is the foundation for future educational success. As a mother of three, I read to my kids every night. It was uninterrupted time. Who am I kidding? I read to my kids every night. Thank you, staff, for thinking that it was uninterrupted time and that we got to quietly explore the world together. I read books like La Nina Jorona and we're going on a bear hunt with them roaming around and interrupting each other and hearing their voices while we are also exploring other worlds.
- Mia Bonta
It was a powerful moment. It is what we need to do with our children every single day. And I'm so thankful to our Assembly Member and colleague for bringing this forward. Go home. Read to your children, your grandchildren, your uncles, your aunts, with grace, loudly uninterrupted with beauty, because today is reading across America day. Thank you. With that respectfully request your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Bonta. Assembly Member Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise and support the resolution. And while my daughter doesn't watch these meetings, I am going to clip this for her and have her see it because she's going to be embarrassed as a 14 year old that I share this story we read to our kids. Ms. Bonta so many Member Bonta, my colleague from Oakland, just spoke about some of her memories. We get to do that with our kids.
- David Alvarez
Obviously, when I'm here, I get to do it a lot less often, which is something I truly miss. But every single night, reading to the kids. My daughter is now 14 years old, and everybody always asks about a 14 year old girl if you don't have one or if you do. How's it going? How's it going with the 14 year old? Difficult time aged, but beautifully and wonderfully enough for me, our daughter still expects us at 14 to go into the room at bedtime.
- David Alvarez
And while we now read on our own, we don't read to her as much. It's still a moment that is really, really held dearly in my heart. And so apart from the reading and the comprehension and the skills that it builds around reading, it also bonds people together, as our colleague from Oakland just shared. So I wanted to share that because it inspired me. And you said, I'll see you home today. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assemblymember Alvarez, seeing and hearing no further debate. Assemblymember Muratsuchi, would you like to close?
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. Since we're sharing personal stories, just reminded me one of my proudest moments as a father. I still have the video clip on my phone, was my daughter when she was four years old, reading green eggs and ham. And so let's celebrate reading. Let's celebrate the love of reading. Respectfully ask for you. I vote. Ask for the first role to be open for co authors.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Muratsuchi. All debate having ceased, the Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All Members vote who desire to vote for co authors. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. There are 670 co authors added. Without objection. We will take a voice vote on the resolution. All in favor say aye. All opposed say no. The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted. Mr. Muratsuchi, you're recognized for your guest introductions.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. Colleagues, please join me in welcoming from the California Teachers Association President David Goldberg, and with the CTA team in Sacramento, Rachel Warrino and Jackie Howard. Please give them a warm Assembly welcome.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you. I'll just add, my favorite book for my son was Goodnight Moon. Still know all the words to that one.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Moving on to file item number five, AJr 12 by Mr. Alvarez. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Joint Resolution 12 by Assembly Member Alvarez and others relative to the Tijuana River.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In a great green room. You know what I'm talking about. I am here standing in asking your support of Assembly Joint Resolution 12. I'd ask Members to think about where they were on December 8,v2021. December 8th, 2021. Where were you? It's been a couple of years now. That's how long it's been since the beach in South San Diego, Imperial beach, has been closed and inaccessible to our families due to the pollution of the Tijuana river valley, which this resolution is about.
- David Alvarez
This is a bipartisan, bicameral resolution sponsored by the San Diego delegation that calls on the United States Congress and President Joseph Biden to pass a comprehensive funding measure and declare a national emergency due to the cross border pollution.
- David Alvarez
This disaster that's been impacting south San Diego and Imperial county for decades, the communities along the California southern border have been grappling with a crisis that doesn't know a border a relentless flow of untreated sewage, hazardous chemicals, solid waste in the Tijuana river and in the new river spilling into our oceans, contaminating our beaches and endangering our ecosystems and public's health again since December 8, 2021. That's 810 consecutive days, the constituents that I represent have not been able to access California's ocean.
- David Alvarez
Since 2018, the International Boundary and Water Commission has documented over 150,000,000,000 gallons of toxic effluent entering California and impacting the City of Imperial Beach, San Ysidro, Otay Mesa, Nester and other communities in San Diego. More recently, research done by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and San Diego State University confirms what we have long suspected, two things happening.
