Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 5 on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation
- Aisha Wahab
The Senate Budget Subcommittee Number Five on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation will come to order. Good morning. We are holding our Committee hearing here in the Capitol. I ask all Members of the Subcommittee be present in Room 112 so we can establish quorum in beginning our hearing.
- Aisha Wahab
Today's hearing will cover the Governor's May Revision proposal across corrections, public safety, judiciary, labor, and transportation. We will be joined by representatives from the Department of Finance, Legislative Analyst's Office, and departments agencies covered by Subcommittee Number Five. This is an informational hearing, so we are not taking any votes today.
- Aisha Wahab
This hearing will start with labor, workforce development, employee compensation, pensions, and retirement issues, then cover public safety and judiciary issues and conclude with transportation issues. We will take public comment after we complete discussion on all items. To ensure we have time for everyone, everything on today's agenda, we are asking presenters to keep their testimony under five minutes.
- Aisha Wahab
I would also ask my fellow Committee Members to keep their comments and questions concise. Would any of the Members like to say anything at this moment? Thank you. Good morning. So, before we begin discussion, let's establish a quorum. Consultant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call] We have a quorum.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. The consultant notes a quorum has been established. Let's begin with our first issue. Our first issue is going to be an overview of the Governor's May Revision proposal. Andrew March and Aston Tennefoss of the Department of Finance, as well as Chas Alamo from the Legislative Analyst's Office.
- Aisha Wahab
Issue one covers the Governor's May Revision proposals for Labor Agency, EDD, the Workforce Development Board and DIR. First, we're going to go ahead and hear from Andrew March of the Department of Finance.
- Andrew March
Hello. Good morning. Andrew March, Department of Finance. So, I'd like to start off first with a general overview of the Governor's May Revision proposal. So as noted by the Governor on Friday, the May Revision is the Governor's proposal to bridge the additional shortfall that has developed since the Governor's Budget.
- Andrew March
Like the Governor's Budget, the May Revision is a proposal, and we understand that the Legislature may have alternatives, and we look forward to discussions with the Legislature to come to a final budget agreement.
- Andrew March
One thing that is maybe different from previous years is that the May Revision proposes a balanced budget and budget year and budget year plus one, where we forecast a significant deficit. So, in order to prevent us from coming back next year and negotiating further reductions, we're proposing a balanced budget in budget year plus one.
- Andrew March
As the Governor stated, none of these solutions were made lightly. This is a difficult situation for us all, and we didn't. We would prefer not to be in this situation where we're making these reductions. But we look forward to working with the Legislature to come to a balanced budget with obviously some reductions.
- Andrew March
So, now moving on to some of the specifics for this Subcommittee. The May Revision includes $40 million in new reductions and proposes to reduce $215 million previously proposed for delays at the Governor's Budget in the labor and workforce development area.
- Andrew March
Some of these major reductions include $150 million reduction to California Jobs First, in addition to a number of workforce programs which are detailed in the agenda.
- Andrew March
Additionally, the Governor's the May Revision proposes ongoing resources for the Department of Industrial Relations to implement chapter legislation that was chaptered in 2024 and in 2023 and resources for departments and entities within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to relocate to the new Labor Agency building which was formerly the Natural Resources building.
- Andrew March
Additionally, my colleague Aston Tennefoss with me to speak to some of the more general statewide reductions, including the 7.95% operations reduction and the vacant position suite.
- Aston Tennefoss
Good morning. Aston Tennefoss, Department of Finance. To set the stage, at Governor's Budget, we brought forward a temporary proposal to cut savings associated with vacant positions for 1.5 billion 762.5 million General Fund. That proposal moved forward as part of Chapter Nine statutes of 2024 or AB 106. As part of early action.
- Aston Tennefoss
During the May Revision, we're now proposing that we would make that permanent by introducing not only a fund authority reduction, but a position authority reduction in 25-26 and ongoing. This proposal would result in approximately an elimination of 10,000 positions. Additionally, this would be concurrent with the state operations reduction that is proposed. The two are discrete proposals.
- Aston Tennefoss
The May Revision assumes 2.1 billion in General Fund savings from statewide operations reductions in 24-25 and 2.7 billion General Fund savings in 25-26 and ongoing. These proposed reductions are for state entities and are necessary to address the budget deficit and encourage departments to operate more efficiently and to maintain effective levels of service.
- Aston Tennefoss
Finance will work with departments to determine which areas within support budgets can absorb those cuts and modify items of appropriation accordingly. I'm available for comment or questions as needed. Thanks.
- Aisha Wahab
- Chas Alamo
Good morning. Chas Alamo with the Legislative Analyst's Office. Before taking any questions on the specific proposals, our office was asked to provide sort of an early assessment of the overall May Revision package, and so I've got a few notes here to share at the top.
- Chas Alamo
Although a full analysis of the May Revision is underway at our office. We will have some initial comments published later this week and our full assessment published late next week. I can share some sort of early findings or thoughts on the May Revision package.
- Chas Alamo
First, with respect to revenues, the May Revision package revenue levels are about $10 billion lower than the revenue levels presented in the Governor's January budget, and this reflects some recent weakness in cash collections, especially for the state sales tax and corporation tax.
- Chas Alamo
Our office has also very recently produced a revenue forecast, and it is somewhat below the May Revision revenue numbers. So, though we believe the May Revision revenue estimates are reasonable, we think they're probably a little bit too high.
- Chas Alamo
Turning to sort of the budget architecture for the May Revision, in our view, the package puts the state on better fiscal footing than the state was on when the January Governor's Budget was presented, despite the revenue downgrade that I just mentioned. And this is primarily for two reasons.
- Chas Alamo
The first is that the May Revision package more substantially pulls back on one-time spending. It does this by converting some delays that were proposed in the January budgets to reductions.
- Chas Alamo
This has the effect of improving the out-year fiscal picture. And the May Revision also reduces reliance on the state's budgetary reserves, meaning that those reserves remain in the pocket to be used in later years, again improving the state's fiscal position.
- Chas Alamo
At this point, sort of early observations, we think we have two main areas of exposure going into next year that we think that the Subcommittee should have top of mind when it considers these items. And the first, as I mentioned, is we think that the May Revision revenue package is probably a little bit too high.
- Chas Alamo
So, there's some downside risk, meaning that by next spring, when we're all talking about the next Governor's Budget that will come out in January, the revenues for the budget year might be somewhat below what's included in these May Revision estimates, and that means more challenging decisions have to be made next spring.
- Chas Alamo
Similarly, related to the potential risk of more challenging decisions in the spring, we point out that some of the reductions proposed in the May Revision may be challenging to achieve, and specifically, the operating spending reduction across the board of 7.95%. These types of reductions are often take time to materialize.
- Chas Alamo
Departments have to figure out exactly how they're going to approach these types of reductions, and if the savings do not materialize, that is, if the savings are on sort of budgetary payments paper, but not in practice materialize, the position that the Subcommittee and the broader Budget Committee will be in next spring will be more challenging than is presented here in the May Revision package. Those two items to keep top of mind.
- Chas Alamo
I'm happy to take any questions. And I've also joined by my colleague who can answer some more specific questions about the operating reductions proposed in the May Revision. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Colleagues, do you have any questions for this panel? Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
First, I want to clarify that this panel is encompassing the EDD all the way up to issue two, correct? So all the pages in between. Thank you. First, in regards to revenue estimates, both of you can weigh in. We heard sales tax, we heard other taxes, income tax.
- Kelly Seyarto
What are our revenue estimates for income tax revenues going to be? Are they on the uptrend or downtrend? Because I know we have the highest unemployment in the nation right now, so that frightens me a little bit. Yes, sir.
- Chas Alamo
Of course, I did mention the state's sales and use tax and corporation tax for sliding. The flip side of that coin is that there has been some modest growth in the state's personal income tax receipts after the substantial decline that we saw in the last fiscal year.
- Chas Alamo
We as an office think the most likely reason we're seeing strength in the personal income tax but not in the other revenue sources is due to one of the key remaining bright spots in the state's economy, and that's been the stock market over the last six months.
- Chas Alamo
The S&P is up 20% since last October, and that has direct and indirect consequences, improvements for the state's personal income tax. We think were it not for strong equity markets, the personal income tax would be moving sideways, and that would be a deterioration relative to the May Revision position that we're in.
- Chas Alamo
I will say that both our office and the Administration now have personal income tax forecasts that are relatively close to one another. But emphasizing that that modest growth that we have seen in the last year really, in our view, hinges on asset markets, which, as you all know, are subject to considerable volatility.
- Kelly Seyarto
All right, follow up question to that. Is it of either of your opinions that we are in a recession or are we not in a recession?
- Andrew March
I'm not the expert on the revenues, but the May Revision does not forecast a recession.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay, so we're dealing with all this in the scope of not being in a recession. I shudder to think what would happen if we were in a recession. So, hopefully, we won't go there. Question about the Unemployment Insurance interest. So, we have a revised estimate for that? Correct? It's $153 million more than we thought.
- Andrew March
So we update the unemployment interest payment twice a year. So, in October and in May. In October we were working with the current interest rates at the time and projected it for the 2024 calendar year in May. We've updated that with revised interest rates from the Federal Government. And subsequently, the interest payment has gone up by 153 million to 484.3 million.
- Kelly Seyarto
So, it's almost a half a billion dollars right now. And we owe $21 billion currently, as of last year.
- Andrew March
As of April, we owe 18.3 billion. But it does fluctuate depending on the receipts and the benefits.
- Kelly Seyarto
Right. And that's the difference of the fluctuation. Okay.
- Andrew March
That's correct. But we are projecting around a $20 billion UI loan balance at the end of 2024.
- Kelly Seyarto
So, in retrospect, the $43.4 billion that we got from the Federal Government, and if we had paid that off, we wouldn't have that payment. Right?
- Andrew March
Potentially, if the state had made different choices several years ago to pay the balance, then, yes, there would be.
- Kelly Seyarto
Yeah. Two years ago. Workforce Development Board. We have some cuts there that concern me a great deal. First of all, we are continuing with, though not as much, but $20 million to go to the California Youth Leadership Corps. Correct? We're going to continue that funding.
- Andrew March
No. So that funding was originally proposed in 24-25. We're proposing now to reduce that funding to zero.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay. Because I didn't know whether we were doing 40 million and we reduced it by 20. So, it's zero?
- Andrew March
The original commitment was $60 million, 20 million each year for three years, and we're withdrawing the last year of that funding. So 40 million has been.
- Kelly Seyarto
So, it's already gone, and now we're going down to this one. Correct? Okay. So, that alleviates that concern.
- Kelly Seyarto
However, more concern comes in the Department of Industrial Relations. You know, as our UI debt goes up and we shift those costs, those costs get shifted to, I think we're doing 150 million from workforce training, basically, our employment training.
- Andrew March
So, with regards to the Employment Training Panel, the Employment Training Fund, so early action adopted utilizing $100 million from that fund, which was in the fund balance. So, there are no programmatic impacts to using that fund. And then the May Revision also proposes in 25-26 to utilize an additional $50 million that is again in the fund balance. So no programmatic impacts.
- Kelly Seyarto
So, is the Women in Construction Unit being eliminated, not a programmatic balance issue?
- Andrew March
That is. So, as I mentioned earlier, there were many difficult decisions and decisions that we would prefer not to make that are in the May Revision. But we look forward to discussing with the Legislature and prioritizing coming to a balanced budget. But due to the constraints of the budget, we had to make some difficult decisions, and that was one of them.
- Kelly Seyarto
And I understand that you will be doing some negotiating with my other colleagues. This is our opportunity to talk about our concerns so that when you're negotiating, at least some of our voices can be heard in the back of the back of people's minds while we're going through this.
- Kelly Seyarto
Women in Construction Unit absolutely does not need to be eliminated. There are plenty of places to get money that we're spending other money elsewhere to be able to maintain a program that helps us get women into a nontraditional field. You know, I've ridden on planes with some of these ladies, okay?
- Kelly Seyarto
And there is no reason for us to be eliminating that program while we shift money that could be used for that program to pay UI debt. We're actually spending money in unemployment instead of employing people which will help eliminate our unemployment, you know, problems.
- Kelly Seyarto
So that's something that, as we go forward, I would like everybody to be aware of, that women in construction, apprenticeship stuff, those type of things should not be eliminated with their 10 million or $15 million price tags. And I see your hand on the button. Are you wanting me to move on? Because I'm not done.
- Kelly Seyarto
I am done, actually. Those are the things. So, those are my concerns about where those cuts are. There are other funds that we can still make those cuts in those other funds and reduce those funds, not eliminate other programs. But eliminating those programs is not an acceptable solution for our self-generated budget woes. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Senator Durazzo.
- María Elena Durazo
I want to thank my colleague for raising that last issue. I want to add to the question, in addition to eliminating the women in construction, we've cut the youth apprenticeship program as well. There's virtually no money left for high-road training partnerships. And so, with these kinds of workforce programs, cuts all across the budget.
- María Elena Durazo
What's the Administration's plan to fund training for the jobs that we know are growing? There'll be growing demand for jobs that are needed, for example, to manufacture, build, operate, and service green future jobs. And they're already out there. Broadband, you name it. There's so much need of a trained workforce that we don't have right now.
- María Elena Durazo
So how was this taken into consideration and what is the Administration's plan to fund the training that we already are feeling is needed? And we know it's only going to grow in demand.
- Andrew March
Yes. So, the reductions that are included in the May Revision are generally for the last year funding. So there still was significant funding that was previously committed to as part of the 2022 budget package. So, there's, you know, there's still a General Fund there, and that funding is still going out.
- Andrew March
So, for example, for high-road training partnerships, that funding is still, even though it was already allocated, it is still flowing through to the grantees.
- Andrew March
In addition to the prior General Fund commitments, there remains federal funding through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act, and then in addition to funding that's been designated from the IIJA through SB 150, additionally, for hybrid training partnerships. And the state continues to look at opportunities to leverage additional federal funding to expand workforce training.
- María Elena Durazo
So, that would have to be a conscious decision by the Administration, by us, by California, to use federal dollars for training. It doesn't come predetermined. So, is the idea to use federal dollars for training?
- Andrew March
We don't have a proposal on the table right now, but as I mentioned, SB 150 directs the state to use 50 million of IIJA funding for workforce training. So that is something that the state is pursuing.
- María Elena Durazo
Yeah, that's for construction. It's not for non-construction. So, I guess that was my question. And if you're using the Biden, the Biden Administration federal dollars, how is it that you're going to include equity and job quality?
- Andrew March
Again, we don't have a proposal in front of us, but happy to continue working with the Legislature on how to access that funding and what utilizing that funding looks like.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. Because that's a really essential part of what the Biden Administration has said. They want the dollars to be used in a way that's going to promote job quality and access and equity to those training programs and to the jobs themselves. On the job. Oh, okay. The California Jobs First.
- María Elena Durazo
Could you explain that, where we're ending up on the California Jobs First program, and if their May Revision is adopted, how does Labor Agency prepare to adapt the program to a lower amount of support? I mean, that's gone through, and I'm not. I want to be clear as to where we're ending up after the January proposal, the May Revision. There's a lot of moving parts in that.
- Andrew March
Yes. So, at the May Revision, the May Revision proposal. So. originally there was $600 million allocated to California Jobs First. The prior funding would be maintained at $300 million, and then it would be $50 million each year over the next three years.
- Andrew March
So, $50 million in 24- 25, 50 million in 25-26 and 50 million in 26-27. And the previous $300 million is fully committed, and the California Jobs First Council has allocated that, respectively. Overall, the $150 million reduction would be a general reduction to, to a number of areas within California Jobs First.
- Andrew March
We're happy to provide you specifics on sort of where the various pots of funding end up.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. Okay. And on the California Youth Leadership Corps reduction, there were a lot of partnerships that were required to make that program work. So, what is your sense, or anyone, what is the sense of the impact on these partnerships that it took two years to pull together and really work together?
- Andrew March
I mean, so there would be withdrawing $20 million of the $60 million commitment. So, there would still be maintained that $40 million, of which $20 million is still going out in the current year. But we're not naive that there would be impacts across the board with these reductions.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay, I think that's it for.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. So, I have a couple starter questions, and then I have more detailed questions. One, do you have any additional information about how the ongoing reductions to state operations is going to be implemented? And is there accompanying budget Bill Language expected with this proposal?
- Aston Tennefoss
Aston Tennefoss, Department of Finance as my colleague at LAO alluded to, there is time needed to implement some of these. And so final.
- Aisha Wahab
I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
- Aston Tennefoss
Final decisions are still being made in terms of the implementation. While the expectation is that most departments will be expected to reduce their support budgets by the 7.95%, Finance will work with them in order to determine the impacts and the feasibility of those reductions without negatively impacting their operations.
- Aston Tennefoss
In terms of a vehicle to carry it forward, Control Section 4.05 was included in the Governor's Budget, and the May Revision proposes minor updates to that language.
- Aisha Wahab
All right, and then are there departments that will not be strictly subject to these reductions? If so, which departments and how were these departments determined as exempt?
- Aston Tennefoss
At this time, most departments are expected to participate in the reductions. The language proposed for 4.05 in the 24 May Revision explicitly exempts the Legislature from these cuts, given its independent status and appropriation process.
- Aston Tennefoss
We do estimate that at the time of May Revision, we were going to exclude the various public safety and 24-hour operational needs, but generally, most departments will be participating.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay, so UC, CSU, CAL FIRE and CDC are exempt?
- Aston Tennefoss
It sounds like it overlaps with the list, but I don't have the specific list in front of me.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And with CDCR, I want to be very frank. So, originally the proposal in January was a 0.01%, roughly $15 million. Correct?
- Aston Tennefoss
I would need to turn to a colleague for that answer.
