Senate Standing Committee on Human Services
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Senate Human Services Committee will come to order. Good afternoon. The Senate continues to welcome public, in person and via the teleconference service for individuals wishing to provide public comment today. The participant number is 877-226-8163 and the access code is 6948930 I will repeat these numbers throughout the hearing today. We are holding our Committee hearing here in the O Street building, and I ask that all Members of the Committee be present in Room 2200 so that we can establish our quorum and begin our hearing.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
We have eight bills on today's agenda, and before we hear presentation on the bills, we will establish a quorum. Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Noticing the absence of a quorum, we will begin as a Subcommittee. We will start by adopting our Committee rules, and these rules have been provided to all Members of the Committee for review. We will come back to those once we establish a quorum. Is that correct? Thank you. Okay. All right, so we will hear from our first author, Senator Cortese, are you ready?
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Madam Chair and Members, I'm pleased to present SB Nine, sponsored by the California Judges Association. SB Nine will extend the age of jurisdiction for voluntary extent of foster care for an additional year from age 21 to 22. It deems eligible foster youth as nonminor dependents, or NMDs, and allows all of them to extend their access to payment, benefits, and transitional support services.
- Dave Cortese
A nonminor dependent coming out of both the foster care and juvenile justice systems is eligible to receive extended jurisdiction under this proposal. In order to qualify, the nonminor must be homeless or at risk of homelessness and meet one or more of the additional conditions outlined in the Bill, which are the same requirements as in current law.
- Dave Cortese
The need for this Bill is tremendous, in part given the negative impact imposed on our most vulnerable youth by the COVID crisis, which, of course, continues in terms of its impact. In fact, data shows a decline in outcomes resulting from the pandemic, making it clear that foster youth, like many other youth, need a wider safety net. Additionally, all data points to the need for extended foster care. According to the Children's Bureau, approximately 4,000 youth age out of foster care in California every year.
- Dave Cortese
Of the number of young people who age out, approximately 20% end up homeless. As reported by the LAO, a study done by the University of Chicago in 2018 found that every additional year a youth spent in foster care increased their probability to complete a high school credential by 8%, increase their probability to enroll in college by 11%, and decrease the odds of being homeless between ages of 17 and 21 by 28%.
- Dave Cortese
The benefits of extended foster care are undeniable, and it's time to give our youth the ability to have more time to address the effects of their trauma, make strides toward their education and employment opportunities, and accumulate support before transitioning out of the system. With us today will be our primary support witness on behalf of the California Judges Association and Judge Len Edwards, again to speak in support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator Cortese. I would acknowledge Senator Wahab has joined us. Thank you so much. We will move forward to our witnesses in support.
- Michael Belote
Thank you. Madam Chair and Members, I am Mike Belote, speaking on behalf of the Juvenile Court Judges of California, which is a section of the statewide California Judges Association. And we are the sponsor of the Bill. And we'd like to thank Senator Cortese for carrying it. What this really does, despite it being a 94-page bill, is make a rather simple change in the law.
- Michael Belote
And it builds upon lessons learned during the pandemic, when the state budget allowed one more year in the extended foster care program. And judges have been hearing about folks who are aging out and are experiencing homeless. I believe Senator Cortese may have mentioned, approximately, according to the Children's Bureau, approximately 20% of those who age out of extended foster care end up homeless. And we have people now reaching out to the court asking to come back into the program.
- Michael Belote
So the Bill is simple, gives one additional year with the supports available. In present law, if the youth is at risk of homelessness or is actually homeless. The person we have with us is a true legend in juvenile law in California. Judge Len Edwards from Santa Clara County. And I'd like to turn over the mic to him. Thank you very much.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Len Edwards
Madam Senator, nice to see you today and to appear. You were not around about 10 years ago when AB 12 was passed. And it was a radical move. It was based upon the federal statute, the Fostering Connections Act, and it extended jurisdiction from 18 to 21. The Department was wise enough to evaluate what that meant to the youth who extended jurisdiction up to their 21st birthday. And the result is in a very thorough, complex report that shows that these youth benefited from extended jurisdiction.
