Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration and General Government
- Steve Padilla
Good morning and welcome. At this time, we will convene the Subcommitee. I want to note for the record, for everyone present, we appreciate your participation. We have 127 issues to dispose within the vote item calendar docket today.
- Steve Padilla
For the record, all of the staff recommendations that are being voted on are noted in the staff report on each, and separate items appreciate everyone's participation.
- Steve Padilla
Anyone who desires to provide testimony to the Subcommittee, please make your way to room 113 here in the Capitol, because that will be what our hearing consists of today is your important testimony. And at this time, I would ask the consultant to establish a quorum. Senators Padilla present. Niello here. Smallwood-Cuevas here. We have a quorum.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. I want to thank first and foremost our amazing Committee staff, both at the sub and more broadly. Without their work and dedication, those of us tasked with the responsibility of making some of these calls would never get it done, and it would never ultimately, hopefully, benefit the people of the State of California.
- Steve Padilla
This has been a tough year with a lot of challenges and not easy decision making to make. Sure, we hope that we end up in a situation and a framework which I think we are well on the way to doing, to protect certainly the most vulnerable, the most underinvested, the most least accessed folks in our state.
- Steve Padilla
And while we have a lot of stuff to vote on today that deals with shifting funds, delaying implementation, increased revenue, borrowing, and other ways to try to get at the deficit that we're facing, I want to remind everyone that the scope of budget sub four is definitive and defined, and you know what that is.
- Steve Padilla
But it is an important part of the overall budget agreement framework in the legislative process that I thank our leadership for our pro tem and the budget chairs in both houses.
- Steve Padilla
That is an important piece of that overall framework that lets us continue to protect those things that I think all of us, as Californians believe are very, very important. We have some challenges, but we are endeavoring to make those challenges. And so, again, thank you for your participation.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you to my colleagues in the sub, and thank you, of course, to our amazing staff. And with that, before we proceed to taking comment, I would invite my fellow submembers, if you have any comments to put in, Senator Niello and Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mister Chair.
- Steve Padilla
Well, we know it's working.
- Roger Niello
Somebody doesn't want me to speak more than one person. It's a little early for that.
- Roger Niello
I see. I have my fan base here. I'll echo what the Chair said, and I make the somewhat frustrating observation that I left here having served six years in the Assembly in 2010 with a horrible budget. It was much worse the year before, and we went through similar exercises as now, although it was a more serious issue.
- Roger Niello
But nonetheless, I went out with a lousy budget situation. I come back in with a lousy budget situation. Last year, Senator Laird, who was Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee while I was Vice Chair, opined that that coincidence being the case, he said that it was my fault. It's not.
- Roger Niello
But at any rate, as I said, I echo what the Chair said, but I want to also acknowledge the valuable role that the lady sitting to my left plays. She briefs me on every session and provides valuable knowledge and advice, and I have appreciated that very much.
- Steve Padilla
Senator. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Whoa. It's not just me. Not just you, sir.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mister Chair. And I want to echo comments from my colleagues about the support of the staff in helping us navigate this difficult time. But more importantly, I want to thank everyone who came and testified to this Committee, whether it was protecting small business, technical assistance, assistance support, California competes, whether it was making sure that, you know, we had strong enforcement mechanisms in place that continued to be funded.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Whether it was making sure that we did all that we can to protect the government services and operations that really matter to the people of California. Many of you came and spent hours in Committee with us explaining not just that the cuts shouldn't happen, but what the impact of the cuts will be. This was a very difficult budget. We started at a $70 billion deficit.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
And I know the Senate has worked extremely hard to figure out how we balance this budget, but not on the backs of the most vulnerable in our communities. We still have work to do. We still have to convince the Administration to stand with us on this budget. But I just want to say thank you.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
It was because of those testimonies, the data, and the analysis that we were able to make the decisions that we were comfortable with making because of the input that you shared to help us prioritize.
