Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assemblymember Flora notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, it's now 10:20 a.m. we have work to do so we would love it if Members would come to the floor so we can begin our floor session. Members, please report to the floor.
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. Today's prayer will be offered by Assemblymember Flora.
- Heath Flora
Colleagues, join me. We invoke your blessing upon the legislators gathered here today. Direct them to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God as they represent the aspirations of the people of California. In your name we pray. Amen.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assemblymember Flora. Please join Assemblymember Rubio as she leads us in the pledge.
- Blanca Rubio
Members, place your right hand over your heart. Ready, begin. I pledge allegiance of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. You may be seated. Reading to the previous day's journal.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Chamber of Sacramento Monday, August 12, 2024 the Assembly met at 01:00 p.m.
- Jim Wood
Ms. Aguiar-Curry moves and Mr. Flora seconds that the reading of the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions, there are none. Introduction and reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor, there are none. Messages from the Senate. There are none. Moving to motions and resolutions.
- Jim Wood
The absences for the day for illness, Assemblymember Ortega and Assemblymember Cervantes. Moving to procedural motions. Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good morning, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Speaker Rivas, Assemblymembers Holden, Agriuar-Curry, Nguyen, and Friedman to speak on an adjournment in memory today.
- Jim Wood
Without objections, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118A to allow Assemblymembers McCarty and Waldron to have guests seated at their desk and for Assemblymember Pacheco to have guests at the rear of the chamber today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
There are letters of the legislative intent at the desk relative to AB 828 Connolly and AB 2745 Mathis. I move to print the letters in the journal pursuant to Assembly Rule 42C.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
At the request of Assemblymembers Zbur, please move item 216, SB 959 Menjivar, to the inactive file.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will note.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
At the request of Assemblymember Kalra, I'm giving a one-day notice to remove item A-4, SB 441 Bradford, to the inactive file.
- Jim Wood
From the inactive file. Okay, great. Thank you. Clerk will note.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We received 76 ABs from the Senate for concurrence last night. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 77, the one-day waiting period to allow authors to take up their items today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order. Members, pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2, I am re-referring the following items. Item 31 AB 1122 by Dr. Baines to the Transportation Committee and item 60 AB 1505, Assemblymember Rodriguez to the Insurance Committee. We'll now move to our guest introductions and announcements. First of all, just a note.
- Jim Wood
Today is national tug of war day. I think that seems appropriate somehow and just for timing for people, for planning purposes today, caucuses will meet at 12 noon and recess. We'll have a recess at that point for our normal caucus meetings and our adjournment today is likely to be around 6:00 p.m.
- Jim Wood
As there is a reception for outgoing Members and that reception will be held in the basement of the Rotunda. And now I would like to recognize Assemblymember Pacheco for delivering remarks in tribute to our Assembly CFO Jatin Shah from Speaker Reavis's desk. Maybe not. Maybe from Majority Leader's desk or the Speaker's desk, I'm not sure.
- Jim Wood
I think from the Speaker's desk. Assemblymember Pacheco, you are recognized.
- Blanca Pacheco
Thank you. Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members, today I rise to honor Jatin Shah who was present our Chief Fiscal Officer who is retiring at the end of the year. Jatin was born and raised in India and immigrated to the United States in 1981.
- Blanca Pacheco
It is hard to imagine that someone with limited resources but abundant optimism would become the Assembly CFO 30 years later. But Jatin Shah is retiring after 32 years of dedicated service. He has supervised fiscal operations, managed budgets, and acted as the primary liaison for financial matters on behalf of the California State Assembly under 14 speakers.
- Blanca Pacheco
Jatin started with the Assembly in 1992 as an accounting supervisor, advancing to assistant fiscal officer, and then in 2014 was promoted to the CFO position. Jatin's public service career began in 1986 with what is now known as the California State Auditor.
- Blanca Pacheco
As an Auditor and licensed CPA, Jettine conducted financial and operational audits of state and local agencies. During a routine audit, he discovered fraud in one of the largest state agencies. It was during this time that Jatin found his true sense of purpose in public service.
- Blanca Pacheco
In 1990, he joined the Legislative Analyst Office as an accounting and payroll supervisor, implementing internal and accounting controls and budget modules. Since joining the Assembly, Jatin's fiscal expertise has guided leadership decisions and ensured fiscal responsibility. His contributions include implementing the Oracle financial system to help keep our financial management on track.
- Blanca Pacheco
Jatine is a proud resident of Sacramento, an active member of the East Indian community, and a benefactor of local Indian organizations, Jatin is passionate about providing financial guidance to the underprivileged, a commitment he plans to expand upon in his retirement.
- Blanca Pacheco
He also plans on reading, listening to classical music, following cricket, and taking long walks, but not thinking about how he can help. How he can save taxpayer money.
- Blanca Pacheco
Today, Jatin is joined by his devoted wife of 37 years, Mena, and their son Kunal, who holds degrees from Columbia University and the Wharton School, as well as numerous colleagues from the Assembly Rules Committee. Please join me in recognizing Jatin Shah on his exceptional career in public service and wishing him well in his retirement.
- Blanca Pacheco
We will all miss him.
- Jim Wood
I know Mr. Gibson, you have some, we have some other folks who would like to recognize Mr. Shah, so Assembly Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much Mr. Speaker. When I walked in, I saw Jatin, I asked Ms. Lopez what's going on. She told me that today was the day that he was retiring and being celebrated on the floor, so I had to raise my microphone.
- Mike Gipson
I met Jatin in 2014 when I was first elected to the California State Legislature. And he spent so much time with me, even to this day, spending time walking me through my budget, telling me what I can and cannot do. And when I elevated what I would like to do, he let me work it out.
- Mike Gipson
And I appreciate you so much. I didn't know that you spent all these years, 32 years with the State of California in your position as a fiscal officer. We appreciate you so much. Your lovely wife and family. We appreciate you for allowing him to serve all of us and thus the people of the State of California.
- Mike Gipson
My friend, I wish you well. I believe that the best still yet to come. I believe there's so much life in you. Please write the narrative, the journey moving forward. Please let us know about the great things that you will be able to embark upon because you will have time that you.
- Mike Gipson
On your hands, that you can do the things that you always wanted to do. But family is important. So spend that quality time with your family. And I just want to say thank you very much for making my life a lot better. God bless you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Gipson. Assemblymember Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you Mr. Speaker. I just want to rise and congratulate Jatin on such an incredible career. When I first got elected in December 2016, I was the first Indian American elected to the Legislature.
- Ash Kalra
And I don't care if it's your first day as a legislative aide or an intern or a Legislator, when you're in a place where you don't see a lot of people that look like you. It can make you feel a little insecure. It can make you feel a little out of place.
- Ash Kalra
And so I remember during the trainings when Jatin first gave a training and talked to us about stuff that was over my head regarding finances and kind of trying to get up to speed as to that aspect of our legislative work.
- Ash Kalra
Afterward, he came up to me and gave me his card and just recognized that we were in that room together. And so I want to thank you for being that role model, not just for me, but for so many others throughout so many, so many years.
- Ash Kalra
I think gratefully there are a lot more South Asians in this work, but it's because of people like you that trailblazed and gave us a place where we felt at home. So congratulations and thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Kara. Once again, Jatin, thank you so much for your service here. Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy your family. Members, today we will recognize Assemblymember McCarty and later in the day, Assemblymember Waldron as a continuation of our Departing Members ceremony.
- Jim Wood
But for now, we will pause a second here, but to allow our guests to depart if they wish. Okay, Members, we will actually take up that Member tribute at about 11:00 a.m. So for now, we are going to move to concurrence in of Senate amendments. So we're moving to concurrence in of Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
We're going to start with file item one, AB 1246, by Assembly Member Nguyen. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1246 by Assembly Member Stephanie Nguyen, an act relating to retirement.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Nguyen, you are recognized.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This bill is back on concurrence. Senate amendments are technical in nature. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
That's wonderful testimony and a good example for your colleagues. If the bill has not changed significantly, remember, we have debated that bill previously, so brevity is appreciated. If it has changed and you've got more to say, we welcome that, but thank you, Assembly Member Nguyen. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll to concur in these Senate amendments. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item two, AB 1137 by Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1137 by Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer, an act relating to public employment.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer, you are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you Mr. Speaker. AB 1137 is back in the Assembly for concurrence. Senate amendments incorporated technical feedback from Cal HR. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Jones-Sawyer. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes, ayes 46, noes 2.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item three, AB 2129, by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2129 by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris and others, an act relating to healthcare coverage .
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Petrie-Norris, you are recognized.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, AB 2129 is back from the Senate on concurrence. The amendments are technical in nature. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 57, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item four, AB 2224 by Mister Santiago. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2224 by Assembly Member Santiago, an act relating to special immigrant juveniles.
- Jim Wood
Mister Santiago, you are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Mister Speaker. This bill is back for concurrence. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Santiago. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item five, AB 2257, by Assembly Member Wilson. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2257 by Assembly Member Wilson, an act relating to local government.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise on AB 2257, for it's back for concurrence, and the amendments from Senate Judiciary and Local Government were technical in nature, and so I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Wilson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 42, noes 12. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 10, AB 262, by Assembly Member Holden.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 262 by Assemblymember Holden, an act relating to children's camps.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Holden, you are recognized.
- Chris Holden
Thank you Mr. Speaker. AB 262 is back from the Senate on concurrence. The Senate amendments were in collaboration with the Administration on this important issue. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Holden. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 57, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. We're moving back to file item eight.
- Jim Wood
AB 3072 by Assemblymember Petrie-Norris. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3072 by Assemblymember Petrie-Norris and others, an act relating to child custody.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Petrie-Norris, you are recognized.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you Mr. Speaker. This Bill is back from the Senate on concurrence. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Ms. Petrie-Norris. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote. Ayes 58...59, noes zero, Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 17, AB 1946, by Assembly Member Alanis. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1946 by Assembly Member Alanis, an act relating to horse racing.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Alanis, you are recognized.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 1946 adds Whitney Stakes to the list of out of state horse races exempt from California's 50 race per day limit on imported races. This bill aims to allow California racing fairs and satellite facilities to include the prestigious event in their offerings, thereby supporting revenue growth, benefiting local businesses, and generating more job opportunities within industry. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Alanis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 18.
- Jim Wood
AB 1953 by assemblymember Villapudua. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1953 by assemblymember Villapudua, an act relating to vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Villapudua, you are recognized.
- Carlos Villapudua
Thank you Mister speaker. I'm proud to present AB 1953 back from concurrence. AB 1953 is a technical cleanup on the vehicle code, which clarifies that zero and near-zero-emission trucks and trailers combination. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Villapudua. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. We'll close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 59, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 23.
- Jim Wood
AB 2327 by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2327 by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo and others, an act relating to healing arts.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Wendy Carrillo
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 2327 is back on concurrence. The bill enables charitable organizations to continue to offer mobile optometry services free of charge to underserved children across the state. Let's get some kids some glasses. Respectfully request an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Carrillo. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to pass temporarily on file item 33. Move now to file item 35, AB 2103 by Assemblymember Pellerin. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2103 by Assemblymember Pellerin and others and operating to state parks.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members, AB 2103 is back for concurrence. Senate amendments require state parks to provide written notice of its intent to acquire the property and require state parks to hold a public hearing if requested by a public official of that district. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Pellerin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56, noes zero, Senate amendments are concurred in. Okay, thank you.
- Jim Wood
Members, we will be moving to file item 36. And just as a reminder, all items on Senate concurrence are now eligible because we waive the, waived a rule for that. So keep that in mind.
- Jim Wood
We've got a lot of bills here that could be brought up on concurrence, so please ask your please be ready or ask your teams if you want to have those bills heard on concurrence today. We're happy to do that.
- Jim Wood
In the meantime, one of those bills that flipped over and is now going to be heard is file item 36 AB 2193 by Mister Holden. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2193 by Assemblymember Holden and others, an act relating to hazing.
- Jim Wood
Mister Holden please when you're ready.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Mister Speaker, 2193 is back from the Senate on concurrence. The recent amendments are technical in nature and have moved CSUs and independent colleges to neutral. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Rendon. Seeing and hearing no further debate the clerk will open the door. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. What do you desire to vote? Clerk will close roll and tally the votes. Ayes 47, noes 2.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 37, AB 2202, by Assembly Member Rendon. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2202 by Assembly Member Rendon and others, an act relating to short term rentals.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Rendon, you are recognized.
- Anthony Rendon
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is Assembly Member Holden here asking for an aye vote on AB 2202, which is back from the Senate on concurrence.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Holden. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 53, noes zero. Measure passes. Did I screw up?
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 44, AB 2734, by Assembly Member Connolly. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2734 by Assembly Member Connolly and others, an act relating to agriculture.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Connolly, you are recognized.
- Damon Connolly
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, AB 2734 is back for concurrence from the Senate. Senate amendments were technical and clarifying. The bill enjoys bipartisan support and has no opposition on file. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Connolly. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Okay, we're now caught up with our additions to members who'd like to bring up their bills on Senate concurrence. So we're going to go back and file to file item 11. AB 772 by Assemblymember Jackson. Doctor Jackson. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 772 by Assembly Member Jackson, an act relating to care facilities.
