Senate Floor
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Members, a quorum is present. Would the Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery, please rise. We'll be led in prayer this morning by our chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, after which we're going to ask you to remain standing for the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
- Michelle Gorman
As we gather today, we pray. In the words of Rabindranath Tagore. This is my prayer to you, O Lord. Strike. Strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows. Give me strength to make my love fruitful in service.
- Michelle Gorman
Give me strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might. Give me strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles. And give me strength to surrender my strength to your will with love. Amen.
- Steven Bradford
Members, join me in the pledge. I pledge allegiance. All right, Members, now is the time. We will continue our tribute to our outgoing Senators. So, we ask that Members take their seats so we can properly recognize those individuals. First up is Senator Atkins. I'm sorry. And she's joined today by her partner, Jen Lasser.
- Steven Bradford
So, let's begin with Senator Eggman. You have two minutes. Recognition of our outgoing Members, each presenter.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Okay. Good morning, everybody. And before I start on my friend Toni, I'm going to take a memo from Senator Bradford's talk. And I didn't get to say enough last night because I was trying to stick to the time. So, now get comfortable, folks. Looking at you, Ben Allen. I really, really want to again thank my staff.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I have been so blessed to have a team that has stayed with me almost my entire time. I could not have done the things that I've done with them. And that goes to Committee staff, to caucus staff, to all the staff I've worked with, and most especially, as people know.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I came here from being a social work professor and really wanted to bring my profession into this building. I'm proud of the social workers that have come out of my office and continue to do good work: Leah Barrows, Gustavo Medina, Lauren Evans, and Elizabeth Carranza. And still in my office are Annabelli and Jacob.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
All MSWs, hopefully increasing the work that we do. One of the things I always told them was to err on the side of generosity and kindness. That's how I want to start off talking about my friend Toni Atkins. If anybody always errs on the side of generosity and kindness, it is my friend, former Pro Tem Emeritus Tony Atkins.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
It has been my honor to serve in two houses with her, but especially in this house here, where I think all of our work really came to a lot of fruition. As people know, Toni came from Appalachia, from a place that didn't have running water.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And so for many of us who come from very working class families, we can get a sense of imposter syndrome when we go into different spaces where people don't expect us to be, and certainly we or our families never expected us to be.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I have never seen anybody with more confidence, more at ease with herself, and more comfortable in her own skin, no matter the setting, than my friend Toni Atkins. And that's one of the things that has allowed her to excel, shine, and be the leader that she is. That true comfort in who she is, and what her mission is, and that North Star of serving people. Whether it's passing incredibly reform housing policy, whether it is ensuring a woman has every chance to have control over her own body, whether it's our veterans' issues. She has a huge heart for veterans. Our agriculture community, a lot of food continues to be grown here because of Toni Atkins and her interest in farming and working people and how all those things come together.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
When it comes to being a leader, is there anybody that has been able to do it with more calmness, again, respect and kindness, making sure that there is room for us all, as our friend Toni Atkins?
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
We know she loves Dahle Parton, and we know it's because she sees that same authenticity, not quite as much bling, but all the style that might come with that. People say the true measure of a leader is what they do when nobody is even watching. I don't know if people know.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Toni Atkins has a huge heart for those on our streets with mental health issues, especially veterans. I have walked with her on the streets, things that, again, people don't even know. This one gentleman whom she's kind of adopted, we came along him one night, and she stops.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
She asks him how he is, if his dog needs some food, if he's cold. It was kind of raining, it was kind of cold. We then went to her place, where she looked through her closet. She found a quilt and she said, oh. my former girlfriend gave me this.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
But we had a good 17 years, and this quilt kept me strong, and we went back out there, and she covered that man with her quilt from her first partner, Johnna. Sorry, Johnna, if you're listening. But he was warm for a night, and sometimes that's what it just takes, right?
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Somebody who sees people, somebody who cares about people, and somebody who is addicted to responsibility and who doesn't shy away from hard things, who brings a team together and makes sure things get done so that the people of California have had the benefit of her service. I don't think she's done yet.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And I think there's a much bigger seat for Toni Atkins to sit in in our great state. But for now, she has been the first one who has been the leader of two houses. Again, just a little gal from Appalachia who took California by storm with kindness and generosity.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I will forever be grateful to you for the chances that you gave to me. And I'm sure our friendship will remain strong the rest of our lives. I love you, Toni.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Eggman. Next up for the tribute will be Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mister President. I, unlike my colleague from Stockton, had to keep my notes because if I go off script or go rogue, I probably wouldn't make it through this. So, colleagues, it's hard to put into words how much I will miss serving with Senate Pro Tem Emeritus Toni Atkins.
- Shannon Grove
We seldom agree on any policy, and not everyone understands our friendship.
- Shannon Grove
I've served with Toni, like my colleague from Stockton, since 2010 when we started in the Assembly. She truly is a well-rounded leader who covers every end of the spectrum, from being born and raised in the Appalachian Mountains in Roanoke to sitting side by side with the Governor as the first woman elected as a Senate pro tempore of the California State Senate.
- Shannon Grove
She exudes excellence and class. She is demure and polished, but she's also like that American Girl, that fantastic representation of the simple working class trying to make ends meet. It's almost like that 1980s haircut, the mullet.
- Shannon Grove
When you think about it, she's all business up front, and she's party in the back. From champagne taste to Fluevog shoes to managing policy packages and negotiating budget deals during the day and making sure every Member in good times got something for their district and the people that we represent.
- Shannon Grove
To going home singing Dolly Parton and Glen Campbell, or just good old gospel with a hairbrush microphone, dancing in the kitchen while making egg custard pies. Both of our mama's favorites. She represents it all. Coming from a poor working-class background, she understands hard work and perseverance and big dreams. She's the embodiment of determination.
- Shannon Grove
I had the great honor of serving as Senate Minority Leader when Toni was PT. As different as we are, we worked side by side, and our friendship and respect for each other grew during that time and was stronger than it was before.
- Shannon Grove
We've twinned it on this floor for two years, and we have won first place both years in a row. I think during our leadership together, we certainly went through some of the most challenging times and the most exciting times in the State of California.
- Shannon Grove
I thought long and hard about some of the stories I would tell, but I'm going to stick to this statement, and I'm going to tell you that you got to buy the book.
- Shannon Grove
With all the stuff that we did in leadership, I can't share it today, but when we're both out of politics, I guarantee you it will be a best seller.
- Shannon Grove
We were together in 2019 when our Members were assaulted by bodily fluids that flung right over that balcony onto our desk right here in the chambers, which led to a very eventful end of session in a committee room, which was certainly the first for most of us, if not all of us.
- Shannon Grove
Naturally, we followed up the blood curse of 2019 with a worldwide plague in 2020, and neither of these were fun. Both of us were really worried about what was going to come in 2021. None of us knew what was going to happen through the pandemic.
- Shannon Grove
And we had to ensure the safety and support of not only our staff here in the Legislature, but first and foremost, our constituency and all of Californians. Toni always made sure, always made sure that my staff and I were looped in and briefed in the ever-changing situation.
- Shannon Grove
Again, we didn't agree on all the policy, but Toni always ensured everyone was equally prepared, and completely in the know. Her first priority, and her priority that will continue in her future, always has been and always will be the safety and security of Californians.
- Shannon Grove
And she never let party affiliation get away, get in the way of that goal. She's fair and inclusive, one of the few Members that understands that Republicans represent roughly just over a million people in each of their districts very different than a lot of yours.
- Shannon Grove
But she understands that we, too, deserve representation for our constituents in the State of California. One great example of that, when I was leader, she approached me and allowed a Republican to chair a committee during her tenure as leader. This was unprecedented. She let a senator that represented the top food-producing county in the entire world be the chair of the AG Committee because it made sense.
- Shannon Grove
She established the workplace conduct unit with former Senate Republican leader Pat Bates. Two women, two different parties, working hard together to change the culture of this building. She's fought to expand educational opportunities for California's children, including establishing a statewide program to increase literacy rates across the state.
- Shannon Grove
The PT and I are so proud that we brought Dolly Parton's Imagination Library statewide, and the children in California now have access to reading both English and Spanish translations of one of our greatest role models who cares deeply about everyone who Toni is a perfect example of.
- Shannon Grove
She supported veterans and women, especially victims of domestic abuse and sex trafficking. And also, we all know that we serve side by her side. We are so proud that she is the only woman that has led both houses of the Legislature. The beautiful thing about my friend is that she leads with dignity and grace.
- Shannon Grove
She has quite the strength and she doesn't have to flaunt it. It's very well understood and demands much respect when she just enters the room. Her collaborative spirit is what makes her incredibly successful, and it's evident by the fact that I'm here giving this speech today. But let me tell you something, she's benefited from knowing me too.
- Shannon Grove
It's not one sided.
- Shannon Grove
You would think that because she's prestigious and powerful in the positions she's held as Speaker and Senate Pro Tempore, she might have champagne tastes. But it's my husband that has proven to her that cracking open a cold beer or a cold Coors Light on a hot summer day, riding a side-by-side with Rick, while chasing Jen and I on horseback is a lot of fun too.
- Shannon Grove
Also, she wears my clothes. Seriously, she has probably 20 of my dresses. I think our similar backgrounds really united us both growing up in poor families where our mamas were the backbone of the family and the role model of kindness and perseverance, never settling for the status quo, always pushing us to be our very best, I think bonded us together more than anything. She did make one big mistake in our relationship.
- Shannon Grove
She connected me with her twin sister, Tina, a fellow veteran. Tina makes me look like a liberal. No joke. Tina makes me look like a liberal. And I can tell you that whenever Tina's in town, Toni is outvoted all, always two to one, hands down. That is a really good feeling coming from a conservative Republican.
- Shannon Grove
The best thing about Toni is that she's open minded and always willing to work with those around her. Her empathy, humility, communication skills, and emotional intelligence propel her forward and drive her to be one of the most incredible leaders I've ever known.
- Shannon Grove
Evident by the expectation that she has for all of us on this floor with her congeniality, because we represent the red carpet. I'm forever grateful to have served by your side in both the Assembly and the Senate. But more importantly, I'm forever grateful to call you my friend. And frankly, you and Jen are just damn good people.
- Shannon Grove
I know we will miss you very much. But there are big things in store for you. And I leave you with one of my favorite scriptures. Be on your guard. Be on your guard. Stand firm in faith and be courageous and be strong. And always be you because you are the daughter of Betty Catherine Davis Atkins.
- Shannon Grove
And that is something to have a legacy to follow. Colleagues, please join me in celebrating my friend, Toni Atkins.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Grove. Senator Atkins, the floor is yours.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Mister President. To my colleagues. To my colleague from Bakersfield. I'm pretty sure half of that should have been in the book, but that's great. And to my colleague from Stockton. Johnna didn't want that quilt. That's why I had it. So, I'm pretty sure we're cool. Thank you for those eloquent, eloquent remarks. I'm blown away.
- Toni Atkins
you know, I thought today I told Jen, you don't need to come. It's just going to be a simple three-minute thing. And I really feel like I've had my 15 minutes of fame and there are so many people that deserve it. So, I'm going to take a minute and thank those folks.
- Toni Atkins
But to my two colleagues that spoke today, you are dear friends. And yes, I love Rick and I love Emmy and Renee. And we will continue to be friends. Our time together has given us the ability to forge those relationships, and I am forever grateful.
- Toni Atkins
As I say all the time, and you mimicked me yesterday perfectly. I've always been a we. I've never been a me. I am a twin. I played team sports. It is how I thrive best, which is working with each and every one of you.
- Toni Atkins
And I am grateful for all that you've allowed me to do, to allow a little girl from Appalachia who didn't believe society or government was about me or for me to be able to be in this position and show people like me and families like ours. Because we all have stories.
- Toni Atkins
You all have stories to show people in this state that government can be about them. And we can do good things despite our differences in how to do those things. And I believe that each and every one of you came to serve your constituents.
- Toni Atkins
And that's what I remembered, because to the staff here who have served all of us so well, it really is always about the constituents. And if you remember that, we'll all go a long way together. I want to thank Jennifer for being here today.
- Toni Atkins
24 years together, 24 plus, you know, 14 years in the Legislature, flying up every Monday, flying home, and then, of course, stepping into two leadership positions and realizing that I wouldn't necessarily always be home. And, you know, she is her own person. She is her own individual. She owns businesses. She's got stuff to do.
- Toni Atkins
And thank you for being here today. Tuesday is her busiest day of the week. So, I am honored by your support, your love, your friendship, and all that you've helped me learn over the last 24 years together. Thank you, Jennifer.
- Toni Atkins
You know, the we part, I have had incredible staff every step of the way the entire 14 years I've been here in the Assembly, in the Senate, and it's just amazing that many of them are here today.
- Toni Atkins
I will never be able to thank you enough, and I can't look at you, although I really want to. Just know the work we've been able to do together on behalf of the constituents in my district in San Diego County. But, and I say this, I really like infrastructure. I think its, infrastructure is critical.
- Toni Atkins
And I started calling the speaker staff and the PT staff the infrastructure staff. And then I realized they might not think that's a compliment, but incredible, incredible teams in both the Assembly and the Senate. I see you here today. You make each and every one of us look good. You do the work.
- Toni Atkins
I mean, I just don't know how to thank you enough for everything that you've done for me to be able to do the job in leadership and for our constituents throughout the State of California. And it's also the staff in the Republican Caucus.
- Toni Atkins
You know, we all expect a great deal out of all of you, and you deliver each and every time, each and every time. So, can we thank our incredible staffs who do this work? You know, I've had staff, you know, who come and do incredible things, and then they get other opportunities, and they move on.
- Toni Atkins
And let me just tell you how you’ve passed the baton to the next Chief of Staff, the next Policy Director, or the next District Director. Each of you has professionally managed that transition, ensuring that your successor steps in and continues the work.
- Toni Atkins
I am just so grateful to each and every one of you.