- Steve Padilla
So I just want to thank the people of California, those organizations, those advocacy groups, for your voice in making sure we do all that we can to keep California whole.
- Steve Padilla
Senator, appreciate your voice very much. All right, this is how we'll proceed. I'm going to segregate out two of the issues. Among the 127, those being issue seven, and issue 112, those being the performing arts Equitable Payroll Fund under Gobiz and under Arts Council, the arts grant program reduction based on the May revision submitted by the Governor.
- Steve Padilla
We have a very distinguished guest here today to provide some testimony on these issues before us, someone whose career is more than distinguished and set a great example in the arts, Mister Danny Glover.
- Steve Padilla
And we're happy to welcome him here and welcome you, sir, and give you a few minutes to provide some input to the Subcommitee on these matters. And welcome, and please proceed.
- Danny Glover
Wow. You know, so many thoughts are running through my head. I want to thank you first of all for the privilege of being here on behalf of community artists all over the state, and certainly the generosity that you exhibit here at the state Legislature and legislators, and also as citizens your own self, who probably find themselves going to theaters, community theaters, and being surprised at the work that's there.
- Danny Glover
And the idea that buttresses the whole system is the idea of community, is the ownership of all of us. I came up through community theater. There were moments where the idea wasn't. Wasn't simply to find the center of the story, but to be a part of the story.
- Danny Glover
I represented those people who sat in those audiences, who came to those performances and who saw themselves in some ways exemplifies, validated in the plays. And that's one of the things about community art, that validation that happens within those community players themselves. And I remember my mother, and this day is for my dear love.
- Danny Glover
She came to see me at the Palo Alto Community Theater, and she was waiting. After the performance, I played linear in Mice and men, and I think it had been done the year, the same year with James Earl Jones on Broadway. And I played.
- Danny Glover
And I remember coming up to me, she looked around, I came out, everyone's gone. She kind of took a second look around and she looked at me and said, son, the people said, you can act. So she took a survey, and that became her motto. My son Danny is an actor.
- Danny Glover
And before they say, they, what has he done? She hasn't done anything yet. One day he's going to do something important. This is one day that's important, that I am him.
- Danny Glover
I appreciate so much that you take, allow me to be and give some breath to this amazing process of community art, where it comes off, how it comes about, how do people reimagine themselves through art and that possibility and the honor to be here and to service that as it has serviced me throughout my career, whether it's Robey Theatre, a theater company that co-founded with Bennett, guilty.
- Danny Glover
We've known each other since we were hippies together. You know, that's a long time ago for some of you here, but that the honor to be here representing those artists who feel in their heart that they're doing something of value, we have to continue value. And that's what you've done.
- Danny Glover
That's what the State of California done in every part of this state. They allowed people to bring value and love and imagination. Imagination. What did Einstein said? Imagination is more important than knowledge. So. And those are kind of things that I feel grateful when the moments.
- Danny Glover
And there's so many moments in my life, you know, one went with Nelson Mandela just right after he had been released. And he and Winnie and I came up to him, he said, Winnie, meet your other husband. Cause I had played Mandela. I had played Mandela for HBO in Channel four years before, before he was still incarcerated.
- Danny Glover
Those are the thank yous, you know, to have my mother and father. Really. Cause my mama didn't go, mother, come on the journey. She passed away too soon. But the two men who were in love with her most, myself and my dad, we celebrated every moment. So this is for them and for them.
- Danny Glover
For all my siblings, you know, the five of us and the beautiful, the incredible place that I born and raised in California. I live in the same. My dad wanted to go back to Detroit after he was released from the army. And my mother said, you better find a job here. We ain't going nowhere.
- Danny Glover
This is God's country. I worked for city government. I believe in city government. I was just out in the baby hunters point where I was evaluation specialist for the model Cities program in the Office of Community Development in 1971. Just now meeting a couple people that I've known.