- Len Edwards
And what we're doing now, and this is after polling the juvenile court judges of California about, there are over 100 of them. And they told us at our executive meeting, these kids need another boost, not all of them, but those who are at risk of homelessness. And so, as one judge said to me, after we have worked with these youngsters for four or five years, it's a tragedy to see them graduate from juvenile court and go homeless.
- Len Edwards
So this is an important Bill to boost them up and give them the added support. The judges know that one more year for many of these youth is going to mean a productive life, a life where they're not in jail, they're not homeless, they're not on the welfare rolls. And so we're asking this Committee and the entire Legislature to support SB 9. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. At this time, I'd like to establish a quorum, please. The assistant, can you please call the role?
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Wonderful. Thank you. So, we will proceed to adopting our Committee rules. These rules have been provided to all of our Members of the Committee for review. Members, without objection. We will adopt the Committee rules for the 2023-2024 legislative session. Any objections?Hearing none. The Committee rules are adopted. Okay, Senator Cortese, please continue. Do you have any other witnesses in support?
- Dave Cortese
None others in support? I'm not sure if there's anyone here in opposition, Madam Chair, or otherwise willing to testify, but at the appropriate time, of course, I'll respectfully ask for your Aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Now, we will take time to hear from any opposition witnesses here in the room.
- Michael Rattigan
Madam Chair, I'm sorry. I'm Michael Rattigan. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, Santa Clara County. In support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Oh, in support?
- Michael Rattigan
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Okay. We have not gone to public. Well, no, I think we're okay. All right. Any witnesses? Lead witnesses in opposition. Okay, thank you. So we are now going to move on to the witnesses waiting to testify via the teleconference service.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to testify, you may press one and zero at this time. And first, we go to line 29. Please go ahead.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. On behalf of the California Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, in strong support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 37. Please go ahead. Line 37, your line is open. Moving on to line 40. Line 40, please. Go ahead.
- Rebecca Gonzales
Good afternoon. Rebecca Gonzales with the National Association of Social Workers, California chapter, in support.
- Committee Moderator
At this time, there's no others in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Moderator. Thank you to all our support and opposition witnesses. We'll now bring the discussion back to the Members. Do any of the Members have questions or comments for Senator Cortese?
- Aisha Wahab
I'll move the item.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
So we have a motion. Thank you. The Bill has been moved by Senator Wahab. Okay. Assistant, please call the roll. I'm sorry? Oh, apologize, Senator. Would you like to close?
- Dave Cortese
Yes, just to thank you, Madam Chair, and the Committee staff for its attention to this Bill. And I respectfully ask for your Aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Great. Thank you so much. Moving forward with the Bill. Moved by Senator Wahab. Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Judiciary. aye. [Roll call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Right. Okay, we have 4-0. We will put that Bill on call. Thank you, Senator Cortese. We're going to be hearing from our next author, Senator Skinner. Are you ready? Senator Skinner with SB Bill. Senate Bill 242.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you so much, Madam Chair and Members. Last year in the budget, we created the Hope for Children Trust Account. And what that Hope Account was for, its purpose was to provide some hope to those children who lost a parent or a primary caregiver to COVID, and also for those children who are long-term wards of our foster care system.
- Nancy Skinner
And what we know about children who don't have financial means when they turn the age of 18 is that, number one, there's not generational wealth that gets transferred, because if they have foster children, no parents to rely on, or orphans, and also if they have been in a foster system, then once they are released from that, then, in effect, they're on their own.
- Nancy Skinner
And what the Hope Accounts do, it'll be a modest amount of money, but it's still, most of us relied on a family member to help us, say, buy our first car or pay the first and last on our first apartment or any number of things like that, that these children will not have. So I'm very proud that California created the first in the nation trust accounts.
