Senate Floor
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Members, a quorum is present. Would our Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery please rise. We'll be led in prayer this morning by our chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, after which we're going to ask you to remain standing for the pledge allegiance to flock.
- Michelle Gorman
We gather in God's presence again, O God of peace. We seek energy for our spirits and light for our thoughts. We bring our work to be sanctified, our wounds to be healed, our hopes to be renewed. You, in whom all are one, fill us with the fullness of your love.
- Michelle Gorman
Raise us beyond the limits of our daily imperfections. Send us visions of the love that is in you and of the good that will be accomplished through us. Your greatness is beyond our praise. Amen.
- Steven Bradford
Members, please join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flock I pledge alleged. All right. Now moving the privileges of the floor. There are none. Messages from the Governor will be Dean Redden. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of committees will be deemed read. Motions, resolutions and notices.
- Steven Bradford
The following bills are referred to the Committee on Rules, file 15, AB 2348. File 16, AB 3121. Pursuant to rule 29.10 d, the following bills are referred to Committee on rules, file 59, SB 918 and file 82, SB 1143. Now, Members, we're moving on to consideration of the daily file. We're at second reading file. Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
[Second Reading]
- Steven Bradford
Second readings. Deemed read. Now, Members, we're moving on to unfinished business. First up is filed item 20 by Senator Umberg. Yes, prepared. Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 901 by Senator Umberg an act relating to the military.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. This Bill simply says that if you are a Member of Antifa or you're a Member of another organization that believes that the government should be overthrown, whether it's the government of California or the Federal Government, then you cannot be trained in lethal force by the California National Guard or the state guard. I urge and I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing, seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 20.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg moves the call. Next Members, we're moving on to file item 25 by Senator Padilla. He is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 764 by Senator Padilla an accolade to minors.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. SB 764 is back on conclusion with minor amendments from the Assembly. To give it consistency with existing statute.
- Steve Padilla
Senate Bill 764 would require family content creators who are compensated for filming their minor children and more than 30% of their content to set aside a percentage of their earnings in a trust for the benefit of their minor when they reach the age of majority.
- Steve Padilla
It builds on the Coogan act, which became the national standard in protecting children from financial abuse in the entertainment industry after famous child actor Jackie Coogan had his earnings stolen from his guardians.
- Steve Padilla
As social media becomes even more integrated into our daily life and a growing share of the entertainment landscape, we need to update our hard fought labor protections and safeguards to protect the financial performer of these children and their future. 764 would recognize that children deserve financial protection and compensation for being filmed and generating revenue for their family.
- Steve Padilla
Assembly amendments require 65% of the earnings must be put in a trust. Along with other clarifying amendments. This bill has had broad bipartisan support and no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Any further discussion or debate hearing. Seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 25.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call}
- Steven Bradford
We're gonna call APPCN Members one more time. Talley. Mcguire? Niello. Aye. Sierto. Senator Padilla moves the call. Oh, all right, we'll shut it down. All right. Ayes, 37. No's, 0. The measure passes and Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to file item 27. Senator Wiener, he's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senator Bill 960 by Senator Wiener an accolade to transportation. Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, SB 960 is back on concurrence. This bill improves the implementation of complete streets facilities for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders on Caltrans projects on state owned roads. Assembly amendments represent an agreement with Caltrans and relevant policy and fiscal committees.
- Scott Wiener
All transportation, labor, and contractor groups went neutral on the bill after the Assembly Transportation Committee hearing. These amendments improve oversight over complete streets facility implementation, improve the department's complete street's investment target practices, and direct Caltrans to improve public transportation on the state highway system. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 27.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31, noes 9. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 28, Smallwood-Cuevas. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1067 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, an act relating to healing arts.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, the floor is yours.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mr. President. And good morning, colleagues. This morning I am presenting be 1067, which is back on concurrence. This is a bill to expedite licensure for healthcare practitioners who will be providing medical service in underserved communities. And with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 28.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absence Members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
Gonzalez? Aye. Niello.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39. No, 0. The Assembly Members are concurred in. Now. Members, we're moving on to file item 29. Senator Roth, he's ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1249 by Senator Roth an act relating to older adults.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Roth?
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mr. President. This bill is back on concurrence. The Assembly amendments incorporate the language from AB 2636 by Assembly Member Bains with that of this bill impacting the same sections of the Older Californians Act. Additional amendments add Assembly Member Bains, as a principal co-author, are technical and clarifying in nature. Please vote aye.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 29.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent of Members.
- Steven Bradford
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now moving on to file item 32, Senator Wiener. He's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 532 by Senator Wiener, an act relating to vehicles.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, the floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues at rise to present SB 532, which modernizes parking payments by authorizing, but not requiring a five year pilot program in San Francisco, Long Beach and Santa Monica to implement paid parking without having to incur the high cost of physical meters.
- Scott Wiener
Current law effectively requires cities to spend significant limited resources purchasing, installing and maintaining outdated and expensive parking meter equipment. Parking meters also can impede passage for people with disabilities and take up valuable sidewalk space that could be repurposed for other uses.
- Scott Wiener
SB 532 addresses these challenges by allowing the three pilot cities to pilot a pay by phone only zone, provided that the city provide signage in such zones and works with local stakeholders to implement reasonably accessible means for cash payments and parking fees.
- Scott Wiener
The requirement for this pilot is stronger than existing law, which does not require physical parking meters to accept cash payments at all. Finally, the Bill caps the maximum citation for those who do not pay at all for parking in such zones at 50% of the regular citation cost. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing, seeing none secretary please call the roll on file item 32.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 33. noes five. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to file item 333. Senator Limon. Senator Limon, she's ready. Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 639 by Senator Limon an act relating to healing arts.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, President and colleagues, SB 639. Is back on concurrence. The bill ensures that healthcare professionals are equipped for dementia detection and diagnosis statewide. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 33.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 33. Nos, 3. The Assembly Members are concurred in. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 34. We got Senator Dodd. He's ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 295 by Senator Dodd, an act relating to bar pilots and making an appropriation therefore.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Dodd.
- Bill Dodd
Thank you, Mr. President. You're doing a really great job. President and Members, today I'm presenting SB 295 regarding the Pilot Boat Surcharge Account, which is back on concurrence. This bill would remove the statutorily established caps and allow unspent funds to carry forward to future fiscal years. Respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 34.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Members, we're going to ask for your attention for a minute. We want to recognize former State Senator from the State of Washington, Reuven Carlyle. Welcome to the California State Senate. Thank you for joining us here today. All right, Members. Now we're moving on to file item 37 by Senator Allen. He is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 285 by Senator Allen, an act relating to criminal procedure.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Allen.
- Benjamin Allen
All right. Thank you, Mr. President. In 2017-2019 the Legislature passed the RISE Acts. We voted for... These were authored by Senators Mitchell, Lara, and Wiener. They prospectively repealed the application of certain sentence enhancements. I then authored, in 2021, SB 483 that created the process to remove those now invalid sentence enhancements to ensure that no one was serving extra time, you know, unnecessarily and unresponsively. Our office has heard many stories of those who have been given back years of their lives.
- Benjamin Allen
They're making the most of it, and I'm really proud of all of the successes from my SB 483. Unfortunately, a small but very real group of people convicted of violent and heinous crimes were also unintentionally made eligible for resentencing under SB 483.
- Benjamin Allen
And this bill, SB 285, intends to right this error by clarifying that people who have been sentenced to death or life without parole and they've been convicted for a sexual violent offense are not eligible for resentencing under my SB 483.
- Benjamin Allen
The bill will not retroactively affect anyone who's already been resentenced under the bill. But this is ultimately about reducing caseloads and limiting the retraumatization of victims and their families unnecessarily. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you call a roll on file item 37.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 40 by Senator Dodd.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 278 by Senator Dodd an accolade to elder abuse.
- Bill Dodd
Mister President, Members, SB 278 pertaining to elder financial abuse is back for concurrence. Assembly amendments require financial institutions to notify an emergency financial contact of suspected abuse of a senior if a trusted contact has been provided, and to delay by three days a transaction where the banks reasonably suspect abuse.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Dodd.
- Bill Dodd
Amendments provide banks and credit unions with liability protections. Amendments delay implementation by one year to allow the banks to work some situations out.
- Bill Dodd
Amendments also include enforcement provisions for any institution that repeatedly violates the law, and the amendments provide that if the application of the enforcement provisions are held invalid for one covered entity, the enforcement provisions are invalid for all there is no longer any opposition to this Bill. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing, seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 40.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please. Call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye, 32. No, 1. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. Members, we're moving on to file item 44. Senator Durazzo, she is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 227 by Senator Durazo. An accolade to unemployment.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Durazo.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mister President. SB 227 amendments require the Employment Development Department to develop a detailed plan to establish a permanent excluded workers program to provide cash assistance to workers who are excluded from Unemployment Insurance solely due to their immigration status.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
As extreme heat and wildfires continue to affect the state, all Californians, regardless of where they were born, deserve access to a safety net when they are displaced and out of work. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 44.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 29. Nos, 9. The Assembly Members amendments are concurred in now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 45 by Senator Skinner. She is ready.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 254 by Senator Skinner an accolade to correctional facilities.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mister President. Members, SB 254 is back for concurrence. The amendments in the Assembly ensure safety and minimize disruptions and protect the privacy of visitors and staff and delays the implementation. SB 254 has bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing, seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 45.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 29 knows 10. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to file item 47. Senator Atkins, she is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 450. By Senator Atkins an accolade to land use.
- Committee Secretary
Senator Atkins.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, SB 450 is back from the Assembly on concurrence, the bill was amended to reflect the changes to the code section that have been made since last year and removed provisions that were addressed in legislation in the 2023 session.
- Toni Atkins
Additionally, findings and declarations were added to clarify that SB nine is meant to help alleviate our housing crisis by creating a way for homeowners to build more housing in their communities. SB 450 will increase the effectiveness of SB nine by improving access and certainty. Thank you, Mister President.
- Toni Atkins
And certainty for homeowners who wish to use the provisions of that law and it increases the enforcement of existing law. I urge your. aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Aaron C. None. Secretary, please call a roll on file item 47.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absence Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 28, Nos, 9. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now, Members, we're moving on to file item 51. Senator Glazier. He is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 597 by Senator Glazer an accolade to rainwater catchment systems.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mister President. Members, while California has had the wettest winters on record over the past couple of years, our state is still facing a wetter crisis exacerbated by climate change.
- Steven Glazer
This Bill requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to research and authorize building standards and to propose building standards to increase the installation of rainwater capture systems. Assembly amendments move the implementation date out to January 1, 2027. Authorizes HCD to propose voluntary building standards and clarify that the building standards should apply statewide.
- Steven Glazer
With that, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Senator Jones.
- Brian Jones
Good morning, Mister President. Members. I rise in support of SB 597, and in fact, California is a little bit behind the rest of the country on this. I remember touring new homes in Denver, Colorado, probably over 20 years ago, and they were already doing these rainwater capture systems.
