Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
- Anna Caballero
The Senate Committee on Appropriations will now come to order. We are holding our hearing today in room 2200 of the O Street building. We have a big agenda, so I am asking all the members of the committee to come to the hearing room so that we can begin the hearing with a quorum.
- Anna Caballero
We have 324 measures on today's agenda, a little bit light, two of which are eligible for a do pass motion. So the remaining items will are suspense file candidates. And we have one suspense file bill that will have a presentation, but the authors for the remaining suspense file bills have waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
It means that the authors will not be here. However, we will still take testimony from the public on each and every item, even if the author has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
AB 2498 by Assemblymember Zbur, AB 2893 by Assemblymember Ward, AB 2903 by Assemblymember Hoover, and AB 3061 by Assemblymember Haney are all still listed on the daily file, but these measures will be rescheduled to our next hearing.
- Anna Caballero
In addition, AB 20618 by Assemblymember Shen will be reported directly to the floor pursuant to rule 28.8. So we will not have testimony on that bill today. So if you're here for that bill, it will not be called and there won't be testimony as usual.
- Anna Caballero
We're going to extend a courtesy to any member that show up, any assembly member that shows up in person and allow them to present their bills out of agenda order as they show up.
- Anna Caballero
So if you're here on an assembly member bill and it's taken out of order, pay attention, because we could end up moving on if we don't see anybody getting up to testify. I'm going to ask you to.
- Anna Caballero
Well, I want to remind you that the witnesses are limited in their testimony to the fiscal aspects of the bill and we've asked the assembly members to do the same thing. Please refrain from lengthy policy discussions and repeating prior testimony in your comments.
- Anna Caballero
Before we begin today's hearing on the bills before us, we need to establish a quorum. So, madam assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
We have a quorum. Now we can move on to the business of the day. So I want to thank all the committee members for being here on a timely basis. And we'll start off with the first bill on, on today's agenda, which will be AB 82 by Assemblymember Weber. Assemblymember Weber has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
So we're going to start with opening this up by seeing if there's anyone who would like to provide testimony in support of AB 82. Is there anybody here seeing no one approached the mic. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Excuse me. Yes. Good morning. Michele Perrault, on behalf of the Department of Finance. Department of Finance is opposed to this bill because it would result in General Fund costs, excuse me. Not included in the administration's spending plan.
- Michele Perrault
And we also do believe the bill may conflict with federal law and the Federal Food and Drug Administration's authority to regulate the safety and efficacy of these drugs.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Are there any questions or concerns from the committee? Saying none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 82 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 1841 by Assemblymember Weber. Assemblymember Weber has waived presentation. Is there anybody here who would like to testify in support of her Bill?
- Anna Mathews
Anna Matthews with the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, in strong support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Yes, the Department of Finance is currently opposed to 1841. The University of California reports ongoing costs of at least 1.6 million to comply with the bill. Both the CSU and the community colleges report minor associated costs, but we are, we are opposed because it does create ongoing General Fund costs as well as a potential reimbursable state mandate.
- Michele Perrault
With one time and ongoing Proposition 91 General Fund costs probably in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for the community colleges, we're good.
- Anna Caballero
Any comments or questions by the committee saying none. This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1841 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 1895 by Assemblymember Weber, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Chole Fermin
Chloe Fermin with supports AB 1995 Weber.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Anna Mathews
Again, Anna Mathews, Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, in strong support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about anybody in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Yes, Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1895. Preliminary estimates are potentially ongoing. Annual fund, excuse me, General Fund costs in the Low hundreds of thousands of dollars to, excuse me, to the Department of Health Care and access and information and minor and absorbable costs to the Department of Health Care Services.
- Michele Perrault
So we are opposed as a result of ongoing General Fund costs not accounted for in the state's fiscal plan.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments or questions? Saying none. This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, 1895 will move to suspense. AB 1919 by Assemblymember Weber, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance yes, Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1919. We do believe that the Bill could create a state reimbursable mandate with ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund costs in the tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars. The costs would, of course, depend on the best practices that a local education agency implements.
- Anna Caballero
Questions or comments from the committee saying none? This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1919 will move to suspense, maybe 1984 by Assemblymember Weber, who has waived presentation. Anyone here would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Yes, Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1984. We do believe it could potentially create a state reimbursable mandate, and we estimate ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund costs of up to about $4.7 million for local education agencies should it be considered a mandatory. So we are opposed to it.
- Michele Perrault
Given that and the ongoing General Fund costs that are not costs not in the administration's spending plan, we would also note that it requires a reporting of duplicate, duplicative reporting of already existing reports. Got it.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the committee saying none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1984 will move to suspense. AB 2072, again by Assemblymember Weber, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance doesn't currently have a formal position on the bill.
- Michele Perrault
However, we would note that the Department of Managed Health Care estimates the fiscal impact of the Bill to be $500,000 25-26 for consulting fees and an updated fiscal impact from the California Department of Insurance wasn't available at the time of our analysis, but we believe based on in the prior version of the Bill, estimated cost of $29,000 to the insurance Fund could occur in 2031 to 32.
- Michele Perrault
However, we believe the current amendments could accelerate that timeframe and that the cost could be higher than originally estimated.
- Anna Caballero
Questions or comments from the committee seeing. None, this nill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2072 will move to suspense. AB 3059 by Assemblymember Weber, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? The Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance doesn't have an official position on the bill. However, we would note that the Department of Managed Health care estimates fiscal impact to be 64,2526133,2627 and annually thereafter. The California Public Employees Retirement System estimates a fiscal impact of about 332,000 annually from the public Employees Healthcare Fund questions.
- Anna Caballero
Or comments from the committee saying none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 3059 will move to suspense AB 3139 by Assemblymember Weber who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about testify in opposition? Department of Finance? Committee? Seeing no questions or comments.
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 3139 will move to suspense AB 236 by Assemblymember. Holden Assemblymember Holden has waived present. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Yes, the Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 236. We would note the Department of Managed Healthcare estimates fiscal impact to be 1.97 million in seven positions in 24-25, 3.5 million and 14 positions in 25-26, 3.4 million, 14 positions in 26-27, 3.49 million and 14 positions in 27-28 and annually thereafter.
- Michele Perrault
That would be supported by the managed care fund. We would also the Department of Healthcare also estimates fiscal impact of approximately $24 million in 25-26 and ongoing from potential Proposition 30 impacts.
- Michele Perrault
So we are opposed to the bill as a result in significant ongoing General Fund and managed care fund costs that are not included included in the current state spending plan.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Comments from committee concerns this bill is. A suspense file candidate so without objection. AB 236 will move to suspense AB 1826 by Assemblymember Holden. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1826. The California Public Utilities Commission estimates ongoing cost of $3 million from the Public Utilities Commission reimbursement account to Fund 13 positions to hold public hearings, conduct investigations, et cetera.
- Michele Perrault
We would note that the Public Utilities Commission reimbursement account is generated from surcharge on utility bills, so the measure could result in increased costs for ratepayers.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from committee, seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1826, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to AB 1851 by Assemblymember Holden, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about testify in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1851. California Department of Education indicates the bill requires $304,000.01 time General Fund for three new positions, operating expenses, and equipment.
- Michele Perrault
Finance also assumes federal resources will not be available for this purpose and therefore estimates General Fund costs in the millions to Low tens of millions of dollars to provide the grants to the participating local education agencies. Therefore, were opposed given the significant General Fund costs and cost pressures not included in the states spending plan.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1851 will move to suspense AB 2193 by Assemblymember Holden who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Mathews
Anna Matthews with the Faculty Association of the California Community College is in strong support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Chole Fermin
Chloe Fermin Clean Earth 4 Kids Supports AB 2193 along with following organizations Facts North County Equity and Justice, Ecosustainability Peeps, NCCA Grandparents Taking Action thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? About anyone in opposition Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2193. The University of California indicates one time costs of $275,000 from the General Fund to develop the comprehensive hazing, prevention and outreach program. They also anticipate ongoing General Fund costs in the tens of thousands of dollars to update rules and regulations.
- Michele Perrault
Finance assumes that California State University would incur one time General Fund costs of approximately $575,000 for the program and also assumes the CSU would incur ongoing General Fund costs of about $920,000 to update the rules and regulations.
- Michele Perrault
We would also note the bill could create a state reimbursable mandate with one time Proposition 98 General Fund costs ranging from 6.5 to $9.0 million for the California Community colleges to create the comprehensive program.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the Committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2193 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 2330 by Assembly Member Holden, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about testify in opposition? The Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2330. We would indicate that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife estimates costs of $1.26 million from the General Fund in 24-25 and $1.2 million General Fund for 25-26 and ongoing for the need for six permanent positions.
- Michele Perrault
We would also note the provisions of the bill may have additional negative fiscal impacts to CDFW if the mitigation measures required by the bill result in a decrease in the number of Incidental Take Permits. So we are opposed because the additional General Fund costs and cost pressure is not included in the current fiscal plan.
- Anna Caballero
Questions, comments, or concerns from Committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2330 will move to suspense. AB 270 by Assembly Member Lee, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? The Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Questions, comments, or concerns from Committee?
- Anna Caballero
Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, AB 270 will move to suspense. AB 2346 by Assemblymember Lee, who has waived presentation; is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about testify in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions, concerns from the committee? Seeing none.
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2346 will move to suspense AB 252454 by Assemblymember Lee, who has waived presentation. Is there anybody here who would like to testify in support of the bill?
- Chole Fermin
Chloe Fermin, Clean Earth for Kids supports 2454 Lee along with the following organizations, Facts, North County Equity Injustice Ecosustainability Peeps, NCCA, Grandparents Taking Action. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Okay, seeing none. Department of Finance I was trying to get to you too fast.
- Michele Perrault
No worries. Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2454. The State Water Resources Control Board estimates the bill requires ongoing cost of 450,000 in two positions and one time contracting cost of $500,000 from the General Fund to enhance and maintain the database.
- Michele Perrault
We would also just note that the Water Board has committed approximately $34 million from the safe and affordable Drinking Water Fund to implement a comprehensive solution based approach that addresses water quality with approximately $6 million budgeted for domestic well sampling.
- Michele Perrault
So at this time, we're opposed because it results in significant costs and cost pressures in the General Fund not included in the current budget.
- Anna Caballero
Are there any questions, comments or concerns from the committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2454 will move to suspense. AB 3031 by Assemblymember Lee, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Maria Sullivan
Maria Harold Sullivan, representing the National Women's Political Caucus. We are in support.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance? Questions, comments, concerns from the committee saying none of AB 3031 is a suspense file candidate. So AB 3031 will move to the suspense file.
- Anna Caballero
Okay, right now we're going to jump because we have an assembly member here present and we want to give him his time back. So we're going to take up AB 2107 by Assemblymember Chen.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for allowing me to present AB 2107. I first want to thank your Committee for working with my staff on this bill. The use of digital data results and images are becoming more common in the field of pathology. For example, the United States, the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, approved whole slide images systems for primary clinical diagnosis on April 12, 2017.
- Phillip Chen
WSI technology permits digitization of entire class slides, thereby eliminating the need for pathology practice to be locally tethered to a conventional microscope. Due to Covid-19 public health emergency, the Federal Department Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced a policy authorizing pathologists review pathology slides and digital data results and images remotely.
- Phillip Chen
Upon conclusion, CMS removed the authorization for the remote review of physical slides but continue to permit remote review of digital data results in images, including that of slides. However, the California law doesn't allow the remote review of digital slides, despite CMS's authorization. Without this authorization, pathologists will be limited to viewing digital data results and images inside a laboratory, even though no actual laboratory equipment is utilized or needed.