- Aisha Wahab
Any colleagues in the audience.
- Allison Hewitt
Allison Hewitt, Department of Finance. So I think what you're referring to is there was one proposal included in the Governor's Budget of a couple of proposals in addition to was one solution that related to a baseline administrative reduction for CDCR that was 15 million in total for solutions.
- Allison Hewitt
I think within early action, there was 107.9 million, which included the 15 million, which is a little bit more significant. And then the revision builds on what we included in the Governor's Budget.
- Allison Hewitt
in terms of the overall, like, reduction in the budget proposed
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And obviously there have been calls for increased decreases. I should say specifically, you know, we have seen roughly, it's right now at 3%
- Aisha Wahab
from May. To, I mean, from January to may, currently. What is the proposal?
- Allison Hewitt
Yeah. So from the governor's. From the Governor's Budget, the total change is approximately $146 million in CDCR's budget. That's a net of General Fund solutions as well as a number of a handful of other workload proposals that we'll be presenting to you later in the hearing.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And then of that, what is the percentage of the overall budget?
- Allison Hewitt
It's. I'm sorry, I'm not able to do the quick math in my head, but the. Just to kind of. To my colleague's point, we're still expecting that there are some portions of CDCR that would be held to the statewide.
- Aisha Wahab
So the number you stated was 100 and what?
- Allison Hewitt
From the Governor's Budget, the net reduction is 146.4 million. But that's a net number. I think there's more. There's a higher number of reductions. I think something like 300 million. It's just that there are some workload proposals that the Administration had to bring forward.
- Aisha Wahab
So 146 million of roughly a $15 billion budget, correct. 14.4 billion, but yes, rounding up roughly 15.
- Allison Hewitt
And I think you have to take. We have to look at it over a couple of years. That's just the change in mayor vision. We have to. There's some. That number isn't really capturing, like, overall solutions.
- Allison Hewitt
I think if you look at the solutions Administration brought forward, it's 169 million across the budget window, and then there's ongoing funding associated with a number of different proposals.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And I just want to make sure, I know we don't necessarily have Nora, but we went through a bunch of LAOs. Are you guys reviewing a number of LAOs historic proposals for reductions over the course of several years? They have put several things on the table. It has not necessarily.
- Aisha Wahab
Main consultant on this issue is here, but I just want to understand, have you guys been reviewing all the historic proposals on the table as well.
- Allison Hewitt
I think the Administration looked at a number of different ways to address the overall budget deficit, and that included what was achievable within CDCR's budget. And those are the proposals that are before you today.
- Aisha Wahab
What is the definition of achievable?
- Allison Hewitt
A number of different factors. So I'd say, and we haven't had a chance to present those proposals yet, but there's a number of different ways that we have to look at CDCR's budget. It is a 24/7 operation. And so that was something that was taken into consideration that they do provide, like critical 24 hours services.
- Allison Hewitt
So there's some things that absolutely just can't be cut. That said, there is, and as my colleagues from the Department and from finance can share, there's a number of different things, housing unit deactivations, reversions of prior appropriations. There's a number of ongoing solutions that are proposed as well.
- Aisha Wahab
So, you know, reviewing budgets in particular, the ultimate goal is usually looking at for the most bang for your buck, if you will, in a very clear, concise way. This Department is one of the most well funded departments with a population that is decreasing first and foremost.
- Aisha Wahab
So I just want to highlight some of the effort around there that we would get the most bang for buck in savings. Here. Again, we spend a significant amount of money on safety net and Medi Cal and things like that. And CDCR comes in right after. Right. So I want people to take a look at that.
- Aisha Wahab
I agree with my colleague as well, is that as much as we're taking a look, you know, whether we want to define what we've been in or what we're moving towards, whether it's a recession or not, and it's very debatable. You have experts saying we are or we were or we're going to be.
- Aisha Wahab
And so we never really know until we're out of it.
- Aisha Wahab
But one of the concerns that I have is, as you know, my colleague mentioned, is we should be investing in programs and projects that put people to work, whether that's infrastructure, whether those are getting women in construction, whether that is anything that allows them to have a future. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
And so far we've been seeing, you know, for me, my biggest frustration, and I, and I think I've shared this in a number of different arenas, is services and departments and organizations and efforts and programs that to me are duplicative in nature or could be expanded with significant cost savings.
- Aisha Wahab
So, for example, you have a California youth leadership corps, right? And at the same time, we also have a California Service Corps. Right. As well as many other programs that are kind of coming into place that potentially could do the same thing or be consolidated into one.
- Aisha Wahab
Are we taking a look at just administrative costs, the overhead consolidation, seamless and efficient programs?
- Unidentified Speaker
I can't speak specifically to the two programs that you mentioned because I believe they're maybe slightly different, although I agree that they do have similar names. That may be confusing. But generally, there are some proposals across the government or across the state to consolidate various departments and realign programs that are more appropriate.
- Unidentified Speaker
I think those might be heard in a different Subcommitee for those specific proposals. But that is something that the state continues to look at, is sort of how to streamline administrative costs. And that's part of the, the impetus of the 7.95% operational reduction is that we do believe that we can do things more efficiently in state government.
- Aisha Wahab
So we see roughly a $20 million cut to the California Youth Leadership Corps. But we don't necessarily see anything for the California Service Corps, again, which was launched this year, which is a pet project.
- Aisha Wahab
So I just want to understand, you know, again, if we're trying to promote youth doing work and supporting their communities and society, why can't we consolidate some of this and not necessarily have the duplicative nature of these programs?
- Unidentified Speaker
I can't speak to the California Service Corps. The Youth Leadership Corps is under the workforce Development Board, again, although I think they do have similar names. They think they're different in nature. The Youth Leadership Corps is a partnership with community colleges in order to help young people become more engaged in their communities.
- Aisha Wahab
Do you think that Youth Leadership Corps can also be engaged with the local colleges and so forth? And again, an extension.
- Unidentified Speaker
Again, I'm not the expert on the California Service Corps, I think is the title, but we can get back to you on sort of maybe any overlap between those two programs.
- Aisha Wahab
So I consistently see, and the reason why I'm bringing this up is I see, again, duplicative types of programs, whether it's in my Subcommitee, however you guys want to divide it out, we're looking at an overall budget. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
So at the end of the day, all of us sit as sitting members of the overall budget in the Senate. You know, these touch different things, and, you know, the focus may be slightly different, but overall, for us, we have to take a look at the budget, however we want to dissect this. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
So my other concern is I do believe in investing in economic development, investing in, you know, better workers programs, whether it's through a formal education system or through apprenticeships or something else. Right. We have our labor experts here in the back as well that are deeply interested and concerned about these programs.
- Aisha Wahab
And for me, when we're talking about labor, one of our largest populations entering the workforce today are seniors. Seniors, and so as we're cutting these programs, and specifically, you know, I want to ask a little bit more.
- Aisha Wahab
When we're cutting programs that are safety nets to people who are potentially not able to work anymore, who have done 30-40 years in the workforce, why, as we hear the talking point all the time, the fourth largest economy in the world, why do we have seniors still working, struggling?
- Aisha Wahab
And why are the cuts specifically to safety nets and programs that would put people to work and so forth?
- Unidentified Speaker
I guess. Could you maybe provide a little bit more detail on the safety net programs that are mentioned? Are they the workforce development programs being mentioned here?
- Unidentified Speaker
There's a number of programs. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
The budget cuts that we are seeing largely are affecting our everyday Members of society. Right. We are seeing significant cuts in some of these safety net. We could talk about them. Right. In full depth.
- Aisha Wahab
And I specifically wanted to ask, you know, since, since we're going to get into depth, is what at CDCR qualifies for the 8% reduction.
- Allison Hewitt
I think, as my colleague shared, and I'm happy to defer, but we were not able to share that level of detail at this point. It's going to be, do we not have it? Do we. I don't.
- Allison Hewitt
We have a framework that we're working from, but it's going to require additional discussions with CDCR and the other departments and offices and agencies that would be subject to the reduction.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. Since this is informational hearing, can you brief us a little bit as to what is that framework potentially.
- Unidentified Speaker
In terms of the overall framework for the reduction? I think that we need to look at the potential overlaps with departments, between departments and try to arrive at the value that we've put forward. Okay.
- Aisha Wahab
So we don't have anything, but we're supposed to deliver a balanced budget by June 15.
- Allison Hewitt
I think there would be more like, this is something that is being brought forward. It's going to be subject for discussions. There's going to be more brought forward in future budgets for the Legislature to consider, but there is more time needed to figure out exactly how to operationalize these reductions.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And I do believe that we also need more time to see what's happening. What are the proposals? Where are the discussions going? And not one single department is free from more significant in depth analysis of what's going on.
- Aisha Wahab
I do believe in every single department we have, including some of the things that we talked about, whether it's under the sub five committees, jurisdiction or another, there's many, many programs that are duplicative in nature and that with a little tweaking, can be consolidated, potentially save money, save these programs, and allow people to actually partake in them.
- Aisha Wahab
Right. So as much as possible, my priority is the lowest income individuals, vulnerable communities, safety nets, preserving all of that for them as we realize whether or not we're in a recession or not. Number one, and then number two is definitely making sure that we're investing in economic development.
- Aisha Wahab
That means investing in our workers as well as investing in our economy as a whole. Right. So my district in particular, as much as we're talking about these workforce development programs, my district in one city alone is home to the largest, you know, number of manufacturers in the state, 900. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
It covers biomedical, it covers, you know, battery research and development and much more. And I don't want to see my district hurt because of the lack of skilled workforce, because we're not investing in them. Right. And we have, in my city that I represented in Hayward, we have three colleges.
- Aisha Wahab
These are natural alliances that we can develop through different programs where we can help, whether you're a college kid or just somebody in the regular street wanting to skill up. So that is where our investment and focus should be, protecting the most vulnerable and also developing the workforce. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
Because we are not only competing with each other in business to business, but internationally. And so when we say we're the fourth largest economy, we have to start thinking like it and investing like it. So I appreciate your time. We'll move on to issue number two. Yes. Senator Durazzo, thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
And thank you very much for your remarks. I just want to end by giving you a couple of examples of, I think, what we were talking about, the need, the essential need for workforce development dollars. There were 77 applications for high road training partnerships, and we could only fund 33.
- María Elena Durazo
So the demand, the need is there for women in construction, there was a demand for $50 million in applications. They could only Fund $25 million. There's about $12 million left in oil well capping. And the money, you know, the high road training partnership funding allowed for creating a partnership between operating engineers, laborers, and a California contractor.
- María Elena Durazo
The money that went to fund the actual work came from CalGEM. The bid was won by a Texas company because there were no labor standards in that contract. So we're using our money to do the work of capping the abandoned wells went to Texas instead of a California company. With California workers with high road standards.
- María Elena Durazo
These are the things that will only worsen without the funding, without the focus that it needs to make sure that even though we're in a very difficult time in our budget, does not mean that we shouldn't be investing in our workforce today. So thank you very much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. We're going to move on to issue number two, employee compensation, pensions and retirement proposals. We're going to start off with Aston Tenefoss, Department of Finance, and then Nick Schroeder from LAO for CalPERS proposals and then Angela Short from the LAO CalSTRS proposals.
- Aisha Wahab
Issue number two covers the governor's may revision proposal for employee compensation, pensions and retirement. First, we're going to hear from the Department of Finance.
- Aston Tenefoss
Please go ahead. Aston Tenefoss, Department of Finance my colleagues will provide the overview for retirement, employee compensation and Proposition two.
- Noelle Fa-Kaji
Noellle Fa-Kaji, Department of Finance first, the 2024-25 May revision includes 6.9 billion, of which is 3.5 billion General Fund to satisfy the state's required CalPERS employer contribution and this number is inclusive of CSU.
- Ryan Weinberg
Ryan Weinberg from the Department of Finance. The 2024-25 May revision includes 4.26 billion in expected General Fund contributions to CalSTRS in 2024-25.
- Ryan Weinberg
This amount, which is slightly increased by 20 million from the post the Governor's Budget and has increased by 318 million from what was included in last year's state contributions to CalSTRS, has grown based on updated creditable compensation data reported by CalSTRS into the Governor's Budget and has grown overall since last year based on increased salaries for California State workers.
- Ryan Weinberg
We note the CalSTRS board has not elected to increase the state's contribution rate for 2024-25, and we'd also like to point out that the mayor vision includes 519,000 to reflect the state's share of overpayments identified by the system to be paid by the state on July 1, 2024 as required by Education Code Section 24616.2.
- Ryan Weinberg
Next, the May revision includes 1.6 billion for the Proposition to debt repayments. This is approximately 400 million less than at Governor's Budget.
- Noelle Fa-Kaji
The Proposition 2, dollars are proposed to be applied as follows, 360 million to pre fund retiree health benefits, 836 million to repay the loan authorized by Chapter 50, statutes of 2017 and 420 million as a one time supplemental pension payment towards CalPERS to pay down unfunded liabilities.
- Ryan Weinberg
The May revision also includes 1.2 billion of which 639.5 million is General Fund for increased employee compensation and healthcare costs in 2024-25. Included in these costs are collectively bargained salary and benefit increases resulting from contract and side letter negotiations, as well as column of year 2025 projected increases in healthcare and dental premium costs.
- Ryan Weinberg
This amount slightly decreased from what was proposed in the Governor's Budget by 92.7 million due to updated payroll assumptions.
- Ryan Weinberg
And finally, the May revision includes a proposal to amend control Section 3.61 to authorize the Department of Finance to transfer Proposition 2 debt repayment funding to the California Employers retiree benefit trust fund in the current or prior fiscal year to satisfy the state's Proposition to debt repayment allocation for the relevant fiscal year.
- Ryan Weinberg
And with that, we're happy to take any questions you may have on employee compensation items.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. We're going to go on to LAO.
- Nick Schroeder
Nick Schroeder with the LAO we have no prepared statements, but are happy to answer any questions that the Committee might have.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, colleagues. Do you have any comments, questions? Senator Seyarto
- Kelly Seyarto
We're supplanting, not supplementing money in the state CalPERS from our debt. Our Prop. Two debt is that we're doing. Is that even like constitutional,
- Noelle Fa-Kaji
The 400 million is proposed as a supplemental pension payment. I believe you may be referring to the 1.3 billion or 1.7 billion from the prior year which we are proposed are under the early action agreement. AB 106, Chapter nine, statutes of 2024. We are proposing to apply to the unfunded liability in the budget year.
- Nick Schroeder
So earlier in this process, in March, we released an analysis of this issue, and at that time we did indicate that or raise some concerns about the constitutionality of using the 23-24 Proposition to debt repayment to reduce the state's CalPERS contributions in 24-25.
- Kelly Seyarto
LAO is there an issue with that?
- Nick Schroeder
And as Department of Finance indicated, the proposal was adopted as part of the early action. That being said, the 24-25 budget itself has not been adopted yet, and so because of that, well, because of that, the Legislature can still choose not to do that. However, it would require revisiting the early action agreement.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you.
- Kelly Seyarto
That's all.
- Aisha Wahab
Alright. We'll be holding this item open and move on to issue number three. Thank you. Issue number three is the overview of governor's may revision proposals. Henry, I don't know how to pronounce that last name. Ng how do you pronounce Ng? No.
- Aisha Wahab
Henry Nye, Department of Finance Anita Lee, principal fiscal and policy analyst LAO Drew Soderborg, deputy Legislative Analyst from the Legislative Analyst's office.
- Aisha Wahab
Issue number three again, all representatives from the departments are available for additional questions and details, but issue number three covers the governor's may revision proposal proposals for judicial branch first, we're going to hear from the Department of Finance. Please go ahead.
- Henry Ng
Good morning. Henry Ng, Department of Finance. I will be highlighting a few of the notable adjustments proposed in the May revision for the judicial branch's budget.
- Henry Ng
The May revision includes early reversions of current year savings identified by the judicial branch for the following this includes $60 million from the funding provided to the courts to increase the number of court reporters and family law in civil cases, 20 million from one-time funding that was provided for court interpreter grants and 17.6 million from child courts for the implementation of care court.
- Henry Ng
This is due to case law being lower than anticipated. This also includes a reversion of 5 million operational savings and the May revision also includes the following general fund solutions starting in 2024-25. A one-time 25 million unrestricted fund balance transfer to the general fund in 2024-25.
- Henry Ng
This brings the total amount up to 105 million because we have proposed a transfer of 80 million in Governor's Budget and proposing another transfer of 25 million in bay revision. We're also proposing an ongoing reduction of 10 million for corporate reporters, and this is to align with the actual expenditures with trial courts.
- Henry Ng
But this still leaves 20 million available for the program and we're also proposing an ongoing reduction of 97 million to trial court operations. This is consistent with the statewide approach to reduce state operations by the 7.95%.
- Henry Ng
However, the May revision does provide resources to support the judicial branch and they include 21 million ongoing general fund for trial court employee and retirement benefits and ongoing resources to implement SB-331, including four positions and 1.1 million general fund and 150,000 family law trust fund in 2024-25. 1.1 million general fund and 210,000 family law trust fund in 2025-26 and 1.1 million general fund in 2026 and 2027 ongoing.
- Henry Ng
These resources will allow the courts to expand on their educational programs and materials related to domestic violence and post-conviction probation supervision. Also, I'd like note that the May revision includes ongoing reductions to resources available to implement the Care Act. Again, this is based on the updated caseload estimates and to special fund backfills based on updated revenues.
- Henry Ng
And lastly, just wanted to note that the judicial branch is also requesting 11.5 million in supplemental lease revenue bond authority. This is to complete the construction of two new courthouses in Santa Rosa. This concludes my overview. I am joined by my colleagues of judicial branch and finance and happy to answer any questions you may have.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. We're going to go to LAO.