- Brian Jones
I'm sure that the technology and the efforts since then have been improved, and so I think California should be looking into this as well. I ask for an aye vote on SB 597. Any further discussion or debate on this item?
- Steven Bradford
Hearing, seeing none. Senator Glazer, would you like to close?
- Steven Glazer
I'd like to thank the Senator from Santee for making the point that is important. You know, in Australia, 40% of the homes have rainwater capture systems on them. 40%. In Australia, we are behind the times. We need to catch up. This bill will help that. With that, respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, secretary. Please call the roll on file item 51. Colin. Aye.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 38; noes: one. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to File Item 52: Senator Menjivar. She is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 729 by Senator Menjivar, an act relating to health care coverage.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, floor is yours.
- Caroline Menjivar
Mr. President, look away. I might blind you, but I'm rising cuz SB 729 is back on concurrence. Assembly Members really narrowed it and delayed implementation for CALPERS to 2027, private, large groups: six months to July of 2025. Respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none because I'm blind, please call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 30; noes: eight. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, we're moving on to File Item 57: Senator Roth. Members, we're going to ask that you take your conversation off the floor. It's hard to hear right now. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 902 by Senator Roth, an act relating to firearms.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Roth, floor is yours.
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mister President. On concurrence, this bill ensures the most serious animal abusers are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm for 10 years. Assembly amendments removed the findings and declaration section from the bill to ensure that. The bill maintains a narrow scope. bill has broad bipartisan support.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing see none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 57.
- Richard Roth
Ask for an aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes. 36, nos. Three. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to Senator Becker. File item 61.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 942 by Senator Becker, an act relating to consumer protection.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, 942 is back on concurrence. This bill establishes a clear framework to help Californians identify AI-generated content. Assembly amendments delay implementation of the bill to 2026, make some clarifying changes to ensure technically feasible and reasonable timelines. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll on File Item 61.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 34; noes: two. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to File Item 62. Senator Wiener is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 957 by Senator Wiener, an act relating to data collection.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, the floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, SB 957 as backbone concurrence. This has to do with collection of health data regarding sexual orientation, gender identity. Amendments in the assembly were largely technical. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing and seeing none, you may call the roll on file item 62.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members. Ayes 30, noes 9. The assembly amendments are concurred. In now we're moving on to file item 64. That's Senator Wiener again. He is ready to go. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 966 by Senator Wiener and acclaimed to pharmacy benefits.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. SB 966 is back on concurrence. This bill, if you'll recall, received a unanimous vote on this floor at House of Origin. Assembly amendments remove the prohibition on spread pricing, exempt collectively bargained tartly plans, require PBMs to disclose the amount and type of fees charged for the services to the health plan, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll on File Item 64.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 37; noes: one. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're going to move on to File Item 65 and 66 by Senator Wahab. She's prepared. Secretary, please read File Item 65.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 983 by Senator Wahab, an act relating to energy.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. SB 983, the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Task Force is back on concurrence. The bill would establish the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Task Force to determine how California can add alternative fuel options to gas stations and ensure all Californians can rely on clean energy fueling infrastructure. We are not betting on technology. We are betting on infrastructure. I respectfully ask for an aye vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Hearing and seeing none, secretary, please call the roll on File Item 65.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 35; noes: zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Wahab, you have File Item 66. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 984 by Senator Wahab, an act relating to public contracts.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
SB 984, project labor agreements, is back for concurrence. This Bill requires the California State University and the California courts to identify three major construction projects to be governed by a PLA. Amendments reflect an agreement reached with the sponsors and opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 66.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absence of Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye, 30. No's, 8. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now, Members, we're moving on to file item 69 by Senator Padilla. He is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1006 by Senator Padillaan accolade to electricity.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mr. President and colleagues. I rise to present SB 1006. It is back on concurrence, requires utilities to prepare grid enhancing technologies and reconductoring study to increase capacity and cost-efficiency. These technologies can increase capacity faster at a far cheaper rate, then new lines, reducing costs for ratepayers.
- Steve Padilla
Assembly amendments narrow the bill from a strategic plan to a study. This bill has broad bipartisan support, has had zero no votes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, please call the roll on File Item 69.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 39; noes: zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving on to File Item 71: Senator Wiener. He is ready to go. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1047 by Senator Wiener, an act relating to artificial intelligence.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you very much, Mr. President and colleagues. SB 1047 is back on concurrence. Assembly amendments restructured parts of the bill and significantly narrowed requirements imposed on developers. Changes include around civil penalties, elimination of certain criminal penalties, simplification of injunctive relief, rely on an existing agency instead of a new agency, as well as other amendments. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll on File Item 71.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Ayes: 29; noes: nine. The Assembly amendments are concurred in.
- Steven Glazer
We're going to move next to file item 72. This is Senate Bill 1050 Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1050 by Senator Bradford an act relating to state government.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President. SB 1050 is back for Assembly concurrence. This Bill would create a pathway to return land or provide restitution to Californians who have hit their land or their property taken by racially motivated reasons. Similar to what we did a few years ago with Bruce's beach.
- Steven Bradford
Assembly amendments changed the responsible party from the state to the actual government entity that committed the racially motivated act. Amendments also remove the statute of limitations specifically for claims of racially motivated abuses of eminent domain. The Bill protects private property owners, meaning that land that is currently in private hands with good faith owners could not be reclaimed. These changes stay true to the original intent of the Bill of creating a path to justice for victims of racially motivated takings. And I respectfully as for your aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Members, any discussion or debate on this measure? Any discussion or debate scene? None. Secretary, please call the roll. zero, excuse me. Pardon me. I see a hand from the Senator from Fair Oaks. What purpose do you rise, sir?
- Roger Niello
To speak to the Bill. I suppose I'm just too far to your right for you to see me. Thank you very much Mister President.
- Steven Glazer
It was the bling, I think the bling was shining in my eyes
- Roger Niello
When this Bill was originally introduced. I opposed it and I spoke to it certainly in Committee and I think on the floor. My concern was that the obligation of restitution laid with the state. That is to say, taxpayers from Colusa would potentially contribute in contributing to the restitution of a racially motivated take that happened in Southern California. The author has accepted amendments that really address the concern that I have. And I believe now that the Bill is imminently supportable, I urge an aye vote,
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Niello, for brightening up our day. Any further discussion or debate, Senator Dahle?
- Brian Dahle
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, I also rise in support of this Bill. There's nothing worse than taking someone's land unjust. And in America and in California, we have the right to own private property. And the only time that property should be taken is through eminent domain.
- Brian Dahle
And it should only be used for a public good, for schools, roads, and those types of situations. If it's been taken in any other way, that's unjust and it should be rectified. And this Bill, I think, moves in that direction to do that.
- Brian Dahle
So I will be supporting this Bill and standing up for people who have private property. And that's the one thing that makes America great is we actually own something. And if it's unrightfully taken, we should make that right.
- Steven Glazer
Any Member wishes to add their voice to this debate scene? None. Senator Bradford, you may close.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President. I want to thank my colleagues for joining me in what is really a sensible approach to returning land that was unjustly taken. And that's what this Bill specifically speaks to those folks who had their lands taken unjust for no other reasons than racially motivated hatred. So I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
All debate having ceased. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Glazer
On a vote of 37 ayes, zero Noes, the Assembly amendments are concurred in.
- Steven Bradford
Now, Members, we're moving on to File Item 75: Senator Padilla. He's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1072 by Senator Padilla, an act relating to local government.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mr. President and colleagues. SB 1072 is back from the Assembly on concurrence. It would require a local agency, if a court determines that a fee or charge for a property-related service, including water, sewer, or refuse collection, violates Section Six of Article XIII D, the California Constitution, then the local agency shall, in the next procedure to impose an increase for a fee or charge, credit the amount due of the fee or charge attributable to the violation against the amount of revenues required to provide that property-related service unless a refund is--unless a refund is explicitly called for in statute.
- Steve Padilla
Amendments in the Assembly remove the bill's provisions that the bill is declaratory of existing law. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll on File Item 75.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Steven Bradford
Senator Padilla moves a call. Now, Members, we move on to File Item 77 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. She's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1089 by Senator Small Cuevas an accolade to food and prescription access.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, the floor is yours.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. SB 1089 is a priority bill of the black caucus reparations package, and it's back on concurrence. The Assembly amendments decreased the notice period and removed opposition from the California Retailers Association and the California Community Pharmacy Coalition. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing, seeing, none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 77.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Smallwood-Cuevas moves the call. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 80 by Senator Caballero. We're going to take a time out for a minute. Yes. All right, we're going to move on to Senator Caballero. File item 80. She's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1123 by Senator Caballero and Aquilain to land use. Senator, floor is yours.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Mister President, I rise today to present SB 1123, which is back on concurrence. Amendments taken, the Assembly define what constitute a vacant single family parcel and make other technical changes. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing c? None. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 80.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Caballero moves a call now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 83. Senator Portantino, he is prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1147 by Senator Portantino an accolade to drinking water.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister President and Members, SB 1147 is back on concurrence amendments in the Assembly direct the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to share biennial reports on their microplastics and drinking water research, which will include research on bottled water, which is significant. We're including bottled water.
- Anthony Portantino
Once the State Water Resource Control Board has reviews the final report, they will determine the best interests of public to take additional action. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing and see none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 83.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye. Senator Portantino moves the call. Now we're gonna move on to file item 91. Senator Skinner, she's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1211 by Senator Skinner an accolade to land use.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner, the floor is yours.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mister President. Members, SB 1211 is back on concurrence. It provides additional flexibility where ADUs can. Be cited on multifamily properties. The Assembly amendments were technical in nature. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 91.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner moves a call. Now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 93 by Senator Blakespear. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1216 by Senator Blakespear an act relating to transportation.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues, SB 1216 is back on concurrence. Assembly amendments add flexibility for local governments. To use sharrows on higher speed roads. To direct cyclists through intersections. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing and seeing none, secretary please call the roll on file item 93.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear moves the call. Now we're gonna move on to file item 97. Senator Becker, he's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1254 by Senator Becker. An act relating to public social services.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill will provide incarcerated folks with calfresh benefits 90 days before reentry, get them signed up so that they can actually have a better chance of re entering society and. And not recidivating. Thank you. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing, seeing None. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 97.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Becker moves the call. Now, Members, we're gonna move on to file item 98. Senator Newman, you're ready.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1263 by Senator Newman an act relating to teacher credentialing and making an appropriation therefore.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill is back in concurrence. This Bill is now a study Bill that looks at the teacher credentialing process in California and for ways to enhance our educator workforce. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any discussion on this item? Hearing and seeing no mics up, we will call the roll on file item 98.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Newman moves the call. Now, Members, we're gonna move on to file item 99 by Senator Laird. He is ready. Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1280 by Senator Laird an act relating to waste management.
