Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 5 on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation
- Aisha Wahab
The Senate Budget Subcommittee Number Five on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor, and Transportation will come to order. Good morning. We are holding our Committee hearings here in the Capitol. I ask all Members of the Subcommittee be present in Room 112 so we can establish a quorum and begin our hearing.
- Aisha Wahab
Today is our final Subcommittee Five hearing for 2024. For today's hearing, all items are vote only. We will begin with public comments on these issues and then move to the vote-only calendar. The actions we will be taking today represent the Legislature's budget plan. These issues have been discussed in several Subcommittee hearings over the past few months.
- Aisha Wahab
We have heard and appreciate the feedback from the members of the public. This is a tough budget year, meaning we have to make some very difficult decisions. I look forward to continuing conversations with Administration and Assembly in a collaborative and thoughtful manner as we move towards a final budget agreement in the next few weeks.
- Aisha Wahab
Before we begin, let's establish a quorum. Consultant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Aisha Wahab
The consultant notes a quorum has been established. We are going to begin with public comment on all issues to ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard, please limit your comments to 30 seconds. And if someone else has already made a similar comment, please just add a me too. Thank you and let's begin.
- Aisha Wahab
And again, you're going to line up at that microphone over there.
- Danica Rodarmel
Good morning. Danica Rodarmel, on behalf of Root and Rebound and Initiate Justice. Want to thank the Senate for rejecting the cuts to the Adult Re-entry Grant and the third day of visiting on Level 4 yards.
- Danica Rodarmel
Also really urging that the 12 million left over from San Quentin be put into the Right Grant for 100 plus community-based organizations providing programming in CDCR. Thank you.
- Mariko Yoshihara
Mariko Yoshihara, on behalf of the California Coalition for Worker Power, Just want to thank you for the worker education outreach funding through CWAP. Thank you.
- Cory Salzillo
Madam Chair and Members, Cory Salzillo, on behalf of the California State Sheriff's Association, Appreciation for the inclusion of the $103 million ongoing for VOCA state backfill that the feds cut. We appreciate this Committee's commitment and ask you to support that. Thank you.
- Kellie Walters
Good morning. Kelly Walters from Legal Services for Prisoners with Children. I just want to thank you for rejecting the proposal of eliminating visitation for Level 4 incarcerated individuals.
- Melanie Kim
Melanie Kim from the San Francisco Public Defender's Office, thank you for rejecting the Governor's proposed cut to the Public Defender Pilot Program.
- Melanie Kim
My office also supports the Be the Jury budget request to raise juror pay and increase juror diversity, supports prison closures, opposes proposed cuts to visiting for people on Level 4 yards, and supports maintaining funding for victim services programs. Thank you.
- Jason Gotlieb
My name is Jason Gotlieb. I'm a concerned citizen of California, and I'd like you and urge you. First off, thank you for being here. I'd like to urge you to not cut the visitation for Level 4 inmates.
- Mark Watts
Good morning. Mark Watts, representing Transportation California. Deeply concerned about the proposal to backfill the reduction in active transportation program with state highway account funding. This happened last year. It's two years in a row. It's going to have a cumulative effect on state rehab and safety projects. Thank you.
- Natasha Minsker
Natasha Minsker, Smart Justice California. We love your budget proposal. You guys rock. You did amazing work. We hope we'll make the proposed cuts to CDCR real and concrete. Thank you for everything.
- Elmer Lizardi
Elmer Lizardi on behalf of the California Labor Federation. We want to thank the Legislature for the decision to continue funding the California Workforce Development Board for high-road training partnerships. We've seen that HRTPs have proven to skill workers and have successfully created pathways to high-quality sustaining careers.
- Elmer Lizardi
We want to thank you for continuing to have this access for workers. Thank you.
- Ginny Oshiro
Good morning. Ginny Oshiro with Transformative Programming Works. The Right Grant 3.0 is a non-competitive grant, vehicles championed by Senator Durazo that has equitably funded more than 100 community-based organizations that collectively work in all of CDCR's prisons.