- Danny Glover
It is those are the things that are nurtured for all of us in community art. And I certainly want to thank you for taking up this and encourage you to give as much funding and as much of your attention to the work that happens to thousands of young people, thousands of men and women, thousands who will never perhaps have a point, something shown on television.
- Danny Glover
That's who we're in the service of and how much joy they bring, too. I'll never. My mother, she looked back and said, son, the people said, you cannot. She sat down. Those are things.
- Danny Glover
But as they said that, I'm here today because you're saying, Danny Glover loves this state, he loves the city that he's in, he lived in and lived in all his life. And I'm proud to be representing all those people who are making their way through the work of bringing love and community together.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you so much, Mister Glover. It's an honor to have you here and your advocacy over the years. Your example and your input is more than well received and I know that you lift up your voice for many, many others who can't be here today. And so thank you, sir, for that very, very much. It's an honor to have you here. Thank you.
- Steve Padilla
Thanks all. Thank you so much. And with that, I will also, as soon as we settle here, I will invite other Members of the public who would like to address the same two issue items, issues seven and 112, that Mister Glover just addressed.
- Steve Padilla
I'll invite anyone else who wants to provide some public testimony on those matters to come on up, line up at the mic and state your name for the record and provide your testimony, if you so desire, on these two issues. Welcome.
- Tracy Hudak
Thank you. Sorry. Sorry about that. Thank you Senators and staff, I'm Tracy Hudak with California Arts Advocates and want to express our deepest appreciation and understanding for your caring and thoughtful approach to the budget challenges. And we understand the hard work. We're very appreciative that this plan restores the funding to the equitable payroll Fund.
- Tracy Hudak
And we celebrate with you the jobs that this investment will sustain and the community vibrancy that it will stimulate. And we're grateful that you're planning. This plan indicates the funding will be restored in full to the California Arts Council in three years.
- Tracy Hudak
And we gently request to restore the full funding now because the agency is currently functioning at cut level and at $26 million a year that's been at that level for six years, it hasn't grown in parallel with the, with the budget, the state budget.
- Tracy Hudak
And at that level, it's literally half, adjusting for inflation, than the amount that it was funded at in 2000. So we, and this is funding that reaches our communities, especially communities that have, don't have access to other funding sources. And we really appreciate your careful consideration of that item. And again, thank you for your hard work on behalf of the people of California. Thank you.
- Tamara Sandifer
Good morning. My name is Tamara Sandifer. I'm the founder and CEO of an organization called Studio T Arts and Entertainment. I am one of those vulnerable people from one of those vulnerable communities. I grew up in West Oakland and Richmond, California.
- Tamara Sandifer
We didn't have people coming in there to teach us the arts, so we found activity that kept us off the streets through the arts, in parks and free spaces. Like Mister Glover said, we relied on community programs through the arts. Because of what I've been able to accomplish through the arts.
- Tamara Sandifer
I'm servicing in excess of 200,000 youth from the top of California to the bottom. We have young people that have filtered through our program that work with the likes of Beyonce, Chris Brown, Usher, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez. The list is very, very long.
- Tamara Sandifer
These are the people, the same young people that we found in communities where they're under resourced, tech starved. They don't even have their basic needs being met. They have to pick between do I buy food or do I buy toothpaste? So we provide those services for them.
- Tamara Sandifer
I know when you think of the arts, most people think of things that we can hang on walls, places we can go to view things that hang on walls, or like Mister Glover mentioned, a theater. But we don't even have those things.
- Tamara Sandifer
We have our classes, the grass and a park and a boombox and whatever we can do to feed our kids before we send them home. Our goal in being here today is to make sure that, yes, we do have. We are known for the arts here in California, but there's a different kind of art that's feeding a different kind of people that's changing their lives.
- Tamara Sandifer
So our hope in me, representing the 200,000 youth that we service nationally and their families, is that we can have a different perspective in how the arts are showing up for people who desperately need a different career pathway through the arts, a way to feed their families through the arts, a way to educate themselves differently through the arts.