- John Laird
Senator Laird? Thank you, Mister President. This Bill is backed for concurrence. Assembly amendments require Cal recycle to create regulations to ensure successful implementation of the Bill. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any discussion or debate on this item? See none. Let's call the roll on fall item 99. Allen.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Laird moves a call. Now Members are going to move on to Senator Wahab. File item 101. She is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1321 by Senator Wahab and accurately into employment. Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. SB 1321 is back on concurrence. This Bill will ensure training opportunities funded through the employment training panel. Provide high quality training opportunities for workers with a specific criteria for high road. Training programs and not duplicating or competing. With with any other type of apprenticeship program.
- Aisha Wahab
For the most part, this has not been touched in several decades. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, hearing none. Secretary police. Call the roll on file item 101. Allen.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab moves the call. Now. Next up is Senator Gonzalez. File item 102. You prepared? You want to skip? We'll skip. We'll skip. All right, we'll go to file item 105. Senator Durazzo, she's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1375 by Senator Durazzo and accurately into workforce development. Senator Durazo.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
Mister President, thank you. SB 1375 was amended in the Assembly to Reserve 1% of federal infrastructure money for workforce training to create pathways into. High demand, high paid jobs. These amendments also provide a definition for job quality and economic equity to align. With the federal good jobs principles. Additional amendments are technical and clarifying.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing none. Let's call the roll on file item 105.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. Measure passes. Some of the Members are concurred in, and so now we're going to move on to file item 106. Senator Caballero, she is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1386 by Senator Caballero. And according to evidence.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President and Members, SB 1386 is back on concurrence. This is the California Civil Rape shield Preservation act. The Assembly amendments were technical, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Union C, none. Please call the roll on file item 106. Allen.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in the now we're going to move on to file item 108. Senator Allen, he's ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1406 by Senator Allen and accurately into residential care facilities. Senator Allen, floor is yours.
- Benjamin Allen
Thank you so much, Mister President. This Bill seeks to empower assisted living residents and their families. The Bill increases the noticing period for rate increases from 60 to 90 days to give seniors and their families the. Necessary time to determine whether they can afford the higher rates or if they.
- Benjamin Allen
Should appeal the rate change or find an alternative setting that might work better for them. Assembly Appropriation Committee amended the Bill to remove the rate increase cap. There's now no opposition to the Bill, and I ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing see none. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 108.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members.
- Steven Bradford
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in.
- Steven Bradford
All right, we're going to move on to file item 112. Senator Archuleta, are you ready? Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1418 by Senator Archuleta. An act relating to land use.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Mister President. I present Senate Bill 1418. And it's back on concurrence. As a reminder, SB 1418 brings parity to the electric vehicle permitting process by streamlining the administrative approval process for hydrogen fueling stations in the same way as we do for charging stations. And I received bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Stern?
- Henry Stern
Yeah. Thank you. Members, I just want to rise briefly. Unfortunately, I can't support today just because of the lack of a local safety review on certain assets that do have high flammability and pressure potential. And so I think local governments and our fire departments need stronger oversight. So I can't support today. I do appreciate the author's work.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Archuleta, would you like to close?
- Bob Archuleta
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 112.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 29, Noes one. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, before we move on, we're just going to let you know we're going to take a lunch break at 12:15, and we're going to have to conduct some Committee business.
- Steven Bradford
We're going to ask that we break for 1 hour, but we're also going to ask that all the Members please stay in the building so we can get right back to work at 115. All right, now we're moving on to file item 115. Senator Hurtato, she's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1448 by Senator Hurtado. And accurately into food and agriculture and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately. Senator Hurtado.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mister President. SB 1448 is back on concurrence. The amendments taken in the Assembly provide an urgency clause, extend the sunset date to January 12034 and will develop and consult a working group comprised at least of seven individuals who possess expertise in the operation of food hubs.
- Melissa Hurtado
This Bill has made it through the Legislature with bipartisan support and asked for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussions or debate on this item? Any further discussion, debate, hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 115.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 32, noes two on the urgency. Ayes 32, noes two on the amendments. Amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 116 by Senator Ashby. She is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1452 by Senator Ashby. And accurately into architects and landscape architects and making an appropriation. Therefore, Senator Ashby,
- Angelique Ashby
Mister President, SB 1452 is back on concurrence. Without this Bill, the California Architects Board and the Landscape Architects Technical Committee would expire on January 12025. I respectfully ask that the Assembly amendments.
- Steven Bradford
Be concurred upon any further discussion or debate on this item. Seeing your microphones up, secretary, you can call the roll on file item 116.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members. [Roll call]. Ayes 37, noes, zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in the. Now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 122 by Senator Durazo. She's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1500 by Senator Durazo and accurately into housing and making an appropriation. Therefore, Senator Durazo.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
Mister President, SB 1500 is back for concurrence. Assembly amendments are technical. This will greatly help, in particular, mayor Bass in Los Angeles, to get more people off the streets faster. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 122.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members. [Roll call]. Ayes 31, noes eight. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we have file item 123 by Senator Stern. Secretary may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1509 by Senator Stern, and accolade to vehicles. Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Members. This Bill is back on concurrence. Creates a standalone definition for those who are chronic extreme speeders. If you're a repeat speeder, within a three year period, you're going to get points on your record and you're going to get increased fines. The number one killer of children in California ages five to 14.
- Henry Stern
Road related deaths is people not paying attention when they drive their car and they realize it's actually a weapon. If you're careless. So, high time we get this done. Hope we can get a signature. Respect for the aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item, see no mics up. Secretary, call the roll on file item 123.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
I Wilk. Aye. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members one more time. [Roll call]. Ayes 36, noes one. Assembly Members are concurred in the. Members, we're going to ask that you return to your desk. We're going to lift the call on all our outstanding items. So you're going to need all Members back on the floor and preferably at your desk.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, we're ready to lift the calls on outstanding items. We're going to start with file item 20.
- Unidentified Speaker
We gotta get.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, we're going to lift the calls. We're going to start with file item 20. SB 901. Terrazzo. Members were lifting the call. Bye. Grove.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 33, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. We're moving to file item 75 by Senator Padilla. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members. [Roll call]. Ayes, 30, noes nine. Assembly Members. Amendments are concurred in now. We're moving on to file item 77 by Smallwood-Cuevas. Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. Assembly amendments are concurred in now. We're moving to file item 80. Bye. Senator Caballero, please call the absent members Becker.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 32, noes six. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. Moving on to file item 83 by Senator Portantino. Let me call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 33, noes four. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. Members moving on to file item 91 by Senator Skinner. Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. Moving on to file item 93 by Senator Blakespear. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31, noes eight. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. Moving on to file item 97 by Senator Becker. Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes nine. Assembly amendments are concurred in now. We're moving on to file item 98 by Senator Newman. Please call the absent members. [Roll call]. Ayes 40, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in now. File item 99 by Senator Laird. Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31, noes nine. The simply amendments are concurred in. Our final item on call is file item 101 by Senator Wahab. Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 31, noes nine. The Assembly Members amendments are concurred in now. Members, now would be the time for Committee announcements. Anyone ready for Committee announcements? Senator Allen, are you prepared?
- Benjamin Allen
Yes. Friends, we're going to be holding a hearing of EQ to hear two bills in room 113. Upon adjournment, we're on recess.
- Steven Bradford
Recessed at recess for lunch immediately in room 113. Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you. Senate Committee on elections and constitutional amendments will be meeting in room 112 during lunch.
- Steven Bradford
Elections will be meeting in 112 during lunch. Senator Blakespear, I mean, Senator Wahab. I'm sorry.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Senate Public Safety will meet immediately in. Room 113 to hear two bills, AB. 2348 by assemblymember Ramos and SB. 918 by Senator Umberg. But this is at dinner time. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
At dinner time, not at lunchtime. All right, at dinner time. All right. Senator Dodd.
- Bill Dodd
Mister President, it's my understanding. That this evening we're going to have. A geo Committee after a journeyman in. A place to be named later somewhere in Sacramento. Got it.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, I need your attention. We're going to break for lunch. We're going to take an hour break. We're going to ask that all Members be back here on the floor at 125. We have unanimous roll calls that we would like to complete, so we're going to ask you to be back on 125 Members.
- Steven Bradford
We're going to return to unfinished items. We need your attention. We're going to return to unfinished business. We're going to start with file item 102 by Senator Gonzalez. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1337 by Senator Gonzalez. Enact relating to elections. Senator Gonzalez?
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister President and Members. Assembly amendments to SB 1337 clarify how signatories acknowledge that they have reviewed top funders and clarified technical language. At the request of the Secretary of State, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on concurrence and Assembly amendments.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item seeing no microphone. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 102.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
We'Re going to ask that you call the roll one more time. Bertado. Mcguire, Rubio. Aye. Ayes, 27 no's, 11. The Assembly amendments are concurred in it.
- Steven Glazer
Good afternoon, Members. Next up is file item 100. This is Senate Bill 1292. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1292 by Senator Bradford. An act relating to electricity.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President. 1292 would require the PUC to report to the Legislature the implementation of income based fixed charge and its impact on customers before making future adjustments. Amendments taken in Assembly make clarifying changes and requirements that the report include information regarding impacts to building electrification, conservation efforts and air conditioning adoption. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Members, any discussion on this measure? Any further discussion? Seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Glazer
A vote of 39 to zero, the measure passes. Next up is file item 103. This is Senate Bill 1348 by Senator Bradford. Please, secretary, please read the measure.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1348 by Senator Bradford and accurately to post secondary education.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President.
- Steven Bradford
1348 is back for Assembly on concurrence. The Bill would create a state level designation recognizing college and universities in California that are making significant commitments to enhancing the black student success. Assembly amendments create an administering body, a board and requirements for applicant schools and I respectfully, that's where I vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Any discussion on the measure? See, no microphones up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
On a vote of 36 to zero, the measure passes.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, we're moving back and file to file item 81. Senator Menjivar, she's prepared secretary, you may.
- Steven Bradford
Read Senate Bill 1142 by Senator Minjavar and accurately into public utilities. Senator, floor is yours.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. SB 1142 back on concurrence amendments taking an Assembly removed the entire opposition, and they're now in support. We changed amendments to address safety issues. Respectfully asking for an I vote any.
- Steven Bradford
Further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing c none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 81.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Now please call the absent members.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30, noes seven. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now we're going to move on the file item 89 by Senator Menjivar. Secretary, please read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 1193 by Senator Minjabar an acc. Relating to aviation. Senator, floor is yours.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. SB 1193, removing the cell of leaded fuel in California, is back on concurrence. This Bill was thoroughly amended in the Assembly that is now aligning the timeline to do the ban to 2031 in line with the federal guidance of removing lead from aviation fuel. The amendment took off almost every single opposition.
- Caroline Menjivar
Only one remains. We worked very hard on this to ensure that it is feasible and workable in California. Respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Seeing no microphones, secretary, please call the roll on file item 89.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members. [Roll call]. Ayes 30, noes eight. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Now, Members, we're going to move back to our file. We're going to the unanimous roll call items. We're going to ask that all Members stay on the floor so we can successfully use the unanimous roll call.
- Steven Bradford
And we're going to start with file item 19. Senator Hurtado, are you ready?