- Ginny Oshiro
There's $12 million in unused funds from the San Quentin Outlay Project that we're asking be redirected towards community-based programs. Programs keep our community safe. Thank you.
- Dustin Baldwin
Hello, everyone. My name is Dustin Baldwin with Enneagram Prison Project. I, too, am in support of support transferring the remaining 12 million from San Quentin projects to direct to the Right Grant for in-prison CBO programming. Thank you, Senator Durzzo, for the support.
- Dustin Baldwin
Please protect programs that make a difference in people's lives concerning public safety and well being. Thank you.
- Wendy Banks
I'm Wendy Banks, Prison Yoga, and Meditation. CBO-provided rehabilitative programs are essential to California's efforts to reduce incarceration safely and CBOs reduce recidivism and prison violence. Thank you, Senator Durazo, for the support.
- Wendy Banks
We ask that the Assembly protect funding for the Right Grant 3.0 and redirect the 12 million from the San Quentin Outlay Project to more than 100 CBOs in California prisons. Thank you.
- Joshua Gauger
Good morning. Josh Gauger, on behalf of the Chief Probation Officers of California, we appreciate the action on the SB 678 program and look forward to a partnership on that project moving forward. We're also eager to partner on any ongoing conversations on the juvenile grant transfer language or new data reporting requirements.
- Joshua Gauger
Lastly, on behalf of the Urban Counties of California and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, we appreciate the Victims of Crime Act backfill and the rejection of the Public Defense Pilot Program reduction. Thanks.
- Dean Grafilo
Chair, Senators, Dean Grafilo on behalf of Case. It's the union that represents the thousands of attorneys, administrative law judges, and hearing officers across the state. Two items we're opposed to specific to the Governor's Budget and proposal. Item one is the telework, eliminating the telework stipends.
- Dean Grafilo
It's been noted by the Legislature that the Legislature has rarely modified or interfered with agreed upon labor agreements. Further, Case appreciates the Legislature's concerns that the proposed trailer Bill would effectively override side letter agreements negotiated between the Administration and the 17 bargaining units, in particular bargaining unit two, which is Case membership. On the vacancy positions.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Dean Grafilo
Case is opposed to that as well to permanently eliminate the 10,000 positions. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- David Amaya
Good morning. David Amaya from Anti-Recidivism Coalition. I am the regional manager for the Hope and Redemption Team's inside programming. I want to thank you guys for passing number 79 and then also grateful to the fact that you guys have rejected 81, the visiting, which is big part of our re-entry into society.
- David Amaya
As myself, I served time, I was a lifer. And also 108, the reduction of the reentry grant, maintaining adult funding to also vital as the supports of over 80 organizations providing essential re-entry and encourage that you recommend consolidating and deactivating prisons to address states budget deficit.
- David Amaya
So, we are all in agreement with item number 80, deactivating the equivalent of capacity of the yards rather than individual housing units to save money. We do hope that California could work towards closing five or more prisons which could save over $1 billion annually. Funds that could be used to sustain and enhance these crucial programs. Thank you.
- Jamel Carter
Good morning, everyone. My name is Jamel Carter. I'm with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition as well. That's my boss. So, I share very much of the sentiments that he shared. But I do want to personally thank you for allowing us to continue to work inside the prison.
- Jamel Carter
I'm a part of the amazing Hope and Redemption Team where I go inside the prison four days a week and do the work inside with the men and women to help them come home.
- Jamel Carter
I also want to thank you for the funds that's allowing ARC to continue to do the work once the brothers and sisters come home, right? So, we can have the opportunity to be productive members of society.
- Jamel Carter
And before I go, I just want to say thank you personally because I found my purpose in the work that I do today. Thank you.
- Sean Gage
Good morning, Chair and commissioners. I'm Sean Gage, peace, power, and positivity. I'm a member of the Hope and Redemption Team Anti-Recidivism Coalition. I want to personally thank you for 79 and every position that you've taken to help rehabilitate those inside. Thank you.