- Toni Atkins
I think it was Diane who said we should all be stooped over me and Nick Hardeman and Diane, for how often we pat ourselves on the back for the fact that we found Erica Contreras and how wonderful it was to have her take this position, have all of you vote on her to become the Secretary of the Senate, especially as we approach those crises that my colleague from Bakersfield talked about.
- Toni Atkins
You rose to every occasion you put together the team. I know that you are someone that, you know, really wants to give credit to all those that help you do that work.
- Toni Atkins
And so, I can never thank you enough for what you've done in the Legislature to help us with the workplace conduct unit, to get that up and running, and your respect for each Member as we set the tone on this floor.
- Toni Atkins
One of the greatest compliments you've given me, and others have, has been the tone of collegiality that we have set in the Senate. Regardless of political philosophy, we have some hard times and hard discussions, and out of this building we have some hard political battles.
- Toni Atkins
But when we come here, most of the work we do together we agree upon. And when we don't, we make our case. But we leave. We work together on this floor, and we manage to figure it out and still be respectful to each other every step of the way. And I think that sets us apart.
- Toni Atkins
I think it is a great model and example for others how you should conduct the business of the people, because we represent a very diverse group of people. And I don't just mean in terms of ethnic or gender. We represent different philosophies. Not everybody is a Democrat or Republican in this state.
- Toni Atkins
There's a heck of a lot of declined estates and no party preferences and lots of others. So, we represent everyone well. I want to thank one of the first people I met when I was in the Assembly. My mentor, Chris Kehoe brought me over here and she was so excited to introduce me to Bernie.
- Toni Atkins
She said, Bernie knows everything, and we've stated that again and again and again. And to Bernie and the floor team, we are so grateful. I know I'm still in the PT's end of session speech, but we can never thank the people that help us enough. The sergeants, Adrian and Michael, who have taken really good care of me.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you so much. And to the extended all of the sergeants and Katrina, I want to thank you. In San Diego, I got some incredible retired annuitant CHP officers that are just incredible. And I do want to recognize my district staff, who are probably listening. Jason, all of you.
- Toni Atkins
Pam has moved on, but to all of the district staff, I've had all these years, 14 years, you have allowed me to step into the speakership role and the pro tem-ship, knowing that you're taking care of the constituents at home, knowing that I'm going to be anxious if we don't have the business of my constituents being taken care of.
- Toni Atkins
And to my colleague from Stockton, thank you for saying I do it with calmness and all those things. My staff know, my spouse knows that underneath all that is great anxiety.
- Toni Atkins
And when I have a team like them and all of you, my leadership team, Mister PT, and all of you helping get the job done, then I'm calm and I relax because we got it. Together we got it.
- Toni Atkins
And to those of you that gave me an opportunity, I mean all of you, for letting me do the position of pro tem, let me thank you. You helped me so much to grow and to learn and to see the different lens that each of us puts things through and how that's important and how it comes together.
- Toni Atkins
I am going to take one moment of personal privilege. There are two people here today that voted for me to be speaker and pro tem. Mr. President, I want to thank you to my colleague from Berkeley. I think we're going to talk about the shoes outside of here to determine who, you know, who has more Fluevogs.
- Toni Atkins
But Nancy, thank you. And there are a few others. Mister Portantino, I see you and of course my Republican colleagues, where we came in together, you were sort of drug along. You had to support me at one point because we had a majority, but you didn't, you didn't oppose me.
- Toni Atkins
So, I take that as a win, and I move forward. So, I want to thank you for that graciousness. But to the colleagues that helped me see that I could do this and push me every step of the way, I want to give you a special thanks and of course to my dear, dear friend Susan.
- Toni Atkins
You're all incredible. Thank you for this 10 minutes of fame. And I want to just make sure that everybody sees who deserves the 15 minutes of fame plus. And that is all the people in this room that help us do our jobs and that's our incredible staff.
- Toni Atkins
Mister PT, thank you also for continuing to support me and it means the world to me, you and your staff. Thank you, Mister President.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Atkins, thank you for your leadership. Next up for recognition will be Senator Dahle from District 1. Joining him today are his family, Assemblymember Megan Dahle, his son Chase Dahle, the eldest, Reagan Dahle Eggman.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Okay. And I forgot one more. Logan Hess, the fantastic Leg Director. I'll keep coming back, ask me to speak again. But right now I want to talk about my friend Brian Dahle. Brian and I came in together in 2012. We have spent these last 12 years together and instantly hit it off.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I think we saw in each other the same kind of trying to lead with common sense, trying to let people see your heart, don't think you're too smart, and not be afraid of hard work. When I first got here, one of the first things Brian did is invites everybody up.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And I was able to go and meet his lovely family more than once. I was invited into the Dahle home once during a forest fire when the women's caucus was out fly fishing, and all of a sudden there was a fire. Women's caucus had to evacuate out of that river and we couldn't go back down.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
We had to go up. And so the Dahle's invited us to their home, opened their home, and we all had a giant sleepover. So thank you to those Dahle's and these here. I think some Members slept in teenage boys room. And it was kind of funny. Brian will tell you he didn't go to college, just a farmer.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
But I'll tell you, there's not a smarter person on this floor than Brian Dahle because he's got a natural curiosity. He always wants to understand. He always wants to learn more, and he always wants to, if he can, be a friend. Brian Dahle is also a man of huge faith.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And he is the kind of guy who's a person of faith who. He doesn't tell you about it all the time. He never talks about it. He lives it. You see it. You see it in how he carries himself. You see it in how he loves his family. You see it in how he serves his constituents.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
He lives the word of God. He lives the word of God to love the other and to love God and to love our land. Right? His family came here, as I was going to say, sharecroppers. That's Tony. No, they came here as homesteaders to get a stake of land.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And Brian has kept that dream alive with that stake of land. And I think we're all better and all understand farming a little bit more because he tells about us all the time. He's probably as famous for his floor speeches as I am, but in a different kind of way.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
But it's that same thing, trying to make people understand. Rural California takes up almost the entire state, but they have the fewest representatives, and Brian has been a representative for those people.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I'm very proud that I get to speak for somebody who was going to be Governor and speak for somebody who was almost Governor because he took his love of California and agriculture and what he believed in and put it, took it on the road, went up and down this state, talking about California and the California of his dreams.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And we don't agree with each other on policy a lot, although sometimes we do, because we both believe that people need a shot, people need a fair playing field to be able to do their very best, and that hard work should pay off. I had an occasion a couple months ago.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
People know my brother like Brian, tall, handsome, charming, all those things. But unlike Brian, I was at an event and there was two women there who said, zero, I knew. I know your brother, and I cringe and I say, I'm sorry.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
And as I'm driving home, I think about how my brother and I are so aligned in politics. But sometimes our behaviors don't always mirror those things. And I thought about the perfect brother, and I thought about Brian, that we don't share the same politics, but I honor his values and his friendship and his courage.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
When we got here together, it was a little bit. We were still in the before. It was before the hash metoo. So there was a lot of things that went on in the evening, and you get to see a lot.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
When we first got here, I don't know if I ever said this to you, Megan, but, you know, I saw a person from across the street being friendly and. And I said, you know, and he was so horrified that anybody would even think, even think that he had looked outside his marriage.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
He immediately changed everything about what could appear, what was not. But could a beard just be something that wasn't? Just the appearance of him straying from his family, from his commitment, from his values was so horrifying to him. I will never forget that. And I'll never forget you, my brother from the North State of Jefferson.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I love you, man.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Eggman. Next up, Republican leader Brian Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mister President. And Members, I want to file an official complaint for whoever's assigned the speaking order that I never want to follow Senator Eggman ever again in a speech of any kind. She's had some powerful words this year on the floor, and thank you.
- Brian Jones
I'm very impressed that you did all that without notes and got through it. I'm going to try to do this with notes and still get through it. Members, it's an honor, of course, whenever you're asked to speak on somebody's behalf and recognize the importance that they are to you.
- Brian Jones
Professionally, of course, is always a big deal, but personally is even a bigger deal. And Brian is a big deal in my life and my family's life. But the reason he's a big deal is because of his family supporting him and helping him be a big deal.
- Brian Jones
I mean, first off, anybody named Brian's got to be a pretty cool dude in the first place.
- Brian Jones
But as some of you may remember, Brian is the founding Member, one of the founding Members of the Brian caucus, which was a big deal when we were in the Assembly, because nearly 20% of the Assembly Republicans at the time were named Brian. And so we thought we were kind of hot shots by starting the Brian caucus.
- Brian Jones
But Brian has attacked, tackled many issues over the years. And one of the things that impressed me immediately when Brian got elected in 2012, and for those of you that will remember this, the class of 2010, which poet him emeritus myself, Senator Grove, I think, are the only ones here that Nancy was here at that time.
- Brian Jones
But those of us that got elected in 2010 had a particular type of attitude when we got here. And the class of 2012 got elected and came in, I think can honestly say a better attitude. Wanting to get things done, wanting to work, to be collaborative.
- Brian Jones
And Brian was one of the first Republicans that I got to watch work in that manner. And immediately I coined the phrase the Democrat whisperer because Brian was able to build relationships across the aisle that many of us had tried and struggled to do, but actually came in.
- Brian Jones
And he set the example of how to do that, how to stay true to your principles, true to your policies, true to your faith, but at the same time, find a way to be effective and make a difference, not just for his district, but for the entire state. I think Brian did that.
- Brian Jones
Just a few of the issues that Brian worked on are rural broadband, agriculture, healthcare, water, transportation, water and transportation, wildfire prevention, energy. And the list goes on and on. Not a single one of those is a softball. Every single one of them big, important issues that Brian championed and took on.
- Brian Jones
He represents, I think, the largest Senate district in the state. He has dozens of counties covering a massive amount of California, ranging from happy camp to Goose Lake to peaceful pines to nearby Folsom, from Rockland to Whitney Ranch, and every point in between.
- Brian Jones
He has served as constituent, proudly, for five years in the Senate and seven years in the Assembly. Before that, he was elected to the Lassen County Board of Supervisors and reelected three times as we all know, Brian began as a state. Being a state Legislator can be a tough job. Serving in local government is really tough.
- Brian Jones
And Brian Dahle did it for 16 years before joining us here in Sacramento to help us fix California. Senator Dahle, as we all know, is a big supporter of FFA, future farmers of America. And I'm sure that there's lots of good stories about him supporting young farmers and young ranchers and state fairs and things like that.
- Brian Jones
And he had lots of great headlines when he was running for Governor. I think there's one, a couple of stories that were told while he was Governor in headlines he would have rather done without when it was dealing with supporting future young folks coming up in the farming. I'll let you all look that up for yourselves.
- Brian Jones
We all know he strongly supports 4-H, which is, if I have this in the right order, head, heart, hands, and health. But Senator Dahle is also a supporter of the four f's. Yes, the four f's.
- Brian Jones
Faith, as Senator Egmond rightly pointed out very clearly, he serves God and demonstrates every day his unwavering support for the right of all others to believe and practice their own faith in religion. And when I think of Brian in my personal life, I think of proverbs 20717.
- Brian Jones
As iron sharpens an iron, a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. And I think I can say I know for myself, but I think for both of us that there has been many times that as iron has sharpened, ironed, we have strengthened, sharpened the countenance of each other, sometimes in agreement.
- Brian Jones
But that sharpness comes in disagreement when you can work them out, speak it out, talk it out, walk it out, and at the end of that experience, come to an agreement and work together to make the world a better place.
- Brian Jones
Family of which Brian strongly loves, who are all here today and are the backbone of Brian's life and his service, not here in the state, but his entire life, his hard working staff.
- Brian Jones
You know, one of the things I believe, after being here for as many years as I've been, that you can, how you judge, fellow Member of the Legislature or any person actually, is their relationship with their staff.
- Brian Jones
And if you watch Brian's staff from the moment he got here to the moment that he's leaving, he has some of the hardest working, most loyal, I believe some of them, if they had to, would walk through snow from the Capitol to beaver for him if there was a task that needed to be done and they knew it was for the better good, freedom.
- Brian Jones
Nobody can make a more persuasive argument than Brian Dahle for the absolute need to protect freedom for Americans, particularly the plight of family farmers and small business owners. His heart and thoughts are always with the struggling small businesses and disappearing family farmers. Thank you for those impassioned pleas on this floor that I know has moved votes.
- Brian Jones
I know it has. Maybe not on the floor every single time, but I know in Committee and I know behind the scenes and I know as Members are talking to folks at different events, your impassioned pleas have made a difference and they will continue to make a difference. Now be part of your legacy.
- Brian Jones
The fourth f is for friendship. There's no better friend to have than Brian Dahle. History thick and thin for his friends, which know no boundaries, including politics.
- Brian Jones
And ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I would implore you to look at the example of Senator Dahle and Senator Eggman, Senator Grove and Senator Atkins as the example that we should all aspire to of having a friendship that is meaningful in this building. And not just in this building.
- Brian Jones
But those friendships have an impact and an everlasting legacy on the future of California from this day moving forward. It is a personal goal of mine to build those kind of relationships and follow that example from my friends. He is literally the poster person for agree to disagree, but don't be disagreeable.
- Brian Jones
Brian, Megan and their family have hosted over 140 legislators from both parties to their house in Bieber, California. Where is Bieber, California? I mean, who ever heard of Bieber, California? I talked to people in my district about Justin Bieber. Why does Justin Bieber have a town in California, 300 people?
- Unidentified Speaker
- Brian Jones
217. And my family has stayed in those teenage bedrooms also. One of the things I pride in my kids is all three of my kids know how to drive a stick shift. I had the privilege of teaching my older two. He had the privilege of teaching my youngest one how to drive his big f.
- Brian Jones
No, it's a big dodge, which is totally different than driving a small little jeep. He was and still is like a child on Christmas morning when he's about to finalize a bipartisan agreement on something by working across the aisle for the common good.
- Brian Jones
When Brian Dahle wasn't working for California in his district and Committee are on this floor, he was hosting wild game feeds or his annual peach distribution, which we got to enjoy yesterday. As a former, one of the former leaders in our caucus, Brian has been a source of much wisdom and advice, which I singularly appreciate.