- Steven Bradford
She is. Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 577 by Senator Hutado and Aquilina Insurance. Senator Hurtato.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mister President. SB 577 is back on concurrence. The amendments taken the Assembly were technical. And clarified in nature. This Bill has made it through the Legislature with bipartisan support and no opposition, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
All right, any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none. Members, again, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying the unanimous roll call to this measure? Seeing no objection. Ayes, 38 no, zero. The measure passed. The amendments are concurred in. All right, we're going to. Senator Caballero, file item 23.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read file item 23. Senate Bill 366 by Senator Caballero and acclivating the water. Senator Caballero, the floor is yours.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much, Mister President. SB 366 is my Bill to create and update the California water plan. The amendments in the Assembly were technical. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate hearing c none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying the unanimous roll call to this item? Seeing none. Eyes 38 no, zero. The measure the Assembly amendments are concurred in. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Now we're moving on to file item 24 by Senator Portantino.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 445 by Senator Portantino. Enact related to special education. Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister President. And Members, I rise to bring back SB 445 on concurrence. The Bill has been narrowed to require that the template be translated, not the actual IEP, and respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying a unanimous roll call to this measure? See none. Ayes 38, noes zero. The measure and Assembly amendments are concurred in. Our next up is file item 30 by Senator Minn.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read. Senate Bill 1271 by Senator Min, an accolade into public safety. Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Hi. This SB 1271 about electric bikes is back on concurrence. Respectfully ask your vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any discussion or debate on this item hearing c none. Is there any objection to using unanimous roll call? No objection will apply. Unanimous roll call, 38 to zero. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Next up, Senator Newman. He is prepared from file item 31, SB 347.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read. Senator Bill 347 by Senator Newman, an accolade to land use. Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mister President. I rise present SB 347, which is back on concurrence and which will streamline the deployment of new zev infrastructure in California by modifying the state subdivision Map act. The Bill has had no votes and no registered opposition thus far. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion on this item? Seeing none, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying a unanimous roll call? I 38 knows zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Next up is file item 50 by Senator Wahab.
- Steven Bradford
Is she prepared? She is. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 575 by Senator Wahab and accurately into underage marriage.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. SB 57, go ahead.
- Steven Bradford
The floor is yours.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. SB 575, child marriage data integrity, is back on concurrence. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection to applying the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38? No, zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. All right. Next up is Senator Roth. He is ready to go. Secretary may read file item 54, SB 895.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 895 by Senator Roth and Ack relating to post secondary education. Senator Roth, the floor is yours.
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill back on concurrence. The Assembly amendments limit the pilot program to 10 community college districts and add intent language relating to the ADN to BSN concurrent enrollment partnership programs and require positive consideration of those programs when selecting candidates for the pilot program. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing C. None. Members, this too is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying a unanimous roll call? Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Next up is Senator Newman. File item 55, SB 897.
- Steven Bradford
He is ready to go. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 897 by Senator Newman. Enact relating to people attendance. Senator Newman, the floor is yours.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mister President. SB 897 is back on concurrence. The Bill makes permit California's district of choice program amendments taking the Assembly, add new protection for districts of residence and address the concerns of the opposition. This Bill now has no opposition, and I respectfully ask you. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Senator Blakespear? This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying to unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Ayes 38, noes zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in.
- Unidentified Speaker
Probably not going to because we don't want to create trouble between Republicans. Might still stay. Presented.
- Steven Bradford
All right, next up is file item 68, Senator Blakespear. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1002 by Senator Blakespear and accurately into firearms. Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. Assembly amendments came at the request of the California Department of Justice and the Judicial Council to address implementation concerns. And SB 1002 is back on concurrence. The Assembly amendments also added chaptering amendments. I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing? None. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 68.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent members or we're going to move the call. All right, next up is file item 73 by Senator Blakespear. Secretary, you can read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 1066 by Senator Blakespear, an act relating to hazardous waste. Senator Blakespear, the floor is yours.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues, SB 1066 is back on concurrence. Assembly amendments streamline the program to reduce costs and make it easier for manufacturers to comply. There are also technical amendments at the request of the Department of Toxic Substances and Control. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 73.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
Senator Blakespear moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
Next up is file item 76 by Senator Blakespear. Secretary, you may read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 1077 by Senator Blakesbury act relating to coastal resources. Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present SB 1077, which is back from the Assembly with amendments. It now requires the Coastal Commission and the Department of Housing and Community Development, or HcDenna, to resolve conflicts in how they cite and regulate adus in the coastal zone.
- Catherine Blakespear
Currently, HCD and Coastal Commission regulations on adu land use planning conflict with one another. SB 1077 will require these two agencies to remove this stumbling block. I respectfully ask for your I vote on this Bill. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further debate, discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing nine. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 76. Allen.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear moves the call. Next up is Senator Porntino. File item 79. He is ready to go. Secretary, you may read I never. What? No. All right. Now we move back to file item 79 by Senator Portantino.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1100 by Senator Portantino Enac. Relating to discrimination. Senator Portantino?
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister President. Members, SB 1100 is back on concurrence with largely technical amendments changing government code. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 79.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Porntino moves the call. Next up is file item 82 by Senator Allen.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 1143. By Senator Allen and act relating to paint products. Senator Allen?
- Benjamin Allen
Members, SB 1143 would expand the state's existing successful paint stewardship program to all paint and paint related products. We work closely with environmental groups and the industry to reach a strong deal here. It has no opposition, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? All right. All right, Members, we have a technical problem here. We cannot take up this Bill at this time because it was re referred to the Committee. We will move on. All right, next up is Senator Lamone. File item 85. She is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 1152 by Senator Limon and accrual, aiding to fire safety, Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, Members. This Bill is back from concurrence. It establishes regulations allowing the use of lithium based batteries, where appropriate, for broadband companies to satisfy their 72 hours backup power requirements. I respect. They ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this side. Can we call the roll on file item 85?
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Limon moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
Next up is file item 94, SB 1217 by Senator Glazer. Secretary, Can read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1217 by Senator Glazer an act relating to pet insurance.
- Steven Glazer
Mister President, I'm presenting this Bill that's back on concurrence. The Assembly amendments specify standardized effectuation dates for policies, clarifies when a wellness program is not considered insurance, and allows the start date to be extended if an employer purchases pet insurance. With that, I respectfully ask for concurrence in the Assembly amendments.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 94.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Glazer moves the call. All right, file line 125, SB 1528 by Senator Glazer. He is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1528 by Revenue and Taxation, and acclimating to taxation. Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Mister President, Members, this is a rev. And tax Committee. Annual technical tax omnibus Bill. It contains changes suggested by the California Department of Tax and fee Administration and the State Board of Equalizations. The full list of Assembly amendments are in our journal, and if you have questions, I'm happy to answer them.
- Steven Glazer
And with that, respectfully ask for concurrence in Assembly amendments.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion of debates, Senator Niello?
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mister President. I rise on this Bill to state no position to apologize to the author. Because it was on consent. I asked for it to be taken. Off so that I may, in an. Abundance of caution, abstainental.
- Steven Bradford
All right. No further discussion.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Glazier, would you like to close? I would like to close because it's. An opportunity for me to say to the Senator from fair Oaks that I so appreciate your integrity and the work. That you do here in the Senate.
- Steven Glazer
And it was a pleasure to be able to present this Bill to protect all those qualities of yours that we so admire. And with that, respectfully ask concurrence and Assembly amendments.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 125.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Glazer moves the call. We're going to just take a brief pause so we can get our file order together. We're going to ask Members to stay on the floor, not to leave. Yeah, I saw you scaring off Members. We're now going to move to Assembly Third Reading. We're going to start off Members who need your attention.
- Steven Bradford
We're going to start off with file item 141. Senator Blakespear, follow item 141. Are you prepared? Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Islamic Bill 2127 by Assemblymember Berman. Enact relating to Bojick registration.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear, the floor is yours.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President. Good afternoon, colleagues.
- Steven Bradford
All right. Sorry, Senator Blakespear, we're going to pass on 141 right now. All right, Members, we're going to move over to file item 156, AB 1472, with Senator Padilla presenting. He is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read.
- Steven Bradford
Oslo Bill 1472 by Assemblymember Alvarez. An act relating to recreational vehicle parks. Senator Padilla?
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present AB 1472 on behalf of Assemblymember Alvarez. This is a district Bill that will prohibit the unfair business practice known as the RV shuffle.
- Steve Padilla
It involves evicting and relocating tenants from a residential rv park, usually for 48 hours every six months, to prevent tenants gaining certain status that would provide them with substantive tenant protections. AB 1472 is modeled after a Bill that passed 20 years ago that prohibited a similar practice within the residential hotel sector.
- Steve Padilla
It is enjoying the support from Ace. And San Diego public interest law project. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none, secretary, you may call the roll on file item 156.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye. Senator Padilla moves the call. Next up, Members, is file item 157 by Senator Assemblyman Carrillo, presented by Senator Limone. She's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 1950 by Assembly Member Windy Carrillo and Aquilina state government. Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, President and Members, on behalf. Of Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo, I rise to present AB 1950, the Chavez Ravine Accountability act. The Bill acknowledges the historical housing injustice of the Palo Verde, La Loma and Bishop communities known today as Chavez Ravine. AB 1950 is a critical step forward. That aims to correct injustice and that.
- Monique Limón
Has lingered in the shadows of the Los Angeles east side history for far too long. With this legislation, we are addressing this. History and giving voice to injustice. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing see none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 157.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Limon moves the call. Now, Members, we're going to move to file item 159. Senator Wiener, is he prepared? AB 2258.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 22. 58 by Assembly Members of Erde. And equaling to healthcare coverage. Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present AB 225. Eight on behalf of Assembly Members of ER, to codify federal law for existing federal guidance requiring health plans and health insurers to cover services integral to the delivery of recommended preventative services without out of pocket costs. A study by the NIH found that.
- Scott Wiener
Even a dollar 10 co pay for. HIV prevention medication doubled prescription abandonment rates. Increasing the potential of HIV infections in these patients. Financial barriers to preventative care force people. To choose between preventing expensive and devastating. Health problems and putting food on the table. AB 2258 ensures that all. Californians, regardless of income, have access to.
- Scott Wiener
Comprehensive preventive medical care. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion? Debate on this item hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 159.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener moves the call. All right, Members, now we're going to move on to file item 160. Senator Becker, for assemblymember Borner. Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 26.
- Committee Secretary
66 by Assemblymember Borner and accolade in the public utilities. Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Mister President. Last August, an audit report showed that the CPUC was nothing, holding IOUS accountable for having some of the highest rates in the entire country and showing record profits.
- Josh Becker
This Bill would require the CPUC to look at the actual costs incurred by an IOU compared to the forecasted costs from the previous General rate case or GRC, and adjust rates to the next GRC if the Commission Deems they are unreasonably high. Vausto has worked hard to get the IU to neutral and respectfully ask for my vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing c none. Secretary, please call the roll and file item 160.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Becker moves the call. Next up is file item 162. Senator Umberg, are you prepared? AB 2678.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read assuming Bill 2678 by somebody Member Wallis, an act relating the vehicles.