- David Alvarez
76% of the bacteria found in the air that people breathe in Imperial beach are linked to cross border pollution, and local health clinics have now reported a 560% increase to gastrointestinal diseases during the heavy rain events. This is not normal and not something residents in our state should be suffering from. It is the Federal Government's responsibility to maintain our cross border waterways, which includes complying with the Clean Water Act. Yet for many years, they have failed to do so.
- David Alvarez
In 2019, former Attorney General Javier Becerra from California launched a lawsuit against the Federal Government for their failure to comply with the Clean Water Act. The lawsuit was successful and settled two years ago and resulted in a laundry list of projects to be funded, including $300 million from the Federal Government. The result of that funding has yet to be materialized because it is not enough.
- David Alvarez
The EPA has identified and approved a list of projects that total nearly $1 billion, of which only 300 million has been allocated. We know that what needs to be done, but we cannot do it without federal assistance. I also want to call your attention to the New river. New river travels 60 miles through the County of imperial, emptying into the Sultan Sea, and it's recognized as one of the most polluted rivers in the nation.
- David Alvarez
The community surrounding the new river in Calexico, California, is predominantly Latino and ranks 92nd percentile for pollution burden and 100th percentile for impaired water bodies, according to the Cal Enviro screen. This Legislature has passed laws and appropriate funding to reduce cross border pollution in the Tijuana river and in the New river.
- David Alvarez
And this Assembly Joint Resolution sends a unified message and directs the United States Congress and President Biden and reinforces our commitment to Section four, Article 10, of the California Constitution that guarantees maximum public access to the coast. This guarantee is currently not offered to my constituents and hasn't been for over 800 days. Thank you very much for the opportunity to present this, and I would like to open the first roll for coauthors on AJR 12.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Thank you, Assembly Member Alvarez. Assembly Member Davies, you are recognized.
- Laurie Davies
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I apologize for a lack of voice today, and I'm sure my husband will be appreciating it all weekend. Members, I rise as a proud joint author of AJR 12. I represent San Diego's northernmost communities, including Oceanside and Vista. The air up and down San Diego County is polluted by the sewage found in the river. But this is not a new issue.
- Laurie Davies
In 2004, the Border Patrol agent Union won a $15 million settlement because of how bad the river is inside the settlement was a provision saying that agents would not be punished for refusing to go into the river because human sewage and other bacteria. They were also encouraged to receive a hepatitis a vaccine as a result of their work near the area. This was 20 years ago, and things have not gotten better.
- Laurie Davies
A recent study found that 100 billion gallons of polluted water has flowed into Pacific Ocean. This is not only a public health disaster, but it's now an environmental disaster as well. This is shameful. The beaches in the South Bay have been closed for over a year now. I'm urging our federal leaders to act promptly on this request so that our county and state may receive funding to finally fix this issue and give relief for the constituents and communities of San Diego. county.
- Laurie Davies
This is an issue that transcends party lines and really shows Californians that we can come together for the good of our state and to protect the well being of our safety and our people. Members, I strongly urge an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Davies. Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you. I think I represent a majority of the coast in San Diego. county. And when they did the redistricting Commission, they decided they would give me the most beautiful district in the entire state, going from Carlsbad all the way to downtown San Diego and Coronado. And they gave me the water off of Imperial beach. So the Assembly Member from San Diego has the people and I have the water. So you can figure out what kind of inside joke that was.
- Tasha Boerner
And it's one of the most egregious cross border pollution examples we have in the world today. And so I want to thank the Assembly Member from San Diego for bringing this forward. It is largely a federal issue, but there are things we can do for them in the state. And I think we need to make sure, we're making sure all of our residents are safe and they're breathing clean air and they're drinking clean water.
- Tasha Boerner
This is one of the fundamental things we should do on this floor. And so with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member, Assembly Member Ward, you are recognized.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise in strong support of AJR 12. I want to thank my neighbor and colleague from San Diego, who for years on his time on San Diego City Council and as a Member of the community has been raising this issue. I had the pleasure for two years prior to redistricting to representing the City of Imperial beach.