- Brian Jones
And part of that ironing, sharpening iron in 2022. As we've already heard, Brian stepped up and carried the Republican flag in the race for Governor against a well funded incumbent. Many of you may not know this, though.
- Brian Jones
Bryan carried a majority of counties, 33 out of 58, and won more Senate seats and more congressional seats than the Members running in those seats. So he set the example for Republicans on how to win over 40% of voters. Four out of 10 Californians throughout the state wanted him to be Governor back in November 2022.
- Brian Jones
And I'll just take a guess here that there's probably even more that would like for him to be Governor today. I'll just leave it at that.
- Brian Jones
Senator Dahle, I'm going to miss you. You are a brother. You're my older brother. And I've always needed an older brother. And you just ask my mom. And I know that our friendship is going to last the time. And when we both depart from here, our friendship is genuine and real and will continue.
- Brian Jones
And I'll look forward to hosting you down in my district at my home at some point in time. The difference between my district and his district is there's lots of cool places to stay in my district. The only cool place to stay in his district is his house. So, Members, I'm really going to miss Senator Dahle.
- Brian Jones
But we have a new Senator Dahle coming in in December, I believe. And the new Dahle will even be better than the old Dahle when she gets here. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me thank Senator Dahle for his service to our state. Thank you very much.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Jones. Senator Dahle, the floor is yours.
- Brian Dahle
Well, thank you, Mister President, my friends, for speaking. First, I want to. And foremost, I want to. I want to thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to serve the north state for the past 12 years. I am deeply humbled. And then I want to talk about Megan.
- Brian Dahle
You're the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. I love you so much. Thanks for saying yes to me. Thanks for being a great mom. Thanks for being a great assemblywoman. Thanks for everything that you've done for my life and for my family and our future. You are the rock.
- Brian Dahle
And I could not do, make, do anything without you. So, thank you so much for being my partner for life. And I want to just go away from my notes because I want to. I want to say something about Senator Eggman right at this point, because a true friend will challenge you and question you.
- Brian Dahle
And Senator Eggman. I went out and had some beers with an environmental friend of ours. She's our friend. And Susan heard about it and thought something was up. And she called me out on it. And we were walking down the street. I'll never forget it.
- Brian Dahle
And it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me because I made a rule that day that nothing good after 1030 at night happens. And I would go home at 10:30 because I don't want that perception. But it took a good friend to tell me, hey, this is the perception.
- Brian Dahle
And so, Susan, I told my son about that the other night when I was talking about you. So, I just want to take a little sidebar. And now I want to. Megan, I love you. You're the rock. Chase, you were 12 years old when we started and you're 24 today. You have stepped up to be a man.
- Brian Dahle
I am so proud of you. You are running our business; you're running our farm. You're taking on the generations of Dahles that will hopefully still be on that land. And I appreciate you so much. You are unbelievably a wonderful human being.
- Brian Dahle
Reagan, one year of your life, you substituted to run for Governor for me and spent the whole time on the campaign trail with me. And I love you so much. And you're going to be in this game someday, I believe.
- Brian Dahle
I don't know how you're going to do that, but I believe you'll be part of this process because you need to be, quite frankly. And you'll be a thousand times better than I am. Now Ros, 12 years ago we were at Chicory, walking across the street.
- Brian Dahle
You were three, and I was holding your hand, and you said to me, daddy, is that your castle? And I said, yes, it's where I'm going to go to work. Here you are now a woman. I don't know how many thousands, tens of thousands of miles you've ridden in a car back and forth to Bieber.
- Brian Dahle
And you are wiser than your years. I'm sorry that there was times when you had to deal with your dad running for Governor and having to put up with that at school and ridiculed and all the things. But you're better for it. You'll live through it. And you're awesome.
- Brian Dahle
I can't wait to see the rest of your story, all three of you, your stories and your history, and the chapters that you'll do in this great state. So, thank you, guys. I love you so much. Now to the staff. Bernie. Erica. Erica, I have something for you. It's our inside joke.
- Brian Dahle
I want to thank you so much for making us all look so good and doing the hard work behind the scenes. The sergeants, the committee consultants that have that make us so much better, that I built relationships with. And I gave a speech on the budget, and they were back in the back, and they were teared up.
- Brian Dahle
They were teared up and they said, Brian, we're going to miss you. And I'm like, I'm going to miss you more and I'm going to miss the fight. So, the committee consultants, the Republican Caucus Team and the Dahle Team, I see. I'm not going to name them off because nobody's specialer than anybody else.
- Brian Dahle
They're all amazing to my district staff who's traveled tens of thousands of miles in this giant district to go serve somebody, to my staff, helping other Members through the EDD process, every one of you is so special to me. I love you so much. You've been amazing.
- Brian Dahle
And to the staff that I don't have working for me now that work for other Members, it's amazing how many. Senator Nguyen has a Chief of Staff that came from my office. My wife has a Chief of Staff that came from.
- Brian Dahle
I can just tell you there's many people that worked in my office, and I love you all, and I'm so proud to see you grow, and I expect you to continue to do that.
- Brian Dahle
Now, to my employees at home, I don't know where the camera's at, but, and my neighbors for harvesting my crops, for taking care of my business. Lester Shepherd, I love you. You run my business better than I could. They're wonderful people. And to the people in my little town of Beiber that said, yes, you can do it.
- Brian Dahle
We are behind you. Go to the state. We will take care of your land; we will take care of your family. All those amazing people. I want to just say thank you so much. I could not have done it. I could not run my business and be here, and they did it for me.
- Brian Dahle
Now, I want to just take a second to give you a little bit about why I love California so much and why this place is so important. My grandfather, during the Great Depression, came to California looking for a job. He was the second youngest of 13 kids, and he was a machinist.
- Brian Dahle
He got shot in the war, World War I, and he went to LA, could not find a job, and he ended up up north. He had an uncle in Shasta County that he went to visit, and his uncle told him, you need to go to Siskiyou County. They're giving out land grants for veterans.
- Brian Dahle
And he went and put his name in a pickle jar, and they drew his name out and we got an 80-acre homestead 94 years ago. And California has been great to the Dahles and the Californians. And he said, this is the promised land. This is the place. He was Mormon.
- Brian Dahle
The Mormons were in Utah, and he said they missed it. They should have been in California. And so, when you till the land and you think about the next generation, that was my grandfather and my dad and now me and now Chase are going to tend that land. So, it's about the next generation.
- Brian Dahle
It is why I do what I do, because I want a future for my kids. I want a future for your kids. And I want a future for this state. It's amazing. It's an amazing state. It's been a great run to be able to serve with all of you.
- Brian Dahle
I thank you for coming to my district and understanding and thank you for taking me to your districts and understanding and telling me your stories. I think at the end of the day, we need more. The relationships that we've built and learning. Try to walk in someone else's shoes before you judge what they do.
- Brian Dahle
Because when you do, you'll understand a lot more about them. I've learned so much from all of you. I talked about it with Senator Bradford. I've learned. I've learned different ways of life, different cultures. And that weighs in on how this awesome state is. It is a melting pot like no other. It's also.
- Brian Dahle
It has a lot to offer, and we need, there's, there's obviously challenge. But I want to just say to all of you and my family and my district and my staff, I love you all. I want. The term is up, but the work, the work still needs to be done.
- Brian Dahle
And I will be doing some work in the. In making this state a great state. So thank you all. I appreciate it.
- Steven Bradford
Congratulations Senator Dahle, for your service. Thank you. Next up for recognition is Senator Roth from the 31st district. Joining him today is his lovely wife, Cindy Roth. Let's give her a round of applause. Say welcome to the California State Senate. And first up to recognize Senator Roth is Senator Atkins.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Mister President. I am just so incredibly honored to get to speak and pay tribute to the General. To Senator Richard Roth. Earlier this month, the world's attention was on the Olympics in Paris, France. Also, earlier this month, Senator Richard Roth's attention was on the senior center in Paris, California.
- Toni Atkins
Because whether it's seniors in Paris or businesses in Moreno Valley, students at UC Riverside, mobile homeowners in Jurupa Valley, or healthcare educators and providers up and down the Inland Empire, Senator Roth always puts the people of his district first. Senator, our districts, like unfortunately so many others, are no strangers to the devastation of wildfires.
- Toni Atkins
And I have to acknowledge as we honor you today, your support for fire victims and survivors, for the first responders in your district, including those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in protecting others. Senator Roth has not only been there for his district, he's also made sure to bring the district here to the Capitol in Sacramento.
- Toni Atkins
Now, my scheduler, Grace tells me we've processed more than 2300 invitations every year when I was pro tem, and that's not counting the non-state requests. A few of those invitations were known as immediate must-dos and went to the top of the yes pile.
- Toni Atkins
And thanks to Senator Roth, the Riverside Monday Morning Group was one of them. I learned so much about Riverside County because of those meetings, and I want to thank you for that. Senator, I don't think I missed one, and I think that holds true for my predecessor and my successor as well.
- Toni Atkins
Although to be fair, I think Cindy may have had been the one to be more persuasive as you in driving our attendance. Thank you. So, speaking of Cindy, it was so great to see you, Cindy, and your granddaughters, Paige and Parker here earlier this summer.
- Toni Atkins
Some of the best stories from the General were when he was able to leave and go visit the granddaughters. And so, we also share a love of other parts of the country and found that we ended up in the strangest of places at times, Lima, Ohio, parts of Florida.
- Toni Atkins
Sharing those stories and those histories was always really a wonderful thing. I get the feeling now that you are going to be spending more time closer to home in another role, in another capacity, which we think is wonderful, representing your community.
- Toni Atkins
And it might be Papa who has to learn to take orders, General, as opposed to giving them, you know, on a personal, more personal note, I will never forget your reaching out to me when I became the speaker, and you were here in the Senate coming in and talking to me and welcomed me then to the Senate.
- Toni Atkins
Your friendship, your reaching out to me early on has meant the world to me. I appreciate your service to country. I appreciate your service to California. I appreciate your approach to issues. And, you know, a lot of us on this floor, we, you know, some of us get up and talk on issues a little more than others.
- Toni Atkins
But I guarantee you when the General gets up to speak, everybody listens because he speaks when he needs to, when it's critically important. And many times, we get up to speak and you know how it's going to go. It's predetermined. We all know how we feel.
- Toni Atkins
But I have to say, of all the folks on this floor, and there are some incredible colleagues here and orators and speakers, but when the General gets up, he speaks plainly. He puts it simply. He's brief, he's concise, and he sits down.
- Toni Atkins
And then you, you know, it is upon us to listen to the words of wisdom uttered by the General. I have been honored, sir, to serve with you. I thank you for your friendship. I thank you for your counsel.
- Toni Atkins
I thank you for being willing to take the helm of some committees when I had to convince you to do this. And you reminded me each and every time, I am here to do A, B, and C. Now, if what you want me to do aligns with A, B, and C, I am here to serve.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you so much for your service. We are all better because of your counsel, of your service. And I can't wait to see you tackling things back home at the local level. General Roth.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Atkins. Next up is President Pro Tem McGuire.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mister President. Honored to be able to stand today, Members. Every time the Senate meets, we do so under a motto inspired by ancient Rome, which also had a pretty good Senate as well. Ancient Rome had a practice that we follow right here in California.
- Mike McGuire
That practice is, at times, they sent their wisest generals to the Senate. And California is so lucky that they sent such an accomplished military man, a general, to the California State Senate. We are so grateful to be able to honor Senator Roth today. He's a friend and a colleague. And no one.
- Mike McGuire
No one has done more for Riverside than Senator Richard Roth. He is always loyal. He's never afraid to tackle the tough issues. Speaking of tough, he is tough as nails. He is the person that you want by your side in the darkest of days. Senator Roth has brought discipline, focus, and organization to his leadership in the Senate.
- Mike McGuire
The same that he displayed wearing a uniform, representing the United States of America. And his leadership and care for people of the Inland Empire and the people of California has been nothing less than tremendous. Senator Roth represents an area that is growing in population, industry, and influence.
- Mike McGuire
And he has been right there every step of the way, moving the Inland Empire into the future. This is his mission. Always. And let's be clear. The Inland Empire is going to be forever healthier because of his work.
- Mike McGuire
You know, Senator Roth is doing amazing job helping solve the nursing shortage in our state, which he's done in a bipartisan approach.
- Mike McGuire
He's been a champion for UC Riverside, helping it grow from one of the newest campuses in the UC system to now one of the best and brightest, but will continue to benefit our region and our state for decades to come. Next year is a special year for General Roth and for our state.
- Mike McGuire
2025 will be the golden anniversary of a young man named Richard Roth, who originally entered active duty in the United States Air Force a half-century ago. His choice to serve the people of the Golden State in the United States of America for half a century is a gift. It is a gift for all of us.
- Mike McGuire
And, Senator, it is a gift for Riverside County. You are truly one of the best. You're kind, you're thoughtful, and you're always people driven. We are so happy that Cindy is here. You're an amazing grandpa. We are going to miss you.
- Mike McGuire
And we know that the best days, what Senator Roth does for this state and for the Inland Empire is still ahead. Can we please give it up loud and proud for the one, the only, General Senator Richard Roth?
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister PT. General Roth, the floor is yours.
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mister President, Mister Pro Tem, and Madam Pro Tem Amerita. Thank you for those kind remarks. As you know, I tried not to speak today, but I guess it's now my turn.
- Richard Roth
You know, a few weeks ago, I was sitting at home watching the Paris Olympics, the incredible performance of those Olympians, both from this country and other countries. And I wondered what it would be like to be on an Olympic team. Ever wonder that?
- Richard Roth
Yesterday I was sitting on this floor, and I was watching the recognitions, and I was thinking about my service with you on the red carpet. And it suddenly dawned on me that for 12 years I've been surrounded by a team of Olympians. Different type, policy Olympians, but Olympians, nonetheless.
- Richard Roth
You know, when I first came up here in 2012, never having served as an elected official before, I didn't know what I was going to get. I didn't know whether it was Forrest Gump's proverbial box of chocolates or something else.