- Greg Wallis
Senator. Thank you. Mister President and colleagues. I'm pleased to present AB 2678 which extends California's current zero emissions program, allowing high occupancy vehicle lane access for zero emission vehicles for 15 months to the end of 2026. I urge your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing no mics up, secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg moves a call. Next up is file item 166. Senator Umberg. He is prepared AB 3074.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read. Assembly Bill 3074 by Assemblymember Schiavo. Enacting the schools. Senator Umberg.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, I'm proud to present AB 3074 by assembling Member Sciavo, which would prohibit all public k through 12 schools in the State of California from using culturally insensitive Native American terms for school or athletic teams or mascots or nicknames. I urge your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 166.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg moves a call, Members, now we're going to move to file 172. Senator Becker. He is ready. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Oslo Bill 20313 by Assemblymember Becker, an act relating to agriculture. Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill will create a regional heavy equipment tool sharing program for farmers. Recent amendments limit the cost of Bill by requiring the program's operations to be approved in the climate bond and makes funding contingent upon appropriation by the Legislature. This is a common sense way to share equipment. I respectfully ask for.
- Steven Bradford
I vote any further discussion or debate on this item. Hearing/seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 172.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Becker removes the call. Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 174. Senator Caballero? She's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read Assembly Bill 2750 by Assemblymember Gallagher. An act relating to electricity. Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mister President. It gives me great pleasure to present AB 2750 on behalf of Assemblymember Gallagher, which clarifies that biomass facilities located in air districts that voluntarily reclassify their ozone or particulate matter in the federal EPA classification system to a higher, more restrictive tier are not prohibited from receiving a bio ram power purchase agreement extension.
- Anna Caballero
The bio Ram program has not only been successful in extending a lifeline to critical plants and reducing forest fuels, it also has resulted in cleaner air compared to open burning and requires stringent air emissions control.
- Anna Caballero
Members, without a contract extension, this particular facility faces jeopardy and the ability to continue effectively managing forest waste and to provide renewable energy is at risk. I respectfully urge your support for this Bill and ask for your. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing c none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 174.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Caballero moves the call. Now. Members are going to move on to file item 175. Senator Blakespear. She's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, you may read this. Let me Bill 3064 by somebody. Mayor Maienschein. And an act relating to firearms.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President. And Members. AB 3064 would require manufacturers of firearm safety devices to mark their products with make and model information. Firearm safety devices lock and prevent unauthorized authorized users from discharging a firearm. Safety devices must be used when a firearm is transferred through a dealer or when transported in sensitive places.
- Catherine Blakespear
Without make and model information locked on the device, it is next to impossible for law enforcement and consumers to tell one from another, much less an approved device version versus and ineffective look alike. More importantly, if a consumer owns a safety device that has been recalled, is defective, or has a warranty issue.
- Catherine Blakespear
They are unable to identify if their particular device is affected. The Bill also requires manufacturers to notify the Department of Justice in the event of a recall. This is a common sense Bill to. Assist both law enforcement and consumers, and I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Grove?
- Shannon Grove
Mister chair, I rise in opposition of this and practically every other gun bell that's gone off this floor. The people who are violating the laws are not going to comply with this law.
- Shannon Grove
And I can tell you that I think there's roughly 4 million gun owners, lawful gun owners, registered gun owners in the State of California, and probably 9 million handguns. One in four houses in California has a firearm in their home. And believe me, if we were the problem, you would know it. It's not us.
- Shannon Grove
And we are following every law that you put in place. But we need to go after the people who would not follow these laws. And the guy carrying a gun on the street that's not using it for appropriate purposes and that is wreaking havoc, is not registering their firearms.
- Shannon Grove
They are nothing complying with DOJ, they are not filling out an application. They're not doing lawful gun transfers. They are not getting someone to cite the gun transfers. They're not waiting for a 10 day waiting period for a second purchase, not much less the first.
- Shannon Grove
And I just think it's ridiculous that we keep doing this because it's not us. Trust me, you would know it's not us. Respectfully, ask for a no vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none. Senator Blakeshire, would you like to close?
- Catherine Blakespear
Yes. Thank you. So, the data is unquestionably clear that Californians are safer because of our gun safety laws. So we need our gun laws to work properly and we need to continue to strengthen them in order to save lives. I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll on file. Item 175.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
We're going to call the absent Members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Heart. Call the absent Members one more time. [Roll call]. Senator Blakespear moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
All right, next up is file item 240, presented by Senator Umberg. He's prepared. Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1755 by Assemblymember Kalra an act relating to civil actions. Senator Umberg?
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mister President and colleagues. This Bill concerns Lemon law. The so called Lemon law, also known as the Song Beverly act, was enacted almost 50 years ago. And, oh, by the way, to the smart Alec, Senator asked me how I voted on it 50 years ago. I was not here.
- Thomas Umberg
It's been quite effective in ensuring that those who have acquired a car with sort of repetitive issues be able to seek a remedy. But there's been some challenges, particularly in the last few years. And as such, there's been a compromise that has been agreed to by some of the auto manufacturers, General Motors and Ford and Stellantis, along with the consumer attorneys. And many of you have asked the right question. What does this mean for the consumer in California?
- Thomas Umberg
What good does this provide over the existing law for the consumer in California? Because that's, I think that's what we're about. And let me just list a couple of things that are better if this law is enacted.
- Thomas Umberg
First in terms of notice right now, there's no requirement that the manufacturer provide any information as to how one would access lemon law remedies under the new Bill. Under this Bill, there is a requirement.
- Thomas Umberg
The requirement is that the manufacturer basically provided on its website a way to access those remedies notice in the owner's manual and in the warranty booklet, and that be provided in both English and in Spanish. It also benefits the consumer because under existing law, there's no requirement for the manufacturer even to respond to a complaint.
- Thomas Umberg
There's no requirement under this law, the manufacturer is required to respond within 30 days and within 60 days to basically either come to a resolution or you're off to the races.
- Thomas Umberg
It also provides, if you are engaged in litigation for early resolution, either through mediation or if you continue, is through early discovery, the exchange of documents, the exchange of information, the exchange of witnesses, as exists in newly enacted law here in California.
- Thomas Umberg
One of the great challenges, especially in the last few years, brought to our attention, brought to my attention both formally and informally, are what's happening with respect to the courts. Lemon law cases have exploded in the last few years. And just by way of example, in 2015, there were 4,306 filings, whereas in 2022, there were 14,892 filings.
- Thomas Umberg
2023 that increased from 14,000, almost 15,000 to 22,000. And in 2024, we're, right now we're set to have over 30,000 lemon law filings, which for those of you familiar with civil litigation, they're clogging the courts, and they're also having an indirect impact on other matters. Soon, many of the courts will be back to where we were years ago in terms of cases not being able to be decided for five years, which is really unacceptable. Now, of course, this is a compromise, and there are some that are unhappy with the compromise.
- Thomas Umberg
This compromise requires that the consumer actually, like the other 49 states of the United States, provide written notice to the manufacturer, not just a phone call, but written notice to the manufacturer so the manufacturer can respond. And it also, as you probably heard, because of the expedited discovery and the expedited process, ironically, there are groups of lawyers that say that this basically reduces litigation expenses and another group that says it increases litigation expenses.
- Thomas Umberg
It is, I think, the judge's view that whether it's more expensive or not, what it does is it reduces the number of filings, which I think logically would lead you to believe that it also reduces the amount of money spent on lawyers.
- Thomas Umberg
In sum, this is not a perfect Bill, but like all compromises, it achieves something for those who engage. And I think this is a benefit to California consumers. And I urge an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Senator Grove?
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mister President. This Bill, like the author said, was lobbied very hard on both sides. I do have a question of the author, if that's okay.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Umberg, would you take a question? Through the chair.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you. Through the chair, listening to both sides of the argument, and you mentioned it when you were opening about one side says it creates more litigation and the other side says it creates less litigation.
- Shannon Grove
My question to you is that on the more litigation side, the statement was made that if you're a car, if you're a car seller, retailer and you provide good service and you fix your customer's problem, there is a perception that that ability is not going to be there anymore, that as soon as there's a problem with the vehicle, you can't provide good service and it's immediately going to go to litigation. Do you see that in the language? And if so, can you tell me if it's there or not? Not that I'm distrusting what's been told to me. I'm just asking.
- Thomas Umberg
I disagree. I disagree because this process provides basically an opportunity to resolve it. Pre litigation. It also provides for mediation. And then lastly, if there should be litigation, it provides for early discovery, it provides for information being exchanged earlier on, rather than requiring motion practice and that kind of thing.
- Shannon Grove
Okay, so just to clarify, if I'm a car dealer and I sell you a car and you have a problem with your transmission, and if I, as a car dealer, provide you excellent customer service and I fix your transmission, you're not going to immediately drag me into litigation?
- Thomas Umberg
There's a process, well, this both substantively, under the Song Beverly Act, you wouldn't be qualified basically for some sort of a buyback if you've just brought it in for one fix and it's been resolved. But even under the new compromise process, yes, the car dealer would not be obligated basically to engage in sort of the lemon law process to then further resolve the issue.
- Shannon Grove
Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you for answering my question, sir.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mister President. Now, first of all, as an automobile dealer, we are not involved in lemon law cases. We're observers. I want to stress that that's why I do not believe that I have to abstain on this. But I'll state, first of all, that the Lemon law was passed 50 years ago, over 50 years ago.
- Roger Niello
I think Ronald Reagan signed that Bill, and there's no doubt that it needs a review. I would agree with that. But my concern about this Bill is the process by which it was developed. And all you have to look at to question that is the support and opposition. This is very unusual. We don't see this very often.
- Roger Niello
We have manufacturers that support it, and we have manufacturers that oppose it. We have the consumer attorneys who support it, and we have a large number of consumer organizations that oppose it. We have or people organizations from similar sources with opposite views on this. There's something wrong with that.
- Roger Niello
Now, one thing I'd like to point out in the Committee meeting, the opponents were asked, is there anything in this proposal that you like? I think it was the colleague from Santa Monica who asked that question, a very good question that I didn't think to ask.
- Roger Niello
And each one of them said, yes, there are parts of this Bill that we like, but not all of it. So it seems to me that there is a path forward now with regard to, by the way, the explosion of cases in the last several years.
- Roger Niello
I did ask our dealerships what their observation is about lemon law cases in the last few years, and they have increased and there's observations by our folks. Number one, it is increasingly electric vehicles, interestingly, and maybe that's the nature of our franchises, because we have, our manufacturers have introduced electric vehicles to the market in this timeframe.
- Roger Niello
There's also been, and if anybody has purchased a new car in the last half dozen years, and if you had one that was maybe a half dozen years older, by the way, first of all, I'd ask you to buy new cars more frequently. But I digress.
- Roger Niello
But you would notice that there is an incredible increase in the electronic capability of these vehicles, really to the point that I find I can't even use half of the capabilities that are available to me as a driver of the vehicle. The technological developments are getting a little bit ahead of the reliability of the vehicles.
- Roger Niello
That's not a criticism of the manufacturers. That's part of the competitive market to make cars more appealing to consumers. But that has been part of the dynamic of increased cases also. And people have mentioned prosecutorial aggression, but it is the consumer attorneys who are on the side of reforming it.