- Chris Ward
And I wanted to thank many of our local leaders who have been speaking up on this for a very long time to raise this issue and achieve more federal support. But the fact of the matter is that we need to be doing more. We should have been doing more all along. For all of the data that my colleague from the 80th Assembly District has outlined, this is one of the largest, if not the largest, environmental disasters that is happening right now in the state.
- Chris Ward
It is a disaster that has strong environmental justice implications. And it is past time that we declare a State of emergency and deliver the resources necessary to fix the problem. Yes, there are international and federal components, but the state can step up and do its part as well. And we must do its part because if you had the chance to visit my colleague, as he's happy to show any of you, the border, you can smell it in the air.
- Chris Ward
And this is what our neighbors are living with, is the health effects and the disgusting outcome of not bringing attention to the facilities needed to be able to repair the problem. And of course, the water to be having near 365 days of beach closures, primarily in the cities of Imperial beach and Coronado, is unacceptable. This affects certainly beachgoers and local residents. It affects youth camps, it affects our Navy Seals. We must draw strong attention to this.
- Chris Ward
And I know by bringing this resolution forward and sending a bigger message to our federal counterparts that we'll be able to receive the resources finally to repair this disaster. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I ask for your aye vote on this resolution.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Ward, Assembly Member Garcia, you are recognized.
- Eduardo Garcia
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. I appreciate this resolution coming forward by our colleague from San Diego. And although this is focused on holding the Federal Government accountable, who has jurisdiction over this issue, I want to just highlight that there are things that the state can do and there are things that the state has done, as my colleague who is sponsoring this resolution today has mentioned.
- Eduardo Garcia
But I want to also emphasize on the importance of the binational relationship, the policy and political agenda that needs to be also reinforced, because the fact of the matter is that the problem is on the southern part of the border, and without communication and collaboration with our counterparts and having that strong working relationship, very little can and will be done.
- Eduardo Garcia
And so just want to emphasize how significantly important that binational agenda is with our counterparts in Mexico, whether it be the Federal Government, the state, and or the local municipalities. But in this particular case, I want to just rise and support AJR 12. Really thank the sponsor of this resolution for bringing attention to this issue.
- Eduardo Garcia
And I got to tell you, this is one of the bones of contention with some of our federal congressional representatives back home, whether they're doing enough, whether they're raising the issue to the highest levels possible. And I hope that this resolution receives unanimous support to send a strong message from California to Washington, DC, that this is an important issue to all of us here. Thank you again for the sponsorship of this resolution.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Garcia. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Assembly Member Alvarez, you may close.
- David Alvarez
Mr. Speaker, thank you very much. And thank you to the delegation Members for speaking. This is an issue that is long overdue. As my colleague from Coachella just mentioned. We are hoping to send a united message to our representation in Washington that this issue must rise to the level of seriousness that we all know it is. And that is why we ask you to join us in co authoring first and then voting in support of AJR 12. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Alvarez. All debate having ceased, the Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. There are 71 co authors added. We will take a roll call vote on this resolution. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote on the resolution.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. There are 71. Ayes, noes, zero. The resolution is adopted. Moving on to file item number eight, HR 70 by Assembly Member Maienschein. The Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
House Resolution 70 by Assembly Member Maienschein and others relative to rare Disease day.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Maienschein you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker and Members, as chair of the Rare Disease Caucus, I rise to present hr 70 to recognize and raise awareness for the individuals and their loved ones living with rare diseases. Almost one in 10 Americans live with a rare disease, including millions of Californians. Almost half of those individuals are children. Individuals and their families living with rare diseases experience a number of hardships, from difficulties finding a medical expert to an overall lack of sufficient treatment.
- Brian Maienschein
A considerable knowledge gap persists within the General healthcare community that has resulted in delays in diagnosis, a lack of effective treatment plans, and a decrease in physicians with expert knowledge. More publicized rare diseases receive more exposure and attention than others due to the individual or demographics affected. While less widely known, rare diseases bear the brunt of the burden in the struggle to increase awareness and establish consistent research funding. We all have constituents in our district living with rare diseases.