- Anita Lee
Anita Lee with the Legislative Analyst Office. Just as overarching comments, the public safety proposals which are covered on issues three through eight of your agenda, our office, are still in the process of reviewing and will be providing recommendations and comments to the Committee in the coming days.
- Anita Lee
With that in mind, specifically related to the judicial branch, I think that there are some high level comments we wanted to provide related to two of the proposals. The first proposal relates to the reduction to trial court operations.
- Anita Lee
Absent any specific legislative direction, Judicial Council would have the discretion on how to distribute those reductions to the individual trial courts. One possible way this could happen is through the judicial branch's workload formula, which could be reasonable because that's generally based on workload, but it could be distributed in other ways as well.
- Anita Lee
So to the extent the Legislature has clear priorities for how they want the reductions to be implemented, we would recommend adopting budget Bill language to specify that because in the absence of that language, trial courts would have discretion in how they implement the reductions.
- Anita Lee
And this could mean that you have different workload or service delays, reductions, or backlogs that are reflected at the individual trial courts. Our second set of comments is related to the proposed reductions related to the court reporters.
- Anita Lee
In 2021-22 the budget included 30 million in dedicated ongoing general fund support to increase the number of court reporters in civil and family law proceedings. The courts have used this money in a variety of different ways, including to increase existing court reporter salaries, as well as offering retention and signing bonuses.
- Anita Lee
Our understanding is that there are trial courts that effectively entered into labor agreements that would dictate sort of how this money may need to be used. So that's something that we wanted to flag for the Committee just to keep in mind, because that could mean that the extent to which the desired savings are achievable is unclear.
- Anita Lee
So as an example of that, the proposal would reduce in 2024 the amount provided by $10 million. In a survey that was done by Judicial Council, the trial courts were estimating that at the end of 23-24 they thought only 6.4 million would be unspent. And so you can see there's already slightly a mismatch there.
- Anita Lee
So if we were going to achieve that higher level of savings which is currently included in the budget, it could be potentially challenging until we renegotiate some of these labor agreements, because until they're renegotiated, they would remain in effect.
- Anita Lee
So I think those are kind of the two comments, high level comments, that we wanted to provide for the Committee as you consider these proposals. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Do we have any comments from panelists? Senator Durazo?
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you, to the LAO. Just with regards to the court reporter and the interpreter reductions, we've been discussing this for several years now, the need, the urgent need for both court reporters and for interpreters.
- María Elena Durazo
So I guess my question considering, there's an enormous need, people's livelihoods, in a sense, are on the line because so much can happen in a courtroom that impacts their future lives, current and future lives.
- María Elena Durazo
So I guess my question, and I understand there's some either proposal or thoughts about pilot programs that help recruit, talking specifically about the court reporter that help recruit applicants. It's a very high-paying, very, very high-paying job.
- María Elena Durazo
And it's such a shame that we haven't, you know, with high demand, high paying jobs, you know, over 100,000 probably, plus a year, that we couldn't do more to help fill that need. And it's a need in all levels.
- María Elena Durazo
So with that, similar to the court interpreter using funding that, for example, would help pay applicants education costs or make sure that court reporter is going to have the job. So we've talked about these ideas, but here's a time when we shouldn't let go of that.
- María Elena Durazo
We're really moving in the right direction as far as conversations to make it real. And this reverting funding that was already ours, and now to give it back and give it away, I think, is a big, big shame. Again with the court interpreters using a portion one time for recruitment bonuses.
- María Elena Durazo
Those help us get there with those ideas. And so that next year we're not, again, in this crisis or a worse crisis situation. Yes. You agree? Yeah. All right.
- Maria Hernandez
Judge Maria Hernandez. I would certainly agree. I'm the Presiding Judge from Orange County and the Chair of RTCP Jack, and we want to be good partners. We're coming to the table with the legislative branch as well as the governor's administration.
- Maria Hernandez
But we're very concerned of the overall impact on the reduction and what that means to access to justice for, as Senator Wahab stated, the most vulnerable population that we serve.
- Maria Hernandez
And to your point, Senator Durazo, we don't have verbatim records when we don't have court reporters sitting in those chairs and talking about their livelihoods, but the people that we are serving to preserve their records and preserve that access to justice.
- Maria Hernandez
So we have great concerns about the reductions and what that means, cutting hours, shuttering doors, not being able to provide the services and the resources that we all know are needed to continue to provide to our California residents.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you. I have a question concerning the trial court trust fund backfills. Currently, the state has been backfilling because we run short on revenues. We need to run the courts and all of the things necessary to maintain those courts. And this is looking like a 45, I don't know, $45 million that they're reducing it by.
- Kelly Seyarto
Does the state, the Department of Finance folks, did they anticipate that this need is going away or because general fund revenues are going down?
- Kelly Seyarto
So that's only going to get wider because this almost seems like just a maneuver to make it look like we don't, we're not going to be spending as much when we actually are because we can't just shutter facilities.
- Emma Jungwirth
Yeah. Emma Jungwirth, Department of Finance. This is just an annual adjustment that we do every year for the trial court trust fund backfill, where we assess the revenues that are coming into the TCTF and providing a backfill to keep them whole. So while it looks like.
- Emma Jungwirth
Well, while it is a $45 million reduction is truly to align with the revenues that are coming into the TCTF itself. And so there is a total amount. Do you have that by chance? I don't have it off top of my head, but there is a total amount that we have included in the budget.
- Kelly Seyarto
So the revenues are going up?
- Emma Jungwirth
In the trial court trust fund.
- Kelly Seyarto
For the trial court trust fund without the state input.
- Emma Jungwirth
- Kelly Seyarto
So we're just kind of keeping that balance, is that what you're saying?
- Emma Jungwirth
That's exactly right. Yeah.
- Unidentified Speaker
Civil filings have improved over the last year, and so that generates additional revenues for the branch.
- Aisha Wahab
All right, so I'm just going to make my comments about the judicial branch. I think it's often overlooked as very much an important part of our society and not necessarily prioritized in a lot of the bills that we introduced, let alone a budget request. So I completely understand that.
- Aisha Wahab
I also want to highlight and echo some of the comments that were made. I deeply care about the interpreters, specifically California being as diverse as it is. And I often kind of state, even in my own position, I'm a minority amongst minorities, and often I see the elders in my community not have the resources they need. Right?
- Aisha Wahab
It's not one of the dominant languages, is not one of the dominant cultures in the State of California, but just as everybody, they also need interpreters, they need translators, they need individuals that can kind of walk them through what's going on, especially as daunting and scary as going to court can be for so many of them. Right?
- Aisha Wahab
So I personally, and again, I just want to highlight that I do think that we need to maintain what we're doing for the judicial branch first and foremost.
- Aisha Wahab
I know I've had conversations with the Chief Justice as well, who's been advocating for kind of mainstreaming and streamlining a lot of the efforts in the judicial branch specifically, and I've stated this multiple times, even in the last time you guys were here, is if we can have extended hours, right?
- Aisha Wahab
If people are working nine to five, they cannot go to court. Right? And sometimes they just sign something. People often talk about plea bargains and plea deals just because it's so daunting.
- Aisha Wahab
But I will go even a step further that even on some very small infractions, people take a deeper hit, whether it's their insurance or whether it's just paying the fee and so forth, just because they can't attend a court appointment.
- Aisha Wahab
So for arraignments and things like that, I genuinely believe that it should be super quick and super fast and potentially just online for people to be able to do it. I know I told the Chief Justice, I think you should be able to get an email, click a button and move on.
- Aisha Wahab
She said, I think you're ahead of, like, where the rest of society wants to go with that. And then also just even the court cases, right? You know, they get a document, they spend literally, potentially the whole day, 8 hours, and there's no clear commitment of when their time is for their actual case. Right?
- Aisha Wahab
That is a problem for regular people. Right? And I often state this in regards to our fiscal deficits, is that we should also take a look at it as an opportunity to fix systems that are not as efficient.
- Aisha Wahab
And I think that this is an opportunity for the judicial branch to really think about how they can potentially either provide weekend or a little bit late night services. And I'm not talking about the walk in courts, you know, that happen once or twice a month or something like that. I'm talking about more robust later timing. Right?
- Aisha Wahab
Because the nine-to-five doesn't always work. And I know it's not most courts, at least in my county, it's not even nine-to-five. It's like nine to four or something like that. So it's not fair to the average society whether they are accused of something or not. Those timeframes do not work for working people. Right?
- Aisha Wahab
Again, I do care about the interpreters and the reporters, and I think it's incredibly important to be able to maintain the integrity of the court records as well as much more. So I'm hoping that we can kind of figure out what we're doing here. So I appreciate your time. We'll move on to issue number four. Thank you.
- Maria Hernandez
Thank you very much.
- Aisha Wahab
So issue number four. I always mess up. Anthony Franzoia from the Department of Finance. Anita Lee from LAO. Drew Soderborg, LAO. Issue number three covers the governor's May revision proposal for the Department of Justice. We're first going to hear from the Department of Finance, so when you're ready, please go ahead.
- Anthony Franzoia
Good morning Chair Members of the Subcommitee and perfect pronunciation on the last name. Thank you Anthony Franzoia from the Department of Finance. I will be highlighting a handful of adjustments included in the May Revision for the Department of Justice's budget.
- Anthony Franzoia
First and foremost at Governor's Budget, we proposed $100 million loan from the litigation Deposits Fund going to the General Fund in 24-25. But given some statutory changes, we are now proposing to switch the Fund source to the unfair competition law Fund.
- Anthony Franzoia
And then additionally, the mayor of vision is proposing another $30 million loan from the unfair competition law Fund for a total of $130 million in 24-25. Moving on to workload bcps at a high level, there are ongoing resources for six workload bcps in 24-25. These amount to $30.7 million in 93 positions.
- Anthony Franzoia
The General Fund portion of that is $12.8 million. In eight positions, the special Fund component is $17.9 million and 85 positions quickly on chaptered legislation BCPs there are ongoing resources for 13 chaptered ledge BCPs in the budget year.
- Anthony Franzoia
These total $17.45 million in 47 positions, the General Fund component about $15.9 million and 41 positions the special Fund component a little bit smaller, $1.47 million and 6 positions. In terms of General Fund solutions, there are two included for DOJ in the May Revision.
- Anthony Franzoia
The first is a $15 million ongoing reduction for the Division of Law Enforcement and the Division of Legal Services. That will be a $10 million reduction for the Division of Law Enforcement and a $5 million reduction for legal services. DOJ has the flexibility to determine exactly how it implements this reduction.
- Anthony Franzoia
We're not being prescriptive in terms of what DOJ needs to to cut to meet the target.
- Anthony Franzoia
Given the fact that the May Revision has only just been released, I don't think DOJ has a lot of specifics on what will go into that $15 million, but both the Department of Finance and DOJ are working together on that and we're committed to having conversations with the Legislature over the coming weeks.
- Anthony Franzoia
The second, smaller solution is a $3 million ongoing reduction for the Division of Medi Cal fraud and elder abuse and for the department's defending California resources, which I'll refer to as decal. For the Division of Medi Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse, there's a $2 million Fund swap between the General Fund and False Claims Act Fund.
- Anthony Franzoia
Basically, we would reduce DOJ's General Fund items supporting DMFEA by $2 million and then increase the False Claims Act Fund item by $2 million. So offsetting some General Fund expenses and then for decal, it would just be a $1 million ongoing introduction to those resources. And that concludes my remarks and happy to answer questions.
- Anita Lee
Anita Lee with the LAO so similar to the prior issue, we have a couple of initial high level comments for your consideration. The first is related to the proposed $10 million reduction to the Division of Law Enforcement, also known as DLE.
- Anita Lee
Do generally supports DOJ's task forces and investigation teams, as well as the Bureau of Firearms, the Bureau of Forensic Services and the Bureau of Gambling Control. All of these, with the exception of the Bureau of Gambling Control, do receive General Fund support.
- Anita Lee
And so the Legislature might want to consider whether it would like to provide DOJ with direction on how to implement the reduction if the Legislature has clear priorities. So, for example, the Legislature might have a priority that certain task forces or teams maintain operations as a priority over others. So that's just an example.
- Anita Lee
Specifically related to the Bureau of Forensic Services, we would note that the state has provided General Fund support since 2016 to 17 to backfill a decline of criminal fine and fee revenue that supports its operations. And so most recently, the 2023-24 budget.
- Anita Lee
So last year's budget provided $46.1 million of a General Fund backfill for three years, and that backfill can also be increased by the Department of Finance if more money is needed through a section letter process.
- Anita Lee
And we did want to note and remind the Committee that our office has made prior recommendations that could potentially reduce that amount of General Fund that's needed to support BFS.
- Anita Lee
Specifically, we have recommended requiring that users of BFS services be directed to partially support a cost of its operations, and this would minimize, again the impact on the General Fund, as well as provide users with greater incentive to think about the workload that they are submitting to the bureau.
- Anita Lee
We raise this again because, given the state's budget situation, this is something that the Committee may want to consider in addition, or in lieu to the governor's proposal. The second set of our comments relate to six firearm related budget change proposals that were included as part of the May Revision.
- Anita Lee
These six proposals total $15.5 million from the General Fund in 2024 to 25, declining to $8.1 million annually beginning in 27-28. We generally don't have concerns with the dollar amount, but we do question whether the General Fund is the appropriate source to be paying for this, particularly given the state's budget situation.
- Anita Lee
Specifically, we would note that these costs could potentially be supported by the state's firearm-related special funds, which would include the dealer's record of sale, special account, or DROs, which the Committee has discussed in the past. The DROs Fund is authorized by state law to support a wide range of firearm-related programs and activities.
- Anita Lee
So a key example of that is one of the proposals on this list is the firearm IT system modernization project, or the fits, some project that would replace a number of existing systems, about 17 of them. And so the governors may revision proposes funding for the next step, but from the General Fund.
- Anita Lee
And prior iterations of requested funding have actually come from DRO. So that's kind of an example of that funding. These types of proposals from fee revenue that go into the firearm related special funds would merit consideration given the state's budget situation.
- Anita Lee
We do note that there could be concerns related to the solvency of dros, and so the Legislature could either consider increasing the DROS fee and or providing a General Fund loan that would be repaid from DROS. Our final comments is specifically related to fitsum.
- Anita Lee
The fitsum project is getting close to the stage where it might then be built. You don't have a proposal for that additional funding, but we thought we would flag for the Committee that it could cost a couple hundred millions of dollars to build.
- Anita Lee
So, given this upcoming cost, the Legislature may also want to consider directing DOJ to provide an assessment of how much fee revenues may need to be increased to cover that cost. And the Legislature could then use that information to determine how much to increase the fee while balancing its priorities.
- Anita Lee
And by balancing its priorities, it can include ensuring that there's sufficient monies for enforcement activities while also balancing how much firearm purchasers are being asked to pay. Thank you so much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, Committee Members. Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
All right. Right now we have, what, $4.7 million in 24-25. Another $4.7 in 25-26. And does that second for the. I'm sorry for the climate litigation. Nuisance. Climate nuisance litigation against the oil companies. So it's $5 billion. So is it $10 million total, or is it 15? In other words, is that 2nd, $4.7, is that for the next two years?
- Anthony Franzoia
Anthony Franzoia at the Department of Finance. It's correct. It's $4.7 million in 24-25, 25-26 and 26-27. So three additional years of funding.
- Kelly Seyarto
So $15 million to chase after a climate nuisance lawsuit.
- Anthony Franzoia
Correct. I will note that the 2023 Budget act already appropriated, I think, $3.8 million one time. That was the General Fund, and these are special Fund resources. Okay.
- Kelly Seyarto
Because that's absurd. That's ridiculous. That's a ridiculous expenditure of money. And then the other one is, again, the firearms information technology systems. We haven't had a very good track record with this stuff, with our IT systems, shifts and stuff.
- Kelly Seyarto
And those are the kind of projects, when you're looking at a budget that needs to be cut drastically, there are some programs that don't need to be done right now because they're not going to have an immediate impact on the lives of anybody.
- Kelly Seyarto
And so, you know, I'd like to see us being a little bit more, I don't know, careful about what kind of programs we're cutting versus what kind of programs can sit and wait for a little bit. And I'm going to take one that's a little out of our context.
- Kelly Seyarto
But when we're talking about $500 million for electric buses and we're cutting $10 million from some of our workforce development stuff, that doesn't make sense.
- Kelly Seyarto
Some of that stuff can wait a couple of years while we're in this crisis, while we dig ourselves out of the self imposed crisis, our self generated crisis that's not in a recession, that's the kind of tough kind of cuts that we should be looking at and yet I don't see those.
- Kelly Seyarto
I see us funding a ridiculous lawsuit for $15 million for the next two years that I doubt very much that we're going to prevail in.
- Kelly Seyarto
So I think there's a lot more work to be done in rooting out some of the nonsensical expenditures that we're using my taxpayer money and other taxpayers monies for because that stuff like that is not the stuff that we think is very helpful in our lives.
- Kelly Seyarto
And so those are the only comments I have about this particular section. But there's a lot of work that needs done in the DOJ to ferret out stuff that is actually useful versus stuff that is more of a messaging tool because those messages are really, really expensive to us, the taxpayers. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. Hopefully, this is not out of order, but there was in the original proposal from the Administration a $30 million cut to public defenders. And I'm concerned because the may revise doesn't speak to it but also doesn't restore it, as far as I understand.
- María Elena Durazo
But I just, I want to raise that issue if there's a way of responding, because as I hear, as I understand it, the spending on indigent defense across the state is about half, a little over half of the amount spent on District Attorney's offices.
- María Elena Durazo
So here we have people who have little to no resources to spend on their own defense. And yet in total, the system is really cutting out half the people who very desperately need that defense. So if anybody could speak to that.