- Tamara Sandifer
And we've been able to do that for 37 years. Here in California, I'm a black female CEO. I'm on a Forbes list. I built something from absolutely nothing. I didn't have a school that taught me how to do what I do. I didn't have a model that I referenced. I simply wanted to serve my people.
- Tamara Sandifer
And I've been able to do that through the arts. And it's been transformative for hundreds of thousands of youth from California and across the country. We are scaling what we do by way of service from Sacramento, California.
- Tamara Sandifer
People come from all over the country to study what we do and apply what we're doing right here in California, in their states. Black Wall street in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Philadelphia, Harlem, Atlanta, Georgia, they come here to study us. So my hope is that we'll reconsider how we reshape our budget. Trust me, I get it.
- Tamara Sandifer
I'm a budget person because I have to make a dollar out of $0.15 every day. So I understand what's happening here as far as managing the budget of our state. But I am asking that you reconsider not pulling resources away from something that's working for people like us and feeding the rest of our country. Thank you.
- James Ellison
Good morning. My name is James Ellison. I'm the Artistic Director of Celebration Arts, which is a theater here in Sacramento. We highlight the black experience through storytelling with dance, music and acting. And now visual, visual and visual arts. First, I want to thank you guys.
- James Ellison
You know, I know you guys are not or you guys are restoring the funds, but any cuts will be, is a detriment. Is a detriment. I'm a person who actually grew up South Sacramento neighborhood wasn't that good. I got into the arts and it actually saved my life. And those funds really help us to save lives.
- James Ellison
We're actually saving lives. I actually took Ben Guillory's class, which Danny Glover, you know, arts connects the whole, the whole state arts connects. It's connecting everything. And that funds, those funds are the water that, that hydrate the arts. And so if you guys do any cuts, you guys are, are dehydrating us. So any, any cuts would, you know, really not help. So I ask that you guys please reconsider any of those cuts to the CAC. Thank you.
- Robert Vann
Good morning, everybody. My name is Robert Vann. I am the Executive Director of the Sacramento Youth Symphony here and the artistic Director of the Light Arbor Theater, Sacramento. And I want to parrot exactly what James was just saying. I know you have a lot of hard decisions to make and I'm certainly not as eloquent as Miss T.
- Robert Vann
Thank you very much for being here. And I just wanted to say the Sacramento Youth Symphony is such a wonderful asset to this community. We have over 400 kids that participate in our programs, not counting our after school programs that we, that we offer free to kids in underrepresented communities.
- Robert Vann
I can tell you I'm a product of a similar program down in Southern California where I grew up. And I'm just so grateful for that kind of education. And just like James said, this is a very important piece of education and it's really life changing. Thank you so much for all the work you are doing. I understand.
- Robert Vann
I do not envy what you are doing and the decisions you have to make. But thank you for listening to us. Thank you for considering the arts not as a secondary option, and we wish you well. Thank you very much.
- Steve Padilla
All right. As to those two issue items, anyone else want to address a sub on that? If not, what we will do is please go ahead and take public comment on the balance of all the other noticed issues which are, you know, 125. And you are most welcome. Subcommitee is interested in your testimony.
- Steve Padilla
Go ahead and line up here at the mic. I don't have yet a sense, and I'll ask the sergeants. We may have a number of speakers, but in the interest of time, because we have many, many speakers potentially. Please state your name for the record. Try to limit your comments about a minute and we'll try to make sure everybody has an opportunity. And with that, welcome.
- Laurie Cameron
Yes, thank you, Senator Laurie Cameron with National Association of Women Business Owners, California Chapter. And we want to thank you. Thank the Committee for supporting the technical assistance programs and all the small businesses in California.
- Laurie Cameron
I promised the Committee consultants that we would keep our testimony limited and we have a lot of small businesses that have come to Sacramento to thank you today. We have also generated about 2500 letters that we will be sending to the Governor in to ask for his support of the tap funding. Thank you.