- Holly Fleming
Good morning. My name is Holly Fleming. I'm with Children's Advocacy Centers of California as well as the VOCA Advocacy Alliance. We wanted to add our deepest gratitude for the VOCA backfill funding. Thank you.
- Floyd Collins
Good morning. My name is Floyd D. Collins and I represent Awareness Into Domestic Abuse. I am six months removed from serving a 27-year and one-month sentence.
- Floyd Collins
I'd like to speak about the Right Grant 3.0 and state that people who participate in community-based organization programs in prison return at a significantly lower rate of 21% versus the CDCR average of 42%. We're asking that the remaining 12 million from the San Quentin Project be directed to the right grant for in-prison programming for CBOs.
- Floyd Collins
We thank Senator Durazo for her championship. Thank you.
- Cesare Redmond
Good morning, everybody. My name is Cesare Redmond. I'm with TPW. What I wanted to say was community-based organizations and prison programs make rehabilitation and personal transformation possible, improve reentry outcomes, make prison safer, and provide the state with substantially short and long-term savings. We thank Senator Durazo for championing community-led programs.
- Cesare Redmond
We're asking that the remaining 12 million from the San Quentin Project be directed to the Right Grant for in-person, community-based organization programs. Thank you for your time.
- Sofia Rafikova
Good morning. Sofia Rafikova with the Coalition for Clean Air. We strongly support the joint budget proposal to reject the proposed cuts to the active transportation and competitive TIACP programs. We also strongly support the backfilling of ATP with the state highway account funds.
- Sofia Rafikova
By rejecting these cuts, you're saving millions of lives from being affected by air pollution and climate change. Thank you for your leadership on this issue.
- Stephanie Boyd
My name is Stephanie Boyd. I represent Honoring Resilience, a nonprofit geared towards interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Preparation for re-entry should start the first day an individual is incarcerated through engagement in trauma-informed programs. CBO prison programs are designed to prepare incarcerated Californians to return to their communities ready to leave constructive lives.
- Stephanie Boyd
Thank you, Senator Durazo, for the support. Please support and protect funding for the Right Grant 3.0 and redirect the 12 million from the San Quentin Outlay Project to protect these vital programs. Thank you.
- Jeanie Ward-Waller
Jeanie Ward-Waller on behalf of CalBike, TransForm and the Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability, we want to commend the Legislature and this Subcommittee for rejecting the Governor's proposed cuts to the Active Transportation Program and restoring with state highway account funds.
- Jeanie Ward-Waller
This will help to address the crisis of fatalities of people walking and biking on our roadways and improve public health for communities. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Alchemy Graham
Good morning. Alchemy Graham on behalf of the California City Transportation Initiative, we'd like to express our sincere thanks to the Legislature for your support in proposing to restore the 600 million to the active transportation program that was previously proposed today to be cut.
- Alchemy Graham
And we will be urging the Governor to do the same and approve the placeholder trailer bill language. Thank you.
- Tyson Nguyen
Good morning, Chair and Members. My name is Tyson Nguyen, and I'm a staff Member at the Anti-Recidivism Coalition. I just want to say thank you for your approval for 79 and thank you for your rejection on 81 and 108, and we hope to gain your support on item 80. Thank you.
- Denzel Nunsuch
How's everybody doing today, my name is Denzel Nunsuch. I'm a former juvenile lifer, current Member of ARC's Hope and Redemption team, and I am a life coach inside of new Folsom prison. And I can tell you firsthand that this works.
- Denzel Nunsuch
And I want to thank you for taking the brave effort to pour into these men to ensure that when they come home, they are ready to be productive citizens. Thank you.
- Christopher Acosta
Good morning, Chair, Members. My name is Christopher Acosta, Hope and Redemption life coach at VSP, Valley State Prison. I just want to say thank you for your leadership. I'm also grateful to the Legislature for rejecting the following items: 81 for the proposed cuts for the level four yard visits, 108 for the reduction in adult entry grant, and lastly, we agree with the item 80. Thank you for your time.