- Cynthia Mendoza
Hi, Cynthia Mendoza, Department of Finance. Yes, that proposal that was proposed Governor's Budget under the state and community corrections budget is still up for negotiation. It was proposed and no action was taken on it during the early action. So it is still, it is still there. Okay. And it's $40 million reduction for the 40 million.
- María Elena Durazo
Yes, I was wrong. More than 30. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. So let's negotiate, you and me on this, and we can figure it out, but let's put more into defense for indigenous people. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you Senator Newman
- Josh Newman
Let me just add my voice very strongly to Senator Ross says I give or my proxy to negotiate with you to restore those funds. Nowhere are those funds more needed. I don't think you'd find instance where these cuts are going to be more negatively impactful. So I'm glad to work on restoring those funds as well.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. One, I do appreciate your time. I'm going to move on to the next issue area. So, issue number five, again, the overview. We're going to have Eric Swanson, Deputy Director with Office of Emergency Services, Vy Nguyen, Principal Program Budget Analyst, Department of Finance. Tesh Scherkenback, sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Aisha Wahab
With the Department of Finance, Jared Sippel, Principal Fiscal and Policy Analyst, LAO, and Drew Soderborg, Deputy Legislative Analyst, LAO. Again, representatives from the departments are available for additional questions and details. Governors may revision proposal again, the flexible. So, we're going to start with the Department of Finance.
- Tess Scherkenback
Excellent. Thank you. Tess Scherkenback with the Department of Finance. I'm just going to provide a quick brief overview of the five General Fund solutions for Cal OES' budget and then turn it over to my colleague Eric Swanson with the Department to talk about proposals in the May Revision.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Tess Scherkenback
The General Fund solutions that are proposed in the May Revision result in a total of 142.8 million in General Fund savings from the 2023-24 through 2027-28 years. 7.3 million is in 2023-24, 22 million in 2024-25, 69.5 million in 2025-26, 22 million in 2026-2, and 22 million in 2027-28.
- Tess Scherkenback
So, I'll break these out now. For the state disaster warehousing operations 2022 to 23 unencumbered balance, the May Revision proposes reverting 640,000 in General Fund and this maintains 99.5% of the total original appropriation for this program.
- Tess Scherkenback
Then we have the FireFleet vehicle replacements, and the May Revision proposes reverting the remainder of the current year funding for the fleet vehicle replacement, which will result in 6.62 million in General Fund savings. Next, we have the Listos California Emergency Preparedness Campaign, and the May Revision proposes a reduction of 12.5 million General Fund ongoing.
- Tess Scherkenback
This maintains 50% of the total original appropriation for this program. Next, we have for warehousing operations, a proposal to reduce 9.5 million General Fund in 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27, and 2027-28 maintaining 82% of total original appropriation for this program.
- Tess Scherkenback
Lastly, we have the Flexible Cash Assistance for Survivors of Crime Program, and the Governor's Budget proposed reverting the remaining 47.5 million for this program in 2023-24 and then delaying this funding to 2025-26. But given the magnitude of the budget problem has increased, the May Revision does remove the proposed delay, resulting in a straight reversion of this remaining funding. That's it. I'll turn it over to my colleague.
- Eric Swanson
Eric Swanson, Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Services. We have two, consistent with other departments, we have two BCPs related to chaptered legislation totaling about 900,000 and 3 positions. One is for the newly created Cancer Firefighter Cancer Prevention and Research program, and one is related to changes to our California State nonprofit security grant program. A couple other proposals of note.
- Eric Swanson
We have proposed 15.8 million in the budget, federal funds for a second round of our State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program. And we've also proposed an increase for equipment related to a January proposal associated with a for purchase equipment related to our state emergency telephone number account program or for a public radio proposal.
- Eric Swanson
I wanted to mention there was one proposal that got left out of the agenda because it was part of a capital outlay, late breaking BCP.
- Eric Swanson
We've proposed a net increase of 3.2 million General Fund related to the construction phase of a communication facility replacement at Red Mountain, which is near Del Norte in Humboldt County, and provides public service radio communication to those counties.
- Drew Soderborg
Drew Soderborg, Legislative Analyst's Office. We don't have any specific remarks. We're still reviewing the proposals, but happy to answer questions as they come up.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Members? Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Madam Chair. I have a question about the flexible assistance for survivors that is being completely. Is it, is it now defunded? And so, it won't. I guess on paper it will continue to exist, but. Or I don't know if at all. But if you could tell me some more about it. How is it that that funding helped organizations meet the needs of crime victims?
- Tess Scherkenback
I'll just provide a quick comment and clarity. Yes, you are correct. The Governor's Budget have proposed that as a delay in funding. But given the magnitude of the budget problem has grown since then, the May Revision does propose a straight reversion of that funding. So no longer delaying it is a reduction.
- Eric Swanson
Senator Durazo, I think you're correct in that the chaptered legislation that created that program will still exist. It just would need to be funded in a future budget appropriation.
- María Elena Durazo
And could you tell me some more or someone tell me some more about the program and the impact on the crime victims when it will be funded?
- Eric Swanson
I think in general, in a prior hearing, we noted that we felt like this was a great idea. It fits a niche in victims' programs that hasn't hit by other programs. It was selected, I think, because of the nature of it being a pilot program and it haven't being implemented yet. This was something we felt could be put on hold until future years.
- Tess Scherkenback
And I just would note a quick comment, if you don't mind, regarding the impact. So given that this program is still under development and no grant guidelines had been released, there's no loss of additional benefits that survivors will immediately experience because those benefits have not been provided yet.
- Tess Scherkenback
The program is still under development, so the situation will remain status quo until funding is provided.
- María Elena Durazo
I appreciate that, but can anyone give me an explanation as to what kind of services would have been and will be when we get the funding?
- Eric Swanson
Sure. The legislation itself set up an Advisory Committee which had Members appointed by the Legislature and the Governor. That Advisory Committee has already met and sort of come up with a framework for the program. What's different from this program, from other programs is that it's meant to be more flexible cash assistance, rather than some of our other victims' programs, provide support services such as housing or other kinds of things.
- Eric Swanson
But again, because we felt like it was a pilot program, hadn't been tested yet, we didn't have any evidence of how it worked. We wanted to put it on hold until future fiscal rosiness, if you will.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Aisha Wahab
Any other Members? So, I specifically wanted to highlight, Office of Emergency Services also handles the issues that happen in our school campuses, correct?
- Eric Swanson
Issues in terms of?
- Aisha Wahab
UCs, CSUs, you know, things that are happening in the news.
- Eric Swanson
We do have sort of, we have a coordination. We're not the primary person, group involved, but we do have a coordination effort in that. Yes.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And specifically, when we're talking about security and much more. I genuinely am concerned with the survivor's reduction. This is incredibly important as we're trying to prioritize vulnerable communities. And obviously, this is important as well as, you know, just again, trying to maintain the integrity of equipment and response time and much more.
- Aisha Wahab
And I just want to highlight, do you believe that there's anything else? Do you have any comments for the proposed reductions on their impacts, including the state operations and vacancy reductions?
- Eric Swanson
I think in general, consistent with what prior departments have said, we're going to work with the Department of Finance. Now. I would note specifically for Cal OES in this area that, you know, we're going to obviously, make sure that we meet our mission as far as disaster preparedness, response and recovery and make sure that that is, that those reductions take place in that light.
- Eric Swanson
But then we also think that there, we can look and see if there's inefficiencies that can be realized through these proposed reductions.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And then specifically with the flexible assistance program, why is OES maintaining the administrative portion?
- Eric Swanson
Some of that, a lot of the administrative part of it has been done already, a lot of the work ahead of time of the program. We worked with the advisory council to come up with the request for proposal. So, most of the administration has been taken care of ahead of time.
- Eric Swanson
There would be some Administration administrative savings that we can work with you a little bit in terms of maintaining if the grants aren't, you know, constant communication and technical assistance with the grantees as they go through the program.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. I think that we have a little bit more work to do, but then I'm just going to move on to the warehousing reductions. Does that have an operational impact or are those projected savings based on the current leases or savings from other sources?
- Eric Swanson
This reduction is just a reduction in the amount of PPE levels that we are purchasing. This proposal originally came about because of what we were going through in COVID. As time has gone on, we've come to realize that we think we don't need the levels we thought we needed at that point.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And then what is the impact of the reduction to the Listos program? What will be the remaining 12.5 million be used for?
- Eric Swanson
We haven't come up with an exact plan of how to allocate half the funding. It's basically half the funding is left on an ongoing basis. I will say that because in prior years this was fully funded, we have been able to develop education materials and statewide communication that we can draw upon to work with to prioritize making sure that funding gets to local nonprofit organizations where sort of the intent of the original program itself.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. And then I specifically want to ask about the California Firefighter Cancer Prevention and Research Program. Can you give a little more detail into that?
- Eric Swanson
Sure. This is a piece of chaptered legislation. I think the bulk of the funding associated with the piece of legislation is actually in the UC budget to provide the research grants themselves. But the legislation gives Cal OES a role in determining to go, going through and kind of rating those proposals and working out with recommendations for USs of how to fund that, those grants.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. So, you know, there's a couple of programs that you guys oversee that I think is incredibly important to me, the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Funding Authority. I have said this in multiple hearings so far, that cybersecurity and privacy is priority. And there was a lot of money on the table from the federal side.
- Aisha Wahab
And, you know, we just had a quick trip to Washington, DC, and met with a lot of folks there, and there's a lot of, again, funding on the table that's not being utilized or absorbed. So even, for example, when we're talking about transportation, right? There is roughly $40,000 on the table if the vehicle is considered a green vehicle. Right? If the purchase of that vehicle is a green vehicle.
- Aisha Wahab
And I don't see enough of the departments, cities, localities utilizing those funding opportunities, I would like to see that just because it is literally money on the table for new equipment, new ideas, initiatives, and so forth, and also hopefully meeting our climate goals and other more innovative efforts. But specifically the cybersecurity grant program, it is of priority. I've spoken to your leadership about this.
- Aisha Wahab
A lot of the localities, including in the Bay Area with the fourth largest economy, and obviously the innovation that we're seeing and much more and everything being done online, we need to be able to provide some of these localities with more resources when it comes to cybersecurity and build out the Cybersecurity Department within the OES operations. Right? And I just want to understand what is the projected vision for this.
- Eric Swanson
So, this grant program, and I appreciate what you're saying about trying to work with Federal Government to get as much as we can in California. In this particular program, I think our state share is pretty, is pretty generous compared to other states. The program itself, 80% of the funding will go to locals.
- Eric Swanson
And there's a percentage, I'm not recalling it right now, but there's a percentage that's supposed to go to rural areas as well, but. And 20% would be used for state. We've had our own state issues, State Department issues with cybersecurity as well, as you know. So that is how the grant is set up.
- Eric Swanson
We do plan to do a traditional RFP or request for proposal from cities and counties too and try to allocate the funds to where the greatest need is possible.
- Aisha Wahab
All right. I appreciate it. I definitely want to prioritize cybersecurity as much as possible. We're seeing a lot of the localities being kind of hung up on being able to defend itself with these attacks. So, we're going to move on to issue number six. Again.
- Aisha Wahab
Overview of the Governor's May revision proposal. Issue number six, to be clear, is going to be Alyssa Cervantes, Staff Finance Budget Analyst from the Department of Finance, Orlando Sanchez Zavala, Fiscal and Policy Analyst of LAO. Drew Soderborg, Deputy Legislative Analyst from the LAO.
- Aisha Wahab
Issue six covers again the governor's May revision proposal for the office of the Inspector General. We're going to first hear from the Department of Finance.
- Alyssa Cervantes
Good afternoon. Alyssa Cervantes, Department of Finance so this solution is a reduction of 1.9 million in 24-25 growing to 3.9 million in 25-26 and ongoing. The proposal would return staffing levels for the Office of the Inspector General's medical inspection unit to the levels that existed prior to the recent augmentation included in the 2022 Budget Act.
- Alyssa Cervantes
The intent of this reduction is to decrease frequency of medical inspections only for delegated institutions while maintaining the shortened period for non delegated institutions. The solution allows the Administration to realize savings while still protecting the OIG's core mission, including employee discipline monitoring, clinical incident monitoring and staff complaint and inmate grievance monitoring.
- Alyssa Cervantes
Happy to answer any questions the Committee has.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. LAO.
- Drew Soderborg
Drew Soderborg, Legislative Analyst's Office. Before considering approving this reduction, we'd encourage the Legislature to ask the Department whether or not this reduction would impact the timetable on which the state is able to take back control of its prison medical care program.
- Drew Soderborg
So the OIG inspections are a key metric that the federal receiver uses to assess whether or not an individual prison is providing an adequate level of care and making a determination about whether or not that prison can be delegated back to state control.
- Drew Soderborg
To the extent that this proposal delayed the ability of individual prisons to be delegated back to state control, it could eventually result in the state not being able to take over control of it of prison medical care as soon as it otherwise would.
- Drew Soderborg
We would note that to the extent this is a concern of the Legislature, there are other reductions the Legislature could consider in lieu of this one. So in the 2023-24 budget, 3.2 million General Fund, increasing to 6.1 million annually, was provided to allow the Department to seek accreditation from the joint Commission.
- Drew Soderborg
This was intended to provide an external source of oversight over the level of health care provided by the Department at the time. Because this is so similar to the function provided by OIG, we felt that this funding was duplicative and unnecessary.
- Drew Soderborg
So this is a place where the Legislature could cut in lieu of reducing the office of the Inspector General. We do note that it would result in greater ongoing General Fund savings. Happy to take any questions.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Members? All right, so does the Office of the Inspector General have any comments on the proposed reductions and how it will impact their programs?
- Neil Robertson
Good morning. This is Neil Robertson. I'm Chief Deputy Inspector General. I do not have any prepared statements. I am happy to answer any questions.
- Neil Robertson
Aside from stating the obvious, the reduction in the positions would have, in our opinion, a very negative impact on how we are able to timely perform our reports and oversight of the medical programs at CDCR.
- Neil Robertson
One of the main goals and main mission statements that our new Inspector General came on two years ago was to pick up the pace on providing these reports. In the past, we were around a three and a half year range to provide a cycle of reports for the institutions. So in 2022, we did get the budget increase.
- Neil Robertson
We got 18 additional positions to enhance the speed with which we were providing those reports, and we have filled all of those positions in this upcoming cycle, the cycle that we're currently in, and we are seeing an increase in time, and our projection is that we will be able to get this down to a two year cycle.
- Aisha Wahab
What is your response to the LAO's previous comments?
- Neil Robertson
Regarding the?
- Aisha Wahab
The questions that.
- Neil Robertson
The beginning of the.
- Aisha Wahab
Would you like to repeat yourself?
- Drew Soderborg
Sure. We basically raise concerns that this reduction could end up delaying the timetable for the state to take back control of prison medical care from the federal receiver.
- Neil Robertson
Yeah, we would agree with that analysis. I think that it would slow down the process. It's stating the obvious, the positions we need to get out to the institutions and do these types of reviews. And I know that the receiver does rely upon our reports to make analysis on whether to delegate institutions back to the institutions.
- Neil Robertson
And so we are feel we're a critical mission towards that and providing that report.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Department of Finance.
- Alyssa Cervantes
Just a quick clarification. So the intent of the reduction is to only reduce the time for inspection for already delegated institutions. We're not suggesting to reduce time for the ones that are not. And only 10 of the remaining institutions are no longer, not yet delegated back to the state.
- Aisha Wahab
Perfect. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Are there legal implications for this? I mean, there's one thing, is the timeframe not being able to do it in the timeframe, but does that hurt us on the legal front as far as what we're expected?
- Neil Robertson
I'm not sure exactly on the legal front. So in the federal receiver's office, they're delegating the prisons back to the institutions for management by the institutions and not oversight by the federal receiver.
- Neil Robertson
Our role has been traditionally when we came on board, which was to provide additional oversight in quality of care and in policy, compliance with our policies. Those are the reports that we put out. So if it's assisting in getting prisons delegated back, it would slow that down.
- Neil Robertson
I'm not sure how that would play out legally, but it goes towards how long the federal receiver would need to continue its work in monitoring and working with those institutions that are undelegated at this point.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. I guess because there is a receivership that is illegal.
- Neil Robertson
That's already happened. Right.
- María Elena Durazo
Right. But I'm saying is, would this hurt anything that the receiver expects of us?
- Neil Robertson
I can't really answer that on behalf of the receiver's office. I know that we are just providing those reports, and he utilizes those reports in his analysis.
- Drew Soderborg
I'm not sure that I would defer to representatives from the receiver's office. I don't know if there's any here that could talk, but it's not my understanding that this would necessarily put us in breach of any requirement placed on us by the federal receiver.
- Drew Soderborg
Our concern is mostly, though, that it would just delay the overall process, meaning that it takes longer for the state to get it back. At this point, we haven't identified a concern that this would mean that we're violating any requirements put on us by the court, if that makes sense.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
I guess I'd ask of Mister Soderborg, can we translate this into dollars or prospective costs, which is to say is the savings of $1.9 million this year and the ongoing savings of just under 4?
- Josh Newman
You know, is there a chance that we could wind up spending more over time in the event that we do either breach our obligations or extend the receivership?
- Drew Soderborg
It's difficult to say for sure. Basically, so long as the federal receiver remains in place, the federal receiver is going to be controlling state prison medical policy to the extent the state is able to take control of prison medical policy back, it would have more flexibility to do things that it might otherwise not be able to do.
- Drew Soderborg
But the question of how much difference, the different type of decisions the state would make in the absence of the federal receiver is hard to know. But it's possible. But they wouldn't be possible to identify a specific dollar amount. And it's possible that the state may make similar decisions to the federal receiver.