- Phillip Chen
The goal of AB 2107 will bring California into conformity with federal law by allowing pathologists reviewing digital clinical laboratory data, digital clinical results, and digital images at a remote location under a primary location's clinical laboratory improvement amendment certificate, as long as CLIA requirements under the Code of Federal Regulations are met. Here to testify with me, we have Ryan Spencer representing the California Society of Pathologists.
- Anna Caballero
Maybe we can check outside and see if there's, if your witness is here.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Unidentified Speaker
Is there a Ryan Spencer outside?
- Anna Caballero
Calling out.
- Phillip Chen
No worries.
- Anna Caballero
Very good.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Want to check and see if there are members of the public that would like to testify in support of this bill? How about members that would like to testify or audience members that would like to testify in opposition? Seeing none. Questions, comments by the Committee? Seeing none, you may conclude. Oh, Finance. I'm sorry.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
I read her mind. So we'll allow you to conclude.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Chair. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
This is a do pass recommendation. There is a motion. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. [Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
You have a majority. We'll put it on call for the absent Members.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Appreciate you being here. We're going to go back to the agenda, and we're going to take AB 3291, which is from the Human Services Committee, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 3291. The Department of Developmental Services anticipates costs associated with updating the individual program plan to include caregiver succession planning as minor and absorbable.
- Michele Perrault
However, there are also potential significant ongoing General Fund impacts, likely in the millions of dollars for Regional Centers to cover, excuse me, to cover rent, lease and mortgage payments for consumers who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Michele Perrault
So therefore, we are opposed to the bill because it is likely to result in ongoing General Fund cost pressures not included in the administration's spending plan.
- Anna Caballero
Member questions or comments saying none this is a suspense file candidate without objection, AB 3291 will move to suspense AB 347 by Assemblymember Ting, who has waived presentation. Any comments in support? Comments in opposition Department of Finance. Committee comments concerns seeing none this. Is a suspense file candidate without objection.
- Anna Caballero
AB 347 will move to suspense. AB 691 by Assemblymember Ting, who has waived presentation. Anyone who would like to testify in support? Testify in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 691 because it results in costs not considered in the 2024 Budget Act. California Energy Commission estimates one time contract support cost of $750,000 from the Energy Resources Program account to develop the required report.
- Michele Perrault
Finance would note that CEC's main operating account, the Energy Resources excuse me, Programs account, is in a structural deficit and additional expenditures will accelerate the accounts insolvency. We believe any resources associated with this measure needs to be evaluated as part of the annual budget development process.
- Anna Caballero
Any questions? Comments by committee members seeing none this. Is a suspense file candidate, so without. Objection, AB 691 will move to suspense AB 1780 by Assemblymember Ting, who has waived presentation anyone here who would like to testify in.
- Chole Fermin
1780 along with the following organizations Facts, North County Equity and Justice, Ecosustainability Peeps, NCCA, Grandparents Taking Action. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Valerie Johnson
Hi, Valerie Johnson with the Campaign for College Opportunity. in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently neutral on AB 1780 because it does support efforts to ensure transparency and post secondary institution admissions and fair and appropriate admission practices, but does note that this bill could create ongoing General Fund costs of 235,000 for the Department of Justice to hire two additional positions to review, investigate, and enforce potential violations by independent educational institutions.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions by committee saying none this. Is a suspense file candidate so without. Objection, AB 1780 will move to suspense AB 1814 by Assemblymember Ting who has waived presentation anyone here in support? Anyone in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
- Becca Cramer Mowder
Thank you. Becca Cramer Mowder on behalf of ACLU California Action, in opposition. AB 1814 creates harms that do not exist in current law and cost money without providing any real benefit to Californians. AB 1814 costs money in several ways. First, police will need to be trained.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
They will need to know answers to questions such as does a witness ID that uses facial recognition? Possible matches count as a subsequent investigatory technique to clear AB 1814's sole basis provision. AB 1814 will also have litigation and damages costs associated with wrongful arrests. But AB 1814 costs money, costs California in other ways.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
It opens up state databases to perpetual virtual lineups like the one that caused Mr. Williams to be wrongfully arrested after his old driver's license photo was falsely matched to facial recognition.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
It may also make it harder for people wrongfully arrested to have access to justice, as attorneys from more than half of the known people wrongfully arrested due to facial recognition argue in their opposition letter. AB 1814 will also make project 25 easier to achieve.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
It implies that legislators only worry with facial recognition is if it's used as a sole basis for probable cause. Blessing all other uses of facial recognition as quote unquote safe, including using facial recognition to identify people going into abortion and gender affirming care clinics throughout LGBTQ people to determine someone's political leanings and more.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
Junk science as some of those may.
- Anna Caballero
Sound, this is really the financial part of it.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
Facial recognition does claim to be able to make all of those possible. For these and other reasons, ACLU joins more than 70 reproductive justice, LGBTQI, immigrants rights and racial justice organizations in asking you to hold AB 1814 on suspense. Thank you.
- Danielle Kando-Kaiser
Good morning, chair and members. Danielle Kando Kaiser on behalf of a number of the opposition groups, with the chair's permission, may I read names? Sure.
- Danielle Kando-Kaiser
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, Madera Coalition for Community Justice, Access Reproductive Justice, Gender Justice LA, California Latinas for Reproductive Justice, California Alliance for Youth and Community Justice, Western Center on Law and Poverty, Asian Law Alliance, Immigration Defense Advocates, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Encode Justice, Black Lives Matter California ,iI Win How, Council on American Islamic Relations, California National Immigration Law Center, Youth Justice Coalition, Tech Equity Action Orange County Equality Coalition, Free Speech Coalition, Training for Early Abortion and Comprehensive Healthcare, Secure Justice, Consumer Federation of California, Silicon Valley De-Bug, Santa Monica Democratic Club, Indivisible California, Team Justice San Diego, Universidad Popular, Council Cancel the Contract the Sidewalk Project, All Family Legal Defensa, Fight for the Future, Food Empowerment Project, American Atheists, San Diego Faculty Association, University of Irvine Faculty Association, San Francisco Black and Jewish Unity Coalition, Alliance San Diego, Indivisible Yolo, EPIC, Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, Organization for Identity and Cultural Development, Advocacy for Principled Action, Students Deserve Indivisible East Bay Parivar Bay Area, Positive Women's Network, USA Healthcare for US and Community Coalition.
- Danielle Kando-Kaiser
Thank you so much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Alegria De La Cruz
Morning, Madam Chair Members. Alegria De La Cruz, on behalf of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance. Committee seeing no comments or concerns. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1814 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 2244 by assemblymember Ting who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin, with Clean Earth for Kids, supports 22 for 22, excuse me, 2244 along with the following organizations: FACTS, North County Equity and Justice, Eco Sustainability Peeps, NCCA, and Grandparents Taking Action. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no questions or comments from the Committee. This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, AB 2244 will move to the suspense file. Trying to find your file. We have 354. Did I miss it? Thank you. Thank you. There it is.
- Anna Caballero
Assembly Member Low, welcome. You jump to the front of the line. We're going to take up AB 3100. This enjoys a do pass recommendation.
- Evan Low
Thank you very much, Madam Chair and colleagues. Good to see you again. Assembly of 3100. That helps to alleviate the burden with respect to divorces. The fiscal impact is minimal and respectfully asked for our vote at the appropriate time.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of AB 3100? How about in opposition? The Department of Finance. No file questions. Comments from the Committee? I'll entertain a motion. There is a motion. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. [Roll Call] Five.
- Anna Caballero
Five to zero. We'll put that on call for the absent member. Thank you very much. Moving back to our regular agenda, we're gonna take up AB 459 by Assembly Member Kalra who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 459. The California Highway Patrol estimates costs related to data storage and making data available to the public will be $3.4 million 24-25 and
- Michele Perrault
$3.2 million and 25-26 and ongoing finance would note any request for additional resources is subject to the annual budget process and to the extent that the California Highway Patrol does incur additional costs as a result of the bill, CHP may require funding from the motor Vehicle Account and the State Transportation Fund, and we would note that the MVA is currently operating with a structural deficit.
- Michele Perrault
We would also just note that the bill may impose a state reimbursable mandate as determined by the commission on state mandates, as it does require a new program or higher level of services to be provided by local agencies.
- Anna Caballero
Questions comments from the committee saying none this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 459 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 1581 by assemblymember Kalra who has waived presentation anyone here in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about in opposition? Department of Finance, no file Committee this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, Abdeh 1581 will move to suspense. AB 1993 by Assembly Member Kalra who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about in opposition Department of Finance no file committee comments concerns this is a suspense file candidate, assembly member Kalra who has waived presentation anyone here in support? How about in opposition Department of Finance?
- Ash Kalra
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2509. The Department of Food and Agriculture anticipates the bowl result in costs ranging from 300,000 to 400,000 General Fund to establish monitoring guidelines on a case by case basis whenever established guidelines for monitoring of a pest do not exist.
- Ash Kalra
Finance does estimate the total impact of the cost of establishing guidelines might be closer to the Low millions of dollars and so we are opposed because it results in unknown, potentially significant General Fund costs not included in 2024 Budget act and may hinder CDFA's ability to effectively respond to invasive species.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments concerns saying none this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 2509 will move to suspense AB 2602 by Assemblymember Cholera who has waived presentation anyone here in support? How about in opposition Department of Finance?
- Anna Caballero
No file Committee comments concerns seeing none AB 2602 is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 2602 will move to suspense AB 2640 by Assemblymember cholera who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? How about in opposition Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2640.
- Michele Perrault
We are opposed because we do believe it will create a reimbursable state mandate with significant ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund cost pressures of between $850,000 and $4.3 million and creates ongoing General Fund costs of up to $50,000. And 1 time General Fund cost, excuse me, of up to $20,000 to fulfill the requirements of the bill.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments or questions seeing none this is a suspense file candidate so AB 2640 without objection, will move to suspense AB 2926 by Assembly Member Kalra who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support of the bill? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition of the bill?
- Anna Caballero
Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
No file
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments, concerns? Seeing none, this Bill is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 2926 will move to suspense. AB 3280 this is a Bill from the Judiciary Committee who has waived presentation anyone here in support? Anyone here in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 3280. At the time of the analysis, the Judicial Council had not provided a fiscal estimate of the implementation costs.
- Michele Perrault
However, based on the bill's provision, the Bill would have unknown but likely significant General Fund costs in the tens of millions of dollars to provide lactation rooms for court users in court facilities that are without a staff lactation room.
- Michele Perrault
The Judicial Council did previously indicate there are approximately 215 court facilities that are without lactation rooms and for reference, Department of Finance does note that the 2022 Budget act provided 15 million dollars one time General Fund to expand public access to lactation facilities and courthouses for court users.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, concerns from committee? Seeing none; this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 3280 we'll move to suspense. AB 460 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions from committee? Seeing none; this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 460 will move to suspense. AB 1836 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Anna Caballero
Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments, concerns? Seeing none; AB 1836 is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 1836 will move to suspense. AB 1846 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1846. Judicial Council estimates this bill results in cost of $730,000 general fund and 24-25 and 695,000 in 25-26 and ongoing for additional staffing to create and deliver the required training annually.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, Finance as opposed to the bill because it results in general fund costs not included in the 2024 Budget Act.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions from the Committee seeing none this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 1846 will move to suspense AB 2054 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan who has waived presentation anyone here in support of the bill?
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Vermin with supports 2054 along with following organizations Facts North County equity and justice equal sustainability peeps NCCA grandparents taking action thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? Department of Finance no file comments questions from Committee saying none. This bill is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 2054 will move to suspense AB 2085, by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Maria Sullivan
Maria Harold Sullivan with the National Women's Political Caucus is in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
No file
- Anna Caballero
Questions comments from Committee seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2085 will move to suspense. AB 2099, by Assemblymember Bauer Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Rhea Selvin
Rhea Harrow Selvin with the National Political Caucus. National Women's Political Caucus is in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much. Anyone else in support? I see you were running, so I'm going to wait.