- Richard Roth
But what I found was a group of the brightest, hardest working, most focused, most principled individuals that I have ever worked with in any of the careers that I've had in, as the Pro Tem said, my rather long years on this earth. Absolutely, absolutely incredible.
- Richard Roth
And you accepted me for what I was and am, and you and your predecessors accepted me for where I come from. And you allowed me to join this very, very special Senate team.
- Richard Roth
And since that time, I've watched this Senate team shoot for the gold, time after time, on both sides of the aisle, more often than not hitting the mark. And I have to tell you that I am very, very, very proud to call myself your teammate.
- Richard Roth
You know, since I got here, I've tried to work very hard, frankly, just to keep up with you. And I hope I've made a difference. I guess I'll leave that for someone else to judge. But I do know this. You made a huge difference in my life and the individuals that I represent. You've changed our lives.
- Richard Roth
When I. Before I came up here, actually, I told some of you this before. Our high school graduation rate in Riverside County was about 78%, and our college-going rate was lower. Frankly, much lower than that. We didn't have enough doctors. We didn't have enough nurses. We didn't have enough allied health professionals.
- Richard Roth
We didn't have enough clinics, and we didn't have a medical school. And about 21% of the people where I come from didn't have any health insurance at all. Any health insurance at all. We were under resourced and underserved, and frankly, I don't think anybody cared.
- Richard Roth
At least that was our perception until you all and your predecessors took notice. Today in Riverside County, our high school graduation rate is well above 90%, and our college-going rate isn't far behind. Less than 7% of the individuals where I come from lack health insurance now.
- Richard Roth
And some of that is because they choose not to have it. We have more doctors, we have more nurses, we have more allied health professionals, we have more clinics, and we actually have medical schools, plural, where I come from.
- Richard Roth
Cindy and I will be going home to a much, much better place, thanks to you and the amazing, amazing Senate staff we have in this building.
- Richard Roth
And speaking of staff, I guess I should give some thanks to Madam Secretary and to Bernie and the desk staff and all the staff in this building, and the staff in the O Street Building. I want to thank you for guiding me and allowing me to survive and thrive, for the most part in this environment.
- Richard Roth
To my capitol office staff and my district staff, I want to thank you for the hard work and the diligence. I want to thank you for having my back. And frankly, I want to thank you for putting up with me. And to my committee staff.
- Richard Roth
You know, if you've been here long enough, you get to chair committees, and I've chaired about six of them, policy committees and budget subcommittees, over my time here. And to each of you committee staffers, I just want to say you're awesome.
- Richard Roth
And for every day that you thought was your worst day and your worst performance, I have to tell you, in all the careers I've had, it's the best I've ever had. And, you know, you've recognized Cindy. Hopefully, you've all met her.
- Richard Roth
She's the one who made me get up every day, pack up, get on the airplane, and come back to you whether or not I wanted to or not. She's had my back for decades and I owe her a lot. I love you, sweetie. We're going home soon.
- Richard Roth
It's been an honor and a privilege to serve with each and every one of you on this red carpet. Obviously, the privilege will end soon, but the honor will remain with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for the opportunity.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you for your service. Senator Roth. Last but not least, it is now the dean of Napa, Senator Dodd, and he'll be first recognized by Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President. Members, it's my distinct pleasure to rise today to pay tribute to a really dear friend, colleague, gentleman, and a connoisseur of fine living, the one and only Senator William Harold Dodd, representing Napa Valley and the northern San Francisco Bay Area. Senator Bill Dodd is a homeboy, if you will.
- Anna Caballero
He's a fifth-generation Californian and he was born and raised on a small family farm in Napa Valley. His roots in the valley go deep and he carries a special love for that valley. He's a wildcat from Chico State. None of that will surprise you.
- Anna Caballero
Where he graduated and then settled back in Napa, where he started his own business. Senator Dodd became the original Culligan man. For those of you of a special generation that remember that commercial.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Bill Dodd started his 25-year political career as a supervisor on the Napa County Board of Supervisors, and he was so popular that he was elected four times.
- Anna Caballero
After that, he spent two years in the Assembly before he arrived here in the State Senate, where he has served with distinction for eight years during some of the most difficult, dangerous, and devastating years in his district.
- Anna Caballero
We will never forget the wildfires that ravaged communities, required evacuations, where families lost all of their possessions, vineyards and tens of thousands of acres of grapes were destroyed, which caused economic disaster on top of the lives lost in the fires.
- Anna Caballero
Afterwards, during the recovery process, when the reality of the fire damage became apparent, the region endured destroyed water systems, cleanup of contaminated soil which required remediation, temporary electrical shutdowns which affected businesses and residents, and compounding the problem delays in insurance claim and subsequently the hardship of being able to obtain fire insurance.
- Anna Caballero
In the middle of this process, the Napa Valley received excess rain, which caused flooding. And for a rural community, water is the lifeblood and now godsend. But it's a hardship when water comes flooding in after a fire. The true test of character of a legislator is what they do when things get tough.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Bill Dodd jumped into action. He worked on issues critical to his district and to our state. Insurance reform, disaster relief, planned power outages, residential property insurance, flood control, wildfire forecasts, natural disaster insurance, defensive space.
- Anna Caballero
All of those are familiar to us because Senator Bill Dodd made it his mission to make sure we understood how important these were to his district because the fires didn't stay contained to his district only, they have ravaged the state.
- Anna Caballero
But Senator Dodd was at the forefront of making sure that we were taking care systematically of some of these issues. He worked on them and invited all of us to come along and join him in a tour of his district to see how recovery was coming along.
- Anna Caballero
And those of you that went along on those tours, remember how hard he worked, how he knew everybody on the front line, and how important it was to his soul that we really take care of his district.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Dodd is a compassionate, caring, and considerate leader who makes everyone feel comfortable, although we also ask tough questions and doesn't tolerate any BS. He has authored 114 bills in the eight years that he's been here in many different policy areas, including farmworker housing, Williamson Act, elder independent adult, student, nutrition and agriculture.
- Anna Caballero
While in the Senate, Senator Dodd has served as a Chairman of the Senate Government Organization Committee for the past seven years.
- Anna Caballero
A perfect committee for a gentleman and a scholar like Senator Dodd, because he has dived in with class and gusto into all of the arcane details of the various industries which encompass the committee's jurisdiction, alcohol, gambling, and cannabis. And you know, he's been a passionate advocate of all three.
- Anna Caballero
And you know what his opinion is on these issues as well. Senator Dodd has always graciously served as a bipartisan host for all the senators. And so, if you didn't take advantage of this invitation, my friends, you missed it.
- Anna Caballero
He has invited us to intimate gatherings in his office, to his home, taking trips out to Napa Valley, in order to learn and taste every aspect of his district. They've been fabulous. Bill, we've loved it.
- Anna Caballero
We hope you keep doing it because we get an opportunity to see a part of Napa that no one else gets to see, private wineries that make some of the best wines in the world quite frankly. Senator Dodd has also been a great travel companion.
- Anna Caballero
My husband Juan and I have really enjoyed traveling with Senator Dodd and his wife Mary on several delegations, most notably on a study trip to Denmark. A lot of fun.
- Anna Caballero
In Denmark, we immersed ourselves in learning about their climate change solution, which include offshore wind, eliminating trash through paralysis, and generating radiant heat using biofuels, all things that are important to their survival as a green country.
- Anna Caballero
On those trips, Senator Dodd greatly represented this institution with, with distinction and helped to build bridges with other nations, to create an exchange of ideas, solutions, and partnerships.
- Anna Caballero
And on the floor and in committee, I will miss Senator Dodd's incisive questions and comments, along with his sharp wit, and there's no doubt that we will all remember what a Dodd aye meant.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Dodd's character, good chair, and hard work on behalf of his district has helped to bring this institution closer in a manner that helps us perform our work while not alienating anyone. His wit, sense of decorum, and ability to bring people together has greatly supported our work and will be part of his legacy.
- Anna Caballero
Finally, I will say that I am grateful and enjoy the privilege of a great friendship with Senator Bill Dodd and will continue to count on his counsel, sense of humor, policy expertise, and love of life. We love you, Bill.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Caballero. Next up is President Pro Tem McGuire.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mister President and Members. I rise today to send off one of our colleagues who has walked these halls with thunder for the past decade. You know, Bill Dodd is someone who I consider not just a colleague or a neighbor. I consider him a friend.
- Mike McGuire
Napa County has been so incredibly, so incredibly lucky to have his stewardship over the past 25 years that he's dedicated his life to public service, first on the Napa County Board of Supervisors, the State Assembly, and of course, here in the California State Senate. The Senator for Napa and I have a lot in common.
- Mike McGuire
We both grew up in the country, out on farms. We are die-hard lifelong Giants fans. And I do apologize to Senator Durazo. We have worked together, sharing both Lake and Sonoma counties for our entire tenure here in the Legislature, and I'm going to get a little choked up, and I apologize. We have.
- Mike McGuire
We also share the scars from multiple wildfires that have ripped through our communities and candidly burn entire communities down, the Valley Fire in 2015, the Tubbs Fire that destroyed 6,300 homes, and multiple wildfires in between.
- Mike McGuire
And in the middle of such devastation, you learn who you can count on, who will shine in our darkest moments, who will have the back of those who need it most in one of their most trying times in life. And that's Senator Bill Dodd.
- Mike McGuire
He has proved to be the source of resilience and hope for thousands who lost everything, saw his tenacious work firsthand on the ground in the North Bay time and time again.
- Mike McGuire
He and his team were relentless for the community, ensuring that no need, no need met that was not met from emergency shelter, ensuring that homeowners got the insurance settlements due to them, fighting unscrupulous contractors, taking on greedy utilities, and never, never backing down for the people that he proudly worked for in his Senate district.
- Mike McGuire
You know, Bill Dodd is fiercely loyal. He's collaborative, he's a fighter, and he's successful because the job that he does is so incredibly personal to him. He wants to be able to leave this earth better than the way he found it. He wants to improve his hometown and build a better Northern California for decades to come.
- Mike McGuire
And there is no doubt, as we heard from Senator Caballero, that the Senator has been incredibly productive. In his 10 years, 10 years here, you heard he's authored more than 100 bills, one of the most prolific in the California Legislature. And the reason being is he knows how to build bridges, build consensus, and get the job done.
- Mike McGuire
I want to take a moment to say thank you, Senator. It has been an absolute privilege to be able to work with you and what we can say today because of your leadership, California is safer, stronger, more resilient, and all of us can get cocktails to our door thanks to the leadership of Bill Dodd.
- Mike McGuire
I want to end it right here. You know, Bill Dodd is loyal, but he has some of the most loyal staff on earth. They have been with him his entire time in the Legislature. He's a proud papa, a proud granddad of 13, and a proud husband to Mary.
- Mike McGuire
I think we need to take a moment and say thank you, Senator Dodd, for your incredible work on behalf of California. Can we please give a warm Senate thank you?
- Steven Bradford
Senator Dodd, the floor is yours.
- Bill Dodd
God, my time is finally here. Well, first of all, I am entirely honored by the comments from my colleagues from Merced. Thank you very, very much. And from our President Pro Tem, or should I say today, Governor McGuire. Thank you. You've been a great friend in local government and state government.
- Bill Dodd
Just really appreciate your friendship over the years. You know, being a senator is one of the greatest honors of my life. The opportunity to be able to work here on this red carpet with each and every one of you is an unparalleled time in my life.
- Bill Dodd
But candidly, it's bittersweet at this moment as I look at the end of this road, so to speak. But over the last 10 years, if you've heard, we've contended with some pretty unbelievable issues, from wildfire to the pandemic.
- Bill Dodd
And while we're on the pandemic and for so many other reasons, I want to thank this great staff that we've had and what they've been able to do to lead us through all these different things and their ability to think on their feet and react quickly as they did that one dark night as we all were in here.
- Bill Dodd
I say we because like it or not, this is a team sport. We're all on the same team because we're all working for our mutual constituents in our districts and the great State of California and of course, our staff. What can I say? You heard a little bit about my staff. I am so incredibly proud.
- Bill Dodd
And I try to tell them all the time. We have quarterly meetings every six months, and I try to let them know, but I don't think we ever really do enough to let our staff know about how awesome they really are.
- Bill Dodd
They come to work every single day, not only to make a difference in our district, to make a difference in this great State of California. Many have been with me my entire career. As you heard the pro tem say. Ezra Shaban, Leslie Span, Marisol Prieto-Valle. I can finally pronounce your name, Marisol.
- Bill Dodd
Tom Barti, Logan Pitts, and Ron Turner have been with me for all 10 years. Just incredible team. My GO team. We know if you're a chairman or chairwoman in this house, you know when you get a lot of bills, there are just a lot of different factors.
- Bill Dodd
And I've had a team that has stood tall during the entire seven years that I've been chair of this Committee, and they've streamlined it for me, and I just appreciate them more than I know they know. And thanks to my district staff for tirelessly doing the work. Many of us forget about how important constituent casework is.
- Bill Dodd
We don't talk about constituent casework much up here in the Capitol because they're doing the heavy lifting in constituent case work back home. And I have been absolutely amazed at the work that they do. Solving problems for our constituents that make a big difference in our constituents life. And sometimes it totally amazes me.
- Bill Dodd
I think, oh, my God, how are we going to get this done in any quick timeframe? But, you know, they do it because they're smart. They come to work with that in mind, that they're going to make a difference.
- Bill Dodd
I didn't start in the Legislature thinking that I was going to be a leader in wildfire issues, but it started almost immediately, as the pro tem said in 2015 with the wildfires in Lake County 2017, that burned my entire district, hitting it very, very hard.
- Bill Dodd
But I've also tried to tackle other issues that need attention, from privacy and consumer protection to water resources and senior issues. And I think it was mentioned about the cocktails to-go. You know what? We got more publicity out of that Bill than probably we deserve.
- Bill Dodd
But during COVID that was a really particularly important issue for all of our constituents. But what unites us here in this great Senate is greater than what divides us I truly believe in our ability to meet the moment and overcome our challenges.