- Lynn Acosta
Thank you. Good morning, Chair and Members. My name is Lynn Acosta. I am a Hope and Redemption team life coach at the Central California women's facility in Chowchilla. Work with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition.
- Lynn Acosta
I would also grateful for the rejection of item number 81 and recommend that we are in agreement with item 80, deactivating the capacity of the yards. Thank you.
- Wajuba McDuffy
Good morning. My name is Wajuba McDuffy. I'm the regional manager of the Hope and Redemption team, and I want to say a very, very thank you. Humbly, thank you for supporting item 79. Also grateful for you guys rejecting 81 and 108, and I encourage you to support item 80. Thank you.
- Johny Diaz
Good morning, Members. My name is Johny Diaz, and I am a Member of the Hope and Redemption team. I am a Life Coach at Valley State Prison.
- Johny Diaz
I just want to say thank you for approving 79, continuing the funding of the Anti Recidivism Coalition, the Hope and Redemption team, an in-person program that instills hope and values the experience of people like myself who have turned their lives around. We are also grateful for the Legislature's rejection of the following items. 81, the proposed cuts to the third day of visiting for level four yard inmates as visits are key to successful reentry in public safety. Thank you.
- Brandon Patterson
Good morning, Chair and Members. My name is Brandon Patterson, and I am a life coach with the Hope and Redemption team at Jamestown State Prison for the Anti-Recidivism Coalition. And I just want to give you guys a big thank you for approving number 79.
- Brandon Patterson
And I want to say we are very grateful for the legislators rejection of the following items, number 81 and 108. Thank you very much.
- Jacob Brevard
Hello, everyone. My name is Jacob Brevard. I am the Director of Inside Programs for the Hope and Redemption team and the Anti-Recidivism Coalition. First, I want to say thank you for all the work that you guys do and investing in the community.
- Jacob Brevard
I also want to thank you for approving 79, and I am very grateful that you oppose 81 and 108, and we urge you to be supportive of number 80.
- Jacob Brevard
As a Director at the Anti Recidivism Coalition, I think it's very, very important to Fund the right grant and to continue inside programming throughout California with multiple community-based organizations. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. And again, it's a reminder that if you belong to one of the big coalitions that are here, please state me, too. Thank you.
- Joseph Osorio
Good morning. My name is Joseph Osorio. I'm the Associate Director with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition here in Sacramento. Just want to say thank you on behalf of ARC, on behalf of our community and the population that we serve inside.
- Joseph Osorio
We know that the funding that you all provide for us goes a long way and provides crucial resources for the population that we're serving and the community Members coming back home. Thank you for approving 79. And thank you for not supporting item 81 and 108. And we strongly urge you to support item 80.
- Joseph Osorio
Thank you so much.
- Dax Proctor
Good morning. Dax Proctor. On behalf of Californians United for Responsible Budget and a constituent of Senator Durazo, I thank this Committee for proposing a $500 million cut to CDCR's baseline budget. It's a step in the right direction. However, baseline cuts like these are challenging to implement because the Department isn't being told where or what to cut.
- Dax Proctor
We need detailed, actionable plans for these cuts to be effective. In the past, CDCR has historically stonewalled and failed to deliver on plans such as these, even when they are mandated by the final budget. The last thing we need to do is balance the budget on paper only for these savings to never materialize.
- Dax Proctor
Thank you for your leadership.
- Ryan Morimune
Thank you, Chair, Committee, and staff, for all your tireless work and the work that lies ahead. Ryan Morimune with the California State Association of Counties. First, we appreciate the inclusion of backfill to the Victims of Crime Act. Second, we're incredibly grateful for the continued rejection of cut to the public defense pilot program.
- Ryan Morimune
And then we're thankful for our request for reporting language for the Caltrans fleet replacement has been included in the agreement. And then lastly, we're reviewing county impacts of the Assembly's proposal to shift the active transportation program to the state highway account. Thank you.