- Roxanne Gold
I'm Roxanne Gold with the American Nurses Association, California, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? Department of Finance no file any comments? Concerns seeing none.
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2099 will move to suspense. AB 2169 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2169. The Department of Managed Health Care estimates the bill requires 1.48 million and four positions in 25-26, 2.08 million and four positions in 26-27, 2.85 million and four positions in 27-28, and 2.1 million and four positions in 28-29 and annually from the fee supported from the managed care facility.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Insurance also estimates the fiscal impact of this bill to be $80,000 in 25-26 from the Insurance Fund to create regulations. Finance as opposed to the bill as it creates costs to the managed care fund not accounted for in the state fiscal plan. Additionally, the bill will likely result in increased utilization of services and create additional cost pressures for health plans and insurers that could be passed on to consumers through higher premiums.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions from the committee. Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, AB 2169 will move to suspense AB 2236 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify and support?
- Jennifer Fearing
Yes. Good morning, Madam Chair and members: Jennifer Fearing, on behalf of Monterey Bay Aquarium, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, Ocean Conservancy, Oceana and also ask to provide the support for Surfrider, Physicians for Social Responsibility Bay Area, Environment California, and CALPIRG. I just want to note two items.
- Jennifer Fearing
First, this bill was strongly endorsed today by the LA Times and as amended on July 3. We believe this bill currently has no costs whatsoever to the state. We strongly urge your support. Thank you. Thank you.
- Tomas Valadez
Tomas Valadez with Azul and support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Sharon Gonsalves
Sharon Gonzalez, on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, in support.
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with Clean Earth for Kids supports 2236 along with the following organizations: FACTS, North County Equity and Justice, Eco Sustainability Peeps, NCCA, and Grandparents Taking Action.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Christina Scaringe
Good morning. Christina Scaringe with the Center for Biological Diversity and support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Taylor Roschen
Good morning. Taylor Roschen on behalf of the California Grocers Association and support
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Gavin McHugh
Good morning. Gavin Mchugh, on behalf of International Paper, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? About anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions from the committee? Seeing none; this is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, AB 2236 will move to suspense. AB 2467 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Maria Sullivan
Maria Harold Sullivan on behalf of the National Women's Political Caucus is in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2467 as it results in costs not included in the state's fiscal plan and may potentially result in General Fund costs. Specifically, we would note that this Bill will result in General Fund costs for the MediCal program, likely in the millions to tens of millions of dollars.
- Michele Perrault
General Fund to then Medi Cal managed health plans to cover services pursuant to the Bill. Additionally, this Bill may add pressures to departments as they are currently evaluating and implementing efficiencies resulting from the statewide ongoing reduction to departmental operational budgets adopted in the 2024 budget.
- Anna Caballero
Comments concerns from the Committee, seeing none. This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2467 will move to suspense. AB 2527 by Assemblymember Bauer Kahan, who has waived presentation is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Maria Haro-Sullivan
Maria Haro-Sullivan with the National Women's Political Caucus in support.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to the bill as we note that it could create a reimbursable state mandate as determined by the Commission on State Mandates by expanding the required items of access for incarcerated pregnant persons. The magnitude of the potential mandate cost is unknown but could be significant given the requirement of additional food and water to incarcerated pregnant people.
- Michele Perrault
Although Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations does indicate minor and absorbable costs associated with providing the water and nutritional meals, it notes concerns with prohibiting the placement of incarcerated pregnant and postpartum persons in restricted housing.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions from Committee saying none. This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2527 will move to suspense AB 2877 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify and support
- Crystal Strait
Crystal Strait on behalf of Common Sense Media, proud to sponsor this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else? Anyone in opposition Department of Finance, no file comments questions from Committee seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2877 will move to suspense AB 2930 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? How about in opposition? It's a race to the mic.
- Danielle Kando-Kaiser
I'll do quickly this time. Danny Kando-Kaiser, on behalf of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, respectfully oppose unless amended. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Michael Robson
Good morning. Mike Robson, on behalf of the American Staffing Association, the California Staffing Professionals. Opposed based on the policy grounds.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance
- Unidentified Speaker
no file
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions from Committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 2930 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 551 by Assemblymember Bennett, who has waived presentation. Anybody here would like to testify and support?
- Anna Caballero
How about an opposition Department of Finance? Comments? Questions saying none? This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 551 will move to suspense AB 637 by Assembly Member Jackson, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify and support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 637. Excuse me.
- Michele Perrault
The state Air Resources Board estimates the fiscal impact of the bill's requirements to be $1.8 million from the Air Pollution Control Fund in eight permanent positions in 2425, $2.4 million from the Fund in two permanent positions, one limited term position in 2526 and $2.3 million in 2627 and ongoing finance opposes the bill as it creates additional cost pressures on the Air Pollution Control Fund, which is currently operating in a structural deficit, and this bill will just exacerbate the Fund structural imbalance.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions from Committee seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 637 will move to suspense AB 1801 by Assembly Member Jackson, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Anna Caballero
In opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file
- Anna Caballero
Committee this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 1801 will move to suspense. AB 1818 by Assembly Member Jackson, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Mathews
Anna Matthews with the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges in strong support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? The Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1818. The California Community College Chancellor's office does indicate moderate one-time state operations General Fund costs between 91,000 and 112,000 to issue guidance. However, they do anticipate significant one-time Proposition 98 General Fund costs for districts to acquire security equipment and provide associated infrastructure on each campus.
- Michele Perrault
An ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund costs of approximately $10.7 million to 13.5 million. The California State University chancellor's office estimates one time General Fund costs of $500,000 and ongoing General Fund costs of 2.25 million or 2.25 million.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, we are opposed to the bill because it imposes significant General Fund and Proposition 98 General Fund costs and subjects college and University campuses to potentially significant liability if an incident were to occur on the campus during the pilot.
- Anna Caballero
Comments concerns from the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 1818 will move to suspense AB 2042 by Assemblymember Jackson, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room in support of the bill?
- Allegria Cruz
Good morning, Allegria De LA Cruz on behalf of the Dolores Huerta Foundation in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2042, the peace officer standards and training, or the Commission?
- Michele Perrault
Excuse me, the Commission on Peace Officer standards and training does anticipate costs ranging from $250,000 to $400,000. 1 time General Fund and we would note that to develop the guidelines, which by the way is double jointed with AB 3241. However, finance does note we do believe these costs could be absorbable for post.
- Michele Perrault
However, the California Highway Patrol also indicates the bill may result in additional unknown costs for the CHP contingent upon details of the guidelines that post creates. And these costs would be required to come from the funding of the motor vehicle account, which is in the state transportation Fund.
- Michele Perrault
And just a reminder, the NVA is currently operating with structural deficit.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, concerns from the Committee seeing none.
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2042 will move to suspense. AB 2448 by Assemblymember Jackson, who has waived presentation anyone here in support of 2448? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2448. The labor and Workforce Development Agency, excuse me, estimates one time General Fund costs of 5.7 million and 25-26 an ongoing General Fund and ongoing General Fund costs of 1.2 million beginning in 26-27 to collaborate with the County of Riverside to develop the program.
- Michele Perrault
In addition, the County of Riverside could potentially incur millions of dollars in reimbursable state mandate administrative costs. Therefore, we are opposed to the Bill because it results in General Fund costs not included in the 2024 budget and local requirements that are likely to create a reimbursable state mandate.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, concerns? Seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2448 will move to suspense. AB 2936 by Assembly Member Jackson, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? In opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Yes, Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2936. So sorry. Sorry. We believe the bill will create one time Proposition 98 General Fund and non-Proposition General 98 Fund costs that are not currently part of the state's current fiscal plan.
- Michele Perrault
Specifically, the CSU indicates the bill will lead to one time General Fund costs in the mid-hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the work group. The California Community Colleges indicates the bill will result in additional one time costs in the same range. Therefore, we are opposed to the bill, as it's not included in the current state fiscal plan.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, concerns from Committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2936 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 810 by Assembly Member Friedman, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Matthews
Anna Matthews of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges in strong support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Department of Finance
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 810. The University of California indicates costs of $9 million ongoing General Fund and $1,000,000 one time General Fund. The CSU estimates there will be additional unknown administrative General Fund costs, possibly in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to adjust their hiring process.
- Department of Finance
We also believe the Bill could create a reimbursable state mandate with ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund costs of 2.5 million to update campus hiring policies and provide one day training to existing staff at campuses.
- Department of Finance
Therefore, we are opposed to the bill because it creates General Fund costs in the millions of dollars and could create a reimbursable state mandate with Proposition 98 General Fund costs in the low millions of dollars.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments concerns seeing none this bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 810, we'll move to suspense. AB 930 by Assemblymember Friedman, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support? Anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 930.
- Michele Perrault
Finance would concur with the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank's estimate that there could be a General Fund cost pressure for the state to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into the rise revolving loan fund that the bill establishes upon appropriation to finance RISE district startup costs.
- Michele Perrault
The estimate assumes RISE district project is likely to require at least 100 million in startup financing and the Ibank estimates it will incur unknown General Fund costs, potentially in the low millions of dollars annually to administer the fund.
- Michele Perrault
The Office of Planning and Research also estimates costs of 672,000 General Fund in 25-26 and 224,000 General Fund in 26-27 and ongoing to support three staff positions.
- Anna Caballero
Comments concerns from committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, AB 930 will move to suspense AB 1889 by Assemblymember Friedman, who has waived presentation. Anyone here in support?
- Jennifer Fearing
Yes. Good morning again, Madam Chair. Jennifer Fearing on behalf of the National Wildlife Federation and the San Diego Humane Society in support.
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with Clean Earth 4 Kids, supports 1889, along with the following organizations, FACTS, North County Equity and Justice, Eco-Sustainability Peeps, NCCCA, Grandparents Taking Action. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Christina Scaringe
Good morning. Christina Scaringe with the Center for Biological Diversity in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Committee comments, concerns? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 1889 will move to suspense. AB 1963 by Assembly Member Friedman, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with Clean Earth 4 Kids supports AB 1963 along with the following organizations. Facts, North County Equity and Justice, Ecosustainability Peeps, NCCA, Center for Environmental Health, Moms Advocating Sustainability, YardsmartMarin, Grandparents Taking Action, Sonoma Sass, California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice, and Beyond Pesticides. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Christina Scaringe
Good morning. Christina Scrounge with the Center for Biological Diversity in Support
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Allegria Cruz
Good morning. Allegria De LA Cruz, Delores Huerta Foundation and support
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? How about in opposition?
- Taylor Roschen
Good morning, Madam Chair Members. Taylor Roschen, on behalf of a variety of agricultural trade associations, in opposition thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance no file comments questions from the Committee saying none. This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 1963 will move to Suspense AB 2263 by Assembly Member Friedman, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Maria Haro-Sullivan
Maria Haro-Sullivan, on behalf of the National Women's Political Caucus, is in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Cliff Berg
Cliff Berg, on behalf of the Jewish Public Affairs Committee, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2263. The Department of Social Services estimates costs will include one time General Fund of 999,000 in the first year and 986,000 annually, ongoing for future years for state operations support.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, we are opposed because it results in ongoing General Fund impacts not included in the 2024 Budget Act.
