
AB 1190: Community colleges: part-time faculty: office hours.

  • Session Year: 2023-2024
  • House: Assembly

Current Status:


(2024-02-01: From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. Existing law authorizes the establishment of community college districts under the administration of community college governing boards, and authorizes these districts to provide instruction at community college campuses throughout the state. Existing law authorizes these districts to establish compensation levels for academic employees, as provided.

Existing law requires community college districts, as a condition of receiving funding allocated for the Student Success and Support Program, to negotiate in good faith with the exclusive representatives for part-time, temporary faculty, the terms of reemployment preference for part-time, temporary faculty assignments based on minimum standards up to the range of 60% to 67% of a full-time equivalent load and a regular evaluation process for part-time, temporary faculty, as specified.

This bill would require community college districts, as a condition of receiving funds allocated for the Student Success and Support Program, to commence negotiating the terms of compensation for office hours for part-time employees, as specified, and the terms governing reemployment preferences and evaluation processes, no later than the expiration of any negotiated agreement in effect on January 1, 2024, and for any community college district that does not have a collective bargaining agreement in effect as of January 1, 2024, on January 1, 2024.

Existing law establishes the Community College Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program to provide community college students equal access to academic advice and assistance and to encourage community college districts to provide opportunities by compensating part-time faculty who hold office hours related to their teaching load. Existing law authorizes community college districts to compensate part-time faculty at an amount equal to at least one paid office hour for every 2 classes or more taught each week by the part-time faculty member or 40% of a full-time load as defined by the local community college district. Existing law requires the governing board of a community college district that establishes such a program to negotiate, or meet and confer, to establish a program to provide part-time faculty office hours. Existing law establishes the Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program Fund in the State Treasury to provide funding for up to 50% of the costs to community college districts for the program as verified by the district, as specified. This bill would repeal the provisions establishing the Community College Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program and the Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program Fund. The bill would instead require the governing board of a community college district, on and after July 1, 2024, to provide compensation for office hours to part-time faculty at an amount equal to one paid office hour for every 2 classes or more taught per week by the part-time faculty member or 40% of a full-time load, and 12 paid office hour for every class or 20% of a full-time load. If these provisions conflict with the terms of a collective bargaining agreement in effect before January 1, 2024, the bill would require the collective bargaining agreement to be reopened for negotiations, as specified. By imposing new duties on community college districts, the bill would establish a state-mandated local program.The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.

Discussed in Hearing

Assembly Standing Committee on Higher Education6MIN
Apr 18, 2023

Assembly Standing Committee on Higher Education

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