- Esteban Nunez
Good morning Chair and Members of the Committee. Esteban Nunez on behalf of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, I just ditto what all my colleagues said and just want to express my gratitude. Thank you so much.
- Maria Gonzales
[Foreign Language]
- Unidentified Speaker
I'm just gonna translate from her. I'm also part of the Safety Net for All Coalition. Thank you so much for meeting with us today. We are requesting that the Senate include in its state budget proposal a requirement for EDD to integrate elements of an excluded working program into the EDD Next system upgrades wherever feasible.
- Unidentified Speaker
This request comes at no cost to the current state budget and would provide a public good to workers and employers who already contribute to the state and to the UI. My name is Maria and I'm with Jobs of Justice, San Francisco. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Carla Hernandez
Hi, my name is Carla Hernandez with Safety Net for All, and I'm here to support. Thank you.
- Michael Pimentel
Madam Chair and Senators, Michael Pimentel here on behalf of the California Transit Association, representing 85 transit and rail agencies in the state. Just want to show thanks and appreciation for the Legislature's continued and decisive action to maintain the $5.1 billion. Public transit agencies will be encouraging the adoption of that as the budget process moves forward.
- Michael Pimentel
And of course, we'll be elevating that to the Newsom Administration. Thank you again.
- Andrew Antwih
Madam Chair and Members, Andrew Antwih with Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer and Lange on behalf of a couple agencies, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and on behalf of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, otherwise known as Metrolink. We support and commend the legislative solutions that have been put together, especially for the TIRCP funding program.
- Andrew Antwih
We haven't had a lot of time on behalf of LA Metro to gauge the impact of the additional $500 million deferral.
- Andrew Antwih
I know there's been some questions regarding the Southeast gateway line, but near as we can tell, based on a quick check with our planning and grants team, we have a strategy to keep that project online with respect to drawing down federal funds. And so we support. Thank you.
- Janice O'Malley
Good morning, Chair and Members. Janice O'Malley with AFSCME California. Thank you to this Committee for your bold approach on CDCR and listening to frontline workers in the agency providing the mental, medical and rehabilitative care by rejecting the continued privatization of jobs while also balancing the preservation of rehabilitative programming.
- Janice O'Malley
I also want to appreciate the hard work by Committee staff and legislators to support the preservation of the public record and the work of our court reporters and other support staff under the Judicial Council. Lastly, we do have continued concerns about the elimination of vacant positions.
- Janice O'Malley
Hope to have continued conversations on how we can ensure that there's transparency in this decision-making process. And again, appreciate the Legislature rejecting the telework stipend TBL, but this was an issue that was collectively bargained. The Administration should respect that process. Thank you.
- Nicholas Brokaw
Madam Chair and Members, Nick Brokaw from Sacramento Advocates here on behalf of the California Public Defenders Association, here to just express our gratitude and thanks for your efforts to restore push to restore funding for the public defender pilot program. Thank you.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you.
- Rowena Chu
Hi, my name is Rowena Chu. I am here. I'm the first in a long line sexual assault survivors and advocates who are going to come up and speak about funding for crime victims. I was an assistant to Harvey Weinstein at the age of 24.
- Rowena Chu
I'm now a high-profile Me Too advocate, and I'm here today to advocate for the continuation of funding for crime victim services I believe is an essential service. And I believe it saves lives. I am someone, too, who tried to commit suicide following my sexual assault.
- Rowena Chu
And without the funding necessary for me to be in therapy, for me to speak to someone who believed me, I would not be alive today. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Trisha Martinez
Good morning. My name is Trisha Martinez, and I'm a survivor of military sexual assault. I did not have an advocate, and it led to a long line of many years of difficulty for me. I don't ever want anyone to ever feel that alone again. And now I am an advocate with Community Beyond Violence.
- Trisha Martinez
You must continue to try and fund the victim services. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Silvira Herrera
Hi, my name is Silvira Herrera, and I'm here as an advocate for domestic violence with Valorus and leaders campesinas. I am a survivor of domestic violence. I was held hostage, beat, torture, and raped and shot. I was left to die.
