
SB 847: Workers’ compensation: uninsured employer: transfer of real property.

  • Session Year: 2025-2026
  • House: Senate

Current Status:

In Progress

(2025-02-24: From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 24.)


First Committee Review

First Chamber

Second Committee Review

Second Chamber



Existing law establishes a workers compensation system, administered by the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers Compensation, to compensate an employee for injuries sustained in the course of employment. Under existing law, an employer is required to provide for the payment of workers compensation and if the employer has not secured the payment of compensation or is illegally uninsured, a lien may be filed against the employers property or the property of any person found to be parents or substantial shareholders of the employer.

This bill would authorize the director to determine whether a conveyance of real property by an uninsured employer or a substantial shareholder after a date of injury in a claim and prior to the recording of a certificate of lien was intended to retain a beneficial interest in that real property for the uninsured employer or substantial shareholder, resulting in a trust for the benefit of the uninsured employer. The bill would authorize the director to make a prima facie finding that the transaction resulted in a beneficial trust for the uninsured employer when specified circumstances are present, such as the deed indicates that the transfer was made as a gift or that no transfer tax to the county was paid, among others. The bill would require that when the director determines that such a trust exists, a certificate of lien shall be attached to the resulting trust and would require the director to mail written notices of that determination to the transferor and transferee, as prescribed.

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