- Nancy Skinner
And nationally, the trend to do these kind of things are called baby bonds, but ours are specific for certain kinds of children, and they're called hope accounts. And what SB 242 does is strengthens that program by ensuring that funds deposited into Hope Trust Accounts are not considered income or assets in needs-tested programs, and thus will not affect the recipient's access to safety net programs, which they may still need to rely on. And with that, I'll have. I believe we have witness in support. Andrew Chane from Grace and Cody Van Felden from JBAY.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator. We'll move on to our lead witnesses in support.
- Andrew Shane
Thank you, Madam Chair and Members. Andrew Shane with End Child Poverty, GRACE, California. We strive to address the needs of those living in poverty and dare to imagine a liberated future free from systemic racism and poverty in which all children experience a childhood of abundance, dignity, love, and opportunities to thrive. It is for this reason we are proud partners with Senator Skinner to fulfill the promise of Hope Accounts as a critical intervention to close the racial wealth gap.
- Andrew Shane
Last year, California made bold investments by establishing the Hope for Children's Trust Account Program, SB 242 makes important clarifying provisions to ensure that Hope Accounts do not have any unintended consequences preventing low-income youth eligible for this critical new intervention from accessing other public benefit supports. This includes clarifying that any deposit or accrued interest does not count as an income or asset for the child in their household.
- Andrew Shane
Establishing that funds withdrawn or transferred shall be considered a lump sum payment under the rules of each safety net program and that the balance of whatever accounts the funds are transferred into are counted only to the extent that such programs count a balance. This legislation is timely as California is the first state to implement a statewide baby bonds program.
- Andrew Shane
Thanks to the excellent work by Treasurer Ma and the recently established board of directors, I have seen firsthand the consequences of similar program interactions that create unbelievable hardship in the community, including recently when COVID-era unemployment benefits were counted for CalFresh, leaving countless households hungry, angry and asking why. The same thing happens each new year when SSI recipients receive their cost of living increase in their SSI, only to see their CalFresh reduced.
- Andrew Shane
These funds are a seed of hope for children who face incredible generational trauma as the result of racial wealth gaps and social inequities the pandemic has only served to exacerbate. Chair and Members SB 242 by Senator Skinner is vital to ensure that these vulnerable youth are not further punished through any unintended consequences to public benefits needed to meet their basic needs. For this reason, we urge your support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Any other witnesses in support?
- Cody Van Felden
Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members of the Committee. My name is Cody. I work with John Burton Advocates for Youth. We at JBAY work to improve the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or are homeless. I myself am a youth advocate, sharing my lived expertise to create lasting change.
- Cody Van Felden
I'm here today because Hope Accounts are something I wish I had access to when I was experiencing the hurdles that are often experienced by those who are in foster care. As a child, I grew up with adoptive parents for 13 years until they decided to abandon me when I turned 16. Up until I turned 18, I stayed in a foster home, but they too abandoned me. When I turned 18, I was hit with the harsh reality of life and was now homeless and alone.
- Cody Van Felden
While I was 18 years old, my experience of facing homelessness as a result of being abandoned created a crippling fear inside of me. I didn't really know how to speak for myself, let alone really think for myself. I felt trapped in the mindset of a child. My parents, and ultimately this system, set me up to fail. Hope Accounts would have given me a minimum foundation when my safety net was abruptly stripped away from me.
- Cody Van Felden
In addition, COVID-19 has also created a sudden and abrupt change in many people's lives. The pandemic has left many children either orphaned or having one caregiver left, struggling to find a way to provide for their family on their own. Hope Accounts would help these children as they enter adulthood and navigate their new realities. As a first-time parent, I too am trying to navigate the world and break my own generational poverty so that my daughter does not experience the life I did.
- Cody Van Felden
The future I hope to build for my daughter is the future that Hope Accounts would establish for those who lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19 and for children who have experienced long-term foster care. For these reasons, I urge an Aye vote on SB 242. Thank you for your time.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Any more from support?
- Michael Rattigan
Madam Chair and Members, Michael Rattigan, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors Santa Clara County, in support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, next.
