Senate Floor
- Caroline Menjivar
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Caroline Menjivar
A quorum is present. Members, if we could return to our desks, please. Thank you so much. Members and guests, beyond the railing, please, please rise. We will be led this afternoon in prayer by Senator Durazo, after which, please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. Senator Durazo.
- MarĂa Elena Durazo
Thank you. Come, oh, life giving spirit, transform us. Kindle within us the warmth of your love, which is your gift. Give us wisdom to see as you see. Give us understanding to hear as you hear. Give us courage and strength to walk the way of justice and integrity. Awaken in us wonder and awe that we may have grateful spirits.
- MarĂa Elena Durazo
You who dwell within us pray unceasingly. Fill us with love and devotion. Holy wisdom, guide us in all the choices we must make. Give us discerning hearts that we may choose what is good in accordance with your desire. Loving God of mercy, finish in us the work you have begun. Amen.
- Caroline Menjivar
Please place your right hand over your heart. I pledge allegiance. We have no privileges of the floor this afternoon. The messages from the Governor will be deemed read. The messages from the Assembly will also be deemed read, and reports of Committee will be deemed read. Under Motions, Resolutions and Notices, without objection.
- Caroline Menjivar
The Senate Journals for December 2, 2024 through January 17, 2025 will be approved as corrected by the Minute Clerk. Introduction and first reading of bills will also be deemed read. At this time, colleagues, the regular session will stand in recess and the First Extraordinary Session will be convened. The prayer and pledge will be deemed complete. At this time, we will move to Motions and Resolutions for Senator Gonzalez to be recognized. She is prepared. Secretary, please. There's nothing to read. Majority Leader, please proceed.
- Lena Gonzalez
Members, I move that bills reported this week from the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee with the recommendation due pass or do passed as amended, be given their second reading upon being reported and amendments adopted.
- Caroline Menjivar
Senator Niello, you're recognized.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Madam Chair, especially for calling on me before I even got my mic completely up. We're getting quite a routine here. This is our third week and our third rule waiver. After several more weeks, I suppose we'll have several more rule waivers. Could get to be a habit. Essentially waving a reading. What's the point of the three readings? Now, I know this has to do with disaster relief and we do not oppose disaster relief, but we have huge problems with rule waivers when we have very little say in waiving those rules. So we will not oppose this. I will just lay off.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Senator Gonzalez, you may close.
- Lena Gonzalez
Yeah. Just to clarify, we are making this motion so that the bills coming out of budget and fiscal review tomorrow will be given their second reading the that very same day. And this ensures, of course, the bills get three readings on three separate days by the time they are taken up on the floor on Thursday. It's my understanding as well that the good Senator from Sacramento has sat down with our fearless leader pro tem to discuss this as well. So we hope that we can move forward this week and we appreciate his comments as well.
- Caroline Menjivar
The majority leader is asking for an aye vote. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call].
- Caroline Menjivar
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call].
- Caroline Menjivar
We're going to take a quick break. Give us a couple minutes, colleagues. We are back. Members, we're going to open that roll again and we're going to call the absent Members for the third time here.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call].
- Caroline Menjivar
Ayes, 26. Noes, 0. The motion carries. If there is no further business, the First Extraordinary Session will stand in recess and we will reconvene with the regular session. Like to make sure we all say happy birthday to our colleague Senator Seyarto. Happy birthday, sir. Were going to be moving back to Motions and Resolutions. It is now time for our adjourning memories. We have two aims this afternoon. Colleagues, we're going to first pay attention and give time to Senator Wiener for his aim.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you very much. Madam President. It's with profound sadness that I rise to request that the Senate adjourn in memory of Bob Dockendorff. This one is very personal for me, as I knew Bob for decades and worked with him in the community. He was a great man, and it was just. It's. It's just. It's so sad.
- Scott Wiener
Very, very wonderful man. Bob was a gay Navy veteran, a long time San Francisco resident, and an intense advocate for LGBTQ people. He died at 85 after a battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. Bob was born in Burlington, Iowa, and graduated from the University of Iowa with a master's degree.
- Scott Wiener
He was commissioned in the US Naval Reserves and retired with the rank of captain after 22 years of service. After he was forced to retire from the Navy because he was gay, he worked at the Pacific Maritime Association for 33 years, where he rose through the ranks to be President of Communications and Research.
- Scott Wiener
Bob served as President of the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club in 1990, where he helped diversify the club during a time when the club's Black Caucus formed and as well as the Latino Caucus. He was appointed to serve on the San Francisco Ethics Commission. And he also served on the board of the Alice B.
- Scott Wiener
Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club, which is how I got to know Bob, because I served for many years on that board, including as co chair before I was elected to the Board of Supervisors. Bob was an amazing person to work with, very straightforward and always calm and overwhelmingly correct in his views when he would advocate for something.
- Scott Wiener
Bob volunteered extensively and donated and was very generous to many LGBTQ organizations, including the Service Members Legal Defense Network, which helps provide legal representation to LGBTQ service members, who, of course, for many years were drummed out of the military. And he also actively supported repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
- Scott Wiener
He supported the Cable Car Awards and Operation Concern. He supported endless candidates, organizations, nonprofits, particularly during the pandemic when people were in such great need. Bob will be missed by a huge number of people in San Francisco and beyond. So many of us who considered him a friend, a colleague. Always remembering his kindness, generosity, integrity, and impact.
- Scott Wiener
Bob improved the lives of countless LGBTQ people. Bob is survived by his sister Linda Johnson, his niece Julie, and great nieces Grace and Elsa. He's also survived by his longtime roommate and friend of 35 years, Byron Mcwhorters Norris. Colleagues, please join me in adjourning the Senate in memory of Bob Dockendorff.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you for sharing Bob's beautiful story with us. Senator Laird. You're recognized.
- John Laird
Thank you, Madam President. I just wanted to add on and I had known Bob for 35 or 40 years. And I think that the significant thing about him is, as was just said, he was almost at every major juncture of political action for civil rights in San Francisco in the last 35 or 40 years and completely unspoken, not looking for the limelight, being there when you had to walk the precincts or you had to turn out for a meeting, or you had to support people that were doing it. And that is rare these days. People don't necessarily always do things for the right reasons. And he did. And he was truly honorable and he will be missed.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you for adding those words as well, Senator. Please bring his name forward that he may be properly memorialized..... Our next aim is by Senator Seyarto. You are recognized.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you, Madam President. Members, today I rise to ask that we adjourn in memory of Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Timothy Corlew. Deputy Corlew was born and raised in Southern California and he was the oldest of four children. His entire adult life was dedicated to public service.
- Kelly Seyarto
After studying Public Safety and Fire Science, becoming an EMT and working for 12 years for AMR, he began his law enforcement career in 2016. Deputy Corlew was assigned to the Riverside County Sheriff's Court Services and the Jurupa Valley Station. Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Timothy Corlew tragically died on January 8th in an on duty motorcycle accident.
- Kelly Seyarto
He was a resident of Riverside and he survived by his loving wife Mercedes and their two sons, Riley and Casey. He he enjoyed sharing his passions for baseball, fishing, bike riding and camping with his family. Tim exemplified loyalty, honesty and trustworthiness and was known for his great sense of humor.
- Kelly Seyarto
I offer my sincere condolences to Deputy Corlew's friends, family and coworkers as they mourn and remember him. Members, thank you for the opportunity to speak this afternoon and I would like to ask again that you please join me in adjourning in memory of Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Tim Corlew.
- Caroline Menjivar
Sending our Senate love to Deputy Corlew's family. Please bring his name forward so that he may be properly memorialized. Senator Gonzalez, you are now recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Yes. Upon adjournment, we will have a Senate Democratic Caucus in the Maddie Lounge.
- Caroline Menjivar
If there's no other business. Senator McGuire, the desk is clear.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Madam President and Members, welcome back. The next floor session is scheduled for Thursday, January 23rd at 9am. Thank you, madam President.
- Caroline Menjivar
The Senate will be in recess until 3:30pm at which time the adjournment motion will be made. We will reconvene Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 9:00am.
No Bills Identified