- Silvira Herrera
Without the services for victims services, I would not be here standing, advocating for the fundings for these agencies that helped me be who I am right now. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
[Foreign Language]
- Donica Garcia
[Foreign Language]
- Sarah Dunbar-Riley
Good morning, Chair. My name is Sarah Dunbar-Riley, and I'm actually here as a sexual abuse victim as well as a parent of sexual abuse for my daughter. These services that have been provided for this 100.3 million are so critical. As a child, I went through sexual abuse for several years until I finally came out with it.
- Sarah Dunbar-Riley
And this amazing funding allowed for me to rebuild my life and become someone without going down the wrong road. And they helped me when domestic violence was going on. And then just to have my daughter go through the same thing. These services are greatly, greatly needed.
- Sarah Dunbar-Riley
And to be someone that advocates for other things, to have to come here and ask for this, it's really tough because we have to use our voices when we just should have these here.
- Sarah Dunbar-Riley
So I just want to thank you for your time, and please make this a priority, because if it was your daughter or your wife that has to go through it, you will know how important these funds are. Thank you.
- Anne Klein
Good morning. My name is Ann Klein. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and also rape. I'm an advocate for Partners Against Violence. After 14 years of ongoing therapy through their services, survivors desperately need these services to continue. So please, please provide the 103 million for that to happen. Thank you.
- Michelle Cates
Good morning. My name is Michelle Cates. I'm the Executive Director of Partners Against Violence, a rape crisis center in San Bernardino. I am also here on behalf of my daughter, as I am the mother of a survivor of childhood sexual assault.
- Michelle Cates
I am here asking for this $103 million, not just to support victim services, but to support the lives that will be saved with this funding, it is absolutely critical that we prioritize this $103 million. Thank you.
- Bonnie Rice
Hello. My name is Bonnie Rice, and I'm the adoptive mother of a child who was sex trafficked as a toddler by her biological parents.
- Bonnie Rice
And this $103 million that you have so far approved funds services that literally saved my child's life and saved my family and gave her the opportunity to grow up, to choose to be the adult that she wanted to be.
- Bonnie Rice
And I would ask only that that 103 be a starting point and not a limit, but a bottom level. That is the minimum that is necessary to save families, to save lives, and to give everyone the opportunity to overcome what happened to them as children and as adults. Thank you.
- Dan Seaman
Thank you Madam Chair and Members, Dan Seaman, on behalf of Californians for Safety and Justice, the Reentry Providers Association of California, and the Anti Recidivism Coalition here in deep appreciation of your leadership on crime survivor and reentry issues this year, specifically the preservation of the flexible cash assistance for crime survivors, the Voca backfill, support for the Adult Reentry grant program, the public defender pilot program, and in deep appreciation and preservation of the hope and redemption teams. Thank you.
- Mica Doctoroff
Good morning, Madam Chair and Members. Mica Doctoroff, senior Staff Attorney at the ACLU of Northern California. Here today, on behalf of ACLU California Action, we are grateful for your leadership in rejecting the Governor's proposed cuts to the public defense pilot program and your leadership in helping to retain those critical funds.
- Mica Doctoroff
We also urge you to continue your leadership to close California prisons. Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
My name is Diana, and I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and I'm also an advocate at San Francisco Woman Against Rape and I'm here to advocate for funding for survivors. The funding cuts and what that will mean for survivors like myself will have devastating consequences for survivors of sexual abuse, exaggerating an already challenging journey towards healing and recovery.
- Unidentified Speaker
These cuts reduce access to essential support services such as counseling, advocacy, and crisis hotlines, leaving survivors feeling isolated and underserved. Without adequate funding, orgs like myself dedicated to supporting survivors may.
- Unidentified Speaker
It's imperative that we recognize the importance of sustaining funding for these vital services and advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being and empowerment of survivors. Thank you.
- Debbie Boyd
Good morning. My name is Debbie Boyd, and I am here representing my deceased daughter who lost her life to violence. And also I'm here with the Empowerment Resilience Project. Thank you for your support. And I just ask that you please support continued funding.