- Roger Niello
So whether that's part of it or not, I will not be the judge. Now, there was a discussion in the Committee about after, if the Bill passes next year, for the author and the proponents to bring in the other side to talk about their issues and maybe have another Bill next year.
- Roger Niello
I'm not comfortable with that because I'm not completely convinced that it will happen. But I will take the commitment of the author and the consumer attorneys and other supporters that they're willing to talk about the issues of the other side.
- Roger Niello
And so, therefore, I will not be supporting this Bill in the hopes that we can reform the lemon law in a way that will work for everybody, but bring everybody involved, and let's not see a situation where we have people and organizations of otherwise common interests against each other on a particular piece of legislation.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Senator Newman, is your mic up? zero, okay. All right. Just want to make sure anyone else. Okay, see? No more mics. Senator Umberg, would you like to close?
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mister President. And I thank my colleague from Fair Oaks, who has more expertise in this space than I certainly do. And I just. The actual author, Assembly Member, Kalra, just told me just moments ago he's already begun subsidy meetings with some of the manufacturers who are opposed in anticipation of potential legislation next year.
- Thomas Umberg
There's no perfect legislation. Well, except for some of my bills, but for the most part, there's no perfect legislation. But this is a compromise, in my view, that benefits consumers, and I urge an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
All right, discussion. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 240.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30 Noes. Four. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're going to move on to file item 184. Senator Durazo. Senator Durazo, you prepare for 184.
- Committee Secretary
Mister secretary, you may read Assembly Bill. 3123 by Assemblymember Joan Sawyer. An accolade in the transportation. Senator Durazo.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mister President. AB 3123 ensures ethic rules that govern elected officials statewide apply equally to the. Los Angeles Metro Board of directors. California has made clear there's a uniform. There should be a uniform ethics law. Governing contract decisions by local and state officials. However, Alimetro is still subject to a 30 year old law that imposes different.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
Standards on its board Members regarding contract decisions and campaign contributions from contractors. This has made it difficult for Alimetro. To comply with the most recent ethics. Standards the state has set in place. And this Bill, narrowly tailored, aligns the metro board with the Levine act. It also updates Metro's lobbyist registration statute.
- MarÃa Elena Durazo
And codifies the specific authority of Metro's Ethics Department. I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Hearing? Seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 184.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
Allen, Becker, Blake, spearhead. No. Caballero. Dahle. No. To I Mcguire, Portantino. Aye. Rubio. Aye.
- Steven Bradford
Stern. Senator Durazo moves the call now. We're moving on to file item 189. Senator Skinner, are you prepared? She is secretary.
- Steven Bradford
You may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1886, by Assembly Member Alvarez, an act relating to land use.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mister President. Members. AB 1886. Deals with some of the issues around the self certifying that local governments are doing in relationship to the housing element. The self certification means that the applications are not necessarily being processed or outright denied and ultimately causing thousands of potential units to be stalled.
- Nancy Skinner
AB 1886 doesn't establish a new tool, but necessarily clarifies an existing one. It follows recent court decisions, so it helps provide certainty and clears up ambiguity in the law. With that, I ask for your aye vote on AB 1886.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Glazer?
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mister President. Look, I certainly have problems with cities that play games and try to avoid complying with our housing requirements. Requirements.
- Steven Glazer
But it's worth noting in this debate that there's been a lot of difficulty with the Department of Housing and Community Development and their responsiveness to the communities throughout our state that have the obligation to comply. An audit was recently conducted that showed that there were serious issues consistent.
- Steven Glazer
Whether there was consistent advice being given to cities, whether there was responsiveness in the timelines that they must work under in terms of how cities need to make good choices. And so my worry on a bill like this is that it comes in this circumstance in which, you know, we have a dysfunctional system.
- Steven Glazer
And while I don't want to provide protections for cities that are acting improperly, I have no interest in that. I know none of us do. You know, the circumstances are not so simple. And that is what worries me about this bill, even though I know the intentions are good.
- Steven Glazer
But I think all of us who have been listening to your cities throughout California hear what I am saying and realize that this is not such a simple situation as one would like.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you. I appreciate my colleague from Orinda. As always, it's not a simple situation. It was not a simple situation that. Got us into a deep housing crisis. Over the last 50 years. This bill is very common sense. Right now.
- Scott Wiener
We have situations where a city will proclaim that its housing element is compliant when it is no such thing. And it is absolutely normal to say that we don't all get to just. Decide if we're complying with the law or not. You have agencies that administer a law that make that decision. So we should have consistency.
- Scott Wiener
And I think we're going to get more and more consistent. But having each city apply different rules. To itself, that's not the rule of law and it's not good government. I support this bill.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mister President. I rise sharing some of the concerns that our colleague from Contra Costa Rose and originally evaluating this bill, I was going to vote no on it and against it.
- Brian Jones
And then as I started evaluating it and realizing most of the cities in my district recognize that housing is a huge need in California right now. And they're doing the very best they can to upzone, rezone and begin to be part of the solution to this housing crisis that we have in California.
- Brian Jones
I recognize also that I'm a big supporter of local control. And so that's the conflict for me on this particular bill. But as our colleague from San Francisco mentioned, some of these cities aren't participating in solving the problem.
- Brian Jones
And if this is a small step that moves us in that direction to help these cities become more creative on how they're going to participate in the solution, I think maybe that's the direction we need to go on a very limited basis.
- Brian Jones
And I think this bill, while not perfect, is attempting to strike the proper balance between coming up with solutions and encouraging cities to take a look at their, at their zoning and their up zoning and what they are their entitlements on helping get this stuff built in California.
- Brian Jones
Many of us have kids that are teenagers or in their twenties or thirties. And I know some of you have already shared that your kids have moved out of the state.
- Brian Jones
I'm fortunate that all of my three kids and my son in law and my future daughter in law are all in their twenties and thirties, have chosen so far to stay in California and in San Diego specifically.
- Brian Jones
But I can see a day that if these, if there's not solutions to this housing crisis in California, that more and more of our young people are going to pick up and move out of state and it's going to become this housing problem is going to continue to be a challenge here in California.
- Brian Jones
So I would encourage us to be as creative and open minded as possible when small solutions come up. I urge an aye vote on 1886. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion of debates Senator Dahle.
- Brian Dahle
Thank you, Mister President. Members. I too, just want to rise in support. I know that this is very. A controversial type of legislation, but somebody who sat on a Board of Supervisors for 16 years, did a General plan amendment and had a city right next door which was annexing into the counties.
- Brian Dahle
And their elements were based off of how they were going to go in the city, knowing all along that they would never build in that area, because they really didn't want to build that area. That's where they chose to put their housing element, because it was very expensive, rocky ground, and very uneven terrain.
- Brian Dahle
So these type of situations happen throughout California, and there are some cities who just don't want growth, and there's some communities that don't want growth. But at the end of the day, we need that growth, as the Senator from Santee mentioned.
- Brian Dahle
And we need them to put a housing development together, or their General plan together in a way that we can actually build homes. So for those reasons, I will be supporting AB 1886.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Mister President. I wasn't going to speak on this measure today, but I did sit in this Committee and I remember having the conversations.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I want to echo the concerns from the Senator from Contra Costa with regards to the issues that we have seen within Committee and within our cities participating within HCD, and the history of the imperfect practices that are within the Department and be able to approve the housing elements for our various cities.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
And this is where the local control also comes into play, is that we have cities who are trying to devise their housing elements.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
And because there are no standard practices for the state, for the Department, there is literally, there's very subjective opinions and assessments when it comes to these housing elements for cities, which is a challenge for our local cities as well, when they're acting in goodwill. Do we have cities that might not be acting in good faith? Absolutely.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
But we do have a lot of cities who are acting in good faith.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
And until the state gets the system right, until the state gets their Department and the qualifications and their standards of practice standard, we're not going to be effective in approving and be able to work in a way that is not worthy, but have merit in our state.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Therefore, I cannot until we have those standard practices, and I'll be happy to work with anyone on that legislation moving forward. But until we have those standards for HCD, and not have arbitrary standards when assessing those housing elements for our local cities, which create very subjective approvals, I will not be able to support such policies.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
And with that, I respectfully ask for a no vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing no further micro microphones, Senator Skinner, would you like to close?
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you. Appreciate the comments by our colleagues. And I want to go back to some of those who spoke in so support. Another key reason this is needed is it does not benefit anyone, not a home builder or a city, to have long drawn out court cases.
- Nancy Skinner
And when there's non clarity in such things as this particular bill addresses, then you end up with court cases. And the reason that HCD and others have worked with the author on this bill is to get that clarity so we can avoid lawsuits. And those local governments that are complying with the law will be fine.
- Nancy Skinner
They have nothing to worry about. And those that are not, then they are still going to always have the problem of their housing element. Potentially not certified. But this adds clarity. It will help reduce lawsuits. And with that, I ask for. For your aye vote on AB 1886.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, secretary. Please call the roll on file item 189.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
We want to move the caller. Let's call the roll one more time, please.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner moves the call.
- Steven Glazer
Okay, Members, we're going to move next to the next four file items are all. Senator Bradford, file item 161. This is Assembly Bill 2672. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2672 by Assembly Member Petro Norris and acclimating to energy.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President. AB 2672. I am presenting this on behalf of some of the Member Petri north. It allows certain project home key sites to receive discounted utility bills. Population and project home key sites are individually eligible for discounted bills but due to their housing arrangements, cannot access them.
- Steven Bradford
The Bill has received bipartisan support and has no state cost or no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Bradford, any discussion on this measure? Any discussion? See none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Members, we have a Member off the floor, so we're going to be establishing calls on these bills. Senator Bradford moves a call. All right, next up is file item 167 AB 3263. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assuming Bill 3263 by Assemblymember Calderon and accurately into electrical corporations.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford, the floor is yours.
- Steven Bradford
I don't have that one.
- Steven Glazer
It's not in here. Senator, do you want to pass temporarily? Pass temporarily? Because I don't have that. Okay, next up then. File item 205. This is Assembly Bill 2441. Senator Bradford's prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 2441 by Assembly Member Kalra in act relating to school safety.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford?
- Steven Bradford
Yes, AB 2441. On behalf of Assembly Cara will give our teachers and administrators to option, rather than require them to refer students to law enforcement for being under the influence of or in possession of a controlled substance, narcotics or alcohol, and will decriminalize willful disturbance of students in road and school district.
- Steven Bradford
Current law requires our teachers and administrators refer students to law enforcement for incidents like loud and disruptive noise at school or being in possession of a vape, pen or alcohol, regardless of the circumstances or student's situation.
- Steven Bradford
Even if a teacher would like to address the situation with a health based approach to get students the help they need, they are forced to refer them to law enforcement or risk being fired. These are unnecessary referrals of law enforcement have led to alarming disparities in types of student is most likely to suffer these harms.