- Jim Wood
Doctor Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much Mister chair. This bill is up for concurrence. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Jackson. Seeing in hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 20.
- Jim Wood
File item 20, AB 2284 by Assemblymember Grayson. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2284 by Assemblymember Grayson and accolades of retirement.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Grayson, you are recognized.
- Timothy Grayson
Thank you Mr. Speaker. AB 2284, back on concurrence from Senate. Senate amendments were technical in nature. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Grayson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote do desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Without objection, we will pass and retain on file item 106. Moving now to file item 42.
- Jim Wood
AB 2448 by Doctor Jackson. The Clerk will read. Whoops, I'm sorry. Got ahead of myself. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. I 63 no. Zero Senate amendments are concurred in the we will pass and retain on file item 106 without objection. And we'll now move to file item 42.
- Jim Wood
AB 2448 by Dr. Jackson. The Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2448 by Assemblymember Jackson. An act relating to electric vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Jackson you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
This Bill is also up for concurrence. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Well done Dr. Jackson. Seeing and hearing no further debate and a lot of applause. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes, zero, measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 45. AB 2738 by assemblymember Luz Rivas. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2738 by Assembly Member Luz Rivas and others, an act relating to employment.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Rivas, you are recognized.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 2738 is back on concurrence. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Rivas. Seeing and hearing no further debate, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 46, noes seven. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Members, we're moving back in file order to file item 14, AB 1168, by Assembly Member Bennett. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1168 by Assembly Member Bennett, an act relating to emergency medical services.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Members, this bill is back from the Senate for concurrence. It's strongly supported in both houses. I strongly encourage an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Bennett. Seeing and hearing no further debate, but a lot of chatter in the back. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 51, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 15, AB 1186 by Assemblymember Bonta. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1186 by Assembly Member Bonta and others, an act relating to restitution.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Bonta, you are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 1186 is back on concurrence. Amendments in the Senate focus the Bill on restitution, fines and fees. AB 1186 makes our restitution work better for youth and their families. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Bonta. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. We'll close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 49, noes nine. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Okay members, we will now recognize our departing member, Assemblymember McCarty. Assembly Member Ting, you are recognized for delivering your remarks in tribute to Assembly Member McCarty. Members, your attention please. You are recognized, Mister Ting.
- Philip Ting
Thank you Mister speaker. You know, it's really an honor for me to give remarks for our great colleague from Sacramento, my dear friend, our next mayor of Sacramento. We served in budget together and we did quite a number of incredible things.
- Philip Ting
You know, one of my, one of my memories is that we would always be advocating primarily around University of California, really being by ourselves quite often and advocating for increased California students, increased greater enrollment.
- Philip Ting
I can remember going back to the meeting in your office with President Napolitano where we literally were negotiating with her how many students to admit and how much money it would cost the state. But because of everything we did. There are thousands of Californians who have UC degrees because of everything we did in that budget.
- Philip Ting
You came here not necessarily as a higher education person, but as a preschool person. So preschool for all childcare, universal tk, those were things that were your passion.
- Philip Ting
And to be able to, after eight years or I guess, nine years of doing this, to be able to walk away and to be there for universal preschool, there for universal TK, there for increased number of childcare slots, it's really pretty, an amazing achievement.
- Philip Ting
But, you know, part of all my memories of really working with you are very much our personal moments. You know, I was in the Budget Committee office. That was your office when you were a Budget Committee staffer. So people don't, everybody else, every other member goes through the front door.
- Philip Ting
You know, Kevin would always come through the back door, through the door, the side door, just like he was coming into his office at work.
- Philip Ting
And one of my indelible moments was we were doing the very end of the budget, and it was just very early on in the budget where we were starting to do members requests, and we were with the team actually going through all those items, and Kevin comes barging into the office going, hey, what are you doing?
- Philip Ting
I go, well, we're going through all the members' requests. And he's like, what members request? I go, well, the member's request that we were talking about for the entire year that everybody else has submitted. He's like, well, I didn't submit any member's requests. I go, well, I know you don't have anything here.
- Philip Ting
And he's like, do I have time to submit something? I go, you got 1 hour. So 20 minutes later, he comes in with a request for the American river. So, I mean, I don't know if this is it, but, you know, Jackie and I were walking by the American river. We saw this member's request with your sign.
- Philip Ting
I almost penciled in my name on that request. But that's one of my favorite moments of, like, just, you know, you and your just your advocacy for your district and you just being able to, you know, know exactly what you needed to deliver.
- Philip Ting
But personally, what I will remember even more than all the work that we did together, all the, frankly, the amazing things in education that you delivered, you know, we have the highest, you know, Prop 98 funding. We're leaving at the highest level on state history, highest per-pupil spending.
- Philip Ting
We went from the bottom quartile of per pupil spending to now where I think we're in the top half or top quartile now in the US, something that we really aspire to and we're moving in that right direction.
- Philip Ting
But I'm going to really miss all the tours, especially you gave in Sacramento for those of us walking tours, getting for those of us who we all spend a lot of time here and we don't always know much outside of, you know, what's in this immediate three block area.
- Philip Ting
So the fact that you were willing to share your city, you know, taking us paddle boarding, going us on walks, seeing every single part of this really beautiful, beautiful city, I will have a real warm feeling in my heart for this capital city primarily because of you.
- Philip Ting
I am so honored to call you my friend and really my compatriot for a lot of the time during budget and doing education stuff, it was really just you and me.
- Philip Ting
So I really appreciate and it just demonstrated that two people fighting for something could get a huge amount of work done, not just for their districts, but for the entire state. So I will miss you. I'm excited for this city and what leadership you're going to bring, but most of I'm going to treasure our friendship.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Ting, Mister Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much Mister speaker and members. It's a great honor to stand up and pay tribute to our colleague Kevin McCarty. You know, you did a lot while you were here. You, from a substantive standpoint, pre-k would not have happened without Kevin McCarty. Expanding the Cal Grant middle-class scholarship was largely because of you.
- Brian Maienschein
And if you think, you know, he was the Budget Committee chair on education and rather than just serve as chair, he learned the whole budget. He learned the whole budget. It would have been.
- Brian Maienschein
It was hard enough to focus on a very complicated area for us as legislators, but he learned how it fit with the rest of the budget. Taking the time to do that and what that meant for our body as a whole on a more symbolic level and ceremonial level.
- Brian Maienschein
Recognizing loving day every year important to him because a child of an interracial marriage and brought it to this floor to make sure that we all recognized both the historical significance and the progress that we've made. Of course, I need to mention ledge softball which he spent most of his time on during here.
- Brian Maienschein
And most of our conversations I think reflected that.
- Brian Maienschein
It got to the point where he would most Mondays say that he had an idea for ledge softball this year and I reflexively rejected it because I just figured it was some way he was advantaging the north team and I needed to say no to make sure the south was being protected.
- Brian Maienschein
But we had a lot of great times, I know, for both of us doing that and making that happen, and I really do want to. In particular, while I did spend a lot of time on it, too, not nearly as much as Kevin, because he made sure we got the field.
- Brian Maienschein
He made sure we did a lot of these things locally, that we could do something where we could come together as a community. It started out, of course, with Democrats and Republicans, but it ended being something that we could all do together. We raised a lot of money for charity.
- Brian Maienschein
It was something, I think, that was a highlight of the year for all of us. On a more personal note, coming to San Diego to help me during my more difficult campaigns, calling me at least weekly to both cheer me up and cheer me on, I felt very fortunate.
- Brian Maienschein
I feel it's like when you're in elementary school and the teacher calls out your seating assignments and to get to sit next to Kevin, I felt like kind of all the time that I was kind of winning sitting next to my buddy each time.
- Brian Maienschein
And then I, too, want to recognize that, you know, there's a little bit of special responsibility when you have Sacramento, because he was always hosting us at his home for the barbecues, always welcoming us again. For somebody who has to come from farther away, that means something.
- Brian Maienschein
We don't really have a home here, and so that we get to go to see him and his family, his incredible wife, Letty, who was always so gracious as well. That meant a lot, I think, to all of us. So I want to recognize you and thank you for being so gracious. A great dad.
- Brian Maienschein
Barbara and Victoria, you're very lucky he's a girl, dad, through and through, coaching your teams. I know he talked about that, taking you to cool concerts, cool trips, maybe sometimes doing things that, that somebody didn't do for him when he was younger. And I think that's very special. Always in a good mood.
- Brian Maienschein
You never saw Kevin McCarty not in a good mood and really great temperament and good to his colleagues. And so you take that together and sort of what does it all mean when you're looking back on it, when you're looking back on your service here, what does that mean?
- Brian Maienschein
Well, you took tough bills, you took tough issues, you took your background, and you'd be the first one to admit, I mean, he told me you weren't a great student, you weren't somebody that maybe knew where he was going in life.
- Brian Maienschein
Took an internship in elected official's office and found out he was good at it, found out, thought to himself, you know, I think that's something that I can do. Ran for the City Council, served with distinction there. So his community wanted to bring him to the state Legislature. And it gave your background, I think inspired you.
- Brian Maienschein
I think it motivated you. I think it gave you a viewpoint. You always got along with others. You compromised. You worked across the aisle. You know, those are characteristics of somebody who should be a mayor. That's who we should want as a mayor in all of our cities.
- Brian Maienschein
Somebody who does that, it's somebody who should be an Assembly Member and who served as an Assembly Member with great distinction. Your family was served well. Your community was served well. You have a lot to be proud of. Your community has a lot to be proud of, of sending you here.
- Brian Maienschein
I know you're going to do great things in the future. I look forward to coming up here and visiting you and watching the A's play the Padres at the Royals at the stadium. I look forward to that. It's been incredible.
- Brian Maienschein
You've made a huge difference in my life as a lifelong friend when it was hard sometimes to come up here and another week up here and flying up here and missing my, my family. You are a bright spot. So I want to say thank you. You will be missed here in the state Legislature.
- Brian Maienschein
I know, not just by your staff, but by your colleagues and everyone who's worked in this building. I'm excited to see what the future holds for you. I know it's going to be great things. So congratulations and thanks for all that you've meant to me and everyone here. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assemblymember Maienschein and now, Assemblymember McCarty, you are recognized.
- Kevin McCarty
You know, I've been thinking about what to say on my final day for 10 years. I remember as a young staff member watching the farewell speeches of the legends like Willie Brown and Phil Eisenberg and later my mentor, Deborah Ortiz. And you know what it meant to serve in this great body.
- Kevin McCarty
So this is, as I heard from my colleagues last week, this is an amazing job. You know, we're closing a chapter of our lives and we reflect on the work we did here. So I've been here 10 years. I think it was a good run.
- Kevin McCarty
I hope we left our mark on California and my district, and I think we did. But I think a lot about what you said, Brian, and how crazy it is that I'm here today. You know, I grew up a few miles from the capital, like my friend Stephanie.
- Kevin McCarty
I think we both grew up, you know, five or so miles from here. I don't think either of us ever thought that we'd be here. And I think about my mom. And just by chance, we canceled last week's ceremony and put it to today. Today was her birthday. Thank you.
- Kevin McCarty
So she passed away 16 years ago, never saw me here. She would have been really excited. And so, you know, I see all these school kids that come to the capitol. We all do. I never came here as a kid, ever. Grew up 5 miles away in chaos.
- Kevin McCarty
One day we got it together, said, I want to be an intern. Drove the capitol 30 years ago this summer, walked in for the first time, got an amazing opportunity to serve as an intern. A light clicked. Wow, this is exciting.
- Kevin McCarty
We can change lives, make a difference in people's today and tomorrow, change trajectories for families across the state. And I thought, huh? A couple years later, I was sitting in the back like all my staff are today, and I thought, hmm, by definition, somebody must have that job. I thought, I thought, why can't it be me?
- Kevin McCarty
I can do that job. So I sat in motion, and I was like, I'm going to be an Assembly Member. I had no idea how to do that, how it all plays played out. So served in local commissions, ran for City Council, and then I became an Assembly Member.
- Kevin McCarty
And the first day I became an Assembly Member, I showed up at my door, and I saw next to me was a name named Bonta. And I went to middle school with Rob Bonta, and I hadn't really seen him. And after high school, I thought, huh, this is so interesting.
- Kevin McCarty
Rob was an amazing athlete and scholar and went to Yale, and I went to Winterstein Adult School behind Arden Firmwall. I thought, well, here we are. We're both Assembly Members on this floor making a difference.
- Kevin McCarty
It reminded me that we come from all walks of life, all walks of life, and here we are making a difference in our great state. So I'm certainly proud of the work that we've done in our district. Thank you, Phil, for reminding that of my advocacy for my hometown. This is so exciting to serve my hometown.
- Kevin McCarty
We had a great run. Sometimes it's very lucky than good. We caught that wave of that budget wave like no other. And so, you know, we had a great opportunity to reinvest in our state, in our districts, but also touch lives in our work.
- Kevin McCarty
So whether that's the budget work that we did for making a preschool pre-k universal for all families, free after-school programs, free school meals, those change lives for families. And I know they helped my family when I was a kid here.