- Kelly Brooks-Lindsey
Kelly Brooks on behalf of the County Welfare Directors Association, here in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Linda Wanner
Linda Wanner with the California Catholic Conference, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Jared Call
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Jared Call with Nourish California, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Kevin Aslanian
Kevin Aslanian, Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organization, strong support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Right, is there any opposition in the room? Seeing none. We will now move on to the witnesses waiting to testify via the teleconference. Moderator, if you please prompt the individuals waiting to testify in support or opposition of Senate Bill 242. We will begin.
- Committee Moderator
If you'd like to testify in support or opposition, you may press one then zero at this time. We'll go to line 45. Please go ahead.
- Tiffany Fan
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Tiffany Fan, on behalf of California Court-Appointed Special Advocate Association, or CALCASAA, in support of SB 242. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 42. Please go ahead.
- Kelly Beam
Good afternoon. Kelly Beam, on behalf of Health Net of California in support of SB 242. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 40. Please go ahead.
- Rebecca Gonzales
Good afternoon. Rebecca Gonzales of the National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we go to line 48. Please go ahead.
- Christopher Sanchez
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Christopher Sanchez with the Western Center on Law and Poverty, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
At this time, there's no others in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Thank you for everyone who came today in support and opposition. Or actually, it's no opposition. So we're now going to bring the discussion back to the Members. Before I entertain a motion, want to make sure that all Members have a chance for questions and comments and that Senator Skinner has a chance to close Members. Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. I really appreciate this. I will also say, as a former foster kid, I genuinely appreciate any support that we can give to foster youth. I'd also like to co-author this. Other than that, thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Senator, would you like to close?
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you. I think the witnesses in support did even a better job than I did in the presentation. I ask for your Aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Do we have a motion?
- Aisha Wahab
I'll move.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Okay. This bill has been moved by Senator Wahab.
- Nancy Skinner
Add Wahab as the co-author.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Thank you for that. Congratulations on co-authoring the Bill. All right, so, assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item number two. The motion is do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations. [Roll call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Great. Thank you. So the vote is four ayes, zero no's. We will put this bill on call. And thank you, Senators. Thank you very much. Okay, we will continue to move. Next we will hear from Author Hurtado on Senate Bill 245, the California Food Assistance Program eligibility and benefits. Welcome, Senator Hurtado.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you. Good afternoon, members, Madam Chair. I'm here to present on SB 245 Comida para Todos.
- Melissa Hurtado
But I'd like to share with you first what SB 245 means for me and many more across our state. As a child and to this day, my mother shares with me the time when she went from home to home asking neighbors for leftover food because her family didn't have any at home.
- Melissa Hurtado
Every time she tells me this story, she also tells me that whenever a visitor comes by our home, if all we have is a tortilla and some queso in the house, we share what we have. California could learn a lesson from my mother and many mothers across the state. We must end hunger in our state, but we have to provide the same opportunity for all Californians.
- Melissa Hurtado
And SB 245 modernizes the California Food Assistant program, expanding eligibility for state-funded nutrition benefits to anyone ineligible for Calfresh due solely to their immigration status. In doing so, the bill provides greater food security to low-income immigrant workers, helping lift them out of poverty, as Calfresh is proven to do. So Comida para Todos is not just a food security issue for many, it's also a national security issue.
- Melissa Hurtado
Here to testify in support, I have Benyamin Chao, Health and Public Benefits Policy Manager at the California Immigrant Policy Center, Nieves Trinidad, resident of Madeira, California, and we'll have our first speaker up.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Wonderful. So let's move on to our lead witness in support. Welcome.
- Benyamin Chao
Hi. Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members of the Senate and Human Services Committee. As Senator Hurtado mentioned, my name is Benyamin Chao at the California Immigrant Policy Center, and we are co-sponsors of SB 245 alongside Nourish California. So SB 245 would increase access to the California Food Assistance program by removing the exclusion of income-eligible Californians due to their immigration status or age.
- Benyamin Chao
As an immigrant myself who was excluded from Califresh and CFAP growing up, I understand the importance of making sure that everyone who is struggling to afford enough food can get the assistance that they need. Currently, Californians who are undocumented, TPS holders, or DACA recipients are unjustly excluded from Calfresh and CFAP. The LAO recently estimated that there are between 650 to 750,000 California residents who would be eligible for Calfresh but for their immigration status.