- Pat Nye
Good morning. My name is Pat Nye. I am the leader of the Los Angeles Regional Small Business Development Center Network, the SBDC. Also the leader of the Los Angeles Regional Veterans Business Outreach center, the VBOC. I'm a veteran myself and a small business owner myself.
- Pat Nye
I just want to thank the Senate leadership for your support for restoring funding to the technical assistance program, the tap funds. These are invaluable funds and allow us, along with our counterparts in the state, to offer small business technical assistance to assist over 150,000 businesses each year, most of those being female owned and BIPOC. So again, thank you for all of your support. We really appreciate it.
- Benjamin Pratt
Thank you. Good morning. My name is Benjamin Pratt. I own Kestrel Aerial imaging out of Yuba County, also a veteran owned business together with the Department of Rehabilitation. The SBDC has been fantastic with helping me take an idea and turn it into an actual business. The aid that they've given me so far has been invaluable and I would not have even started my business without the kind of support that they were able to give me. Thank you. Thank you.
- Aristotle Giannis
Hi, my name is Aristotle Giannis. My company is GC General Engineering, Inc. I'm a small civil construction contracting company. I started working with the SBDC about four months ago. With their help, they've aided me in registering for the federal System of awards management and to the Department of General Services.
- Aristotle Giannis
They helped me streamline the process of getting registered correctly so that I didn't misrepresent my company so I can take advantage of the public funds to bid on public works projects. I intend to continue to use the SBDC's resources to grow my business so that I can win projects, build public works, and provide jobs for the community. Thank you.
- Rafi Unidentified
Good morning. My name is Rafi. I just come to us like two years ago from Afghanistan through a special immigration visa and last year just registered my company and that was the SBDC. I go through the trainings one on one sessions and finally this year I'm near step to do success.
- Rafi Unidentified
Therefore, I'm kindly requesting the Committee to keep going the service of the SPDC and even the note keeping if it's possible to give the opportunity of growth to serve for the community. Thanks so much.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you.
- Beverly Yu
Mister Chair and Members Beverly Yu on behalf of Toyota Motor North America, we are auto captive financial company in regards to issue 88 this this is the bad debt deduction and refund. We look forward to continuing our work with you all, the Budget Committee, the Legislature and Administration, as well as the relevant state departments to preserve this deduction. Thank you so much for your work on the budget and we look forward to our conversations. Thank you very much. Thank you.
- Aydan Ekoslambiakova
Good morning. My name is Aydan Ekoslambiakova and I'm working on developing an enterprise business and the help that SBDC is providing with the developing of our first business is enormous and I thank Chair Padilla, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas and Senator Niello for advocating to fully fund the TAP Program. Thank you.
- Jean Hurst
Thank you Mister Chair and Members Jean Hurst here today on behalf of the Urban Counties of California, the Rural County Representatives of California, as well as the boards of supervisors of the counties of Alpine and Mono, we want to express our appreciation to Senate leadership and to you Mister Chair and the Members of the Committee for Including funding to address the VLF backfill in the three counties who are impacted by insufficient ERAF.
- Jean Hurst
It's an important resource for these communities, particularly tiny Alpine and tiny mono. We greatly appreciate your support for that issue and look forward to the next step. Thanks so much.
- Jeff Niell
Morning Mister Chair Members Jeff Neill here today on behalf of Imperial county, thank you for many of the items in the legislative budget here today to express appreciation for the small business technical assistance that was restored, in addition to the many other things, Mister Chair that you do on behalf of the county, really appreciate it.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you.
- Eric Lawyer
Good Morning Eric Larry speaking on behalf of the California State Association of Counties, I'll speak briefly on three items before the Committee. First, CSAC is grateful for the inclusion of round six funding for the HaP program at $1 billion. We appreciate the Legislature understanding the critical nature of this funding towards making progress on our collective homelessness efforts.