- Bill Dodd
So, my advice to the incoming class of legislators is to talk and work together and to remember, and we could all remember this, hopefully, that rarely is there an issue that is truly black and white.
- Bill Dodd
We need to recognize our problems, but we can't forget that the Golden State is still the greatest place to live and work and raise a family. And I feel blessed to have been here my entire life and I will continue to live here the rest of my life. You all have made a difference in my career.
- Bill Dodd
I consider you all friends. I want to take this opportunity at this point in time to remember my family, that you had an opportunity to meet on this floor back in June. And when we were on family vacation this summer, they said, papa, I couldn't believe it.
- Bill Dodd
All these senators were there smiling from ear to ear and they were just so happy. It seemed like to see us. And so, you made a difference in their lives. And I'd like to thank my wife Mary and my five kids and the 13 grandkids because, you know, this is not just me.
- Bill Dodd
You've all met, missed pivotal moments in your families, in your extended families, because you had business to do up here. And I respect all of you for that. We've all done it. But I want to thank my family for just hanging in there with me for just a mere 25 years of this.
- Bill Dodd
But although I will be retiring from elected politics, I'm not going away. I think there's another chapter somewhere somehow. But by and large, it will be making the communities that I live in and serve better for the State of California and my district.
- Bill Dodd
Thank you to all of you and the extended Senate staff everywhere throughout this great body. Thank you all very, very much.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you for your service, Senator Dodd. And let's say thank you to all 11 outgoing Members. We appreciate your service to the State of California. It's much appreciated. Members, we will now break for 30 minutes for lunch. We ask that you please stay in the building.
- Steven Bradford
We have over 70 bills that we want to get done after lunch, so we need to start back on time. So, thank you. And we're going to ask all the retiring outgoing Members to come forward for a group photo.
- Steven Bradford
Once again, we want all of our outgoing Members right now before you leave the floor, Senator Atkins for a group photo. Senator Roth, Brian, Dahle.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, we're ready to get back. Rocking and rolling. We're on. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments adopted. Motions, resolutions and notices. There are four amendments at the desk. They will be deemed adopted.
- Steven Bradford
The following bills are referred to Committee on SB 691. Senator Cortese, for what purpose?
- Dave Cortese
Motions and resolutions. Mister President, I'd like to pull AB 871 from the inactive file so that it can be amended.
- Steven Bradford
The depths will note anything else under motions, resolutions. Seeing no microphones. We're now moving on to consideration of the daily file. Second reading file items one through 43. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 863 with amendments 2427. Amendments 20514 with amendments 2091. With amendments 2465. With amendments 2343-2533-3184-2875116830-242-19823183177-3281313.
- Steven Bradford
2nd reading will be deemed read. Now we're moving to Assembly. Third reading. We're starting with file item 82. Senator Atkins, she's prepared. Secretary, you may read a Selma Bill 2546 by Selma Member Rendon.
- Committee Secretary
An act relating to law enforcement agencies.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Atkins, the floor is yours.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, AB 2546 broadens the definition of military weapon for the purposes of state law that requires law enforcement to engage in a public approval process before acquiring such weapons. The current definition of military weapons uses brand names for some of these weapons, including acoustic weapons.
- Toni Atkins
This Bill instead uses generic terms for those weapons, thus ensuring all military weapons are subject to the same good public process during the acquisition. This was looked overlooked before, created a loophole and a problem. This Bill attempts to correct that. Ask for your aye support. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Secretary call the role.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 32, Noes four the measure is adopted. Now we're moving on to file item 85 by Senator Dodd.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 1778 by assemblymember Connolly and accurately into vehicles. Senator Dodd, the floor is yours.
- Bill Dodd
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise today on behalf of Assembly Member connally to present AB 1778. This Bill would authorize Marin county and its cities to establish a voluntary pilot program prohibiting individuals under the age of 16 from operating class two electric bicycles.
- Bill Dodd
Our priority is to strike a balance between encouraging the use of sustainable transportation and ensuring the safety of our community Members, particularly our young writers. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, please call the roll on file item 85.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes now. Members were moving on to file item 86 by Senator Cortese. He is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 1904 by Assemblymember Ward and Accolade Into Vehicles. Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
Good afternoon, Mister President. Senators AB 1904 would grant transit agencies with the authority to equip transit buses with a flashing led yield right of way sign on the left rear of the bus, provided the transit agency's governing board approves a resolution to adopt such signage.
- Dave Cortese
This authority would reduce traffic delays experienced by transit buses when attempting to re enter traffic and facilitate safer reentry, allowing operators to provide more timely services. The Bill has no formal opposition as received by partisan support. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate? Hearing. Seeing none, please call the roll on file item 86.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31 no is eight. The measure passes now. Members are moving on to file item 86. Devon Senator Allen, he's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 761 by Assemblymember Friedman. An act relating to local finance.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Allen.
- Benjamin Allen
Thank you, Mister President and members. LA Metro is in the middle of one of the largest regional transit expansion programs in the nation, with the K line project that will connect four major rail lines and six of the highest ridership bus lines in LA County.
- Benjamin Allen
Metro and Los Angeles area cities are exploring the utilization of enhanced infrastructure financing districts. EIFDs to support the project.
- Benjamin Allen
Under current law, EIFDs may collect tax increment for up to 45 years from the date of the first bond issuance, but because of the relatively slow appreciation in property values, in many cases, it may take 10 to 15 years before revenues are significant enough to borrow against or begin paying down debt.
- Benjamin Allen
The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act also extended the length of the federal Transportation Infrastructure, Finance and Innovation act, the TIFIA loans, to 75 years.
- Benjamin Allen
So this Bill will extend EIFDs to 75 years to align with the federal TIFIA loans, allowing local jurisdictions to take full advantage of the flexible terms of a federal loan and Fund much needed transit projects that support all of our goals. With that, I respect for ask for an vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 87.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39 knows zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 88. Senator Becker, are you prepared? He is. Secretary,
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Alright. Please call the Absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
You may read Assembly Bill 2967. By some amendment enact relating to housing. Senator Becker, the floor is yours.
- Josh Becker
Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, in 2016, the Legislature passed the Teacher Housing act to facilitate the creation of housing that is specifically set aside for teacher and school district employees.
- Josh Becker
This bill expands the Teacher Housing Act to include employees of publicly funded nonprofits that operate on school district property and serve children from Low and moderate income families. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 36, noes zero. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file on item 92. Senator Laird, he is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2399 by Assemblymember Rendon Accurately Into Mobile Homes.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Mister President. AB 2399 revises an annual notice to help mobile home tenants be aware of legal services available to them under the Mobile Home Residency Law Protection Program, the MRLPP. This Bill increases tenants' awareness of their rights and informs them of how those rights might be protected through this program.
- John Laird
I respectfully ask for an aye vote
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
No Ayes. 30 nos nine. The measure passes now, Members, moving on to file item 93. Senator Wiener, he is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2359 by Assembly Member Ting enact relating to alcoholic beverages.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you very much, Mister President, colleagues, right in time for this off, I am presenting AB 2359 on behalf of Assemblymember Ting. This district Bill strengthens San Francisco's successful neighborhood liquor license program.
- Scott Wiener
The Legislature created this neighborhood liquor license program, known as the type 87 license, to help spur economic development in San Francisco's outer neighborhoods. These neighborhoods tend to have less economic activity and nightlife than other parts of the city, which makes it harder for them to compete for normal liquor licenses, which can be quite expensive.
- Scott Wiener
Currently, the program allows for 30 affordable and non transferable liquor licenses in specific neighborhoods. And this Bill will increase the number of those licenses from 30 to 40 and make other technical changes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion of it on this item hearing. Stand on, Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying a unanimous roll call? Aye is 39. No, zero. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 97. Senator Umberg? He is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 20215 by Assembly Member Brian. Enact Relating to Criminal Procedure.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg?
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. I'll try to keep my voice up.
- Thomas Umberg
This Bill empowers the cop on the beat, empowers an arresting officer to make a decision as to whether or not someone who is, for example, suffering from mental illness or who is severe poverty, rather than taking that person to jail, may take that person to a diversion program.
- Thomas Umberg
We've had a number of different bills that deal with diversion. Ultimately, diversion early on is a cost saving public safety measure.
- Steven Bradford
I urge and I vote any further discussion or debate on this item. All right, secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absence, Members.
- Steven Bradford
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. The measure passes now, Members, we move on to file item 100. Senator Wilk is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1853 by Assembly Member Padilla, Enact Relating to Transportation.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present AB 1853, which proposes to update the San Joaquin Regional Transit districts authorities. This bill will advance two changes. First, it will bring more equitable pay scale to the San Joaquin Regional Transit district. San Joaquin RTD currently ranks among the bottom three districts for compensation.
- Scott Wilk
Second, the bill would authorize the RTD to invest or deposit funds that a city, county or local public agency may place in its reserves, while including the appropriate limits that apply to other jurisdictions. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is any objection to applying a unanimous roll call on this measure?
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39, noes zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we move in on the file item 103. Senator Umberg? He is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2505 by Assembly Member Gabriel Enact Relating to Attorneys.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. AB 2505 by some of Gabriel simply underlines the requirement or at least the moral obligation if you're a Member of the legal profession to provide some sort of pro Bono service that's part of being a professional. This Bill simply says that when you.
- Thomas Umberg
Perform pro Bono services you can report that to the state bar. You're not required to perform pro Bono. Services although it is recommended. It simply provides an opportunity and empowers. Attorneys to report to the state bar. What they've completed or their firm has completed in terms of pro Bono services. I urge and I vote, thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate, you see none. Secretary, please call the Royal and file item 103.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. The measure passes. Now, Members, we move it on to file item 104. Senator Portantino, are you prepared? Yes, secretary. Please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1855 by Assembly Member Arambula Enacting to Open Meetings.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Portantino, the floor is yours.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister President and Members. AB 1855 will modernize the Brown act. This is a barrier for many students who are disabled, have limited access to transportation, or otherwise unable to participate in meetings in person.
- Anthony Portantino
AB 1855 protects public access and allows eligible legislative bodies of a student organization to use alternate teleconferencing provisions. If approved by the board of trustees and adopted by an eligible body. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate Hearing C. None. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 104.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absence of members.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 29, noes eight. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 107. Senator Atkins, are you prepared? No, I'm sorry. I missed 106. Removing file item 106. Senator Padilla? He is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2435 by Assembly Member Maienschein Enacting Into Health Care Coverage.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present AB 2435. Since 2012, Covered California has engaged in a very public process with robust stakeholder engagement when proposing and adopting regulatory changes.
- Steve Padilla
The Legislature has granted Covered California Emergency Rulemaking Authority because it must act faster than the traditional rulemaking framework to process and implement changes in law that affect healthcare access for consumers. This emergency authority expires January 12025.
- Steve Padilla
Consumers will be at risk of significant delay in new benefits or protections if Covered California is not able to quickly conform to new state and federal policy. AB 2435 would extend the authority for emergency rulemaking until January 12030 in order to adequately and promptly react to both annual and ongoing federal and state rules.
- Steve Padilla
Once the rulemaking process has been completed, Covered California must then complete a permanent rulemaking process within five years. This is to allow yet another round of public engagement through comments at Board Meetings and regular rulemaking processes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing c nine. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31 noes, seven. The measure passes now. We're moving the file. Item 107. Senator Atkins, she's ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2442 by Assembly Members of ER Enacting Into Healing Arts.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Atkins.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you. Mister President, colleagues, I rise to present AB 2442 on behalf of Assembly Members aboard. In recent years, the number of states with laws or policies restricting access to gender affirming care has dramatically increased, from just four states in June of 2022 to 23 states in 2020.
- Toni Atkins
Gender affirming care is highly specialized, and delaying it would be detrimental to patients seeking care. AB 2442 seeks to improve access to this care in anticipation of a surge in out of state patients seeking care in California.
- Toni Atkins
The Bill specifically requires the expedited processing of licensure applications for providers demonstrating a commitment to gender affirming healthcare our mental health care services within their licensed scope of practice. California has long served as a safe haven for reproductive health care and gender affirming care.
- Toni Atkins
AB 2442 reflects our state's commitment to upholding these values and ensuring equitable access to essential services. Respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate hearing? Saying none, please call the roll on file item 107.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes seven. The measure passes now. Members were moving on to file item 118. Senator Laird, he is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2493 by Assembly Member Pellerin. Enact Relating to Tenancy.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you, Mister President. Assembly Bill 2493 will prevent a landlord or property management company from charging a potential applicant a fee to be entered onto a waiting list for a rental unit if no rental unit is available at the time or will not be available in a reasonable amount of time.
- John Laird
A common constituent of assemblymember Pellerin and I was charged $2,000 to be on various waiting lists when units weren't available and by the time she scored a rental unit, she'd spend her savings set aside for secure deposit and had to borrow money from her friends and family.
- John Laird
Amendments were taken in the Assembly that removed the opposition of the Association. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate hearing seeing none, secretary, please call the roll on file item 118.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 28, noes zero. Measure passes. I mean, I'm sorry. Eyes 28, noes, eight. The measure passes. My bad. Now moving on to file item 120. Senator Nguyen prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2081 by Assembly Member Davies, an act relating to substance abuse treatment.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Nguyen.
- Janet Nguyen
Thank you, Mister President. I rise today to present AB 2081 by Assembly Member Lori Davies. AB 2081 requires operators of substance use treatment facilities to provide on their website and on any intake paperwork at disclosure that links to the DHCS run list of facilities whose licenser is either on probation, has been suspended, or has been revoked.
- Janet Nguyen
This can be greatly beneficial to patients by empowering them to look deeper into which government agency oversees these facilities. They can learn more about treatment options and protections guaranteed to them as a patient.
- Janet Nguyen
It also empowers DHCS to assess a penalty that is in line with their current penalty structure on any facility that doesn't fulfill the new requirements. AB 2081 has yet to receive a no no vote on its way to us here on the Senate Floor.