- Brian Maienschein
For those of you who aren't yet Members of the Rare Disease Caucus, I invite you to join us to help these patients in each one of our districts. We must do what we can to alleviate these burdens, overwhelming so many of our California community, and spread empathy for the lives impacted. Please join me in supporting HR 70 to recognize February 29th as Rare Disease Day in California. I respectfully ask for your aye vote and ask that the first role be held open for coauthors.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Maienschein. Assembly Member Dixon, you are recognized.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to join my colleague from San Diego as a co author on HR 70 to recognize today rare Disease Day, February 29. Many millions of Americans and Californians has just been said are among those affected by rare diseases. Their lives are threatened while families struggle to search the medical science community for treatment and elusive cures. Even a diagnosis is a lonely, long, cumbersome and painful, frustrating journey.
- Diane Dixon
After the family Member inevitably, sadly succumbs to the disease, the medical challenge remains for others. Yet the community of victims is less one more voice and it's the bereaved families who keep the flame of hope alive and the lonely struggle continues. The rare disease community shares hope and optimism that a cure can be found. It's always someday we keep the hope alive for these courageous families and their loved ones who never give up. Please join me in supporting HR 70 and respectfully request your aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Dixon. All debate having ceased, the Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. There are 72 coauthors added without objection. We will take a voice vote on the resolution. All in favor say aye opposed say no. The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted. Moving now to Senate. Third reading item number 13, SB 479. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 479 with amendments by Assembly Member Mckinnor.
- Jim Wood
Member Mckinnon, you are recognized on your amendments.
- Tina McKinnor
Yes, Mr. Speaker. These floor amendments are technical and non controversial in their nature. They simply delete the contents of SB 479 and replace it with a small cleanup to SB 567 from last year, authored by Senator Durazo, and add an urgency so that this revision can be made prior to SB 567 going into effect. I ask for your I vote without objection.
- Jim Wood
We'll take a voice vote on the amendments. All those in favor say aye. Opposed say no. Amendments are adopted. The Bill is out to print back on file. Members, we will now move to the second day consent calendar. Before we vote, we will first take up resolutions on the consent calendar for the purpose of adding co authors. The Clerk will read the resolutions on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will now open the roll to allow any Member to add on as a co author to the resolutions. Members this is for co authors. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members don't vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. There are 71 co authors moving to a vote on the consent calendars. Any Member wish to remove an item from the consent calendar.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing none, Clerk will open the roll on the second day consent calendar. Clerk will read first and then we'll do that. So Clerk go ahead and read, please.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 139 by Assembly Member Rodriguez relative to American Red Cross Month
- Jim Wood
so excited. It's Thursday, folks. Give me a break. The Clerk will open the roll on the consent calendar. All those vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote on the consent calendar. The Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote. ayes 71 no zero. The consent calendar is adopted. The Clerk will read the remaining items on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
[Consent Calendar]
- Jim Wood
Members without objection, the quorum call is lifted. We will wait for a couple of minutes and then we move on to adjournments and memory. So please take your conversations off the floor. We still have business before us, so please take your comment question, your conversations off the floor. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Members, but please give your respectful attention to those who were granted prior permission to speak on adjournment and memory. Once again, please take your conversations off the floor. Please take your conversations off the floor. Thank you, assemblymember Irwin, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I rise to adjourn in the memory of Eloise Naomi Olsen Cohen, my friend. She survived by her husband of 48 glorious years, Chuck Cohen, and her children and grandchildren. Eloise grew up in Minneapolis, skating on Lake Harriet and cavorting in the Illinois and Iowa family farms. She never forgot the anxiety of the night. She arrived in California, starting her life over at Thousand Oaks High School, but she quickly adapted.
- Jacqui Irwin
She graduated from Cal Lutheran College, where she studied English and eventually received an advanced degree in family counseling. Eloise was deeply involved in her community. Her work included time with AAUW's equal rights for women, Central Avenue Jazz for Thousand Oaks, the Alliance for the Arts, the Ventura County Museum Board, the Brim Hall Library Board, worldwide relief projects of Ascension Lutheran Church, KCLU, and Casa Pacifica, to name a few. Eloise was rarely idle.
