Senate Standing Committee on Revenue and Taxation
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call] You have a quorum.
- Steven Glazer
Great. Thank you all for being here. We have one Bill to present today. It's Assembly Bill, 1878 by Assemblymember Garcia. Sir, welcome to the Committee. You can begin when you're ready.
- Eduardo Garcia
Thank you very much. The Bill before you and the recent amendments taken reflect an agreement between leadership, Senate and the Assembly.
- Eduardo Garcia
The goal of the bill is to overcome obstacles that tribal nations have in accessing housing dollars here in the State of California to build out what is much needed a housing supply for the entire state with a focus on Indian nations throughout California. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you very much. Do you have any lead witnesses to be here? We're going to open it up to Members of the public who'd like to step up and say they're in support to come on up to the microphone. Great, thank you. Anyone else here in the hearing room? All right, we're going to move to opposition.
- Steven Glazer
Is there anybody here in the hearing room in opposition to the measure? Anyone here in opposition? All right, scene none. We'll bring it back to the committee for discussion and comments. Members, any questions or comments? I'm happy to support your bill. Thank you for presenting and leading it. I'm going to recognize a motion from Senator Dahle.
- Steven Glazer
This is a do pass to the Senate Floor. The secretary that the measure be returned to the Senate Floor for consideration. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Glazer
6-0. That has six votes to get out. Thank you for that. We're going to wait for a moment for absent members to add on so that will be in recess. Thank you members for being here. Okay, so we're going to bring the Senate Committee on Revenue Tax will come out of recess. We have one bill on call.
- Steven Glazer
It's Assembly Bill 1878. Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
Motion is that the measure be returned to the Senate Floor for consideration. Current vote is 6-0 with the chair and Vice Chair voting aye. [Roll Call] Seven to zero.
- Steven Glazer
That Bill is out, seven to zero. Thank you all for your participation today. This committee is adjourned.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion:Ā Ā August 30, 2024
Previous bill discussion:Ā Ā May 23, 2024