- Josh Newman
But there is some chance that we would see some exposure monetarily, either through legal expenses or some other costs associated with extending this timeline.
- Drew Soderborg
Possibly. So if the state. If the absence of the federal receiver allowed the state to take an action to reduce costs that it wouldn't otherwise take, then that would be where the state would be negatively affected by this.
- Unidentified Speaker
Chair, if I may, I feel like it's important to clarify. So what the Administration. The Administration looked at recent one time and ongoing proposals. This was an augmentation that was included in a recent budget to speed up the cycles of their medical inspections.
- Unidentified Speaker
The administration's proposal is not suggesting that we're eliminating medical inspections and we're not even suggesting that they be delayed for institutions that have not been delegated. So there are delegated institutions that are backup under the control of the state and there's institutions that are under the receiver.
- Unidentified Speaker
This reduction should still doesn't impact and should still allow the OIG to perform medical inspections at a faster rate for institutions that are not delegated. I think the delegated institutions, what we're saying is that it's okay if those timelines take a little bit longer.
- Unidentified Speaker
And I would just say it is very hypothetical that this proposal in front of you would delay the end of the receivership. The OIG medical inspections are one thing that the receiver. And I'm not. The receiver cannot speak on behalf of the receiver. He's not here today.
- Unidentified Speaker
But would just note that it's like very hypothetical that this proposal would have an impact on that. It's not completely out of the realm, but it's one thing that the receiver is looking at. And again, the majority of institutions have been delegated back to the state.
- Unidentified Speaker
And if the OIG prioritizes these resources to perform more timely inspections on non delegated institutions, would essentially not have an impact, kind of towards the end of the receivership.
- Josh Newman
Let me see if I can paraphrase. You can tell me if I'm right. The argument here is that's a natural reduction for the expenses that would be associated with already delegated institutions. That it's sensible because it's no longer necessary at the levels at the previous levels. Is that correct?
- Unidentified Speaker
I think that's what the administration's proposal is based on. That said, if the OIG, who we'll be working with, kind of on an implementation plan or the Legislature fault differently, I mean, we're certainly open to that.
- Unidentified Speaker
But yes, I think that's what we're, what the kind of the basis for the proposal was not only looking across departments at recent augmentations and trying to kind of look at those thoughtfully while protecting many OIG core programs and core programs for other departments.
- Unidentified Speaker
So it's just that we're, we're saying that perhaps the delegated institutions, which are under the control of the state, do not need quite as frequent medical inspections as compared to the than non delegated. But again, this is kind of a little bit for discussion as well.
- Josh Newman
Mister Soderborg, you get the last words.
- Drew Soderborg
Sure. I guess there's a couple different things I would note. First, it's possible that institutions can, the receiver could take control back over of institutions, which then would leave the OIG short in terms of resources to inspect them.
- Drew Soderborg
And second of all, from our perspective, even if the risk of delaying the end of the receivership with this proposal was slight, we see really no risk of using the alternative option that we identified having any impact on the timeline of the receivership. And that option would create greater ongoing General Fund savings.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. We're going to move on to issue number seven, please. Issue number seven again covers the governor's May revision proposals for CDCR. We're going to first hear from the Department of Finance.
- Aisha Wahab
We'll have Patrick Plant with the Department of Finance, Alyssa Cervantes with the Department of Finance, Amanda Garcia with the Department of Finance, Orlando Sanchez Zavala with LAO, Caitlin O'Neill with LAO, and Drew Soderborg with LAO. Finance.
- Alyssa Cervantes
Good afternoon. My colleague and I are going to provide an overview of the May revision proposals for the Department, and our CDCR colleagues are also here to answer any questions that you might have.
- Alyssa Cervantes
So, to address the projected budget shortfall, the May revision proposes general fund solutions for CDCR, which result in a net reduction of 169.2 million in the budget window and 117.1 million ongoing starting in 2025-26.
- Alyssa Cervantes
As noted in the agenda, these ongoing solutions include a reduction of 80.6 million for deactivating various housing units across 13 prisons, a reduction of 8.5 million in 23-24. 13.8 million in 2024-25 and 22.6 million ongoing.
- Alyssa Cervantes
To reflect a reduction in annual training for correctional officers and a discontinuation of the use of the Reality Based Training Center. A reduction of 4.1 million to reduce the number of COVID-19 tests conducted at the reception centers, a reduction of 4.1 million to reduce visiting from three days to two days for individuals in level four housing, and a reduction of 4.8 million for the proposed cancellation of the fire suppression services contract with the Los Angeles County.
- Alyssa Cervantes
Additionally, the May revision proposes a reversion of 54.8 million from prior budget acts for expanding the managed access system, the parolee data outcome project, and estimated current-year savings for both COVID-19 mitigation and the TransMETRO bus contract.
- Patrick Plant
Patrick Plant, Department of Finance. The may revision also includes various workload proposals for CDCR, and we highlight the following 26 million ongoing to address the increased costs of renegotiated sex offender management treatment contracts 7.5 million in 24-25 and 14.4 million ongoing to support continued implementation of CDCR's revised staff misconduct processes. 1.5 million growing to 3.3 million to support peace officer death benefits consistent with AB-621 of 2023, 4 million in 24-25 and 25-26, shifted from capital outlay to continue the hope and redemption team through which formerly incarcerated staff lead weekly rehabilitative programming and serve as mentors to those currently incarcerated.
- Patrick Plant
Savings of 44.2 million one time and 24-25 related to the accelerated closure of Chuckawalla Valley State Prison. Savings of 8.5 million 25-26 and ongoing to reduce CDCR's downtown Sacramento headquarters lease. A reduction of 6.3 million ongoing to better reflect anticipated ongoing needs associated with COVID-19 mitigation.
- Patrick Plant
Also, the May revision reflects a net decrease at 21.2 million in 24-25 and 13.5 million ongoing associated with updated population projections for the adult incarcerated and parolee population. With that, we will pass it off to our colleague, Amanda Garcia, to cover capital outlay.
- Amanda Garcia
Thank you, Patrick. Amanda Garcia, Department of Finance. On the capital outlay side, we have two proposed adjustments to the $20 million that was included in the 2023 Budget Act for the San Quentin Rehabilitation Center improvement program projects.
- Amanda Garcia
We propose reverting 8 million on the capital outlay side and shifting that for use on the support side as discussed by Patrick. In addition, we propose re-appropriating the remaining 12 million to be used for improvements to the upper yard consistent with the California model and the recommendations made by the advisory council.
- Amanda Garcia
Additional details will be presented for this project as part of the establishment package at the June 14 State Public Works Board meeting.
- Aisha Wahab
- Drew Soderborg
Drew Soderborg, Legislative Analyst's Office. We have comments on two of the governor's proposals, the first being the proposed housing unit deactivations.
- Drew Soderborg
While we appreciate the administration's proposal to try to achieve some savings related to prison capacity reduction, we do not recommend approving this proposal and continue to recommend that the state instead adopt a strategy of deactivating entire prisons as opposed to portions of prisons.
- Drew Soderborg
Recent deactivations of entire prisons have generated savings of around $50-$60,000 per bed deactivated. Each prison is composed of around four to six yards. In recent years, the state has deactivated eight yards, and those deactivations create savings of about $29,000 per bed on average.
- Drew Soderborg
Under the governor's proposal, rather than deactivating prisons or yards, they're proposing to deactivate housing units which make up prison yards. Specifically, the Governor is proposing to deactivate 46 housing units representing about 4600 beds across 13 prisons. That would save an estimated $18,000 per bed.
- Drew Soderborg
Reducing a similar amount of capacity by either closing by deactivating prisons as well as additional yards would create an additional about $100 million in savings annually, in addition to what would be created under the governor's proposal.
- Drew Soderborg
Additionally, after accounting for the governor's proposed deactivations, there would remain about 10,000 empty beds in the budget year, a number that would grow in future years. And if the Legislature were to reduce this capacity through prison deactivation, it could create hundreds of millions of dollars in additional savings.
- Drew Soderborg
This foregone savings under the governor's proposal is notable given the condition of the state budget and, if adopted, could result in the Legislature needing to make deeper reductions to other cuts in order to afford this level of prison capacity.
- Drew Soderborg
While the Administration has noted that prison deactivation can create difficulties such as access to rehabilitation programs, we think there's easy ways to mitigate those concerns, such as by using a portion of the savings to build additional classrooms at existing prisons.
- Drew Soderborg
Accordingly, we recommend, as I said, rejecting the proposal and directing the Department to identify prisons foreclosure and to also report which prisons it would deactivate, any concerns it has about such deactivations, and potential strategies for mitigating those concerns by January 10, 2025. Happy to answer any questions.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Committee Members? Senator Seyarto,
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you. We'll start with that, prison housing unit deactivation. So far, we've already taken several prisons offline, and we have another one that I'll talk about in a little bit that is scheduled to be offline. Isn't it easier to reactivate a housing unit than it is an entire prison? Because there is a point at which the population of inmates will level out and there's a potential for it to increase back up. And so I think it's important to maintain that flexibility.
- Kelly Seyarto
And so my question to you, LAO, since you favor closing prisons, is at what point do we stop closing prisons so that we have that flexibility to be able to accommodate what we need to keep our public safe?
- Drew Soderborg
So, historically speaking, the state has maintained what we refer to as a buffer of about 2500 beds. So what this buffer is, is the number of beds that we keep open below the federal limit on prison overcrowding. And so in 2019 and years before that, that buffer was around 2500, when we had a much larger prison population.
- Drew Soderborg
However, since then, because our deactivations have not kept up with the decline in the population, that size of that buffer has grown significantly. So under our proposal, we would suggest that it would be reasonable for state to try to aim for a 2500 buffer.
- Drew Soderborg
In addition, speaking to your concern about the need to be flexible and potentially bring additional capacity online, you are correct that activating housing units and yards, reactivating them, would be easier and faster than reactivating entire prisons.
- Drew Soderborg
But it is important to note that the prisons we've closed to date have been put on what's referred to as warm shutdown, meaning that there's still staff at the prisons who are trying to maintain them and prevent them from going into a state of disrepair, which would facilitate them being reactivated in the future.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay, let's move on to the LA County fire camp contract. What's that contract cover right now?
- Justin Adelman
So right now, that contract is approximately $4.5 million. We kind of have a relationship with Los Angeles County to provide services to camps in those areas operated by Los Angeles County. And the proposal here would eliminate that contract fully beginning in 25-26.
- Kelly Seyarto
What did they do for us?
- Justin Adelman
They provide fire suppression services for Los Angeles County in Los Angeles County camps. We have other CAL FIRE conservation camps throughout the state, though.
- Justin Adelman
Who's going to do the work that they do currently?
- Kelly Seyarto
Presumably, Los Angeles County would have to support those services.
- Kelly Seyarto
So you're suggesting that the county absorb those services?
- Justin Adelman
They would have to take on the additional fire suppression services that would be--
- Kelly Seyarto
So the state is paying the county 2.4 million?
- Justin Adelman
It's a contract, so it's 4.5
- Kelly Seyarto
Or 4.8 million dollars? So if the state is paying the county for something, the county has to be doing something for the state.
- Justin Adelman
They provide the infrastructure for those camps that we support with incarcerated--
- Kelly Seyarto
And for the incarcerated camps, correct?
- Justin Adelman
It's an CDCR incarcerated population that operate in those camps.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay. And so you're suggesting that the county should absorb that, the CDCR population for the prison camps?
- Justin Adelman
No, they would have to take on the fire suppression services through municipal fire services or other means, not CDCR incarcerated populations.
- Kelly Seyarto
What happens to the camps?
- Justin Adelman
That would be up to Los Angeles County to determine how to operate those.
- Kelly Seyarto
So bottom line is there's a potential that those camp crews would go away?
- Justin Adelman
It's potential, yes and--
- Kelly Seyarto
And so you're cutting the camp crews that are in those camps?
- Justin Adelman
Correct. That is a reduction in the camp crews and acknowledging the state fiscal picture. We are maintaining those camps through the 24-25 fire suppression season, which is why there are half year savings.
- Kelly Seyarto
Are we anticipating that there's not going to be a fire season in the next two or three years because this is all about vegetation management?
- Justin Adelman
- Kelly Seyarto
And right now with our insurance rates, part of the problem is we need vegetation management. And especially now, we've had two really wet years. So things are growing fast. So who's going to do that work if we're taking that tool away from whoever it is that we want to do that job? You think CAL FIRE is going to go do that job?
- Justin Adelman
I can't speak to other departments or the local municipalities that would be required.
- Kelly Seyarto
I'm going to take a wild guess on their behalf. No, because they have plenty to do with what they have. Reducing fire camps and also reducing the-- one of the better programs that we can get some of our CDCR people in, I'm talking about the population of incarcerated people.
- Kelly Seyarto
That's one of the better camps, both women and men. And they do great work. And we're taking that away and reducing our ability to do the vegetation management that we need to be able to show insurance companies that it's okay to insure our homes in those areas.
- Justin Adelman
Again, it's just the elimination of the contract. We would still maintain the existing CDC.
- Kelly Seyarto
Right. That contract is about $5 million. And we're going to wind up spending hundreds of billions of dollars in consequences from not having the work that they do get done. That doesn't make any sense.
- Kelly Seyarto
So I think that needs to be looked at really carefully in regards to not just how much money we can cut, but the good to the persons involved in the program, the work that they do and who's going to do it if they're not doing it because certainly I doubt very much that CAL FIRE is going to be able to install camp crews into those areas because those camp crews, by the way, augment everybody in California.
- Kelly Seyarto
When we have catastrophic wildfires up here, a bunch of our camp crews from LA County come all the way up here. So we're actually creating problems within that system itself, too, our response system, by saving $5 million on this. So that's something that is of great concern to me, is reducing our ability.
- Kelly Seyarto
We've been trying to increase our ability to not have catastrophic wildfires, and this is such an important part of that. And yet we're going to save $5 million so that we can spend hundreds of billion dollars-- hundreds of millions of dollars later in catastrophic fires. So I think you understand my concerns about that.
- Kelly Seyarto
The visitation, we're going to skip that. Okay. Let's talk about Chuckwalla. So have they taken in-- How are they going to do this? I mean, it's a year away that they were thinking about doing. They're trying to do it. How are they going to accelerate it to six months? They just going to move everybody out?
- Kelly Seyarto
What's the impact on the communities that are there and the impact on the workforce?
- Justin Adelman
Apologies for not introducing myself previously. Justin Adelman, Associate Director with the Budget Management branch. I do have representatives here from the Division of Adult Institutions. They might be able to speak additionally with kind of the process of, you know, notifying labor and working with the community on reducing or accelerating the closure of the prison.
- Kelly Seyarto
That'd be great. Thank you. Are they coming up?
- Justin Adelman
Yes, one moment. Sorry.
- Kelly Seyarto
Part of the-- While they're coming up, I would say part of the notification process and part of the whole process is enabling people that are directly impacted fiscally and by the closure of a prison. It's not just the prison, it's the community surrounding it. It's the people that are working there. Are they getting reassigned somewhere else?
- Raquel Buckel
- Kelly Seyarto
- Raquel Buckel
Well, Raquel Buckel, Assistant Deputy Director.
- Kelly Seyarto
Yeah, move the mic up. Yeah, there you go.
- Raquel Buckel
Hi. Raquel Buckel, Assistant Deputy Director for Facility Support. When it comes to Chuckwalla, you are correct that there is notices that need to go out.
- Raquel Buckel
And one of the things that we are looking at is obviously the placement of staff to make sure we minimize the impact of those employees there and the population to make sure that we are also transferring them to areas where they will continue with their programming, both rehabilitation, education and also any healthcare that's needed.
- Raquel Buckel
So, yes, again, we were able to move some of the population with the previous transitions of non-designated programming facilities and we were able to absorb some of that population. There is still population at Chuckwalla and we are working on again transferring those as well.
- Kelly Seyarto
So they have a lot of education programs at Chuckwalla?
- Raquel Buckel
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay. So the other, all the prisons I've visited, which is four so far, do have education programs that are far, they're over-impacted by a long ways.
- Kelly Seyarto
So how are we going to continue to help people to straighten their lives out if we're going to shut down yet another facility and try to stuff them into the same closet-like atmospheres that some of these other prisons are being forced to live with? Because we don't have the facilities right now.
- Kelly Seyarto
And I understand we're trying to do something at San Quentin and CRC has a good facility, but they don't have the capacity to be able to absorb more of these folks. So how are we going to help them if they can't even have access to a program going to a different.
- Justin Adelman
And to speak to that-- Sorry, to speak to that, I think that's one of our kind of disagreements with the Legislative Analyst Office who refer to kind of that buffer of 2500 several years ago, and that is a bed space, kind of the operational use of those beds. But we want to maintain additional space because of the programming, because we believe it's important to have opportunities for individuals to have, you know, adequate space for education or other vocational programs.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay, thank you. Labor force, what are we doing with them?
- Raquel Buckel
So the labor force, we're actually going through different processes to ensure that we mitigate the impact. Some of the things that we are doing is actually affording them an opportunity to move to within the county and outside the county to vacancies to minimize the impact with the labor force. We are working with them.
- Raquel Buckel
We continue to work with them. The goal is to minimize the impact on the employees and their families.
- Kelly Seyarto
Is everybody going to be employed when we're done in six months?
- Raquel Buckel
I don't have--
- Kelly Seyarto
Are they going to add to the 5.9%?
- Raquel Buckel
I don't have a--
- Kelly Seyarto
I think it is not prudent to move something like this, this massive of a project up six months more than it already is. It's already a strain to get it done in a year.
- Kelly Seyarto
But six months is a little much for the workforce, for the communities that depend on some of that economic development or the economic impact that these prisons have in their communities, for all that change to get pushed into six months to save whatever they think they're going to save, I don't think is worth it. Thank you.