- Jacqui Irwin
Her unassigned mission was caring for this planet and its expansive, less fortunate on the margin occupants. The community will carry on. Bewildered by her departure but grateful for her years among us. I ask that we adjourn in her memory today.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Erwin. Assembly Member Lowenthal, you are recognized for your adjournment and memory. zero, I'm sorry. My apologies. Assembly Member Irwin, you are recognized for a second adjournment. Memory.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to adjourn in the memory of Donna Mason Adams. Donna passed away January 20, after a valiant two year battle with cancer. She was deeply loved by her family, her husband, her many friends and former students. Donna was born on June 28, 1964 in Burbank, California. Her parents, Esther and Jerry Mason, raised three children in the San Fernando Valley in Encino, where her love for art and horses was developed.
- Jacqui Irwin
She went on to Pierce College in Cal State Northridge, where Donna found her love of sculpting and began to nurture her studio work for decades to come, winning contests, participating in dozens of art exhibits, and having her sculptures displayed in galleries all over the country. After college, Donna married and welcomed two children, her son Vaughn and her daughter Rachel.
- Jacqui Irwin
After divorcing, she settled in Thousand Oaks with her children, where she taught art classes both independently and throughout the Canejo Valley, including 25 years with Madronia Elementary School. That's where I first met this woman, who was always a joy to be around, and all three of my children were able to experience Donna's talent as an art teacher. She truly loved working with students, teaching the wonders of color, texture, and imagination.
- Jacqui Irwin
She cared deeply for animals and was an avid hiker who loved adventuring, whether it be the local trails or navigating the terrain of a foreign country. In 2007, she met and fell in love with Matthew Burke, who she would go on to marry. Donna survived by her husband Matthew, son Von, daughter Rachel, and grandson Owen. She was widely known for her remarkable, loving, and light hearted energy and will always be remembered for her radiant smile, enthusiasm for life, and beautiful spirit. I ask that we adjourn in Donna's memory today.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Irwin, Assemblyman Member Lowenthal, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Josh Lowenthal
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. Today I rise with an unbelievably heavy heart to adjourn in the memory of Ray Cordova, the man who rightfully came to be known as the godfather of Los Angeles Orange County labor politics. Mr. Cordova was born in Springer, New Mexico, and moved to California at a young age, where he attended California State University, Long Beach, earning both a bachelor's and a master's degree in business Administration.
- Josh Lowenthal
A true patriot, Ray proudly served in the US army airborne during the Vietnam War, which was an experience that would kickstart his lifelong duty of service to this country and all of us in it. Throughout his career, Ray tirelessly fought for others, and he fought because he believed that everybody should have the right to dignity. Whether it was about better working conditions, good paying jobs, veterans affairs, lgbtq rights, Ray Cordova would show up for you.
- Josh Lowenthal
Throughout his career, Ray held numerous positions where he planted his flag as being a relentless champion of workers rights. These positions included leading the communications Workers of America Local 9571, serving as a delegate to both Los Angeles and Orange County labor councils, and of course, the chair of the South County Labor Council and also serving multiple stints as senior staff in both federal and state government. There was never, ever a lack of commitment from Ray.
- Josh Lowenthal
He could always be found walking the picket lines, walking precincts where he would encourage everyone around him to be sure and try the mom and pop restaurants to support the local businesses. Even with his full workload in Los Angeles and Orange County, Ray's focus extended across California and even across the country. With his work with Cesar Chavez in the Central Valley and with legislators in Sacramento and Washington, D. C. Mr. Cordova exemplified loyalty. Once he was with you, he was a friend forever.
- Josh Lowenthal
Ray did not care about what you looked like, where you came from. He cared about your character and about your values. Not only coming up in his era, Ray made sure to foster and mentor the next generation of leaders and legislators. I learned from Ray's mentorship for 30 years, including many of us in this chamber today, coining what we now call Cordova's law.
