Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assembly Member Fong notices the absence of a chamber. Of a chamber. The chamber is here, but we lack a quorum. Wow. Yeah. The Sergeant at Arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, I will note that the Public Safety Committee is meeting currently, so that accounts for a few Members. But there's still a whole bunch of other Members out there who aren't on public safety, so if they can find their way to the floor, that would be really good. We'd appreciate that. It's now 10:14. We're past our start time. Please make your way to the floor.
- Jim Wood
It's now 10:30. We are still well short of a quorum. Unless you are a Member of the Public Safety Committee that is meeting now, we would expect that you would be here to help us get on with our work. So, Members, please come to the chamber. Appreciate, those of you who are here on time, some very familiar faces. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. The day's prayer will be offered by Assembly Member Nguyen.
- Stephanie Nguyen
We thank you for another day to work for and with our fellow men and women.
- Stephanie Nguyen
We pray that you may be with us today to defend us within us, that you may sustain us before us, that you may lead us behind us, that you may protect us above us, that you may bless us in everything that we do. Amen.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assemblymember Nguyen please join Assemblymember Luz Rivas as she leads us in the pledge.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, please join me for the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of.
- Jim Wood
The United States of America and to. The republic which it stands, one nation under his. Thank you. You may be seated. Reading of the previous day's journal Assembly Chamber Sacramento.
- Unidentified Speaker
Monday, August 122024 the.
- Jim Wood
Assemblyman at one curry moves and Mister Flores seconds that the reading of the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions there are none. Introduction and reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read in amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor there are none.
- Jim Wood
Messages from the Senate there are none moving to motions and resolutions. The absences for the day for illness assemblymember Ortega for illness. Also assemblymember Cervantes moving to the majority leader for her procedural motions. Not a majority leader.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good morning Mister speaker and colleagues. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assembly Member Gabriel to speak on an adjournment in memory today without objection.
- Jim Wood
Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118 to allow Speaker Rivas to have guests in the rear of the chamber and to allow Members Gabriel and Santiago to have guests seated at their. Desk today without objection.
- Jim Wood
Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
There are letters of legislative intent at the desk relative to AB 2561 McKinner and AB 3161 Banta. I move to print the letters in the journal pursuant to Assembly rule 42. C.
- Jim Wood
With that objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Please move the following items to the enacted file item 31, SB 827 Glazier at the request of the author and item 39, SB 1301 at the request of Assemblymember Conley, Clerk will note.
- Jim Wood
Members pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2, I am re referring the following items on the supplemental file item 102, AB 598, wics to the Housing Committee item 104 AB 846 Bonta to the Housing Committee AB 100617 item 106 AB 1755 Cholera to the Judiciary Committee.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend joint rule 62 A, the file notice requirement to allow the following Committee to meet to allow the Judiciary Committee to hear AB 1755 Cholera today, August 30. Upon call of the chair in room.
- Jim Wood
126, without objection, such will be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
At the request of the author, please move item 25, SB 251 Newman to the inactive file.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will know. Okay, Members, a couple of announcements on my end here. We will break for lunch from 1230 to one, but we will be asking that you not leave the area. So everyone will be expected to be on the Greek carpet, so to speak. There will be a dinner break at 04:30 p.m. today.
- Jim Wood
During that break, upon adjournment for that break, or upon recess for that break, there will be Committee hearings that will happen at that point, and we'll give you more details about that later.
- Jim Wood
And during that time, just to note, the black caucus is hosting soul food in the Eureka room around the dinner hour, so please keep that in mind. And just on a lighter note, maybe, maybe fluffier note, today is national toasted Marshmallow day.
- Jim Wood
You know, there's no chocolate or Graham Crackers noted in this, unfortunately, so it's just the marshmallows. So glass half full. We will have guest introductions at some point later today. For now, we're going to move to business on the daily file concurrence in of Senate amendments. We're going to pass temporarily on item number two.
- Jim Wood
We're going to pass temporarily on a file item number three. We are going to move to file item number four. AB 899. Assemblymember Cervantes. By Assemblymember Ward, the Clerk will read.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Bill 1899 by Assembly Member Cervantes and others and accolades.
- Jim Wood
Mister Ward, you are recognized.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise on behalf of Assemblymember Cervantes to present AB 1899, which is back on concurrence. Senate amendments require judicial counsel to adopt standard guidelines for the implementation of the Bill. This LGBTQ caucus priority Bill is received by partisan support, has no registered opposition. Respectfully asked for your I vote on concurrence.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Ward. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the poll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Members, please come back to the floor. I don't know where you all went.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote it. All those vote who desire to vote. Move the call. Mister Ward requests we move the call. Ask the Members, please come to the chamber. We no, you're here, but you're not here.
- Jim Wood
I'd now like to move to a guest introduction. Members, please join me in welcoming Taralyn Appina of the Yurok tribe. Taralyn was a Native American caucus honoree this year and has dedicated her life to activism and combating the missing, murdered, and indigenous persons epidemic. Taralyn serves as the tribes chief operations officer. Welcome to the California Assembly.
- Jim Wood
Thank you for being here. Looks like we will pass temporarily on file item five. We are passing temporarily on file item six. We are passing temporarily on file item seven. Looks like we are passing temporarily on file item eight, for lack of an author. Moving to file item nine. AB 457 by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 457 by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry and acclaiming the beverage containers and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, AB 457 is back on concurrence after being gutted and amended in the Senate. I'd like to thank my colleague from Rockland for helping me address this issue this year. This is a simple Bill.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Starting January 1 this year, all wine boxes, regardless of size, were assigned a 25 cent bottle deposit on small boxes that retail for a few dollars and that are sometimes sold in multi packs. The 25 cent deposit adds up quickly.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
These products compete with canned products that only have a five cent deposit, so the larger deposit is noticeable to consumers and hurts the industry. This Bill creates more parity across industry and helps consumers and the wine industry by lowering the deposit for small boxes of wine spirits from 25 cents to 10 cents.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
This Bill also helps small wineries by streamlining the number of reports they have to submit to Cal recycle. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Aguirre Curry. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote Bill. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Members, please come to the chamber. Come out, come out wherever you are. Segway. Our curry moves the call. Moving to file item number 10, AB 1359 by Assembly Member Papenous.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1359 by Assembly Member Papen and others enact relating to environmental quality and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Papan. You are recognized.
- Diane Papan
Thank you, Mister speaker, good morning. AB 1359 is back on concurrence from the Senate where it enjoyed unanimous support. Respect the request and I vote on geothermal testing wells. Thanks.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assemblymember Papin, seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The 54 vote Bill Members. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. What's your pleasure? Family Member papinous. Move the call. Tell me. Member Papin moves the call moves like we're passing temporarily on Mister Kara as the author is not here. Moving temporarily. Item number 12. Author is not here. Moving to item number 13.
- Jim Wood
AB 1296 by Mister Grayson.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1296 by Assembly Member Grayson and others and accolades bar pilots. Mister Grayson, you are recognized.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Timothy Grayson
Thank you Mister Speaker. Members, I am pleased to present AB 1296 which is back on concurrence. AB 1296 revises current state regulations mandating the replacement of three specified pilot station boats, allowing for the replacement of a boat only if it has reached the end of its useful service life.
- Timothy Grayson
San Francisco bar pilots, or SFBP, provide an essential service by safely navigating commercial vessels to and from nine California Northern California ports. SFPBP is the only pilot group in the state that is mandated by law to maintain a minimum of two pilot boats in service, with one boat on station in the open ocean at all times.
- Timothy Grayson
To meet these requirements, SFBP maintains a fleet of five pilot boats. However, the California Air Resources Board's commercial harbor craft regulations threaten to make these essential services nearly impossible. Three of the bar pilots vessels are immediately subject to these regulations, and taking any of them out of service could severely disrupt the state supply chain and commercial traffic.
- Timothy Grayson
AB 1296 offers a viable pathway to achieve CARB compliance by extending the deadlines to match the service life of the station boats. This approach allows sufficient time to secure the necessary funds to build new CARB compliant boats one at a time without the need for financing the construction cost, ultimately saving tens of millions of dollars.
- Timothy Grayson
So let me emphasize that AB 1296 is a crucial element of the SF bar pilot strategy to comply with the commercial harbor craft rule. It is not a carve out nor an exemption. Rather, it is a viable pathway to compliance.
- Timothy Grayson
The SF barg pilots have been working diligently to find an appropriate path towards compliance, but cannot realistically build new station boats under carb's aggressive timeline. That's why we're here today. This Bill received bipartisan support. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote on concurrence.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll tally the votes. Ayes 46, noes one. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back and lift the call on file item number four. AB 1899 purple post all those vote. Who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 47, noes zero. Measure passes. Moving to file item 14.
- Jim Wood
AB 3179 by assemblymember Juan Carrillo. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3179 by Assembly Member Juan Carrillo. And athletes air pollution.
- Jim Wood
Mister Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Juan Carrillo
Good morning, Mister speaker and Members. I rise to present Assembly Bill 3179, which is back on concurrence. AB 3179 is a necessary measure that would allow for a very narrow delay to the CARB advanced clean fleet regulation specifically for bucket trucks and sell on wheels until 2030.
- Juan Carrillo
These vehicles are important in ensuring that our first responders are adequately equipped for emergency across our state. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Carrillo. Seen and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 49, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to back up to file item number seven. AB 2951 Assembly Member Cervantes by Mister Berman. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2951 by Assemblymember Cervantes and others and accolades elections. Mister Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I want to start by saying it was an honor to be mistaken for the future Senator from Concord. I wish I had that head of hair. I rise to present AB 2951 on behalf of Assemblymember Cervantes.
- Marc Berman
Senate amendments will provide the Secretary of State a brief extension of time to comply with new procedures for cancellation of certain voter registrations while upgrades are made to vote Cal our statewide voter registration database, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
I was trying to think of something, but I just can't come up with anything. Mister Berman, seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll tally of the votes..
- Jim Wood
Ayes 53, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in moving to file item number eight. AB 3184. Vice Member Berman I got it right again.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3184 by Assemblyman Berman, an act related to elections and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately. Mister Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you Mister Speaker. AB 3184 is back from the Senate. Senate amendments provide a uniform deadline for a voter to correct a missing or mismatching signature on a vote by mail ballot envelope for our upcoming General election, as well as make several largely technical changes to improve the ballot cure process.
- Marc Berman
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll until both sides 57 no zero on the urgency. 57 no zero on concurrence in Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 11, AB 1581 by Assemblymember Kalra. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1581 by Assembly and others, an act related to the Fish and Wildlife. Mister Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you Mister Speaker. AB 1581 is back on concurrence. These amendments will codify and expand the Department of Fish and Wildlife Restoration Management permit and were negotiated in tandem with the Department, the Senate Natural Resources Committee and other environmental stakeholders.
- Ash Kalra
These amendments will ensure that the Department is able to make consistency determinations for the new federal conservation benefit agreements and it gives you all the rare opportunity to vote on a Karlra Mathis Bill. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Kara. Seen in hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Will close the roll tally the votes. Ayes 54, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We are now moving to Senate third reading file item 32, SB 1283 by Senator Stern presented by Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1283 by Senator Stern and others, an act relating to the peoples.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, you are recognized.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you Mister speaker and Members. I rise to present SB 1283 by Senator Stern. This Bill is critically important as it ensures that our kids spend their day focused on both their education and their social emotional growth by spending their school day off social media, in the classroom and on the playground.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Amendments have been taken that ensure that it does not expand the surveillance of our children, but instead just ensures they don't have access to social media, which we know is absolutely in the well being of our young people. With that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 1283.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Senator Bauer-Kahan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote just who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close roll tally the votes. Ayes 51, noes zero measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Ready to lift the call on item number nine. Clerk will post all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 61, noes zero on the urgency. Ayes 61, noes zero on concurrency and Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Moving back to Senate third reading file item 34, SB 1181 Senator Glazier by.
- Reading Clerk
Mister Berman Clerk will read Senate Bill 1181 by Senator Glazer, an act relating to the Political Reform act of 1974. Mister Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you Mister Speaker. SB 1181 eases unintended compliance issues that local jurisdictions and the FPPC faced in implementing the author's previous legislation. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 55, SB 1108, Senator Ochoa Bogue by Assemblymember Wallace.
- Reading Clerk
The Clerk will read Senate Bill 1108 by Senator Ochoa Bogh and operating the mobile home parks.
- Jim Wood
Mister Wallis, you are recognized.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you Mister speaker. I have before you today Senate Bill 1108 by Senator Rosalicia Ochoa Bogh. SB 1108 will extend the time from 60 to 90 days to cure a violation under the Mobile Home Parks Act.
- Greg Wallis
This will allow vulnerable mobile home park residents additional time to receive assistance and cure violations under SB 1108 fewer Californians will face the threat of eviction. I ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Wallace. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 56, SB 1170, Senator Menjivar by Assemblymember Pellerin.
- Reading Clerk
The Clerk will read Senate Bill 1170 by Senator Menjivar and others, an act relating to the Political Reform Act of 1974.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Pellerin. You are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Mister speaker and Members. I rise to present SB 1170 on behalf of Senator Menjivar. SB 1170 would allow candidates running for political office to use campaign funds for campaign related mental health care services.
- Gail Pellerin
More than 40% of state legislators experience threats or attacks within the past three years, and more than 18% of local office holders experience threats. The coverage provided by this Bill would be solely for mental health services that were derived from experiences that impacted a candidate during the campaign.
- Gail Pellerin
In order for the candidate to allocate funds for mental health care expenses, the candidate must note the underlying campaign related circumstances that had given rise to this need. This Bill has no opposition. I'm a proud co author of this pro mental health care Bill, and I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, assemblymember peloran. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The 54 vote Bill Members. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote and for intern is the one in.
- Unidentified Speaker
Pink in the back.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Assemblymember Pellerin moves the call. Members, we're going to go to a guest introduction. Please, Members, please join me on behalf of Assemblymember Petrie-Norris in welcoming her summer intern, Kayla Hussey, wishing her the best of luck and safe travels as she returns to Oregon for her sophomore year of college.
- Jim Wood
Thank you for your service to the Assembly. Moving to file item 57, SB 1281, Senator Menjivar. By Assemblymember Addis. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1281 by Senator Menjivar and others, an act relating to Developmental Services.
- Jim Wood
You are recognized.
- Dawn Addis
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise to present SB 1281 on behalf of Senator Menjivar. This Bill eliminates concerns and barriers with the self determination program. It's back on third reading, and I respectfully request your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. So may Member Addis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all this vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll tally the votes. Ayes 44, noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Pellerin asks for notices lifting the call on file item 56. Clerk will post all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes seven. Measure passes. Moving to file item 61. SB 1419, Senator Rubio by Assemblymember Wilson.
- Reading Clerk
Then Clerk will read Senate Bill 1419 by Senator Rubio and others an act related to food and making an appropriation. Therefore, Senator Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you, Mister speaker. Good morning, Members. Today, I rise to present SB 1419, the Food Desert Elimination act, by Senator Susan Rubio. This critical Bill will help address food insecurity and poverty issues for our most vulnerable communities across the state.
- Lori Wilson
State by establishing this statewide Fund, we will be able to draw down federal funding opportunities for grocery store operators to establish grocery stores in food deserts at a time where our constituents are struggling to pay for their food, gas and utility bills.
- Lori Wilson
Now more than ever, it is imperative to ensure our underserved communities receive access to healthy food options. That is why it is important to help families who live in food deserts and establish grocery stores where they are none.
- Lori Wilson
I remember being a young girl on the west side of Fresno and growing up my entire life without a major food chain in my community. And so this will help ensure that we address those type of issues in communities across our state.
- Lori Wilson
We have to continue to work to ensure all Californians have access to healthy and fresh foods. With that, I thank you all and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Wilson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll tally the votes. Ayes 56, noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Member Papan is lifting the call on file item number 10. The Clerk will post all those vote. Who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 62, noes zero on the urgency.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 62, noes zero on concurrence in of Senate amendments. Moving to file item 62. Seeing one, Senator Newman by Mister Bryan.
- Reading Clerk
The Clerk will read the Senate constitutional amendment won by Senator Newman and others in apparatus. Assemblymember Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, colleagues and Members. Sea won by Senator Newman is a Bill that places something on the 2026 ballot. A question for voters on how we should handle our recalls, our Gubernatorial recalls, specifically raising the question of whether the lieutenant Governor should step into the governor's position. It's a common sense measure.
- Isaac Bryan
It's a question the voters have the right to answer, deserve to answer. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Bryan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote Bill, Members. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Mister Bryan moves the call now to file item 64. SB 1155. Senator Hurtado, by Assembly Member Pellerin. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
The Senate Bill 1155 by Senator Hurtado, an act relating to the Political Reform Act of 1974.
- Jim Wood
Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Mister speaker and Members, I rise today on behalf of Senator Hurtado to present SB 1155. SB 1155 aims to broaden the scope of lobbying restrictions by including Executive Members of state agencies and appointed officials who receive a salary.
- Gail Pellerin
SB 1155 addresses this issue by instituting a one year cooling off period for these officials before they can engage in lobbying activities. By creating a longer buffer period, the Bill aims to reduce conflicts of interest, promote transparency, and restore trust in the integrity of state agencies and the policymaking process. This is a political reform act. Bill.
- Gail Pellerin
I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Pellerin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote Bill. Members. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero. Measure passes. Moving to file item 68. Senator Ashby by Assemblymember Berman.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1451 by Senator Ashby, an act relating to professions and vocations.
- Jim Wood
Mister Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Mister Speaker. SB 1451 is the annual business and professions code omnibus bill. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Berman. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 49. Noes zero. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Members, we are moving to file item 49, SB 399. Senator Wahab by Miss. We're not doing that. Apparently, we're now going to the supplemental file, Members. Just a moment. Okay, we are moving to concurrence in of Senate amendments on our supplemental file. But before we do that, we are going to lift the call on file item 62.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will post. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Okay, we're going to move the call again at the request of Mister Bryan. Okay, now we will go to the supplemental file for concurrence in of Senate amendments and I'm just going through the entire file here. If you're here, you're happy to. If not, we'll pass and we'll come back to you later.
- Jim Wood
Okay, everybody on notice for that? Eeverybody understands? I'm not bouncing around. If you're not here, you're not here. And we'll come back to you later. All right, moving to file item AB 460. Item 101, AB 460 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 460 by Assembly Bauer-Kahan and others, an act relating to water.
- Jim Wood
Miss Bauer-Kahan.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 460 is back from the Senate which where it has been narrowed significantly, but is still, still important as it raises fines to ensure people do not steal water. It now has no opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 48. Noes three. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're going to pass temporarily on file item 598. Moving to Assembly Bill 598. Item number 102. Excuse me, moving to file item 103. AB 718 by Assembly Member Ta. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 718 by Assembly Member Ta and others, an act relating to veterans.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Ta, you are recognized.
- Tri Ta
Thank you, Mister Speaker. This bill is go back for concurrent. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Ta. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the door. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 56. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. So, we are going to pass temporarily on file item 104. Moving to file item 105 by Assembly Member Alvarez, AB 1472.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1472 by Assembly Member Alvarez and others, an act relating to recreational vehicle parts.
- Jim Wood
Mister Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise to present AB 1472. It is a district bill that would prohibit the unfair business practice known as the RV shuffle within the City of Imperial Beach City, the city I represent.
- David Alvarez
The RV shuffle involves evicting and relocating tenants from a residential RV park, usually for about 48 hours every six months. This is to prevent those tenants from gaining certain status that would provide them with substantive tenant protections.
- David Alvarez
It is a practice that's been affecting my constituents and potentially others throughout the state for the last two years. And most of these people who I had a chance to see sit with at their park are elderly or on fixed income.
- David Alvarez
We should not be evicting residents who have found a suitable shelter and are able to abide by all the other rules, including paying their monthly rent on time. The amendments taken in the Senate have limited this bill just to the City of Imperial Beach.
- David Alvarez
And this bill has been requested by the City of Imperial Beach and enjoys support from ACE San Diego and the Public Interest Law Project. I respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 1472.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Alvarez. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 54. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. We're going to lift the call once more on file item 62.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will post. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 55. Noes 15. Measure passes. Moving back to our supplemental file. File item 107, AB 1859 by Mister Alanis.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1859 by Assembly Member Alanis, an act relating to coroners.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Alanis.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 1859 is back with clarifying amendments. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Alanis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 60, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 108 by Assembly Member Chen.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1862 by Assembly Member Chen, an act relating to limited liability partnerships.
- Jim Wood
Mister Chen, you are recognized.
- Phillip Chen
I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Chen. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 58. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 109, AB 1871 by Mister Alanis.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1871 by Assembly Member Alanis and others, an act relating to pupil instruction.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Alanis, you are recognized.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Apparently I didn't talk enough on the last one. So AB 1871 is a financial literacy bill that previously passed out of both houses with zero opposition, but was since amended to avoid a chaptering out conflict. Respectfully, I ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Alanis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote to desire to vote. All those vote to desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 110, AB 1886, by Assembly Member Alvarez. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1886 by Assembly Member Alvarez and others, an act relating to land use.
- Jim Wood
Mister Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise to present AB 1886. The bill has Senate amendments that dealt with chaptering out issues. And so, I thank you and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Alvarez. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 43. Noes one. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 111, AB 1895, by Doctor Weber.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1895 by Assembly Member Weber and others, an act relating to health facilities.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, I rise to present the concurrence on AB 1895, which addresses the issue of maternity ward closures. Senate amendments remove the requirement that the Legislature receive hospital data and the community impact report before it goes to the public.
- Akilah Weber
It also requires that the state departments to develop recommendations on how to assist the maternity board experiencing challenges and whether or not it is feasible. This bill is a Legislative Women Caucus priority. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote on concurrence for AB 1895. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Weber. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 55, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 112.
- Jim Wood
AB 1901, by Assembly Member Chen. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1901 by Assembly Member Chen, an act relating to vehicles.
- Jim Wood
You gotta say something.
- Phillip Chen
Incredible bill. Please vote aye.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Thank you, Mister Chen. For the record, that was a head nod, so that just doesn't. We got to have something on the record. But I do appreciate the brevity that is. That was a first. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 64. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 113 by Assembly Member Wendy Carillo. AB 1950 the Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1950 by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo, an act relating to state government.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Wendy Carrillo
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 1950 is back for concurrence. This bill acknowledges the historical housing injustice of the Palo Verde, La Loma, and Bishop communities, known today as Chavez Ravine, and takes the necessary steps needed towards truth and reconciliation.
- Wendy Carrillo
AB 1950 passed the Senate with bipartisan support. And on a personal note, Members, this is the last bill that I will be presenting on the Assembly floor, and I'm proud that it is district focused and rooted in the fight for justice.
- Wendy Carrillo
Thank you to my wonderful team and thank you to all of you and our Capitol community for your kindness, your friendship, and your support. I respectfully request an aye vote on AB 1950, the Chavez Ravine Accountability Act. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 52, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 114.
- Jim Wood
AB 1954 by Assembly Member Alanis. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1954 by Assembly Member Alanis and others, an act relating to sexually violent predators.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Alanis, you are recognized.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 1954 is back on concurrence with amendments that are technical in nature. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 64, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 115 by Assembly Member Boerner.
- Jim Wood
AB 1992. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1992 by Assembly Member Boerner, an act relating to carbon sequestration.
- Tasha Boerner
Good morning, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 1992 is back on concurrence. Senate amendments added inland wetlands with a three-year delayed implementation for stakeholder engagement. The bill has no opposition and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Boerner. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote to desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 44. Noes six.
- Jim Wood
Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 116, AB 2068, Assembly Member Ortega by Assembly Member Lee. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2068 by Assembly Member Ortega, an act relating to employment.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Lee, you are recognized.
- Alex Lee
On behalf of Assembly Member Ortega, I rise to present AB 2068. This bill would require California State agencies and departments that contract their public and customer call centers out of state to provide a full list of these contracts. Amendments made in the Senate were technical nature and result of working with the governor's office. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Lee. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 56. Noes zero. We're going to pass temporarily on file item 117.
- Jim Wood
Members, please give your respectful attention to Mr. Gabriel, who was granted prior permission to speak on an adjournment in memory.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to request that we adjourn today in the memory of my beloved uncle, William Jacob, who passed away earlier this year after a brief battle with cancer. My uncle Bill was many things. A brilliant mathematician, inspirational teacher, devoted public servant, beloved family member, and profound mensch who radiated humility and compassion.
- Jesse Gabriel
It was obvious to all who knew him that Bill was exceptionally brilliant. Like Good Will Hunting smart. In high school, he somehow converted his VW Bug into a working electric vehicle. He earned a PhD in mathematics from Princeton, and he was an internationally recognized teacher and researcher at UCSB for more than 30 years. But Bill's brilliance was only a small part of what made him special. His real gift was his quiet inner drive to use his talent to help others. He had a strong social consciousness that he exhibited throughout his life.
- Jesse Gabriel
Whether it was protesting the Vietnam War, fighting to strengthen public education, or working to make college more accessible to students from disadvantaged communities, Bill was firmly committed to repairing the world, what we refer to in Hebrew as tikkun olam. At UCSB, Bill made improving k-12 math education a major focus of his career.
- Jesse Gabriel
He worked with experts from around the world, advised the California Department of Education, developed innovative new curriculum, and helped thousands of students improve their math skills. Bill's other true passion was the University of California, and he worked tirelessly throughout his career to strengthen UC.
- Jesse Gabriel
Over the course of several decades, he served on numerous committees and as an Advisor to the Office of the President. Among other contributions, he served as Chair of the Systemwide Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools, as Chair of the Systemwide Academic Senate, and as the official faculty representative to the UC Regents.
- Jesse Gabriel
He was deeply involved in efforts to ensure that UC would admit a diverse student body and developed a friendly working relationship with Governor Brown as he lobbied the Governor and the Legislature to invest in public higher education. Fittingly, during my last in person conversation with him, which took place at UC Davis Medical Center not far from here, he seized the opportunity to lobby me to protect funding for higher education in the state budget. Even from his hospital bed, Bill was fighting for the university he so loved.
- Jesse Gabriel
Beyond his professional passions, Bill was an exceptionally loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. He was funny, kind, and full of positive energy. He loved discussing politics and current events, enjoyed spending time in the Sierras, and absolutely adored his wife Debbie, his sons Michael and Adam, his daughters-in-law Lauren and Judy, and his beloved grandchildren Asher, Alara, Magnolia, and Finley.
- Jesse Gabriel
A Jew by choice, I have cherished memories of celebrating with Bill at family Shabbat dinners, Passover, Seders, Hanukkah, and Thanksgiving. He was the kind of uncle who would show up to watch a JV soccer game at 2:00 PM on a random Wednesday afternoon just to show you that he loved you and just because he wanted you to feel special.
- Jesse Gabriel
Our entire extended family was deeply attached to Bill, and there are no words to adequately describe how profoundly we feel his absence. In short, Bill was an exceedingly rare combination. Brilliant, humble, and kind. He used his gifts to help others, and he leaves behind an incredible legacy of service to the UC system and the people of California. His memory will forever be a blessing to our family and our state, and I respectfully request that we adjourn today in his memory.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Gabriel. Our condolences for your loss. Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed read and printed in the journal.
- Jim Wood
Members, we will move back to concurrence in of Senate amendments. Moving to file item 118, AB 2136 by Mister Jones-Sawyer. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2136 by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer, an act relating to controlled substances.
- Jim Wood
Sir Jones-Sawyer, you are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2136 is back in the Assembly for concurrence. This bill clarifies the legality of accessing and providing drug-checking services in California. Senate amendments update the bill's immunity provision to apply a negligent standard instead of grossly negligent to control substance checking service acting in bad faith and making other technical changes.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
These amendments remove law enforcement opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Jones-Sawyer. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 44. Noes three. Senate amendments are concurred in. File item 119, AB 2159 by Mister Maienschein.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2159 by Assembly Member Maienschein, an act relating to common interest of elements.
- Jim Wood
Mister Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2159 is back on concurrence. Thank you, and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 59. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 120, AB 2182 by Mister Haney.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2182 by Assembly Member Haney, an act relating to public works.
- Jim Wood
Mister Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2182 is back for concurrence. Will help provide equitable pay for construction workers across California. Senate amendments were technical and clarifying in nature and this bill has received bipartisan support. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Haney. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 54. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 121, AB 2186 by Assembly Member Wallace.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2186 by Assembly Member Wallis, an act relating to vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Mister Wallis, you are recognized.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2186 is back for concurrence and Senate amendments. These aren't just technical amendments, these are critically important amendments that drastically improve the bill by making me the author after the original author moved to Washington D.C. Respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Wallis. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote for Mister Fong's former bill. Ayes 59. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 122, AB 2240 by Doctor Arambula.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2240 by Assembly Member Arambula and others, an act relating to housing.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Arambula, you are recognized.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. Assembly Bill 2240 is back for concurrence. California farm workers should be treated with the dignity and respect reflective of the essential contribution they make to California's agriculture economy and to our local communities.
- Joaquin Arambula
The amendments codify protections for farmworkers and establishes stakeholder working groups to design and implement reforms to the migratory farmworker housing program to better reflect modern farmworker populations. Assembly Bill 2240 is a collaborative agreement with stakeholders and recent amendments have removed opposition. I'd like to thank our Speaker for his allyship, as principal co-author, and for his ganas and desire to get a bill done this year. Thank you for the opportunity to present, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Dr. Arambula. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 123, AB 2308. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2308 by Assembly Member Davies and others, an act relating to protective orders.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Davies, you are recognized.
- Laurie Davies
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2308 is back on concurrence. I ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Davies. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 61. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 124, AB 2313 by Assembly Member Bennett.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2313 by Assembly Member Bennett and others, an act relating to agriculture.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members, AB 2313, the farmworker tool sharing bill, is back for concurrence. There's no opposition to this bill. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Bennett. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 52, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 130, AB 2672 by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris. Clerk will read .
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2672 by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris and others, an act relating to energy.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Petrie-Norris, you are recognized.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2672 is back from the Senate on concurrence. Amendments are technical and clarifying. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Petrie-Norris. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 131.
- Jim Wood
AB 2739 by Mister Maienschein. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2739 by Assembly Member Maienschein, an act relating to firearms.
- Jim Wood
Mister Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2739 is back for concurrence. Senate amendments address chaptering issues. Thank you, and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally of the votes. Ayes 45. Noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to item number 132.
- Jim Wood
AB 2750 by Mister Gallagher. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2750 by Assembly Member Gallagher and others, an act relating to electricity.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gallagher, you are recognized.
- James Gallagher
Yeah. Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 2750 is back on concurrence. This bill clarifies, it's a district bill, that biomass facilities located in air districts that voluntarily reclassify their ozone, or PM federal EPA classifications can still receive bioram power purchase agreement extensions.
- James Gallagher
Senate amendments clarified that this is a narrow district bill applying only to one facility, and requires the plant operator to obtain a letter from the air district with jurisdiction verifying that the area was voluntarily reclassified. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gallagher. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 51. Noes zero. Measure. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
I'm going to move back up. We're going to pass temporarily on item 2465. Moving to item... I mean item 125. Moving to item 126, AB 2467. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2467 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan and others, an act relating to healthcare coverage.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, you are recognized.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Members, this is a historic moment. I believe this is the first bill in the country focused on menopause care. We're going to send it to the Governor and ensure that women have access to menopause treatment as necessary. One of our colleagues might be having hot flash right now, so it seems incredibly appropriate to be adding on concurrence.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And this is important for all of us women who will go through menopause if we live long enough. But as someone who has been told by our male colleagues that they've seen the benefits in my mood of me having this treatment, I know it benefits all of us. With that, I respectfully ask for your... Whoa. Our men are taking issue with this bill. With that... Thank you, Mr. Mathis. With that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on concurrence and Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Ms. Bauer-Kahan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 56, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We're now moving to file item 49, SB 99, Senator Wahab by Mister Haney. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 399 by Senator Wahab and others, an act relating to employment.
- Jim Wood
Members, your respectful attention to Mister Haney, please.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. I'm presenting SB 399 on behalf of Senator Wahab, which would implement labor protections that I think are among the most basic and common sense. SB 399 would simply prohibit employers from forcing workers to attend meetings about their own political or religious beliefs.
- Matt Haney
It does nothing to limit the free speech of employers. It simply prevents workers from being disciplined or fired if they choose not to participate in those meetings or communications. As we all know, in many workplaces, employees are at will, which means they can be fired at any time for almost any reason.
- Matt Haney
This gives employers tremendous power to pressure workers to do as they say. This measure is needed to address that power when it comes to the personal matters, such as political and religious perspectives of an employer.
- Matt Haney
These meetings are often referred to as captive audience meetings because although they are not job-related, having nothing to do with an employee's job duties. Workers are not permitted to leave or attend without facing discipline or other adverse action.
- Matt Haney
Again, we've heard a lot about this bill, but I want to underscore this, because when I first heard about what this bill would do, I was actually shocked that this is not the law already.
- Matt Haney
This bill does not limit at all what an employer can say on any topic, including their own views on religious or religion, or politics. They can hold meetings, they can hold fundraisers. They can have individual conversations if they want to with their employees.
- Matt Haney
It only says that employers cannot threaten, retaliate, or discipline workers who choose to leave those meetings that are about an employer's views on religious or political matters. The bill does not apply in the following situations. If the meeting is about information necessary to a worker's job duties.
- Matt Haney
If the employer is a public entity communicating to its employees any information related to a policy of the public entity or any law regulation that the public entity is responsible for administering.
- Matt Haney
If it is a training to comply with the employer's legal obligations, including under civil rights laws and occupational safety and health laws. If the employer is in an organization or party requiring meetings to communicate the employer's political tenants or purposes. This bill does not prevent political or religious communication from employers.
- Matt Haney
It simply protects employees, which is something I think we would all want to be forced to listen to these perspectives or participate in meetings. Employees should have the freedom at work and the protections at work to not be disciplined or fired simply because they don't want to be in a meeting that has to do with a political religious issue that has nothing to do with their job duties.
- Matt Haney
SB 399 is a national AFL CIO model bill drafted by the top labor lawyers in the country. It's been enacted by many states across the country.
- Matt Haney
The nominee for Vice President, the current Minnesota Governor, did a similar law and has been championing this law all over the country. It's important that California's workers have these same protections.
- Matt Haney
I want to also say that there is some further clarifying language, some cleanup language, and I want to thank my colleagues who have brought forward this concern to make sure that if it is a political or religious organization and the meetings have to do with their job responsibilities, that those would also be something that would be communication that is allowed and not covered by the bill.
- Matt Haney
Of course, that makes sense if you work for a political organization that is a part of your job duties, or for a public entity if it's a part of your job duties. So, this is a basic common sense labor protection. It's important that California's workers have it, just like so many states around the country. And with that, colleagues respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Haney. Assembly Member Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise in support of SB 399. Employers should not be able to bully, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or force employees to listen to their opinions on politics, religion, or unions. This is what this bill is about. Whether its employers busting a union drive or forcing workers to vote their way on ballot measures.
- Ash Kalra
This bill is about coercion, not speech, not the form of speech. As the former labor chair, I understand the power imbalance in the workplace. It is terrifying to face employer threats and retaliations, still file a complaint, and then have to go through the process to prove your case.
- Ash Kalra
As the Chair of the Judiciary Committee and author of the PAGA Reform, I want to speak to the opposition argument about litigation. Labor and business negotiated landmark reforms. Now, every employer has the right to cure almost any allegation before a lawsuit can commence. That means they would get notice of a violation and simply fix it.
- Ash Kalra
There is a process in place to get that done for both small and large employers, so there's no risk of litigation under this bill for any employer willing to come into compliance. That means if they break their law. They simply have to fix the violation and they will note based litigation. With that, I respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Kalra. Assembly Member McKinnor, you are recognized.
- Tina McKinnor
Mister Speaker, I rise in support of SB 399. Last Friday, a group of Hyatt Regency workers right across the street from the state Capitol told management that they filed for a union election. This morning, I went into the Hyatt to order coffee and show my support for these workers. Why do these workers need community support?
- Tina McKinnor
Because doing anything, that's not what the boss wants. It's terrifying. SB 399 is about making sure workers have the freedom to leave non-work-related political meetings without retaliation. It's about the freedom to not listen to your boss's opinions on current events or on how they want you to vote in the upcoming election without retaliation.
- Tina McKinnor
It's about the freedom to leave those meetings if you have the courage to do so without retaliation. For those reasons, I urge an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member McKinnor. Assembly Member Luz Rivas, you are recognized.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you, Mister Speaker and colleagues. I rise in support of SB 399. A lot of the discussion of this bill has focused on unions, but this bill is broader than the issue of unionization. The issue that this bill is trying to address is the unfair power dynamics between employers and employees.
- Luz Rivas
In 2019, the Royal Dutch Shell Company invited a presidential candidate to give a speech at their facility. The employers sent a memo to workers that if they did not clock in to attend the rally, would lose pay and become ineligible to receive the 16 hours of overtime pay.
- Luz Rivas
We have heard stories where Amazon workers in Moreno Valley endured multiple captive audience meetings where they were told they would lose their benefits if they unionized. Google, REI, Apple stores, and many other employers have held captive audience meetings after workers began advocating for their rights on the job.
- Luz Rivas
These are the most egregious examples of political captive audience meetings, but employers are getting more sophisticated with advisors to help them convince workers to vote in their interest. And more and more employers have interest in what is on the ballot as we have seen.
- Luz Rivas
Captive audience meetings are designed to intimidate and bully workers, which can be terrifying for anybody, especially vulnerable workers, such as undocumented or formerly incarcerated workers who fear for their jobs, income, and their families. Under this bill, employers can still talk about politics and elections.
- Luz Rivas
This bill states that employers cannot coerce or intimidate workers to participate in meetings or listen to their political interests or religious views. This bill is good for workers and it's good for our democracy. This is why it's been signed into law in eight states, Connecticut, Maine, Minnesota, New York, Washington, Illinois, Hawaii, and Oregon.
- Luz Rivas
California needs to continue to protect workers' and employers' right to free speech. I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Rivas. Assembly Member Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Mister Speaker and Members. I too rise in support of SB 399. Workers go to work to do a job. They should not be subjected to mandatory meetings about their boss's political or religious views. Everyone has a right to their own belief system.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
If the employer wants to share those beliefs at the work site, that's fine, but no one should be coerced to listen. This bill protects the right of a worker to choose not to participate in a meeting about the employer's religion or politics.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
There are numerous exemptions to cover all the times where a worker should not be permitted to leave, such as where the information is related to their job or mandated by law or for safety reasons. There are exemptions for mission-based organizations and political parties.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Outside of those circumstances, a worker should be free to simply return to their work. I don't view this as a controversial idea. Workers have come to the Capitol to share stories about what it's like to endure captive audience meetings. They said that they fear that if they speak up, they will be fired.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
This bill does not prevent those meetings, but it protects a worker who chooses not to participate. Members, I urge you to stand with California workers and vote yes on SB 399.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Reyes. Member Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, I urge an aye vote on SB 399. I have spent considerable time in the last couple of weeks trying to address issues raised by people concerned about some of the language in the bill.
- Steve Bennett
I think it is, from my investigation of this, I think it's very clear that the power dynamics that are out there in the marketplace suggest a need for this bill strongly and the issues that have been raised, it's to me very clear that the authors have made a good faith effort to try to address those and put those modifications into the language.
- Steve Bennett
I strongly urge an aye vote to give workers this fundamental protection. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Bennett. Mister Santiago, you are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Mister Speaker. And I wanted to rise and talk about this bill, and it's for a lot of personal reasons too. The core value of this bill basically says that you can't force an employee to sit down and listen to dogma. And let's talk about that for a second, because it does have a huge impact.
- Miguel Santiago
And by the way, this cuts both ways. Whether you're on one side of the aisle or the other side of the aisle, you wouldn't want it happen. You wouldn't want it to happen either. So be careful about how you vote on this. But let's be real about this.
- Miguel Santiago
If we're talking about workers, and in some cases, immigrant workers, to bring everybody in and to tell them where you stand and to force your belief system is by definition intimidation. There's no other way to sugarcoat it. And I've had family who's been through this.
- Miguel Santiago
If you bring in workers and you tell them just how bad a union is, just what would happen if a union happened to come on the premises and to instill your belief system, well, what do you think is going to happen?
- Miguel Santiago
You are bullying, you are intimidating, and there is no way to sugarcoat that, because by default you are basically saying if you don't get with the program, we're going to fire you. But let's talk about religious beliefs. Do you want an employer to bring in a worker and instill on people a religious belief? Of course not.
- Miguel Santiago
Or a political party? No way. Shouldn't happen. And this bill is pretty simple. The bill doesn't even say that you can't do it. You can do it; you just can't take retaliation and force a worker to be there if that conversation is happening.
- Miguel Santiago
Now before I graduated from college, I took a job at a local lumberyard, and periodically they would bring in workers and go through what you do and you don't do in policies and forklifts, etcetera. That would still be legit by the way.
- Miguel Santiago
The bill still makes it permissible to have those kind of policy meetings, those kinds of actions, those kind of things that you talk about. If you're running a business doesn't exempt that by the way, folks. That still happens.
- Miguel Santiago
And I'm going to repeat it one more time for everybody who's kind of had misinformation about this. It also doesn't stop an employer, from what I read, read it, that continue to do the kind of meetings that I wish wouldn't happen, which is on political beliefs or their belief systems about whatever. All it says is very simple.
- Miguel Santiago
Now remember, this cuts both ways. It's very simple. You can't retaliate, you can't take it out on a worker if they decide not to go. So, I know there's a lot of conversation about this, but think about it. For those who are not going to vote on this, you feel very strongly about your belief system.
- Miguel Santiago
Do you want, you're an employer, to bring workers in and force them to listen to the opposite of what you believe in? How would you feel? This is why we have the best country on earth, because we're free. You can make a decision that is best for you.
- Miguel Santiago
I believe in God, but I wouldn't want an employer to bring everybody in and instill it on him. This is very simple and it's about the fairness of being a human being and being able to choose for yourself. It's not a, it's not the kind of fight that some have been making this out to be. Very simple.
- Miguel Santiago
Freedom to choose to be there, freedom to have dignity and not instill doctrine on anyone. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Santiago. Mister Haney, would you like to close?
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I want to thank all of my colleagues who spoke in support of this. As they said, this should not be controversial. This is a basic labor protection that all employees in California deserve, and on behalf of Senator Wahab, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
And with that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Yep. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 42. Noes 16. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Members, we're moving back to Senate third reading. File item 65, SB 59, Senator Skinner by Assembly Member Irwin. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 59 by Senator Skinner and others, an act relating to transportation electrification.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Irwin, you are recognized.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Electric vehicles have powerful batteries, which are important assets that can power more than just the vehicle. The energy in these batteries also can power homes and buildings if they are equipped with bidirectional capability, which allows energy to flow to and from the battery.
- Jacqui Irwin
Equipping EVs with the capability for bidirectional charging allows EVs to power homes and other facilities when the electricity demand is at its peak and prices are high. With bidirectional charging, EVs have the potential to help support the grid and help slash energy bills for EV owners.
- Jacqui Irwin
SB 59 is not a mandate and does not require EV manufacturers to act, nor does it require our state agencies to act. What SB 59 does is give our agencies a green light to analyze the potential benefits of EVs with bidirectional charging capability and, only if warranted, require EVs to be equipped with that capability. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Irwin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Members, come back to the floor, please. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 45, noes 13. Measure passes. Members, we will recess for committee hearings and lunch now. Please listen up.
- Jim Wood
Members will be allowed to leave, but do not go far. We plan to reconvene promptly at 1:44 PM. Committees will meet that will meet during the break are Insurance in Room 444, Judiciary in Room 126. Members, please be back on the floor to commence business on the file. We will pick up Senate concurrence at that time. If you're not here, we will pass by you and put you at the back of the line. So you want your bill out on concurrence? Be on the floor at 1:44. House sounds and... House stands in recess. The committee hearings are happening immediately upon recess.
- Jim Wood
Members, our recess is over. Please make your way back to the chamber so we can begin our concurrence in of Senate amendments. Thank you to the five Members that made it here on time.
- Jim Wood
Members, please come back to the floor. Our session reconvened four minutes ago. Attendance is pretty sparse.
- Jim Wood
Moving to concurrence in of Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
File item 128, AB 2580 by Assembly Member Wicks. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2580 by Assembly Wicks and others, an act related historical resources.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Wicks, you are recognized.
- Unidentified Speaker
We don't have.
- Buffy Wicks
There we go. Thank you, Mister speaker, and Members of this illustrious body who are finishing their lunch and returning to the floor. I rise today to present AB 2580 which requires local governments to list all new historic designations in their annual progress report to the Department of Housing and Community Development.
- Buffy Wicks
Senate amendments address chaptering issues, including moving some elements of the bill into AB 3093, which passed yesterday. This bill, AB 2580 passed the Senate yesterday with 38 votes, so received a lot of bipartisan support. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Wicks. Assembly Member Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I'd like to thank my colleague for this important bill. I rise in support of AB 2580 and I encourage all of the Members of the Assembly to come to the floor and vote on this important and historic bill. With that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Wilson. Assembly Member Davies.
- Laurie Davies
Mister Speaker, I too stand in aye with this bill and I ask that we have all Members come to the floor and be respectful to all of the others. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Davies. Mister Reggie Jones-Sawyer.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
I'm here.
- Jim Wood
God bless you for that, Mister Jones-Sawyer. Part of the on-time caucus. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I'm proud to stand in support of AB 2580 and just wish all of our colleagues would come back to the floor so we could get to work.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Flora. Mister Santiago, you are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I stand in support of the bill. I would ask all our colleagues to come to the floor to do the people's business.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Santiago. Miss Pellerin.
- Gail Pellerin
Hello? Where is everybody? And I'm ready to take up my bill next. Thank you so much.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Miss Pellerin. Mister McCarty, you are recognized.
- Kevin McCarty
Thank you. This is, I think, the most consequential measure that our esteemed Assembly Member from Oakland Hills Piedmont the flats has authored. I have no idea what the bill does, but I trust her, trust her leadership on the behalf of the people of California, her 500,000 residents.
- Kevin McCarty
Som I'm going to keep stretching it out, so you get your votes here. I could read the bill if you would like. Pretty short. Okay. Yes.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister McCarty. Mister Valencia, you are recognized.
- Avelino Valencia
Thank you, Mister Speaker. Appreciate the opportunity to say a few words on behalf of this bill.
- Avelino Valencia
Happy to stand in support and I think at least as far as I can tell, this is the bill where most Members have gotten up and spoken about it on the floor since I've been a Member, as a new Member, so new experience. Happy to see the tenacious appointment support for this bill.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Mister Lackey, you are recognized.
- Tom Lackey
Yeah, it's always a great pleasure to stand and support a worthy bill, but more importantly, to encourage people to do what they're elected to do, and that's come and vote. It's amazing that we're running late, and we have so few people here, but I hope that you'll have your conscience impacted and you'll come here. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister, Mister Lackey. Mister Ta, you are recognized.
- Tri Ta
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I think that this bill really important for everyone who live in California and we here to wait for other Members to be on the floor so we can vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Ta. Mister Grayson, you are recognized.
- Timothy Grayson
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I'm delighted to be able to stand up and support of AB 2580 and would love to do so with all my colleagues if they would show up to vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Grayson. Assembly Member Rubio, you are recognized.
- Blanca Rubio
Yes, thank you. For those of the folks that were on the on-time caucus, we are desperately waiting for new Members to join the caucus. So, please get over here so we can vote.
- Jim Wood
Mister Rodriguez, you are. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, did, you weren't done. I'm sorry.
- Blanca Rubio
I was not done. I have chocolate to offer to folks if they come quickly. We have Halloween candy. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Halloween candy in August. Gotta love that. Mister Rodriguez.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Yes. I also rise in support of AB 2580 thanks to the Member who brought this bill forward and also want to align my comments with my colleagues as well. So, hopefully, we can get everybody out here onto the floor to support AB 2580. Thank you very much.
- Jim Wood
Mister Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Well, I couldn't let AB 2580 go by without saying something about this important, important Bill. I'm sure it has something to do with housing, considering who the author is. But I most importantly want to speak to the sushi lovers out there if you're watching.
- Matt Haney
This is a bill that if you can please wrap up that sushi and get in here. Sometimes people ask what the whip does. And don't make me come back there. That's all I got to say. Get out here. We want to get business done. And there's nothing more important than passing this important bill, AB 2580. Come vote.
- Jim Wood
Mister Patterson, you are recognized.
- Jim Patterson
Yeah, I stand with my colleagues here as well in support of AB 2580. And for those of you who will come to the floor very quickly, I have a couple of shots of Jameson for you.
- Jim Wood
Rewind, rewind, rewind. Assembly Member Nguyen, you are recognized.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I too rise in support of AB 2580. Also to show that I'm here on time and was wondering if maybe we could just start calling out Members that are not here.
- Jim Wood
I appreciate the comments, but I think we'll pass on that. But thank you. Assembly Member Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Wendy Carrillo
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Miss Carrillo. Mister Wallis.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you, Mister Speaker. Members, I just want to make an announcement that over the lunch break, the wa caucus met and we've added AB 2580 to the wa caucus priority list. So, respectfully request an aye vote on this measure.
- Jim Wood
Well, well done. Well done. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Assembly Member Wicks, would you like to close?
- Buffy Wicks
I just want to thank everyone for this riveting debate on AB 2580. The widespread support and also proving to the world that we have mics. We are not afraid to use them, including calling our own colleagues out and getting them to come back to the floor. With that, respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Wicks. And with that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Oh my. Are we going to have to put this on call after all of this? Really? All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who. Oh my goodness. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. By the bare minimum, the bill Senate amendments are concurred in. Miss Pellerin has the next item. 134, AB 2839. It's a two-thirds majority vote.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2839 by Assembly Member Pellerin and others, an act relating to elections and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 2839 is back for concurrence, just like I'd like our Assembly Member colleagues to be back on the floor to cast a vote for this measure. We've worked with the governor's office on Senate amendments that require deepfake parity material to be labeled as being digitally manipulated for those purposes, and limit liability for damages for tech and media companies. Additionally, recent amendments add an urgency clause - that was a great idea - so the bill can take effect before the November 5, 2024 general election. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Pellerin. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote bill, Members. Yes. Thank you. 54 votes, Members. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Assembly Member Pellerin moves the call. Going back and file order to AB 2807, which is item 133 by Assembly Member Villapudua.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2807 by Assembly Villapudua, an act relating to vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Mr. Villapudua, you are recognized.
- Carlos Villapudua
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AB 2807 is back on concurrence. This bill will improve public safety by further defining sideshows related activities. This is a bipartisan bill. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mr. Villapudua. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes 44, noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 135, AB 3064, excuse me, by Mr. Maienschein.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3064 by Assembly Member Maienschein, an act relating to firearms.
- Jim Wood
Mister Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mister Chair. AB 3064 is back on concurrence. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Maienschein. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote to desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 42. Noes 12. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 136, AB 3123 by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3123 by Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer. an act relating to transportation.
- Jim Wood
Mister Jones-Sawyer, you are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 3123 is back in the Assembly for concurrence. This Bill aligns the LA Metro Board with most recent ethics standards California has set in place in the Levine Act. Senate amendments strengthen conflict of interest protections by prohibiting MTA board Members or employees from accepting compensation from an MTA contractor within 12 months after being involved in a relevant MTA procurement decision and make other clarifying changes. Members, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Jones-Sawyer. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes, 42. Noes, 11. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 137, AB 3160 by Assemblymember Gabriel.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 3160 by Assemblymember Gabriel and others. An act relating to taxation, take effect immediately, tax levy.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you very much Mister Speaker. AB 3160 is back on concurrence. This Bill would preserve our low income housing tax credits. Amendments taken in the Senate are technical in nature and deal with chaptering out issues. This Bill has received bipartisan support and has no known opposition. Respectfully request your concurrence vote on AB 3160.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes, 50. Noes, zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving to file item 117, AB 2088 by Mister McCarty. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2088 by Assemblymember McCarty. An act relating to classified employees.
- Jim Wood
Mister McCarty, you are recognized.
- Kevin McCarty
Thank you, Mister Speaker. This is our measure back on concurrence. Ensuring that classified part time employees have better than even shot of applying for and receiving employment the local school district for additional employment. Respectfully ask your aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister McCarty. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Mister McCarty moves the call.
- Jim Wood
I'm going to entertain a vote change and then we will go to another item.
- Joaquin Arambula
Arambula SB 1451. Aye to no. Not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Arambula. AB 1451, aye. Correction, SB 1451. Aye not voting.
- Jim Wood
We're going to move back to concurrence and Senate amendments. Item 129. AB 2666 by Assemblymember Boerner. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 2666 by Assemblymember Boerner. An act relating to public utilities.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Good afternoon, Mister Speaker and Members. AB 2666 is back on concurrence. Senate amendments align the Bill more closely with the general rate case process, which moved the IOUS to a neutral position. With that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember. Thank you, Assembly Member Boerner. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will -wait. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote. Ayes, 43. Noes, two. Senate amendments are concurred in. We can entertain additional vote changes if you wish, but you'll need to come up here to do it.
- Jim Patterson
Yeah. Patterson. AB 2839. From aye to no.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Jim Patterson. Assembly Bill 2839. Aye to no.
- Laurie Davies
Davies. Vote change. AB 460. No to aye.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Davies. Assembly Bill 460. No to aye.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Rodriguez. Vote change. AB 2136. From aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Rodriguez. Assembly Bill 2136. Aye to not voting.
- Jim Wood
Members, we will now recognize Assemblymember Santiago as a continuation of our departing Member ceremony. Assemblymember Wicks, you are recognized for delivering marks in tribute to Assemblymember Santiago.
- Buffy Wicks
Ooh. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. So, Mister Santiago, I think we know him as many things, public servant, skilled Legislator. And I'll talk more about what I think is his defining legacy in that regard. In a second, devoted dad. Anyone who has spent time with Miguel and his family knows how much his children are his everything.
- Buffy Wicks
Like so many of us. Wonderful husband and a former staffer, which I think many other people in the building I think can appreciate. When you have a former staffer working in the building, things are easier. Members are kinder, they understand the long game, the relationship dynamics, all of those things that I think are really important.
- Buffy Wicks
But one thing Miguel Santiago is not is a good seat mate. Now, I know this is a tribute, but it might also be a little bit of a roast. So. So Miguel and I shared a seat over where Mister Ward and Miss Reyes are sitting now for two years, and for the general public and those of you that don't know, we are allowed to have our colleagues vote for us.
- Buffy Wicks
If we have to step outside in the portico and take a phone call, we have to run to the restroom. We're going to go grab some water and we say, oh, I'm up on this. Please vote for me. Miguel Santiago is so concerned about even an impropriety of any amount of miss voting that he will not do this. And it can be something as simple as, it's a women's history month resolution. Miguel, I have to run to the restroom. Can you vote for me?
- Buffy Wicks
The most non controversial thing that of course, I am going to be voting for, and I'm on my own. But having said that, there are many great things that we know and love Mister Santiago for. And I will say, I think one of the most important contributions that he has given, not just to this body, but to the State of California and really to working class people. And Miguel is all about the outcome.
- Buffy Wicks
Many of us do lots of bills, lots of press release, lots of tweets, but Mister Santiago is about the outcome. And one of the most important things that I think he has achieved is his steadfast mission and desire to make sure that every family, regardless of income, has access to quality higher education and particularly the work that he has done in our community college system.
- Buffy Wicks
And his vision for a broader system where CSU and UC and community colleges across the board shall be free to everyone who wants that opportunity. And I think this is particularly important. For me, you know, I think many of you know, I grew up in a trailer. I don't come from a lot. I had very working class roots. You know, my mom, when I was little, she was a stay at home mom, and she decided to go to community college when I was in school. And I watched her go to community college and go to Sac State and get a degree.
- Buffy Wicks
The first person in her family, my brother and I, also went to community college. And for us, that was a really important rung on the ladder up to a middle class life. And I think of the work of what Miguel has done and the impact that will have for the eight year old Buffy Wicks of the world out there, right, who don't come from a lot, who don't have access to resources, and the fact that directly, because of the work that he has done in this Legislature, those young people will have the ability to go to community college for free.
- Buffy Wicks
And so when we think about the work that we do here, in this body, you know, now I'm sort of legislatively middle aged, right. I've been here six years. I'm starting to understand a lot of this. And I'm starting to think about what are the things that we want to be known for? How are we going to have spent our time here? And particularly for someone like Mister Santiago, who in the time he has been here, has been raising young children, and as a mom who makes the same sacrifice all the time to be up here, he is here literally away from his family.
- Buffy Wicks
He is away from his children during the week, seven months out of the year in those situations. And for someone like him, he's got to ask himself, is it worth it? Is it worth it? Because the sacrifice is so great. And I think we can honestly say when we look at what he has achieved in this state and what that means for so many working class families around this state for generations to come, my hope, and I believe, is that he knows that his work has been worth it, that his work will have a demonstrated positive impact and that he was able to notch another rung on that ladder and put another rung on that ladder so that so many working class families can achieve for a better life.
- Buffy Wicks
And that is a direct result because of the work of what Mister Santiago has done. So thank you, Miguel, for everything you have done. Thank you to your family for the great sacrifice of allowing him to be here. Because the parents here know how hard that is and that is real. But I will say it has been worth it. So thank you.
- Jim Wood
Mister Zbur. You are recognized for remarks in tribute to Assemblymember Santiago.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
So I had the great honor and privilege of meeting Miguel when I was at Equality California. And I didn't know him very well. I knew Mark Gonzalez, who was his District Director, and had heard all these wonderful things about Miguel. And, you know, you can always tell a little bit about an elected official by really how their staff talks about them.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And of course, Mark and, you know, Miguel's entire staff just idolized him, understood, sort of just how committed he is to public service, how committed he is to lifting up working families, how committed he is to social justice, all of those things. So I'd heard a lot about Miguel, but I didn't know him very well.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And my, and it was really a great privilege occurred when Dolores Huerta asked me while I was at Equality California, to really engage with the Latino Caucus and work hard on whipping votes for ACA 5, which later became Prop 16, and Miguel was sort of the floor whip and during a period of time of almost, I think, two or three weeks, Miguel and I talked on the phone almost every day about where the votes were, and he was giving me assignments for legislators that we had strong relationships at Equality California that were sort of on the fence on this.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And so it was something that. It was a great honor for me, really, I think, to demonstrate that Equality California had a mission that was as broad as it was, but it was also a great honor to sort of see the commitment that Miguel had in getting that over the line. And he was a big part of what happened with ACA 5 that year, which would have, had it passed, legalized affirmative action in California. And, you know, and it was just a really a heavy lift that cycle. After that also had the privilege of, and just shows you that Miguel's.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
When you talk about social justice, his. His vision is wide and broad. And even though I think, you know, there's LGBTQ people in every district, as we know, we're everywhere. But Miguel decided to take up the very, very hard challenge of creating the first in the nation Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund .
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And it's the first time we actually had someone who took on working with the diverse views in the transgender community across the entire State of California. And I got to tell you, those are that folks in that, the leadership of that, are committed advocates with very different views, a lot of different needs. And the work of doing that, I can tell you, was like having 10 Bills that cycle. And Miguel did that and really accomplished a lot in, you know. And what did that mean?
- Rick Chavez Zbur
It meant that transgender people who are at the low end of every single measure of health and well being, high rates of violence in their communities, high rates of homelessness, low rates of health insurance coverage, high rates of smoking, high rates of all. Every single measure, transgender people are at the bottom of those lists.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And for the first time, California put together a fund that really focused on the needs of the transgender community. And it was Miguel who led that effort. And I think it took several years, and he was responsible for not only leading the nation, but improving the lives of people in our community that have been neglected for years and years and years.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
On top of that, we all know about, you know, about what he's done to secure free community college, opening the doors of college education to millions of Californians. He led on the environmental front, led the heroic effort to clean up the toxic contamination in immigrant and working class communities from the Exide Technologies cleanup.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And, of course, I think he's just known in the community as one of the strongest Members of our body in standing up for the rights and the working conditions of working Californians in the State of California. And I have looked to Miguel as a mentor here, as someone who's helped me really navigate this process in a way that I think that I really, really, really valued. And so anyone that knows Miguel, he is just a wonderful, warm friend.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I mean, the kind you can sort of see the heart that he has in his kids and his. And his wife and the way he is so devoted to his beautiful family. But he extends that, and he's made all of us part of his family as well. Just a decent, kind, good man. I can't wait to see what the next chapter is going to be in your life. And on behalf of all of us, I just want to thank you for your sacrifice to the State of California, contributions here in this body, and for being a friend to so many of us. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Mister Zbur. Mister Santiago, you are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you. You kind of think you're prepared, but then you realize when you lift up this mic that you're really not prepared. I first want to thank Miss Wicks. I'm taking a point of personal privilege to say names. It means a lot to me that you said that. It does. And I know the many stories that we've shared, and even though I wasn't the best seat mate, you're right.
- Miguel Santiago
Or that I was never at my desk, or my dirty little secret that I actually like flavored soda, that I can't tell my wife because I told her that that was nonsense to drink, and now I drink it here. So I'm confessing. But I couldn't tell her that at home because I missed a big deal about that's not being real water. And I drink it here. So, yeah, there it goes. And mister Zbur, who I've known for a long time.
- Miguel Santiago
Actually, it was just a little bit before I got elected and I was green and some might still call me greenhouse. But I remember all our conversations about the challenges in the LGBTQ+ community and environmental justice issues. And I'll never forget the kind of heart and compassion you drive everything towards and for everybody else I've served with here, current and past. I love you guys and gals. I mean, that's the bottom line. I do.
- Miguel Santiago
I mean, when I walk in here and I see everybody, it's like my heart fills up with joy and, you know, there's this feeling of love that, wow, I can't believe I'm here. I really can't. I was listening to my colleague from Sacramento's story the other day. I thought to myself, wow, to think that a guy that was a couple of blocks away from the capital never visited the capitol and made me kind of reflect on my life. I mean, I kind of pinch myself sometimes when you walk in the building because kids from neighborhoods that I grew up in couldn't be here. Statistically.
- Miguel Santiago
We didn't talk about college, not because we didn't want to, but because it just wasn't something that happened. You know, my parents came here from Mexico, not a very emotional guy, but today I am. And when I look at my kid, he's 11 years old, and my dad came here just a few years after that to send money home so people can eat. That's why they came here, so his family can eat. Years later, he came and they had me.
- Miguel Santiago
So I take great offense when people take shot at anchor babies and, hey, how's this one for you? So it's personal for me, it is. And then later on came back, you know, and had my brother. And so for me to be here when, yeah, my parents weren't documented, so I take great offense to the language that is used here sometimes, but at the same time, great joy and proud that there are people here who are willing to stand up for people like my family who came here and didn't have anything but a backpack.
- Miguel Santiago
And I watched my mom get up every morning and when she can find a job, she cleaned homes. And my dad was a janitor. Should be no surprise why I vote on the things that I vote on and why I fight for the things that I fight here. And when there wasn't work, you'd go to the corner and find work, see some of you guys nodding because you had the same experiences. But those struggles are real. And so for me, sometimes when I thought, shoot, the ability to - God, I'm in a building like this. And then I wasn't too.
- Miguel Santiago
Wasn't the best student in high school, that's for sure. But then made it to community college, and I'll tell you, it saved my life or turned it around. That's why I feel so passionate about it. I mean, the opportunity gave me an opportunity. I ended up at UCLA, had not been for a community college. And quite frankly, I always tell everybody, if I'd not been for a community college, I don't know where I'd be today. I really don't. And I hate to think about where I might have been.
- Miguel Santiago
And a teacher took a shot at me as a community college instructor, took a shot at me and brought me in to get tutoring, brought me in to get counseling, brought me in to take the right sort of classes as a community college teacher. For anybody who's a teacher, bless your soul, the impact you have on students is far beyond what you'll ever understand or know or even hear back from. And that got me into UCLA, and I take a little bit of time on my story, but it's like sometimes you share with people, sometimes you don't.
- Miguel Santiago
And I never thought I'd be in the Legislature, to be honest with you. But when 187 came up and Prop 209, I knew that the people who were making those laws didn't understand, couldn't understand or didn't care. I took that very personal, and I decided that one day I would change those laws and I'd come up here and fight with everything that I got. I didn't know it would be the Legislature. I thought it would be, you know, I thought it'd be something else. And then I ended up here.
- Miguel Santiago
So, for me, it's a blessing to just walk into here every single day and think about what my life could have been like had it not been for a community college and a teacher. Every single day. I say my blessings. Thank God. I can't believe that, you know, I got lucky. I got lucky. I did. And. But I do want to thank everybody here. I didn't think I'd get emotional, but I did, because I know the struggles that everybody here goes through.
- Miguel Santiago
I know the different challenges that everybody has, and people who fly up here, work here. I know that it's not easy when you're getting pushed on every single advocacy side. I just want to say I love you all, because I understand and just keep going for it. Keep fighting like hell for the things you believe in. I can always respect that, whether you agree with me or not, or whether you agree with your colleagues or not. It's what this business is all about.
- Miguel Santiago
And I want to thank my team. There's a little bit list. I was looking for it, but we've had a couple people come in and out of the capitol, a couple of people in a district office. I first want to thank my Chief of Staff, Jaspreet Joel, who's been with me for 10 years. Been an incredible partner up here. Brad, Clarissa, Priyanka, Aaron, Calla, Sabrina, Marilyn, Stephanie, Tom, Jackie, Deborah, Katie, Luis, Edmond, Emilio, Brandon, Eric, and Carla.
- Miguel Santiago
Yeah, two different committees. That's a lot of Committee staff, too. Everybody's thinking, zero, no. My district staff, my District Director, Mark Gonzalez, who's worked for me one way or another since 2006 or 2007, there's a debate on that. But I think he's wrong. Susanna, Alec, Eric, Crystal, Wendy, Nina and Vicki on my district team. And I also just want to thank my family, really, the most importantly, my beautiful wife.
- Miguel Santiago
I love you and thank you for supporting me. Thank you. Even when I got hard, Brielle, my daughter, who you guys would remember in my second term, was this small and would go everywhere with me. She didn't have a choice of. She just came with me no matter what. And my big boy, Ethan, I call him Ethan mania at home. He's kind of a force. And I just want to tell you guys I love you. And thank you, everybody, for giving me the opportunity to say a few words.
- Miguel Santiago
Because, you know, not too long from now, I won't be speaking in the chamber anymore. To just my family. I love you guys in a way that you couldn't imagine, in a way that you couldn't understand. And I'll be forever indebted and grateful that you gave me the opportunity to serve. I love you.
- Miguel Santiago
My parents were listening somewhere. Hi, mom. Hi, Pa. ¿Cómo están?. And my in law, who's in the back, who I really could never done this without. Yeah, that's exactly who I was saying right now. My mother, he's like, what about Coco? My mother in law, who. Her name's Coco. Who I tell everybody I couldn't do without her. She picks up the kids, drives the kids, do this. All, my God, I could not do what I'm doing. All right, I'm going long with it, but here's what I want to say. Thank you.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you very much for allowing me to do this. And Madam majority leader, Mister Wood, for allowing me to do this today. And Mister Speaker's not here. And everybody else. Who's Mister Speaker, I didn't know if I started that or not. Who's not here today? And I love you guys. I'm gonna miss this place, but I'll still be involved. What the heck, you know? It's not a goodbye. It's more of a, I'll see you later.
- Miguel Santiago
Right, te wacho. You know, you guys know, like, you could take the. You could take the boy out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the boy. That's not gonna go. And look, I mean, keep fighting for the things that you believe in with everything you've got. There's some good stuff we can do. And I'll just leave you. Hey, when we fight, we win.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Santiago. We love you too.
- Jim Wood
Madam Majority leader, you are recognized for your motion.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I request unanimous consent to suspend joint rule 62 a. Yeah, the file notice requirement to allow the following Committee to meet to allow the local government Committee to hear AB 892 Bains AB 2922 Garcia and AB 3259, Wilson. Today, August 30, upon call of the chair in room 444, without objection, such.
- Jim Wood
Shall be the order. We are now going to lift the call on file item 134. Clerk will post all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote bill. Members. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 54, on the noes, 8 on the urgency. Ayes, 54. Nos, 8 On concurrency and of Senate amendments. Members, we're going to be moving back in file to file item number 12.
- Jim Wood
AB 1122 by Doctor Bains. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assignment Bill 1122 Assembly Member Bains and others, and after lane to vessels.
- Jim Wood
Doctor Bains, you are recognized.
- Jasmeet Bains
Thank you, speaker and Members. AB 1122 ensures that safety concerns raised by the US Coast Guard as well as economic concerns raised by our labor unions do not continue to be ignored by the California Air Resources Board.
- Jasmeet Bains
This bill is narrowly tailored to both attain air quality improvements as well as protect the health and welfare of our maritime workforce. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Doctor Baines. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the door. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll, tally the votes. Ayes, 55. No's, 0. Senate amendments are concurred in the moving to file item 63.
- Jim Wood
Senate third reading SB 552, Senator Newman by Doctor Bains the Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 552 by Senator Newman and others an accolade to public safety.
- Jim Wood
Doctor Bains, you are recognized.
- Jasmeet Bains
Thank you, speaker. Members. SB 552 by Senator Newman provides technical cleanup to the 2017 revision of the California Swimming Pool Safety act, which Senator Newman also carried. The act expanded and enhanced pool safety by increasing the number of required safety features and requiring disclosure of those features to new homebuyers.
- Jasmeet Bains
Unfortunately, the original bill has frequently been misinterpreted and inadvertently allows safety devices to be installed or combined in ways that do not create the overlapping fail safe provisions. The measures sought to ensure SB 552 addresses these issues by clarifying legislative intent and closing the two step safety device loophole.
- Jasmeet Bains
Thank you and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Doctor Bains. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Aye's 56. No, 0. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 74, SB 819, Senator Eggman by Mister Flora. The Clerk will.
- Committee Secretary
Read Senate Bill 819 by Senator Eggman an accolade to Medi Cal.
- Jim Wood
Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Proud to present SB 819 for Senator Eggman and respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Flora. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes, 51. Nos, 0. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Going to move back to file item number 40, SB 11. No, we're not going to do that yet. We're going to. Let's hold off on that.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 27, SB 1103, Senator Menjivar by Assembly Member Lee. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1103 by Senator Menjivar an accolade to tenancy.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Lee, you are recognized.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Mister speaker and colleagues. I rise present SB 1103 on behalf of my colleague, Senator Caroline Menjivar. Across California, small community serving businesses and nonprofits are being displaced and going out of business at an alarming rate. Inaccessible commercial leasing is a major culprit in this wave of small business displacement.
- Alex Lee
Unclear and unfair lease terms, as well as exorbitant added fees make it extremely difficult to finance in a commercial space. This bill is intended to remove some of those obstacles. The author has worked extensively with stakeholders, taking many amendments so that the bill now focuses on only the smallest and most vulnerable commercial tenants.
- Alex Lee
By defining qualified commercial tenant as a tenant of commercial real property that is a micro enterprise, five or less employees and lacks sufficient access to loans, equity, or other financial capital. A restaurant with fewer than 10 employees, or nonprofit organization with fewer than 20 employees.
- Alex Lee
It requires a tenant to annually notify the landlord that they are a qualified commercial tenant under the law. Throughout self through self attestation requires landlords to translate a qualified commercial tenant's lease contract if negotiated. Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese or Korean puts common sense parameters on how building operating costs are to be charged.
- Alex Lee
Prohibits the landlord from collecting any building operating costs from a qualified commercial tenant until supporting documentation or reasonable estimate is provided. This bill does not limit commercial rents or impose any form of commercial rent control. Nor does it impose any change of requirements other than contracts or financial documents.
- Alex Lee
It only affects a very small subset of commercial leases. This bill will protect small community serving businesses and nonprofits by establishing reasonable and common sense commercial leasing protections. And I respectfully ask your aye vote. Thank you, Mister Lee.
- Jim Wood
Seen in hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Mister Lee moves the call. Moving to file item 40, SB 1120, Senator Becker by Assembly Member Reyes.
- Jim Wood
The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1120 by Senator Becker and others and act relating to healthcare coverage.
- Jim Wood
So may Member Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, I rise today to present SB 1120, the Physicians make decisions act. This bill mandates physician oversight when automated decision tools are used to determine healthcare providers requests for medical services. In recent years, health insurance plans have increasingly relied on these automated tools to process claims and prior authorization requests.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Given the multiple class action lawsuits recently filed against major health plans for failing to approve necessary care, we have significant reason to be concerned about the accuracy and fairness of these tools. SB.
- Jim Wood
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
SB 1120 addresses these concerns by requiring greater physician oversight, ensuring that patients rights are protected and their healthcare needs are met fairly and accurately. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Reyes. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote to desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes, 16. No, 0. Send an amendment. I'm sorry. Measure passes.
- Jim Wood
Mister McCarty moves to lift the call on file item 117. The Clerk will post all those vote. Who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes, 46 Nos. 13. Senate amendments are concurred in moving to file item 127. AB 2484 by Assembly Member Bryan.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assigned Bill 2484 by Assembly Bryan an accolade to courts.
- Jim Wood
Mister Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you colleagues. AB 2484 is back on concurrence. This is an incredible bill for foster youth. I respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Bryan. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the clerk will open the roll. All those votes who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Aye, 66. No, 0. Senate amendments are concurred in Members. We are moving to file item 72, SB 572. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas by what we never mind. We can entertain vote changes up here. Anybody?
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Reyes vote change on AB 96 change from aye to not voting vote change.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Member Reyes Assembly Bill 96 aye to not voting.
- Jacqui Irwin
Irwin vote change AB 1886 aye to not voting.
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assembly Member Irwin Assembly Bill 1886 aye to not voting.
- Gregg Hart
AB 1122 aye to not voting
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assemblymember Hart Assembly Bill 1122 aye to not voting
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Reyes vote change AB 1296 from aye to not voting
- Committee Secretary
Vote change Assemblymember Reyes Assembly Bill 1296 aye to not voting
- Jim Wood
Brief recess on call. We are back in session from our short recess.
- Jim Wood
We're going to lift the call on item 27. The Clerk will post all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote vote all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
Close the roll tally the votes ayes 42, noes 16 measure passes Members we will take a brief recess under call for the local government Committee to meet. Members will not be able to leave the floor area except to attend the Local Government Committee hearing, which will be held now in room 444. The house stands in brief recess under call for the local government Committee hearing in room 444.
- Jim Wood
Members, if you can make your way back to the floor, we're going to reconvene in just a couple of minutes. So Members, please make your way back to the floor. Members, we are moving to supplemental file two concurrence in of Senate amendments. We're going to need some authors to be at their desk.
- Jim Wood
We're going to pass temporarily on file item 201. Move to file item 202, AB 1038 by Assembly Member Mike Fong. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1038. By Assembly Member Mike Fong and others an accolade to surplus residential property and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Mister Fong, you are recognized.
- Mike Fong
Thank you Mister speaker and Members. Assembly Bill 1038 is a district bill. In 2018, a decision was made to abandon the completion of the 710 freeway in the LA area. As a result, all the homes purchased by Caltrans to make way for the freeway became surplus property.
- Mike Fong
Under current law, separate processes are established for the disposal of the properties. Assembly Bill 138 revises the process for the City of South Pasadena by consolidating how they dispose of historic and non historic homes into one process.
- Mike Fong
With the proceeds from the sale of the properties, the city will develop or acquire affordable housing for very Low, Low and moderate income households at a ratio of three units for every unit acquired from Caltrans. Without this bill, the properties will go to auction and we'll lose the opportunity to increase our affordable housing stock.
- Mike Fong
The language in this Bbill has been vetted by Caltrans, the Department of Housing and Community Development and the governor's office. I certainly asked for an aye vote on concurrence.
- Jim Wood
Thank you assailant Member Fong. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a 54 vote bill. Members, all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes, 57. No, 0. On the urgency. Ayes, 57. No, 0. On concurrency and of Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Members, pursuant to Assembly rule 77.2, I am referring item 207, AB 2496 to the Human Services Committee. We are now moving to item 203, AB 1239 by Assembly Member Calderon. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1239. By Assembly Member Calderone an accolade to workers compensation.
- Jim Wood
Senate Member Calderon, you are recognized.
- Lisa Calderon
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 1239 is back for concurrence. Senate amendments extend the sunset date on. An existing program that allows injured workers to collect workers compensation payments via a prepaid debit card. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Calderon, seeing and hearing no further debate will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes, 59. Nos, 0.
- Jim Wood
As I would note, we have a couple former Assembly Members here today. I saw Assembly Member Christina Garcia. There she is over here. Welcome, Assembly Member and former Assembly Member Kent Cooley is here as well. Mister Cooley, my former seat mate. Members. Going to go back to our concurrence file here in just a second.
- Jim Wood
Yes. Madam Majority leader.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good afternoon, Members. I stand before all of you to recognize my good friend Brian Ebert, an individual who I have had the pleasure of working with and very closely for the past two years. Brian's expertise, your knowledge and wisdom, has been invaluable and will be a part of the DNA of this place forever. He is shaped.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
He's molded and refined this institution for the last three decades and maybe a little bit longer. And while I know Brian likes to joke that he possesses a wealth of useless information, I truly object.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
His deep knowledge and understanding of this legislative body has made it better, and it has made it stronger, and it will not be the same without him. Since 2017, Brian has provided expert parliamentary advice to the speaker and the majority leadership, and in collaboration with our Republican colleagues and staff as well.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
And while also regularly providing briefings, on floor actions, pending legislation, and the legislative process. Literally everything that happens on this floor, including floor actions, floor ceremonies, and joint conventions, they're all spearheaded by our good friend Brian.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Always personable and friendly, and maybe sometimes a little snarky, Brian is eager to answer questions and provide direction to curious staffers and Members about legislative procedures. For this reason, he is one of the most valued leaders and mentors in the Assembly.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You know, many of you may not realize this, but during Covid-19 the Capitol building was often empty except for Brian, who remained at the office and continued work in person. He developed protocols and procedures for the Assembly to function during that extraordinary time.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Brian's leadership and commitment to this body goes far, far beyond these chambers and far beyond the City of Sacramento. He has traveled across the United States as a guest lecturer for numerous organizations. He has been the keynote speaker at several prestigious gatherings. He sat on countless panel discussions and participated in dozens of professional development seminars nationwide.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
When Brian isn't busy giving lectures around the country or mentoring younger generations of staffers and elected officials. He is a committed husband to his wife Irene Villerouz, also a long serving Assembly staffer and the father of his two beautiful daughters, Ava and Melania.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You know recently I had the opportunity to go over to League of Cities and Brian spoke before I did at the conference tables and everybody came up to me. They said who is Brian? Why don't we know who he is?
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We didn't know the job and I was so proud to know he was part of us, he was part of our family here and he's done such a great job that you're training so many people outside of this building. Members, please join me in congratulating Brian for his service to our state.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We are better for it and California is a better place as well. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Madam majority leader. I know there are others who want to speak here. We might be here a little while. So Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, you are recognized.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you Mister speaker. I'd like to make a motion to re refer this retirement to the Committee on Aging and Long Term Care. I have a second Mister speaker.
- Jim Wood
Brian, what do I do? Point of order. That is well taken. I think I agree with you. Thank you Mister speaker.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
So I wanted to rise because I first met Brian on the campaign trail. He came out with his beautiful family to knock doors for me and in the madness I didn't get to know him that well. And then in the shock of all shocks I won.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And in an even bigger shock speaker Rendon called me and he said I'm going to appoint you to be the assistant speaker pratem. And I said Mister speaker, I've never seen an Assembly session before. I'm not sure I'm your girl. And he's like no, you got this, you got this, you're an attorney, you can do this.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
But I had never seen the proceedings happen. And so I got here. I was expected to preside over this incredible body and there were three people who taught me how to do it. For those of us that have had this privilege. You know, they lock you in this room, they lock everyone out, nobody's allowed in.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
The majority leader, Dodson Wilson at the time and Brian sat here and harassed me as I stood up there and taught me everything I know about procedure.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
I can't thank you enough Brian because it is scary when you start up there and I did it for three years and you are the secret behind what happens on this floor and most people don't realize how the fact that this floor runs the way it does and as smoothly as it does is because of you and the work you have done.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And I don't know what we're going to do without you. And I know you're laughing because I don't know how many times I just didn't listen to Brian. There's a bat phone up there where they text you.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And then I wouldn't do what he said in the text, and then he would start doing this in the back of the chamber, and I'd be like, because there's not actually much that they can do back there when you've got the mic and the gavel.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
But his dedication to make sure this body runs smoothly is so real, and most people don't understand the magic at that desk and how much is happening to move our bills, to do the people's work, to make sure that we conduct this body and our business in a way that makes the people of California proud.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And I came into this body in 2018, when our country could not have been more divided. And I presided from 2018 to 2021.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And we believed as a team that it was our job to show the American people that democracy still worked, that we could still have debate in a respectful manner, that bills would move, that we would, you know, show the world that Republicans could disagree with us, and we could do that in a respectful manner.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And Brian was a key part of that, making sure things continued to move, that we followed the rules, always in partnership with the team.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And so I just want to thank you, because I think that in my six years here, I have been proud of us as a body and the example we have set and the bills we have moved. And I actually believe none of those laws would have come to pass if it weren't for you, Brian.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
So thank you, because you truly make this place function. And I know we have so much staff that's ready to take over, but I also know what an incredible job you have done. So I want to thank you for the gift you gave me of knowing the rules. You should all learn them.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
They're actually very powerful and of just making this place something that California can look to as a model of how democracy should work. We will miss you very much.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan, Assembly Member Waldron, you are recognized.
- Marie Waldron
Thank you, Mister speaker and Members, I had to get up and say a few words just from the heart. It's been such an honor and privilege to work with you through the years. As was said before, I have a great love for the rules of the house.
- Marie Waldron
And there's no better role model than Brian Ebert when it comes to knowing the rules, following the rules, and being able to get things done on the floor. I was four years as floor leader for the Republican caucus, and then about a little over three years as leader.
- Marie Waldron
And through those years, Brian has always been a steadfast fixture, basically, in this institution. And a lot of people may not know he has a great love for this institution. He has knowledge of the history of it.
- Marie Waldron
I used to sit with Dotson Wilson a lot, and we would go through some of the history that happened on this floor, which is amazing. And Brian, he knows all about that as well. You know, back when I was elected in 2012, things didn't operate quite as smoothly as they do now.
- Marie Waldron
We, through the years, Ryan Spencer was a great role model as well. And then Brian took over when he left. I was so fortunate to be able to have worked with a man of this caliber. What people don't realize who haven't been in the leadership roles that we are when we're running the floor.
- Marie Waldron
There's an enormous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. We don't see, you know, here. But it's long nights. There were many times when I could message Brian and it'd be one in the morning, and I'd apologize, and he'd say, no worries, we're working.
- Marie Waldron
We're not going to be sleeping tonight, and especially at this time of year. So back then, the consent calendar was very contentious. We don't have those problems anymore. What we see now is such an improvement on what the floor operations were years ago, when there were lots of fights and debates on the floor.
- Marie Waldron
Now we're able to still say what we need to say. We work together. There's a lot of trust that's built between our floor teams that has made it run so smoothly. And it wouldn't have happened without Brian and the work that he's done here. So you will be greatly missed.
- Marie Waldron
I know you're going on to bigger and better, and I wish you all the best, and thank you so much for the honor.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Waldron, Assembly Member Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker, I rise and just want to say thanks. Brian. When our former leader put me into this position, it is a, there's a lot that goes on, and there's a lot that you and your staff do for us on the Republican side that a lot of people don't know.
- Heath Flora
There's a lot of information that you don't always have to give us, but you do. It's because your heart for the institution, your heart for democracy, it's your heart for the state. And I really have always truly appreciated that about you.
- Heath Flora
You know, coming from a public safety background, you're like the old fire chief, you know, when everything else is just burning around us, everything 's Going Crazy.
- Heath Flora
You're the guy that's calm in the back and just has that steady hand because you knew what was going on and you had it handled when none of us else had a clue. And so we're really going to miss that. And there's also a tremendous sacrifice.
- Heath Flora
I mean, when our former leader talked about calling you or texting you late at night, that comes with a sacrifice. You didn't become the expert that you are on parliament procedure.
- Heath Flora
And this body without a sacrifice from your family, the time away from your family that it took to become the expert and the service that you gave the state, there's a tremendous sacrifice. So to your family. Thank you for lending Brian for these number of years. It's been an absolute privilege serving with your father and your husband.
- Heath Flora
And we are going to miss him, you know, and I look behind us, there's a staff kind of tearing up, but there's a lot of people that are going to miss you. And I just want to say thank you. We really do appreciate you and look forward to what you have planned next. Thank you, my friend.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora, Mister Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you Mister speaker and colleagues. It's always awkward to sit at this desk with Brian right behind me. But Brian, I hope you're taking in all these applause because they are hard earned and do. I haven't known Brian a crazy amount of time.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you Mister speaker and colleagues. It's always awkward to sit at this desk with Brian right behind me. But Brian, I hope you're taking in all these applause because they are hard earned and do. I haven't known Brian a crazy amount of time.
- Isaac Bryan
But when I first got sworn in, I sat over, there were Mister Alvarez sits and every time somebody yelled Brian, both he and I would respond. And that was kind of the start of our relationship. And I fell in love with the work that he was doing.
- Isaac Bryan
I was paying close attention to things that happened on the floor. There was a parliamentary procedure that happened to a former colleague of ours who's now in Congress that I didn't know was possible. And our former majority leader probably remembers this day and this move.
- Isaac Bryan
And I asked Brian about it and we started to develop a kinship around the rules. And then I got to know Brian as a person because I'm likable and I like people. But the things that make me really close to somebody are those of us who don't look like the things that we've been through, right?
- Isaac Bryan
Because when we show up in our suits, you don't really know where everybody came from. So I want to share a little bit about where Brian comes from and maybe why it was so easy for us to find kinship. Brian wasn't born in this institution. I know that's hard to believe. He wasn't born anywhere near the.
- Isaac Bryan
This kind of social capital or power or privilege. Brian came from humble beginnings and hard work. His mother, a waitress. Brian remembers that hard work, her sacrifice, her struggle, counting her tips at night, trying to make ends meet, make sure they had food on the table.
- Isaac Bryan
When he was eight, he went to go live with his father, a union worker. He learned about organized labor. He learned about strikes. He learned about sacrificing to make sure that others got the kind of dignity and pay and respect that they deserved.
- Isaac Bryan
In fact, most of his childhood, he spent a lot of his time thinking, how do I escape this poverty? And how do I do something that doesn't cost money? And at a young age, he came up with the idea of helping people. I think some of us had similar thoughts when we were kids.
- Isaac Bryan
And what he did that none of us did or many of us didn't do, is he started the junior statesman of America at his high school. He was headed right down this parliamentary path, started selling newspapers.
- Isaac Bryan
His first job, where you only got paid per subscription, they literally would throw you in a van with no windows, drop you off in a neighborhood in Oakland, I believe, back then. And he'd go sling those newspapers. He wasn't afraid of hard work. You've seen him at the desk. You've seen him back here.
- Isaac Bryan
But I bet you didn't know Brian was a bus driver. And true to form, Brian taught the other bus drivers how to be good bus drivers. He was a bus driver leader at UC Davis. And while he was at UC Davis, he found a Professor, and he wanted to get a job somewhere here in the Capitol.
- Isaac Bryan
And a call was put into the chief Clerk at the time. And that chief Clerk didn't have an internship for Brian, but wanted to create one and created one for Brian, but also told him, I can't hire you until you're a senior.
- Isaac Bryan
Two years later, he came in on April Fools, the April Fools caucus of 1991 under Speaker Willie Brown. And it was under Speaker Brown where he really learned the tricks of the trade.
- Isaac Bryan
I think there's a story you should ask him about the time he stole the budget from the Governor, because he knew that if he got it off of his desk. It would buy us more time. I don't know all the ins and outs, but I promise you, Brian does. There's rules about engrossing or something like that.
- Isaac Bryan
Not only did he come in in that internship that was created for him, it has stayed alive all the way through that time. In fact, Dotson put him in charge of that very same internship.
- Isaac Bryan
And when he used to go and recruit people to come to the desk to work, he wasn't looking for the children who were born of this institution, born of power, status, and privilege.
- Isaac Bryan
He went across college campuses looking for kids who had worked at Ayes cream shops, who had done the hard jobs that they needed, that showed that dedication. Camp counselors, diversity caucuses, people who hadn't had access to this kind of building. Brian wanted to bring them in and train them.
- Isaac Bryan
There are many, many people in this institution, many, many people walking around Sacramento who would not be here if not for Brian Ebert, intentionally creating the kind of diversity and inclusion that makes this entire state proud.
- Isaac Bryan
Brian, it was my honor to serve with you on the floor last session and to learn from you and to spend the late nights asking questions about how we are doing things and how we could potentially do them more creatively.
- Isaac Bryan
I hope you don't really go anywhere, because I don't know that this floor knows how to survive without you. The kind of legacy that you've built, the kind of investment that you've made in all of us and in this institution, you've made California incredibly, incredibly proud.
- Isaac Bryan
And so that little boy who was escaping the struggle, I hope that you recognize just what you've done to uplift millions across our state with your work and dedication. Thank you for serving us.
- Jim Wood
Mister Muratsuchi, you are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I wanted to stand not only to join all of my colleagues in thanking Brian, but to stand for his better half, Irene Villarreuse. I had the privilege and the pleasure of working with Irene when I first arrived here in 2012. And so I must have first met Brian either in 2012 or 2013.
- Al Muratsuchi
But, yeah, I just wanted to echo, you know, the common themes that you're hearing. Thank you for your. Your consummate professionalism day in, day out. You know, your calm leadership, especially in the storms on this floor over the years.
- Al Muratsuchi
But I wanted to take this opportunity to, Eva and Melania, you should be so proud of your father for being such an important part of the history and this institution of the state Legislature. So thank you very much for Brian, for all that you've done for us. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Muratsuchi. Assembly Member Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, long ago in this Assembly, and we think of it as a distant memory, a young Brian Evert came here and started his public service. And my colleague has talked about the fact that that first day in the California State Assembly was April 1, 1991.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I have to say that was the year my Chief of Staff was born. You could tell who helps us write our talking points. When I. As I'm writing these, he says, my goodness, that was the day I was born. That was the year I was born. I said, Matt, it's not about you. It's not about you.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
It's about Brian. You're right. This was the April Fool's caucus and three of you came in together. And I know that you've remained longtime friends. A lot has changed since Brian started here. Since started his career. When Brian started working here in the Assembly, Capitol hallways were always regularly filled with cigarette smoke.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And the chamber here, cigar smoke, I can't even imagine it. The halls were also filled with clackety clack soUnds of those typewriters. Everybody typing, trying to get their stuff out. And what was the equipment of choice? IBM? Selectric. I know you yoUng Un's know nothing about that.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
But for those of us who have had to type up stuff, that's at least you could erase some of the stuff, right? Brian has attended marathon floor sessions and some of these. He and his colleagues would sometimes sleep under their desks when there was some break going into two day periods. We haven't had to live through that.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Brian did. And during that time, family didn't get to see him because none of. None of. I was going to say none of us, but we weren't part of it. But none of the Members, none of the staff could leave. They had to be here until the presiding officer gave it down.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Now, if you look at footage from the floor sessions going back to the 1990s, you'll see that Members desks and for some of us, when we first started, inundated with all this paperwork, there were mock ups, analyses, supplemental files and bills. And I don't know those of you who are retiring this year, you saw it too well.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
During his career, Brian has played a pivotal role in helping to reduce all this paperwork and to automate the legislative process. He worked closely with our CIO, Sohrab Mansourian, and the legislative data center to help develop many of the floor systems and applications that we all use today. I will tell you that.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
My team will tell you I fought it. Go to your computer, go to your laptop. I want my papers. And they had the little dots. Some of you see the dots on your microphones.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
It says whether you were willing to take the, if you needed the paper stuff or you were willing to do your laptop, I'm not going to tell you which is which. So you don't know who's the, who was asking for what. Brian has also seen some really interesting things, some really wild things here on the floor.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Ask him. Ask him about some of the wild things he may or may not share. But I'm going to share some of them because I heard some of the stories. He has witnessed physical altercations between Members. He was here when there was an evenly divided house.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
He was here when Willie Brown was tied with Jim Bruti for the speakership. And once. We'll have to ask him about the details. But he even witnessed the baby goat relieving itself here on the Assembly floor. People, we've got to have rules. We can't have these goats coming onto the floor.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
But in all seriousness, Brian has been, as has been mentioned, he's been such a critical part of this institution for over 30 years, 33, isn't it? He has spent a quarter of a century, 25 years as an assistant chief Clerk and parliamentarian before leading the Assembly floor unitheen when I came in as a majority leader.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I'm an attorney, give me the book, I'll read the rules. I'll understand it all. No, it takes a whole lot more than that. And Brian was always gracious. He was never. If I said, well, this is what I understand.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
So, yes, that's clear now let's go over to this other rule that complements that one, and let's read through the whole thing. He was always so gracious. We always felt that we were learning something. And he even let us believe that we knew something even before we started.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Without a doubt, there are very few people that would be as important as Brian to this institution. When you think of the decorum, think of Brian. When you think of the fact that we are in a sacred institution. This is a sacred chamber. Think of Brian. He isn't just someone who knows the rules, quite frankly. He's a registered parliamentarian through the National Association of Parliamentarians and he's an active Member. He knows the rules. And the truth is, he's kept us in line and kept us legal. As someone who's been part of this institution since the days of Willie Brown.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
As Isaac has mentioned, Brian has an incredible historical context for this institution, ensuring that when we listen to him and act accordingly, we're not going to repeat the mistakes that were made previously. Here's an important thing for us women. Brian has seen the Legislature become more diverse. Over the span of his career, Brian has served with 86% of all women legislators to have ever served in California. He's had a front row seat to guest speakers in this chamber, including former President Ronald Reagan, Vice President Al Gore, presidents of Mexico and Spain, and so many other leaders.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Even though Brian is one of our go to staff here on the floor, perhaps one of the most important roles that he has had is that of a leader. He leads his team, he's a great leader, he leads this floor, he leads all of the leadership team and does it exceedingly well and also is a mentor to so many. Brian, you have a hard working team and they follow you. They follow you because you don't just say, work hard, you work hard, you work long hours.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And I've seen it. When we all leave, when everything has been cleaned out here, everybody, all the staff leaves. Brian and his team are still working hard to get ready for the next day. And they are the first ones here sometimes getting little to no sleep. This is what they're doing to prepare all of us for the next day's work. This institution in the entire State of California is absolutely indebted to you. I am indebted to you, Brian.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
You helped me look good when I was majority leader for almost three years. I loved doing it. And people would say, oh, you're really doing a great job. I'd say, yes, I am. But everybody knew, everybody who did know, knew that it was because of you. And I thank you so much for all that you did for me, all that you've done for this sacred chamber and for the institution of the State Assembly. Thank you so much.
- Jim Wood
Mister Joe Patterson, you are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Great. Thank you. Mister Speaker, Members. I think I rise on behalf of the former staffer caucus here, which might be a big portion of this body now these days. But first of all, how on God's good green earth has this man worked over for over 30 years in this body is insane. Also a testament to the commitment to just being in, you know, to the organization, to the institution, to the State of California. Putting up with us for 30 years and people like us is pretty crazy.
- Joe Patterson
And the only thing consistent over those 30 years, other than Brian himself and maybe some other staff people, is the fact that there are usually around 80 of us. That's been the only consistency. He's seen as was referenced earlier when we weren't just stuck over here in our little cold corner over here in the Republican chambers over here. But what I remember is, as a young staffer, I started as an intern here in 2003, actually.
- Joe Patterson
And I had a lot more hair at that time, by the way. But, Brian, you look basically the same. Just as a side note, so haven't aged a day. I don't know how you do it. I need your routine. But, you know, I remember always just one thing that really stuck with me was sort of the, you know, what you would expect from the. Somebody who works in the clerk's office, but really exceptional work of sort of being nonpartisan.
- Joe Patterson
And so when I got elected to this position here, and a few years later, less hair, about the same height, I thought, I was a little dismayed, you know, that you were working for the Speaker, and because it's an unfair advantage, you have a man with this kind of knowledge now working for the Speaker to tell us how we can't do rule objections and things like that.
- Joe Patterson
It's just such an unfair advantage. And I think there should actually be a rule against it and we should consider it for the next session. But actually, even in that role, I never really got the sense that this was, hey, look, I'm Brian. I work for the Speaker. And here I am in this sort of partisan role or whatever. I mean, you are one of the most professional people I've ever seen operate in this building, and this is not a nonpartisan building. I mean, in case, you know, anybody's missed that.
- Joe Patterson
But you're just, as has already been said, you're just one of the most professional people to ever work this. And one of the biggest surprises to me was that you were retiring. I got the memo. They don't tell us anything over here, you know, but. So it was a surprise to me that you're retiring, and I'm very saddened by it and we are losing a lot of institutional knowledge. And I hope, and I know you're not going to give up your love for the State of California or this for this institution.
- Joe Patterson
And so I hope you'll continue to engage on Twitter and tell us when somebody's breaking a rule or something like that. You know, you can always find me there and I'll be sure to respond to make sure when somebody over here is breaking a rule so we can second guess that. But anyways, I just wanted to again, really appreciate you for your time to this institution. And you are one of the people that I always remember just as a young staffer and now as a Member. And we will miss you a lot. And thank you very much for everything you've done for the State of California.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Nguyen.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mister Speaker. You know, it's great to hear so many of my colleagues rise to talk about Brian and his work here in the building. And I completely agree with you because this job is really difficult and he really does guide you in a way that makes you look really good. And I've had folks tell me, gosh, you just started because I get to be the Assistant Speaker Pro Tem now. Like, you're really good at this. And I say, you know what, it's all to the people that are behind the scenes that help us get here.
- Stephanie Nguyen
I almost want to say there's an earpiece in here that tells me what to say and I just repeat it out so it makes it sound like it's really good. But that's not the case, right? They just train us so well. So well, and they make us look good up there. But I will say I've got one up on every single person in this building and that is because he is my constituent and I am his Assemblymember. Yes, but I want to give you a different perspective of Brian Ebbert. And in my district office, we call him Big B.
- Stephanie Nguyen
We call him Big B because after he finishes the work here in the building, after he returns emails and phone calls and tells us what we need to do, how we need to do it, what's right, what's wrong. He goes home and he sends out emails in the community about what's happening in the community. He is a leader in Southland Park Neighborhood Association. He is the guy at national night out that is there early to set up tables, to set up tents.
- Stephanie Nguyen
He is there when there are mixers in the community early to make sure things are set up correctly. And you wouldn't know it that he works for the Speaker. Like many of you said here today. I've attended community meetings and he sits there and he's quiet. And there are a bunch of community Members that are in there and I always tell them, I don't think you guys have an idea who's sitting up there. It is not just Brian Ebbert.
- Stephanie Nguyen
He is the guy that tells 80 Assemblymembers what to do, how to do it, where to go and what we should do. I mean, he's the one that guides us to make sure that the floor session goes really well. And everybody is just shocked because he is that humble person who does the work because he cares.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And he comes here and he does the work because he cares. But when he goes home, he's in the community. And the things that we pass here on the floor, he's educating the neighborhood about public safety, about education, about just the things that we fight for in this body. Now, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree because his mother Janice is also involved in the community. She is the President of a senior community in Elk Grove where she is a community navigator.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Taking people to their Doctor's appointment, helping them grocery shop, looking through their mail and helping them navigate that, taking to the food banks. And so I know that he is not done here because one, I'm going to be seeing you out there in the community, but two, that he has left his mark here in all of our hearts and in all of our minds and that we're definitely going to miss him. But I'm going to end by saying this.
- Stephanie Nguyen
While he was here for all of those years, for over 10 years. For over 10 years he worked to convert abandoned rail to ensure that it is open for the public. And now he, because of his effort, $25 million, this rail is open so that the community can use and go from South Sacramento to downtown. That is all you, my friend, and I am so proud to be your Assemblymember and I am so proud to be able to have this opportunity to serve on this floor with you here. So congratulations on everything.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Members. I probably not supposed to make comments from up here, but I'm going to do it anyway. And you know, good luck trying to stop me, Brian. So, you know, I'm sitting here, I make notes, I make them in kind of a bizarre way here and I'm not sure I'm going to understand them, but I'm going to give it my best shot.
- Jim Wood
I think first heard Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, talk about how intimidating this role can be, and going back to what Brian does to make this job so much easier. I have notes here that, you know, I consider him to be an absolute world class parliamentarian. He is a wizard in many ways.
- Jim Wood
He is incredibly creative, as we heard from Mister Bryan. I think he has an encyclopedic memory, which goes back all those years of experience as well. His job is to make this fair and impartial. It may not always feel like that to some people here, but it is. It truly is. And it's because that's the role of the parliamentarian, that's the role to make this all run, to protect the integrity of the institution. And because of the opportunity I've had this year, he is. I feel personally like I am much more of an institutionalist than I was.
- Jim Wood
And I thought I was before. The scripts that arrive in my inbox late into the night from him and his team as they're working, you know, on a Sunday night. I'm getting. I'm getting text messages at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, sometimes in preparation for Monday. I just feel so fortunate to have been a part of his team, and I'm very, very thankful for that. I think one of the things that isn't as apparent, he's quiet and reserved and very professional. But there's a mischievous streak to Brian, and he knows I have a penchant for. I get a little frustrated with some things.
- Jim Wood
I think everybody knows about that now, but he had an idea a while back about something we might be able to do to see if we could get Members to the floor faster one time. Where we created a non existent consent calendar and got people to the floor, only to tell them that it wasn't. It didn't exist. And he said it had been done about 20 something years ago. And it's like, well, we won't be able to do that again for another 20 something years. But it was creative. And he's always thinking, always trying to anticipate what might happen, what opportunities we have, how to make things better.
- Jim Wood
I have never worked with somebody with that kind of a mind, and I truly have appreciated the experience of working and getting to know you better, Brian. You were somewhat of an enigma back there to me, quite frankly, before. But I'm so happy to have gotten to spend time with you and work with you and your team, and to see the incredible skillset that you have. You will absolutely be dearly missed in this institution. I don't know how you're going to turn it off, though. Quite frankly, I really don't. People like you don't do that.
- Jim Wood
So thank you so much, Brian. Thank you for all these years of service and got so another day. I will say I think he is slacking off though, because quite frankly, we got the supplemental file and I don't have it on paper. I have to read it off my iPhone. So I'm hopeful that when we actually get to that, it'll actually be on paper somewhere, so we can actually do that. So with that, Mister Speaker, I know you have some remarks. Please.
- Robert Rivas
Well, thank you, Mister Speaker Pro Tem. Appreciate all the colleagues who shared some words about Brian and, you know, quite shocking to think of him not being in this capacity full time moving forward. I know when we went to lunch, we had sushi, right, Brian, he told me, and I almost choked on the sushi I was eating. Because he's really irreplaceable and has been state he's our Floor Director, and he is the capital's most respected parliamentarian.
- Robert Rivas
And he is just a remarkable, remarkable leader who for nearly 34 years, 34 years, which is incredible to think about, as our colleague from Rockland alluded to, because he looks like he's 34 years old, but for 34 years, he has worked right here on our Assembly floor to support the work that we have all been sent here to do. Brian is known for always wearing a suit, always wearing a suit, regardless if we're in session or not. And when Brian is here in this building and in our chambers, he is in a suit. And he chooses to always be in a suit.
- Robert Rivas
Because since the very first time that he stepped foot on this green carpet in this chamber, he understood the profound responsibility, the profound responsibility of working in this chamber and in this building. It's a place that requires integrity. It requires some dedication and a commitment to the public good.
- Robert Rivas
And there is no lack of accomplished individuals who enter the halls of public service. But there are very few, like Brian Ebbert, who is going to leave an indelible mark on countless individuals, on our historic institution, and on California's legislative process. And Brian has served under the leadership of 14 Speakers, 17 Speakers Pro Tem, five Governors, and 527 Members of this California Assembly. And for better or worse, he has witnessed more than 170,000 votes taken on this floor.
- Robert Rivas
Brian has served as a File Clerk, as a Reading Clerk, and eventually, it was Dotson Wilson who appointed him as the first and the only Assistant Chief Clerk and parliamentarian of the California Assembly. And to this day, Brian is still the only, the only registered parliamentarian in the Legislature and always one for inclusion and outreach. Brian oversaw the paid internship program that he advocated for and he helped create. And it's a program where he recruited and mentored more than 100 interns over the span of 25 years. Many of them are here with us this, this afternoon.
- Robert Rivas
And Brian, Brian says that he is most proud of the fact that a majority, if not all, of these interns went on to become some of the highest ranking staff Members for some Governors and throughout the capital environment here in Sacramento. Brian himself went on to earn his master's degree here in a state.
- Robert Rivas
In Sacramento State, Master's Degree in Government. And his thesis, his thesis was on partisan conflict on the California State Assembly. Apparently, that used to be a thing here. And Brian became the Floor Director for the Speaker's office in 2017. And in this role, he has guided Assembly leadership and our House with his unparalleled expertise.
- Robert Rivas
And I'm sure many of you and your staff have gone to him at one point or another to ask questions, seek advice, counsel, to ask support or help for one of your Bills. And, Brian, I hope you know that we are all so, so grateful to have had you here with us. Thank you for your service to our golden state. There will never, ever be another Brian Ebbert, and we all stand in awe of the impact that your career has had here at our state capitol and for the State of California. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
And joining us here in the gallery and in the rear of the chamber today are Brian's friends, colleagues, some of his former interns that he's mentored over the years. In the rear of the chamber, please welcome Brian's family members. His wife, Irene, his mother, Janice, his mother in law, Nalita, and his daughters, Melania and Eva.
- Jim Wood
Members, we need to. Unfortunately we need to go back to work here. I'm a little concerned. I see Mister Gabriel and Brian speaking. I wonder what they are back there between the two of them. So Members, we are going to be going back to supplemental file two these are concurrence and of Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Moving to moving to file item 204. After this photograph. AB 1413 by Assembly Member Ting. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1413 by Assembly Member Ting and accolade to housing.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Ting. You are recognized.
- Philip Ting
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 18 AB 1413 is cleanup from my bill AB 1633 from last year ensuring that within the Housing Accountability act there's proper notification and proper public comment. With that I respect for your ask for aye vote on AB 1413. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Ting. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll until tally the votes. Ayes, 55. Nos, 15. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
We go back to file item 201, AB 852 by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 852 by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer and others an accolade to peace officers and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Member Jones Sawyer, you are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you Mister speaker. AB 852 is back in the Assembly for concurrence. In 2021, the Assembly passed AB 889, which increased the minimum age and education level for peace officers in California.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
This year, the California Community College system has crafted a model curriculum for a modern policing degree which will serve as the minimum educational level for peace officers. Senate amendments delete the Assembly version of the bill and instead add language that clarifies the intent of AB 89.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
This bill makes the necessary timeline changes to allow community colleges to provide to begin providing the new degree and for prospective peace officers to attain it. And as it is appropriate, it has been approved with bipartisan support. And it's appropriate that this is my last bill on the California Legislative Assembly floor.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you, and it's been my honor to serve.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate. Oh, we do have further debate. Assembly Member Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you Mister speaker. I'd like to rise on behalf of AB 852 with a strong eye support and I would like to commend a our colleague who was chaired public safety for a long time and also had many battles with our police officers and law enforcement in his career.
- Lori Wilson
But he is ending on a high note where this is a bill that has not only bipartisan support, but in cooperation with our law enforcement. So I'd like to commend the author for ending on a high note in that regard. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Wilson. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes, 58. No, 0. On the urgency.
- Jim Wood
Ayes, 58. No, 0. On concurrence in a Senate amendments. Congratulations Mister Jones Sawyer. It's been an honor serving with you. Moving to file item 205, AB 1505 by Assembly Member Rodriguez, the Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1505 by Assembly Member Rodriguez an accolade to state government.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Rodriguez, you are recognized.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you Mister Chair Members. Thank you for allowing me to present AB 1505. AB 1505 would establish a narrow expansion of the closed session authority under the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act to allow governing board of the California Earthquake Authority to meet in closed session when discussing competitive insurance strategies.
- Freddie Rodriguez
The Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act requires meetings of state bodies to be agendized and made open and accessible to the public. California Earthquake Authority is responsible for obtaining and managing earthquake insurance policies for its participating homeowner insurance companies.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Insurance and reinsurance markets are competitive and expensive, and if CEA's governing board discusses negotiation strategies in public, they risk jeopardizing their ability to secure fair Low rates for their customers. I respect the ask for aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Rodriguez. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. I 6800 Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Jim Wood
Hang with us for a minute here, Members. We've just got a little technical thing going on here.
- Jim Wood
Members. Pursuant to Assembly Rule 77.2, I'm referring the following items. AB 224, Rubio to the Labor Committee, and AB 1034, Grayson to the Labor Committee. We are going to pass temporarily on file item 206. We are now going to move to item 44, SB 1414, Senator Grove, by Assembly Member Nguyen. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1414 by Senator Grove and others an accolade to crimes.
- Jim Wood
Senate Member Nguyen, in the way you are recognized.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise today to present SB 1414, a bipartisan measure that is authored by Senator Grove and joint authored by Senator Caballero and Rubio, and co authored by over 20 legislators in both houses. SB 1414 is regarding the solicitation or the actual purchase of a child for sex. Let me say that one more time.
- Stephanie Nguyen
SB 1414 is regarding solicitation and the purchase of a child for sex. Currently, right now, in California, if a person is caught purchasing a child for sex, it is a misdemeanor.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And tonight, when you all drive home, when I go back to my district and I drive through certain streets in certain neighborhood, a child under the age of 15 will be purchased for sex. This happens not just in my district. It doesn't happen in just certain districts. It happens in every single one of your district.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And it will happen today. It'll happen tonight, it'll happen tomorrow, and it will continue to happen. We are making strides towards making sure the sellers can't sell children for sex. But what are we doing about the buyers? Because there wouldn't be any buyers. There wouldn't be any sellers if there were buyers.
- Stephanie Nguyen
SB 1414 is a Bill that will protect our children. It is our job and our duty as parents, as guardians, as grandparents, to protect these children.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Now, I've met many of you and heard many of you talk about your kids, and we've met many of them on this floor, and many of them are under the age of 15.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And if the thought of soliciting a child for sex, a child under the age of 15 for sex doesn't make you just throw up and die inside, I ask you to think about that again. But today, tonight, right now, on this floor, we can make a difference, and we can say no more.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And we can protect these children. Because just two weeks ago, I read an article not too far away from here that a 12 year old was being sold for sex over and over and over again. And nothing is being done to the buyers. Absolutely nothing.
- Stephanie Nguyen
And so I ask you today, each and every single one of you, do what you were elected to do. Protect these children, stop this from happening. Make sure that these children, 15 years of age and under, 15 years of age and under Members, protect them. Protect them. I urge your.
- Stephanie Nguyen
I vote on behalf of Senator Grove on SB 1414. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Nguyen. Mister McCarty, you are recognized.
- Kevin McCarty
Thank you, Mister speaker. I want to follow up those comments by my colleague from the southern part of Sacramento county on this issue. Her predecessor, now our sheriff of Sacramento, Jim Cooper, asked me to go on a ride along a few weeks ago, and we went to places in Sacramento, these areas they called the blades.
- Kevin McCarty
I'm not sure where that term came from, but it was mortifying what I saw, because I have teenage girls. Tonight's their high school football game. They're cheerleaders for the school. And I saw girls out there that should have been cheerleaders for those same teams that are gonna be playing tonight.
- Kevin McCarty
And through that night, we had a sting operation, and there were some underaged girls who were purchased and individuals who tried to lure people online looking for 1213141516 year olds, and there was one as young as 12.
- Kevin McCarty
So I applaud our Senator from Bakersfield for bringing this issue up last year, focusing on those who traffic underage girls and making sure they're held accountable under our California laws, under our three strikes laws. But coming back this year, there is another side of the coin that we didn't properly address.
- Kevin McCarty
Not just the traffickers, but the people that are buying this commodity. And buying a child is not just immoral