- Josh Newman
I do, you know-- less probably consequential, but I think important nonetheless, I have a question. I think it's for CDCR, but the item on data collection analysis now comes funding, the revocation of the $6 million to you, if I can.
- Justin Adelman
Yeah. So that was a one time allocation fund several years ago to kind of increase and to contract out for data collection on parole outcomes.
- Josh Newman
So let me give you some context. So this was an item, I think, that was adopted a couple years ago, and it was a result of Senator Becker and a bunch of us wanted to support the development of a state system, a dashboard for better insight and real time outcomes on parole.
- Josh Newman
And my understanding is it took a couple of years to move this forward, and we had the RFP is, my understanding has been done. There were submissions received prior to May 3, when it was paused. And so first question, why would it have taken two years to simply get an RFP done and responses received on something that was pretty straightforward?
- Justin Adelman
Sure. So one of the issues was that CDCR has delegated authority for IT contracts and issues like this up to one million dollars. And because this contract was valued at $6 million, we had to work with CDT on kind of getting the RFP ready and kind of working through that process, and that process had some significant delays in it. There were also several kind of interested parties who kind of had a complicated bid proposal in the initial RFP. And so that whole process with CDT kind of is why it took so long to effectuate.
- Josh Newman
So I guess two additional questions. One is, to the extent that the RFP has been done, and is there some consideration to at least following that process through and maybe revoking some of the monies later and then picking that program up at such time when funds are available.
- Josh Newman
And I guess the point I would make is the problem persists. A lack of real time data is a real problem, and a solution to that that a dashboard might provide actually might yield significant savings over time that would far offset the cost of that program. So is this, you know, does this make sense, all things considered?
- Josh Newman
Because at some point, we'll probably start from scratch, if this is, in fact, a good idea. And I'd love to hear a response there.
- Justin Adelman
So I can speak to some of that. And I also have Jana Sanford-Miller, the Acting Director of the Office of Research here, as far as what we can and can't afford, I can't speak to that. I know that, again, it's still in progress that bid. So I don't know if there are any funds that have gone out or that are issues with that.
- Justin Adelman
I think with regard to the ongoing data research, we do have a robust office of research, and they are working with our division of adult parole operations to kind of do some new dashboards internally and in house and have some additional data reporting.
- Josh Newman
And again, the original problem we were trying to solve was there was a substantial lag in data reporting and analysis as long as three years in some cases, which clearly handicaps our ability to identify best practices and then implement those best practices across the system.
- Josh Newman
So does this not seem to be a good and reasonable expense, especially considering the benefits it might provide?
- Jana Sanford-Miller
Hi, Jana Sanford-Miller, Acting Deputy Director for the Office of Research. Thank you for the question. I think it's important to recognize that CDCR is committed and determined to provide, to better serve the public and our population and our staff through measurable outcomes.
- Jana Sanford-Miller
We have, in the last short period of time, we've really expanded our ability to provide data analysis. We've actually provided more on our existing, more data on our existing recidivism dashboard. We've expanded our recidivism, our supplemental reports based on our statewide recidivism report. So we've really come a long way in a short period of time.
- Jana Sanford-Miller
Concurrently, we have also partnered with the Public Policy Institute of California PPIC, and we have allowed them unprecedented access to our data, our CDCR data. We anticipate a partnership with them over multi years, and in fact, their first report we anticipate this summer. So, like I said, we've allowed them unprecedented access.
- Jana Sanford-Miller
They, of course, are an independent group, so we look forward to those measurable outcomes with that partnership as well.
- Josh Newman
So do I understand from your response, have we solved the data lag problem around rescission? Does that now obviate the need for this pilot, or are we simply making do? And again, I mean, you know, we're looking at a whole host of fairly meaningful sort of cost reductions. This is not huge in the scheme of things.
- Josh Newman
And again, my understanding has been to the extent that we started this, there was a real problem needing solving, and that if we could solve that, we would then be able to secure a whole, you know, a bunch of savings over time by applying, you know, better thinking and best practices.
- Jana Sanford-Miller
I do believe that we have the current skill set on our team and the ability to handle this in house.
- Josh Newman
Okay. Thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. I have a couple of questions. One, I want to ditto the remarks and comments made by Senator Seyarto on the fire camp contract. That's a particular concern since I'm from Los Angeles. I also wanted to talk about the third day visiting reduction. We spent a long time really struggling to get that done, and obviously for very, very, very important and big reasons.
- María Elena Durazo
We know research has found that regular visits between family members and incarcerated really improve the mental health of both the family and their loved one who's incarcerated in prison.
- María Elena Durazo
When we passed this, CDCR spokesperson person said, "frequent, high-quality visiting programs for inmates have been proven to reduce prison violence, maintain family bonds, break the intergenerational cycle of incarceration, and smooth the reentry process, thereby reducing recidivism rates." It's a very small amount of money, but the impact is enormous.
- María Elena Durazo
And the kind of impact that's not just dollars and cents, but results in dollars and cents not only for those individuals, but our whole community. So could you explain. I know-- Don't give me the canned response. You know, while we had to cut it from somewhere, please give me something a little bit more substantive.
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Durazo, first of all, I appreciate your comments, and I echo the sentiments of my predecessor that made those statements. Just to frame this reduction, this reduction impacts 23% of all Friday visits. So when we talk about our Friday visits, we're talking about 23% that are impacted. It represents 6% of all visits.
- Unidentified Speaker
So we're talking statewide, we're talking an impact to 6% of the visits. What I would say is the department does value family ties and understands the value of family ties, and we believe that visiting does strengthen those ties. I would also just highlight that we've rolled out a robust tablet program simultaneously to expanding to three-day visiting.
- Unidentified Speaker
And that tablet program allows the population to visit with their families at their convenience, through video visiting and through audio visiting or audio calls. So there is some light there. This was a difficult decision made because of difficult budget times.
- Justin Adelman
And also, if I may, this is again, specific to level four institutions. And so one of the kind of reasonings for the department to kind of make this difficult decision is that we wanted to emphasize progression and kind of rehabilitative effort.
- Justin Adelman
So for individuals in level four facilities, by allowing, you know, additional days of visitation in level three and below facilities, to kind of incentivize individuals to program and reduce throughout their incarcerated career. And again, we believe this maintains the rehabilitation effort and kind of the incentive and the overall goal of the inclusion of the additional day of visiting.
- María Elena Durazo
Yeah, I mean, visiting is a very important motivation for the incarcerated to be able to see it. Not a punishment, right, but a motivation. And that's been something that we worked really, really hard on. I understand it's somewhere, it'll impact people in 13 prisons.
- Unidentified Speaker
- María Elena Durazo
So, you know, 23%, 13 prisons is a big, huge impact. And again, in thinking about the amount that's saved with these individuals. So I would really urge you very strongly relook at that. When you compare the potential dollar savings with the impact on humans, it's pretty massive. So appreciate that. Thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you very much. Appreciate you. We're moving on to the next item, item eight, overview of the May revision proposals.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. Department of Finance.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
Hello, I'm Skyler-Myles Clinton Cobb. I'm representing the Department of Finance. Today I'm going to walk through an overview of the May revision proposals for the Board of State and Community Corrections.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
So, to begin with, our solutions, in order to address the projected budget shortfall, the May revision proposes General Fund solutions for the Board of State and Community Corrections to achieve a balanced budget.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
The solutions for the board result in a reduction of $81.7 million in the budget window, and these solutions include an additional budgetary loan of $75 million in 24-25 from un-obligated funds from the Cannabis Tax Fund to the General Fund.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
These resources are not currently projected to be used for operational or programmatic purposes in the coming year, and this loan is proposed to be repaid in 2025-2026.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
So the next budget year. For the adult reentry grants, a reversion of $54.2 million in General Fund in 2023-24 and a reduction of $57 million that was proposed to be delayed in the Governor's Budget.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
Next, we have a reduction of $9 million in General Fund in 2024-25 for the California Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Program or CalVIP. This will be replaced by funding from the newly created Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Fund starting in 2024-25 per Assembly Bill 28, statutes of 2023.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
Next, we have the elimination of $4.4 million in General Fund, a proposed Governor's Budget for additional payments to counties that may be still experiencing impacts resulting from any additional incarcerated individuals released to post release community supervision as a result of Proposition 57 which was approved by voters in 2016.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
Then we have a one time reduction of $3.6 million General Fund in 20240-2025 from the organized Retail Theft Vertical Prosecution Grants, which represents the remainder of unallocated grant funds from a total of $30 million that was appropriated in 2022-23.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
Then we have reversion of $10.5 million in General Fund appropriated in 2022-23 from the medical for the medication Assisted Treatment Grant Program.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
In terms of budgetary adjustments, we have in this May revision the inclusion of a workload proposal for the BSCC, which includes funding for the chapter legislation to establish a new in custody death review program for SB 519, statutes of 2023.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
We are proposing to phase in $3.3 million General Fund and 15 positions in 2024-2025 and then $7.7 million and 35 positions in 2025-2026 to implement an in custody death review program that will investigate deaths that occur in local correctional facilities.
- Skyler Clinton-Cobb
The May revision includes trailer bill language to shift Administration of 2011 realignment grants from the Board of State and Community Corrections to the Office of Youth and Community Restoration. Happy to take your questions. Thank you.
- Drew Soderborg
Drew Soderborg, LAO. We do not have any comments yet, but we will be releasing them in the coming days.
- María Elena Durazo
Yes, Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
Start it off. Thank you. So let's talk about the post-release community supervision funding. So from Prop 57 people released, the state was able to offset the cost for that to the counties. Did we confer with the counties on their impact, or are we just expecting them to absorb this cost now?
- Cynthia Mendoza
Cynthia Mendoza, the Department of Finance. We have been evaluating those impacts. These funds were considered temporary and determined annually. So in terms of what the counties are experiencing, we didn't go directly to the counties, but we are noting those impacts through our allocation formula. What we see is very, very much reduced impacts.
- Cynthia Mendoza
This was passed in 2016, and it is largely assumed that that initial group of individuals had already gone through the system and impacted PRCS. We continue funding post release community supervision through the 2011 realignment funds. This was just that extra amount where quite a few of the counties were noted as having zero impacts.
- Kelly Seyarto
As we should. So, yeah, making them pay for something that we did is probably detrimental to the good relationships that we want to keep with our counties. Right? So let's go to the reduction of $3.6 million for the organized retail theft vertical prosecutions.
- Kelly Seyarto
And all this is doing is authorizing or taking, reducing the amount from grant funding that never got used. Correct. So that was, we didn't really have to make that grant.
- Cynthia Mendoza
That's correct.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay, good. And because those are good reductions, when we find something that we funded and then we really don't need it, we should be reducing those.
- Kelly Seyarto
The $9 million reduction from the California Violence Intervention. And that's the Cal VIP grant program. It says the Administration has proposed shifting the support from Cal VIp, from the General Fund to the new ammunition tax. So when did the ammunition tax go into effect?
- Cynthia Mendoza
It goes. I'm not sure if I know. Cynthia Mendoza, Department of Finance. It goes into effect July 1, 2024.
- Kelly Seyarto
- Cynthia Mendoza
We have revenue projections where we estimate that the board of state and community corrections is likely going to get their full appropriation, which is 75 million annually, up to 75 million.
- Kelly Seyarto
And they base that on the hope that people continue to buy their ammunition here.
- Cynthia Mendoza
That is correct.
- Kelly Seyarto
The law abiding people. Good. So anyway, that was an unfair policy in the first place, but I guess that's what we're going to do. So anyway, that's all the questions I have for now. I appreciate your answers.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. I just have a couple of questions. On the in custody death reviews. What's expected is an increase in the number of positions. Could you explain why, what's going on that we need to more than double the number of positions needed?
- Katie Howard
Sure. I'd be happy to. Good afternoon, Senator Durazo and Members of the Committee. I'm Katie Howard, Executive Director of the BSCC.
- Katie Howard
So, the new responsibilities under SB 519, which was Senator Atkins bill from last year, establish an office of in custody death review, and there is a director to be appointed by the Governor, and that person will be a Member of our staff.
- Katie Howard
And then there are significant brand new responsibilities coming to the agency that we don't currently do. So what the Department of Finance was explaining is that we did the best job that we could to anticipate the workload that's going to be involved in reviewing somewhere between 130 and 145 in-custody deaths that are anticipated annually.
- Katie Howard
The new responsibilities go into effect in July of this year. So on July 1 of 2024, the Director needs to be appointed, and that person will be appointed by the Governor. And then we need to establish the staffing. And that information, of course, is all available.
- Katie Howard
But we have 15 FTEs that are proposed in the budget change proposal for that legislation this year and then an additional 20 positions next year. Any number of different kinds of functions.
- Katie Howard
Inspectors out in the field, people with medical backgrounds, the Director themselves, analytical staff, data staff, and then some of the administrative infrastructure, all totaling up to 35 positions over two years. And 15. That's right, 15 are recommended for this year.
- María Elena Durazo
And I guess, is it. Is the number? Were we tracking the number? I know that this is a different responsibility altogether.
- Katie Howard
- María Elena Durazo
Were we tracking the number before? Is it that the number of deaths in custody have increased, or what is it about the increased number of positions?
- Katie Howard
- María Elena Durazo
Is that based on an increased number of deaths?
- Katie Howard
Well, up until this new law takes effect in July, the BSCC has had for many decades, as you know, responsibilities to inspect adult correctional facilities across the state, county operated facilities, some of the city ones as well.
- Katie Howard
But we didn't have specific responsibilities to review, investigate, and make recommendations to local entities in the event that there is an in-custody death. So that's all a brand new function, and that's what the staff are being brought on to do.
- Cynthia Mendoza
If I may add something, please.
- Cynthia Mendoza
Part of this phase, like they're phasing in over two years, it's really to make sure that, as the BSCC is developing this program, they're doing it not in a slow way, but doing it correctly and trying to bring these new positions that they've never had, these new classifications that they've never had, to ensure that they're building the program out with in a very deliberative, intelligent way so that they're bringing, like, the critical folks on in the beginning, and then over time, they're going to develop further with that.
- Cynthia Mendoza
That's why they really anticipated the full 35, but it's just going to be a phased in process.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. And then last, Director Howard.
- Katie Howard
Yes, thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
Yeah. How do we make up, how do we address the needs of those who are incarcerated, who will be released? How do we, for helping them get out and not come back in? Because there's a very direct connection to recidivism.
- María Elena Durazo
I just wanted to ask, in terms of this very, very huge cut of over 100 million, I want to make sure that I get this straight. $100 million in the adult reentry grant program?
- Katie Howard
- Katie Howard
The adult reentry grant is absolutely a very important grant that the BSCC administers, and I know it's one of great interest to this Committee. There are currently several cohorts of adult reentry grants operating and running out into the field.
- Katie Howard
The program has been pretty well funded in the recent years, and we actually, the resources that are recommended to be reduced have not been committed out into the field, into grant programs.
- Katie Howard
So there, if you just sort of want to think about it that way, there's a little bit available that has not yet gone out to the field. So those are the funds that are recommended for reduction. But we intend to put a budget change. Sorry, wrong, wrong three letter acronym.
- Katie Howard
We intend to put an RFP out into the field so that will coincide with the wrapping up of the current cohort, so that there's no gap in the delivery of services out in the field for the adult reentry grant.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay, got it.
- Aisha Wahab
All right, Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you. A little follow up question on the in-custody death reviews. Who does that currently?
- Katie Howard
There's no specific state-level entity that's responsible for reviewing in-custody deaths. However, counties are required to do an investigation and provide a report to the Department of Justice.
- Katie Howard
And we've changed our regulation in anticipation of the new function at the BSCC to right away, beginning in July of this year, that we will be able to get those reports that counties are required to do.
- Katie Howard
And then we have additional responsibilities, in addition to look into those in custody deaths, review how they happened, and then, where appropriate, make recommendations to the locals to, ideally, let's hope, prevent in custody deaths that can be prevented.
- Kelly Seyarto
One of the in custody death issues that is going on is the fentanyl overdose.
- Katie Howard
- Kelly Seyarto
While in custody. Right. And they're getting those from various sources, visitors, etcetera. They're still able to sneak these in?
- Kelly Seyarto
Is that what we're going after so that we can identify programs maybe, that we've set up that are actually enabling those things to happen? Because if it goes down that path, are we going to fix it, or are we going to shy away from that because there's reasons that those death rates are going up?
- Katie Howard
Well, the issue of in custody deaths across the State of California have been a topic of tremendous interest to this Legislature and the people of California in the last few years.
- Katie Howard
So I would say for sure the issue of understanding, you know, what are the causes of death and to what extent is the use of opioids accounting for some of the recent increases? I think that that's undeniable.
- Katie Howard
One of the other things that the BSCC has done, our board just approved a survey on opioids at the April board meeting.
- Katie Howard
So we're beginning to collect some data, asking a whole bunch of information of all of the locals across the state, both adult and juvenile facilities, about how they address opioids, if they are using those substances like Narcan and other things, when an overdose appears to be going on.
- Katie Howard
And also, we're asking questions about how the locals believe or what information they have about how opioids are getting into those facilities. Our board's been interested in this issue for the last, more than a year, and we wanted to get that survey launched.
- Katie Howard
So we're beginning to have that data to assist the Director of in custody Death review division in our office, which is a brand new function.
- Kelly Seyarto
That just seems like a bigger, broader study, as opposed to this type of a very expensive review of a review, because we don't trust the counties review.
- Kelly Seyarto
And that seems to be what this is, is we're not trusting the counties to tell us what really happened, and so we're going to review it and find out that it was an opioid death or it was a hanging, which is, most of them are suicides or opioid deaths, and we don't have one to one, 24 hours supervision of inmates.