- Kevin McCarty
So I'm super reflective on the difference that we made and I'll focus on how we made it because as we all know, we can't do it alone. And I have a lot of people that helped us along the way. Many are here in the back.
- Kevin McCarty
So for nine years I got to chair the Budget Committee, ever seeing half of the state budget with education. So I know Mark Martin is here, Aaron Gable and Katie Hardyman couldn't be here.
- Kevin McCarty
But I thank them as well as Jason Sisney, Christian Griffith and Chris Woods who helped us shape these super impactful state budgets in years that we really changed so much. And then for my legislative staff who worked with me, you know, to make our bills passed to work in the district, there's so many to recognize.
- Kevin McCarty
I'll just thank the person I said congratulations to last week. That was my chief, our Chief of Staff, Maria Alvarez. You know, I showed up and met her on that day in 1994 and I was her intern. I was her intern and later she went to work for me for 20 years.
- Kevin McCarty
And so, you know, she helped keep us all together. So thank you, Maria. And then this final year, the speaker had a great idea to select me as the public safety chair. He said it's going to be great, Kevin, you're going to love this assignment. And so that was a whirlwind.
- Kevin McCarty
I'm not sure I recommend it to anybody else coming here next year, but that was a fascinating year and we had some amazing people in the public safety team. I see some are here and I want to thank all of you for helping with that. I want to thank our speakers who helped me.
- Kevin McCarty
I am sometimes very lucky than good. My first day as an Assembly Member. Unfortunately, my colleague from Torrance lost his reelection. So like, hey, we got this opening chairing the Budget Committee over education. I know you're a freshman, but are you up for it? I was like, sure.
- Kevin McCarty
Sorry about that, Al, but it all worked out of we got to spend nine years chairing that. And thank you for Speaker Rendon for keeping me there. And thank you for Speaker Rivas for your support in my final year to make sure I did not have an uneventful final year.
- Kevin McCarty
And then I want to acknowledge all of you. We're in a special club. As Mister Holden says, there's only 4000 or so of us that serve in this body. So 80 of you now and I probably the 80 or 100 plus that I serve with who aren't here.
- Kevin McCarty
You know, we have this link that no one else knows what it's like to knock on doors, do those questionnaires, you know, meet with constituents, take tough votes, disappoint people, make people happy. And it's a grind and you all know what it's like.
- Kevin McCarty
And I've really enjoyed working with you on our budget committees, on our policy committees, working across the aisle on issues, as Mister Ting said. But I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you on the personal levels, on our Covid walks, on our little paddle board Tom Sawyer expeditions, on our exercise caucus, on our legislative softball matches.
- Kevin McCarty
And those are the things I won't forget after my first term. Are you going to say 30 seconds, Mister speaker?
- Corey Jackson
- Kevin McCarty
Good. Thank you. Because I was going to keep talking. In our first term, the predecessor of Mister Berman spoke, Rich Gordon. And he was a big football fan, a niner fan. I'll take his words that he said, he said, you know, I remember when Joe Montana retired and they asked him, will you miss the game?
- Kevin McCarty
And Mister Gordon says, as Joe Montana said, I'll miss the game a little bit, but I'll miss the clubhouse more, which is all of you hanging out in the lounge talking to all of you. That means so much to me. The journey that we were on, the ups and the downs.
- Kevin McCarty
So I will hopefully have a new chapter in my life and I will still be here and maybe I'll have the opportunity to cross paths again. Two more things. I want to thank the people of Sacramento that took a chance and elected me my hometown. Quite an honor to represent hometown of Sacramento.
- Kevin McCarty
And people here are very special. Sacramento. You know, you knock on doors in your districts, they say, how are you going to improve education? You knock on doors here, they say, what do you think about the latest scoping plan for cap and trade on page 17? These are very special people in Sacramento. Very engaged.
- Kevin McCarty
Whether I go to Trader Joe's or the concerts in the park or just walking around town, very engaged people. And I thank them for giving me a chance to serve as their representative. And lastly, I wanted to thank my family. I know that when I became an Assembly Member, we were right back there.
- Kevin McCarty
Barbara and Victoria, you were, I think, I guess you were. You just turned 16, 2 days ago. So happy birthday by the way. Department. Victoria. So you were just six. And when I took my oath you'd never been here before.
- Kevin McCarty
And you raised your hand with me and we have this amazing picture of us taking our oath together. So, you know, I know this is always about serving the people, but I always, I'm remembered about you and why we do this work and helping kids like you and helping kids adults have the opportunities that we have.
- Kevin McCarty
And so you've always been a big inspiration to what I do here. And I know this job is hard. I think about all of you, all who really sacrifice. You come here on a Monday and you miss your kids for three or four days and miss school plays and sports events. And we missed a lot, too.
- Kevin McCarty
So thank you for allowing me to do this job. And then thank you to Leticia for being my partner and helping me from that very first City Council campaign. And just always being my confidant when times are good. And Brian, I'm not always in a good mood.
- Kevin McCarty
So thank you for putting up with me and helping me all along the way. I appreciate you. So this has been an amazing chapter of my life. And it's super emotional because while it's not sad, it's a chapter. And just like anything else, a book. You go on to the next chapter.
- Kevin McCarty
And I'm super grateful to have this opportunity to serve my hometown of Sacramento, to work with all of you and the people of California. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
All right. Thank you, Mister McCarty. Members, we'll be moving back into file order for our Senate concurrence. Moving to file item 22, AB 2318 by Assembly Member Papan. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2318 by Assembly Member Papan, an act relating to water.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Papan, you are recognized.
- Diane Papan
Thank you, Mister Speaker. 2318 is back from the Senate on concurrence with some minor amendments from the State Water Resources Control Board. Request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Papan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 54. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We'll move to pass temporarily on file item 26. Moving to file item 28, AB 2743, by Assembly Member Pacheco. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2743 by Assembly Member Pacheco, an act relating to insurance.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Pacheco, you are recognized.
- Blanca Pacheco
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise to present AB 2743, which is back on concurrence. The amendments add a sunset of January 1, 2031. This bill has received bipartisan support and zero no votes. Thank you, Members. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Pacheco. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 60, noes zero, Senate amendments are concurred in. And we will move back to file item 16 for another Bill by Assemblymember Pacheco. AB 1785. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1785 by Assemblymember Pacheco, an act relating to public records.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Pacheco, you are recognized.
- Blanca Pacheco
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise to present AB 1785 which is back on concurrence. The amendments are minor and technical in nature. Bill has received bipartisan support and zero no votes. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Pacheco. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 19, AB 2046, by Assembly Member Bryan. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2046 by Assembly Member Bryan, an act relating to educational programs.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. AB 2046 is back on concurrence. The bill extends a sunset date for single gender schools in Los Angeles Unified School District. The bill has received bipartisan support. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bryan. Seeing and hearing no further debate. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll until the votes. Ayes 51, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 26.
- Jim Wood
AB 2477 by Assemblymember Zbur. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2477 by Assemblymember Zbur, an act relating to foster care.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Zbur, you are recognized.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, AB 2477 is back on concurrence. It prevents homelessness by empowering foster youth and foster care. To build stronger financial safety nets as they transition into adulthood. Senate amendments were technical provided by the Department of Social Services. I ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Zbur. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and talley the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 32.
- Jim Wood
AB 1891 by Dr. Weber. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1891 by Assemblymember Weber, an act relating to community colleges.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and fellow Members. I rise to request concurrence and Senate amendments for AB 1891. The amendments add extra criteria on what could be considered. Thank you and respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 1891. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Weber. Seeing and hearing no further debate. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 60, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in moving to file item 33.
- Jim Wood
AB 1937 by Assembly Member Berman. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1937 by Assembly Member Berman, an act relating to state property.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise to present AB 1937. Which will facilitate the transfer of an excess Caltrans property near Pacifica State beach to the Department of Parks and Recreation. Amendments in the Senate adopt technical assistance from state agencies. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 63, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 34, AB 2063, by Assembly Member Maienschein. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2063 by Assembly Member Maienschein, an act relating to healthcare coverage.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 2063 is back on concurrence. This bill extends an existing pilot program by two years because of the late implementation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The amendments made in the Senate were technical in nature. Thank you, and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 38, AB 2231 by Assembly Member Gipson. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2231 by Assembly Member Gipson, an act relating to pawn brokers.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Mister Speaker and Members. Assembly Bill 2231 is back from the Senate on concurrence. Amendments taken in the Senate were technical in nature. It has no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Gipson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 55. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 41.
- Jim Wood
AB 2440 by Assemblymember Reyes. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2440 by Assemblymember Reyes, an act relating to environmental protection.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you Mr. Speaker. Members, Senate amendments incorporate cost-cutting technical amendments from the California Natural Resources Agency. This Bill has received bipartisan support, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Reyes. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. We're going to pass temporarily on item 45. Move to file item 46 AB 2780 by Assembly Member McKinnor. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2780 by Assembly Member McKinnor, an act relating to carriers of passengers,
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member McKinnor, you are recognized.
- Tina McKinnor
Mister Speaker, AB 2780 is back on concurrence. It will require charter bus carriers to notify local governments at least 24 hours before transporting vulnerable passengers from out of state to a California, city, county, or other local jurisdiction. Senate amendments made clarifying changes I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member McKinnor. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the. Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 55. Noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 47, AB 2871 by Assembly Member Maienschein. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2871 by Assembly Member Maienschein, an act relating to public health.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Maineschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2871 is back on concurrence. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Maienschein. Seeing in hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 48.
- Jim Wood
AB 2917 by Assembly Member Zbur. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2917 by Assemblymember Zbur and others, an act relating to firearms.
- Jim Wood
Mister Zbur, you are recognized.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Thank you, Mister Speaker. Members, AB 20917 is back on concurrence.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
The amendments made in the Senate make small clarifications to the GVRO risk factors in the bill, focusing on the risk factors for brandishing a firearm, destroying property with the intent to intimidate groups protected by California's hate crimes laws, and threatening violence to advance a political objective.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
These amendments came about from additional stakeholder collaboration as we worked with our bill sponsors on refining the text of the bill. AB 20917 updates and refines California's nation-leading GVRO law to draw the civil court's attention to a broader set of risk factors in the court's analysis of whether temporary access to firearms should be restricted.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Zbur. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 50. Noes three.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 49, AB 3031, by Assembly Member Lee. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3031 by Assembly Member Lee and others, an act relating to state government.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Lee, you are recognized.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This bill will create a statewide LGBTQ plus Commission, and if you love LGBTQ rights, you'll love this bill. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Lee. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 53, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 53. AB 2016 by Assemblymember Maienschein. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2016 by Assemblymember Maienschein and others. An act relating to the states.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 2016 is back for concurrence. Amendments in the Senate added additional safeguards and notifications to heirs and devisees. This is an important measure about preserving intergenerational wealth and providing families with the support they need during challenging times. Thank you and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 64, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back and file item 50. AB 3042 Assembly Member Nguyen. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3042 by Assembly Member Stephanie Nguyen, an act relating to county penalties.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member, whenever you're ready.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mister Speaker. This bill is back on concurrence. The amendments simply narrow the sunset date to four years. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Nguyen. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 64. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back in file to file item number 25, AB 2424, by Assembly Member Schiavo. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2424 by Assembly Member Schiavo, an act relating to real property.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 2424 is my bill relating to creating fairness in the home foreclosure process and protecting people who have invested in their homes over a lifetime. Amendments taken in the Senate are technical and clarifying. It has no opposition and has received no no votes. Respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Schiavo. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 66, noes 0. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 30, AB 3281 Committee on Judiciary, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3281 by the Committee on Judiciary, and act relating to state government.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you Mr. Speaker. AB 3281 is the Judiciary Committee's annual civil law omnibus bill. This Bill contains numerous minor updates to various code sections within the jurisdiction of the Committee, thus saving the Legislature from having to consider at least a dozen additional bills.
- Ash Kalra
Senate amendments added the provisions of Consumer Legal Remedies Act Bill that previously passed on consent, but was subsequently chaptered out by another piece of legislation. Ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Kalra. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 54, noes four.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 39, AB 2343 by Assemblymember Schiavo. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2343 by Assemblymember Schiavo, an act relating to Public Social Services.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you Mister speaker and members. AB 2343 is a bill I've never been able to speak on because it's been on consent the whole time and has broad support, which I'm very proud of. But it's a really important bill. It basically helps our childcare providers support families and children who are experiencing homelessness.
- Pilar Schiavo
And so this would open up opportunities for kids to get inside, for families to be connected to resources that they need to get on their feet, to get off of the streets and to get stabilized so that kids and families can be supported. So it's back on concurrence with technical amendments appreciate an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you assemblymember Schiavo. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. We'll close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63, noes zero. Measure passes. I mean Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
I can see that I am confusing you folks by jumping around a bit and I apologize for that. As we get things we are plugging them back in. But just to keep to level set here, we will start at the file item 53 and begin to work down.
- Jim Wood
And I will in the future go back, we'll circle back after we complete the file in this area. So we will go to file item 53 which was done so we won't have to do that. We'll go to item 56, AB 2802 by assemblymember Maienschein.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2802 by Assembly Member Maienschein and others, an act relating to foster youth.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 2802 is back on concurrence. It expands the type of non-participant that can share a bedroom or unit with to include a non-participant or participant sibling and co-parent as approved by the provider. It also allows those to refuse to share a unit with a non-participant. The amendments taken in the Senate were technical and clarifying in nature, and I respectfully request your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 51, noes three.