- Eric Lawyer
Second, we appreciate the restoration of some funding for the REAP 2.0 program and are hopeful that the $500 million proposal for Low income housing tax credits will be approved. Finally, CSAC appreciates the inclusion of the $73.5 million backfill for counties with insufficient ERAF. The proposal means that the three impacted counties will retain vital revenue and avoid cuts to core services. Thank you.
- Jesse Flores
Good morning. My name is Jesse Flores. I'm the owner of Mit and Dita Municha. We applaud and thank Senate leadership, especially pro-Tem McGuire and Chair Padilla, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, Senator Niello, and staff of this Subcommittee for their attention to this critical matter for small businesses. I'm owner of Peruvian Craft in Old Sacramento. I've been working with them for almost 23 years, and thanks to them, a year ago I was able to open this business.
- Jesse Flores
I want to thank for all the support, all the workshop, all the resources they were able to provide me, and I urge you to maintain this full funding for tap into final negotiations with the Governor office. Thank you.
- Roger Niello
I'd like to thank that testifier for pronouncing my name the way it's pronounced in the mother country.
- Galzar Shamrozaiwa
Good morning, Chair and Members. My name is Galzar Shamrozaiwa. I'm in the process of launching a small business with SBTC. I want to thank the Senate leadership and the staff of the Subcommittee for maintaining a full funding for TAP. Thank you.
- Mike Minas
Good morning. My name is Mike Minas. I'm a small business owner of Caltac Security, a private security company out of Roseville, California. Without the Small Business development center resources helping me navigate what we need to do in small business within the California business community, I wouldn't be as successful. So thank you for continuing the funding for this program, and it's important to me, my business and all of my employees. Thank you.
- Mike Minas
Good morning, Members. Chairman Padilla, Members Smallwood-Cuevas, and Senator Niello Joyn Connecti, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and also representing over 125 Member chambers, the first Hispanic and business associations throughout the state.
- Mike Minas
We want to thank you for your leadership, for the leadership of pro Tem Mcguire in realizing that this item for technical assistance for small business is really an investment in California. And it's an investment in our small businesses so they can grow, so they can create jobs, so they can bolster the tax base of California.
- Mike Minas
You've heard the stories of these small business owners who took the time today, and we're appreciative of them being able to take away time for their business. But more importantly, there are thousands of those stories throughout all 40 districts here in California. And you guys should be proud of your leadership and understanding that we must grow small business throughout California. So again, thank you.
- Anna Buck
Good morning, Mister Chair. Anna Buck, on behalf of the California Association of Realtors, I wanted to come up today to say thank you for all of your leadership on the DRE fee increase proposal. So we've had really great conversations with the agency that are going to result in more fiscal transparency for our licensees.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you and quite the journey. Thank you.
- Marcos Murillo
Good morning. This is Marcos and Brooke Murillo from top of the world. I'll keep it short and sweet because we have to get back to running our restaurant that was able to be open because of the funding and the help that we've received from the SBDC and the continued support that we have going four years now that we've been in business. So I want to thank you for keeping the funding and allowing an equal playing field for every entrepreneur to have this opportunity. Thank you.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you and good luck.
- Lee Alex
Good morning. My name is Lee, Lee Alex. I am the Director of Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center. My program serves Sacramento Yolo Yuba and Sutter. Neil, I want to applaud and thank Senate leadership, especially pro Tem McGuire and Chair Padilla, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, Senator Niello and staff of this Subcommittee for supporting the full funding of TAP.
- Lee Alex
SBDC is often the first resource for entrepreneurs looking to start a business and the last resource for access to funding. As many of the clients that we serve do not qualify for traditional loans, our ability to do more is made possible because of the support from TAP funding. And I want to thank you for the opportunity to continue to do so. Thank you.