- Janet Nguyen
This bill is also sponsored by the California League of California Cities and has received support from cities across the state. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying the unanimous roll call to this measure? Seeing none. Ayes 39. Noes zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 123. Senator Padilla, he is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2876 by Assemblymember Berman. An act relating to people instruction.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. I rise to present AB 2876 by Assemblymember Berman which will ensure that all k through 12 students in California are prepared with the AI literacy skills necessary to comprehend basic AI principles and applications. This essential curriculum will build students understanding of the implications, limitations, and ethical considerations of AI.
- Steve Padilla
The Bill specifically directs the Instructional Quality Commission to consider incorporating AI literacy content into relevant curriculum frameworks when those frameworks are next revised. As AI grows in popularity, children growing up in today's digital world need to be better equipped than any generation before them to understand these principles. This Bill has had bipartisan support and no opposition.
- Steve Padilla
I respectfully ask for an aye vote any further discussion.
- Steven Bradford
Debate on this item hearing seeing none. Secretary, please call the royal on file item 123.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39, noes zero, the measure passes. Now we're moving on to file item 140. Senator Stern, he is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 796 by Assembly Member Weber, an act relating to athletic trainers.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Mister President. Members, this bill would establish certification and training requirements for athletic trainers in California and prohibit individuals from calling themselves athletic trainers unless they meet those requirements. The American Medical Association recognizes that athletic trainers are allied healthcare professionals and classified by such as U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Henry Stern
Every other state regulates this certification except California. So, this means that untrained individuals are calling themselves athletic trainers and working as such. This bill is about remedying this gap and improving public health and safety for youth sports players all the way up to professional athletes. No no votes in Policy Committee. No opposition.
- Henry Stern
Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing, none. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying a unanimous roll call? Ayes 39. Noes zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 142. Senator Niello.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Steven Bradford
No, I'm sorry. We'll have Senator Min first. My bad.
- Dave Min
I'm like Niello.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1827 by Assemblymember Papan, an act relating to local government finance.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mister President. They call me the Korean version of Senator Niello.
- Dave Min
On behalf of Assemblymember Papen, I present AB 1827, which simply reaffirms that California's water supply suppliers can continue to include the incrementally higher costs of water service due to higher water use within the water rates charged to customers who drive those costs within a particular tier or type.
- Dave Min
It also reaffirms that those costs can be reallocated among those higher use customers using any method that reasonably assesses the cost of serving those parcels, including using meter size and peaking factors.
- Dave Min
Water customers who use more water than other similarly situated customers increase a water supplier's overall cost of providing water service due to the higher costs associated with building, operating, and maintaining a larger water system that can meet those demands.
- Dave Min
Now, Proposition 218 allows water suppliers to recoup the legitimate costs attributable to that higher water use from those higher water using customers.
- Dave Min
But recent litigation has sought to call this into question, which risks requiring water suppliers to spread the cost to associated with serving higher water use customers across their entire customer base, effectively potentially forcing lower water use Californians to pay more for water.
- Dave Min
AB 1828, to be clear, would not permit a water supplier to violate Proposition 218 and set water rates above the cost of service or subsidize lower water users water bills with charges placed on higher use customers. It simply preserves Prop.
- Dave Min
20018's proportionality and cost of service principles, allowing water suppliers to continue using the reasonable methods they've used for decades to allocate costs. AB 1828 seeks to protect current rate setting practices, and I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this matter? Hearing c none. Secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 29 all right, Jones? Yeah. All right I I 20 we close it or we're gonna leave it over it.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members on file item 142. Ayes are 29. The noes are nine. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 143, Senator Laird. No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm Senator Niello. Now I messed that up twice. Secretary, please read.
- Roger Niello
Thank, oh.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2457 by Assembly Member McCarty, an act relating to Municipal Utility District Act.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Niello, the floor is yours.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mister President, and for waking me up unexpectedly just prior to the last item. I am presenting AB 2457 on behalf of Assemblyman McCarty. AB 2457 is a district bill sponsored by the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District, affectionately known here as SMUD.
- Roger Niello
This bill extends the sunset, currently in statutes set by a previous bill of Assemblyman McCarty's AB 689 in 2019, which allows SMUD to enter into partnerships that result in financial returns which it has successfully utilized to help keep SMUD rates low.
- Roger Niello
Those of us that live in this region know that they are among the lowest and give SMUD the opportunity to invest in clean energy, helping them reach their very ambitious carbon emission goals. The bill before you will extend the sunset 10 years and caps their SMUD at six partnerships total. Thank you very much.
- Roger Niello
And I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call? We're going to call the roll now. Okay. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 143.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39. Noes zero. The measure passes. Now we're moving on to file item 144, Senator Laird. He is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2682 by Assembly Member Kalra, a act relating to the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Mister President. This is a district bill by Assembly Member Kalra which would amend the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Enabling Act to improve its functions and align them with similar jurisdictions.
- John Laird
It would allow the authority to purchase lands and fee title from willing sellers, allow the authority to authorize the general manager to bind the district to certain contracts, increase the contracting thresholds for materials and equipment which have not been increased since 2012, enable the authority to finance facilities and issue bonds pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, and amend the uniformity clause to allow them to charge lower tax rates to seniors which other districts have.
- John Laird
This is very desired flexibility. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Seeing none, hearing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30. Noes. Eight. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 154, Senator Durazzo. She is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2224 by Assembly Member Santiago, an act relating to special immigrant juveniles.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Durazzo?
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mister President. Special immigrant juvenile status, commonly referred to as SIJS, provides limited immigration relief for vulnerable undocumented children and young people who have been abused, neglected, or left without one or both of their parents. Unfortunately, SIJS applicants face lengthy delays in their application process.
- María Elena Durazo
This bill aims to address the backlog by ensuring clarity and expediency in the state's role in the application process.
- María Elena Durazo
By clarifying that the court can appoint a parent as a guardian for their unmarried child if they are over the age of 18, but under 21, and pursuing SIJS and ensuring that individuals receive the SIJS court order in a timely manner. This bill has received no opposition and bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Members, this is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying the unanimous roll call? See none. Ayes 38. Noes zero. The measure passes. Now we're moving on to file item 158, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. She is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2749 by Assembly Member Wood, an act relating to the California Health Benefit Exchange.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mister President, and good afternoon, colleagues. On behalf of Assembly Member Wood, I'm pleased to present AB 2749. This bill would revise and clarify existing law provisions that grant workers on strike access to expedited and subsidized coverage through California care, Covered California.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
In 2022, the state required Covered California to administer a program of financial assistance to help workers who lose health insurance coverage due to a labor dispute. Through an unprecedented wave of strikes, we found that workers across the state were receiving less health care coverage.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
AB 2749 clarifies eligibility for the program to reach the intended target of workers and employers who are directly involved in the strike. We want to further protect workers and ensure they attain their benefits. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 33. Noes zero. The measure passes. Now Members, moving on to file item 181. Senator Caballero is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2257 by Assemblymember Wilson and act relating to local government.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President and Members. I rise to present AB 2257 on behalf of Assemblymember Wilson. This Bill will enhance the transparency, the efficacy and fairness of the rate setting process for water and sewer services in California.
- Anna Caballero
At its core, the Bill is about fostering a constructive dialogue between public agencies and the people they serve. Under existing law, Proposition 218 requires public agencies to provide advance notice to property owners, including a public hearing for protest, and restricts the imposition of fees unless they represent the actual cost of services.
- Anna Caballero
Often, legal challenges come without prior objections being raised during the public comment period, leading to costly and unforeseen lawsuits that strain the financial resources of these agencies. AB 2257 will create a transparent and communicative procedure to allow for public comment to be submitted regarding water and sewer rate assessment fees.
- Anna Caballero
The agencies involved will then be required to respond to each comment in writing before any action on rates can be taken. This will resolve disputes early and reduce the frequency of litigation, which can be costly and time consuming for both parties.
- Anna Caballero
By promoting early and meaningful dialogue between public agencies and ratepayers, this bill lays the groundwork for a more equitable, equitable, reliable and effective water and sewer service rates in California. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing scene. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 181.
- Steven Bradford
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
[Roll call]
- Lori Wilson
Please call the absent Members one more time.
- Steven Bradford
Jones? Mcguire.
- Committee Secretary
No. Orlando.
- Lori Wilson
Ayes 28. Noes zero. The measure passes. I'm sorry. Golly. Ayes 28. Noes 10. Ayes 28. Noes 10. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on the file. Item 184, Senator Ashby, she is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2123 by Assembly Member Papan enact relating to paid family leave.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
AB 2123. On behalf of Assemblywoman Papin, AB 2123 removes an unnecessary hurdle for individuals attempting to access their paid family leave benefits. While California has led the nation in implementing paid family, workers still face barriers in accessing the benefit that they contribute to.
- Angelique Ashby
Under current law, employers can require an employee to use up two weeks of accrued vacation leave prior to accessing their PFL benefits. AB 2123. Will sunset that provision and ensure that workers are able to access their PFL benefits when they need them most or urgent aye vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none. Members, this is eligible roll call. Is there any objection? Hearing and seeing none. Ayes 3938. Nos. Zero. The measure passes. All right, moving on to file item 185. Senator Rubio? She is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2129 by Assemblymember Petrie-Norris and equilibrium to healthcare coverage.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mister President. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I rise to present ap 2129 that will improve access to long acting reversible contraceptions in hospitals and birth centers.
- Susan Rubio
By standardizing benefits across public and private insurance plans, it will support mothers with timely access to their contraceptive needs without the hassle of complex insurance benefit navigation by both patients and providers. This vote has enjoyed bipartisan support and has no opposition on file. I respectfully ask for an aye vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing see none. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying the unanimous roll call to file item 185? Seeing none, ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 188. Senator Blakespear, she is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1784 by Assembly Member Pellerin, an act relating to elections.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Mister President and Members. Since 1913, California law has prohibited a person from running for more than one office at a primary election.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear.
- Committee Secretary
But in December, a Sacramento Superior Court judge ordered the Secretary of State to place a candidate's name on the ballot for a congressional seat, even though that same candidate was already on the ballot for a seat in the Assembly.
- Committee Secretary
AB 1784 clarifies that state law prohibits a person from filing nomination documents for more than one office at a primary election. This clarification ensures that the law is applied in the way that it has been interpreted for decades.
- Committee Secretary
AB 1784 has the support of the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials, the League of Women Voters of California, and Secretary of State Weber, among others. There has there is no opposition and this has received no, no votes throughout the legislative process. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion of eight on this item here in c none. Members, this two is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying a unanimous roll call here? Seeing none, Ayes 38 No, zero measure passes. Now we're moving on to file item 193. Senator Caballero, she is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1921 by Assemblymember Papan, an act relating to energy.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President. I rise today to present AB 1921 on behalf of Assemblymember Papen, which updates and clarifies the definition of a renewable electrical generation facility to include Linear generators using RP's eligible fuels. Linear generators are a cutting edge technology that offers a tremendous opportunity to have renewable power at the flip of a switch.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
They can run on a number of different fuels, including many that are eligible for RP's and not unlike fuel cells that are already included in the definition. If linear generators remain excluded from RP's, the state will have an insufficient portfolio of on demand power as we approach our 2045 deadline.
- Anna Caballero
AB 1921 will establish technology parity and help meet the state's renewable energy goal. The bill has enjoyed unanimous support, and we respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item, enter seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 193.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 36. Noes, zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 196. Senator Becker, he is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2021 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan enact relating to crimes.
- Josh Becker
Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Mister President. Rise present AB 2021. This Bill increases the fines associated with selling tobacco products to anyone under the age of six of 21. These fines have not been adjusted since 2016, and our youth deserve better protections. Told bad actors responsible for poisoning our children with tobacco products.
- Josh Becker
This has had bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote any further discussion.
- Steven Bradford
Debate on this item. Seeing no microphone, secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 33, noess one. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 200. Senator Porntino is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2062 by Assemblymember Grayson and act relating to credit unions.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister Pro Tem. And Members, I'm pleased to present AB 2062, which will update and strengthen California, California's credit union charter. Credit unions can either receive a state charter or a federal charter. Making sure California's state charter is competitive is important. We want credit unions to form here and we want them to succeed.
- Anthony Portantino
These changes are modest, but they will help credit unions better serve their membership. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion debate on this item? Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Opposition to applying a unanimous roll call. Seeing none. Ayes 38 no, zero. Measure passes. Now moving on the file item 205. Senator Skinner, she's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2199 by Assemblymember Berman and accurately into environmental quality.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mister President. Members, AB 2199 provides a narrow CEQA exemption to limited infill housing projects within unincorporated county areas. Nine projects. This rather that is already in statute, what I just described. In 2018, it was passed this narrow exemption in the unincorporated areas, but since that time it has only been used for nine projects.
- Nancy Skinner
The exemption on this bill sunsets next year. So it's kind of a pilot. So what this bill does before you $21.99 is extends that provision for an additional seven years in order to promote infill housing projects within those unincorporated areas within counties. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item seen none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to using unanimous roll call? Seeing none, ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on the file. Item 206. Senator Glazer. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 20214 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan. An act relating to pollution.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you. Thank you, Mister President. On behalf of Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan. This Bill requires the Ocean Protection Council to lead an interagency coordination group to identify and recommend necessary statutory changes to implement the recommendations outlined in the statewide microplastics strategy.
- Steven Glazer
Members were faced with an urgent threat to our environment and our health, and that's microplastics. These particles are found in our natural environment, food, and even our own bodies. This Bill is a prudent step forward and respectfully would ask for your I vote today.
- Steven Bradford
Any additional discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none. Secretary, you may call call the roll on this item.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 32, noes six. The measure passes. Now we're moving on to file item 208. Senator Blakespear. She's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2238 by Assembly Member Low, an act relating to tax Administration.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, President and colleagues. AB 2238 adds the state treasurer and lieutenant Governor to the Franchise Tax Board. Currently, the Franchise Tax Board has three Members. The comptroller, the Director of finance, and the chair of the Board of Equalization. The state treasurer is responsible for banking, cash and asset management, and debt issuance.