- Jim Wood
Noes: three. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to File Item 57: AB 2860 by Assembly Member Garcia. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2860 by Assembly Member Garcia and others, an act relating to healing arts.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Garcia, you are recognized.
- Eduardo Garcia
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. The bill is back on concurrence. Technical changes were made for clarifying this program. Good for California, access to health care. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Garcia. Seeing and hearing no further debate, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 60; no: zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in moving to file item 58, AB 3162 by Assemblymember Bennett. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3162 by Assemblymember Bennett and others. An act relating to fish and wildlife.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Mr. Speaker, Members, it's appropriate right before lunch that we send a message that, to all of our octopus friends, that the Bill is back for concurrence from the Senate and there is no opposition to the Bill. I respectfully ask for an aye vote for the octopus. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bennett. Seeing and hearing no further debate or frantic arm waving, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 45, noes six. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving back to file item 59, AB 1284 by assemblymember Ramos. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1284 by Assembly Member Ramos and others, an act relating to Native American tribes.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Ramos, you are recognized.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 1284 is back for concurrence. I ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Ramos. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 62, AB 1815 by Doctor Weber.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1815 by Assembly Member Weber and others, an act relating to discrimination.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and fellow Members. I rise to request concurrence on Senate amendments for AB 1815. The amendments are technical and clarifying in nature. Respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 1815. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Weber. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 61; no: zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Okay. Members, we will now break for Democratic and Republican Caucuses. Democrats will meet in the Members Lounge. Republicans will meet in Capitol Room 125. Please return promptly to the floor once your caucus has ended. We are in recess. This is a recess under call.
- Jim Wood
Okay, Members, we are going to get started here. In about 1 minute or two minutes, we're back in Senate in concurrence of Senate amendments, so please be ready to go. We're still officially in recess, but in two minutes we won't be.
- Jim Wood
Okay, Members, we are going to resume our work. We're going back to Senate concurrence in Senate amendments. We are going to start at item 51, AB 1316, by Assembly Member Irwin. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1316 by Assembly Irwin and others, an act relating to healthcare.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Irwin, you are recognized.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you very much, Speaker. AB 1316 is back on concurrence. Amendments removed all opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Irwin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will call, will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 43, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Members, please make your way back to the floor. These should not be necessarily close votes. Moving to item 52, AB 2013 by Assembly Member Irwin. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2013 by Assembly Member Irwin, an act relating to artificial intelligence.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Irwin, you are recognized.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you. 2013 is back for concurrence. AB 2013 requires developers of generative artificial intelligence systems and services to disclose high-level summary information about their trading data. Senate amendments, which removed most opposition to the bill, narrowed the bill to generative AI and limited to systems and services released after January 2022.
- Jacqui Irwin
The bill still covers the most popular AI systems and services that Californians use and is a building block. As we continue to address many of the risks and great potential of AI, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Irwin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all those who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 47. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. We're going to pass temporarily on item 54 and pass temporarily on item 55. Moving down to file item 63, AB 1820 by Assembly Member Schiavo.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1820 by Assembly Member Schiavo and others, an act relating to housing.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you Mister speaker and members. AB 1820 is back on concurrence. Senate amendments clarify a drafting error. It was passed unanimously from the Senate Floor. Respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Schiavo. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 53, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving back.
- Jim Wood
Moving down to Item 64: AB 1841. Dr. Weber, you are recognized. Excuse me. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1841 by Assembly Member Weber, an act relating to public postsecondary education.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Weber.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to present concurrence on AB 1841. Senate amendments remove UC from the bill due to cost estimates and clarify how many doses of Narcan shall be kept in each housing facility. I respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 1841. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Weber. Seeing and hearing no further debate on the item, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 54; no: zero.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 54, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 65, AB 1913, by Assembly Member Addis. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1913 by Assembly Member Addis and others, an act relating to public safety.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Addis, you are recognized.
- Dawn Addis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 1913 is back on concurrence with bipartisan unanimous support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Addis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 56, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving back to file item 55, AB 2432 by Assembly Member Gabriel. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2432 by Assembly Gabriel and others, an act relating to crime and make an appropriation therefore.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Gabriel
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 2432 the California Victims of Crime Act is back today on concurrence. This Bill is modeled on the bipartisan Federal Victims of Crime Act, or VOCA, and will create a permanent funding source for programs serving victims of violent crime.
- Jesse Gabriel
Funding generated will help to provide essential funding for programs that provide vital and often life-saving services to crime victims in California, including victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and child abuse.
- Jesse Gabriel
Colleagues, I would suggest at a time when we are facing budget challenges, we should all be considering alternate sources of funding for our highest-priority programs and services. I'm proud that this Bill has over 20 bipartisan co-authors and receive unanimous support on the Senate Floor. Thank you and respectfully request your aye vote on AB 2432.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Seeing in hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. Whoa. Sorry about that. I didn't see it, but I see it now. Assemblymember Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you Mister speaker and members, I'd like to thank the our budget chair, Assembly Member from Los Angeles, for his work on this particular bill. We had many problems getting funding for our victims and the bill that he has, that he has introduced provides a very creative way for helping our victims by providing a source.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
So with that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Reyes, would you like to close?
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. I just want to thank our colleague from the Inland Empire for her tremendous leadership on this issue. There are dozens and probably hundreds and thousands of crime victims in the State of California. People who have experienced horrific abuse and sex trafficking and other crimes, who are going to benefit from her leadership on this.
- Jesse Gabriel
So appreciate her work and respectfully request your aye vote on 2432.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. And with that, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54-vote bill. Clerk will now close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56 noes zero. Measure passes. Excuse me.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to File Item 67: AB 1962 by Assembly Member Berman. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1962 by Assembly Member Berman and others, an act relating to crimes.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Berman.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 1962 would close the loopholes in current law that may allow individuals to distribute private sexual images of another person without their consent. Amendments taken in the Senate narrowed the bill and addressed chaptering issues. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 55; no: zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving back to item-File Item 66.
- Jim Wood
File item 66, AB 1919, by Dr. Weber. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1919 by Assembly Member Weber and others, an act relating to pupil discipline.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Weber.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Senate amendments make the implementation contingent upon appropriation for AB 1919. Respectfully ask for your aye vote on Senate concurrent amendments. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Weber. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
47. Noes five. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 68, AB 2037 by Assembly Member Papan. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2037 by Assembly Member Papan and others, an act relating to weights and measures.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Papan, you feel like it looks like you're in a traffic jam there, back there.
- Diane Papan
I should think so. This is just back from the Senate on concurrence, and it has been modified to exclude public utilities. This is weights and measures on EV charging batteries. Respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Papan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 60. Noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in moving to file item 69, AB 2143 by assemblymember Connolly. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2143 by Assemblymember Connolly, an act relating to affairs and making an appropriation therefore.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Connolly, you are recognized.
- Damon Connolly
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2143 is back on concurrence, amendments taken in the Senate were minor and technical in nature. The bill has bipartisan support and no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Connolly. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized for your procedural motion.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend joint rule 62 A, the file notice requirement to allow the following committees to meet. To allow the Local Government Committee to hear AB 761 Friedman, AB 24431 Carrillo, and SB 1070 Padilla on Wednesday, August 28, upon call of the Chair in room 447. And to allow the Transportation Committee to hear AB 1122 Baines, AB 1296 Grayson, and AB 3179 Juan Carrillo.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
On Thursday, August 29, upon the call of the Chair in the swing space, room 1100,
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Jim Wood
Moving back in file order to File Item 71: AB 2353 by Assembly Member Ward. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2353 by Assembly Member Ward, an act relating to taxation.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Ward, you are recognized.
- Chris Ward
Good afternoon, Mr. Speaker. AB 2353 is back on concurrence from the Senate to improve implementation of the Welfare Property Tax Exemption for affordable housing. Senate amendments are technical in conforming changes. I ask for your aye on concurrence and amendments.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 62; no: zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 72, AB 2377, by Assembly Member Luz Rivas. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2377 by Assembly Member Luz Rivas, an act related pupil instruction.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Rivas.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 2377 seeks to provide accommodations for k-12 students practicing religious fasting by offering them a modified exercise regimen or providing them with academic assignments relating to physical education. Amendments in the Senate were technical and clarifying in nature. This bill idea came from my legislative aide Omar, and I'd like to thank him for his idea. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Rivas. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 73, AB 2606 by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2606 by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry, an act relating to food and agriculture, and making appropriation therefore.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you Mister Speaker and colleagues. AB 2606 is back on concurrence. The Senate amendments adopt technical assistance from the CDFA. We, my fellow loyal Terry, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote will close the roll until the votes. Ayes 60, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 74, AB 2765 by Assemblymember Pellerin.
- Reading Clerk
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2765 by Assembly Member Pellerin, an act relating to telecommunications.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2765 is back for concurrence. Senate amendments specify that the information must include the total number of violations identified by the Commission in the prior year and a summary of enforcement actions taken for these violations. The bill received bipartisan unanimous support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Pellerin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes: 59; no: zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to File Item 77: AB 2859 by Assembly Member Jim Patterson. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2859 by Assembly Member Jim Patterson and others, an act relating to emergency medical services.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Patterson, you are recognized.
- Jim Patterson
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members. AB 2859 would enact a peer-to-peer support program for emergency medical technicians and ambulance employees, would enhance the overall well-being and resilience of EMTs and ambulance staffers. It will foster a new supportive network within their own professional community. The Senate amendments were technical and clarifying in nature. I respectfully request an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Patterson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 61; no: zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 78, AB 2875 by Assembly Member Friedman. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2875 by Assembly Member Friedman, an act relating to wetlands.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2875 is indeed back for concurrence. Amendments in the Senate added additional findings and declarations. This bill declares its state policy to ensure no net loss and long-term gain in the quantity, quality, and performance of wetlands acreage. This bill has had bipartisan support. No opposition, has received no no votes.
- Laura Friedman
And I would request an aye vote to concur in the amendments. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Friedman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62. Noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 79, AB 2897 by Assembly Member Connolly. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2897 by Senator Connolly and others, an act relating to housing.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Connolly, you are recognized.
- Damon Connolly
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2897 is back for concurrence. Senate amendments were technical and clarifying. This bill has no registered opposition and bipartisan support. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Connolly seeing in hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. We're going to pass temporarily on file item number 80. Move to file item 81, AB 3168, by Assembly Member Gipson. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3168 by Assembly Gipson, an act relating to Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker and Members. Assembly Bill on 3168 is back on concurrence. Amendments are technical in the Senate. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Members.
- Jim Wood
We are going to move to an adjourn in memory. I'd ask that you please give your respectful attention to those who are given permission. Speaker Rivas, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Robert Rivas
Thank you, Mister Speaker Pro Tem and I rise this afternoon to ask that our Assembly adjourn in the memory of Donald Blair Hopkins. And like so many Californians, Don's story, it didn't begin here. He was born in Indiana where his parents Bill and Mimi Hopkins raised him and his brother Jerry.
- Robert Rivas
Don was a dedicated student, a piano player, and he was an athlete. He was a competitive diver both in school and later in college. Don studied mechanical engineering at Purdue University for two years before pausing his studies in order to join the Air Force and served throughout the Korean War.
- Robert Rivas
This began his lifetime of public service and while serving in the Air Force, Donna was directed to secret training in electrical engineering and in nuclear physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. As reported years later by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the research Don worked on while in Colorado was on wet hydrogen physics.
- Robert Rivas
Later in his time in the Air Force, Don worked in several programs, and this included at the Special Weapons Command in New Mexico. Don's return to college brought him to California where he received multiple some degrees in electrical engineering from UC Berkeley.
- Robert Rivas
While attending Cal, Don met Beatrice, a nurse who was known by her friends and family as Bea. Don and Bea married in 1957 and had three boys, William, John, Paul, who they raised in Concord here in our East Bay.
- Robert Rivas
Don spent his entire career as a particle physicist at two of California's national labs, which were Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore. There he authored or co-authored more than 65 some technical papers, including on topics like particle accelerators, high-voltage electrical engineering, and fusion technology.
- Robert Rivas
As a particle physicist, Don's work at Berkeley National Lab included working on the cyclotron and bevatron particle accelerators where new elements were discovered. Don was also a talented pianist. Despite his serious image as a physicist, he was equally at home when playing the piano. In his retirement, he and Bea traveled to many jazz festivals across North America.
- Robert Rivas
In his later years, he married Marilyn Tilford Hopkins. They too. They traveled widely and volunteered expensively here in our state and in the East Bay, particularly for Habitat for Humanity. In his retirement, Don volunteered his time repairing some donated electronics and helping to house those people in need. One constant in Don's life was his humility.
- Robert Rivas
He may have spent some decades working on some cutting-edge science, but he spent more time, he spent more time in conversation about his volunteer work than about his lectures at some technical conferences.