- Debbie Boyd
I can tell you, losing a daughter to murder and her body hidden for 15 years, I, as a mom, needed the support necessary for counseling to be able to integrate myself back into the workplace and be able to thrive.
- Debbie Boyd
And without some of the support that I received, and I had to look far and wide to get it. It took a while. And if we don't support that funding, I am really a testament to the fact that it does impact the state financially because people end up on disability, they end up in a thriving job.
- Debbie Boyd
Myself in Silicon Valley, having a big team that I manage, thriving, and then all of a sudden, I couldn't do it anymore going through this process. So thank you for your support. I'm going to trust that we all make the right decision today. Thank you.
- Lynette Vanderschoot
Hi, my name is Lynette Vanderschoot. I lost my daughter to teen dating violence homicide. I am here with the empower and resilience program from Placer County victim service funding is critical to help ensure that what happened to my daughter doesn't happen to any other young woman.
- Lynette Vanderschoot
Thank you for your support to fund victim services in our state. Thank you.
- Stephanie Herrera
Hi, my name is Stephanie Herrera. I'm here with the Empower and Resilience Project and the Placer County District Attorney's office. But I, too, am, unfortunately, a survivor of sexual assault. And when we have these budget conversations, you know, in the scope of what the budget is, these seem pretty minimal.
- Stephanie Herrera
But I can tell you what this means locally for someone like me. It means a crisis hotline that you can call when you're having a dark night. It means having a place that you can go, having groups you can visit.
- Stephanie Herrera
These funds are critical to people like me, and I work in the local communities now to empower others who've experienced the same thing, and this budget will go a long way. So thank you for your consideration and hopefully your support.
- Anna Berry
Hello, my name is Anna Berry, and I'm here on behalf of Crime Victims United and Victims and Survivors. Please continue the funding for victims' services in California that they so desperately need. We are grateful for your actions and support. Thank you.
- Tom Hinsey
Good morning, Chair and Members. Tom Hinsey, on behalf of the UAW, we're here in gratitude for your continued support of the High Road Training Partnership program. We're grateful that the Senate is funding that this year.
- Tom Hinsey
We urge you to keep that funding intact so that we can have a very well trained workforce who can complete all of the state's clean energy projects that are coming online and so that they can enter into good union jobs. Thank you.
- John Skoglund
Good morning. John Skoglund with the County of Los Angeles. I want to thank you and we are supportive of the rejection to the Public Defender Pilot Program along with the rejection to the Los Angeles County fire camp cuts, and want to be supportive of the backfill funding for the Victims of Crime Act program. Thank you very much.
- Glenn Backes
Good morning. Glenn Beckus for the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. I want to commend the Committee staff and Committee Members for thoughtful work on the budget. We would recommend that you stop paying for excess capacity at the state prisons in order to pay for victim services, rehabilitative services inside and outside the walls, and indigent defense. Thank you.
- Carol Gonzalez
Hi. Good morning, Members. Carol Gonzalez here on behalf of Inclusive Action for the City, very thankful for you all for protecting and rejecting the Governor's proposal to cut the Small Business Technical program. So thank you very much.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. That looks like we have concluded our public comments and having heard from all members of the public, if there are any additional questions or comments from Committee Members. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for your leadership, especially in this time of difficult budget. And I want to also thank the staff that have worked so hard trying to address all of our concerns. My comments are on part b, issue 15, California Jobs First. The Trailer Bill Language for this item must address sector-based strategies for job quality and equity.
- María Elena Durazo
The Biden Administration has given clear guidance that federal investments are meant to impact jobs, the economy, and poverty, and this initiative is missing these elements. This Trailer Bill Language should include job quality metrics. There must also be a mechanism for monitoring and enforcing these standards.
- María Elena Durazo
The Trailer Bill Language should also incorporate recommendations from the California Workforce Development Board, will raise concerns with the lack of metrics. The scope of California's public fleets is huge. Tens of thousands of vehicles are owned and operated by California public agencies.