- Committee Secretary
Given fiscal issues, the treasurer should be involved in decisions affecting state revenues. We have collaborated with the BoE to address their concerns, and they are now neutral on this measure. Both the state treasurer and lieutenant Governor support joining the board.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2238 seeks to ensure that decisions made by the Franchise Tax Board are informed by a thorough understanding of their implications and impacts. By securing that, Madam treasurer and the lieutenant Governor are involved in the discussions. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item entering C. None. Secretary, you may call the roll and file item 208.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 25, noes 10. Measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 211. Senator Roth, he is ready. Secretary, you may read assuming Bill 2304.
- Committee Secretary
By assuming Member Lee and act relating to civil actions. Senator Roth.
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mister President. Under current law, when a landlord decides to take a tenant into the eviction process, the court record is masked unless the landlord prevails within 60 days. If the tenant prevails, or the case is withdrawn, then the record remains masked.
- Richard Roth
On the contrary, if the landlord prevails, then the record may be released, resulting in the tenant ending up with a mark on the credit record. This Bill extends the record masking protection to mobile home park tenants. Respectfully asked for your aye vote.
- Josh Newman
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing C. None. Secretary, you may call the roll-on file item 211.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Josh Newman
Ayes 30. Noes 9. The measure passes. I was just about to say give a Senate welcome to former Senator, but he disappeared. He was up in the gallery for a few minutes ago. All right. Is Ray still here? He left. Okay, got him. All right. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 218.
- Josh Newman
Senator Wiener, he is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Yes, let me. Bill 2503 by Islamic Member Lee enact relating to environmental quality.
- Scott Wiener
Senator Wehner. Thank you, Mister President. We need some WD 40 over here, I think. Colleagues, I rise to present AB 2503 by Assembly Member Lee, which exempts from CEQA the delivery of zero emission train projects and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled to help us achieve our climate, air quality, and equity goals.
- Scott Wiener
Electrified and other zero emission trains will help reduce sources of air pollution, including from sources such as nitric oxide, ozone, and other particulate matter that acutely affects frontline communities while helping make trains faster and more frequent. These projects are beneficial for the environment and our communities and should not be held up by red tape.
- Scott Wiener
This Bill builds off of existing CEQA exemptions for sustainable transportation projects, which I authored. Incentive Bill 288 and Senate Bill nine passed by this body, and thank you very much for that. We must do more to build a climate friendly transportation future, and AB 2503 helps achieve that vision. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, No's 5. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 220. Senator Nielo is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 20618 by Assembly Member Shin and acclaim to local government.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, floor is yours.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present AB 20618 by Assemblyman Chen.
- Roger Niello
AB 20618 extends an existing sunset date that grants local agencies the authority to invest up to 50%, rather than 30% of its surplus funds in deposits at a commercial bank, savings bank, savings and loan Association, or credit union from January 1 of 2026 to January 1 of 2031.
- Roger Niello
The measure maintains flexibility for local agencies and banks as they work together in managing local agency funds and in servicing their communities. I respectfully request and I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call hearing? Seeing none. Ayes 39, noes zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to final item 227. Senator Laird? He is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2723 by Assembly Member Irwin. Enact relating to education data and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- John Laird
Senator Laird? Thank you very much, Mister President. This Bill provides updates to the cradle to career data system. I represent the Senate. The author of the Bill represents the Assembly on the board. This is relatively new, and with any new entity, there are aspects of its governing statute that would benefit from refinement.
- John Laird
So this Bill clarifies the role in relation to data that is maintained and importantly, directs Californians who want to exercise their privacy rights to data providers who have the ability to honor these rights. There's support on both sides. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on file item 227? Seeing none. Secretary, please call the row 227. All right. Yes. Okay, Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Ayes 39 on the urgency. All right, we do have an objection. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Roll]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members one more time. Limone. Ayes 39. noes, one on the urgency. Eyes 39 noes, one on the measure. Measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 228. Senator Durazo is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2735 by Assembly Member Blanca Rubio and accurately into water corporations. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mister President. AB 2735 rises out of clear need to protect both consumers and our water providers from uncertainty posed by the current State of California's insurance market. This Bill looks to provide stability for the existing market by establishing an alternative insurance option for our state's water providers.
- María Elena Durazo
The California Fair plan has provided a backstop for entities seeking coverage when they otherwise have not been able to. However, it has become abundantly clear that this existing system is in jeopardy. This is being felt by the water providers across the state.
- María Elena Durazo
AB 2735 provides a unique, explicitly permissive solution to the complex problem for our water providers. This Bill would help stabilize water rates while stabilizing the utilization of the fair plan. It's a model for other utilities, and I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Evening c nine. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 228.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes. 38, noes to the measure. Passes. Now moving on to file item two. Three. Two. Senator Durazo again, she is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2847 by its limit Member Addis and act relating to electrical and gas corporations.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, the floor is yours.
- Bill Dodd
Thank you, Mister President. It's no secret energy rates are skyrocketing, impacting real people across California. And families are struggling to pay their monthly bills. Residents of our state deserve to know two things. What to expect when they open their monthly energy Bill. And that all of the costs included in their Bill are fair and reasonable.
- Bill Dodd
This Bill will shine a light on the long term impact of utilities choices. It will require utilities provide estimates of the long term costs of their capital expenses upfront when making their case to the Public Utilities Commission. Recent amendments add important guard rails to the Bill, only requiring these estimates when the Commission determines they are necessary.
- Bill Dodd
This will ensure the Commission, ratepayers, advocates and hardworking Californians have the information they need to determine whether utilities should be allowed to pass these costs along to their customers. I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing c none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 323.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Wilk, aye. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes. 32 noes eight. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 243. Senator Wiener, he is ready. Secretary, you may.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3206, by Assembly McKinner, an acrylate to alcoholic beverages.
- Scott Wiener
Senator Wiener, the floor is yours. Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, rise to present AB 326 on behalf of Assemblymember McKinner. This Bill allows for a specific entertainment venue in Englewood to offer after hours alcohol sales under limited circumstances. Sunsetting in 2030. As California cities are seeking to navigate a growing demand for retail alcohol sales after 02:00 a.m.
- Scott Wiener
AB 3206 takes a new approach to balance public health and safety. The Bill includes a number of safeguards, including limiting the size of the venue, limiting the number of customers allowed in the venue, limiting the days that the venue can offer after our alcohol sales, and requiring local approval to mitigate potential public health and safety concerns.
- Scott Wiener
This Bill is a narrow Bill that allows for a specific venue, not an entire city, to offer these sales. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any discussion or debate on this item. Senator Seyarto? Aye. Members.
- Kelly Seyarto
I oppose this Bill. This is actually a very exclusive club inside a venue that's being built right now that will only allow exclusive members to drink until 04:00 in the morning, and then we turn them loose on the streets of Inglewood, which is a city that I used to serve.
- Kelly Seyarto
That is the last thing that that city needs. If they think that opening venues and having drinking till 04:00 in the morning is good for just exclusive groups, then it should be for everyone. And my contention is it's not good for anyone. So I would encourage a no vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Ashby?
- Angelique Ashby
Yes. Thank you, Mister President. I just wanted to rise in support of the Bill and on behalf of colleagues in the room and say that it is a very narrow, narrowly tailored exception and urgent. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Durazo?
- María Elena Durazo
Yes, I agree with many of the issues raised by this Bill, and I'm going to try in the future to pay more attention that this doesn't become one example after another after another. But because it's extremely narrow, I will support today.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c, none. Senator Wiener, would you like to close?
- Scott Wiener
On behalf of Assemblymember McKinner, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Secretary. Please call the roll on file item 243.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
No. Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Roll]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members. Blakespear.
- Committee Secretary
No. Eggman Jones, Laird Newman revealed.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 23 Nos. 12. The measure passes now. Members, removing the file item 246. Senator Stern is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 20513 by Assemblymember Pellerin. Act relating to gas stoves.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Stern, the floor is yours.
- Henry Stern
Yes. Thank you, Mister President.
- Henry Stern
Members, this would be a consumer protection Bill that would require consumer labels on certain home kitchen appliances to ensure that the best available scientific data is made available to consumers, disclosing risks of indoor air pollution, exposure to nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, and other carcinogenic byproducts that can cause harmful health effects, including childhood asthma.
- Henry Stern
By making this information available to consumers, this Bill will help make purchasers make more informed decisions. This Bill is a support of American Lung Association, American Academy of Pediatrics breast care prevention partners Sierra Club respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
No. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Stern moves the call now, Members, we're moving on to file item 249. Senator Jones?
- Unidentified Speaker
Senator Jones?
- Steven Bradford
Senator Jones, are you prepared?
- Brian Jones
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read a Assembly Bill. 1890 by Assemblymember Joe Patterson. An act relating to public works. Senator Jones?
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I'm presenting file item 249 by our esteemed colleague in the Assembly, Joe Patterson.
- Brian Jones
1890 will require awarding agencies of public works projects to update their project registration with the Department of Industrial Relations and Situations when a contractor or a subcontractor performing work on an existing project is changed or the total cost of the public works contract changes on behalf.
- Brian Jones
I'm presenting this on behalf of Joe Patterson in 1890, is sponsored by the California Nevada Conference of Operating Engineers and received unanimous support in both houses. I ask for your aye vote
- Steven Bradford
No further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing C. None. This is eligible for unanswerable. All right, we're going to call the roll on this item. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 249.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
[Second Roll] Ayes 40, No's zero. The measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 254. Senator Glazier, he is ready. Secretary, you may read, but somebody Bill.
- Steven Bradford
2443 by some Member Juan guerrilla enact relating to taxation and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mister President. Thank you for your good work today. Appreciate it. On behalf of Assemblymember Juan Carrillo, this is a district specific Bill that would allow three cities, Victorville, Lancaster and Palmdale, to impose a transaction and use tax to support countywide transportation programs and General services at a rate of no more than 1%.
- Steven Glazer
The board or respective City Council must adopt an ordinance proposed opposing the tax, and the voters must approve it. The Bill would raise critical resources at the local level for a district that has been historically left behind. And with that, respectfully ask for an. I vote any further discussion or debate on this item.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Mister President. I typically do not vote for anything that would resemble a tax increase, but these three cities happen to be in my senatorial district, and they have been historically underfunded, whether it's been downtown LA or downtown San Bernardino.
- Scott Wilk
And they are willing to take on the burden themselves to build the infrastructure that our former PT loves so much and to have a better quality of life. So I don't have a problem with taxes if it has a direct correlation to something that benefits the people.
- Scott Wilk
So with that, I'm going to be voting eye on this Bill today.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing? Sena and Senator Glazer, would you like to close?
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mister President. Senator Wilk has said it well. The local control choice, money and resources that are raised go directly to those jurisdictions. With that, respectfully ask for your I vote today.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Please call the roll on a file item 254.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Wilk aye. Please call the absent Members. Alvarado-Gil no.
- Committee Secretary
[Rll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. The measure passes on the urgency eyes 30, noes, nine on the urgency eyes 30, noes, nine on the measure.
- Steven Bradford
Now Members, removing the file item 255. Senator Stern, are you prepared?
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you can read assuming Bill 1983 by assuming Member Maienschein and act relating to taxation and making an appropriation. Therefore, Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Mister President. Members, this Bill reinstates a tax checkoff program administered by the Department of Food and Agriculture, which allows Californians to donate a portion of their tax refund to Fund grants for Low cost free spay and neuter programs with rising veterinary costs and limited access to care for pet overpopulation. Significant issue.
- Henry Stern
This Bill has no opposition. Respectfully asked for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c none. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying unanimous roll call to item 255? Seeing none, eyes 39 no zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 267. Senator Limone, she is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 2541 by Assembly Member Baines. An act relating to peace officer training. Thank you, Senator Limone.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, President and colleagues. AB 2541 authored by Assemblymember Doctor Jasmeet Baines, will direct posts to create guidelines to address wandering wandering of individuals who are living with Alzheimer's disease, autism or dementia. AB 2541 has no opposition and has passed through both houses with bipartisan support. Respectfully. As for an I vote, any further.
- Steven Bradford
Discussion or debate on this item? Members, this is eligible for UNams roll call. Is there any objection to applying the enams roll call to this measure? Hearing c none. Ayes 39 knows zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 280. Senator Dodd, he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2832 by Assemblymember Ward and act relating to economic development and making an appropriation.
- Bill Dodd
Therefore, Senator Dodd. Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise to present AB 2832 on behalf of Assemblymember Ward.
- Bill Dodd
The Bill authorizes funds expended from the California agriculture export promotion account to be used for additional activities to promote the sale of California agricultural products and foreign markets and expands current authority for the governor's Office of Business and Economic Development to promote international trade and investment. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing it seeing none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying to unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Ayes 39, no's zero. This measure passes. Now to item 291. Senator Laird, he's always ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2628 by Assembly Member Hart and ACC relating to the California State Auditor and making an appropriation.
- John Laird
Therefore, Senator Laird thank you very much. This Bill modifies the schedule of judicial branch audits and mandates that the State Auditor publish annual reports and recommendations on a publicly accessible website. There's support on both sides. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing see none. This too is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objections to applying to unanimous roll call? Ayes 30 nice 39. No, zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 292. Senator Dahle, he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 1902 by Assembly Member Alanis and accolade to healing arts.
- Brian Dahle
Senator Dahle. Thank you, Mister President. I am presenting AB 1902 on behalf of Issammer Al Neese. AB 1902 would require pharmacy dispensers to provide accessible prescription labels to patients who are blind or have low vision. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call on this measure? See none. Ayes 39, noes, zero. The measure passes. Members, we're going to ask you to take the noise off the floor.
- Steven Bradford
It's kind of hard to hear right now, so please moving on to file item 297. Senator Min, he's ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 3025 by assembly member Valencia and acclaimed the county employee's retirement.
- Dave Min
Senator Min. Thank you, Mister President. This Bill is support support at Safeguards county pensions.