- Robert Rivas
For his children and grandchildren, Don's steadfast work for our nation's labs in physics, engineering and energy was an inspirational example of public service, including for two of his grandchildren who now work in energy policy. One who works in our policy unit in Chase Hopkins.
- Robert Rivas
Don outlived many of his people, including his first wife Bea, his brother Jerry, and Bud, his gay brother-in-law that he embraced long before it was common to do so. Don Hopkins exemplified what it is to be a Californian. He was humble, he worked hard, and he did so for the betterment of all.
- Robert Rivas
Don would often say that his life has been uncommonly blessed. And today we recognize that California is uncommonly blessed by those like Don, who labor to advance scientific knowledge and by doing so, the public interest. Thank you for joining me in adjourning in the memory of Donald Blair Hopkins. Thank you, Mister Speaker.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I know we have family here and our condolences to the family. We have family in the rear of the gallery and above in the rear of the chamber and above in the gallery. So, you have our deepest condolences. Thank you for being here with us today. It's an honor to adjourn in the memory.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Members, we will now move back in our file order to File Item Number 82: AB 3258 by Assembly Member Bryan. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3258 by Assembly Member Bryan, an act relating to safety and employment.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. AB 3258 is back on concurrence. It makes a simple but impactful correction to the process safety management regulations that protect our refinery workers. This bill went flying off the Senate Floor with 40 votes last night, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bryan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 66; no: zero.
- Jim Wood
And this Bill takes flight as we concur in Senate Amendments. Moving to file item 84, AB 3282 Committee on Judiciary. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3282 by the Committee on Judiciary. An act relating to courts and declaring urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Mister Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you Mister speaker. I rise to present AB 3279, the annual Bill authorizing the licensing fee to be collected from California attorneys to fund the State Bar. Accordingly, Senate amendments have enacted the final fee increase for attorney licensing fees of $88 per year for active attorneys. This fee increase reflects the minimum needed to keep the State Bar operating and enables the agency to meet its obligations to its employees. It should be noted this fee increase is only about two thirds of the State Bar's original request. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Okay, we need to stop for a second because we were talking about AB 3282. You got that one handy?
- Ash Kalra
I do. The other one was file 83. So I was going in the order file.
- Jim Wood
I didn't have that one as up yet, but. So let me, let's figure out what we need to do. We haven't done, we haven't taken. We actually did introduce that Bill. We did. The Clerk read. We went to. So we went to 3282. So just pretend that testimony just didn't happen and now you can talk about 3282 and then we'll go back to that other Bill.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Mister speaker. Assigning Bill 3282 is the Judiciary Committee's court's omnibus Bill. Senate amendments clarify the timeline and contents of the court supporting obligation Legislature regarding online access to court records. This Bill has nothing to do with the State Bar fees. With that I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Kalra. We're seeing and hearing no further debate and no confusion, that Bill has nothing to do with the previous Bill he was talking about. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes, 60. Noes 0. Senate Amendments are concurred in. Now we'll go back to file item 83, AB 3279.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3279 by the Committee on Judiciary an act relating to attorneys.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Kalra, we've heard all this before, but you can say it again if you want to.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Despite the request from the state bar for an of fees, we're going to make some lemonade out of these lemons. And we're only approving two thirds of the request, which is $88 per year for active attorneys, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Well, thank you for that. Is there Mr. Essayli? Yes. You are recognized. Well, I can't. I didn't control that. But you know, I did recognize.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you Mr. Speaker, I oppose this Bill for so many reasons. I am a Member of the bar, I pay these bar dues. I think the bar needs major reforms before we start giving them more money. Tom Girardi was just convicted today in a criminal courtroom in downtown LA by my former office.
- Bill Essayli
Tom Girardi defrauded dozens of his clients who were owed millions of dollars and it was covered up by the state bar. They had reports and they did not do anything about it. Nobody from the state bar has been disciplined. Nobody has been held accountable. Nobody has been charged. The state bar needs reform.
- Bill Essayli
And instead of, you know, going after their political opponents like John Eastman, they should be protecting innocent Californians who are made vulnerable by that. So for many reasons, before we give them more money, I want to see some reforms from the state bar. It's already too high. It's like $600 a year.
- Bill Essayli
What do we get in return for that? So with that, I respectfully oppose the Bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Essayli. Mr. Kara, would you like to close?
- Ash Kalra
I also do not like paying my state bar fee Bill. With that, I respectfully ask for any aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Okay, well with that we'll go ahead and open the roll and try to move on. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 49, noes 11. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back to File Item Number 12: AB 805 by Dr. Arambula. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 805 by Assembly Member Arambula and others, an act relating to water quality, making an appropriation thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Arambula, you're recognized.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 805 is back on concurrence. This bipartisan measure protects disadvantaged communities from failing infrastructure by authorizing the State Water Resources Control Board to appoint an interim administrator for these failing systems in disadvantaged communities. Senate amendments reflect the consensus between the Administration and the bill's opponent. Yesterday on the Senate floor, it sailed out with 40 votes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on this two-thirds vote bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Arambula. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 60, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 43, AB 2533, by Assembly Member Juan Carrillo. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2533 by Assembly Juan Carrillo and others, an act relating to land use.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Juan Carrillo
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 2533 is back from the Senate for concurrence. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Carrillo. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 61, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 85, AB 3284. The Committee on Elections. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3284 by the Committee on Elections an act relating to elections.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 3284 is an Assembly Elections Committee ominous Bill containing various minor and technical changes to the elections code. The Senate amendments removed two provisions of the Bill to resolve conflicts with other pending legislation and has no opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote in concurrence in Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Pellerin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Stephanie Nguyen
We'll now take up file item number 54, AB 2276. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2276 by Assembly Member Wood, an act relating to forestry.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Doctor Wood, you may open.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 2276 is back from the Senate from concurrence. Bill has no opposition, enjoys bipartisan support. Respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 2276.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Seeing no others wishing to speak, the Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 61. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Moving now to File Item 80: AB 2910 by Assembly Member Santiago. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2910 by Assembly Member Santiago, an act relating to housing.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Santiago, you are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This bill's back for concurrence. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Santiago. Seeing and hearing no further debate, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 61; noes: zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Are there any other Assembly Members who are ready to take up concurrence items? As you can see, sometimes those statements are very brief. Ms. Calderon, which item number, please? I'm sorry. We're gonna--we're gonna check into that, Ms. Calderon. I believe--Ms. Waldron, do you have something you'd like to take up?
- Marie Waldron
It was File 86. I can take that up when you're ready.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Ms. Waldron. That would be AB 2624. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2624 by Assemblymember Waldron, an act relating to prisoners.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Waldron, you are recognized.
- Marie Waldron
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I'm here to present AB 2624 back from concurrence, which is a crucial step towards supporting incarcerated individuals during their time in the loss of a loved one. It allows them to have the much-needed time to heal and grieve. And be able to speak with a therapist, if available.
- Marie Waldron
And what I found from visiting people who are in prison, ti can be one of the most impactful times of their lives to actually change their life for the better. So I urge an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Waldron. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 64, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred.
- Jim Wood
In. Back to item 21, AB 2300 by Assembly Member Wilson. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2300 by Assembly Wilson and others, an act relating to product safety.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you, Mister Speaker. Members, this is AB 2300 back on concurrence. As a reminder, this bill will ban DEHP from the use of IV bags. We took amendments in Senate for extension of five years to ensure there is no disruption in the market. With that, I ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Wilson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 60. Noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 27, AB 2741, by Mr. Haney. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2741 by Assembly Member Haney, an act relating to rental passenger vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, AB 2741 is back for concurrence. Allows rental car companies to initiate vehicle tracking 24 hours after cars fail to return. Senate amendment strengthened consumer protections. The bill enjoyed unanimous bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Haney. Seeing and hearing no other debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're now moving to file item 61, AB 1524 by Assemblymember Lowenthal. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1524 by Assemblymember Lowenthal and others, an act relating to post-secondary education.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Lowenthal, you are recognized.
- Josh Lowenthal
Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members, respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Jim Wood
That was short and sweet. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 65, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
I would note that was the highest vote count of the day. I think. I could be wrong though. Still a couple more out there. That was a great example of how we might be able to move forward and get some of these done. Moving to file item 75, AB 2773 by Mr. Kalra.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2773 by Assembly Member Kalra, an act relating to elders and dependent adults.
- Jim Wood
Mister Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2773 is back on concurrence. Essentially changed the standard of proof required an elder or dependent adult physical abuse, abandonment and neglect cases brought against residential care facilities for the elderly and skilled nursing facilities under the Elder Abuse Independent Adult Civil Protection Act.
- Ash Kalra
The standard of proof is changed only in situations where there's spoliation is proven and that spoliation is whether it's an intentional concealment or destruction of evidence by a party. So, with that respect, we ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Kalra. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 42. Noes 14. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving.
- Jim Wood
Moving to File Item 70: AB 2178 by Mr. Ting. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2178 by Assembly Member Ting, an act relating to prisons.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Ting, you are recognized.
- Philip Ting
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 2178 is back on concurrence. It's a fiscally responsible bill ensuring that we don't continue to waste money to maintain too many empty prison beds. Respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 2178.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Ting. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll; tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 41, noes 14. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving now to file item 24, AB 2402, by Assembly Member Lowenthal. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2402 by Assembly Member Lowenthal and others, an act relating to alcoholic beverages.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Lowenthal, you are recognized.
- Josh Lowenthal
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. Happy to present AB 2402 for concurrence. This is part of the package of bills take on the roofie crisis in the State of California. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Lowenthal. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 62. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in and looks like finally at this point we will move now to file item 29, AB 3100 by Assembly Member Low. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3100 by Assembly Member Low, an act relating to mortgage loans.
- Jim Wood
Mister Low, you are recognized.
- Evan Low
Thank you very much, Mister Speaker, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Low. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Members, we will, as I said, we are bouncing around a little bit here today, so we are going to now move to a couple of adjournments in memory.
- Jim Wood
Please give your respectful attention to Assembly Member Friedman who has been at previous permission for an adjournment in memory. Assembly Member Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you Mr. Speaker and members. Today, with a heavy heart, I rise to ask that we adjourn today's session in memory of my friend, Kathleen Marie Kensinger, a beloved sister, aunt, great aunt, and renowned member of the Glendale community. Kathy was the fourth of nine children born and raised in Mishawaka, Indiana by her parents, Robert and Virginia Kensinger. Her life was marked by a dedication and commitment to serving others.
- Laura Friedman
She protested the Vietnam War while a student at Indiana University and later graduated from the Indiana Vocational College with a degree in Industrial Cooking. To see the world and continue her education, she joined the US Air Force in 1970. She joked that she was selected to serve her country because she "looked good in a uniform and was cute."
- Laura Friedman
While in the Air Force, she advanced up the ranks to staff sergeant and received the National Defense Service Medal and the Air Force Good Conduct Medal, and knowing Kathy, I know that she advanced not because she looked cute, but because she was someone with an incredible amount of dedication and care for every single thing that she did.
- Laura Friedman
After leaving the service, Kathy graduated from CSU Northridge with a degree in Liberal Studies. She became an advocate for women veterans and was a charter member of the California State Commission for Women Veterans. She worked to include a woman in the original design of the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial here in Capitol Park.
- Laura Friedman
This was the first memorial to recognize the 15,000 nurses and doctors that served in Vietnam. Beyond her work on behalf of veterans, many of you in Los Angeles knew Kathy as a Democratic Party activist. She traveled extensively to register voters in key elections and was honored by the LA County Democratic Party with both the Truman Award and the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Award for her volunteerism, activism, and leadership.
- Laura Friedman
Kathy is survived by her siblings Timothy, Keery, Mark, Paul, Maureen, and Loretta, as well as numerous cousins, nieces, and nephews. And for me personally, I knew her mostly through the Glendale Democratic Club where she was a regular for many, many years. She would always show up with gifts for people. She would always be doing sock drives for people who were needy.
- Laura Friedman
She worked with the union and SEIU, cared of course about veterans as you heard, and was just one of the nicest people that I have ever met. Kathy was a volunteer, an activist, and organizer, and all-around amazing human being.
- Laura Friedman
She was deeply loved and will be dearly miss by all who knew her and particularly by me and I was very proud to have been able to call her 'friend.' In respect of her dedication to service, I ask that we adjourn in her memory. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Friedman. Assembly Member Holden, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to request that we adjourn in the memory of my dear friend Georgia Holloway who passed away on July 9th of 2024. Georgia was born November 3rd 1934 in Arkansas and moved to Pasadena at the age of 14.
- Chris Holden
She was truly a community organizer and provided clothes, toys, meals to everyone who expressed a substantive need. Georgia started the nonprofit, called For the Kids and started a food bank program that provided meals and food for families in need.
- Chris Holden
Georgia was a beacon of hope and volunteered on several boards including the Fair Oaks Avenue Project Area Committee, the Urban League, and the W.D. Edson Neighborhood Association. Her family played a big part of her life and a part of her greatest joy was being the glue that kept them together. Georgia's compassion and generosity lives on through them.