- María Elena Durazo
According to fleet report, of all vehicles reported to be in use in a seven-year period, 142 state departments have a total of 46,000 vehicles. What we are voting on today are not enough to ensure that these new zero emissions vehicle fleet vehicles are made by workers who receive fair wages and benefits.
- María Elena Durazo
In fact, some of those companies have found to violate workers rights. Our budget should be used to create the most public good, not reward companies that have shown to violate labor standards.
- María Elena Durazo
The trailer built language for this item should include adopting a best-value procurement framework for fleet purchases and which takes into account job creation and work pay and benefits. On the second item is part C, issue one on grade separations. I feel we need to ensure that projects in existing funding programs receive this funding.
- María Elena Durazo
It's important to mitigate the impact of these funds being lost on grade separation projects that have already been issued a notice to proceed. If this happens, it will mean these local projects not only lose already allocated funding, but also have to return millions of dollars.
- María Elena Durazo
And using as one example of many, the Turnbull Canyon Road grade separation project. With that, I thank you, Madam Chair.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. So I just want to state a couple things. One, I really want to appreciate the public for their input. I think that it's incredibly important. Obviously, it's very convoluted.
- Aisha Wahab
You know, we have one draft in January, and then, you know, we try to assess what we can in the January budget, and then, of course, the May revise with very limited time to really, like, really get into the details.
- Aisha Wahab
But the advocates, the stakeholders, the members of the public and agencies and organizations that have come forward, I really do appreciate all the input you guys have had. It's incredibly vital to, you know, people who are taking a look at the budget to really do the work.
- Aisha Wahab
I also want to thank the LAO for really being there for us, as well as the Department of Finance, the staff that come here and try to answer our questions and so forth, as well as every agency that has presented in front of us.
- Aisha Wahab
I specifically want to thank this staff for just their patience and a lot of the hard work and trying to really listen to each one of the elected Members' needs, as well as community needs, and trying to find a balancing act.
- Aisha Wahab
I do just want to say, as Chair of this Committee, it is incredibly important, and I hope that you guys have all seen that we are very much striving to protect safety nets first. So a lot of the public comments that came through regarding VOCA funding, as well as, you know, the job training program and much more.
- Aisha Wahab
It is our deepest intent to protect those. Right. And I think that you guys have seen in our recommendations that we are very much focused on that.
- Aisha Wahab
I also want to thank the Committee Members that all have their own passion, projects and interests, but also have listened to the areas of concern from the Administration, from the agencies, and much more. And again, when we are talking about funding, especially during an economic downturn, it is very difficult to make decisions. It's not about funding.
- Aisha Wahab
It's about cutting funds, and that's the hard part. So entering in this position for me for the very first time has been extremely difficult. But at the same time, I think that I'm very proud of this particular budget package that we're moving forward.
- Aisha Wahab
We have worked very, very hard and across all the Budget Subcommittees because we are trying to prioritize those safety net programs, those social services, first and foremost, regardless of the community that we're trying to serve. So I really want to say that as a whole, thank you for being part of this process.
- Aisha Wahab
We are going to be voting on, we have our Senator, who is absent for this particular meeting, but we will be voting on all issues from parts a, one through 119, part b, one through 41, and part c, one through 20. In one motion.
- Aisha Wahab
Do we have a motion to adopt the staff recommendations for these issues moved by Senator Newman? And again, I want to thank the staff for working with us. And if we can have a roll call vote, please.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Those items are out. 3-0. And again, I just want to thank all the individuals who participated in public testimony today, as well as the past previous months.
- Aisha Wahab
If you were not able to testify today, please submit your comments or suggestions, suggestions in writing to the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee to visit our website or visit our website. Your comments and suggestions are important to us, and we do want to include it.
- Aisha Wahab
I hope that you guys have seen that your comments and your input has made a difference. And we have concluded the agendas for today's hearing. The Senate Budget Subcommittee number five on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor, and Rransportation is adjourned.
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