- Benyamin Chao
Furthermore, undocumented immigrants pay taxes and contribute to our economy, but are ineligible for most benefits. The fact of the matter is that undocumented immigrants living in California pay millions of dollars in local taxes each year to the counties that they live, and that adds up to an estimated $3 billion combined in both state and local taxes. These exclusions contribute to painfully high rates of hunger, which have serious consequences on health, financial security and children's long-term success.
- Benyamin Chao
Nearly half of undocumented Californians are affected by food insecurity, according to the most recent data from UCLA, and this rate is nearly 64%. That's two out of three for undocumented children who are going hungry. In conclusion, I strongly urge you to pass SB 245 to end the racist and xenophobic exclusion of Californians from CFAP due to their immigration status. This investment is even more urgent today due to inflation and decades of exclusion.
- Benyamin Chao
We right now have the ability to reverse these inequalities and build a California that is more healthy and resilient. And we can do that by investing in Food for All. It's a matter of basic human dignity, public health and economic justice. No exceptions, no exclusions, no delays. Thank you so much for your time and for your consideration.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Hear from any other support witnesses that are here in the room today?
- Norma Trinidad-Diaz
This is Nieves Trinidad and she will be speaking in her native language in Triqui. And I will be the interpreter interpreting it from Triqui to English.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
- Nieves Trinidad
[Foreign Language]
- Nieves Trinidad
Hi, my name is Nieves. I am resident of the Central Valley. I am here in support of Food for All to benefit all Californians regardless of their immigration status and age, as well as to able to share my story today with you, with everyone here. This proposal is very important to me and everyone in California. I have been working in the United States and contribute to the economic for 20 years. I am a single woman from an indigenous community who speaks her native language named Triqui. I live with my niece and nephew who depends on my income.
- Nieves Trinidad
I am a seasonal farm worker who in some months must travel other cities in the Central Valley such as Fresno, Selma, Kinsburg, Salinas, Livingston and other cities in search of work and to be able to pay for rent and buy groceries. Having to be away from home from extended period of time has caused me headaches and anxiety about being away from my family.
- Nieves Trinidad
Throughout the years I have to struggle to decide whether to buy food or to have a savings account for those days that are difficult. As a farm worker, I often struggle to think before I buy an essential because I know that I will need the money to buy food. I will have to decide whether to not to buy soap, clothes or cleaning supplies, even with gasoline or sometimes I have to borrow money to buy food.
- Nieves Trinidad
I also plan my income throughout the year to spend wisely since there are many times during the month with no work, I must use my savings account to buy food. I know that I don't qualify for food stamp because of my legal status, so I don't ask for assistance. I find it hard to understand how a campesino, a farm worker who works in agricultural to produce food to feed California and other states, why are we left behind just because of our legal status?
- Nieves Trinidad
I have worked harvesting grapes, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, strawberries, onions and much more. This situation has caused me stress, anxiety as fear to go without food one day. I would like this proposal to be approved so that other people like me have tless things to worry about with this Food for All proposal. It will help me and my family not to worry when work season is over, knowing that we will have food available and be able to buy healthy products.
- Nieves Trinidad
This is good to improve my mental health and also help with my anxiety to be able to have food on the table for my family. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Gracias. Thank you. Any more witnesses in support?
- Linda Wanner
Linda Wanner with the California Catholic Conference in strong support.
- Melissa Sagun
Melissa Sagun on behalf of the Pesticide Action Network and Berkeley Food Institute in support. Thank you.
- Kelly Brooks-Lindsey
Kelly Brooks on behalf of the County Welfare Directors Association, the County Health Executives Association of California, the Urban Counties of California, and the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County here in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Nora Lynn
Nora Lynn on behalf of Children Now in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Kevin Aslanian
Kevin Aslanian Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations in strong support because it's unconscionable that in this rich country, kids go hungry. That's barbaric. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Jared Call
Good afternoon. Jared Call, Nourish California co-sponsor and in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Alia Smith
My name is Alia Smith. I'm a Member of the Sacramento Youth Advocate Fellowship Pipeline, and we are here in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Tak Allen
My name is Tak Allen, and I'm a facilitator for the Sacramento Youth Advocate Fellowship Pipeline and the President of the International Faith-Based Coalition in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Andrew Cheyne
Andrew Cheyne with End Child Poverty California in support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Norma Trinidad-Diaz
Hi. Norma Trinidad-Diaz, community organizer with Central Valley Integration Collaborative here in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you so much. So now move on to lead witnesses in opposition. Anyone in the room would like to testify. Seeing none, we will move on to witnesses waiting to testify via teleconference services moderator if you'll please prompt the individuals waiting to testify in support or opposition of Senate Bill 245.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd like to testify in support or opposition, you may press 1, 0 at this time. First we go to line 51. Please go ahead.
- Janice O'Malley
Hello, Chair and members, Janice O'Malley with the American Federation of State County Municipal Employees in support.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 40.
- Rebecca Gonzales
Good afternoon. Rebecca Gonzalez with the National Association of Social Workers California Chapter in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 48. Please go ahead.
- Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez with the Western Center on Law and Poverty in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 35. Please go ahead.
- Hannah Bragstad
Good afternoon. Hannah Bragstad with the Cal State Student Association in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 52. Please go ahead.
- Gabby Davidson
Hi, Gabby Davidson with the California Association of Food Banks calling in support of SB 245. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 22. Please go ahead.
- Kristen Acosta
Hello, my name is Kristen Acosta. On behalf of the Women's Building in support of SB 245. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And next, we'll go to line 36. Please go ahead.
- Beth Smoker
Hi, this is Beth Smoker with the California Food and Farming Network in strong support of SB 245.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 56. Please go ahead.
- Mar Velez
Hello, Chair and members Mar Velez with the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California in strong support of Food for All and urging no delays. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 55. Please go ahead.
- Khiabeth Sanchez
Good afternoon. Khiabeth Sanchez, American Wellness Coordinator for the Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition and a member of the Food for All Coalition, strongly supporting SB 245. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 50. Please go ahead.
- Derek Polka
Hello, this is Derek Polka with the Los Angeles Regional Food bank calling in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we go to line 53. Please go ahead.
- Cynthia Gomez
Hello, Cynthia Gomez with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, calling in strong support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 46. Please go ahead.
- Michelle Wolfwork
Good afternoon. Chair and members, Michelle Taran Wolfwork of the California Commission on the Status Women and Girls in strong support of SB 245. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 58. Please go ahead.
- Kevan Insko
Hello, this is Kevin Insco, Friends Committee on Legislation of California in strong support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And next, we'll go to line 54. Please go ahead.
- Jessica Gutierrez
Hi, my name is Jessica Gutierrez with the Women's Building, and I'm calling in strong support for SB 245.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
At this time there's no others in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Great. Thank you moderator. I would like to thank all the witnesses that came in support today. We will bring the discussion back to the members. Before I ask for any questions or comments, I wanted to get some clarifying questions from Senator Hurtado. Senator for the CFAP, the California Food Assistance Program, it currently is a benefit, is that correct? This is not a new benefit?
- Melissa Hurtado
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And your bill seeks to remove the age restriction in order to allow for more people in California to access food, is that correct?
- Melissa Hurtado
That's correct.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Okay. So I just wanted to make sure that it was clear to those who are here today, because particularly in the agricultural rural communities, we have such abundance of food. And here in California, we are a leader in agriculture, as you know.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And I think for me, the witness that spoke on her experience is really the story that I've heard for so many generations here in California of our pickers, our growers, our farm workers. So I just wanted to clarify that CFAP is an existing program. We're not creating a new one. We're simply allowing for more people, specifically seniors, to not go hungry in our state. Thank you. So I'd like to open it up to members. I see Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Starting in the next week or so, starting in the next week or so, we're going to start seeing that the emergency allotments that allowed for the increase in CalFresh to go away.