- Chris Holden
She is survived by her husband, Robert, daughters, Shirley and Vivian, sons, Troy and Victor, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I'd like to thank you for allowing me to adjourn in her memory.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Holden. Assembly Member Nguyen, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and members. Today I rise to adjourn in memory of Takeshi Fred Kushida. He was a respected member of our community and passed peacefully at the age of 94. Born in Auburn, California, Fred spent his early years in Placer County before his family was interned at Tule Lake during World War II.
- Stephanie Nguyen
After their release, the family settled in the Freeport area of South Sacramento, graduating what was then Clarksburg, now Delta High, in 1947. He was then drafted into the US army. While serving in Japan at a train station, he happened to ask directions from a beautiful woman with whom he fell in love and married in Tokyo, Japan.
- Stephanie Nguyen
After being honorably discharged, Fred studied electronics. He founded Kushida TV, an appliance in Sacramento, operating it for over 50 years. His business became a trusted institution in the area now continued by his son Victor. Fred enjoyed repairing and repurposing items reflecting his resourceful nature.
- Stephanie Nguyen
He deeply valued creating lasting traditions, was a loving father and a cherished community member. As we adjourn in memory of Takeshi Fred Kushida, let us honor his life and contributions in the community. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Nguyen. Moving back to business on the daily file. Governor's veto. Pass and retain on file items 87 through 89. Number 90 is a notice of intention removed from an inactive file, so it is a notice. Under reconsideration, file items 91 through 93. All items shall be continued under assembly third reading.
- Jim Wood
File Items 94 through 96: pass and retain. We'll now move to Senate Third Reading. Starting with File Item 100: SB 940: Senator Umberg by Mr. Haney. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 940 by Senator Umberg, an act relating to civil disputes.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. SB 940 will make various changes to the state arbitration law to even the playing field for consumers. There is often a power imbalance between consumers and the drafters of arbitration agreements. Much like the courts, large firms decide the outcomes of complex and extensive disputes. Because of arbitration clauses and contracts, consumers and employees are often forced to arbitrate issues that would have otherwise been decided in court.
- Matt Haney
To make sure that these firms remain unbiased and maintain a high standard of service and legal ethics, this bill would make several changes to the arbitration process, including authorizing the State Bar to create an optional program to certify alternative dispute resolution providers that adhere to high professional ethical standards and expand the subpoena power of arbitrators in cases where there are third parties who would need to be subpoenaed.
- Matt Haney
I'd also specify specific prohibited solicitations by private arbiters and firms. The author has taken recent amendments that alleviate several concerns on the bill, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on behalf of Senator Umberg.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Haney. Seeing and hearing no other debate, clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 41; noes: 14. Measure passes. Madam Majority Leader, you are recognized. Oh, never mind. Well, I did recognize you, but apparently you didn't want to say anything, so have a seat.
- Jim Wood
Members, we're now moving to file item 118, SB 1133, Senator Becker, by Ms. McKinnor. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1133 by Senator Becker, an act relating to bail.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member McKinnor, you are recognized.
- Tina McKinnor
Thank you for letting me present SB 1133, the Reasonable Reconsideration Act, on behalf of Senator Becker. When a person appears before the court for the first time, a judge typically sets their bail amount in a matter of minutes or even seconds or without more much information in front of them to inform that decision. As a result, there are many circumstances that can arise after the initial hearing that may justify a modification of the initial bail amount or release conditions. But it's not always easy to get back into court and argue that to happen.
- Tina McKinnor
And data has shown that the longer someone is detained pretrial, the greater the risk of housing instability, unemployment, and re-arrest. Current law does not qualify the standard judges must follow when reviewing initial amounts of bail set at these review hearings. And as a result, judges take drastically different approaches across the state.
- Tina McKinnor
Additionally, at a person's arraignment, a judge has the option to order someone to be released pending trial if they agree to abide by certain condition. With every increasing case processing items, it is important that judges use a statewide standard to regulate, reevaluate whether restrictive pretrial conditions are actually necessary to address the perceived risk. SB 1133 helps address these issues by strengthening existing law governing bail review hearings and creating a reoccurring automatic review of non-monetary pretrial conditions. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Ms. McKinnor. Mr. Essayli, you are recognized.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise in respectful opposition to this bill. As a DA, I can tell you that anybody who wants to have their bail reconsidered can ask for it at any time. What this bill does is it makes fundamental changes to our bail system that are very dangerous.
- Bill Essayli
When you are being considered on bail, the court takes two considerations into account. One, it's your likelihood to appear in court, and two, your threat to the public. So, bail has two purposes. It's to ensure your appearance in court and to keep the community safe while your case is pending in court.
- Bill Essayli
Typically, when you're released on bail, it's just not a money deal. There are conditions placed on your bail. For example, if you've been charged with theft, there will be a court order for you to stay away from where the theft occurred. Same thing. Burglary of a home, part conditions on bail, you have to stay away from that house.
- Bill Essayli
DUI, don't drink while you're on bail. Child molestation, stay away from schools and playgrounds. Stalking cases, there's a condition to have no contact with the victim who's alleged in the case. And I can go on and on and on. This bill does something very radical and fundamental.
- Bill Essayli
It changes the standard for these restrictions to a higher threshold of clear and convincing evidence. And it creates a presumption that if they've complied with these conditions for 60 days, then the courts have to take the condition off. It could take several years for a case to get to trial.
- Bill Essayli
Just because someone complied with a term for 60 days does not mean they're all of a sudden safe and they should not have conditions. So the California District Attorneys Association is opposed, the Crime Victims United is opposed, Golden State Bail Agents are opposed, and others.
- Bill Essayli
This is unnecessary and will radically change the bail system, and it will make our communities less safe. I'm telling you right now, I've been in court. Anyone who wants to have their bail revisited can do so at any time. All they have to do is ask the judge. Most people are released on their own reconnaissance.
- Bill Essayli
It is only if you have a pretty serious criminal history record and the crime is pretty, pretty egregious that there is a high bail amount in the case. And again, these conditions are set to keep the public safe while your case is pending. So for that, I hope people will strongly look at it and not support this bill. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Essayli. Mr. Muratsuchi, you are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Yes, I also rise to raise concerns about the bill. I'm thinking specifically in the context of domestic violence cases. Is a victim of domestic violence going to have to reappear in court every 60 days to establish by clear and convincing evidence that there should be a stay away order from the alleged abuser?
- Al Muratsuchi
I think this is, you know, one of the problems with this bill. If a defendant is charged with domestic violence, there's nothing fundamentally that's going to change in 60 days. And so I don't know the answer. I raised my concerns with Senator Becker, but I just want to raise that concern.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Mr. Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Yeah, I just want to address the ridiculousness of some of the things that I heard here. Bail is not just set for two reasons. In California, it was the Humphrey's case that our Supreme Court decided that ability to pay is one of those conditions. It's not just flight risk, it is ability to pay.
- Isaac Bryan
This codifies that in the California statute. It's why in California you could do something incredibly petty and get a bail set at $50,000 and do the same thing in New York and get a bail set at $5,000. There's a need for judges to have this kind of tool, to have this kind of discretion codified in law.
- Isaac Bryan
That is why many have asked for it. I won't go through all the bill sponsors, including the ACLU or the Children's Defense Fund, because we know that bail separates families pre-conviction. You've not been committed of any wrongdoing. This is a very minor and technical change.
- Isaac Bryan
In response to my colleague from Torrance, we know that victims of all crimes don't show up to arraignments or bail hearings. And the bail hearings are often asked for following an arraignment only if a defendant is overly knowledge of the criminal legal system enough to ask one from their public defender. This is a very simple, technical fix, and I want to thank my colleague from Inglewood for bringing it on behalf of Senator Becker.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bryan. Assembly Member Alanis, you are recognized.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I also rise in opposition of SB 1133. This bill would place an additional burden on the court system at a time when courts are already backlogged and lack of necessary resources to manage their growing caseload. If SB 1133 would...
- Juan Alanis
This would require district attorneys to conduct an unnecessary secondary review of the original court ordered conditions 60 days after their first court date. That means the DAs would be required to perform an additional bail review and find convincing evidence to justify keeping the court orders in place. SB 11 will also make this harder for defendants to receive due process by adding more work to our already strained local court systems. Thank you for your time. I urge your no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Alanis. Would you like to close, Ms. McKinnor?
- Tina McKinnor
Yes, Mr. Speaker. This is up to the judge's discretion. It always blows my mind, Members and colleagues, that we believe in the judges when it comes to putting people in jail. But when it comes to coming back and reviewing a case, we don't want to give that judge that discretion. And I'm asking you guys to do that today. And so, I'm asking for a yes on SB 1133. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Ms. McKinnor. With that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Ms. McKinnor moves the call. Members, would like to welcome former Republican Leader Connie Conway, who's in the house. That would be you. Welcome. Members, we will now recognize Assembly Member Waldron as a continuation of our departing Member ceremony.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Lackey, you are recognized for delivering remarks in tribute to Assembly Member Waldron.
- Tom Lackey
Thank you. Thank you, Mister Speaker. It is truly a privilege to honor and speak about a remarkable friend and colleague, someone who has dedicated herself not just to her work, but to the very essence of public service. Marie Waldron has an incredible gift for hearing people out.
- Tom Lackey
She genuinely attempts to understand their perspectives and responding with empathy and insight. It doesn't matter if the person sitting across from her is a constituent or an elected official. Marie has always had a heart for people. Her concerns for others go beyond a person's status. She listens and cares about all points of view.
- Tom Lackey
Her genuine ability to listen and care not only earned her respect, but has also built bridges where others might see divides. For Marie, the rulebooks were more than just guidelines. They were a compass for guiding her decisions, her leadership, and her commitment to upholding the integrity of this institution.
- Tom Lackey
To this day, those rule books remain in her desk and are a testament to her unwavering devotion to the legislative process. Marie served four years as floor leader and three years as our minority leader. Her leadership was not just a title, but a commitment to the values she held dear and the people she represented.
- Tom Lackey
When she became leader, she faced challenges on many fronts. We just had lost five seats. There was a financial disaster, that there were some financial mistakes, and so we were in a deficit. Leadership is not just about strategy and decision-making. It's about faith, perseverance, and the ability to inspire those around you.
- Tom Lackey
Marie has often, on multiple occasions, told me that she simply puts it in God's hands. It is her profound faith that has not only guided her but has also inspired all of us who have had the privilege to work with her.
- Tom Lackey
I remember a few years after an election when we not only brought back all of our incumbents after losing five the previous election, but we also picked up a seat and the first caucus pickup in a presidential election since Reagan was in office.
- Tom Lackey
Following that election, we gathered as a caucus, and Marie, in her humble and faithful way, began by saying, let me tell you what God has done. I know some of you might find that offensive, but I don't.
- Tom Lackey
That moment encapsulated who Marie actually is, a leader who understands the broader picture and who gives credit where credit is due, always with humility and grace. Marie's leadership has left an indelible mark on this institution, and her legacy will continue to inspire us for several years to come.
- Tom Lackey
Beyond the halls of this institution, there's another passion that Marie and I share. And this may sound corny, but I'm telling you, disc golf is a great thing. She introduced it here legislatively, and it's an opportunity to build friendship and even deepen family bonds as I play with my son on a routine basis.
- Tom Lackey
I'm grateful that you brought this sport, and I'm thrilled and honored that you'll pass the disc off to me next year. On behalf of everyone here, we thank you for your service. And you know, on several votes, I have been bewildered and very surprised.
- Tom Lackey
But one thing I'm never surprised and is very reliable, is the fact that you have a real heart for this institution and the public service component, and also the nonpartisan when it comes to caring. And we appreciate your example. It's very reliable. And as I indicated, you took over at a time when everything was against us.
- Tom Lackey
Everything was against us and you brought us back. So, we thank you for that. And it's been an honor to share a few of my thoughts. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Lackey. Mister Gipson, you are recognized for your comments and tribute to Assembly Member Waldron.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Mister speaker and Members. I too rise as my colleague. Mister Lackey. It was a running theme, and it's ironic that he would make mention of the running theme regarding inspiration and inspiring people. I want to read this quote because I think it befits you, Miss Waldron.
- Mike Gipson
A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. And I think that quote is just reconfirming what Tom had made mention in his remarks.
- Mike Gipson
Representing the 75th Assembly District, Valley Center in San Diego, serving this term, your 12 years, also as part of the Problem-Solving Caucus. I want to simply say that since I've known you, since I was elected, since 2014, you have always brought balance.
- Mike Gipson
Let me say that again, even when it's not popular, you brought balance to a conversation, and I can appreciate that. And then not only that, your son Michael, who's now a firefighter who's fighting in California's wildfires.
- Mike Gipson
And I remember when he was given that position and how enthusiastic you were as a mom, you stood with pride and joy that overcame you to see your son receive this kind of position that he worked and earned. Representing Escondido City Council for many years, and also excel as the vice mayor of that city as well.
- Mike Gipson
And she also, for some of you who may not know, I chaired the Select Committee on Infectious Diseases and guess who served as my Vice Chair? Yes, you got it. Marie Waldron. She and I took off to have hearings all over California, in four parts of California, elevating.
- Mike Gipson
Elevating the need to get to zero new infectious cases around HIV and AIDS. And I was happy that you was by my side. Every venture, every journey that we took across California, hearing so many voices, how to get to zero. Let California lead the way. And you are right there. Oh, I forgot to tell you.