- Anna Caballero
Comments concerns by the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2263 will move to suspense. AB 2925 by Assemblymember Friedman, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Cliff Berg
Madam Chair, Cliff Berg, on behalf of the Jewish Public Affairs Committee representing over 40 statewide Jewish organizations and regional organizations in California, is pleased to be a sponsor of this bill. It is an important measure to address anti-Semitism and other hate targeted at both the Jewish community and other ethnic communities in California on our college campuses.
- Cliff Berg
Unfortunately, we have seen a surge of anti-Semitic and other hate directed activity on college campuses in California. Urge your support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Welcome.
- Jonathan Mintzer
Jonathan Mintzer, Jewish Community Relations Council, the largest collective voice of Bay Area Jews representing 65 synagogues and organizations. Urge your strong support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Mariela Socolovsky
Hi, I'm Mariela Sokolowski. I'm the CEO for the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento region, and I support the bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Marion Leff
Marion Leff, co President of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento region, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Stanley Leff
Hello. Stanley Leff, President of the Einstein Jewish Community Services, in support of this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Brett Kotler
And Brett Kotler, member and concerned citizen of Zioness Sacramento chapter. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Sandi Nieves
Hello, Sandi Nieves. I'm the chapter lead of Zioness here with JPAC in support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Alan Fisher
Hello, my name is Alan Fisher. I'm from Atherton, California, I, physicist at Stanford. At the accelerator, I, past President of Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City and represent Beth Jacob at the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Bay Area. I strongly support this bill and thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Karen Fiss
Hello, I'm Ren Fiss, and I'm a Professor of cultural and visual studies at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco, and I know how important this bill is from my experiences and my students experiences, so I strongly, strongly support it. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Sandy Fawn
Hi, I'm Sandy Fawn. I am a concerned and afraid parent of an incoming freshman at UCLA and a recent graduate of UC Berkeley, and I urge your support for this bill. Thank you.
- Jonathan Warmond
Good afternoon. Jonathan Warmond, Loveness of University of California, Berkeley, strongly in support, and I'm also a volunteer with the Jewish Family children's Services. Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Lois Kellerman
Hi, my name is Lois Kellerman, and I'm with Hadassah Jewish women's Zionist Organization, and I strongly support this and urge you to support it because anti-Semitism is. Jews are the second most targeted group in California for hate crimes. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you for being here.
- Teresa Drenick
Good morning. I'm Teresa Drenick. I'm the Deputy Regional Director at the Anti-Defamation League in the Central Pacific region and strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Nancy Goldberg
Hi, I'm Nancy Goldberg, past chair of JPAC, and I'm with the Jewish Family and Children's Services, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Allison Barnes
Hello, I'm Allison Barnes. I am the Assistant Director of education with JCRC, Bay Area. I'm also a former public school teacher in Mendocino County, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Skylar Cohen
Hello, I'm Skylar Cohen, Executive board Member and West District chair of the Union for Reformed Judaism, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Naomi Goldman
Hi, my name is Naomi Goldman. I'm an Executive board Member of Democrats for Israel California, and a descendant of survivors, and I very strongly support this bill. Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Miranda Lichtman
Hi, there. My name is Miranda Lichtman. I'm the associate regional Director for the Anti-Defamation League in the Los Angeles region, and I am in strong support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Daniel Klein
Hello. My name is Daniel Klein, and I'm the CEO of Jewish Silicon Valley. Our community is very interested to see an increase of education and anti-Semitism and how that leads to Jew hatred. So we strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Raz Lev
Hello. My name is Raz Lev. I'm a Member of the Jewish community and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Rachel Wallace
Hello, Rachel Wallace from Jewish Federation Los Angeles. We strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Bruce Palmer
Madam Chair, Members. Bruce Palmer, Jewish Community Relations Council, the Greater Sacramento region, in support of AB 2925. Thank you.
- Susan George
Hello, Susan George from San Francisco representing the Raul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club, and I strongly support this bill.
- Wendy Batterson
Hi, my name is Wendy Levy Batterson. I am a founder of San Diego Indivisible, advocating for progressive causes, and I am affiliated with the Jewish Federation, the American Jewish Committee, JPAC, and I am a member of Democrats for Israel. I came from San Diego to strongly support this bill for the safety of our community. Thank you.
- Matthew Finkelstein
Hello. My name is Matthew Finkelstein. I am the President of the Jewish Democratic Club of Solano county, and I have come here to support AB 2925. Thank you.
- Robin Layton
Morning. I'm Robin Layton. I also came from San Diego. I'm a product of the East Los Angeles public schools. I'm a retired educator. I'm on the board of AJC in San Diego, and I'm 100% in support of this bill. Thank you so much.
- Sophia Mirof
Good morning. My name is Sophia Mirof. I grew up in San Diego, California. I'm a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, and I'm the coordinator at AJC San Diego, and I approve this bill.
- Rebecca Pearl
Good morning. My name is Rebecca Pearl. I'm an intern at American Jewish Committee San Diego and a rising senior at UC Davis who no longer feels safe on campus wearing my Jewish star necklace. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Netanya Cranford
Good morning. My name is Netanya Cranford. I'm a product of San Diego Public schools and a board Member of my congregation. I'm also affiliated with the Jewish Federation of San Diego and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Matthew Block
Hello. My name is Matthew Block. I'm the Assistant Director at American Jewish Committee, San Diego, and I'm fully in support of this bill. Thank you.
- Karen Stiller
Hello. My name is Karen Stiller. I am a parent of a community college student in California and also the senior Director of Jewish affairs at the Jewish Community Relations Council, and I know from experience how critical this bill is, and I stand here in support. Thank you.
- Jessica Trubowitch
Hello. My name is Jessica Trubowitch. I'm the Director of community partnerships at the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Bay Area, and I support this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Doreen Castelman
Hi, I'm Doreen Castleman. I'm the President of the Jewish Democratic Coalition of the Bay Area, representing four counties, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Alameda counties, and we're in total support of this Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Rebecca Goodman
Hi, I'm Rebecca Goodman. I attended UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis, and I am also in support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Jessica Blitchok
Hi, I'm Jessica Blitchock. I'm a Director of community partnerships with JCRC Bay Area. I'm a product of California public schools, as are my two children, and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Larry Wanatic
My name is Larry Wanatic, a member of the American Jewish Committee. I totally support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, sir.
- Ellen Diamond
My name is Ellen Diamond. I've been a California resident for over 50 years. I'm a graduate of UC Berkeley, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Lynn Lazarus
Hi, my name is Lynn Lazarus, and I'm a resident of Oakland, California, and I. I'm a member of Kehilla Community Synagogue and National Council of Jewish Women. And I'm also a retired school teacher. I taught school for 30 years.
- Lynn Lazarus
And I just want to add that bullying is always a concern and an issue in public schools, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Lita Krowech
My name is Lita Krowech, and I'm from Oakland, California. I'm also a member of Kehilla Community Synagogue, and I'm a retired lawyer and administrative law judge, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Scott Wiederman
My name is Scott Wiederman. I live in Orange County. I'm a veteran and served as an officer in the army. I'm here as a parent of two children, one of whom has special needs. Both have been victimized by anti-Semitism, facilitated by bias, indoctrination, part of an academic curriculum. I urgently support passage of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Eric Kingsley
My name is Eric Kingsley. I'm a Vice Chair of International Affairs for the Anti-Defamation League nationally, and I strongly support the bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Peter Levi
My name is Peter Levi. I'm a native Californian. I am a member of the Board of Rabbis of Orange County. I'm the regional Director for the ADL in Long Beach, Orange County, the proud father of four. And I strongly support this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- David Gabriel
My name is David Gabriel. I'm President of the Marin County Jewish Democratic Club. I'm also a proud graduate of the San Francisco Unified Schools district. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Cherie Dimmerling
Hello, I'm Cherie Dimmerling. I'm a fair housing Executive. I'm from here in Sacramento. I'm also with the NCJW, and I strongly support this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Amy Spade
Hello, I'm Amy Spade. I'm a senior Director of community impact at the Bay Area Jewish Federation, and we support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Seth Brysk
I'm Seth Brysk. I'm the son of a Holocaust refugee. I'm also the regional Director of the American Jewish Committee in San Francisco. We also have offices in Los Angeles and San Diego. And I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Susan Kitchell
My name is Susan Kitchell. I'm a child of Holocaust survivors. I am a graduate of UCSF and a retiree from the San Francisco Unified School District. I strongly support this bill.
- Ben Levi
My name is Ben Levi. I'm the President of the Palo Alto BBYO, which is a Jewish youth organization, and I'm a student in the California public high school. And I strongly support this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you for coming today.
- Michael Harris
My name is Michael Harris. I live in Sonoma county. I'm a lay leader for StandWithUs, an organization based in Los Angeles that combats anti-Semitism. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Doug Jaffe
My name is Doug Jaffe. I'm a graduate of the Palo Alto Unified School District, the University of California, and the University of California at Davis. I strongly support this bill and also urge you to support the campus safety bill. Thank you.
- James Kastelman
Good morning, everyone. My name is James Kastelman. I'm on the board of the Jewish Democratic Coalition of the Bay Area, and I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Barbara Nemko
Good morning. Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools for the last 27 years, member of the Advisory Committee for the San Diego County Office of Education Ethnic Studies Project, and I very strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Janna Waldinger
I'm Janna Waldinger, also having served 27 years on the Napa County Board of Education, and I strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Helena Weiss-Duman
Hi, I'm Helena Weiss-Duman, daughter of a Holocaust refugee, product of California public schools, and I strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Beth Forsman
Good morning. I'm Beth Forsman from Mill Valley, and I'm with alums for campus. I am the UC Davis chapter lead. I strongly support this Assembly Bill, and I am the granddaughter of a branch of my entire family lost in the Holocaust.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you for being here.
- Linda Plack
Hello. My name is Linda Plack. I'm a retired teacher from San Francisco. I was a dean of students in one of the high schools there. And I know what bullying is. And I strongly support this bill. Presently, even though I'm retired, I do work as a substitute teacher in the high schools.
- Linda Plack
And I think this is a very important effort. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Pat Crawford
Pat Crawford. I'm a member of the Executive board of the United Educators of San Francisco retired division. And I'm speaking as an individual in support of this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Beth Rutchik
I'm Beth Rutchik. I live in Mill Valley, California. I'm in support of bill 2925.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone else that would like to testify in support? Very good. Anyone who would like to testify in opposition outside?
- David Mandel
Good morning, Committee Members. Thank you for listening to all this testimony. My name is David Mandel. I'm an active member of Sacramento chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, which represents 100,000 members and supporters around California. We are, of course, very concerned by the rise of anti-Semitism that we see coming from the white supremacist right.
- David Mandel
In all sorts of ways over the last few years. But we also know that none of us are safe unless all of us are safe. And this bill, unfortunately, the authors did not accept amendments that were proposed by a group that we work with, the Council on American Islamic Relations.
- David Mandel
That would cancel the very arbitrary designation that the education about discrimination would be only regarding, stemming from law enforcement data on which groups are subject to hate, hate crimes and other discrimination. We all know that there are certain things, certain hate crimes and discrimination that are not. That are very much underreported.
- David Mandel
One of the most well known, of course, is sexual assault, but also Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab hate crimes and harassment and discrimination are very much underreported. And that's in danger of being left out by the provisions of this bill.
- David Mandel
And so we would oppose it unless it is amended to make sure that those and any other things that are often underreported are included in the bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Again, this is on the fiscal aspects of the bill, and the recommendation is to move it to suspense.
- Maya Steinhart
Hello. My name is Maya Steinhart. I'm a Jewish educator and recent SAC State graduate who spent time at the SAC State encampment for Palestine. I am opposed unless amended to include the top three religions most discriminated against to address the rise in Islamophobia.