- Steven Bradford
Students of color and students with disabilities are more often referred to law enforcement cited and arrested over policing in our schools has failed to school the prison pipeline and only hinders the ability of our students to get resources needed. Nothing in this Bill prohibits the teachers and our administrators from calling law enforcement.
- Steven Bradford
This Bill takes the steps forward in fighting the school to prison pipeline, ensuring the schools are safe, supportive environments for all our children. I respectfully ask for. I vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Bradford, any discussion on this measure? Any discussion, Members? Senator Portantino?
- Anthony Portantino
Yes. Thank you, Mister President. I rise reluctantly. I'm going to lay off the Bill, not because I don't agree with many of the tenants and the perspectives that my colleague from Los Angeles articulated, but in the last session, we worked very diligently on a Bill with lots of stakeholders to protect schools from credible threats of violent shooters.
- Anthony Portantino
And we saw in Minneapolis, when a school district had evidence of a credible threat and didn't investigate that credible threat, that shooter then went to school and killed people. And so I'm a little bit concerned of confusion between those efforts on investigating actual real credible threats.
- Anthony Portantino
You know, this Bill, the heart and soul, and many of the provisions in it are spot on, but I just have concerns about how it would interact with prior legislation. And so for that, reluctantly, I'm going to be laying off the Bill.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator. Any further discussion or debate? Members, any further discussion or debate? Seeing none. Senator Bradford, you may close.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. The safety and well being of not only our students, but our teachers is at the forefront of this legislation. But this still is not necessarily what individuals that present harm by having weapons and stuff.
- Steven Bradford
This is in possession of a vape pen that we find more likely than not, children of color being suspended and expelled out of school. We're trying to avoid those unnecessary situations or kids who might have consumed some kind of drug or alcohol. This is what we're addressing, not that student that has a weapon or a.
- Steven Bradford
Are threatened teachers or administrators or even fellow students at all. So it's a common sense approach. I know it's a fine line that we all have to concern, are concerned about. We want our schools to be safe. We want our children to be safe. We saw what happened in Texas. We've seen it all across the country.
- Steven Bradford
This is just an approach that just gives a little bit more balance. And I respectfully ask for.
- Steven Glazer
I vote I'll debate having seized. Secretary, please call the roll. zero, excuse me. I'll debate having ceased, for what purpose you rise, Senator.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Mister President. I just wanted to offer support for this Bill. Is that Senator?
- Steven Glazer
Unfortunately, we've completed the debate and he closed, so I'm so sorry that you didn't have an opportunity to speak. Did you have your microphone up? And I did not see it?
- Committee Secretary
I. Well, I thought it was going up before you closed, but, you know, it's all in the glance. But I was rising as you were ahead coming this way, so I feel like it's a timing. We have instant replay we could check, but the point.
- Steven Glazer
But may I, Senator, I would say that I did not get any guidance that your microphone was up. I think you have made your point about your support for the Bill and.
- Unidentified Speaker
The options that this Bill provides.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you. Thank you very much, Senator. Appreciate that. I'll debate having ceased to. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford moves a call. We're going to move next to file item 208. This is Assembly Bill 2159. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2159 by Assemblymember Maienschein and accurately into common interest developments.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mister President. AB 2159 authorizes common interest developments. Also call out homeowners associations to use electronic voting systems for specific Association business like board elections and approving documents. This Bill aims to increase homeowner participation by providing another method of voting that's convenient. 2159 is permissive, giving associations the option to adopt electronic voting.
- Steven Bradford
2159 includes multiple notifications to Members on how to opt out during the election process and annually through the Member notice. 27 different states use electronic voting and homeowner Association elections, and it's proven technology.
- Steven Bradford
Recent amendments address concerns by the Department of Real Estate and ensure the Association's operating rules will all include a minimum set of criteria to protect Members interests. I respect last four. I vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Any discussion on the measure? Any further discussion on the measure? Scene nine, secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford moves the call. We're now going to move back to file item 167. This is Assembly Bill 3263. Floor manager is prepared. Secretary, please read the Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill Assembly Bill 3263, Vice Mayor Calderon, and accurately into electrical corporations.
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford, thank you.
- Steven Bradford
AB 3263 will stabilize electricity rate fluctuations by allowing an electric utility to to request the CPG authorization to finance ongoing wildfire mitigation efforts as well as costs derived from declared State of emergencies through the use of bonds. As wildfire season grows longer and more destructive, electric utilities have increased their vegetation management and other forms of wildlife mitigation.
- Steven Bradford
Constant wildfire mitigation has led to a significant rate rate hikes for ratepayers. AB 3263 seeks to codify the prudent use of bonds to help provide much needed rate relief on our energy bills. Again, only upon the approval of the PUC. I respectfully ask for. I vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Discussion and debate, Senator Dahle. Thank you, Mister President.
- Brian Dahle
Members, I, too rise in support. This is a great tool to be able to bond and grab those funds upfront, do the work that they need to do before the rates continue to go up for all the services that need to be provided for those securing those lines and making it safe for Californians.
- Brian Dahle
So this will actually drive the rate down because they're able to borrow that money against the bond or use the bond money to do the work. As you know, every day that we don't do the work, the cost goes up.
- Brian Dahle
So this is a opportunity to keep our rates Low using those assets that they have available to them to bond against. So for those reasons, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on AB 3263.
- Steven Glazer
Members, any further discussion on this measure? Any further discussion? Seeing none. Senator Bradford, you may close.
- Steven Bradford
Respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
I'll debate having seized. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Senator Bradford moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, we're moving back on the file. We're moving the file. Item 22, SB 312 by Senator Wiener. He's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 312 by Senator Wiener and accurately into environmental quality.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you very much, Mister President. Colleagues, SB 312 is back on concurrence. Assembly amendments reflect agreements we negotiated with both the chair of Senate Environmental quality. Environmental quality, and Chair Bryan in Assembly, natural resources.
- Scott Wiener
These amendments further ensure that SB 886, the CEQA exemption that we created a few years ago for student housing at UC, CSU, and community colleges, could be effectively implemented. The Bill is supported by a number of student and affordable housing organizations, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Seeing no microphones up. Secretary, please call a roll on file item 22. Allen.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, you're up again with file item 26, SB 951. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 951 by Senator Wiener and act relating to coastal resources.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, floor is yours.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, SB 951, as backhoe concurrence amendments made in the Assembly were technical in nature, including removing a portion of the Bill to address chaptering out issues. The bill has received broad bipartisan support. Respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing no microphones, you can call the roll on file item 26. Secretary. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener moves the call.
- Steven Bradford
Now, Members, we're moving on to file item 141. Assembly. Assembly, third reading, Senator Blakespear. Please read Secretary.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2127. By Assembly Member Berman an accolade to voting registration.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President. California's new motor voter law has been a success with nearly 26 million new or updated voter registrations since it launched in 2018. Notwithstanding this significant accomplishment, there have been challenges modernizing the voter registration process at the DMV.
- Catherine Blakespear
The new motor voter task force was established to monitor the law's rollout and advise the Secretary of State and the DMV on its effective implementation. There are several updates and system changes forthcoming, and there have been technology driven implementation delays at DMV.
- Catherine Blakespear
Therefore, AB 2127 would extend the operation of the task force in order to provide continued oversight to ensure proper implementation and the full effectiveness of the new motor voter laws. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Jones. For what purpose?
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mister President. I have helpful amendments at the desk to amend AB 2127.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please read those amendments. Amendments by Senator Jones set one.
- Brian Jones
Senator Jones thank you, Mister President. Earlier this year, colleagues, our campuses, our college campuses were bombarded with a wave of violent and illegal protests. These protests left our historical campuses vandalized, created an unsafe learning environment, and disturbingly illegally discriminated against Jewish students.
- Brian Jones
As we approach the new academic year, campuses are preparing just right now to be battlegrounds for more of these lawless protests. Let me be clear, violence, illegal activities are not protected under the First Amendment. Regardless of your political views, that includes illegal encampments, vandalism, obstructing campus access, holding individuals hostage, harassment and violence.
- Brian Jones
These are criminal acts and perpetrators must be held accountable. The administration's failure to control these situations is unacceptable in all cases, but especially on our public universities that receive large amounts of taxpayer funds. For example, we saw UCLA an unacceptable. For example, we saw UCLA as an unacceptable.
- Brian Jones
And recently a court ruled that the University is at fault for allowing religious discrimination on campus. We must send a clear and unequivocal message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated in our state. The amendments set before us today do two things to ensure accountability for illegal protests activities on our public college and University campuses.
- Brian Jones
First, if our college administrators won't do their jobs, we should stop paying them. These amendments require that funds used for law enforcement during illegal protests, as well as any legal damages resulting from such protests, come solely from the administration's budgets of the institutions involved. It is time to defund failing administrations. Second, criminal behavior must have consequences.
- Brian Jones
These amendments revoke Cal grants from students who are found guilty or are expelled for their involvement in illegal protests activities including incitement to riot, vandalism, and discrimination based on religious beliefs. Taxpayers should not be bankrolling lawlessness on our campuses, whether that's funding ineffective administrations or subsidizing criminal protesters tuitions. These amendments send a strong message.
- Brian Jones
Illegal, violent, discriminatory protests will not be tolerated in our state and taxpayers will not bear the cost. I ask for your aye vote and support on these amendments, Senator Gonzalez.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister President and Members. Now I'm going to speak to the merits of the Bill. AB 2127 will ensure California continues to close voter registration gaps by making it easier for eligible voters to register or update their registration.
- Lena Gonzalez
And so I therefore move that these amendments be laid on the table and ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
We have a motion by Senator Gonzalez to lay the motion on the amendments on the table. This is non debatable. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 26, noes nine. The amendments have been laid on the table. Now we'll return back to the Bill in chief, Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Is there any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion of a hearing scene on secretary, please call the roll. On file item 141.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear removes the call now we're moving on to file item 210. Senator Wahab, are you prepared? Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 846 by Assembly Member Bonta, an act relating to low-income housing.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, colleagues and members of the public. On behalf of Assembly Member Bonta. I rise present AB 846. This bill will protect low-income renters living in publicly assisted affordable housing from significant rent spikes. The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, or LIHTC, is a critical source of funding for affordable housing production and rehab nationwide.
- Aisha Wahab
The Tax Credit Allocation Committee, TCAC, which oversees the LIHTC program, recently adopted regulations that apply a rent cap to LIHTC properties as a condition of getting new tax credit. Unfortunately, the Tax Credit Allocation Committee did not believe it had clear authority to apply the new cap to existing properties.
- Aisha Wahab
This leaves tenants in existing properties incredibly vulnerable to high rent increases we want to avoid. AB 846 provides the necessary clarity by directing the tax credit allocation Committee to establish a limit on rent increases in existing LIHTC properties in California. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Seeing no microphones, secretary, please call the roll and file item 210.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab moves the call. Next up is Senator Limon would file item 215. AB 2182. Secretary please read. Secretary please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2182 by Assembly Member Haney an accolade to public works.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, President and Members, I rise to present AB 2182 on behalf of Assembly Member Haney. AB 2182 is a comprehensive reform for prevailing wage law.