- Mike Gipson
She also has a well-respected in the medical field, her brother, Doctor Joseph McGowan, who serves as a renowned infectious disease physician who is sought after, who's been in this space for over 30 years.
- Mike Gipson
And so, what I didn't know, she brought to my knowledge based on her brother, who sought after, who spoke at different national conferences all over this globe. And so, you were uniquely fit designed to be part of this Select Committee. And I am so proud to stand with you in this endeavor.
- Mike Gipson
Not only that, you heard with her bill a few moments ago. She talked about mental health, how mental health reform and also criminal justice is part of her pedigree. It's part of her narrative. It's part of who she is.
- Mike Gipson
And I want to say thank you very much for elevating not only that, but also AB 1304, paving the way to ensure that parolees are able to adhere to treatments while being provided the opportunity for healthy, productive lives as they fight fires in California. And so, you've done a yeoman's job.
- Mike Gipson
The people of San Diego should be proud, proud to have you as their leader, proud to have you raise your microphone and speak on bills that helps elevate who they are and recognize, you know, the area that you represent. I want to say it's been an absolute pleasure.
- Mike Gipson
I know that once you leave this floor that you're going to write a new narrative. I believe somehow that we're not going to see you leave this elective office, that you're going to continue to be a drum major for justice in your community in some shape, form, or fashion.
- Mike Gipson
And I want to see the chapter that you're going to write moving forward. So, Marie Waldron, thank you for being my colleague. Thank you for having a balanced approach and thank you for being the inspiration that we need on this floor.
- Jim Wood
And before you speak, Assembly Member Waldron, I just, I know it's unusual, but I'd like to make a couple of comments. First of all, I want to thank you for your serving for several years. I can't remember how many, but a long time as the Vice Chair of the Health Committee. And I appreciated you there.
- Jim Wood
I appreciated your support on items your, but most of all, your compassion, your ability to, and desire to look at the issue from all sides.
- Jim Wood
And I know there were votes that you took that probably didn't sit well with some of your caucus, but you had your reasons, and I think they were righteous, and they were just, and I just want to thank you for that approach, working across the aisle with us and for just being who you are.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Memberr Waldron. And now, now you can speak if you'd like.
- Marie Waldron
Well, thank you, Mister Chairman. Yeah, I didn't want to get emotional, so I'm going to try not to. 12 years, we used to say. 12 years. Oh, my gosh, that's such a long time. But it really does go fast. The first couple years drag, and then after that, it was pretty quick.
- Marie Waldron
But I've been humbled and honored, to say the least, to serve in this position. As a daughter of immigrants from the South Bronx, I never thought I would be here. In fact, my parents never lived long enough to see me actually get into the State Legislature, so I assume they would be proud of that.
- Marie Waldron
But now I'm working for the people of this great state and I'm so humbled that I'm still the person. When I walk into the Capitol, I take up my phone when it's a beautiful day and I take pictures of it like a tourist the first time visiting.
- Marie Waldron
It's just such an amazing place. From day one, as was mentioned, I got fascinated with the process, how things worked here, what the rules were of the house, permission to hold up a prop.
- Jim Wood
- Marie Waldron
I still have my rule books, as Tom mentioned. I look at them all the time. In fact, I was opening it just yesterday looking at the rules. It really makes a big difference to know how the rules are. And sometimes we used to practice with some of my bills to see how we could get them through.
- Marie Waldron
And it was exciting to be able to navigate that. But this job a lot of times can be lonely. What I found when I first got up here, you know, the traveling especially, you come up here in January from Southern California and it's pretty dismal up here. You're alone.
- Marie Waldron
And it actually brought me closer to God in a way I had not been before. I mean, I actually opened the Bible and read it from cover to cover, and I don't know if you ever have a chance to do it. It is life-transforming.
- Marie Waldron
I read it from cover to cover, cover to cover, cover to cover, three times and I found that my life here, a lot of those verses would jump out at me as I dealt with life here and decisions that hadn't been made and things that had to be done. But it really does make a difference.
- Marie Waldron
I learned to listen, I learned to understand. I learned to try to solve problems. We come up here, you know, we're thinking we're going to change the world. We're going to make this big splash, and we have the ability to do it, but not alone. We have to do it together. And that's one of the strongest things.
- Marie Waldron
If I could emphasize to any of the new Members coming in, we do it together. A lot of times I hear from people in my district, maybe you all hear it, too, in different ways. How do you stand it up there? How can you stand to me in Sacramento, you know, and deal with all the things?
- Marie Waldron
All we hear in the media is all the negative things. But I said, I just, I just love on everyone, it's easy. I think they expected me to say, oh, yes, hard. And, you know, but I think looking at it as recognizing our unity and the fact that we do it for the people.
- Marie Waldron
When I became minority leader, as was said, it was a difficult time for us here in the state. And I thought to myself, how can we re-visualize the way people think of Republicans? We're not evil people. I show up. I show up at things.
- Marie Waldron
When I was at World AIDS Day, I'll never forget some of those things. It happens to all of us. They're ingrained in our minds, and we'll never forget it. This little lady comes up at World AIDS Day in San Diego and she says, you're a Republican. Why are you here? And I'm thinking it's a health issue.
- Marie Waldron
We care about the people of our state. And even though I'm elected in a very red district now, I represent every person in my district. It doesn't matter what letter they have behind their name or if they have one at all, but we do what's best for the people.
- Marie Waldron
So, I would like to recognize my staff that's here. They came back up to my district staff as well. And I don't want to miss anybody, but I'm going to start with Tom Stinson, who's been with me since the beginning, all 12 years. He's stuck it out with me in the district.
- Marie Waldron
He does all of my, all of my press and all of the writing and articles and things that we do. Marie Joyce also, she's been here just about as long I would say started out and came back to finish out our term. And her name? Marie. We call her MJ, so people don't confuse us. But also, Hayden.
- Marie Waldron
Hayden is here, one of my young and energetic staff who's unrelenting and dedicated to our constituents. Belle Castro in the back there. She came on to take on my Legislative Director position for my last year here. And I appreciate that very much. Ella, who's my scheduler, she keeps me on track. I can't say enough.
- Marie Waldron
She thinks I don't listen to her, but she's really the boss of me. So, you know. Nolan, the best Sac semester intern I could have asked for from my last year here. And of course, Luigi. What could I do without you, Luigi Luciano. Not a bit of Italian in his blood but love him to death.
- Marie Waldron
And I know it's not easy, I know, keeping me aligned. But I also want to recognize Liz Enya, who was my fellow years ago, still here working on the caucus. We love Liz. She's amazing. Also, Taylor Vartuka back there, who was on my staff, still here working in Senator Grove's office.
- Marie Waldron
She had done my leg. aid and scheduling. And what I say is our office is the nest our fledglings leave. They do go on to bigger and better, but they can come back at any time, and we love to have them back.
- Marie Waldron
So, in closing, as I think 4200 people or so have been elected to serve in the California Legislature, I'm the 138th woman. I am honored and humbled to have that number. I'm grateful to the people of my district who have put their faith in me and supported me through these 12 years. My family.
- Marie Waldron
I couldn't have done it without them. And as was said, my son Michael is on the fire in the sequoias right now. He was just 11 when I got elected and he would have been here if he could have. But to all of you, working with each of you has been an honor and a blessing.
- Marie Waldron
And thank you so much for your attention to me.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Waldron? You should move back there and have a picture taken with your staff.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Waldron. Members, we're going to be moving back into Senate Third Reading. Moving to File Item 101: Senator Cortese by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 483 by Senator Cortese and others, an act relating to pupil rights.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise to present SB 483, a Bill prohibiting prone restraint in all California schools. Prone restraint is a technique that physically or mechanically restrains students in a face-down position.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
This technique is one of the most dangerous restraints used in schools because it restricts the student's airway and has the potential to be fatal. In 2022 and 23 school year, California schools used physical restraints on students 6785 times. This practice disproportionately impacts students of color and students with disabilities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
For example, students with disabilities are just 14% of the student population, but they endure 95.5% of the physical restraints. I want to thank the author for his work on this important issue.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You see, in 2018, of my constituents, Max Benson, tragically passed away at a nonpublic school after being held in a prone restraint for over an hour. Max was only 13 years old. Your vote today will honor Max's memory and help ensure that similar tragedies never occur again. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56, noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to File Item 104: SB 924: Senator Bradford by Mr. Haney. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 924 by Senator Bradford, an act relating to tenancy.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Haney, you are recognized. Members, your attention, please. Member on the floor.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise today to present SB 924, on behalf of Senator Bradford. All this bill does is remove a sunset date on a prior bill that is working. It requires that any landlord of an assisted housing development offer tenants the option of having their rental payments reported to a consumer reporting agency.
- Matt Haney
Since this law has been in place, it has helped many thousands of low-income renters improve their credit scores. These renters are still responsible for paying their portion of rent in a timely manner and requires them to pay for the fee associated with this service. Thank you, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on behalf of Senator Bradford.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Haney. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 46; no: zero. Measure passes. We're now going to move ahead in the file.
- Jim Wood
We're now going to move ahead in the file to File Item 252: SB 1287: Senator Glazer by Mr. Gabriel. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1287 by Senator Glazer and others, an act relating to public postsecondary education.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to present SB 1287 today, on behalf of Senator Glazer. This is a Jewish Caucus priority bill that aims to prevent violence, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination that are meant to interfere with free speech. In recent months and weeks, we've witnessed an alarming trend of escalating harassment and violence targeting marginalized groups.
- Jesse Gabriel
Even when dealing with divisive issues, all students have a right to be heard. This bill requires public postsecondary institutions to adopt and enforce content-neutral policies in student codes of conduct that prohibit violence, harassment, intimidation, or discrimination that is interfering with First Amendment rights.
- Jesse Gabriel
It also requires the development of training programs for how to engage in respectful civil discourse. This bill affirms the role that California's public colleges and universities must take to ensure that all students are able to peacefully exercise their free speech rights and exchange views respectfully.
- Jesse Gabriel
A wide array of First Amendment experts and attorneys have been consulted over the course of the session to assure that the bill aligns with constitutional rights, federal policy, and guidance from the Office of Civil Rights. Thank you, and on behalf of Senator Glazer, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 1287.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Gabriel. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll; tally the votes. Ayes: 57; no: zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving back in file order, pass temporarily on file item 113. Moving to file item 114. SB 1020, Senator Bradford by Mr. Jones-Sawyer. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1020 by Senator Bradford, an act relating to law enforcement agency regulations.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Bradford, you are...
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
No, Mr. Jones-Sawyer.
- Jim Wood
I know that. I apologize, Mr. Jones-Sawyer.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. SB 1020 will prohibit law enforcement agencies from utilizing shooting targets that resemble any ethnic groups. In multiple studies published by the American Psychology Association, researchers established that participants who shoot an armed target quicker if it resembled an African American compared to if they were white.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Participants were also less likely to shoot an unarmed white target compared to African American ones. These response times show subconscious racial bias, which leads to an increased risk of deadly harm towards certain ethnic groups. Law enforcement agencies primarily use silhouetted shooting targets, and they would continue to be able to do so under this Bill.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
This Bill will still allow for realistic training simulators. SB 1020 focuses on stationary shooting targets and is a common sense measure that will ensure implicit racial biases are not present in our law enforcement officers and that all people are treated fairly and equitably. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mr. Jones-Sawyer. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 43 no zero measure passes moving to file item 116, SB 611 Senator Menjivar by Mister Haney the Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 611 by Senator Menjivar an act related to tenants fees.
- Jim Wood
Mister Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you so much, Mister speaker and Members. I rise today to present SB 611 by Senator Menjivar. During his State of the Union, President Biden highlighted the issue of junk fees and his Administration has pushed for housing price transparency through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- Matt Haney
SB 611 will reduce the use of some specific junk or hidden fees, specifically fees known as stacking or notification fees charged for notifying tenants about other fees. SB 611 also prohibits the charging of additional fees when a tenant pays by check.
- Matt Haney
The Bill also adds protections for active service Members when they have been charged an extra security deposit based on past history. SB 611 aims to address these challenges by mandating service Members who are often required to pay a higher security deposit, receive a refund of the additional deposit after six months if they have upheld lease terms.
- Matt Haney
Like most renters, service Members would not have to pay more than one month for their security deposit, even if they are paying a higher than advertised rate. Thank you and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on behalf of Senator Menjivar.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Haney. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 51 no. Six measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to File Item 120: SB 1329: Committee on Education by Mr. Muratsuchi. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1329 by the Committee on Education, an act relating to elementary and secondary education.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Muratsuchi, you are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I'm presenting SB 1329, the Committee of Education omnibus bill. There's been no opposition. No no votes. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 61; noes: zero. Measure passes. I'm going to pass temporarily on File Item 124.
- Jim Wood
Move to File Item 125: SB 937: Senator Wiener by Mr. Joe Patterson. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 937 by Senator Wiener and others, an act relating to land use.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Patterson, you are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Great. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Members. I rise today to present SB 937. The author and I have worked closely on this legislation this year related to housing impact fee deferrals. SB 937 allows for delayed collection of impact fees for designated housing developments, a specific subset of affordable or streamlined housing projects with exceptions for fees necessary to pay for specified infrastructure or public improvements.