- Elmer Lizardi
Hello Members. Elmer Lozardo with the California Labor Federation. First, we want to thank you all for your work on the legislative budget proposal this year. And I want to take the time to additionally advocate for increased transparency at Cal competes in the office of GoBiz.
- Elmer Lizardi
We want to make sure that as these millions of dollars are made available to companies and businesses in California, that they are creating the highest quality jobs in the state. Thank you so much.
- Antonio Aguilar
Good morning, Mister Chair, Members of the Committee. My name is Antonio Aguilar. I am a senior outreach manager at Small Business majority. We are national education, research and advocacy nonprofit. And I just wanted to thank you all for rejecting the proposed cuts to the technical assistance program. As you know, many California small business owners rely on these Low cost resources. And so just thank you for making that decision. Thank you. Appreciate it.
- Amy Heinshiek
Honorable Chair in Members Amy Heinscheik, representing the California Community Land Trust Network. First of all, respectfully, it's a little hard to be here when we know that it's a Fata ompli and you've already reached a joint deal. But we were dismayed to see that the foreclosure intervention housing preservation program was not part of that deal.
- Amy Heinshiek
I believe that the analysis mentioned that it was not a tested program, but preservation is a very tested strategy that preserves our communities in place and stops the displacement of Low income communities, specifically people of color and the folks that are the most vulnerable and need that assistance.
- Amy Heinshiek
The additional layer of the foreclosure Intervention Housing Preservation program was that it stretches the public dollar so that we can acquire and rehabilitate existing properties at the lowest possible price so that we are able to stretch the public dollar.
- Amy Heinshiek
So in the future, if we're able to look at the foreclosure intervention housing preservation program, we would just like to say that the proof is in the pudding. Preservation is an established and tested and proven strategy and that this is the best way to get more bang for our buck. Thank you very much.
- Sabrina Bradbury
Good morning. Chair and Committee Members Sabrina Bradbury from the California Association of Councils of Governments. On behalf of the state's Metropolitan Planning organizations and regional transportation planning agencies, we wanted to thank you for making ReAp 2.0 a priority and restoring 250 million of that funding. Much of the work has already been underway for a couple of years in getting contracts executed, so we appreciate you enabling this work to continue to meet our climate and housing goals. Thank you.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you.
- Kiana Valentine
Good Morning Mister Chair and Members of the Committee, Kiana Valentine with politico groups here on behalf of a number of clients, Coachella Valley Association of Government, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Merced County Association of Governments, and the Tulare County Association of Governments, all grateful and aligning our testimony with that of Miss Bradbury in support of the restoration of a majority of those reap $2.0.
- Kiana Valentine
To add to her comments, I will just say that I have no doubt that this funding is going to be used to develop much needed, multifamily affordable housing, connect constituents to additional transit and inner city rail opportunities, bicycle and pedestrian opportunities, and just generally build more GHG reducing infrastructure and sustainable communities. Thank you so much.
- Vanessa Orozco
Good afternoon Mister Chair and Senators. My name is Vanessa Orozco. Here on behalf of Golden State Opportunity and the Cali ITC coalition, I'd like to speak on item 98. We thank the Legislator for recognizing the critical importance of the free tax prep assistance and education and outreach programs by helping to address the effects of the governor's planned cuts in the program.
- Vanessa Orozco
Unfortunately, the increase does not go far enough to ensure our community partners can operate their community engagement and tax filing support at the same scale as they have been. California has led the way in lifting families out of poverty with the Cali, ITC, and YCTC, but these credits only benefit families if they file a tax return.
- Vanessa Orozco
In addition, without fully restored funding, our efforts to enroll more Californians in the ITIN program will have to be shelved at the time where the window of opportunity has grown.
- Vanessa Orozco
With the Federal Government lifting the moratorium impacting ITIn filers in the January of this year, California has a chance to capitalize on this window of significantly increase the number of individuals able to acquire an ITIN. We are eager to continue the community-driven outreach that we know have a clear impact on our state's working families. We urge you to take more action to restore full funding so all working families can have access to these supported programs. Thank you.
