Senate Floor
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
A quorum is President. Would the Members and the guests behind the railing please rise? We will be led in prayer this morning by Sister Michelle Gorman, after which, please remain standing for the pledge of allegiance. Sister
- Michelle Gorman
We gather in God's presence, loving God, on this Labor Day weekend. We pray for all who shoulder the tasks of human labor. We thank you for the gift and opportunity of work. May our efforts result in blessings for the lives of others. We pray for all those seeking employment.
- Michelle Gorman
May they be successful in their search for fulfilling work. We pray in gratitude for the valuable contributions of those who are now retired. May they enjoy the fruits of their labors in all we do. May our working and our resting give praise to you, our generous God. Amen.
- Caroline Menjivar
Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance. Good morning to everyone. Everyone except niner fans. Good morning. There will be no privileges of the floor today. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of a Committee will be deemed read.
- Caroline Menjivar
We are now under motions, resolutions and notices. Would any Member like to be recognized under motions and resolutions? I am. See no Members under motions and resolutions. Disregard. Senator Ashby, you are recognized.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Madam President. At the request of the author, please move file item number 28 AB 2688 by Assemblymember Berman. And file item number 29 AB 3054 from Assemblymember Berman to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk has noted. Senator Glazer, you're recognized.
- Steven Glazer
If appropriate, I'd like to move Senate Bill 1382, of which I am the author, to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
Appropriate, and the desk is noted. Senator Caballero, you're recognized.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Madam President. Please move AB 2849 by Assemblymember Rubio to the inactive file. At the request of the author.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk has noted. Thank you, Senator. Any other Member wish to be recognized? Senator Eggman?
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Great. Thank you very much. Please move AB 2060 Soria to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk is noted. Last call. I'm seeing no other Member wishing to be recognized. Colleagues, let's dive into the consideration of the daily file. Secretary, please read the second reading file for items 1 and 2.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Reading]
- Caroline Menjivar
Second reading file will be deemed read. We're now jumping into unfinished business, colleagues. We, as yesterday, in a couple of days, are going to be perhaps jumping around when Members are off the floor. We're going to be sometimes skipping those that have unanimous roll call so we don't have to go through it twice.
- Caroline Menjivar
Respectfully asking if a floor team is telling you you're next and perhaps you're not next, to be kind, because we're just going to have to adapt and be flexible today, starting with the three under unfinished booth. Business is filed, item 910 and 11. Senator Ashby is prepared.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1454 by Senator Ashby, an act relating to professions and vocations.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
Madam President, SB 1454 is back for concurrence. The Assembly amendments include authorizing the bureau to issue administrative citations to repossessors in violation of the Collateral Recovery Act and requiring private investigators to enter into written agreements with their clients and provide a copy to their clients as retain those records for two years. I respectfully ask that the Assembly amendments be concurred upon.
- Caroline Menjivar
We're looking to establish 40 on this roll call so we could do unanimous roll call moving forward. Need all Members on the floor. Any discussion on file item nine? I'm seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 39, noes 0. The measure passes. The next two file items are by Senator Limon. She is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 10.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1266 by Senator Limon an act relating to product safety.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, colleagues. SB 1266 is back on concurrence. It prohibits the use of bisphenols in any juvenile feeding, sucking or teething projects. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion, secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Colleagues, we lasted for one file item. We're going to be putting things on call. Senator Limon, you have file item 11. Senator Limon moves the cost. Secretary, please read file item 11.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 299 by Senator Limon an act relating to voting.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. SB 299 is back on concurrence. Assembly amendments will grant the Secretary of State authority to create and adopt regulations to generate a list of people pre approved for registration, filters noncitizens from the motor voter registration process upon the DMV transaction and tailors the motor voter process to whether the person is unregistered or already registered to vote in California. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any mics up? No discussion. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Limon moves a call. The next three up are file item 12, 13 and 14. Senator Newman, are you prepared for your file? Item 12?
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 707 by Senator Newman an act relating to solid waste.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Madam President. Members, SB 707 is back on concurrence and it will establish a first in the nation Extended Producer responsibility program in California for clothing and household textile recycling.
- Josh Newman
Multiple rounds of amendments were taken in the Assembly as a result of an intensive, deliberate and consultative two year long stakeholder engagement process, as well as accepting technical feedback from Cal recycle. Throughout, recent amendments addressed the responsibilities of online marketplaces while making various technical and clarifying changes.
- Josh Newman
On the basis of these amendments, the California Chamber of Commerce and the American Apparel and Footwear Association have removed their opposition. SB 707 now has more than 150 organizations in support, including well known brands like H&M and IKEA. And no registered opposition. Special credit goes to Jessica Matlock on my staff. For excellent work on this Bill over the course of two long years. I am respectfully asking for your aye vote today.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Colleagues, any discussion on the item? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Newman moves the call. Senator Allen, you have file item 13. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1143 by Senator Allen an act relating to paint products.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Allen.
- Benjamin Allen
Members, Assembly amendments to 1143 reduced this Bill from covering a wide range of household hazardous waste. To an expansion of the state's paint stewardship program to all paint and paint related products. We're going to be working in the fall on the broader Bill, but this was an area that everybody could agree on.
- Benjamin Allen
The state already has a successful producer responsibility program for paint. It's called paint care. That manages leftover architectural paint through education. And convenient locations for collection and then reuse and recycle. So this Bill. So aerosols were added to the program last year. Certain paint products are still not included. This Bill adds those products to the painkare program. There is now no opposition to the Bill, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Allen moves the call. Senator Becker has file item 14 with support. Support. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 537 by Senator Becker an accolade to memorials.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. Colleagues, rise to pridefully present this Bill 537 with my colleague, our majority leader, just for a moment, because the whole point is to raise awareness.
- Josh Becker
The point of this bill was to recognize a massive injustice in this country and in this state, where we forcibly deported by presidential order, over 1 million Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the thirties to make way for jobs for, quote, unquote, real Americans. There was no due process. There were massive raids, violence.
- Josh Becker
And what this bill will do is create a spot for a memorial, and we will create a nonprofit that will raise money to create a really proper memorial to this effort.
- Josh Becker
And at this time in this country, where there's rhetoric about mass deportations, and I think a lot of people kind of wash over that with other rhetoric coming from certain political figures, it's imperative that we recognize that this did happen and certainly could happen again, and we need to make sure it does not happen again.
- Caroline Menjivar
Colleagues, a reminder. On concurrence only. Speak to the amendments of the bill. Majority leader, you're recognized.
- Janet Nguyen
I, too, just would like to thank Senator Becker for this bill and for these amendments that lift up the voices of many Mexicans and Mexican Americans who, like myself, have family Members who were deported during the Great Depression. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Becker. You may close.
- Josh Becker
Respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker moves the call. We have one final item on this list for unfinished business. Fired on 15. Senator Umberg.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 918 by Senator Umberg and act relating to social media platforms.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues. The amendments in the Assembly simply add. 72 hours, a 72 hours window to comply with the law and extend the implementation date by six months. Urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any discussion on this item? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg moves the call. We're gonna take a quick pause. We are now moving into Assembly third reading. The first three are file item 27, 31 and 35. Senator Becker has file item 27.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2453 by Assemblymember Villapudua inaccurate to waste and measures.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker
- Josh Becker
Thank you, I rise to present AB 2453 on behalf of assemblymember Villpudua. This will streamline the maintenance and repair process for charging stations. It has received zero no votes, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote today.
- Caroline Menjivar
I am seeing no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker moves the call. Senator Newman has filed item 31. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1930 by Senate Member Reyes an accolade to teaching credentials.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Madam President. I rise on behalf of Assembly Member Eloise Reyes to present Assembly Bill 1930, which addresses critical staffing shortages in early learning and care programs.
- Josh Newman
By removing restrictions on associate teacher permit renewals, AB 1930 will help keep talented, caring and experienced associate teachers in our classrooms by providing a pathway to permit renewals beyond the current allowance of 10 years. I respectfully ask for your aye vote today.
- Caroline Menjivar
I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Newman moves the call. We're adapting. We're moving. We're gonna skip through file item 35. The next three up are file item 3744. Quick pause. All right, the correct three next files on deck are fire item 3742 and 44, center. Hurtado is nothing. Senator Hurtado passes on file file item 42 is up.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wiener, file item 42. He is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 42.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1961 by Assemblymember Wicks an act relating to food access.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Madam President. Colleagues, I rise to present AB 1961 on behalf of Assemblymember Wicks. This Bill establishes a task force that, for the first time in state history, will develop a strategic master plan to end hunger in California. California produces nearly half of the nation's fruits and vegetables.