- Joe Patterson
Impact fees, although crucial for local governments to ensure they have the capacity to provide necessary infrastructure and services to their residents, can make up anywhere from six to 18% of the median home price and can average as high as $75,000 per unit for multifamily developments.
- Joe Patterson
To be clear, SB 937 does not alter the types of impact fees that can be collected or their amounts. Instead, SB 937 simply defers the collection of those fees for a specific subset of housing projects to certificate of occupancy. SB 937 ensures that the local governments can remain whole, collecting all fees in total while providing temporary relief for developers seeking to add housing stock. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Patterson. Mr. Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Colleagues, the Assembly Member from Placer County and the Senator from San Francisco are in agreement. I support that, and I respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bryan. Would you like to close, Mr. Patterson?
- Joe Patterson
I don't know if that helped or hurt my cause, but I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
And with that, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 56; noes: one. Measure passes. We'll now move to File Item 128: SB 1075: Senator Bradford by Mr. Ting.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1075 by Senator Bradford and others, an act relating to credit unions.
- Jim Wood
Mister Ting, you are recognized.
- Philip Ting
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I'm presenting SB 1075 on behalf of Senator Bradford, which will establish basic consumer protections for Californians who are members of state-chartered credit unions.
- Philip Ting
SB 1075 will create new safeguards from overdraft and non-sufficient Fund fees by capping those fees at $14 for an amount set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is whichever is lower, starting in 2026. Respectfully as for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Ting. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61. Noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to File Item 129: SB 1109: Senator Bradford by Mr. Kalra. The clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1109 by Senator Bradford, an act relating to cannabis.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to present SB 1109, on behalf of Senator Bradford. SB 1109 is a straightforward measure that requires the Department of Cannabis Control to collect and report demographic information of cannabis licensees. This information will be provided voluntarily by cannabis licensees.
- Ash Kalra
In recent years, legislature has focused on ensuring that California's cannabis market is inclusive and supportive of individuals impacted by the War on Drugs, as intended when the voters passed Prop 64. Many of these individuals have experienced difficulty entering the market and contend that the market continues to lack in diversity.
- Ash Kalra
California has a responsibility to make sure that our cannabis industry is equitable and fair to all. SB 1109 will help provide necessary transparency about California's cannabis industry. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Kalra. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll; tally the votes. Ayes: 58; no: zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 144, SB 1342 Senator Atkins, by Mister Alvarez.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1342 by Senator Atkins and others. An act relating to environmental quality.
- Jim Wood
Mister Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you very much, Mister speaker. Good afternoon colleagues. I rise to present SB 1342 by pro tem emeritus Atkins, and it's co authored by myself and the entire San Diego delegation. Bipartisan basis, SB 1342 would authorize CEQA streamlining for two clean energy and clean water projects in the San Diego region.
- David Alvarez
First, the San Vicente pump storage project in San Diego County and the South Bay wastewater treatment plant near the California Mexico border. This is the same type of CEQA streamlining, and the Legislature and Governor approved last summer under SB 149 for the other energy, water and microchip infrastructure projects.
- David Alvarez
The San Vicente project in particular is urgently needed for clean energy and load support in the San Diego region to save ratepayers millions in utility costs. And you've all heard me talk many times now about the cross border sewage crisis that has closed beaches in San Diego in my district for almost a thousand days.
- David Alvarez
This is due to years of different maintenance, including one specific plant treatment plant, which is a South Bay treatment plant which is in desperate need of upgrades and possible reconstruction. So extending CEQA streamline to these projects is entirely elective and at the option of the project applicant.
- David Alvarez
But this could shave months off and years off of the project completion and obviously dollars for taxpayers. So on behalf of pro tem emeritus Atkins and our San Diego delegation, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Alvarez. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll until votes aye 63 no's zero measure passes.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back in file order just a bit to file item 142, SB 1290, Senator Roth by Assembly Member Bonta. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1290 by Senator Roth, an act relating to healthcare coverage.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Bonta, you are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. Today I rise to present SB 1289 by Senator Roth. This bill requires DHCs to collect data for call centers operated by the counties to assist people with their Medi-Cal.
- Mia Bonta
Federal and state law requires that people be able to apply for Medi-Cal and turn in information for their Medi-Cal determinations over the phone. Medi-Cal recipients also need to be able to ask basic questions about the program or call for help if their Medi-Cal is unexpectedly turned off.
- Mia Bonta
However, the wait times faced by many Medi-Cal recipients to reach their county workers by phone are too long. Some people report waiting for hours, some report never getting through at all, and others report calling in only to have the system hang up on them.
- Mia Bonta
In fact, a recent survey of Medi-Cal members who lost coverage found that over a third said they couldn't get through when they tried to call for help. Imagine that.
- Mia Bonta
To help remedy this issue, this bill will require counties to submit data regarding call center wait times and will require DHCS to publish a quarterly report on these wait times to increase transparency and oversight. Thank you, Members, and on behalf of Senator Roth, Chair Roth, I respectfully request and aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Okay, Assembly Member Bonta so we were on file on SB 1290, but I believe your testimony was on SB 1289. I'm sorry, I can't. So, we're going to fix this. It's fine. That is file item 1283, SB 1289. We've heard the testimony. Let's have the Clerk read that, please.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1289 by Senator Roth, an act relating to Medi-Cal.
- Jim Wood
Now, we've heard that testimony. Does anybody wish to hear the testimony again? Seeing and hearing no one. And seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll on item 253, SB 1289. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61. Nos zero. Measure passes. Now, would you like to do? She left. I was going to ask if she wanted to do the other bill. Do you want to do that other bill? No. Okay, that's fine.
- Jim Wood
I will tell you that many years ago, I read a floor statement, and nobody noticed that I read it for the wrong bill. And I got up half an hour later and read the exact same floor statement, and nobody noticed it then either. So, stuff happens. We just recover and we just move on. Thank you, Assembly Member Bonta.
- Jim Wood
Okay, we're going to move back to file item 113, SB 607, Mister Portantino's Bill by Senator Portantino, by Mister Low.
- Reading Clerk
Clerk will read Senate Bill 607 by Senator Portantino and actual a controlled substances.
- Evan Low
Mister Low, you are recognized. Thank you very much, Mister speaker and colleagues. SB 607 requires that prescribers of opioids. Discuss the risk of the dangers of. Opioids in tackling the opioid crisis. This Bill received 39 votes in the. Senate with bipartisan unanimous support and respectfully asked for your vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Low. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Mister Low moves the call.
- Jim Wood
Miss Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members. The Rules Committee will meet now in room 126. We will stand in brief recess under a call while the Rules Committee meets. The we will reconvene immediately after the Committee adjourns.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Rules Committee or the floor is in recess on call.
- Jim Wood
Members, if you make your way back to the floor, we do have some business now to conduct. Now, the Rules Committee has broken up and. Well, they haven't broken up, but they finished their meeting. They've concluded their meeting. We still have a Rules Committee. Recess has concluded. We are back in session. So Members, please report to the floor.
- Jim Wood
Members, please come back to the floor. We have business before us. We can entertain. Vote changes now if people have vote changes. Mister Lackey, you are recognized for your vote change yes, thank you.
- Tom Lackey
I'd like to change my vote from SB 937. I to not voting.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Lackey Senate Bill 937 aye to not voting
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Lackey. Doctor Weber.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, I'd like to do a vote change AB 262 from aye to no.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assemblymember Weber Assembly Bill 262 Aye to no.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Sanchez?
- Kate Sanchez
Vote change SB 607 aye to not voting
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Sanchez Senate Bill 607 aye to not voting
- Jim Wood
Assembly. Member Dixon
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, AB 3282 from no to aye please.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Dixon Assembly Bill 3282 no to aye
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Irwin, you are recognized.
- Jacqui Irwin
Vote change SB 937 aye to not voting thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assemblymember Irwin Senate Bill 937 Aye to not voting
- Jim Wood
Mister Alanis
- Juan Alanis
Speaker, vote change SB 937 from Aye to not voting
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Alanis. Mister Muratsuchi. Hang on. hang on just a second. It's just a second.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Alanis Senate Bill 937 aye to not voting.
- Jim Wood
Okay, Mister Muratsuchi
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you. Vote change SB 1287 aye to not voting.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Muratsuchi Senate Bill 1287 aye to not voting.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mr. Speaker, there is a Rules Committee Resolution at the desk to suspend the Joint Rule deadline to amend specified bills. I would ask that we take up that resolution now.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Resolved that Joint Rule 61 B 16 be suspended to permit Senate Bills 954--to permit consideration of amendments to Senate Bills 954, 1223, 1272, and 1526.
- Jim Wood
Members, this is a suspension of the rules--of the Joint Rules and is not debatable. It takes 54 votes. The clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes: 56; noes: zero. The joint rules are suspended.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, we'll continue to take any vote changes at the moment, starting with Assembly Member Valencia.
- Avelino Valencia
Thank you, Madam Speaker. SB 937: yes to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change: Assembly Member Valencia: Senate Bill 937: aye to not voting.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Assembly Member Schiavo.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Madam Speaker. SB 937: aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change: Assembly Member Schiavo: Senate Bill 937: aye to not voting.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Assembly Member Quirk-Silva, your vote change?
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Vote change for SB 937: aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change: Assembly Member Quirk-Silva: Senate Bill 937: aye to not voting.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Alright Members, we're going to go ahead and continue to work the file, starting with file item number 165, SB 1238. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
The Senate Bill 1238 by Senator Eggman an act relating to behavioral health.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Doctor Wood, you may open on the Bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present SB 1238 on behalf of Senator Eggman. Last year, the Legislature passed SB 43, modernizing the definition of granted disabled to include a person's ability to provide for their personal safety and necessary medical care due to their mental disorder or severe substance abuse disorder.
- Jim Wood
The point of SB 1238 is to provide counties the flexibility to authorize designated facilities in their communities that can currently meet the needs or can quickly modify their personnel, services or security to meet the needs of the gravely disabled population.
- Jim Wood
I recognize that not every facility is equipped to treat patients on a 5150 or 5250 hold, but those facilities may be equipped to treat patients at the points at other points in the continuum of care.
- Jim Wood
The Bill allows facilities to be designated for the point in the continuum of care they are equipped to handle and not the full continuum of care if it doesn't make sense for the facility type.
- Jim Wood
The flexibility offered through this legislation has the ability to relieve some of the pressure caused by this long existing facility shortage and ensures safe and adequate treatment for those who need it. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Seeing no others wishing to speak, the Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote, all those votes who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, the Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 56, no zero measure passes taking us to file item number 246, SB 1230.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1230 by Senator Rubio and others an act relating to tobacco sales.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Doctor Wood, you may open on the Bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present SB 1230 on behalf of Senator Rubio, a common sense public health Bill that has received bipartisan support and has no opposition on file. California has made great progress on reducing tobacco use, but illegal tobacco products with youth friendly flavors continue to find their way into California stores.
- Jim Wood
SB 1230 will strengthen enforcement of California's anti tobacco laws to keep flavored vapes off store shelves and out of the hands of students and young adults. SB 1230 authorizes the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration to seize and destroy flavored tobacco products discovered during their regular inspections of tobacco retailers and warehouses.
- Jim Wood
The Bill also includes a reasonable increase of existing civil fit penalties that haven't changed in nearly 20 years for retailers who break the law by selling flavored tobacco products or any tobacco products to people under 21 years old. As a co-author of SB 1230, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Saying no others wishing to speak, the Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote, all those votes who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, the Clerk will close the roll eyes. 55 nos. One measure passes. Moving on to item number 262, SB 1354, the Clerk will read Senate Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1354 by Senator Wahab and others, an accolade to health facilities.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Dr. Wood, you may open on the Bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present SB 1354 that protects seniors at all costs act on behalf of Senator Wahab. SB 1354 codifies regulations regarding skilled nursing facilities and protects the rights of residents regardless of their payment source.
- Jim Wood
The Bill requires facilities to make available upon request its current daily census, which is crucial for families who are looking for placement of their loved ones. SB 1354 also requires facilities to inform residents being transferred or discharged that they may be eligible for Medi-Cal's long-term care program to help pay for their stay.
- Jim Wood
The author's office worked with the Department of Health Care Services on amendments to clarify there are no new mandates. There is no opposition to the Bill. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Seeing no others wishing to speak. The Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 67. Nos zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
We will now move to file item 117, SB 1526 by Mister Berman for the purpose of amendments. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1526 with amendments by Assemblymember Berman.
- Marc Berman
Thank you Mister speaker. I rise to present amendments to SB 1526 to address chaptering issues with SB 1451 and AB 2471. Respectfully ask for an aye vote on the amendments.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Berman. Without objection, we'll take a voice vote on the amendments. All in favor say aye, opposed say no. The ayes have it. The amendments are adopted. The Bill is out to print and back on file. Moving to file item 100, 141, SB 1223 by Assemblymember Bauer Kahan for the purpose of amendments.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk will read Senate Bill 1223 with amendments by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan.