Assembly Standing Committee on Business and Professions
- Marc Berman
Good morning, everyone. Out of courtesy, we're going to wait for another two minutes for a Republican colleague to show up. And if they don't, we're just going to get started. But for all of the staff of the members on the committee who are watching, go find your member, drag them to room 1100.
- Marc Berman
The sooner everyone gets here, the sooner everyone can go about their married day. I hear they have stale english muffins and peanut butter in the members lounge. So let's do this. I'm ready. Okay. Thanks, folks. Bye bye now. All right, we spoke it into existence. Good morning.
- Marc Berman
Welcome to today's Business and Professions Committee hearing, where we will be hearing just one very important bill that was referred to this Committee. Preservative Rule 77.2, Senate Bill 1451, by Senator and Senate BNP chair Ashby. I know you call it something other than BNP. It's BNP and other things.
- Marc Berman
As with all our hearings, we will be allowing primary witnesses to speak for up to two minutes each, with up to two primary witnesses per side. Witnesses are encouraged to tailor their remarks to provisions in the bill that were not previously discussed when the bill was heard and passed by this Committee earlier in the year.
- Marc Berman
Any additional witnesses will be limited to name position on the bill and the organization they represent, if any. For those wishing to provide further comments, we are accepting written testimony through the position letter portal on the Committee's website. And with that, we will begin today's hearing. Chair Ashby, ready when you are.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you so much. I call it BPED because I don't like to leave the economic development component out. Darn right.
- Marc Berman
Important for the state and our taxes.
- Angelique Ashby
Yes, correct. Good morning, members. Happy last week of session, SB 1451 already passed this Committee, so if this feels like deja vu, that's because it is. We did this same song and dance on June 25, and since then, it's been amended to respond to multiple stakeholders. And when I say multiple, I mean never ending stakeholder discussions.
- Angelique Ashby
Administration has requested a few technical changes, and there have been various other changes that enhance the operations of numerous regulatory programs. It's an important bill. I know you know that. I respectfully request your. aye vote.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Chair Ashby. Do you have any primary witnesses in support?
- Angelique Ashby
I think they're just going to speak from the microphone and try to help us move it along.
- Marc Berman
Beautiful. Any primary witnesses in opposition? You want to come on up to the. Come on up. Two minutes. Two minutes each. Two primary witnesses in opposition? We don't need two. One is sufficient. Yeah. Yes. Is that okay?
- George Soares
Please. Hey, good morning. Good morning, chair Members. George Soares, the California Medical Association respectfully still opposed unless amended to SB 1451? We do want to thank the Senator and her staff and this Committee for all of the hard work on this over the, you know, past many months.
- George Soares
And we understand it's really complex, but we still have to be here to reflect our position. We have one primary concern remaining, and that deals with the transition to practice. The bill still eliminates the requirement that a nurse practitioner must complete a variation of a three-year requirement in one of six different medical categories.
- George Soares
And we would still respectfully request that there's some portion of that proven in one of those six specialty categories.
- George Soares
Just wanted to reflect as well the recent amendment on the extension of pharmacists prescribing Paxlovid for one more year that we have concerns with that. We appreciate the consideration and the time, and happy to answer questions at the appropriate time.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, sir. Any additional witnesses? Any additional primary witnesses in opposition? Seeing none. Let's just do everyone at once. Me, too. Support or oppose? Come one, come all. Name organization you're with, if any imposition on the Bill.
- Kristy Wiese
Good morning. Kristy Wiese, capitol advocacy on behalf of the California Association for Nurse Practitioners in support. Really appreciate the Senators work on clarifying and cleaning up some of the implementation issues from AB 890. We respectfully disagree with our colleagues in opposition from CMA, but we'll save that conversation for another day. Thank you.
- Marc Berman
We're going to consider that a tricky primary witness in support who waited for the opposition so that they could then counter their arguments.
- Lindsay Gullahorn
Good morning. Lindsay Gullahorn with capital advocacy on behalf of the California Community Pharmacy Coalition, in support.
- Marc Berman
Thank you.
- Lizzie Cootsona
Good morning. Lizzie Cootsona here on behalf of the California Moving and Storage Association, in support. Thank you.
- Marc Berman
Thank you.
- Jennifer Tannehill
Good morning. Jennifer Tannehill here with Aaron Read & Associates on behalf of the California Dental Hygienists Association in support and very grateful for all the work that staff and the Committee has done on this monumental bill.
- Matt Lege
Thank you. Good morning. Matt Lege with SEIU California in support and want to just appreciate the PTL cleanup as well. Thank you.
- Aaron Bone
Aaron Bone with the Medical Board of California in support of the provisions related to the PTL cleanup as well.
- Ryan Spencer
Thank you. Ryan Spencer on behalf of the California Podiatric Medical Association. They actually don't have a position on bill, but we would like to thank the author, the chair, and especially the Committee, Sultan Robbie, for their help on the most recent amendments to fix an. Issue very important to the podiatrist. Thank you. Thank you.
- Chris Kahn
Chris Kahn, representing Pfizer, in support. Thank you very much.
- Salomon Stupp
Salomon Stupp, on behalf of the Liz initiative for pet protection. Very, very, very strong support for the Bill.
- Marc Berman
All right. Thank you.
- Lauren McLaughlin
Good morning. Lauren McLaughlin, California massage therapy certified massage therapist 27187. Very much in support. And we appreciate that you're looking at term limits. We support that. There are directors on the board that have been there 14 out of 15 years. Thank you.
- Marc Berman
Thank you very much. Any additional witnesses who want to add on? Seeing none. Any colleagues with any questions or comments? We will take those under advisement until we get a quorum. Hopefully we'll get a quorum soon, madam.
- Angelique Ashby
At the appropriate time. Urge an aye vote. And thank you so much for your time and wish you all the best of luck this week.
- Marc Berman
You too. Thank you very much. Once again, I'd like to sincerely thank Senator Ashby and her staff. Well, Senator Ashby, for volunteering to author one of the longest bills before this year, and her staff for all the great work on the bill, which has gotten a little longer since we heard it earlier this year.
- Marc Berman
I appreciate your continued work to address stakeholder concerns, including through amendments narrowing what was previously heard and passed by this Committee. So we have narrowed what was previously passed by this Committee.
- Marc Berman
And I continue to believe that this bill is worthy of passage, particularly given new provisions recently added to this bill that I agree are important and timely. I'll be happy to support the bill when we have a quorum. Thank you very much. Thank you everybody. So 12346, we're four away. Come on folks. Come on folks.
- Marc Berman
I haven't finished my coffee for the morning. I thought that was. I'm going to turn the mic off.
- Marc Berman
Is that eight? Did we lose one? That's eight.
- Marc Berman
All right. B&P team members. Last person to show up is kicked off the Committee next year. How about that? Is that a good. I have zero authority over that. So it's a totally fake threat, but all right, we're nine. We got nine. One more, we can do it. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Marc Berman
That just means that I was wondering why we weren't at 9:30. All right y'all. There we are. Mister secretary, please call the roll. Please do the quorum. That's calling the roll as opposed to calling the vote.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Marc Berman
We have a quorum. Mister secretary. We need a motion and a second on the bill. Got Gail, got Heath. Got Tina. We got a lot. Mister secretary. Mister fill-in secretary. Please call the roll. Please call the vote.
- Committee Secretary
SB 1451. The motion is do pass. [Roll Call]
- Marc Berman
That bill is on call. We'll wait for absent members. Just remember, last member loses their seat after they vote because we need their vote. Yeah. Yes. Thank you very much, Mister Secretary. Please open up the roll on AB. What is it? 1491. SB 1451.
- Marc Berman
Yes. Thank you very much. Mister Secretary please open up the roll on AB. What is it? 1491? SB 1451.
- Committee Secretary
1451. Motion is do pass. [Roll call]
- Marc Berman
Thank you, sir. That bill is out. We will leave the roll open for absent Members for a couple of minutes. For a couple minutes. Come on, folks. Come on down. Appreciate you.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Marc Berman
Which committee?
- Committee Secretary
SB 1451. [Roll call]
- Marc Berman
So, I just was informed that as we wait for a couple of colleagues. Today is a very special day. It is the 28th birthday. I feel like that's a safe number. I have no idea. It is Vince G's birthday. So, while we're waiting, let's all sing Happy Birthday to Vince. You ready? One, two, three.
- Marc Berman
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Vincent. Vincent? No. Happy birthday to you. Yay. Happy birthday, Vince. I'd have brought donuts. Next time. Next time. Next birth, next birthday. We will be in session. Okay, good deal. Awesome. Happy birthday.
- Marc Berman
Good morning, Assembly Member Soria. I hope banking was delightful. Almost. Almost. Go ahead.
- Committee Secretary
SB 1451. [Roll call]
- Marc Berman
That's it. Thank you, Assembly Member Soria. So, we've told people privately, but we're going to hold the roll open for another four minutes. So, folks got till 9:30, and then we're going to shut it down. Thank you, Assembly Member Soria.
- Marc Berman
We need to start taking bets. When do we think the Niners will sign Brandon Aiyuk. Today? What's that? When? Like soon. Real real soon. I feel like we. That was the last pre-season game. I feel like we pushed things as far as we can. What's? Where's my? I know, I thought he was gonna be next. Needless to say, it's gone longer than I expected. September 9th, Monday night game.
- Marc Berman
It's now 9:31. So clearly, I'm a liar. But I've been assured that Assembly Member Grayson is on his way. And because we've been serving his final Committee vote. I was about to sing your praises Assembly Member Grayson. Good to see. Do you want a minute? Do you need to catch a breath? No. Okay, we're ready.
- Committee Secretary
SB 1451. [Roll call]
- Marc Berman
Thank you, my friend. Yeah, my pleasure. Assembly Member Grayson and I got elected together in 2016. He's now moving on to bigger and better things, where he's going to kill all my bills in the Senate. It's not nice. Yeah, but I'm going to remember that. We have it on video that he said he's my partner.
- Marc Berman
You're going to remember that next four years. Thank you, brother. All right, so that bill. What's the final? We'll just announce the final vote is out, 14 to one. And that is the conclusion of our hearing. Thank you, everyone.