- Maya Steinhart
Just as there has been a rise in anti-Semitism, there has been a rise in Islamophobia. And this bill actively enacts an instance of Islamophobia by keeping this out of anti-bias training. Privileging education for one group about how to combat that bias versus education on how to combat biases for another group recreates harm.
- Maya Steinhart
There is no reason not to include anti-Islamophobia education within this bill. It is simple common sense. I have a couple of other organizations that I'm speaking for, including Jewish Voice for Peace California, Council on American-Islamic Relations California, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, as well as Workers Circle/Arbeter Ring of Northern California.
- Maya Steinhart
They are all opposed unless amended. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Maggie Coulter
I'm Maggie Coulter. I hold degrees from UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, sorry, UC Davis and UC Berkeley. I'm speaking on behalf of the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights. I wish to echo the comments of the previous speakers. We are opposed to the Bill unless amended as indicated. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
Department of Finance.
- Department of Finance
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2925. The University of California indicates this bill will result in unknown significant one time General Fund costs between $275,000 and a million to update the various training courses.
- Department of Finance
Both the California State University and the California Community College chancellor's office does indicate that bill will result in minor and absorbable General Fund costs.
- Department of Finance
However, the bill could create a state reimbursable state mandate with Prop 98 General Fund costs in the ranges of by requiring the community colleges to update their existing training to address discrimination against the five most targeted groups in the state.
- Anna Caballero
Comments, questions, concerns from the Committee? Seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate. First, let me did you want to make a comment or express a concern?
- Josh Becker
I'll just say that I appreciate all the people coming to testify and I do believe this is a very important piece of legislation. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Took the words right out of my mind, out of my mouth. This is a suspense file candidate, but I want, before I get there, I want to say thank you to everybody that arrived today.
- Anna Caballero
It's important that we hear from the community and it's important that we have an opportunity as we consider the fiscal impacts of things to understand the real life impacts that we have in the community. So I want to thank you all for being here and for those of you that have spent your life teaching.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much for your commitment to young people, because you do really, really important work. And I thought I was going to be a teacher. And then I got in a classroom and realized I just didn't have the patience for it. So I really respect teachers because I had some great ones.
- Anna Caballero
In any case, this is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
- Brian Jones
I apologize for being late, and I don't know if you explained this already to the folks that traveled here, because I know many of them travel a long ways.
- Brian Jones
Madam Chair.
- Brian Jones
Can I jump in?
- Anna Caballero
- Brian Jones
Did we explain what suspense means for the folks that are here today so they know what's?
- Anna Caballero
Well, they've been here for a while and sitting outside, for which I really, really thank them. But if you want to go ahead and do a training.
- Brian Jones
Well, I'm sure you did. But again, I apologize for being late.
- Brian Jones
I just wanted to explain to everybody that's here, both in support and opposition, that when a bill goes on suspense, what that means under further review, it will come up for a vote later in the month. And so this is neither the beginning nor the end of the bill. And we'll.
- Brian Jones
So your advocacy is still warranted and encouraged as the bill moves forward.
- Anna Caballero
And appreciate it.
- Brian Jones
And appreciate it.
- Anna Caballero
Yep. Thank you so much for that. I do appreciate that. We jumped right into the, into the hearing. So this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2925 will move to the suspense file. These are all the bills that cost money.
- Anna Caballero
And ultimately, we'll go through those bills and figure out what we can afford and, you know, what policy priorities we set for the state. So thank you very much for being here today. Really appreciate it. We're going to move on to AB 3088 by Assemblymember Friedman.
- Anna Caballero
So I'm going to see if there's anyone who would like to testify in support. How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Department of Finance
No file.
- Anna Caballero
You all don't have to stay here if you don't want to. You won't hurt our feelings if you get up and walk out after your testimony. Are there any comments or. Well, yeah.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or concerns on this from the committee? Seeing none. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without any objection, AB 3088 will move to suspense. We're going to move on to AB 815 by Assemblymember Wood, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone, anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 815. Finance estimates the cost of this bill to be in the low millions of dollars from the fees supported by the managed care fund.
- Michele Perrault
We are opposed to the bills that result in costs not included in the state's fiscal plan and may be duplicative of current efforts to collect standardized provider information.
- Michele Perrault
The bill may also add pressures to the department or to DMHC as it's evaluating and implementing efficiencies resulting from the statewide ongoing reductions to the department operational budgets adopted in 2024 Budget Act. And we would just lastly note that these costs would likely be passed on to consumers through higher premiums.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions by the committee? Seeing none; this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 815 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 869 Assemblymember Wood, who has waived presentation is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to the bill. At the time of the analysis, an updated fiscal impact was not available from the Department of Healthcare Access and Information.
- Michele Perrault
However, based on previous versions of the bill from 2023, HCAI estimated the fiscal impacts to be 155,000 small and rural hospital relief fund in 24-25 and ongoing to expand the program. If additional funds are appropriated, HCAI does estimate 902,000 in 24-25 and 763 annually for the five years.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is opposed to the bill because it would likely result in General Fund costs and ongoing General Fund cost pressures not included in the state spending plan. Additionally, the bill does propose expansion of eligibility. The proposed expansion of eligibility may also create pressures on available funding from the small rural hospital relief program.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions by the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 869 will move to suspense. AB 2643 by assemblymember Wood who has waived presentation. That means he won't be here today. Is there anybody who would like to testify in support? Anybody in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Any comments or concerns by the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2643 will move to suspense. AB 3129 by Assemblymember Wood who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Testify in opposition? They were left open.
- Marc Aprea
Good morning, Madam Chair and members of the committee, Marc Aprea. I'm here on behalf of the American Investment Council. Our opposition on the fiscal grounds is consistent with that in the committee analysis. This measure will cost millions of dollars. It is duplicative of the review function that's currently being done by the Office of Health Care Affordability.
- Marc Aprea
Further, this measure also fails to consider the litigation costs that will be associated with this measure that will be in the millions of dollars.
- Marc Aprea
It will not only impact the applicants, it will also require the Department of Justice to assign lawyers and time to this. It will also cost the State of California money, consistent with the opposition letter by the University of California. And so we therefore urge the committee to hold the bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much,
- Frederick Noteware
Madam Chair Members, my name is Fred Noteware, representing the Association of Dental Support Organizations. We're opposed to the bill as well. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance doesn't currently have a position on the bill. However, we would note at the time of our analysis, Department of Justice had not provided a fiscal estimate of implementation costs.
- Michele Perrault
However, based on the bill's provision, the bill would likely generate costs in low hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for the Department of Justice to review transactions. The Office of Administrative Hearings within the Department of General Services estimates cost of 216,000 General Fund annually to hear up to three cases.
- Michele Perrault
DGS notes that this is an estimate based on one case lasting 28 days with six and a half hours of an administrative law judge's time per day, which equates to $72,000 per case at the current administrative law judge rate of $395 an hour.
- Anna Caballero
Are there any comments or questions from the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 3129 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
We're going to open up the roll call on a couple of the bills that we did as do pass motions to allow Senator Jones to join if he'd like. First up will be, and then we'll open them one more time for the remaining Member that is not present. We're going to go to AB 3100 by Assembly Member Low. The motion was do pass. Please call the roll for the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That bill has six votes, six to zero. And we'll put it back on call for the absent Member. And then we're going to move to AB 2107 by Assembly Member Chen. The motion is do pass. Please call the roll for the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
- Anna Caballero
Okay, that's six to zero as well. And so we'll put that back on call for the last remaining Member to be able to add on. Okay, so we'll go back to our agenda, which is the next step up is AB 3218 by Assembly Member Wood, who waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
We're going to see if there's anyone that would like to testify in support. Whoops, sorry about that. We'll start that over again. Got the mic up.
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with Clean Earth 4 Kids, supports 2827 along with the following organizations. Facts, North County Equity and Justice, Ecosustainability Peeps, NCCA and Grandparents Taking Action. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Did she do the right? Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Yes, Department of Finance doesn't currently have a position on the bill.
- Michele Perrault
However, we would note that Department of Justice estimates cost of $318,000 from the Public Rights Law Enforcement Special Fund in three positions on 2425 and 603,000. 2526 finance does note that while revenues from the application and renewal fees for the new California and flavored Tobacco list Fund, which could be as high as $1,000 paid to DOJ by manufacturers and importers, are unknown at this time.
- Michele Perrault
So these revenues could offset at least a portion of DOJ's cost to implement the bill. In addition to that, CDTFA does estimate costs of up to 50,000 General Fund in 2425 and ongoing for the workload.
- Michele Perrault
They also note that they may incur substantial, meaning about 250,000 to $1.0 million to major or greater than $1.0 million additional ongoing cost for the destruction, depending on the amount and type of tax paid flavored cigarettes and tobacco products that are seized.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. There are no longer Committee Members here, so there won't be any questions or concerns. So this is a suspense file. Candidate without objection, AB 3218 will move to suspense AB 846 by Assembly Member Bonta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
The Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
That makes it easy. Quick. This is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 846 will move to suspense. AB 1186 by Assemblymember Bonta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
The restitution fund currently operates in a structural deficit, and the fines eliminated in debts vacated by this bill will further reduce fund revenues. So, unfortunately, notwithstanding the merits of the bill, the Department of Finance is opposed because it results in potentially significant General Fund costs to backfill the restitution fund for the anticipated reduction in revenues.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1186. The California Victims Compensation Board was unable to provide a fiscal estimate. However, finance notes that compensation for victims are generally funded by penalty assessments and restitution, fines and orders paid into the restitution fund.
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 1186 will move to suspense. AB 2239 is a Assemblymember Bonta Bell, who has - and she's waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify and support.
- Alegria De La Cruz
Good morning. Allegria De La Cruz, on behalf of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and strong support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Carly Stelzer
Good morning. Carly Stelzer, on behalf of Common Sense Media in support
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else? How about anyone in opposition?
- Amanda Gualderama
Good morning. Amanda Gualderama with CalBroadband, also testifying for US Telecom, in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2239 will move to suspense. AB 2381 by Assemblymember Bonta, who waived presentation, is next. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2381. We would note that the bill may result in General Fund impacts to the extent that this results in an erosion of potential for future savings.
- Michele Perrault
In addition, provisions of this bill may be duplicative of recent ongoing efforts to reform reimbursement rate policies among California, California's early care and education programs, including the programs administered by the Department of Social Services.
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 2381 will move to suspense. AB 2476 by Assembly Member Bonta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Yes, the Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2476. The bill will result in unknown but significant ongoing General Fund costs and the hundreds of millions of dollars at a minimum to the Department of Social Services to one, increase reimbursement rates above the level enacted in statute, remove the June 30, 2025 sunset date to reimburse child care providers based on maximum authorized hours of care, update payment processing program systems, and address increased administrative cost to contractors.
- Michele Perrault
In addition, this bill does conflict with the state's current statutory commitment to reimbursement rate reform. So unfortunately, Finance is opposed to the bill because it results in General Fund costs not included in the 2024 budget.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions from the committee? Seeing none, this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2476 will move to suspense. AB 2709 by assemblymember Bonta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify is support?.
- Alegria De La Cruz
Alegría De La Cruz Dolores Huerta Foundation in support.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
No file.
- Anna Caballero
Committee members, seeing none, this bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2709 will move to suspense. AB 2851 by assemblymember Bonta. Is there anyone that would like to, she has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support?
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with Clean Earth for Kids supports 2851 along with the following organizations Facts, North County Equity and Justice, Eco-Sustainability Peeps, NCCCA and Grandparents Taking Action thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2851. The Department of Toxic Substance Control reports the bill cost $700,000 from the hazardous waste control account in 25-26, 1.2 million in 26-27, and 1 million in 27-28 and ongoing for three permanent positions.