- Josh Lowenthal
You could always hear Ray with his booming voice, say, if you agree with me all of the time, one of us is not necessary. Mr. Cordova's compassion and his dedication for his work made him one in a million, and his loss is felt deeply across the State of California. Mr. Speaker and Members, I respectfully request that we adjourn in the memory of Mr. Ray Cordova.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Lowenthal. Mr. Gipson, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. And I want to thank my colleague from Long Beach for one raising and elevating Ray Cordova's, his memory, his legacy, the godfather of Los Angeles in Orange County. I will not be redundant. My colleague from Long Beach said everything that I wanted to say, and it was necessary to be said. But Ray Cordova was also in Vietnam War as a sergeant, the United States Airborne. Most of all, he was the beloved father and also husband.
- Mike Gipson
His wife, soon of 56 years, still survived. And also the saying that my colleague from Long Beach indicated, and I just feel that it's befitting to also regurgitate that saying, if you agree with me all the time, one of us is not necessary. And so Ray Cordova will live in my memory. In my mind. I just wish that I had an opportunity to go and see him before he passed and transitioned away.
- Mike Gipson
But also, Ray Cordova, to his life, was a lifetime Member of the NAACP as President of CWA 9571. I remember Ray Cordova with every once a month, he would do a labor breakfast in San Pedro. The room would always be packed, and it was an opportunity for those who were running for public office to bring their literature. And he would go on the back table and he would check to see whether or not the literature had a union bug on it.
- Mike Gipson
And if it did not have a union bug on it, he would raise that literature up and he would throw it in the trash can and say, never will you ever bring nonunion material into this house of labor. And so he was unapologetic. He spoke truth to power. He didn't care who you were or your background, didn't care what office you held. Ray Cordova was a drum major for justice, and he will be missed.
- Mike Gipson
We will be celebrating Ray Cordova's life on April the 7th at 01:00 p.m. At IBW's training Institute in Commerce. And so we elevate his name. Ray Cordova, rest in peace and rest in power.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Gipson. Mr. Muratsuchi, you are recognized for your adjournment memory.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I also wanted to add my voice, join my colleagues in honoring a great leader in the Los Angeles County labor movement. Ray Cordova was the godfather. And I remember the first time I ran for the Assembly in 2012. And like many first time candidates, I showed up at the South County labor breakfast and I quickly learned Ray Cordova was old school. He didn't care if you were Congresswoman Maxine Waters or Assembly candidate Al Muratsuchi. He will call you out.
- Al Muratsuchi
Especially if you were talking in the back of the room, you remember that he would call you out by name. Mr. Muratsuchi, you respect the house of labor. Basically, sit down and shut up. But Ray in person was always so warm. And like my colleague, my fellow colleague from San Pedro said, he was a loyal friend. He was a good man and we're going to miss him dearly.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Assemblymember Reyes, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members, I rise to adjourn in the memory of Mark Anthony Mckay senior. A community icon, a respected businessman, a lifelong supporter of our veteran community, and above all, a loving husband and father, Mr. Mckay senior began his path toward patient care at St. Francis Medical center in Los Angeles, spending 12 years working in the medical field. He later accepted a position at Service Corporation International, the largest end of life arrangement and service provider in the United States.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
It was at this moment where he discovered his calling to provide compassionate care and assistance to grieving families. Despite the emotional toll of the work, the love of his family gave him the strength to move forward. In 2003, he and his wife opened up his first mortuary, eventually opening up five other successful locations across Southern California. Coming from a line of veterans, he wanted to also do his part to show his thanks and gratitude towards our veterans.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
When opening up his Riverside location, he made it his mission to give them the care, the family of the veterans, the care and respect they deserved. To further honor and assist veterans, Mr. Mckay senior worked on a nonprofit with the mission of educating veterans and their families about the benefits connected with their service. His legacy to consistently deliver compassionate care was deeply rooted in his mission to never turn a family away, no matter the situation.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
He is survived by his wife, Robin Mckay, their five children, Kim, Mark Jr. Brian, Victoria, and Melanie, along with his three grandchildren. As Mr. Mckay senior once said, a life isn't significant except for its impact on others Members. I ask that we adjourn in his memory and that we remember to do what we do to have that impact on others. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Reyes. Assemblymember Ting, you are recognized for your adjournment and memory.
- Philip Ting
Thank you. Mr. Speaker, I sadly rise to adjourn in the memory of my good friend Maurillio Leon, who passed last Friday at a way too young age. Maurilio, to me was someone who personified the California dream. He came here with his family. They were migrant farm workers. Like so many other families, they formed the backbone of our agricultural community. Through his work ethic, his amazing grit and determination, he persevered, got amazing education at UC Berkeley and a graduate degree at Harvard.
- Philip Ting
He is someone who, despite all the hardships he grew up with, always had an amazing spirit. Every room he walked in, every organization he was part of, he made better. My one memory of him is always his constant smile. He had the biggest, brightest smile. He was always optimistic, never down. No matter how tough the situation was, no matter what the circumstances was, he always had a smile. And he always felt things were going to get better and the better days were here to come.
- Philip Ting
He spent his entire life in public service. I would say that I would not be standing here on the Assembly floor without his work, without his assistance. He worked for me for a number of years as a deputy, as a chief administrative officer when I was the county assessor recorder in San Francisco, helping turn that office around. When we took it over in 2005, it was considered one of the worst offices in San Francisco.
- Philip Ting
And we day by day, every day, working with the employees of that office, turned the reputation, turned the functioning of the office, made it a place that really served the people of the city and County of San Francisco. He then went on into a career around affordable housing, working at the unity council and then most recently at the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, where he just took over over a few years ago as its Executive Director and CEO.
- Philip Ting
This is one of the major affordable housing development corporations in San Francisco. They build projects for seniors. They run so many of our single room occupancy units in the tenderloin itself. They are a major cornerstone of our affordable housing fabric. So at a time when homelessness and affordable housing are at such a huge need, his loss will be magnified. His loss will be felt.
- Philip Ting
But more importantly, all the people who knew him, the lives that he touched, we will all remember him and we will all carry his spirit and his optimism forward every single day. And with that speaker, I respectfully ask that our Assembly adjourn in the memory of Maurillio Leon.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Ting. Mr. Haney, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I also want to ask that we adjourn in the memory of Mauryio Leone. I want to thank my colleague from San Francisco for his comments and for his friendship with Morelio. I know he was a very close friend and colleague of yours and I want to share my condolences with you and also with his family, friends and community. This was a shocking loss to our city, a shocking and huge loss to our state.
- Matt Haney
When I was thinking about Mauryio, I actually also first thought of his spirit. This was a guy who, wherever he was, whenever he was in the room, there was a smile, there was hope, there was positivity. He just emanated that. I first came to know him as part of the Greenlining Institute community. Both he and I had served as fellows there and I would see him every year at the summits and we didn't work there at the same time.
- Matt Haney
But I came to know him because he was that kind of person. He would come and say hello. He would give you a warm comment. He was always a part of building community and of giving back. The more that I learned about his story and where he came from and looking back on it and what I was able to see from him, it all made sense in terms of who he was and why he did what he did.
- Matt Haney
He was, as you said, Mr. Ting, the best of the California dream and the best of California. And he lived that every day. I live in the tenderloin neighborhood. I was able to see the work that he was doing. Most recently, I would run into him a lot at ribbon cuttings.
- Matt Haney
And to think that there are hundreds of people, thousands of people that now have housing that will have a stable and safe and affordable roof over their heads because of his work and that work is not done. There are many projects that he was able to make happen that are still yet to be built and many thousands of families that will be housed because of him.
- Matt Haney
And so I want to thank him and his family and friends for giving him to us and the service that he offered to our state. It will live on for a long time and we appreciate him. We send our condolences and as Mr. Ting said, we will continue his work and we will remember his spirit. May he rest in peace. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Haney. Members, please bring the names to the desks to be printed in the journal. All requests to journey memory will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to announcements. The session schedule is as follows. Friday, March 1. No floor session, no check in session. Monday, March 4, floor session at 01:00 p.m. All other remaining will be passed and retained. All motions shall be continued. Ms. Aguiar Curry moves. Actually, I'm ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Ms. Aguiar Curry moves. Mr. Carrillo seconds that this house stand adjourned until Monday, March 4 at 01:00 p.m. The house is adjourned.