- Scott Wiener
However, more than one in five residents, about 8.8 million people, continue to struggle with food security. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Wiener. I see no discussion or debate. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
We have a full house. Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes, 39. No, 0. Measure passes. Moving back to file item 37. Senator Hurtado is prepared. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2104 by Assembly Member Soria and aquiline to post secondary education.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Hurtado, support. Support, please proceed.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, madam President. Good morning. AB 2104 has support. Support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Wonderful. Senator Hurtado, any discussion on this item? Senator, there is no discussion on this item. Secretary, please call a row.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Let's call those absent Members, please.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes, 31. Nos, 1. Aye, Portantino. Secretary. Please call the absent Members one more time. On file item 37, Ayes, 31. Nos, 1. The measure passes, the next four on deck is file.
- Caroline Menjivar
We're being flexible today, colleagues. We're being flexible. The next three on deck are filed item 44, 47 and 48. Senator Limon is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 44.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2490 by Assembly Member Petrie Norris an act relating to healthcare.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. Madam President and colleagues, I rise to present AB 2490 on behalf of Assembly Petrie Norris, which will expand, expand and improve access to reproductive care in emergency departments across our state. AB 2490 establishes the Reproductive Health Emergency Preparedness program in the Department of Healthcare.
- Monique Limón
Access to expand and improve reproductive healthcare in emergency rooms across our state. I respectfully ask for an aye vote
- Caroline Menjivar
I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 30, Noes nine. The measure passes. Senator Laird has file item 47. Support. Support.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1828 by Assemblymember Waldron an act relating taxation and making an appropriation. Therefore.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you, Madam President, and thank you for the very unsubtle jog. This Bill would extend the sunset dates on the native California Wildlife Rehabilitation Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund and the Rare and Endangered Species Preservation voluntary tax contribution program until January 1, 2032. There's support on both sides. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion item is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection? Ayes 39. No zero. Measure passes. Senator Limon has filed item 48.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2837 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, an act relating to civil actions.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. Madam President and colleagues, I rise to present AB 2837 on behalf of Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan.
- Monique Limón
AB 2837 protects low-income consumers who are subject to a debt collection judgment by preserving their retirement savings, ensuring due process and accuracy in wage garnishments and bank levies, and providing that amount wrongfully seized or returned to the consumer. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the Aabsent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Absent Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 30, noes nine. The measure passes. Colleagues, for the next couple of about 10 bills, they're eligible for unanimous roll call, asking you stand on the floor so we can do unanimous roll call for all 10. First three up, file item 53, 54 and 57. Senator Seyarto is prepared.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1874 by Senator Sanchez and equaling to crimes.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you, Madam President. Members, today I rise to present AB. 1874 on behalf of Assembly Member Sanchez. This bill will provide judges more discretion in issuing penalties for convicted criminals who repeatedly record minors in intimate settings with sexual content. AB 1874 will provide our judges more. Flexibility in determining punishments for heinous crime cases like this.
- Kelly Seyarto
This bill has enjoyed bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. No discussion item is eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection? Aye is 39. No, 0. Measure passes. Senator Niello, you have file item 54. Senator Niello, you have file item 54. He is ready.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2337 by Assembly Member Dixon an accolade to workers compensation.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Madam Chair. Today I rise on behalf of Assemblymember Diane Dixon to present Assembly Bill 2337. AB 2337 will authorize the use. Of electronics signatures in proceedings before the. Workers Compensation Appeals Board on a permanent basis.
- Roger Niello
One of the few things that we learned that were good during the horrible pandemic was that authorizing electronic signatures. Authorizing these things worked pretty well, and. So this is a permanent authorization of that method. Bill has not received any. No votes and has no opposition. I respectfully, respectfully request, and aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Aye is 39. No, 0. Measure passes. Senator Wilk, you have file item 57. These are all support. Support.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1858 by Assembly Member Ward an accolade to school safety.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Madam President. And I'm going to apologize to everybody. I should have pared this down, but I didn't have time, so I'm going to read.
- Caroline Menjivar
You still have time, Senator.
- Scott Wilk
Okay. AB 1858 provides standards and guidance for how TK-12 schools can conduct school shooting drills. And for that reason, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Aye, 39. No, 0. The measure passes. The curveball here. File item. We're jumping back to file item 35. Center. Glazier is prepared.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 544 by Senate Member Bryant an accolade to elections.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Madam President, on behalf of Assemblymember Brian. This bill will create a pilot program. To improve voter participation in jails for incarcerated people who currently have the right to vote. California allows for incarcerated people in county jails to vote. However, many counties do not have the. Technical assistance to ensure that all eligible.
- Steven Glazer
Voters can exercise their civic duty and participate in our democracy. This bill will create a pilot program. That will provide grants to three counties to improve in person voting access for people in jail. And with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote today.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion? I am seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll. Oh, I just in time. Senator Alvarado-Gil, you're. Thank you. Just. You're recognized. For what purpose?
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
All right, I'll make it wonderful here. All right. Thank you so much. Thank you. Madam President. I am here to offer helpful amendments by simply adding the language from my Senate Bill 226.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator. Yes. For what purpose do you rise before you read?
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
I rise for the purpose of offering friendly amendments.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read the amendments that are at the desk.
- Committee Secretary
Amendments by Senator Alvarado-Gil, set one.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Senator Alvarado-Gil, please present the amendments. Thank you so much for waking me up this morning, Madam President. I do offer these helpful amendments simply adding the language from my Senate Bill 226, which has previously passed this House. 36-O. This happened while I was a Democrat.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
So the question is, will this vote be different now that I sit with the Republican caucus? These amendments add illegal Fentanyl to the existing list of controlled substances that are illegal to possess while simultaneously possessing a loaded, operable firearm. Current law outlaws the possession of certain drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, as a misdemeanor.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
It also makes a simple possession of these drugs while also possessing a firearm of felony. These amendments are pro gun safety, a position that the supermajority has embedded in its platform over and over again. As we are all aware, a grave threat to public safety exists today in the form of this drug called Fentanyl.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
It is an undisputed fact these amendments address the rise of Fentanyl use while it has caused the number of illicit drug related overdoses poisonings and deaths to skyrocket among every sector of our communities.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Despite the fact that many drugs currently on the list are often laced with Fentanyl, this deadly drug has not been explicitly included in the list of controlled substances that are illegal to carry with a firearm, which would provide clarity to the courts, both in prosecution, but also in defense.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
For those of us who are concerned about putting more black and brown people in jail, this friendly amendment also protects the defense. Why would we not want to do that? Treating Fentanyl with a gun differently than heroin with a gun does not serve justice for anyone.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Nor does it make practical sense, given the potency and the danger of Fentanyl compared to the other drugs on this list. These amendments craft a simple, nonpartisan solution to a serious problem in California. I want to thank the Senator representing San Ysidro in the San Diego County for hosting a border visit over the summer break.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
During that summer break border visit, I, along with some of my colleagues, were able to see Fentanyl. Fentanyl being delivered crossing the border. We have wonderful technology at the border. But what we do have is we have an excess of traffickers crossing the border.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And no matter how much money we put towards it, we have a real issue with Fentanyl. So these amendments would help us to fight this crisis that we are seeing over the border. I also want to acknowledge the leader of the Latino caucus who joined us on this border visit to see the true problem with Fentanyl.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And although she stripped me of my latinoism by taking me off the Latino caucus because I'm now a Republican, please stick to the merit of your amendments. I still offer these friendly amendments for Fentanyl. So I remind you that this is a nonpartisan issue. And although I'm a Latina that is no longer welcome in the Latino caucus.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
I respectfully request and I support of these amendments. Thank you,
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator please stick to the merits of the amendments.
- Caroline Menjivar
Majority leader you are recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Madam President. I move that these amendments be laid on the table and ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Majority leader is asking for an. I vote to lay the amendments on the table. Senator Alvarado-Gil is looking for a no vote. Secretary, please call the roll on motion to lay the amendments on the table.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Aye, ayes, 30. Nos, 9.. The amendments have been laid on the table. We are now returning to the Bill in chief. Any discussion on the bill in chief. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
We're gonna call the. Hold on, Members. We're gonna call the roll one more time. We're just fixing one vote right now.
- Committee Secretary
Her title? I don't know.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please call the absent Members colleagues. It's getting really loud in here. It's hard to hear. If you have any conversations, please take them off the floor. Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 29. No's, 10. measure passes. We have file item 30. Up next, Senator Stern is going to be presenting from the majority leader's desk. Secretary, please read file item 30.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 20513 Boston Member Pelon and aquinate to gas stoves. Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Members. You've already heard this Bill, so I'm going to take another shot at it by just making an admission.
- Henry Stern
So when I make eggs in the morning for Ava and Lenny, it's annoying to have the vent on, and it's loud in the kitchen, and I worry I'm going to wake everybody up, and so I usually don't turn it on. Turns out you're 24% more likely to give your kids asthma if you don't turn on the vent.
- Henry Stern
Just turn on the vent. That's all this Bill says is a warning label for dads like me, who maybe don't know better, to put that warning label on your gas stove so you're less likely to give your kids asthma. It doesn't do anything else.
- Henry Stern
So for confounded dads like me and everyone else out there respectfully ask for your aye vote thank you.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Stern, any discussion on this item? Any discussion on this item? Any discussion on this item? I'm seeing none. Secretary, please call the Rona.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 21, noes 11. The measure passes. The next three on deck are fire item 616268. All eligible for unanimous roll call. Please stay on the floor. Senator Archuleta, you have file item 61? It is support. Support.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1821 by assigning Member Ramos and Acrylin to pupil instruction.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Madam President.
- Bob Archuleta
I arrives today and in reference to AB 1821 by Assemblymember Ramos. For far too long, California first people and their history has been ignored and misrepresented by the state. Classroom instructions of the Spanish colonization and the gold rush period failed to include the loss of life liberty in the land of Native Americans.
- Bob Archuleta
AB 1821 would build upon previous efforts by the author, assemblymember Ramos, towards an accurate history and to make it a requirement that schools teach on the treatment and perspectives of Native Americans during the Spanish colonization and the gold rush eras. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
We're going to look to establish our 40 for unanimous roll call. Secretary, is there any discussion on this item? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 40, noes zero. The measure passes. Senator Trobogue, you have fire item 62. Support. Support. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1938 by Assemblymember Gallagher, an act relating to special education. Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Madam President. And Members, as co author, I rise to present AB 1938, which directs Leas to consider the unique communication needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The Bill specifies that inclusive practices involve placement in environments that provide access to the communication tools and services students need to thrive.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any discussion on the item objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38 no, zero. The measure passes. Senator Limone, you have filed item 68. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 3223 by Assemblymember Wilson, an act relating to foster youth. Senator Limon?
- Monique Limón
Thank you. Madam President and Members, I rise to present AB 3223 on behalf of Assemblymember Wilson. The Bill clarifies youth who are subject to a juvenile court petition and who have been identified as at risk of placement are eligible for the foster youth services coordinating program. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion on file item 68, any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38 noes zero. Measure passes. The next three on deck are file items 6970 and 71. Senator Baker is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senator Bill 2842 by Senator Member Papen and equity to firearms.
- Catherine Blakespear
Senator Blakespear. Thank you, Madam President and Members. I'm here to present AB 2842 which is a crucial step toward protecting Californians from the dangers of ghost guns. When law enforcement retrieves firearms through either gun buyback programs or other means, communities are afforded a sense of security. The expectation is that surrendered weapons are permanently removed from circulation.
- Catherine Blakespear
However, a 2023 investigation done by the New York Times found that this was not the case. The reason is that third party contractors tasked with the destruction of the firearm were only required by contract to destroy a small piece of the weapon. Other pieces of the weapon would then be resold online and could become ghost guns.
- Catherine Blakespear
AB 2842 will close this loophole and prohibit contracts from containing a provision allowing the resale of firearm parts. This Bill is supported by cities, gun safety organizations, and law enforcement, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Do we have any discussion on this item? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38 noes zero. Measure passes. Senator Archuleta is up and ready. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 366 by assigning Member Petrie-Norris, act relating to Human Services.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator, support. Support.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Madam President. I rise to present AB 366 by Assemblymember Petrie Norris, which will help understand or, I'm sorry, will help the understaffed Counties Human Services Department to grow their workforce.
- Bob Archuleta
County Human Services Department do some of the most important work in our communities for our most vulnerable citizens, children and elderly, and the poor, disabled and disadvantaged across the State of California. And for these reasons, I ask for your support and an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any mics up for discussion? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes. Senator Grove is prepared for the next item. File item 71.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 3156. Boston Member Joe Patterson, an act relating to MediCal Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Support. Support. Thank you, Madam President. Today I rise to present AB 3156 that's jointly authored by assemblymember Joe Patterson and assemblymember Nguyen. AB 3156 will ensure that providers and insurance can accept all Medi Cal fee for service clients once they move into a managed health care system.
- Shannon Grove
Under the Ladderman Developmental Disabilities act, individuals receiving services from the Regional Centers are eligible for Medi Cal. But under the new Cal Aim initiative, it was passed in the budget trailer Bill, forcing Regional Centers, youth and adults to enroll in Medi Cal and primary insurance, which means they were losing their doctors.
- Shannon Grove
This fixes that Joe Patterson and Assemblymember Nguyen would be gratefully appreciative of an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
I think that I appreciate unanimous roll call as well. Any objection? Any debate? Any debate on the item? No objection. Ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes. Next up are file items 7779 and 84. Senator Hurtato is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 77.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2661 by assigning Member Soria, an act related to electricity, Senator Hurtado.\.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Madam President. Colleagues, AB 2661 will help achieve California's renewable goals by leveraging the existing capabilities of Westland's water district to deliver new solar generation and transmission lines. As groundwater basins adopt sustainable groundwater management plans, many regions of the state are expected to experience as much as a 20% decline in available water supply by 2030.
- Melissa Hurtado
Due to this massive change, it's estimated between 500,900 thousand acres of farmland may need to be fallowed in the San Joaquin Valley alone. This fallowed farmland can be the key to expanding our solar generation.
- Melissa Hurtado
Westlands Water District, who is in the best position to identify suitable fallowed farmland in their service territory for conversion to solar generation, can help contribute to the state's renewable portfolio while making up for lost water supply revenues needed to continue serving the remaining water customers.
- Melissa Hurtado
Unfortunately, there's not enough transmission currently planned for the Central Valley to capitalize on this opportunity. AB 2661 will give Westlands Water district the authority to build, own and operate transmission lines and other facilities to connect this new generation to the grid.
- Melissa Hurtado
This will help us achieve our climate goals while simultaneously providing an incredible opportunity for disadvantaged communities where the need for skilled and well paying jobs is critical.
- Melissa Hurtado
The projects that could be undertaken through the provisions of this Bill will help these workers upskill and enter into trades which will uplift these communities that are so often left out of the conversation when it comes to these investments. I respectfully ask for an aye vote any discussion on the Senate.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Madam President. I stand up in support of this Bill. I've had some concerns because quite frankly, the valley has been. The Central Valley has been viewed as the absolute best place to put solar energy.
- Caroline Menjivar
Caballero, you are recognized.
- Anna Caballero
And the problem with overdoing it is that we're taking away jobs in agriculture and we're not replacing them with high wage jobs. This Bill provides an opportunity to do energy generation, which is different from the water issues that they normally deal with.
- Anna Caballero
Not only that, so those are the high road jobs that are going to make a difference in our community. If we have to replace farming because we no longer have water, we have to have something that replaces it, that creates economic wealth for the families that live there.
- Anna Caballero
But in addition to that, there is a commitment to community benefits that will improve the lives of individuals that are currently living in the district. And so with that, I would sincerely ask for your support of AB 2664.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you for your remarks, Senator. Senator Eggman, you're recognized.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Thank you very much. I also rise in support of this, and a few years ago I did a Bill that allow use for solar land to still then be eligible for Williamson benefits. That I think is a good idea. So when times change, perhaps people can go back and we continue to keep that land more pristine.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I also ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Eggman. Senator, seeing no other mics up, you may close. I respect class for, and I vote. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 38, noes zero. The measure passes.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wilk, you have file item 79. Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1978 by assigning Member Sanchez an act relating to vehicles.
- Caroline Menjivar
Support. Support. Senator, please proceed.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Madam President. On behalf of Assemblywoman Sanchez and Annie, I present AB 1978, which will give. Law enforcement officers another tool to crack. Down on dangerous sideshows. The Bill will allow law enforcement to. Seize a vehicle that blocks a road for the purpose of facilitating street races or side shows without needing to take the owner of the vehicle into custody. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Do we have any mics up? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? I is 38. Secretary, please call the roll. We have an objection. Please call the roll. On file item 79.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 37, noes 2 measure passes. Senator Eggman, you have file item 84? Secretary, please read, file item 84.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2935. By assigning Member Maienschein, ac act related to foster care, Senator Eggman.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
Thank you very much, Madam President. AB 2935 provides a process that foster kids aren't taken advantage of by getting credit cards and getting bad credit reports. I ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any object? Any discussion? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 40, noes Measure passes. The next three up on deck, file item 85. The next three up on deck are file item 8586 and 87. Senator Wiener is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 85.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2115 by Assembly Member Haney, an act relating to controlled substances and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
I thank you. Madam President and colleagues, I rise to present AB 2115 on behalf of Assemblymember Haney, which will transform California from a state with the most restrictive methadone laws into a state that leads in accessibility for methadone treatment. Methadone is proven to be the most effective treatment for people with opioid addiction.
- Scott Wiener
It works by easing the debilitating symptoms of opioid withdrawal for people who have quit drugs like heroin and fentanyl. It also reduces the likelihood of dying from an opioid overdose by more than 50%. In April 2024. The Biden Administration, recognizing that reducing treatment barriers saves lives, relaxed many of the methadone treatment restrictions.
- Scott Wiener
However, California continues to have outdated policies that are more restrictive than federal regulations, which leads to ambiguity for providers and patients, and ultimately results in fewer patients having access to methadone. AB 2115 will save lives by aligning California's outdated methadone laws with the Biden administration's ruling on methadone treatment. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any Member wish to be heard on this item? This has an urgency clause requires 27 votes. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
On the urgency Ayes 38, no zero measure passes. Senator Cortese, you have filed item 86, the support. Support item.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 3035 by Assemblymember Pelerin and Aquilina Housing.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Madam President and Senators, AB 3035 is a district Bill. It expands an existing streamlined approval process for Ag employee housing in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County. Recent amendments allow farmworker housing tax credits to be returned to the overall allocation for farmworker housing before final funding rounds rather than after final funding rounds.
- Dave Cortese
With that, I would respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any Member wish to be heard on this item? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 40. No. Zero measure passes. Senator Blakesbury, you have filed item 87.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 3068 by ascending Member Haney and acronym to Housing Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you. President and Members, I rise today to present AB 3068 on behalf of Assemblymember Haney. AB 3068, the Office to Housing Conversion act will accelerate adaptive reuse projects of office buildings.
- Catherine Blakespear
This Bill is a response to the crisis of California's empty downtown business districts and the need to convert underutilized office buildings within prime locations into new housing. As our work culture shifted toward remote and hybrid work policies.
- Catherine Blakespear
With fewer employees working full time in the office, commercial buildings in downtowns across the state are experiencing the effects of high vacancy rates and Low foot traffic and need legislative support to turn into housing.
- Catherine Blakespear
AB 3068 creates a pathway for by right approval of office conversion projects, ensuring more predictability and fewer barriers to an already difficult building process. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Blakespear. Senator Wiener, you are recognized.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Madam President. A lot going on here. Thank you, Madam President. I will. I'll be supporting this Bill today. I do want to note, however, that the labor language that's in the Bill, there was a lot of conversation that happened around this and some compromises that were made. Understand the difficulties.
- Scott Wiener
I personally understand the difficulties of those conversations. This is a very unique Bill about office to housing conversion. It applies in limited circumstances. The labor language in the Bill does not set a precedent in any way. There's been a lot of work by Assemblymember Wicks, by myself, on these issues.
- Scott Wiener
The labor language in this Bill is unique to this Bill and to the office to housing conversion context. With that, I will be supporting the Bill. Thank you.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. I see no further Members looking to speak on this item. Senator Blakesbury, you may close.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Okay, ayes 27, noses 11. The measure passes. The next three on deck are file item 8889 and 67. Senator Padilla, you have file item 88.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1878 by Assembly Member Garcia an act relating to housing.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Madam President. And colleagues, appreciate the opportunity to present 1878 on behalf of Senator Mayor Garcia. Tribal nations across California face serious structural and equitable obstacles to accessing and competing for state housing programs. This Bill will remove key barriers and require that comprehensive technical assistance and outreach be provided to tribes. Received bipartisan support has zero, no votes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wishing to be heard on this item. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 40 no zero measure passes. Senator Limon, you have filed item 89. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assuming Bill 2496 by Assembly Member Pellerin an act relating to foster family agencies and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues. AB 2496 helps protect foster families that play a critical role in the care of over 9000 of the most vulnerable children in California.
- Gail Pellerin
Folks, earlier this year, the reinsurer of NIAC, Guy Carpenter and Company, LLC, said it could no longer reinsure NIAC if it continued to insure FFAs due to the increased liability. AB 2496 is a temporary solution to keep our most vulnerable foster kids in their current homes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wishing to be heard. This has an urgency clause and requires a 27 vote, but is also eligible for unanimous roll call. Any objection? Ayes 40 no on the urgency. Ayes 40 no. Zero measure passes. Senator Becker, you have filed item 67. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1777 by Assembly Member Ting an act relating to autonomous vehicles.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker, you're recognized.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. I rise to present AB 1777 on behalf of assemblymember Ting. This Bill is aimed at addressing the serious public safety concerns experienced in San Francisco around autonomous vehicles and also across the state to aid first responders and get unsafe autonomous vehicles off the roads.
- Josh Becker
The Bill provides first responders with tools that currently do not exist to manage emergency situations and communications, and formalizes a citation process to get those unsafe vehicles and companies who run those unsafe vehicles off the road. This Bill does formalize a process. Right now, currently, these are only self reported violations.
- Josh Becker
And the problem with self reporting is bye. In and of itself, it is a self report. So what happened with cruise? The DMV did do its job and take crews off the road, but that was only because it was a very public situation and they chose to act. This will formalize that process.
- Josh Becker
So again, we can get these companies and bad actors and bad vehicles off the road. By the way, this Bill does not do anything either way on criminal lawsuits. That is still a case in point. I was just given a data point that the crew settled a lawsuit when it dragged a woman about 20ft.
- Josh Becker
The settlement was over $8 million. We do know that. But again, they didn't report to DMV. Let's see this Bill. The most recent amendments changed one piece of the Bill, which is, again, violating the rules of the load.
- Josh Becker
The language shifted from a regular citation to a new citation process that the author says was requested by the Judicial Council, who requested this process. Let's see, however, technology isn't making a mistake because of bad decisions or honest mistakes programmed in certain ways. So how would a fine correct that issue?
- Josh Becker
We believe that this going to the DMV is ultimately a powerful process because these are multimillion dollar companies and really the key is get them off the road. And that's really what this Bill is entitled to do. What's really important is that the Bill does provide this mechanism to communicate with officers.
- Josh Becker
It creates a process around two way communication so that there's, the officers don't have to enter the vehicle, they communicate with the companies and they can take action and get them out of these emergency situations. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wiener, you're recognized.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you very much, Madam President. I rise in support of AB 177 and I want to thank the author for navigating this very complicated and at times difficult Bill through the Legislature. San Francisco is one of the first cities in the world to test and operate fully autonomous vehicles on our roads.
- Scott Wiener
And they are there right now out history in San Francisco of AB innovation. AB's have the promise and I continue to believe that I should say AB's have a lot of promise and I continue to believe that they are a value add with respect to safety.
- Scott Wiener
However, as the technology matures, there are absolutely growing pains in San Francisco. We've experienced AB's blocking roads, driving in the crime scenes, driving onto firefighter hoses during emergencies, driving in restricted areas, causing traffic jams, and breaking traffic laws. Unlike the rest of us right now, there are no explicit consequences for these instances.
- Scott Wiener
And this Bill will allow us to set basic safety precautions to ensure that we have fewer of these disruptions and that there is accountability for the AB companies if the vehicles break traffic laws. I know that this is a new frontier in terms of how you ticket or cite autonomous vehicles.
- Scott Wiener
The author navigated it the best he could, working with the Judicial Council and DMV to make sure that we pass a law that meets legal standards and that is implementable. I believe that this will be an improvement, and I ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Cortese, you're recognized.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Madam President and Senators, I rise in strong opposition to AB 1777 by Assemblymember Ting. That's no disrespect to the Assembly Member, but this has to do with the provisions on enforcing the vehicle code.
- Dave Cortese
When the Bill first came through transportation Committee, I had significant concerns, as did transportation staff, but worked with the assemblymember to address them. Regrettably, the amendments taken on Friday, August 23, less than seven days ago, significantly depart from discussions and policy Committee in both houses and reframe the entire premise of the Bill.
- Dave Cortese
New amendments that were taken, the ones I just referred to, are not technical in nature. I think, with all due respect to my good friend from Silicon Valley, the presenter, they may sound like technical amendments, but they're not.
- Dave Cortese
And in any ordinary course of business, to avoid the kind of chaos we all strive to avoid as chairs and as vice chairs of our respective committees. Those amendments, significant amendments, should have come back to Committee.
- Dave Cortese
Remember, this is an AB, this is an Assembly Bill that started last January and took its time making its way through a very significant vetting process to get to Senate transportation, where we worked very closely with the author to make actual technical and policy based amendments in addition to just that breach of process.
- Dave Cortese
And it is a breach of process that I think any chair, any Vice Chair in here would object to. And I'm doing the same. I'm taking a stand for something that has been a part of not just the tradition, but the movement of this Legislature for decades and decades and decades.
- Dave Cortese
Sometimes paraphrased as when you tell folks where you're going to be, be there. And if you can't be there, make sure you return and let them know. None of that happened with regard to this Bill.