- Danielle Bautista
Good morning Chair Members of the Committee. My name is Danielle Bautista with United Ways of California here. Also on behalf of the Cal EITC coalition as well as grace and end child poverty in California.
- Danielle Bautista
First and foremost, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for the proposed inclusion of 2 million ongoing for free tax preparation and education and outreach, echoing my colleagues sentiments that this funding is critical to ensuring that Californians across the state can claim tax credits such as the Cali, ITC, young Child tax credit and Boss U tax credit tax credits.
- Danielle Bautista
We know that go towards housing, childcare, rent, etcetera. So thank you so much for this additional funding, bringing our total up to 12 million. We really appreciate it and we will continue to urge that there is budget included for 20 million in the near future. Thank you so much.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you.
- Mark Stivers
Good morning. Mark Stivers with the California Housing Partnership, also speaking on behalf of the California Housing Consortium, the San Diego Housing Federation and the Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing.
- Mark Stivers
We are very thankful and urge the Subcommittee's adoption of the staff recommendation in support of the 500 million in state Low income housing tax credits, also for adding a $1 billion to the HAPP program for homelessness and in restoring the 325 million in reversions for the multifamily housing program.
- Mark Stivers
These resources will allow us to keep building affordable housing and getting homeless people into shelter and permanent housing over the next year. We really appreciate that. Thank you.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you.
- Divya Shiv
Good morning chair and Members of the Committee, my name is Divya Shiv with Housing California. We want to express our appreciation for restoring funding to affordable and homelessness programs such as HAPP and MHP. We appreciate your continued commitment to addressing the needs of Californians who are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. Thank you so much.
- Kimberly Lewis
Good morning. Kim Lewis, representing the California Coalition for Youth, speaking on 63, 76, 64 and 66. Specifically, I just want to thank you for increasing your investments in the HAPP program for round six and for rejecting the cuts to the Housing navigation and maintenance program, and look forward to working with you on the trailer Bill and hoping we can fix that interim housing stuff for our young people. Thank you.
- Martha Guerrero
Martha Guerrero, representing the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, really grateful for the restoration of the REAP 2.0 funding and the Housing Navigation and maintenance program for our youth and also for the 1 billion in the HAPP funding much needed to continue to preserve the progress we have made in addressing homelessness. Thank you.
- McKinley Thompson-Morley
Hi there. McKinley Thompson Morley, on behalf of the City of Sacramento, just wanted to express gratitude for your leadership in proposing the 1 billion in funding for around six of HAPP, which is critical to our ongoing efforts to address the housing and homelessness crisis. Thank you.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. All right, anyone else present want to address the Subcommitee on any of the docketed vote items today? Seeing no one, I want to thank you all for your participation. The Committee will break out action on all of the items into three separate groups by agreement with the other caucus.
- Steve Padilla
And so you'll bear with me as I read through some of these. The first grouping, I would entertain a motion with respect to issues [Group A]. I will entertain moved by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. The recommendation is to adopt the staff recommendation consultant. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. On that grouping of issue items, the ayes are three, the nos are zero. Those issues are out. We will move to group B, which are issues 224 B and 63. And we'll entertain a motion moved by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas on those items to adopt staff recommendation. Please call the roll, Senators.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. With respect to those issues, the ayes are two, the no's are zero. Not voting is one. Those items are out. We will then move to group C. Group C is composed of issues [Group C]. I'll entertain moved by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. With respect to the items in group C to adopt the staff recommendation. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. With respect to group C, the ayes are two. The no's are one. Those items are out. With that I want to thank everyone who participated in today's sub hearing and provided testimony. You can continue to do so through the web link and direct to the budget staff. Thank you all and to my colleagues for your work and participation this time. Budget sub number four is adjourned.
No Bills Identified