- Michele Perrault
The bill does authorize DTSC to assess fees on metal shredding facilities support costs of implementing the bill. In addition, at the time of our analysis, finance was not able to obtain a fiscal estimate from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, we are opposed to the bill because it results in costs and pressures to the hazardous waste control account that are not included in the current fiscal plan.
- Anna Caballero
Comments questions seeing none this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2851 will move to suspense. AB 3161 by Assembly Member Bonta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance Department of Finance doesn't. Currently have a position on the bill. However, we would note that while a fiscal estimate was not available from the California Department of Public Health.
- Michele Perrault
At the time of our analysis, that preliminary estimates cost between a million and 2 million in the first two years of implementation, an ongoing cost, and hundreds of thousands to Low millions of dollars annually thereafter from the licensing and certification Fund.
- Michele Perrault
Based on previous estimates, the Civil Rights Department also estimates ongoing costs on the hide hundreds of thousands of dollars annually from the General Fund, assuming an estimated increase in 50 to 100 additional complaints per year.
- Anna Caballero
Questions comments from the Committee seeing none this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 3161 will move to suspense. We're moving on now to AB 884 by Assembly Member Lowe. Assembly Member Lowe has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Alegria De La Cruz
Alegria De La Cruz Dolores Huerta foundation in support thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? How about in opposition Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 884. Secretary of State estimates cost of $22.4 million in General Fund and 24-25, 16.4 million ongoing and 25 positions to support the additional workload required to implement the bill.
- Michele Perrault
California Department of Motor Vehicles estimates the cost of $890,000 General Fund in 24-25 and 1.3 million ongoing to implement the bill. Therefore, we are opposed because the costs are not currently part of the state's funding plan.
- Anna Caballero
Comments. Questions? Seeing none this is a suspense file candidate without objection, AB 884 will move to suspense. AB 996 by Assemblymember Low, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
Testify in opposition Department of Finance no file Committee seeing none we're going to this is a suspense file candidate so without objection, SB 996 will move to suspense AB 1577 by Assembly Member Lowe. Assembly Member Lowe has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify and support?
- Anna Caballero
How about in opposition Department of Finance no file seeing no comments questions from the Committee this is a suspense file candidate so AB 1577 will move to suspense AB 2132 by Assemblymember Lowe, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to test fine support? About in opposition Department of Finance Department.
- Michele Perrault
Of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2132. The California Department of Healthcare I'm sorry the California Department of Public Health estimates $96,000 in 2425 and $166,000 ongoing going from the licensing and certification Fund to assess enforced compliance of 1550 facilities, including relicensure surveys and complaint investigations.
- Michele Perrault
At the time of our analysis, a fiscal estimate was not available for the Department of Healthcare Services, but finance would note that this bill may result in ongoing General Fund costs for Medi Cal to the extent it results in additional workload and higher costs to reimburse Medi Cal managed care plans for this bill's requirements.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, we're opposed to the Bill because it results in ongoing General Fund that are not a part of the administration's fiscal plan.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no comments or questions from the Committee, this is a suspense file candidate, so AB 2132 will move to suspense AB 2148 by Assembly Member Lowe, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Jerry Desmond
Chair and Members, Jerry Desmond with the Professional Fiduciary Association of. California. We're optimistic that conversations will enable the anticipated cost to be minimized so that the existing loophole in current law can be closed to protect consumers as the bill moves forward.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance no file. I'm seeing no questions, comments concerns this bill is a suspense file candidate, so AB 2148 will move to suspense AB 2421 by Assembly Member Lowe, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Jean Hurst
Thank you, Madam Chair and Members. Jean Hurst here today on behalf of the Urban Counties of California, the California State Association of Counties, the Rural County Representatives of California, the California Special Districts Association, and the Association of California School Administrators in opposition to 2421.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Sharon Gonsalves
Hi, good morning. Sharon Gonsalves on behalf of the California Association of Recreation and Park Districts in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 2421. While we do anticipate the bill may result in minor and absorbable costs of the state, we are opposed to the bill because it expands the scope of existing union employee confidentiality outside of the collective bargaining process, negatively impacts the state's ability to identify and investigate issues of workplace safety and harassment without initiating a disciplinary or criminal investigation.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no comments questions from the Committee, this is a suspense file candidate. So without objection 2421 we'll move to suspense 2883 by Assembly Member Lowe, who has waived presentation. Is there anybody here who would like to testify in support of this bill? How about in opposition? Department of Finance?
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to 2883. The California State University estimates that an additional holiday could represent a cost to the CSU of approximately $21.2 million in lost productivity, as well as potentially additional administrative costs associated with adjusting the academic calendar.
- Michele Perrault
Finance assumes the costs associated with this loss of productivity would result in corresponding General Fund cost pressures. The University of California reports no mandatory costs associated with the bill because it's merely a request and does not require them to take action.
- Michele Perrault
Finance is opposed to the bill because it creates significant ongoing General Fund cost pressures during a fiscal year in which both the CSU and UC systems will be preparing to implement ongoing state appropriation reductions.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the Committee? Seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2883 will move to suspense. AB 2892 by Assembly Member Low, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance no file seeing no.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the committee. This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 2892 will move to suspense. AB 3034 by Assemblymember Low, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 3034. The California State University reports the cost of a new tuition and fee waiver will vary year to year and could increase over time depending on how many California conservation court members enroll at a CSU campus, the system could face between 907,000 and 9.7 million in forgone revenue.
- Michele Perrault
The University of California reports it will experience a loss in tuition and fee revenue, an unknown amount, but potentially in the millions of dollars, as they do not currently track how many students currently participate in the CCC and they're unable to predict how many would participate if the bill was enacted. So therefore, the.
- Michele Perrault
Excuse me, the Department of Finance is opposed to the bill because it creates revenue losses of unknown but potentially significant General Fund cost pressures.
- Michele Perrault
Also, we would just note that while the bill aims to benefit if it participates in a program that offers young people skills and experiences that could lead to meaningful careers, it would limit revenue sources for the UC and CSU systems during a fiscal year in which both systems are preparing to implement ongoing state appropriation reductions.
- Anna Caballero
Comments or questions from the committee? Seeing none. This is a suspense file candidate. So AB 3034 will move to suspense. Moving on to AB 886 by Assemblymember Wicks, who has waived presentation. Is there anybody that would like to testify in support?
- Carly Stelzer
Carly Stelzer, on behalf of Music Artists Coalition in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Danny Cando-Kaiser
Hello, Danny Cando-Kaiser on behalf of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Respectful opposition.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? Department of Finance no file seeing no. Comment or questions from the Committee, this bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 886 will move to suspense AB 922 by Assembly Member Wicks, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 922. The annual cost of the program for local assistance depends on how many counties elect to administer the program, which could be in the magnitudes of tens of millions of dollars due to the General Fund.
- Michele Perrault
The bill would also result in unknown but potentially significant ongoing state operation costs for the Department. We would also note the bill could create a state-reimbursable mandate currently of an indeterminable cost because it requires the County of Alameda to participate in the pilot program and submit performance data reports to the Department.
- Michele Perrault
Therefore, we are opposed to the bill because it results in significant and ongoing General Fund cost pressures not included in the 2024 Budget Act and could result in the state-reimbursable mandate.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no comments, questions, concerns from the committee. This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, AB 922 will move to suspense. AB 1252 by Assemblymember Wicks who has waived presentation. Is there anybody here who would like to testify and support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance
- Michele Perrault
Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1252. The Department of Justice estimates cost of $656,000 in General Fund in 24-25 and 1.2 million in 25-26 and ongoing for six positions to establish the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and support the commission.
- Michele Perrault
Department of Justice notes it is unable to absorb the cost to comply with or implement this bill within their existing resources. Therefore, finance is opposed to the bill because it generates additional General Fund costs not included in the 2024 Budget Act.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no comments or questions from the committee. This is a suspense file candidate so AB 1252 will move to suspense. AB 1949 by Assembly Member Wicks who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Chloe Fermin
Chloe Fermin with supports this bill along with the following organizations Facts, North County Equity and Justice, Ecosustainability peeps, NCCA, Grandparents Taking Action, Activists San Diego and Standing Up for Social Justice. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Carly Stelzer
Hello, Carly Stelzer on behalf of Common Sense Media, in support thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? Department of Finance no file seeing no. Comments or questions from the Committee. This is a suspense file candidate so without objection, AB 1949 will move to suspense AB 1961 by Assembly Member Wicks who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Sharon Gonsalves
Hello. Sharon Gonsalves with the City of Merced in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Jennifer Chamberlin
Jennifer Fearing for Community Alliance with Family Farmers in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Maria Haro-Sullivan
Maria Haro-Sullivan with the National Women's Political Caucus in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? Department of Finance.
- Michele Perrault
The Department of Finance is currently opposed to AB 1961. The Governor's Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation estimates costs of 3.7 million in 24-25 and 2.2 million in 25-26. These costs account for stakeholder engagement and task force facilitation, travel, staff engagement, subcommittee meetings, food access analysis, and administrative and technical support for program staff. Finance is opposed to the bill because it results in significant General Fund costs not included in 2024 budget.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no comments or questions from the Committee. This is a suspense file candidate, so without objection, AB 1961 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
If you just give us a minute, we have a couple of Assembly Members that arrived and we want to make sure we find the bill. So we're going to move on in the agenda. We're going to move forward in the agenda and take up AB 2918 by Assembly Member Zbur, who is here.
- Anna Caballero
And I understand it is a suspense candidate, so this is a suspense candidate, but you can go ahead and. Okay. Very good. All righty. Well, good morning. Good morning. Good morning.
- Dawn Addis
Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Madam Chair and Members, along with joint author Assembly Members of Zbur and our sponsor, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, and the Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California, I'm proud to present AB 2918 a bill that strengthens ethnic studies.
- Dawn Addis
AB 2019 is a Jewish caucus priority, and as a classroom teacher for over 20 years who served both students with special needs and emergent bilingual students, I have always worked to create a safe, inclusive, and affirming educational environment for students for diverse student groups.
- Dawn Addis
Best practice tells us that to create such environments, we must provide mirrors where students learn their own history and see themselves accurately reflected in the curriculum and windows, where students learn accurate information and stories about diverse people, essentially a window into the lives of others.
- Dawn Addis
Best practice also uses culturally competent curriculum and instruction that promotes inclusivity and equity by acknowledging and valuing different cultures. Ethnic studies is an incredibly important part of providing windows and mirrors for California students.
- Dawn Addis
Unfortunately, we are witnessing harmful situations where, intentionally or nothing, some ethnic studies curriculum and instruction is creating classrooms that Jewish students are not experiencing as safe, inclusive, or affirming.
- Dawn Addis
AB 20918 helps rectify this situation by requiring that ethnic studies adheres to cultural competency practices emphasizing the importance of multiculturalism in teaching ethnic studies and activating the existing AB 101 guardrails sooner rather than later.
- Dawn Addis
AB 20918 affirms the importance of ethnic studies in California's education, complements the model curriculum, and ensures that all students are provided accurate and affirming mirrors and windows. What AB 20918 does not do is it does not erase or eliminate teaching of the stories of California's diverse student body.
- Dawn Addis
It does not create barriers to ethnic studies programs as envisioned in the model curriculum, and it does not contradict AB 101 or make ethnic studies more expensive. This is especially true with the transparency provisions removed as Assembly Members of Burr will talk about in more detail.
- Dawn Addis
At its core, ethnic studies is a step toward rectifying omission of the experiences and cultures of communities within California. But as we write these wrongs of the past.
- Dawn Addis
We must do so in a present that is wholly focused on creating safe, inclusive, and affirming environments for California's multicultural student body so that every student sees themselves reflected in their curriculum and feels empowered, understood and represented.
- Dawn Addis
AB 2918 is a simple bill with little to no cost that will substantially move us forward, and with that, I will turn it over to my colleague, Assembly Member Zbur.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Madam Chair Members, I am proud to present AB 2918 which, as Assembly Member Addis has indicated, is a key priority bill for the legislative Jewish caucus in California. We celebrate our diversity, recognizing it as a cornerstone of our values and strength as a community.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
As such, it's crucial that what is taught in our schools reflects this diversity, fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation for the multitude of cultural perspectives and experiences that enrich our society.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Ethnic studies offers an opportunity for students to both learn about communities other than their own and to see themselves reflected in the stories they hear at school, the windows, and the mirrors that Assembly Member Addis just talked about.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Unfortunately, the original draft of the ethnic studies model curriculum that was released in 2019 was widely criticized not only by the Governor and other state leaders, but also by many of the communities. It was aimed to uplift due to misleading, false, and sometimes biased content in the draft.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
After subsequent lengthy, transparent and public process, the Instructional Quality Commission replaced the first draft in 2021 within ethnic studies model curriculum that was supported by the Governor, the state Superintendent, and California's diverse communities.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Districts retained the flexibility to implement this model curriculum or to adopt locally developed curricula, for example, to tailor their classes to their local heritages and communities.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
In 2021, Assembly Member Medina advanced AB 101, which contained important guardrails to ensure that curriculums being adopted at the local level would still align with state goals and not promotes bias, bigotry, or discrimination to any community.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Since the model curriculum serves as a guide rather than providing comprehensive, state approved instructional materials, there are no procedural safeguards at either the state or local level to protect against bias or discrimination if districts deviate or deviate from the model curriculum.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Promoters of the rejected 2019 model have exploited this gap, attempting to discreetly insert biased content into local courses and urging districts to adopt materials that deviate from state approved guidelines, undermining the extensive public education process that occurred.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
As a result, some schools have adopted and begun utilizing curriculum and instructional materials that are inaccurate and biased and promote the targeting of Jewish students and families, and many times families have found out about it only after the objectional material was already being taught in classrooms.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We are here today because we have a problem that we need to address. When a marginalized or minority community tells us that they recognize and see bias and discrimination, it's our duty to listen to that community, because marginalized communities recognize the patterns of discrimination.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
They recognize the tropes, and they recognize what they know to be harmful based on their own lived experience. And what is happening today across California is that educational content that the Jewish community recognizes as biased and anti semitic is sometimes being proposed and used in our schools.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
So we need to take steps to make sure that that's course corrected. So AB 2918 contains two major components. First, it has transparency provisions that make sure that parents have noticed that an ethics studies curriculum is being adopted in their school district, can review it, and can provide input to the district before it's adopted.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We have had discussions with the relevant stakeholders, and we recognize that the education unions and other important partners whose partnership we value continue to have concerns with the transparency provisions.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
That is why, in order to have time to continue to work with these stakeholders, we are amending the bill through this Committee to remove the transparency procedures at this time. This amendment will also eliminate substantially all the costs related to the bill.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We intend to propose a new bill next year in order to refine these transparency procedures or explore alternative solutions that the education unions and other stakeholders may propose as alternatives. So what remains of 2918 are important enhancements to the guardrails established under AB 101 that protect all.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And I want to say this, it's not just the Jewish community, it's all marginalized communities. One thing the bill does is to make the guardrails effective in January 2025. The guardrails today are not effective, and it's crucial that these are in place as school districts continue to develop curriculum and instructional materials in anticipating the graduation requirements.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Second, the bill strengthens the guardrails by adding the requirement that determinations about ethics studies curriculum incorporate principles of cultural competency. This means that when a school district is determining whether educational content is biased or appropriate for use in our schools, the district must consider the views of the communities that the curriculum is about and affects.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
AB 2918 also assures that ethnic studies courses promote multicultural respect and acceptance while focusing on the histories, cultures, struggles, and contributions of historically marginalized communities in the United States.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
These guardrails protect all communities and reflect the core principle that marginalized and minority communities, including the Jewish community, should shape the educational content about their own experiences, challenges, and history and that they should have a voice in decisions that impact them.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
For example, without this bill, we risk districts including biased and false content about other ethnic communities as well, similar to what we saw in Florida, where outrageous educational content was proposed teaching that elements of slavery were beneficial. So, regarding the costs, we understand that the Committee staff has concluded that the costs of AB 2918 are unknown.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
However, with the amendment to remove the transparency provisions which we have submitted, there are no substantial additional costs associated with the bill. With the amendments, the bill merely modifies the AB 101 guardrails.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
The bill requires modest but important changes to the legal standards that leas must consider that should not result in any additional costs for leas, as the adoption of an ethics studies curriculum is currently voluntary and contingent upon the appropriation of funds, the bill does not require or impede a district from adopting an ethnic studies course, and the costs of the adoption are not affected at all by this change in the legal standard.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
In closing, in my previous career, when I was at Equality California, we partnered with the diversity caucuses, and I personally not only supported, but I myself lobbied for the adoption of ethnic studies. And I point out that every Member of the Jewish caucus voted for ethnic studies.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I know, and the caucus knows how important this curriculum is to uplifting and providing both mirrors and windows as a subject matter has discussed to the experiences and lives of our ethnic communities. But as we proceed with this important curriculum, it's also important that we get it right for all students.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We can have robust ethnic studies courses that lift up all communities, all ethnic communities that are appropriate for and lift up all students. And that's what AB 2918 is intended to do.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
With me today to provide testimony are Doctor Mike Torres, Director of the curriculum frameworks and Instructional Resources division at the California Department of Education, and David Bokarsley from JPAC.
- Anna Caballero
So, Assembly Members, I gave you great discretion to tell me the whole policy reason why this is important. And I that's all good, but this is the Committee on Appropriations, and so our real review, at least today, is the way the bill is in writing this minute, and it's the fiscal impact.
- Anna Caballero
And so it will go to suspense. I understand you are going to be proposing some amendments that may change that at a later date. And so that's the reason I allowed so much testimony. Thank you. But if I could, we have a lot of people here who are going to testify.
- Anna Caballero
I want to make sure we get through them. And I have 354 bills today to get through, and I think we've probably got through about 70. So I just want to make sure we're really efficient with our time. You've done a great job of explaining not only the fiscal impact, which I appreciate, but also the context.
- Anna Caballero
And I do appreciate all of that because that's very, very helpful. So if your witness could make it as brief as possible on the fiscal part of it, we will be looking at any amends that you have proposed.
- Anna Caballero
I want to thank you for that, because it makes our job a lot easier if the fiscal impacts are less so. Sir, the floor is yours, but make it very brief. I don't want to have to interrupt this important topic, but I do have other things I need to get.
- Mike Torres
Thanks so much, Madam Chair and Members of the Committee. So I'm Doctor Mike Torres, Director of the curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at the California Department of Education. I'm also the Executive Director of the Instructional Quality Commission. I'm here to speak on behalf of State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond on AB 20918.
- Mike Torres
Superintendent Thurmond is a sponsor of this bill. As you know, ethnic studies provides a great opportunity for students of color to learn about the contributions of their ancestors, specifically focusing on the four foundational disciplines of ethnic studies.
- Mike Torres
The state Superintendent and the California Department of Education have encouraged districts and charter schools to focus on the four groups and to follow the model ethnic studies curriculum guide when creating their local curricula. It's for those reasons that the Superintendent of Public Instructions supports the goals and the direction of this bill, and I respectfully ask for your.
- Mike Torres
aye vote on AB 2918. Thank you.
- David Bokarsley
Hi, Senator and Members Chair, my name is David Bokarsley, and I'm the Executive Director of JPAC, the largest single state coalition of Jewish organizations in the nation and the group that has brought a number of the folks up here today.
- David Bokarsley
Our coalition has been intimately involved in the development of the ethnic studies model curriculum, which was necessary because the first draft was replete with anti semitic and anti Israel content and we celebrated. The final approved curriculum, which addresses our concerns, remains true to the four core groups, and is a trailblazing model for ethnic studies.
- David Bokarsley
Our coalition Members are now working with students, families, and school leaders across the state as districts implement ethnic studies ahead of the 2025 deadline. Unfortunately, in too many districts, we are seeing that this course is being co opted by those with an anti Jewish bias.
- David Bokarsley
Instead of using approved lessons from the model curriculum, some districts are teaching liberatory courses, which is similar except that it excludes Jews, erases antisemitism, and denigrates Israel with content that is one sided, promotes a specific ideology, and is factually inaccurate.
- David Bokarsley
In effect, a curriculum meant to help alleviate bigotry is instead marginalizing Jewish students and fueling discrimination against our community. This bill initially included the transparent and community led implementation requirements that Assembly Members of Zbur referenced, which we did advocate for. All of that has been amended out.
- David Bokarsley
And this bill simply adds basic guardrails, such as promoting respect and considering the views of impacted communities, especially without the implementation requirements. Our community needs these guardrails. And if the opposition disputes the need for such basic protections against discrimination, that highlights why these protections are all the more necessary.
- David Bokarsley
Some of these folks have targeted leading Jewish organizations like JCRC and ADL.
- Anna Caballero
I hate to interrupt you. This is really important information, but not for this Committee. What is important is the fiscal impact. And so I really apologize. No, I appreciate, it's not that I disagree or anything. I just need to focus on the fiscal impact and then.
- David Bokarsley
Sure, Chair, I appreciate it and thank you. As mentioned, the focus on the guardrails is because this should not have any fiscal impact. And that is the attempt. That is why it's so necessary to pass this bill. We're trying to make sure that we enact policies that do not change the cost for the state or to localities.
- David Bokarsley
We just need to make sure we're concerned about rising antisemitism in society and especially in the classroom. And we view ethnic studies as an effective way to use education to counter such hatred, but only if it has the guardrails to ensure it is unbiased. So with that, I respectfully ask for your support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. I appreciate that very much. Thank you very much. Now we're going to move on to people that would like to testify in support of the bill. I want to welcome you to the mic. Who's going to be first brave?
- Scott Wiederman
My name is Scott Wiederman. I live in Orange County. I am a veteran and a served as an officer in the army. But I'm here as a parent of two children, one of whom has special needs. Both have been victims of anti semitism facilitated by biased, indoctrinating academic curriculum. I urgently urge you to support this important bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Mark Levine
Madam Chair, Senators. Mark Levine with the Anti Defamation League. Very good to see you this morning. I support this bill as proposed to be amended. Thank you. Assembly Member Zbur.
- Anna Caballero
Good to see you, Assembly Member.
- Jonathan Mintzer
Good afternoon. Jonathan Mintzer, Senior Director of government affairs at the Jewish Community Relations Council. We are the largest collective voice of Bay Area Jews representing over 65 synagogues, and we urge you to support this legislation. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Lynn Lazarus
Lynn Lazarus, Member of Kehila and NCJW I'm also a retired teacher of 30 years and concerned about bullying. And I'm also a grandmother and I have children in the school and I'm a California native and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Naomi Goldman
Hi, my name is Naomi Goldman. I'm an Executive board Member of Democrats for Israel California and a proud advocate with the Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California. And I've had my own family and many in my life impacted among vulnerable communities targeted by hate.
- Naomi Goldman
And so I'm grateful for and in strong support of this bill. Thank you very much.
- Bruce Palmer
Madam Chair and Members, Bruce Palmer, Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Sacramento region, in strong support of AB 2918. Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you
- Rebecca Pearl
Hello, Rebecca Pearl. I'm an intern at San Diego American Jewish Committee and a rising senior at UC Davis who no longer feels safe on campus wearing my Jewish star necklace. And I strongly support this bill.