- Dave Cortese
The Bill provides now, instead of a fine that the manufacturer would pay a non compliance notice, that, quote shall not create a presumption that the autonomous vehicle is unsafe. That's going to, first of all, without fines, as we all know, there's no cost recovery for local law enforcement to even get involved with this concept of noncompliance orders.
- Dave Cortese
Secondly, if you go so far as to say when they do write a non compliance order, it's not going to lead to any liability by virtue of the actual language in the Bill.
- Dave Cortese
Bill, you're not only going to get underreporting, but you're going to get an inability for people who have been harmed to bring those cases through the civil liability system, the tort system, and be made whole, which again, is, as we all know, a lengthy and historical part of our judicial process.
- Dave Cortese
Just as an example, the unfairness of the language that we have now in terms of enforcement, where a human driver can be cited or even charged for traffic violations. And it happens by the minute. It's happening now as we speak. AB companies are only noticed through the DMV under this Bill.
- Dave Cortese
I and seven other opposition, Members of the opposition strongly disagree with that. If a human driver drives down the wrong side of the road, they can be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony under vehicle code 21651 etcet. I don't think this is just me. Again, some of you received opposition letter.
- Dave Cortese
There are seven entities, California Professional Firefighters, consumer attorneys of California Smart, ATU, Consumer Federation of California Teamsters, the California Federation of Labor in understanding Calcites has now issued a letter just this week of opposition. None of them were in opposition when this Bill came through transportation Committee.
- Dave Cortese
So again, I'm just trying, trying to remind that this is a personal opinion of mine, but this is something that has taken a Bill where we, everybody worked to neutralize opposition and brought massive opposition back, which is actually more extensive than when the Bill first came through Committee in the first place.
- Dave Cortese
Again, I appreciate the time, Madam President, and I would strongly urge a no vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Glazer, you're recognized.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Madam President. To quote the. I know one Senator, many Senators, I didn't intend to speak on this Bill, but a couple things. First, I don't want to speak to the process issue that the Senator from San Jose has brought up. That's not the point of my remarks today.
- Steven Glazer
It would be just to acknowledge the tussle that we have on many bills that this one relates to where we're dealing with new technology that we're not trying to suppress, we're trying to encourage, because it's so much part of the California innovation and enterprise that we're proud of.
- Steven Glazer
At the same time, try to maintain public safety, which we also is a deep, important value that we have. And this Bill attempts to work in that space. Is it perfect? Does it do everything that we all want? No, it doesn't.
- Steven Glazer
But I do see it as incremental progress forward, and that's why I'm rising, is to encourage a yes vote on it. It does engage with the DMV, which is a licensing responsibility in this space. So there's a direct reporting relationship back that's important.
- Steven Glazer
And I think it engages our public safety officials in terms of how they need to engage in a way that's a progress point, may not do everything that we want but we are trying to balance these enterprises that our community enjoys and likes with our determination to keep things as safe as they can be.
- Steven Glazer
I think that the Bill strikes the balance, doesn't go as far as some would like, but I think that's why it's deserving of support today.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any other Member wish to be heard on this item? Senator Becker, you may close.
- Josh Becker
Thank you again. Similarly, I can't speak to all the process concerns. I will say, you know, personally I've supported various bills to regulate AV's, and that is certainly what this one is attempting to do.
- Josh Becker
The Judicial Council did say that the previous version of the Bill was not operationally viable and did oppose the vehicle code penalties because those are created change incentives of humans, not of multimillion dollar companies. In previous versions, companies could pay a fine, wait and go through the court lengthy court process.
- Josh Becker
This does push it back to the DMV, and I know not everyone has absolute faith in the DMV, but does push it back to the DMV, which does have control and permitting, and in the case of Cruz, did act to remove that.
- Josh Becker
Just to clarify, also a little bit just on the process, it does require a designated phone line for first responders. Creates a process and timelines for what must happen when a first responder calls. Requires a two way communication method, creates an opt in geofencing process.
- Josh Becker
Geofencing is a process that would require AB's to avoid accessing certain emergency areas once notified by local governments. And then for vehicles with a manual override in the vehicle, police and fire must have access and training on its use. I do believe those are certainly important provisions of this Bill.
- Josh Becker
If there's other pieces I think we could revisit later, and I respectfully ask for my vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you so much, Senator, for your close secretary. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Becker moves a call. The next three up are file item 9091 and 92. Senator Ashby has filed item 90.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2381 by Assemblymember Bonta an act relating to childcare.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you very much. Madam President. I rise to present AB 2381 on behalf of Assembly Member Mia Bonta, which allows our state preschool programs to continue being funded based on enrollment rather than attendance. This will provide programs with a stable funding source, allowing them to focus on sustainability and the quality of their programs. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Ashby. Any Member wish to be heard in this item? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? There is an urgency clause. Requires 27 votes.
- Caroline Menjivar
No urgency. No urgency clause on this measure. Any objection to utilizing unanimous roll call? I am seeing none. Eyes A9. No, zero. The measure passes. Ayes 39. Great. Senator Becker, you have file item 91.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 551 by Assemblymember Bennett an act relating to the Public Utilities Commission.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Madam President, I rise to present this Bill on behalf of Assemblymember Bennett. When the CPC first adopted their transmission guidelines, they made the decision to incorporate them into their rules and procedures. This would explicitly exempt those guidelines from the Administrative Procedures act to allow the CBC to update them without delay. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Becker. I see no mic. Subdivide. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? I see no objection. Ayes 39. No, zero. Measure passes. Senator Portantino? We're passing on file. We are holding the next. The next three up. We're just going to do one at a time for right now.
- Caroline Menjivar
The next one is fire item 101. Senator Umberg, we got AB 518.
- Unidentified Speaker
No, that's on 518.
- Caroline Menjivar
We got a hot mic. Secretary, please read file item 101.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 518 by assigned Member Wicks and accurately into Calfresh.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg?
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President. And colleagues. AB 518 requires the Department of Social Services to develop a methodology for determining the state's calfresh participation rate and identifying characteristics of residents who are eligible but not receiving benefits.
- Thomas Umberg
I am informed by the author that there is cleanup legislation that will be introduced with an urgency clause in January to address some of the outstanding issues. And with that, I urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Umberg. Any Member wish to be heard? I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the row.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 38. Ayes 38. Noes zero. The measure passes. Senator Archuleta, you have file item 102 up? This is a support. Support file item.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 535. By sending Member Schiavo enact relating to veterans and declare the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Madam President. This year, this Bill, AB 535, is a Federal Government mandate requiring changes to exclude veterans disability benefits from income calculations and determine eligibility for veterans. And this is to support the veterans. And I urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any member wish to be heard on file item 102. This has an urgency clause requires 27 votes. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call?
- Caroline Menjivar
We're going to take a quick pause here, Members. It any objection to utilizing unanimous roll call for fire item 102? I see none. Ayes 39. Noes zero. The measure passes. Senator Cortese, you have file item 103? Senator Cortese is prepared for file item 103.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read assigning Bill 1034 by assigning Member Grayson, an act related to employment.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you, Madam President. Senators AB 1034 would extend the exemption sunset date for lawsuits originated under PAGA private Attorney general's act for contractors in the building and construction trades that are party to a valid collective bargaining agreement which meets specified criteria and who have negotiated with their local union to include the waiver in their CBA.
- Dave Cortese
The statute does not alter a local union's ability to decide to include or not include the POGA waiver in their CBA as local control on that including the waiver would continue to be a subject of bargaining at the local level by each union.
- Dave Cortese
When a labor union and an employer in the building and construction trades enter in a valid collective bargaining agreement, existing law provides that those employers shall be from Paga, provided that CBA includes the premium wage rates for overtime, an hourly wage of not less than 30% more than the minimum wage, a grievance and binding arbitration procedure to redress violations, a clear waiver of the requirements of PAGA in unambiguous terms, and an authorization for the arbiter to award any and all remedies available under PAGA.
- Dave Cortese
Section 203 of the Labor Management Relations act affirms that resolving labor suits to the collective bargaining agreements is the desirable method for settling grievance disputes related to the application or interpretation of an existing collective bargaining agreement. This Bill aligns with congressional intent by using the well established collective bargaining process to resolve poggit disputes.
- Dave Cortese
AB 1034 will allow workers to continue to benefit from this important exemption by extending the current sunset in the law from 2028 to 2038. The measures supported by California Conference of Carpenters, associated General contractors, and the State Council of Laborers, among others. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Senator Cortese. Any discussion on this measure, any discussion. Scene nine. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Full house now, Members, so we're gonna go through the role one more time. Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Steven Glazer
Auto vote of 32 in favor, seven against. The measure passes. The next two items up, Members are file item 59 and 81. We begin with file item 59. This is Assembly Bill 1147.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1147 by Assemblymember Addis an act related to Developmental Services.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. AB 1142 adds a Public Records Act requirement to Regional Centers which are currently not subject to public records disclosures. Despite serving a public purpose and being funded with government dollars, it was going to bring a much needed transparency for individuals that work with those who have a developmental disability. Respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Steven Glazer
Members, any discussion on this measure? Any discussion said of Bradford? No. Okay, see no microphones up. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing No objections. Ayes 40. No, zero. The measure passes. Next up is file item 81. This is Assembly Bill 2317. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2317 by Assembly Member Stephanie Nguyen an act relaating to child day care facilities.
- Steven Glazer
This is support, and support on both sides. Ma'am.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator, phenomenal. Thank you, sir. 20317 will require private child care providers who opt in to implement anaphylaxis policy. Requesting for an I vote.
- Steven Glazer
Respectfully, Members, any discussion on this measure? Any Senator want to be heard? It is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing no objection. Ayes 40. No, zero. The measure passes.
- Caroline Menjivar
Members, we're going to be lifting the call on one item. File item 67. Secretary, please open the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 23 knows nine. The measure passes. We are now moving into motions and resolutions. Any Member wish to be recognized under motions and resolutions. Majority leader, you are recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Madam President. Members, I move all measures reported from Committee be given their second reading upon being reported in order to third reading, please.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Seyarto, you are recognized.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you. A tangled web we weave again. We must object to this. It just compounds the previous ones that we are already objecting to. So we ask for a no vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Gonzalez is asking for an I vote. Senator Ciarto is asking for a no vote. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 31. noes nine. The motion carries. Senator Glazer, you are recognized under motions and resolutions.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Madam President. I was going to request. I am requesting unanimous consent to withdraw my request to move Senate Bill 1382 to the inactive file to withdraw. So I want. I'm asking for unanimous consent to withdraw my motion there. My request.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any objection to to that request? Measure order to the unfinished business without objection. Senator Jones, you're recognized.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Madam President. I'm still processing the last motion. But I do have a motion that I would like to remove file item 152, SB 892 from the consent calendar, please.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk has noted. Majority leader, you're recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Madam President. Please move file items 25, AB 2886. And file item 50, AB 365, at the request of the author to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk has noted. Senator Smallwood Cuevas, you're recognized.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Madam President. And I need to. Oh, where is it? Move. Here we go. ACR. Okay, I gotta come back. I don't have the number. I'll come back.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any other Member wishes to be heard under motions and resolutions. Under motions and resolutions. Senator Allen?
- Benjamin Allen
Yes. I would like to have AB 233 by Wilson moved to the inactive file. At the request of the author.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk is noted, Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. I'd like to move file item 19, ACR 132, at the request of the author to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk is noted. Senator Smallwood Cuevas is coming back to you.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you so much, Madam President. I would like to move on behalf of Assembly Member Wilson. ACR 226 to the inactive file.
- Caroline Menjivar
The desk has noted. Seeing no mics up, we're now moving to Committee. Committee announcements. Any Committee announcements. Senator Caballero, you're recognized.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much, Madam President. The Senate Appropriations Committee will be meeting. In room 112, 5 minutes after we recessed. Let's get a quorum. Let's get it done.
- Caroline Menjivar
We heard you loud and clear, Madam Chair. Any other Committee chair wishes to be heard. Members, this is an important announcement. What you've been waiting for. We will break for 1 hour for lunch. Please stay in the building so we can resume our supplemental file and continue our work and get out of here on time. See you in an hour.
- Caroline Menjivar
Asking all Members return to the floor. We have a couple of items coming up that are eligible for unanimous roll call. We need all Members on the floor. The next four on file are file item 92, 52, 100, and 38 Members, we need you all back on the floor. Members. Senator Portantino is kicking us off.
- Caroline Menjivar
File item 92.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 2892 by Assemblymember Lowe and accurate lane to vehicles.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you. Madam President and Senators, I rise to present AB 2892 on behalf of the incomparable Assembly Member Low this Bill would allow transportation companies with 25 or more vehicles to deposit cash or surety bond in lieu of the net worth requirement under current law.
- Anthony Portantino
Bill aims to assist paratransit public transit and other transportation companies in stabilizing increasing insurance costs. Department of Motor Vehicles permits drivers to use cash in lieu of insurance and many drivers already utilize the option. This seeks to expand the program and I respectfully ask for an aye vote thank you, Senator.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any mic sub for discussion? This item is eligible for unanimous support. Any objection? Ayes 39, noes zero. The measure passes. Senator Umberg has filed item 52.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2885 by Assembly Member Bauer- Kahan and act relaiting to artificial intelligence.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you madam President and colleagues. AB 2885 simply establishes a definition for artificial intelligence. This was previously on the consent calendar and pulled to address chaptering issues. i urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Umberg. Any Member wish to be heard on this item? Does anyone have any objections to utilizing the unanimous roll call on file item 52? I'm seeing none. Ayes 39 no zero measure passes. Senator Umberg has the next one. File item 100, AB 224. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 224 by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio. And act relating to private employment.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues. This Bill simply extends the news carrier exemption from AB 5 until 2030. Urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard? I am seeing none. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call for this item? Ayes 39. Noes, zero. The measure passes.
- Steven Bradford
All right, Members, next up is file item 38 AB 2693 by Assembly Member Wicks. Senator Menjivar is prepared. Secretary you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2693 by Assemblymember Wicks. An act relating to childhood sexual assault.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Menjivar.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, AB 2693 authored by Assemblymember Wix, will give sexual assault survivors who were victimized in county juvenile facilities a chance to seek justice. In the tough on crime era, California sent more than 130,000 children to jails and county juvenile detention centers.
- Caroline Menjivar
Too many of these individuals have come forward as adults now to share their negative experiences on sexual assault perpetrated by employees of these juvenile camps.
- Caroline Menjivar
In the past five years, California has extended the civil statute of limitations for childhood sexual assault, created a three year window for revived claims of childhood sexual assaults, and eliminated the statute of limitations for childhood sexual assault for actions arising on or after January 1, 2024.
- Caroline Menjivar
Unfortunately, however, many victims who endured abuse in county juvenile facilities have been turned away from seeking legal representation because the statute of limitations for individual cases has expired.
- Caroline Menjivar
AB 2693 is narrowly tailored that will give these survivors of childhood sexual assault the ability to come forward, report their abuse, and seek justice in court by the end of 2025. The Bill has received bipartisan support, respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Senator Grove?
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mister President. I rise in favor of this. You know, doing research on human trafficking, you find out that girls don't even know they're being trafficked until they turn a later age. And there's a lot of women that have taken that, not taken that position, but they just didn't realize what was happening to them.
- Shannon Grove
And I know that sounds so crazy when you think about it, but it's the same thing about having that trauma to come forward. Like you talk about those children in a juvenile facility.
- Shannon Grove
I wish the Bill was expansive on, you know, all children being affected in this particular situation, but I do know that we have to take stuff one step at a time and just respectfully ask for an aye vote, because this is a very important piece of legislation. It needs to be addressed.
- Shannon Grove
And kids that are abused in these facilities when they're younger, I just like the Bill we did. 1043. When you're abused when they're younger, they have to have an opportunity to digest that, recognize what happened to them, and know that they have a safe place to come forward at. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion/ debate on this item. Enter Minjavar. Would you like to close?
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. I'd like to thank my colleague, the Senator from Bakersfield, for rising and sharing her support for this Bill. Respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Right. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 38.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Want to close it? Senator Menjivar moves the call.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senators, we are now moving to the supplemental file for under unfinished business. The next three up are file item 180, 181 and 182. Senator Umberg has file item 180.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 336 by Senator Umberg an act relating to state grants.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues. SB 336 and its companion measure by Senator Limon bring California on par with the Federal Government by ensuring that our nonprofit agencies are fairly and adequately compensated for the important work they do for us as a state.
- Thomas Umberg
The amendments in the Assembly clarify some definitions, remove requirements on DGS, and allow for some flexibility in the De minimis rate for negotiations. Urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Umberg. Any Member wish to be heard on this item? Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Ayes 39 no zero measure passes. Senator Padilla is prepared. Secretary, please read file item 181.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 583 by Senator Padilla. An act relating to conservancies.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you. Madam President. And colleagues arise to present SB 583, which would establish the Salton Sea Conservancy. The amendments reflect an agreement with the Governor to narrow the scope of the conservancy and make it contingent on the passage of the bond. It has had broad bipartisan support. Zero no votes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator Padilla. Any Member wish to be heard? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 39 Noes 0. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Cortese, you have filed item 182. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 636 by Senator Cortese and act relating to workers compensation.
- Caroline Menjivar
- Dave Cortese
Okay, thank you, Madam President. Senator, SB 636 requires a physician to be licensed in California if they make a modification or denial to a private worker's comp claim. Assembly amendments removed a provision requiring utilization reviewers to have the same duty of care to patients as they do as would treating physicians. This is back on concurrency amendments
- Dave Cortese
Also removed two code sections from the Bill to state its goal as clearly and as simply as possible. Iit was amended to delay the effective date to July 12026. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard on this item. Secretary, please call the roll on file item 182.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 30, Noes 9. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Eggman has filed item 183, your SB 1025, back on concurrence.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1025 by Senator Eggman an act relating to veteran diversion.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
SB 1025 is back on concurrence having to do with veteran diversion.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Eggman.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any discussion on this item. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Susan Talamantes Eggman
I ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 34 Noes zero. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Next up are file item 184185 and 187. Senator Bakespear is prepared.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1053 by Senator Blakespear an act relating to solid waste.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Blakespear.
- Catherine Blakespear
Thank you, President and colleagues. SB 1053 is back on concurrence. At the grocery store, consumers can either purchase a recycled paper bag or bring their own reusable bag. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Phenomenal, Senator. Any discussion? Secretary, please call the row.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 31. 8 Noes. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Padilla has file item 185.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1105 by Senator Padilla. An act relating to pay sick leave.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Madam President. SB 1105 is back on concurrence, which expands existing pay leave to allow agricultural employers who work out employees, excuse me, who work outside, to use their currently entitled paid sick days to avoid smoke, heat, or flooding conditions.
- Steve Padilla
The amendments from the Assembly clarify that this does not constitute a change in, but is declaratory of existing law. And to the extent that sick leave sick days are necessary for preventive care is provided for in the labor code. The Bill has received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your.aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard on this item. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 36, Noes 2 Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Limon, file item 8187.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1220 by Senator Limon an act relating to public contracts.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read
- Monique Limón
Senator. Thank you. Members. SB 11220 is back on concurrence. This Bill will protect the quality of public services by requiring human workers to remain in call centers for government benefit programs instead of being outsourced to artificial intelligence. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any member wish to be heard? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 30, Noes 8. Assembly amendments are concurred in. The next three on deck are file item 188,189 and 190. Senator Wilk is prepared.
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1233 by Senator Wilk an act relating to post secondary education.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, madam President. SB 1233 is back for concurrence. Happy to report the Assembly didn't screw it up too bad. This measure establishes a curriculum framework for a more efficient, spay neuter process to be adopted by California's veterinary schools. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
I'm very happy for you, Senator. Some of us weren't as lucky as you. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call? Seeing none. Ayes 39, Noes, zero. Assembly Members are concurred in. Senator Stern. Is coming. You have filed item 189.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1277 by Senator Stern an act relating to pupil instruction.
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please read.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Members. This Bill is about training teachers to close some very wide divides in our society and find some common ground. This teachers collaborative on Holocaust and genocide education has been up and running in the state for the last three years, and it's an inspiring cross section of voices that often don't get heard.
- Henry Stern
Not just survivors of the Holocaust, but voices from the Armenian genocide to the rwandan genocide to the Cambodian genocide. And it also makes clear that should in the future, the UN deem other atrocities, actual genocides, that those will also be at least eligible for consideration in the material is brought to these teachers.
- Henry Stern
This is not about curriculum, though, to be clear, and this is the first time that the state is actually just going to provide these kinds of opportunities for teachers. This ranges from your ethnic studies teachers who are looking for these kinds of voices to a social studies or a math teacher.
- Henry Stern
I've been to these collaboratives, and I will tell you, the Internet makes us feel like we have nothing in common some days and that we should all bring our politics right into that classroom, and they just find a way through their experiences and through these voices that we're bringing to the table to make a different kind of education for our classroom and bring to life things that are at risk of dying.
- Henry Stern
67% of millennials in this country don't know what Auschwitz was. Never even. 50% of Gen. Z has never even heard of certain aspects of the Holocaust. And this is personal, I know, for everybody.
- Henry Stern
So we all come from somewhere, and hopefully this Bill brings that to the fore and makes it a little different future for our classrooms and for our teachers, because I really do think they are the solution. So with that, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Grove, you're recognized.
- Shannon Grove
Madam President, I, too, rise in support of SB 1277. And like my colleague from San Francisco says on Fox News, Jesse Watters does a man on the street thing. And right before October 7, he was out there on the street going, hey, do you know what the Holocaust is? Do you know what this.
- Shannon Grove
Do you know what this. And like my colleague just said, 66% of the people that answered that question did not know. And I don't know if it was that number, but probably one out of, you know, one out of two did not know what the Holocaust was.
- Shannon Grove
And that's a pretty scary thought when you think about just random people on the street that don't understand the significance of what happened in our history. Respectfully, ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any Member wish to speak, any other member wish to speak on this item? Senator Stern, you get to close now.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, colleagues. One last thing I did want to clarify for those with some questions. You know, there have been questions raised by the very limited number of folks in opposition that somehow this will be a Jewish controlled collaborative, that Jewish organizations or Jewish aligned organizations would somehow control this.
- Henry Stern
I'd say at first it's a dangerous kind of language to use because it feeds into some tropes and stereotypes that I think we really need to get away from. But secondly, if you read the language and the legislation, this puts this program into the state.
- Henry Stern
So there is no one organization called out into the Bill to run this operation. In fact, the cross section runs from Indigenous American groups to Armenian groups. It's a collaborative. That's literally the design of the Bill. So I just want to express the author's intent as well as the text of the Bill has that in there.
- Henry Stern
With that, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call on this item? Ayes 39. Noes 0. Disregard. Disregard. We have an objection. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Committee Secretary
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 39 Noes, 0. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Allen, you have file item 190. You are ready to go.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 1297 by Senator Allen an act relating to vehicles.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Allen?
- Benjamin Allen
Thank you, Madam President. This Bill is back on concurrence. It creates a speed camera pilot program for a particular stretch of road in the City of Malibu, the PCH, where dozens have been killed in the past few years. Assembly amendments were clarifying, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any Member wish to be heard on file item 190? Secretary, let's go ahead and call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 35. Noes four. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senators, this week we've had a wonderful guest come and join us on the floor. Today I'd like to acknowledge our amazing parking attendants from the Department of General Services who are here in the back of the chambers. Thank you so much for what you all do.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senators, we're going to take a group photo with these hardworking individuals in the back. If you wish to participate in the group photo.
- Caroline Menjivar
This is what we have next. The three next items are file item 191192 and 193. Senator Limon has file item 191. Colleagues, we are back. We are back. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1304 by Senator Limon an act relating to oil and gas.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. SB 1304 is back on concurrence. The Bill ensures that the public has. Access to information gathered by CalGEM and. The State Water Resource Control Board related. To exempting an underground water aquifer for. Oil and gas production. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard on this item. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 28, noes 10 Assembly amendments are concurred in the the next couple items we're going to be putting on call, we're going to go through the roll only once. Senator Archuleta, you have filed item 192.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 1315 by Senator Archuleta Enact relating to school accountability.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, madam President. Senate Bill 1315 is on concurrence school accountability annual reporting. I ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. I see no mics up. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Archuleta moves to call. Senator Bradford has filed item 193.
- Committee Secretary
Please read Senate Bill 1328 by Senator Bradford enact relating to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Bradford?
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, madam President, 1323 is back on concurrence. The Bill will update and make clear existing law procedures and requirements related to election technology certified for use in California. I respectfully ask for your.
- Caroline Menjivar
I vote any Member wishes to speak on this item has the urgency. Clause requires 27 votes. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Bradford moves a call. I see how we're all sitting at our desk. We're very demure. Some would say we're very mindful. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas has filed item 194. Thank you, Madam President.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secretary, please read. zero, thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1340 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas an act related to discrimination.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues. Today I present SB 1340. The Bill has been amended to remove all opposition. 1340 would allow for local agencies to investigate complaints of discrimination in the workplace and in housing upon state civil rights. Issuance of a right to sue letter.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
All other sections of the Bill relating to federal contracting, tracking and reporting have been removed. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Any Member wish to speak on this item? Secretary, please call the row once.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
We have a full house. We're gonna go through the roll one more time.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 31 noes nine. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Becker, you have file item 195. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1374 by Senator Becker act related to energy.
- Josh Becker
Senator Becker thank you. 1374 is back. As a reminder, this is a Bill that just treats commercial buildings exactly as what the PUC did for residential buildings. The Assembly amendments do three things. One, they state that schools and multifamily are explicitly included in self consumption, again, like residential units.
- Josh Becker
It requires us, secondly, that the CPUC will determine what other sets of meters are close enough in proximity, eg, religious institutions, nonprofits, civic centers, some farms, to be considered self consumption. And third, we added a sunset, which we did in good faith, too, so we can see the effect.
- Josh Becker
If this does have any effect on rates, the measure will put money back into classrooms and on the tables of kitchen tables of those who live in multifamily apartments. I'll note that since the CPUC ruling, solar on multifamily is down 96%. Down 96%.
- Josh Becker
Since the CPUC made this ill advised ruling, this will again create incentive for building owners, and residents in those buildings will benefit. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
I am seeing no mics up for discussion. Secretary, please call the row.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 27, noes nine Assembly amendments are concurred in. Next three are going to be 196. File number 197 and 198. Senator Ashby is prepared.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 1498 by Senator Ashby, an act related to cannabis. Senator Ashby?
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Madam President. Today I rise to present SB 1498. This is the cannabis and Industrial Hemp Advertising Act. SB 1498 allows enforcement from the Attorney General, county council, or a city attorney when a cannabis or hemp licensee or an illicit business is in violation of current advertising laws designed to protect youth.
- Angelique Ashby
The Assembly amendments expand the Bill to enforce industrial hemp and make a few technical changes.
- Caroline Menjivar
I ask for an aye vote any Member wish to speak on this item. Any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call I is 40. No, zero. The Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Stern, you have file item 197? Senator Stern, secretary, please read Senate Bill.
- Committee Secretary
1505 by Senator Stern. Inaccurate social media platforms.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Members. This measure is back on concurrence. We've taken some amendments in the Assembly to address the issue of cyberbullying. Currently, when cyberbullying attacks are experienced online, often you report the incidents. But social media companies are really under no legal obligation to respond.
- Henry Stern
And often those flags fall on deaf ears and they go off into the ether. And meanwhile, children, like one in Los Angeles in the past month, who had multiple incidents wherever she was beat up at school, put on these fight pages, and kids just watched those videos on a loop. She is no longer with us.
- Henry Stern
The final fight was a deadly one, and she's gone. And young people these days are experiencing an epidemic with cyberbullying.
- Henry Stern
So, finally, we think that this creates a framework that the tech companies will have some obligation to respond, and that our teachers, our administrators, not just students, but their parents, also are going to have some recourse to get a response.
- Henry Stern
But we also appreciate the work from the industry side to find mechanisms for this reporting that can actually work with their existing platforms. And I think we've landed something here that is going to actually work in law. So this is a crisis. We need this. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes 36, noes zero. Assembly amendments are concurred in. Senator Glazer is prepared for the next file item. Secretary, please read file item 188, Senate.
- Committee Secretary
Bill 1382 by Senator Glazer and Aquinas health and care facilities.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Glazer.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Madam President. This Bill is back for concurrence from the Assembly. The Assembly amendments allow the Office of Healthcare Affordability to create building standards that are at least as stringent as primary care clinics in California as required when receiving Medi Cal reimbursements. Would that would ask for your support for this measure.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. I see no mics up for discussion. Any objection for utilizing the unanimous roll call. Ayes 40 noes zero. Assembly amendments are concurred in colleagues. There are two more items on this list. They're file item eight and file item 186. Senator Caballero has file item eight.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 1432 by Senator Caballero, an act related tp health facilities. Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Madam President. I rise to present SB 1431, which is back on concurrence. I'm going to apologize in advance for a lengthy discourse, but it has been said that we have not negotiated, and those that know me negotiate know that I negotiate the hell out of my bills.
- Anna Caballero
So I want to be very clear about the amendments that were taken during the pendency of this Bill. The Bill provides more transparency, accountability and authority to HKI to ensure all hospitals reach seismic compliance. We made a real attempt to create a framework that hospitals have to comply with in order to be able to get an extension.
- Anna Caballero
The Bill ensures the no automatic extension for a hospital if you can meet the deadline by 2030. Discretionary authority HKI to approve, modify or deny an application for an extension and HKI only has the authority to approve an extension for one to five years, depending on the particular need of the hospital.
- Anna Caballero
Hospital requires all hospitals applying for an extension to demonstrate a financial pathway to ensure compliance and to keep the health services ongoing while they're doing their seismic retrofitting.
- Anna Caballero
The extension application requires safety and emergency planning to ensure patient and staff safety in the event of an earthquake and all seismic compliance plans and non structural performance category five evaluations must be approved by the Department to ensure patient and worker safety.
- Anna Caballero
If HKI approves any request for an extension, they're required to hold the hospitals accountable to complete the project milestones, and if a hospital misses the milestone, then HKI can find the hospital system on a daily basis per bed until they complete the milestones.
- Anna Caballero
They have to once the hospitals submit their application for an extension, they're required to provide a copy of their application to the local government, the County Board of Supervisors and the City Council, all labor unions who represent workers in the hospital, the local emergency services and the State Office of Emergency Services.
- Anna Caballero
In addition, before processing that application, the community has 45 days for a comment period prior to HCI approving, denying or modifying any extension. The compliance schedule has to include the permits, the construction plans, the commencement date of the project, completion dates, financing, a ton of information that has to be provided to the community.
- Anna Caballero
They have an obligation to provide audited financials with attestation under penalty of perjury that their request and the financials are true. If the hospitals fail to meet their milestones or seismic compliance, they will not be issued a building permit for any other building in the facility.
- Anna Caballero
If hospitals miss a milestone or violate any of the agreements with HKI, there's an enforcement in. Any enforcement action has to be posted on the department's website along with what the solution was and what the penalty would be.
- Anna Caballero
The website posting starts in 2028 and annually with detailed data of the approved compliant plans, the decision of HCI and deadlines for compliance. This Bill got more robust as it traveled through the Assembly, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on concurrence.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Niello, you're recognized on this item.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Madam President. I appreciate the fact that this Bill has been, that my colleague from Merced has negotiated the hell out of this, and I would invite her to, along with me, negotiate the hell out of earthquakes standards generally. This is an irritation on my part. Sacramento.
- Roger Niello
One of our business strengths is that Sacramento is an earthquake free zone. We don't have earthquakes here. And whether you're located in Sacramento on the San Andreas fault, or over in Humboldt or down in San Diego, you have to meet the same earthquake standards for hospitals regardless. The risk varies tremendously around the state.
- Roger Niello
But we have, as we do with too much legislation here, somebody sees a problem in one area and they want to fix it, and it applies to everybody. The legal requirement applies to everybody, and it makes no sense. So let's get together and negotiate the hell out of that one size fits all.
- Roger Niello
But I urge that aye vote on this.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any other Member wish to speak on this item? Senator Caballero, you may close.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much, Members, for listening to me today. The bottom line is right now, the way we've been dealing with this is one offsite. Whenever someone's not going to meet the seismic compliance, we do it one hospital at a time.
- Anna Caballero
And this Bill provides us with the structure to be able to push hospitals to do the right thing and to do it in a public way.
- Anna Caballero
Because the reality of the situation is if we don't do this, then we are stuck with the one off situation, and we're going to be back here in a number of years trying to do each one separately without the structure to say, we need to know where you're at, what you're doing, and what you're doing with your resources.
- Anna Caballero
So I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Caballero, any objection to utilizing the unanimous roll call on this item? Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Did we get that? Aye. From the 41st Senator in the gallery? Ayes 31, noes zero. Assembly amendments are concurred in. We're gonna do one extra one on this list, and that's gonna be file item 78. Senator Umberg.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Assembly Bill 1008 by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, an act relating to privacy.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President and colleagues, AB 1008 clarifies that California's privacy laws apply to personal information, regardless of how that information is stored, including in the form of generative artificial intelligence. I urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to speak on this item. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, can you please call the absent Members?
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Unidentified Speaker
I heard something from the back.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Unidentified Speaker
Load up there.
- Caroline Menjivar
Okay, we are going to call the absent Members one more time.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Scott Wilk
All right. Ayes 29, noes nine. The amendments are concurred in. Now we're moving to our final item on the supplemental file. And that would be file item 186, SB 1112 by Senator Menjivar. And I see that she's ready.
- Committee Secretary
So, secretary, please read Senate Bill 1112 by Senator Manjivar in aquilain to childcare.
- Scott Wilk
Senator, the floor is yours.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mister President. Colleagues, SB 1112 is back on concurrence. And the Assembly amendments deeply narrowed the Bill. Right. So currently it's going to codify and statute that alternative payment agencies, also known as resource and referral networks, can use their administrative dollars in order to get youth connected to developmental screenings, respectively. Asking for an I vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator. Seeing no microphones up, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Seeing no objections. Ayes 40, noes zero. And the amendments are concurred in.
- Caroline Menjivar
These are the two we have. Next file item 24. And file item 43. Senator Umberg is ready to go. Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2677. By Assembly Member Chen an act relating to charities.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Umberg.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Madam President. Colleagues, the purpose of this Bill is to ensure aggrieved consumers will have recourse available to recover their losses up to the amount of the bond for actions or inactions of someone who has, in essence, violated the conditions for which the bond is provided. Urge an aye vote.
- Caroline Menjivar
Any Member wish to be heard on this item. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]