- Steven Bradford
Respectfully astride vote. Any discussion or debate on this item? There is none. This is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Any objection? See none. Eyes 39 knows zero. This measure passes. Now to file item 298. Senator Padilla.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2553 by Assembly Member Friedman and an act relating to land use.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, the floor is yours.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues arise to present AB 2553 by Assembly Member Friedman, which requires local governments to set lower traffic impact mitigation fees for transit oriented housing developments near major transit stops or transit priority area instead of just a transit station.
- Steve Padilla
It also updates the definition of major transit stop to reflect post Covid service levels. The mitigation fee act requires impact fees to be set at a lower rate for housing development projects that generate reduced vehicular trips.
- Steve Padilla
Currently, the law requires the housing development to be within one half mile of a transit station, which is a narrow definition that excludes many projects well served by transit.
- Steve Padilla
This Bill requires local agencies to consider reducing impact fees for housing development impacts under the new definitions, which will in effect, increase the number of developments that qualify for reduction compared to the current definition. This Bill has bipartisan support and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion debate on this item. Seeing none secretary, please call the roll-on file item 298.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Roll]
- Steven Bradford
We're going to call the absent Members one more time. Dahle Grove, Mcguire. Ayes 33, No's, four. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 299. Senator Ochoa Bogh. She's ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2053 by Assembly Member Mathis and act relating to people instruction.
- Steven Bradford
Mister Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Mister President and Members, I rise to present AB 2053, which requires school districts to include information on programs and services available regarding adolescent relationship abuse and intimate partner violence. Middle and high school students would receive this important information during their comprehensive sexual health education courses. The Bill passed both houses with unanimous support.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, this is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call? See none. Ayes, 39, noes, zero. The measure passes. Now moving on. Just file item 315.
- Committee Secretary
Senator Laird, secretary may read Assembly Bill 2176 by assemblymember Berman. And accolading to juveniles.
- John Laird
Senator Laird. Thank you, Mister President. AB 2176 requires the Office of Youth and Community Restoration to maintain an annual report on chronic absenteeism rates juvenile court schools. It also allows the office to provide technical assistance in order to address the root causes of chronic absenteeism in a court school. Their support on both sides.
- John Laird
I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any additional discussion on this matter? Seeing none, this too is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to the unanimous roll call? Ayes, 39 knows zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 317. Senator Rubio. She's getting ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2371 by Assembly Member Juan Carrillo. An act relating to electric electrified security fences and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately. Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mister President. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, today I rise to present Assembly built 2371 on behalf of Assemblymember Juan Carrillo, this Bill builds on the track record of existing law to address the escalating incidents of property theft and damage against government agencies and businesses that store heavy inventory.
- Susan Rubio
These fences serve as a deterrent and are effective way to set up an alarm, particularly for businesses that have equipment or inventories that must be stored outdoors.
- Susan Rubio
The goal of this Bill is to give our local businesses that are struggling the ability to safeguard their inventory and facilities, as well as their livelihood by allowing this access to a safe and effective tool to protect their property. With that, I respectfully ask for your. I vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Eyes 39, no zero on the urgency. Ayes 39. no zero on the measure. Measure passes. Now to file item 321. Cortese. Senator, he's ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3234 by Assembly Member Ortega and act related to private employment. Senator Cortese, the floor is yours.
- Dave Cortese
Well, thank you, Mister President. Senators, arise. Present AB 3234 on behalf of Assemblymember Liz or Ortega. This is a Bill that simply requires companies who voluntarily undergo a social compliance audit to post those findings of that audit relating to child labor on their website.
- Dave Cortese
The social compliance audit is a non governmental audit by a private firm that reviews a facility to ensure that an employer is compliant with all applicable labor laws. Bill provides transparency. It allows consumers to support companies that follow labor laws and company shareholders to know how they are performing and when they need to improve.
- Dave Cortese
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion debate on this item hearing c none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 321.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 322. Senator Limone, she is ready. Secretary, you may read what, assuming Bill 310. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I missed. Senator Ochoa. It's 322. Ochoa Bogh. My bad.
- Committee Secretary
She's ready. Secretary, please rate Assembly Bill 310 by Assembly Member Arambala an act relating to state Department of State hospitals. Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise to present AB 310, which will require a report to the Legislature with information on the amount budgeted and spent for civil service psychiatrist serving at California State hospitals. This data will be used to inform future policies that will ensure safe staffing levels and improve patient outcomes.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
We must do more to ensure the work performed at our state hospitals result in the maximum benefit to public safety and patient success. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Cortese, are you up on this item? I see your mic. Okay. Just want to make sure. See. No further discussion or debate on this item. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 22322.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members. [Second Roll] Aye 39, No zero. The measure passes. Members, we're down there. Our final 10 items. We're doing good, making good pace, but we need to keep the noise down so we can keep on moving and get through this. So, thank you for your cooperation.
- Steven Bradford
Next up is file item 323. Senator Limone, she's ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2633 by Assembly Member Alvarez and accolading to post-secondary education. Senator Limone.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. Colleagues. I rise on behalf of Assembly Member Alvarez to present AB 26, which would allow California State University to award joint undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees in partnership with international institutions. AB 2633 has received bipartisan support and has no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing c, none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying a unanimous roll call? Seeing none, ayes, 39. noes, zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item three. 31. Senator Laird, he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 1137 by summit Member Joan-Sawyer. An act relating to public employment.
- John Laird
Senator Laird. Thank you, Mister President. AB 1137 will ensure fairness in state employment by providing equitable benefits to state supervisors and managers. Currently excluded employees, such as state supervisors and managers, do not have collective bargaining rights and are only able to access better benefits through legislation.
- John Laird
This Bill will provide the state supervisors and managers with notification when they are denied a merit based salary adjustment and with overtime pay for time worked on premium holidays. It'll provide some equity. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item c? None. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 331.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members. Ayes 31. noes seven. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 401. Senator Portantino are you four. I'm sorry.
- Dave Min
Senator Porntino. Thank you, Mister President. And Members, I rise to present AB 2889.
- Steven Bradford
1 minute, Mister. Senator Lutt to Secretary Reid, please.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2889 by Islamic Members of ER an accurately to local public employee relations.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Portantino.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise on behalf of Assembly Members of Bird represent AB 2889 which helps resolve labor disputes more efficiently and effectively and within the Los Angeles County and City of Los Angeles public Employees Relations Board currently has oversight jurisdiction over disputes between almost all public agency employees and employers.
- Dave Min
However, current law provides the city and County of Los Angeles with a local alternative to per oversight. These local alternatives, which are local employee relations entities, have the power to investigate unfair practice charges. And the local bodies do not afford our workers with the same protections afforded by PERB.
- Dave Min
This Bill is not only about aligning labor practices across the state. It's also about fairness for all public sector employees in California. AB 2889 provides PERb with exclusive initial jurisdiction over requests for injunctive relief by both the city and County of Los Angeles, just as already has for other public agencies and the rest of the state.
- Dave Min
It also clarifies that local employees relation entities in the city and county do not have the authority to award damages resulting from a strike. This ensures that local public sector unions in the city and County of Los Angeles have the same protections from union busting tactics that all other unions under perb jurisdictions have and I respect.
- Dave Min
The Bill is sponsored by SEIU California and ask me California and the union, American physicians and I Union of American Physicians and Dentists and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item c? None. Secretary, please call a roll on file item 402.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the APPC Members. Ayes 29, noes nine. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 412. Senator Durazzo, she is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read assuming Bill 3142 by Assembly Member Joan Sawyer and accolade to public post-secondary education. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mister President. AB 3142 expands the California Climate Change Education center at West Los Angeles College by adding a mobile unit in order to improve the reach of the current center.
- María Elena Durazo
This Bill follows efforts from Governor Newsom and the community colleges to meet future workforce needs in climate action, including the creation of the Climate Change Education center at West Los Angeles College.
- María Elena Durazo
This Bill will further the governor's plan by helping the climate change Education center reach students where they're at with hands on learning and internship opportunities and codifying the center in state law. This Bill has received bipartisan support and has no registered opposition. I respectfully ask for you. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Seeing none, hearing none. Secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call] Please call the absent members [Second Roll]. Ayes 35 nos zero the measure passes now, Members, we're moving on to file item 475.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Dodd, he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2622 by Assembly Member Juan Carrillo. An act relating to contractors.
- Bill Dodd
Senator Dodd good afternoon, Mister President and Senators. Today I rise to present Assembly Bill 2622 on behalf of Assemblymember Juan Carrillo. This bipartisan Bill raises the minimum work exemption for unlicensed contractors from $500 to 1000, provided that these professionals do not undertake projects requiring a building permit and do not hire any employees.
- Bill Dodd
Currently, the labor and material costs of simple projects easily surpass $500, meaning that unlicensed professionals are taking on these small jobs illegally. By increasing the threshold, AB 2622 ensures handyman can quickly and legally build a portfolio and eventually qualify for an exam waiver.
- Bill Dodd
This Bill is also an important step to ensure that handymen can make a living while also protecting consumers and hopefully increasing the number of potential licensees. I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c, none. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using the unanimous roll call? Hearing c none. Eyes 39 note zero. The measure passes. Now on to file item 561.
- Committee Secretary
Senator Durazzo Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 2586 by Assembly Member Alvarez, an act relating to public post secondary education.
- María Elena Durazo
Senator Durazzo thank you, Mister President. I rise to present this Bill by Assemblymember Alvarez every day. Undocumented students take a risk. Despite unjust barriers that they come across, they continue to be persistent, resilient, and brilliant students.
- María Elena Durazo
However, these students are unable to be paid for their work or obtained on campus jobs, which significantly impacts their ability to make payments toward their tuition, supplies, housing, and other basic needs. California is home to 83,000 undocumented students.
- María Elena Durazo
However, the number of DACA eligible students on campuses has been consistently decreasing as court restrictions and eligibility criteria narrow access for this young generation. This Bill will provide equal access to campus employment opportunities for these students while they earn their degrees, regardless of their immigration status.
- María Elena Durazo
At the UC, Cal states and community colleges, dozens of the nation's leading legal scholars have identified that the federal prohibition on hiring undocumented people does nothing, includes state entities like the University of California, Cal State University, and California community colleges.
- María Elena Durazo
2856 AB 2586 allows students to be in the applicant pool and levels a playing field for opportunities. These are students who have been vetted by our academic institutions. These are students that have been promised that if they work hard, they will have a future.
- María Elena Durazo
We have invested in them, and now we need to give them the opportunity to work. AB 2586. Employment opportunity for all is what we need. I urge your I vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this measure hearing? Senator, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes eight. The measure passes now, Members moving on to file item 623. Senator Dodd, he is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read a Assembly Bill 2428 by Assembly Member Calderon. An act relating to Medi Cal.
- Bill Dodd
Senator Dodd. Thank you, Mister President. Members, I raised raise I rise to present Assembly Bill 2428 on behalf of Assemblymember Lisa Calderon. Assembly Bill 2428 establishes the Medi Cal fee for the service rate as a floor in the Medi Cal managed care plan contracts with community based adult day service providers.
- Bill Dodd
This Bill will ensure that a vulnerable and growing population of elderly Californians can still access these services for years to come. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
And I respectfully ask your I vote any further discussion or debate on this item hearing. Sena Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying the unanimous roll call hearing? Seeing none. Ayes 39, noes zero. The measure passes.
- Steven Bradford
Members, we're moving back to motions and resolutions. Senator Limon, you recognize.
- Monique Limón
I would like to ask for reconsideration. For reconsideration on file item 243, AB 3206.
- Unidentified Speaker
Right. That's what I do.
- Steven Bradford
Is there any objection to that, Senator Dodd? No. Senator Archuleta, is there objection? Seeing no objection, reconsideration is granted. Eyes 39 no, zero. Secretary. Now please call the roll on a file item 243.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 21, noes 14. The measure passes. Moving back to motions and resolutions, Members, now is the time. Senator Dodd. Yes, Mister chair?
- Bill Dodd
Request from the author that AB 2996 file item number 493 be removed from the special consent.
- Steven Bradford
The decimal note. Thank you, Senator Gonzalez.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister President. Please remove the following bills from the inactive file. AB 365, AB 224 and AB 98 from Assembly Majority leader Aguirre Curry.
- Steven Bradford
The justifiable note. Thank you, Senator Hurtado.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mister President. At the request of the author, please remove file item 143, AB 2376 spains from the special consent file.
- Steven Bradford
The deaths will note any additional items. What do you need? A little louder now, Members. We're going to lift a call. First item up is file item 246. Secretary, please call the row.
- Committee Secretary
Ashby, Atkins, Caballero, Glazer, Otaro, Mcguire. Aye. Min. Newman, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Amberg, Bradford, Ida. No.
- Steven Bradford
Senator moves a call now. Members, we're moving to unfinished business. Members, we need to keep the noise down, please. We're moving to unfinished business. We have three items. First moving. First item is file item 56. Senator Allen is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 863 by Senator Allen enact relating to elections. Senator Allen.
- Benjamin Allen
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill is back on concurrence. It gives the Legislature more flexibility to determine when constitutional amendments will appear before voters. There were some technical and clarifying amendments in the Assembly and I respect fast for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Is there any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c nine. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 56.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye. Aye. 31 no, nine. The measure passes. The amendments are concurred in Members. Now we're moving on to file item 58. We have Senator Caballero. Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1140.
- Committee Secretary
By Senator Caballero, an act relating to local government.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, floor is yours.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President. Members, SB 1140 is back for concurrence. This is an efficiency Bill. The amendments in the Assembly addressed chaptering conflict. Bill has no opposition, and I respectfully. Ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing-seeing none, secretary, please call the roll on file item 58.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Eyes 32, noes seven. The amendments are concurred in. Now moving on to file item 59. Senator Dodd, secretary, you may read Senate.
- Committee Secretary
Bill 1379 by Senator Dodd. Enact relating to public retirement and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Bill Dodd
Senator Dodd. Thank you, Mister President. Members, SB 1379, district bill is back on concurrence. I respectfully aske for your aye vote on this important bill.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may c