- Monique Limón
It will make current prevailing wage determinations applicable to local public works projects at the time that the work is performed, which creates an even playing field for the union construction industry when bidding on local public work projects across the state.
- Monique Limón
The bill also strengthens enforcements of prevailing wage law, which includes adding the ability for representatives from joint labor management committees reasonable access to activate public works job sites.
- Monique Limón
Additionally, AB 2182 helps ensure union contractors are not at a disadvantage when competing for public works and that the prevailing wage rates required to be paid on public work's projects reflect the actual prevailing wage rates posted by the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the work is performed. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item hearing, seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll on file item 215.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator Limon moves the call. Next up, we have file item 216. Yeah, yeah, we're going to, but just getting ready. All right, Senator Eggman, she's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read file item 216.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2136 by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer, an act relating to controlled substances.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Eggman.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Thank you very much, Mister President. As the hour drives late, we all begin to feel a little bit hostile. But today I'm rising to present AB 2136 on behalf of Assemblyman Jones-Sawyer. AB 2136 clarifies the legality of accessing and providing drug-checking services. There are those amongst us who use drugs.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
We want them to make sure that they're able to check those, to make sure there's not things like fentanyl triclosine stuck in them. To be able to protect themselves and others. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Mister President. I have amendments at the desk. Okay. Yes.
- Steven Bradford
There are amendments at the desk. Secretary, please read amendments.
- Committee Secretary
Amendments by Senator Ochoa Bogh. Set one.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Ochoa Bogue.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Mister President. I have this wonderful uniting and friendly amendment that would exempt tips from state income tax providing relief to Californians in the service and hospitality industries. Members of my family have lived in the service industry, including my mom when she was a single mom.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Tips aren't regular income, despite the fact that current tax law treats them as such. Tips are not guaranteed, they are not consistent, and they're not enough to make ends meet. As a matter of fact, it's a gesture of gratitude for a service that goes above and beyond what is expected. This struggle is bipartisan.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Both former President Trump and Vice President Harris support a federal tax exception on tips. This is because they both recognize that we must make every effort to help our working class together. Together, together, we have an opportunity to make history today on this floor by coming together to provide relief to millions of Californians.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Because the Senate will likely table these amendments unless we are courageous today and want to prove that we don't have to be partisan always. I want to make sure that it's clear what this vote means. Voting aye to lay these amendments. Friendly.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Uniting. On the table means you do not support a tax inception on tips, and you won't take much-needed action today to help Californians. Please join me in supporting California's service and hospitality workers and reject tabling the amendments and make history today. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Gonzalez.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister President and Members. This bill provides a public health centered approach to reducing drug related deaths in California. I therefore move that these amendments be laid on the table and ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Okay, Senator Gonzalez is asking for aye vote laying the amendments on the table. This is non-debatable. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
On a vote to 29 to nine, the amendments have been laid on the table, and we'll return now to the bill in chief. Senator Eggman, is there any further discussion or debate on the item?
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I just know how important that it is that we all focus on the fentanyl crisis, and this is one way to do it. I would respectfully ask for your aye votes.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Seeing no more discussion. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 216.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
We move. Senator Eggman moves the call. We have everybody. All right, let's go through the roll one more time. Everybody's on the floor. We have a full house. Next up is file item 217. Senator Stern, he's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2481 by Assembly Member Lowenthal, an act relating to social media platforms.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Stern?
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise on behalf of Senator Lowenthal's bill to improve our cyberbullying reporting process that is already under existing law and is due for an update this year. This bill would ensure that verified reporters have a process to report social media-related threats.
- Henry Stern
This particularly pertains to youth-related threats, so mental health professionals that treat young people or principals or administrators at schools can go through a process to actually get certified by a social media company to then be a verified reporter for purposes of cyberbullying.
- Henry Stern
So, we think it's going to not just rely on the student being bullied, but by the folks who have a legal obligation to be, to care for them and to look out for their public safety and hopefully make the Internet a safer place as we know it is not right now. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing and seeing none, please call the roll on file item 217.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 30. Noes two. The measure passes.
- Steven Bradford
Next up is file item 218, AB 2088. Senator Cortese, he's prepared. Secretary, you may read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2088 by Assembly Member McCarthy an accolade to classified employees.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Cortese?
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mister President. Appreciate the opportunity to present AB 2088 on behalf of Assembly Member Mccarty. This bill has been significantly narrowed over time. AB 2088 will give classified school employees the first right of refusal to new job postings at their school districts and community colleges.
- Dave Cortese
A majority of classified employees are women of color making less than $30,000 per year and don't have health insurance, retirement benefits often tied to part time employment. Classified employees, as most of us know, are the strength of our schools.
- Dave Cortese
We must ensure that they have access to health insurance and retirement benefits in order to sustain themselves by hiring workers in house. We will help school districts and community colleges fill vacancies quickly with dedicated staff who are already familiar with their work environment. I respectfully ask for your eye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate seeing no microphones up, secretary, please call the roll on file item 218.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Call the absent Members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
Eggman aye to no.
- Steven Bradford
Now we move to. Senator Cortese moves the call. Next up is AB 2839, file item 225, Senator Blakespear. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2839 by Assembly Member Pellerin, an act relating to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Blakespear
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, Mister President and Members. Today, generative AI can make it difficult for the average person to know which images before them are real or fabricated. This becomes a particular threat as it applies to election disinformation, as sophisticated deepfakes can heavily influence voter behavior and undermine the public's faith in our elections.
- Catherine Blakespear
Many of you have likely heard of the robocall that was disseminated back in January, which imitated President Biden and encouraged voters not to participate in the New Hampshire primary election. That AI-generated robocall was a prime example of nefarious uses of generative AI which ceased to disrupt our elections.
- Catherine Blakespear
AB 2839 addresses this growing threat by prohibiting the distribution of materially deceptive mailers, robocalls, and video advertisements that depict false information pertaining to an officer conducting an election, an elected official, voting equipment, or candidates running for office.
- Catherine Blakespear
In alignment with First Amendment protections, this bill is narrowly tailored to apply to deceptive communication that is distributed within 120 days before an election or and 60 days after an election.
- Catherine Blakespear
Additionally, the prohibition applies if the content is reasonably likely to harm the reputation or electoral prospects of a candidate or is likely to falsely undermine confidence in the outcome of the election. Recent amendments require deepfake parody materials to be labeled as being digitally manipulated for those purposes and limit liability for damages for tech and media companies.
- Catherine Blakespear
Additionally, recent amendments add an urgency clause to take effect before the November 5th, 2024, general election. On behalf of Assemblymember Pellerin, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any Member wishing to speak on this item? Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 225.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
All right. Ayes 32, noes five on the urgency. Ayes 32, noes five on the measure. Measure passes. Next up is follow item 234, AB 3233. Senator Laird, he's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3233 by Assembly Member Addis, an act relating to oil and gas.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Laird, the floor is yours.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Mister President. I rise to present Assembly Bill 3233 by Assembly Member Addis. Monterey County in my district, San Benito County coming into my district, Los Angeles County, Alameda County, and Culver City have introduced and passed local measures to regulate the type and location of oil production in their boundaries.
- John Laird
Despite overwhelming and popular support for these local measures, the California Supreme Court ruled last fall that the local measure in Monterey County would not hold due to how we have written the state law.
- John Laird
This invalidates the actions our communities have taken, disenfranchises voters who have voiced their concerns, and ultimately limits the ability of local governments to protect their communities. This is a legal precedent that we cannot ignore.
- John Laird
This bill specifically codifies decades of state practice under CalGEM and dogger before it by granting local governments authority on oil and gas operations, methods, and locations within their jurisdiction. To be absolutely clear, local governments under this law would still need to pass measures, which includes examining the economic, health, and safety impacts of oil and gas.
- John Laird
To be further this is not a mandate or prescriptive. If a county wants to keep or increase oil production, there is nothing in this bill that touches their desire to do that.
- John Laird
That's why this bill has enjoyed diverse support from the California State Association of Counties, the California Nurses Association, the California Federation of Teachers, Mayor Karen Bass of Los Angeles, and countless environmental justice advocates. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Laird. Discussion and debate? Discussion and debate? See a microphone up from Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mister Chair. With all due respect to my adored colleague who used to be the Secretary of Natural Resources, I have to say that I completely, 100% disagree with the comments that you made about it being reciprocal.
- Shannon Grove
And if a county wanted to expand or expand or be an asset to producing resources in the state, that is an incorrect statement.
- Shannon Grove
If I am wrong, I would love for you to show me the language where it says that, for instance, Kern County could operate under their EIR and start producing permits like we were before CalGEM took them over. When I first looked at AB 3233, I was like, oh my God, this is a great bill.
- Shannon Grove
No offense to everybody else in the state, but I represent Kern, County, 7th largest oil-producing county in the entire United States of America.
- Shannon Grove
And if we were going to do reciprocal, if this bill was reciprocal to where we could expand, permitting, create jobs, not shut down our oil industry, not let our employees, who are 55% people of color, second chances, veterans, women be loss of jobs, well, and lose a job. Thank you for the Dollar Tree and the Amazon.
- Shannon Grove
Didn't pay the wages that we get in the oil industry, but at least they're not on the unemployment line.
- Shannon Grove
I thought, wow, that would be great because we would operate under the only EIR that's ever been done in the entire State of California for permitting and mitigation and providing solar stuff, paying for things that, you know, mitigate the air emissions issue. That has been measured only by Lorelai Oviat, our county planning director.
- Shannon Grove
She's the only one in the State of California that's ever measured any type of output from the base of the well, and it is not 3200ft. And it's been proven scientifically that it's not 3200ft. Kern County is the energy capital of the world. You guys hear me say that all the time.
- Shannon Grove
Bills like this that are passed to the Legislature and signed to the Governor have made it impossible for oil production to grow in my community, and the fact is it's declining. Of course, the state's demand for oil has not changed. We are still consuming 1.8 million barrels every single day. We're getting it from foreign nations.
- Shannon Grove
When we bring those ships from Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, and all those places, it spews emissions. Carbon emissions, global warming, carbon emissions from point of origin to point of destination. And the California Air Resources Board only counts those emissions coming out of that ship when it's 12 miles off our coastline.
- Shannon Grove
That is faulty information that we are making policy on. I can tell you that it's. This bill. This bill is not equal protection under the law. It doesn't give you the opportunity to have counties be able to produce, or, like I said, produce energy.
- Shannon Grove
You know, if the County Board of Supervisors in some other county want to shut down the oil production or your constituents want to do that, that'd be great, but mine don't.
- Shannon Grove
Mine want to produce a domestic energy supply, provide you with clean, reliable energy that will meet the needs of Californians instead of importing it from hostile nations that are hostile to California, not only in our global environment, but in our state, hostile to our values. And to think about the price reduction. Look at the supply chain.
- Shannon Grove
We're bringing ships from foreign countries. When we could drill it in Kern County and put it in a pipeline, go 150 miles south, it would be in a pipeline. There would be no carbon emissions, and it would go to a retailer. You would save money on transportation costs, save money on fuel.
- Shannon Grove