- Cherie Dimmerling
Madam Chair, Members, I'm Cherie Dimmerling. I am a fair housing Executive here in Sacramento. I'm a Member of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Jewish Federation and the National Community Relations Council, and I strongly advocate for this amendment.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Robin Layton
Robin Layton. I flew up from San Diego, retired educator, and I am on the board of the AJC in San Diego. I support ethnic studies, I support transparency, and I support guardrails. Thank you so much. I am very much in support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Sophia Mirof
My name is Sophia Mirof. I came up from San Diego and grew up in the San Diego Jewish community. I'm a recent graduate of the University of Maryland and I'm the coordinator at American Jewish Committee San Diego, and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Wendy Batterson
Hi, I'm Wendy Levy Batterson. I am the founder of San Diego Indivisible, advocating for progressive causes, the Vice President of California Democrats for Israel, and I'm affiliated with the Jewish Federation, the American Jewish Committee and JPAC. I came from San Diego to strongly support AB 2918 for the safety of my community.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- David Gabriel
David Gabriel. I've come here from Nevada, California, where I am a Member of the Nevada Unified School District as a substitute teacher. I had my bar mitzvah many years ago and I'm here to support SB 2918.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Sandy Nieves
Hello. Sandy Nieves here with JPAC, also chapter lead of Zion S. I would like to point out that an investment into building bridges into our community will offset the costs of hatred and division later. Please support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Skylar Cohen
Hello. Skylar Cohen. I'm an Executive board Member with the Union for Reform Judaism, and I strongly support.
- Skylar Cohen
Thank you.
- Brett Koter
Hi, Brett Koter. I'm also with Zion S and JPAC, and I'm also a father of a Native American child. And so I'm very concerned about what he's learning or what he's not learning in school. So I urge your support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Amy Spade
Hi, Amy Spade, senior Director of community impact at the Bay Area Jewish Federation and mother of an Oakland unified high schooler who has experienced hostility and bullying. I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Jonathan Warmond
Jonathan Warmond, California taxpayer, and I really support this bill given its minimal impact on the fiscal situation. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Jessica Blitschak
Good afternoon. Jessica Blitschak with the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Bay Area and also two children that graduated from San Jose Unified School School District in support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Karen Stiller
Hello. Karen Stiller, public school parent, as well as senior Director of Jewish affairs for the Bay Area Jewish Community Relations Council, where we have worked with countless families whose children have experienced antisemitism in the classroom. And I'm here to support the bill. Thank you.
- Larry Wanatic
I'm Larry Wanatic. I represent the American Jewish Committee. I strongly support this bill and any bill that recognizes the value of a person not based on religion, color or ethnic, other ethnic qualities.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Lois Kellerman
Lois Kellerman, part of Hadassah, the Zionist women's organization. But I also have been an instructor at San Jose State and Foothill College and a high school mathematic teacher in California. And I strongly support this bill. And I think that no Jewish children should be exposed to anti semitic propaganda in their schools. Thank you very much.
- Ben Levy
Hi, my name is Ben Levy. I'm the President of my local BBYO chapter, which is a Jewish youth group, Vice President of my local Jewish student union.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Ben Levy
I'm a student in Palo Alto High School, and on behalf of all my friends who couldn't be here and everyone else in my family and my community, we strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Doreen Castelman
Hi, I'm Doreen Castelman. I'm the President of the Jewish Democratic Coalition of the Bay Area. We have four counties that I'm representing, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and also Alameda counties. We strongly support this bill.
- Doreen Castelman
And I also do as 20 years working as a social worker in education with marginalized students who are part of the black. And also, you know, in our area, so many people that are marginalized in the Vietnamese and also in communities that are Hispanic.
- Doreen Castelman
And in all of our communities, as our Assembly Members said, we all benefit from this resolution. Thank you. From this work that is being done. Thank you so much for considering it.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- James Castleman
Doctor James Castleman, on the board of the Jewish Democratic Coalition of the Bay Area. I strongly support this very important bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Theresa Drennick
My name is Theresa Drennick, and I'm here on behalf of the Anti Defamation League. I'm the deputy regional Director in the Central Pacific region. I'm also the mother of two public school students, graduates from here in the Bay Area. And I'm the daughter of two Holocaust refugees. And I strongly support this Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Seth Brisk
Seth brisk. I'm a Member of the governor's council on Holocaust and Genocide Education. I'm a student of ethnic studies. I'm also the regional Director for the American Jewish Committee in San Francisco. And on behalf of our offices in Los Angeles and San Diego as well, we strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Sandy Fawn
Hi, I'm Sandy Fawn, public school parent. And out of concern for not only my daughters but the future of California, I urge you to please, please support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Marion Leff
I'm Marion Leff. I'm co President of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento region. I'm also a grandmother and my grandchild and I need you to support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Stanley Leff
I'm Stanley Leff. I'm the President of Einstein Jewish Community Services in Sacramento. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Nancy Appell
Hi. Sorry. I'm Nancy Appell, senior associate regional Director with the Anti Defamation League in our Northern California office and also a resident of San Mateo county. And I just echo what my community colleague Karen Stiller said in terms of just, it's what we've just experienced in the schools. I've been at ADL 20 years is just.
- Nancy Appell
I've never seen anything like it. And so personally and professionally, I support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Ellen Diamond
I'm Ellen Diamond and both my children are graduates of the Oakland school districts. And I am extremely concerned about anti semitism in the curriculum of the Oakland schools. And I support this bill very strongly. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Lita Crowicken
I'm Lita Crowicken. I'm also an Oakland resident. I'm also a graduate of California public schools, Los Angeles public School District and UC Berkeley. And now it's called UC law San Francisco. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Matthew Block
Hello, my name is Matthew Block. I'm the Assistant Director at the American Jewish Committee in San Diego. In San Diego, the additional guardrails that this bill would provide are deeply needed and especially as somebody who plans to build a life in California and have children, it's especially important to me. So I'm fully in support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Matthew Block
Thank you.
- Natania Cranford
Hello, my name is Natania Cranford. My children and I are a product of San Diego Public schools and I am a board Member of my congregation. I'm affiliated with the Jewish Federation of San Diego, and I'm active in a San Diego indivisible group advocating for progressive issues called Change begins with me.
- Natania Cranford
I support ethnic studies and I support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Susan Kitchell
My name is Susan Kitchell. I'm a resident of San Francisco. My parents were Holocaust survivors, my mother an Auschwitz survivor. I am a retiree from the San Francisco Unified School District. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Jessica Trubowicz
Hello, my name is Jessica Trubowicz with the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Bay Area and a parent of an 8th grader who will be in high school next year. And I strongly support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Karen Fiss
Hello, I'm Ren Fiss. I am a Professor at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco where I specialize in visual and cultural studies. I am also the daughter of two Holocaust survivors who became very involved in the civil rights movement, values that they passed on to me which have clearly influenced my teaching.
- Karen Fiss
However, I've seen my field on the academic level and the higher ed be transformed into a very different ideology, one that has seriously isolated and ostracized Jewish teachers and students who do not sign on to a very prescripted ideology. So, unfortunately, I support ethnic studies strongly. It's basically what I teach.
- Karen Fiss
But this bill will hopefully help protect the rights and speech of Jews in the field. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Pat Crawford
Good afternoon. Pat Crawford. I'm a mother and grandmother, a retired teacher in San Francisco and a Member of the Executive board of the United Educators of San Francisco retired division. I speak on behalf of myself in support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Linda Plack
Students deserve a safe and welcoming environment. My name is Linda Plack. I'm a retired teacher, but I still work as a substitute teacher. And I also need the guardrails that are in this bill because as a Member of the staff, I want a safe and welcoming environment when I walk into a classroom. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Rebecca Goodman
Good afternoon. I'm Rebecca Goodman. I was raised in the California public school system where I heard my first anti semitic joke. I'm now raising my children in the Bay Area and I don't want them to have the same experience. I am in support of AB 2918. Thank you.
- Michael Harris
Hello again, Senators. I'm Michael Harris. I'm a lay leader for Stand with Us, an organization based in Los Angeles that combats antisemitism. In part of that role, I've been working with community Members across the state and have seen multiple examples of anti semitism in ethnic studies curricula from San Diego to Berkeley to Santa Ana.
- Michael Harris
This is a necessary bill to help keep antisemitism out of public school curricula and Stand with Us. And I strongly urge you toward it. Thank you very much.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Matthew Finkelstein
Hello. My name is Matthew Finkelstein, and I am the President of the Jewish Democratic Club of Solano County, a survivor of the second Intifada. And I want to encourage all of you to please support this bill. AB 2918.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Susan George
Good afternoon. I'm Susan George. I'm here representing the Raul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club, and I am in strong support of this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Barbara Nemko
Hello again. I'm Barbara Nemko. I've been an educator for more than 50 years, county Superintendent of Schools in Napa for 27, and a Member of the Advisory Committee for the development of ethnic studies at the San Diego County Office of Education. I am strongly in support of this bill.
- Barbara Nemko
I understand there's some concern that it might cost money, but the cost of allowing anti semitism in the schools is incalculable.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Jana Waldinger
I'm Jana Waldinger, 27 years serving on the Napa County Board of Education and a product of the California school system. And I am strongly in support of. This bill and the important guardrails. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Beth Foresman
Hello. I am Beth Foresman from Mill Valley, and I am with alums for Campus fairness, the lead for this UC Davis chapter. I am a product of public school education in Marin County, and I was often the token jew in each of my classes. I would follow my brother home from school. He was targeted and stoned.
- Beth Foresman
And I remember having to protect him. And I would really like to other children to be protected from that kind of antisemitism. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Alan Fisher
Hello again. My name is Alan Fisher. I come from Atherton, and I'm a. I work at Stanford as a physicist at the accelerator. I'm a past President of Congregation Beth Jacob. I am a Member of a Committee of three dealing with antisemitism as it affects our local synagogue community.
- Alan Fisher
And that's taken us to a lot of the local schools. We've had significant anti semitism in ethnic studies at the school. My son had graduated from, Menlo Atherton. I know Senator Becker is very familiar with the. The lessons that were taught there, and we cannot have that kind of antisemitism in our schools. We need the.
- Alan Fisher
We need this legislation. I strongly support it. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Allison Barnes
I'm Allison Barnes. I'm from. I live in rural Mendocino County, where I taught for almost 10 years as a public school teacher, teaching grades kindergarten, 5th, 6th, all subjects, middle school, English, math, you name it, science. I've done pretty much all of it.
- Allison Barnes
I am a parent of young children who will be going through the California public schools, and I think that strong and inclusive ethnic studies is key to preparing our students to make our world fair and just for everyone. So I'm in big support of this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Daniel Klein
Hello. My name is Daniel Klein, and I'm CEO of Jewish Silicon Valley. Our community doesn't think anti semitism and Jewish hate should be part of the education process, and so we strongly support this legislation. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you.
- Eric Kingsley
Hello again. Eric Kingsley, Anti Defamation League, strongly support the legislation.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Peter Levy
Peter Levy from Orange County, California, Member of the board of Rabbis, the regional. Director for ADL, Orange County. And for my positions, we need robust guardrails, and I support this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Rachel Wallace
Hello. Rachel Wallace, Director of civic engagement with Jewish Federation, Los Angeles. We support ethnic studies and strongly support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Ryan Pesa
Ryan Pesa, Sacramento resident. I support this bill, and I urge your aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Unidentified Speaker
Raslev, with the Perria Jewish Coalition. I have three kids who go to school in California. I want them to be able to keep going to school in California and support this bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero