SB 1446: Grocery retail store and retail drug establishment employees: self-service checkout and consequential workplace technology.
- Session Year: 2023-2024
- House: Senate
Current Status:
(2024-08-15: Coauthors revised.)
First Committee Review
First Chamber
Second Committee Review
Second Chamber
Existing law imposes certain requirements on grocery employers, as defined, upon the purchase or change in control of a grocery establishment, including requiring a successor grocery employer to retain eligible grocery workers for a specified period after transfer of the grocery establishment.
This bill would prohibit a grocery retail store or a retail drug establishment, as those terms are defined, from providing a self-service checkout option for customers unless specified conditions are satisfied, including having no more than 2 self-service checkout stations monitored by any one employee and requiring the employee to be relieved of all other duties. The bill would require a grocery retail store or retail drug establishment that offers self-service checkout to include self-service checkout in the employers illness and prevention program, as required by Division of Occupational Safety and Health regulations. The bill would require a grocery retail store or retail drug establishment that intends to implement consequential workplace technology, as defined, to notify workers, their collective bargaining representatives, and the public at least 60 days in advance of the implementation of the technology with a general description of the technology and the intended purpose for of the technology. technology, as specified. This bill would establish remedies and penalties for a violation of the bills provisions, including a civil penalty of $100 for each day in violation, not to exceed an aggregate penalty of $10,000.
Discussed in Hearing
Assembly Standing Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection
Assembly Standing Committee on Labor and Employment
Senate Floor
Senate Standing Committee on Labor, Public Employment and Retirement
Bill Author