- Kelly Seyarto
So it's kind of like. And we've pretty much loaded the county with a lot of these, a lot of offenders. And so it just seems like we're spending a lot of money to find something that we kind of already know the answer to, and then we're going to.
- Kelly Seyarto
And hopefully, what this money will do, really, is identify and stop the speculation as to what the answer is, identify what the answer is, and whatever it is that we become comfortable with that and move on, because this obsession with going after counties because there's inmate deaths related to opioids or whatever needs to end.
- Kelly Seyarto
That's an expenditure of money that we should probably not be doing. And if we know. If we already know why these things are happening, because it's not always the. It just seems like they want to place the blame on the agencies because they don't have 24/7 supervision, because they just don't. We don't.
- Kelly Seyarto
We can't afford that. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
All right, I do have a couple questions. I'm gonna start with one from this. The state criminal alien assistance program, baseline adjustment. Specifically, can we stop using the word alien and incorporated it undocumented. And is there a specific purpose of why we use the word?
- Cynthia Mendoza
Cynthia Mendoza, Department of Finance. This is a bureau of justice program, and so we've just modeled it. I mean, it's. It's basically funding we get from them, and that's the name of it. But we also agree with you. It is.
- Cynthia Mendoza
We can look and talk with management about changing that name and not using it to model it after what the federal.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. In California, we have obviously, higher standards, and where we go, the nation goes, as they say. So if we can utilize the word undocumented, if need be, I'd like to see that. And this is the last time I hope to see this on any of the documentation. And then, Senator Seyarto, would you.
- Aisha Wahab
Whatever is appropriate that does not dehumanize individuals and human beings. So I want to highlight that. And I also want to ask a couple questions on the medication assisted treatment grants. I see that it's for substance use disorder, but this has nothing to do with the court ordered medication. Right. This is two separate functions.
- Cynthia Mendoza
This is a grant program that was. It's a pilot program.
- Aisha Wahab
So let me just clarify at least my part of it. The court ordered meds is also kind of a pilot. It was during COVID to allow for the county jails to be able to provide the court court ordered meds for those that suffer from a mental illness. And I just want to make sure.
- Aisha Wahab
Are we talking about the same thing? Are two separate things. This is specifically for substance abuse and not necessarily substance abuse is a mental health issue. I just want to make sure that we're talking about two separate items.
- Cynthia Mendoza
It is two separate items.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. I am very concerned with the fact that we are.
- Aisha Wahab
I just want to make sure that we are prioritizing, again, treatment. To Senator Seyarto's comments. I also want to say the fact that our prisons and jails are supposed to be secure facilities. The fact that drugs are flooding our jails is a problem and clearly a lack of oversight.
- Aisha Wahab
So I do want to emphasize that as much as possible. I don't know if that means more drug testing. How do drugs get in our prisons and jails? Right. I know. I would like them to answer, okay, you know what I'm saying?
- Aisha Wahab
So the amount, you know, I've visited a couple of prisons and they've said that, you know, nearly 60% of the inmates are on some type of drug.
- Katie Howard
It's a huge issue. No question. I mentioned, I think you had just come in, but our board did just launch a survey out to all of the local facilities to begin to try to get a sense, you know, a snapshot that's numerically and analytically based. All of the local detention facility operators, one per physical location.
- Aisha Wahab
The cops, not necessarily the inmates.
- Katie Howard
That's correct. The people operating the facility will respond to the survey.
- Aisha Wahab
Okay. I think that if we're doing surveys, we need to be far more encompassing and get a real analysis of both. You know, in the professional world, we have 360 degree performance evaluations. Right. The person that works with you, the person above you, and the person that you potentially manage gives you feedback. Right. On your performance.
- Aisha Wahab
I think we need to incorporate those standards in our prison system. Right. So as much as possible getting the feedback also from inmates to see what is the discrepancy. Right. So it's the old saying of who guards the guards. Right. We want full transparency on exactly what's happening. I also agree with Senator Seyarto on this as well.
- Aisha Wahab
Counties, as much as, you know, people are saying that we're doing significantly progressive policy reforms on the prison system. We're really not. My personal opinion. We are moving from state prisons to county jails. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
And granted, it's beneficial in the sense that they're closer to their communities that they belong to, especially for shorter sentences and much more with Prop 47 and yada yada.
- Aisha Wahab
But I specifically want to see what are we doing that if people have idle time and we have a lack of programming, a lack of available slots in these programming, and you have nothing else to do, and you committed one crime.
- Aisha Wahab
I don't want the jails nor the prisons to be a place where you end up becoming a substance abuser because you have nothing else to do. Right. And statistically, evidence based research shows this.
- Aisha Wahab
In areas where there is not enough to do, we can even say when there's not enough minimum wage jobs and local jobs, the youth turn to other activities. Right. If there's not enough after school programs and yada yada. I really want to highlight this because it's the same thing within our justice system. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
And there have been many, many proposals, and I've said this in our last hearings, that the more we keep offenders busy and educating themselves and really kind of molding them into better neighbors, as Norwegians say, we would have less recidivism, we'd have increase in education.
- Aisha Wahab
Whether that's a GED program, whether it's a diploma, whether it's whatever, training of how to be a good parent, training for whatever human society needs, we need to be focusing on that. So I'm very concerned about, again, the reduction to the adult reentry grant. That does not make sense to me. Right. When we're talking about recidivism. Right.
- Aisha Wahab
You know, we have bills that should be, you know, I know you guys are working with a Cal AIM program. That is taking way too long to implement. Right. And to get started. It's not that hard.
- Aisha Wahab
I think that we're kind of, as he even said, you know, having a review of the reviews, getting to a point where it's ridiculous, and this is what I said earlier in this meeting, that we have duplicative services, duplicative efforts, a waste of money, it's bloated, it's inflated.
- Aisha Wahab
So I do have significant concerns when we're not prioritizing what is important to us. The in custody deaths I think has hit the news significantly. It's not just in custody deaths, it's the rapes that are happening in the prisons that is of deep, deep concern. Again, it's supposed to be a secure facility.
- Aisha Wahab
It's supposed to be where supposed to be the safest facility you can see. And we're still having problems with drugs, with rapes, with deaths when it's our taxpayer dollars that is responsible for the oversight of this. So there is a lack and in my opinion, very much a dereliction of duty if these numbers are continuing to grow.
- Aisha Wahab
So I would like to see that. I also, I'm very concerned also about the reduction of the 3.6 million for the organized retail theft vertical prosecution grants, considering we're trying to prioritize retail theft, especially organized retail theft. And I would just like to see a little bit more work done across the board, especially in these arenas.
- Aisha Wahab
So I appreciate it. I'm going to move on to the next issue, issue number nine. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Issue number nine, we're going to have James Moore, Department of Finance. Frank Jimenez, Legislative Analyst's Office. Issue nine covers the governor's May Revision proposals in transportation. We're first going to hear from the Department of Finance.
- James Moore
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. My name is James Moore from the Department of Finance, and I'm here to present an overview of the transportation portion of the May Revision. You will see in these solutions that the Administration attempted to maintain as much funding as possible in the $16.1 billion transportation package.
- James Moore
We were able to maintain 14.9 billion of that, or 93%, which we're very proud of. If we narrow it down to transit, we were actually able to maintain 98% of the transit package that included the two transit and inner city rail capital programs, the competitive and formula TIRCP, as well as the Zero-Emission Transit Capital Program.
- James Moore
Unfortunately, due to the current budget situation, we did have to make cuts to some priority programs, but we're committed to working with the CTC and project sponsors to investigate alternative funding paths for those projects affected by the mayor vision, including potentially other federal or state programs for which these projects may qualify.
- James Moore
With that said, here are the transportation general fund solutions for the 2024 May Revision. First, I'll discuss transit in the competitive TIRCP, the 3.65 billion pot. The May Revision proposes a $148 million reduction. This number represents funding not used for awarded projects. Next, our largest solutions for the competitive and formula TIRCP programs.
- James Moore
Large fund shifts from the general fund to the cap and trade funds. The GGRF over the multi-year allow the program to maintain its funding without any additional delays. These fund shifts total $555 million across the two programs. This is in addition to the $791 million in fund shifts from the Governor's Budget.
- James Moore
So we're looking at a total of $1.3 billion of proposed fund shifts from the general fund to the GGRF for competitive informal TIRCP. I want to just reiterate that these fund shifts are not expected to have any program impact. The fund shifts are targeted to where the local transit entities have indicated their projects fit the GGRF guidelines.
- James Moore
There are also no more delays in the May revise for these two programs. Next, the Zero-Emission Transit Capital Program. This is the $1.1 billion that was added last year.
- James Moore
The May Revision proposes $680 million in delays, a couple different shifts happening, but the final year of funds, which used to be in budget year plus two, is now budget year plus 3, 2027-28. For active transportation, the May Revision proposes a $400 million cut to the active transportation program.
- James Moore
This, in addition to the $200 million cut proposed in the Governor's Budget, would reduce the one time transportation package ATP funding from what was 1.05 billion at the very beginning of all this in 2021 to 450 million in one time funding. This is in addition to the $275 million that the program receives annually.
- James Moore
For Highways to Boulevards, the May Revision proposes to cut $75 million of the $150 million pilot program and shift the remaining $75 million from the general fund to the GGRF. The Administration plans to work with the selected project partners to ensure that all projects completed as part of this program meet GGRF requirements.
- James Moore
The May Revision proposes to cut the $350 million of grade separations that are currently scheduled for 2025-26. The May Revision includes a $30 million reduction for dedicated commercial drive test centers. DMV has not entered into any lease agreements for these centers.
- James Moore
Furthermore, DMV has achieved its goal of providing commercial drive test appointments to customers within 30 days. Therefore, the need for these dedicated drive test centers to address the supply chain issues has been reduced. Lastly, there is one BCP that I want to mention that is included in the May Revision.
- James Moore
The May Revision proposes approximately $70 million per year for three years from the public transportation account to increase the level of funding that Caltrans provides to the inner city rail JPAs for inner city rail service throughout the state.
- James Moore
This will increase the amount of funding the state provides to the inner city rail passenger program from approximately $130 million annually to approximately $200 million annually for three years. Those are the solutions included in the May Revision.
- James Moore
As I said before, the Administration is committed to working with project sponsors and the CTC to determine whether or not there are other viable funding opportunities for the projects that were affected negatively from the May Revision. We have representatives from departments here to answer specific program questions.
- Aisha Wahab
- Frank Jimenez
Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Committee Members. Frank Jimenez with the Legislative Analyst Office. As noted by the Department of Finance, the May Revision uses two main approaches to achieve additional general fund savings from transportation programs.
- Frank Jimenez
This includes switching funding from the general fund to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, or GGRF, and reducing overall funding levels for certain programs. In general, we think these strategies make sense but do want to raise some issues for the Legislature to consider.
- Frank Jimenez
First, the proposal intends to use GGRF to replace spending that has been planned to be supported by the general fund both for the current year budget year but also future years. This is particularly true for recent augmentations to formula and competitive programs that were set aside to support transit operations and capital improvements.
- Frank Jimenez
This strategy has a lot of merit in that it can allow the state to continue supporting transit operations, particularly for agencies facing operating deficits and keeping commitments to projects that the state has already awarded to locals through competitive programs.
- Frank Jimenez
However, as we've said before in prior hearings, we recommend the Legislature exercising caution in committing significant out year GGRF.
- Frank Jimenez
Waiting to make these choices on an annual basis would allow more flexibility to respond to the state's highest priorities in that particular year, as well as provide additional information to the Legislature on how cap and trade revenues are coming in.
- Frank Jimenez
The May Revision also proposes delaying some GGRF funding intended to support transit operations and the procurement of zero emission transit vehicles. The Legislature provided this funding to provide additional support to transit agencies facing operational deficits.
- Frank Jimenez
Before adopting the approval, the Legislature may want to ask the Administration how the delay would impact locals who are expecting to receive this funding. The proposal also includes several reductions.
- Frank Jimenez
Reductions will likely be needed given the budget problem, and we think this is an appropriate approach, particularly given certain programs do have funding that has not yet been awarded. However, the May Revision does include several reductions to programs that have already awarded funding to local projects.
- Frank Jimenez
This includes the Active Transportation Program, Highways to Boulevards Pilot Program, and several grade separation projects that receive competitive awards. The Administration indicates that some of these reductions could instead be supported in future rounds of ongoing base funding for existing transportation programs. However, this may not be the case for all programs and projects.
- Frank Jimenez
Before adopting this proposal, the Legislature may wish to obtain additional information on how disruptive these reductions would be, such as if local projects are expecting state funding in order to draw down federal dollars.
- Frank Jimenez
The Legislature could also consider backfilling these reductions with existing funds from state transportation accounts and maintaining these projects, but also still maintaining general fund solutions. However, this comes with the trade off of less funding for other transportation priorities, such as highway maintenance and rehabilitation projects.
- Frank Jimenez
Finally, as we have raised before in prior budget hearings, the motor vehicle account is on track to become insolvent in 25-26. After accounting for new proposals for DMV and the May Revision updated revenue projections, the structural deficit is expected to grow larger. We are continuing to analyze the merits of these proposals.
- Frank Jimenez
However, we recommend that the Legislature set a high bar in taking on new spending from the MVA. Happy to take any questions?
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Do we have any Members? Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. With regards to the competitive TIRCP, there's proposing a cut of almost $150 million. So my question is very specific to that potential impact to Los Angeles. Los Angeles being the second largest city in the country. More than a quarter of our Californians live and work in the Los Angeles area.
- María Elena Durazo
So very direct question is, how would this proposal to cut transit funding impact Los Angeles?
- Chad Edison
Thank you very much. I'm Chief Deputy Secretary Chad Edison from CalSTA. The $148 million cut is coming from funding that has not yet been awarded to any project. And it comes from two categories of funding. One of them is $102.051 million. That was never awarded in cycle six of TIRCP in Southern California.
- Chad Edison
We did not receive sufficient applications to allocate that money to projects, and so it has not yet been awarded to split specific projects. The other portion is $148 million of future project development costs that are related to LOSSAN quarter resiliency. And those have not yet been scoped and are still awaiting award.
- Chad Edison
So the cut is from the combination of those two sources and has not been specifically applied to either one of them in the governor's recommendation at this point.
- María Elena Durazo
Does that mean that funding will not be available? It's because the Governor is proposing to cut.
- Chad Edison
Eliminating 148 out of the 250.
- María Elena Durazo
So that will not be available to Los Angeles.
- Chad Edison
Would not be available in Southern California to those two categories of projects. In some portion of that, because 250 is available. So there's still 102 left after this reduction is applied.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. That's still a big problem for a city like Los Angeles, an area like Los Angeles.
- Chad Edison
It's for all of Southern California, the SCAG and the entire SCAG area. Yes.
- Aisha Wahab
Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Senator Durazo asked my question, to your point Mr. Edison, that includes all of Southern California. With respect to the LOSSAN monies, that's troubling. I sit on the LOSSAN Subcommittee. I know that you've been a witness at various hearings. I think there's a consensus among all stakeholders.
- Josh Newman
You know, there's a real, some real challenges faced by that quarter and that some investments are needed. So, you know, this seems really an opportune to claw back that $148 million that otherwise would go to desperately needed investments in LOSSAN.
- Josh Newman
So how should we think about this, especially against all the work that the Subcommittee led by Senator Blakespear has done up to now?
- Chad Edison
The 148, first of all, isn't all, doesn't all have to come from LOSSAN. Also, that money right now is only available for project development activities. It's not available for construction. And so right now the 148 is only targeted towards project development activities.
- Josh Newman
So, you know, by inference, does that mean your sense is that should not hinder the work of the Subcommitee and the stakeholders moving forward, because at some point, those monies are going to be needed for project development, given what we've discussed.
- Chad Edison
Yes, there are a lot of project development activities already underway. There's $152 million currently being spent in that corridor on project development. We also have over $4.3 billion of state funding that is going towards projects in the corridor that are building construction right now.
- Josh Newman
All right, thank you. I'm sure we'll pick this up again at the next LOSSAN hearing. Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Senator Seyaro.
- Kelly Seyarto
Kiddo, for Riverside County. No. Yeah, we have concerns similar to theirs is there's a lot of needs out there, and I think it's a priority issue.
- Kelly Seyarto
It's an issue of how we prioritize money that we have and how we spread that money out over a few years so that some agencies don't suck it all up and everybody else is left out hanging to dry. The, you know, the bailout money that we had for our transit and inner city rail, that's all intact. Right?
- Kelly Seyarto
Not a cent of that's been touched. Yeah. Okay. In the meanwhile, we're cutting money to foster youth, we're cutting money to disabled kids. We're cutting all sorts of money. We're cutting money from our LOSSAN Corridor quarter projects. All this stuff is out the window.
- Kelly Seyarto
While we preserve that one funding, maybe they can reduce some of that funding and help make sure that these other things get funded so that we don't have delays upon delays in getting those, because those delays cost us a lot of money. Every year those costs go up more and more, those studies go up.
- Kelly Seyarto
So that is of a concern to me also, is we need to look at prioritizing a little bit better.
- Kelly Seyarto
And for some projects that did a lot of lobbying and were able to get a secure bailout, they need to share in this pain because, frankly, that's some of the things that we were doing when we didn't have the money to do it.
- Kelly Seyarto
We were promising people money that some of us were raising the red flag and everybody else kind of ignored it, and now we're doing this stuff. So the other question I had was on the voter registration, the DMV, New Motor Voter Program. We're trying to extend this to include incomplete transactions at the DMV. Is that what we're doing?
- Unidentified Speaker
Good afternoon, Senator. Your reference to AB-796, is that correct?
- Kelly Seyarto
- Unidentified Speaker
So what we'll be doing is implementing the Bill and ensuring that we have the enhancements ready. In the incomplete transactions, not necessarily true.
- Unidentified Speaker
We just want to ensure that as the voter, as the Californian comes in and says, hey, I'd like to set up my vehicle registration, and then they start the process of the Motor Voter.
- Unidentified Speaker
The AB-796 really just kind of expands on that and allows for like, the online transactions to be a lot more efficient as we're sending information over to Secretary of State.
- Kelly Seyarto
$5 million.
- Unidentified Speaker
It was part of the ledge Bill, and when we did the initial ledge Bill analysis.
- Kelly Seyarto
It goes back to my priorities thing. Okay, thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. We have no further questions or comments. Appreciate your time. We're going to move on to public comments. To ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard. Please limit your comments to 30 seconds. And if someone else has already made a similar comment, please just add a me too. Thank you and let's begin.
- Edward Little
Good afternoon, Chair and Senators. My name is Ed Little and I'm here on behalf of Californians for Safety and Justice. And I am speaking in opposition to the May Revision proposal to completely eliminate funding for a Crime Survivor Flexible Assistance Grant Program.
- Edward Little
I want to thank Senators Durazo and Senator Wahab for your thoughtful remarks and questions regarding this particular issue. And I would like to underscore those by saying that providing urgent help without red tape for survivors is a critical part of the state's safety strategy.
- Edward Little
Survivors have waited long enough for a program that meets the immediate needs, and Cal OES is at the ready to begin distributing the grant awards. As an organization, we are prepared to work with the Department of Finance and the Administration with other options instead of totally eliminating those grant awards. Thank you.
- Michael Pimentel
Madam Chair and Members. Michael Pimentel, Executive Director of the California Transit Association. Here today to voice our support for the maintenance of the $5.1 billion for public transit agencies statewide. I want to note all that money is going out via formula, going out to every single region of the state.
- Michael Pimentel
And I want to highlight that the first balance of that money is actually on freeze by the Administration. That means that in the Bay Area, $535 million has not gone out the door. LA, $620 million. Orange County, $180 million. Riverside, $140 million.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Michael Pimentel
This is an action by the Administration asking that that be lifted.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Michael Pimentel
And the full balance move forward. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
We ask, if you guys haven't been able to make your comments, to shoot us an email. Every single Member of this Committee is very interested as well as Committee Staff, so thank you.
- Kristy Dinsmore
Hi, Kristy Dinsmore here on behalf of the TPW. Reevolution is one of their coalition members based in LA and Fresno Counties. And I just want to thank you for your priorities, inquiries, this Committee across the board, really good, really good work. But we're here to support funding for the CBOs. I think.
- Kristy Dinsmore
I know there's a lot of place to be cut, but the recent office. Sorry, I got nervous. The recent report that shows that recidivism is like decreased from 70 something percent to 21% by CBOs shows that this funding is extremely necessary both for saving money in terms of recidivism, but also.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Kristy Dinsmore
Okay, thanks.
- Aisha Wahab
30 seconds, guys.
- Christina Brown
Hi. Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members. Christina Brown, Acting Executive Director of the Place 4 Grace, one of TPW's leading CBO rehabilitative programs. We are in strong opposition of the proposal to cut the third day of visiting on level four yards as this disrupts family reunification and public safety.
- Christina Brown
As they stated earlier, tablets will never take the place of human touch for the families. And we urge the Legislative, you all, to shift the funding that is sent over to San Quentin to support community-based rehabilitative programs statewide. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Holly Fleming
Good afternoon. Holly Fleming with Children's Advocacy Centers of California and the VOCA Advocacy Alliance. Not included in the May Revise, but essential to the safety and well-being of California at the federal funding cuts to crime victim services. Should funding for crime victim services not be backfilled by the state?
- Holly Fleming
Survivors across the state lose access to essential services, including child abuse response, rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelter, housing and more. Survivors of crime deserve access to healing services even during tough budget years. We respectfully urge the Members of this Committee and the Legislature to include up to 200 million in ongoing funding in this year's budget to fill that gap. Thank you.
- Candace Wakefield
Good afternoon. Candace Wakefield, Director of Operations and Programs at the Place 4 Grace. I'm a family member personally impacted by the proposed third day of visit cut from CDCR level four institutions.
- Candace Wakefield
The third day of visit has been in effect for less than one year and the proposed cut is discriminatory, counterproductive to rehabilitation, and public safety, far more than the amount of money said to be saved. And I strongly echo opposition. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Borey Ai
Good morning or afternoon. I'm Peejay. I work with the Asian Prison Support Committee. I want to just me too, the person who spoke in front of me. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. That's the way to do it, guys.
- Alissa Moore
Alissa Moore, All of Us or None - Legal Services for Prisoners with Children. And obviously, we're in opposition to the huge cuts to the ARG grant, obviously the huge cuts to imprison programming and also the medicated assisted treatment for people that are suffering with substance abuse issues. And it is an illness.
- Aisha Wahab
- Alissa Moore
And a mental illness.
- Aisha Wahab
Yes. Thank you.
- Lawrence Cox
Lawrence Cox, Organizer and Advocacy Associate of LSPC and All of Us or None. And of course, in essence, while the budget considerations are important, they must not come at expense of effective rehabilitation efforts and the preservation of crucial family bonds.
- Lawrence Cox
We urge the Committee to follow LAO's recommendation to close at least five prisons, which will save at least hundreds of millions of dollars. And also, I'd like to point out that there are other allocated funds or appropriated funds that aren't being used effectively.
- Lawrence Cox
For example, CDCR gets $20 million a year for reentries, for parolees and only use 6 million. That's 14 million that's still left there. There's other money that can be be reallocated.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. And again, if you guys have these stats, we're very interested. Please shoot us an email with the full in depth analysis that you guys are doing. Thank you.
- Yolanda Navarrete
Hello, Madam Chair and Members. Thank you for your time. I'm Yolanda Navarrete and I am with Initiate Justice. I am impacted by this third day of visiting, and I strictly oppose it. On Saturday and Sundays, families that go to visit you only get maybe an hour to two hours because it's so overcrowded. Having health issues.
- Yolanda Navarrete
Friday has been my primary day that I go. I don't even try to go on Saturday and Sunday because you're only going to get an hour for the drive. So I personally oppose and I speak for many family members. Thank you for your time.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Kari Arzate
Good morning, Chair. Thank you, Committee Members. My name is Kari Arzate. I'm with Prison From The Inside Out and Initiate Justice. I'm a community organizer statewide and work with youth impacted by incarceration. And I strongly oppose the governor's proposal for cutting the third day of visiting to save $4 million when we have 15,000 empty beds.
- Kari Arzate
And if we close five prisons, we'll be able to save $1 billion. In support. Thank you so much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Jeanie Ward-Waller
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Jeanie Ward-Waller, on behalf of CalBike, TransForm, and the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability. Expressing very serious concerns about the deeper cuts to the active transportation program. 400 million on top of the 200 that was proposed in January.
- Jeanie Ward-Waller
There's a solution in the transportation budget, backfill with the state highway account funds. This is the best program, most effective in terms of climate, equity and safety. We urge you to keep it whole. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Mark Watts
Mark Watts, with Riverside County Transportation Commission. First, I'd like to echo Mr. Pimentel's call to unfreeze the TIRCP money as quickly as possible.
- Mark Watts
Secondly, urge the Committee to approve the fund shift from general fund to GGRF for the TIRCP, as well as restore the Zero Emission Capital Program and get back to the 5.1 billion that we're at. So I appreciate the time. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Duke Cooney
Duke Cooney, on behalf of ACLU California Action. We're here to respectfully urge two things. One, to retain the third year funding for the Public Defense Pilot Program and to close an additional five prisons. The Public Defense Pilot Program is a moderate short term investment that's already yielded over $94 million in savings.
- Duke Cooney
And retaining this last year of funding will yield additional savings. Likewise, closing five prisons will yield an annual cost savings of more than $1 billion. They're currently not in the May Revise, but we're hopeful that this Committee will support their inclusion. Thank you so much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Sandra Barreiro
Sandra Barreiro, on behalf of SCIU California. We're opposed to eliminating the 10,000 state worker positions. Want to remind everyone that these positions are vacant because of lack of need. This is going to impact state services. Also want to remind everyone to include state workers when the reductions to department budgets are made.
- Sandra Barreiro
And lastly, on the court reporter and recruitment and retention funds, we don't want to penalize courts who eventually did the right thing and use the money to increase compensation. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Ryan Morimune
Thank you. Ryan Morimune, with the California State Association of Counties. Here, in regards to the Public Defense Pilot Program, we urge that it is fully funded for the third and final year, which will help counties implement recently passed legislation which provides critical post conviction services.
- Ryan Morimune
Second, for the Victims of Crime Act, we urge that the Legislature and Administration consider supplemental funding and then also oppose elimination of the post release community supervision funding in reduction of funding for the MAT grants. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Alchemy Graham
Alchemy Graham, on behalf of the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority and San Joaquin Regional Transit District, on issue number nine. We're grateful to see the $5.1 billion in TIRCP and Zero-Emission Transit Capital Program funds maintained in the governor's May Revise, and we respectfully urge the Legislature to support maintenance of these investments as currently proposed.
- Alchemy Graham
These funds are critical in keeping public transit afloat and allow transit agencies to stay in compliance with state environmental and transit mandates and objectives. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- McKinley Thompson-Morley
Hi. McKinley Thompson-Morley, on behalf of Ventura County Transportation Commission, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, and Omnitrans. We thank the Subcommittee for your efforts last year to provide 5.1 billion to transit.
- McKinley Thompson-Morley
We understand the budget situation we're facing as a state and urge you to approve the fund shift from the general fund to the the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for TIRCP and approve the investment in Zero Emission Transit Capital Program to maintain the 5.1 billion for transit agencies. These dollars are key to our agencies and the communities they serve. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Anna Alvarado
Good to see you, Chair, Members of the Committee. Anna Alvarado on behalf of the California EDGE Coalition. Here to respectfully urge you to reject the proposed cuts to the workforce training programs, specifically the California Youth Leadership Corps, the Apprenticeship Innovation Fund, the Women in Construction Unit, the California Youth Apprenticeship Program, and the High Road Training Partnerships.
- Anna Alvarado
Thank you so much for your support.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Silvia Shaw
Madam Chair and Member. Silvia Solis Shaw, here on behalf of the City of Santa Monica and its Big Blue Bus System. We want to align our comments with those of Michael Pimentel from the Transit Association regarding the TIRCP and ZETCP funding.
- Silvia Shaw
The pause on the TIRCP cycle six is a concern for the city as we prepare to advance our electric bus charging infrastructure project for our fleet. Any pause or delay in this funding could hinder our efforts to fully electrify our fleet by 2030, which we are currently on track to meet. Thank you very much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Nicholas Brokaw
Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members. Nick Brokaw, from Sacramento Advocates on behalf of the California Public Defenders Association. Want to just align our comments with the ACLU, California State Association of Counties, and others as it relates to the third year funding from the Public Defender Pilot Program.
- Nicholas Brokaw
You heard the cost savings, anywhere between $94 to over $700 million for just two of the four programs. So appreciate it.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Catherine Senderling-Mcdonald
Thank you, Madam Chair and Members. Cathy Senderling-McDonald, for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, also here for the Public Defense Pilot Program and urging restoration and continuing for that final full year of this cost effective program. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good afternoon, Committee Members, and thank you specifically to Senator Durazo for not skipping, but discussing the importance of visitation for incarcerated individuals. I'd like to stand in line in opposition for the reduced visitation that's being proposed. Additionally, I'd like to point out it was mentioned earlier there's soft closure going on with the prisons, and that's costing the state millions, and we demand real closure. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Karen Piemme
Good afternoon, Karen Altree Piemme. I'm the Director of the Red Ladder Theater Company, and I just wanted to speak out in opposition to any cuts to CBOs for programs that they provide in prison as well as cuts to reentry programming. We provide programming in eight different prisons throughout Northern California and reentry programming as well.
- Karen Piemme
And we know that our participants see this as a lifeline for their successful return to the community and look to us and our colleagues to help them navigate that process. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Nicole Wordelman
Nicole Wordelman, on behalf of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and San Bernardino County. Also requesting the restoration of the Public Defense Pilot Project. In Orange County, it's about $4 million annually. In San Bernardino County, about three. And in both cases, we are delaying access to justice for a large population.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Liberty Ortiz
Good afternoon. My name is Liberty Ortiz and I am representing California Youth Leadership Corps, or CYLC. I urge you to strongly oppose a budget cut of $20 million to CYLC. CYLC offers community college students the academic credentials and paid work based learning opportunities to become effective community organizers and leaders in their local communities.
- Liberty Ortiz
This budget cut would deny these students unique opportunities to transform their lives. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Henry Frank
Hello. Good morning. Henry Frank, William James Association, Communications Director at TPW. More importantly, I'm formerly incarcerated. Had a life sentence, did 20 years, got out on my first board hearing, did my parole, been out now for 11 years. And like I said, also I'm a teaching artist in CMF at the California Medical Facility.
- Henry Frank
Also on just led a returning resident workshop as lead artist. And I just like to say that we are worth investing in. When the community invests in us, we can invest into that community. And so I thank you for that. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your service. And inmate is a dehumanizing word. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Beatriz Hernandez
Hi, Beatriz Hernandez with the California Immigrant Policy Center. While this is not on the agenda, we are pleased that funding for the California Workplace Outreach Program was maintained. There are over 250 people here today urging the Legislature to ensure that the funding is protected and expanded and that you include the safety net for all coalitions proposal in this year's budget. Thank you.
- Bernice Rogers
Good afternoon. I'm Bernice Singh Rogers, an Outside Organizer with Initiate Justice. I'm also with Inmate Family Council at a level four prison, Salinas Valley. I'm here to express my strong opposition to the Governor's Budget summary, particularly regarding the level four visit reduction. The tablets do not replace rehabilitation. They're also controlled by GTO and the prison.
- Bernice Rogers
That's investigative technology, helping law enforcement. And I also believe that with CDCR currently holding on to 15,000 vacant beds, I'd rather them take away prisons than Friday visits. Thank you.
- Coby Pizzotti
Madam Chair and Senators. Kobe Pissati, with California Association of Psychiatric Technicians. I would like to remind everyone that the prisons were actually designed for single bunking and from a treatment perspective, and this is the way we have to approach everything from a treatment perspective.
- Coby Pizzotti
When you have too many inmates on top of each other, especially in mental health treatment wards or units, it makes it very hard to provide a good therapeutic milieu. And that's one thing that we're very concerned.
- Coby Pizzotti
So, yes, we oppose the closing of the yards, but we certainly oppose the closing of the five prisons because we would rather expand the yards and treatments so we have the ability to have treatment for those individuals without having a fear of, you know.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Coby Pizzotti
Being in those units. And just one more thing. If you want to find a place to find money, it's for the outsourcing of contracts to mental health providers two to three times the amount that a regular state.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good afternoon. I'm Laura, Outside Organizer with Initiate Justice. I'm here to express my strong opposition to the Governor's Budget summary, particularly regarding the proposed level four visiting reduction. Also, eliminate all soft closures of prisons. In their soft closure mode, they are still costing the state millions. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Dax Proctor
Hello, Committee Members. My name is Dax Proctor. I am a Constituent of Senator Durazo. As noted today, CDCR currently operates 15,000 empty beds in its prison system, which translates into five possible whole prison closures, at a minimum cost savings savings of $1 billion per year.
- Dax Proctor
If we enact a budget that prioritizes incarceration over our vulnerable communities, then we owe our vulnerable community members who will bear the brunt of the proposed cuts to social safety net and workforce development and do not have the luxury of attending this hearing today.
- Dax Proctor
An explanation as to how operating empty prisons for billions of dollars contributes to their public safety, to their public health, and to their economic stability. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Cory Salzillo
Madam Chair and Members. Cory Salzillo, on behalf of the California State Sheriff's Association. We would echo the comments of the Children's Advocacy Centers and the California State Association of Counties regarding the emergency backfill for lost federal Victims of Crime Act Funding, including for victim notification. And we would urge the final budget to include this funding. Thank you very much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Tana Opliger
Hello. Tana Opliger, with California United for Responsible Budget, or CURB. The Mayor Revision reflects a a 7.95% reduction across all departments, including CDCR, which as a flat cut would amount to a significant $1 billion. However, the DOF states that portions of prison operations will be exempt from these cuts and these exemptions won't be determined until fall.
- Tana Opliger
So I asked this Committee, how is the Committee supposed to identify savings and balance the budget in June if we don't receive this data until the fall? We want to highlight the urgent need for improved transparency and access to information and close five prisons. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Alicia Montero
Hi, I'm Alicia Montero, with CURB. Despite reductions in prison populations and occupied prison beds, spending on corrections has continued to increase over the last decade, reaching an overall 19 billion. While the Governor proposed massive reductions on education, health, and other services in the revision.
- Alicia Montero
The proposed budget for corrections has actually grown since the January budget with an increase of $58 billion since then. We urge the Legislator to prioritize prison closures incur prison spending as a responsible approach to offsetting cuts of other vital services. And Californians united for responsible budget will do what you asked and send over some data. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
I appreciate that as well. Again, having heard from all members of the public. Members, are there any additional questions or comments? Seeing none, I do want to tell the public again, if you guys have stats or information, please send it to us. We really want to hear all perspectives.
- Aisha Wahab
I want to thank all the individuals who participated in public testimony today. If you're not able to testify again, please send your comments in writing to the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee or even my office and visit our website. Your comments and suggestions are important and we'll included in the official hearing records. Thank you for your participation.
- Aisha Wahab
We have concluded the agenda for today's hearing. The Senate budget Subcommitee number five on corrections, public safety, judiciary, labor and transportation is adjourned.
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