- Melissa Hurtado
So we heard stories now, and I want to thank the author of this, because sometimes the CalFresh, you had a family member that was a citizen, perhaps a child that was able to bring in and supplement. Now, with the removal of that EA, families can no longer perhaps depend on that family member who was a citizen to bring in the excess money.
- Caroline Menjivar
So more than ever, now is the time to really look at this hunger cliff that is about to start even more so in the next week and a half or so. So I want to thank the author for her leadership on this, and I look forward to working more with you on ensuring that, like everyone else has said here, that no one goes hungry. So thank you so much.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Senator. Members?
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, and I believe that I have made a request to co-author this as well, just slapping my name on it. But I really do appreciate this. I think that one of the concerns that we all have is the fact that as we are seeing more of the economy and just natural disasters and so much more, and we see how our farm workers and other individuals are struggling just with housing, let alone food security.
- Aisha Wahab
And a lot of people who actually farm the food aren't even granted the ability to have access to the food. So I really do appreciate your leadership on this, as well as everybody who spoke and to the witness who shared her story. It's very valuable for all of us to listen to the people directly affected. So thank you.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you. Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Well, thank you. I just wanted to express some remarks with regards to the gentleman's comment about children going hungry in this state.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I have to say, I've been here for two years, and this legislature has worked very hard, including a bill by Senator Skinner, which we just voted on, I believe, in the last two years, within the last two years, to make sure that every child, including siblings at school, received meals at school, both breakfast and lunch, regardless of their income or legal status. So in California, we are making every available effort to make sure that every child does not go hungry in our state.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
So I just wanted to reassure that gentleman, oh, there you are, that gentleman, that the legislature has worked very diligently to make sure that we maximize the federal dollars available and that we use everything possible here in the state to make sure that no child goes hungry, regardless of age or income or legal status on that end.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator. Any other comments? Okay, so, would you like to close, Senator?
- Melissa Hurtado
I just want to thank my colleagues here on the dais today for your comments and your questions. And with that, I would respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Do we have a motion? Thank you. The bill has been moved by Senator Wahab. Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item three, SB 245. The motion is do pass, but re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. [roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[roll call]
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Okay, so we have four ayes and 4-0. And the bill is now out. Thank you, Senator Hurtado, before you leave, you're on our next one, so please stay close. We'll now move forward with Senator Hurtado's bill, SB 262, for California farm workers drought and food resilience pilot project.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Madam Chair. So here, I'm here to present SB 262. I won't speak too much on it. I think we heard already quite a bit about the food insecurity that farm workers are already facing. And on top of that, the drought, the floods currently that we're facing at the moment, furthermore impact farm workers. Their ability to be food secured, the ability to have housing. They are at the forefront of climate change, and they're the most and hardest impacted. And so SB 262 really looks to provide some additional support for them to be able to meet their basic needs. At the moment, farm workers. And I'll give you an example. I ran into a farm worker over the weekend, and she was telling me that this just past week, she worked three days out of the week. Three days is really not much for her to be able to survive on. And she's not able to apply for Unemployment Insurance because she hasn't been officially laid off, so she's not able to meet her 40 hours. So these are the types of challenges that they face. On top of that, with the floods, they're probably going to see an additional reduction in hours and therefore, a reduction in their pay. And so SB 262 really looks to provide some financial certainty for farm workers as they face these climate disasters, and, of course, to provide some additional support to farmers as well. So with that, I have with me one witness, Michael Saragosa, here to speak in support of SB 262.
- Michael Saragosa
Thank you. Good afternoon, chair, Vice Chair, Senators. First, I'd like to thank Senator Hurtado for always thinking of farm workers and their families. Over the past decade, climate change has resulted in less work availability for farm workers throughout the state. The current drought and now floods has caused farmers to fallow land, resulting in less jobs for farm workers. In 2021 alone, California's drought led to 1.2 billion in direct cost to the agricultural industry and a loss of over 8500 jobs. Less work availability means more farm workers are evicted from their homes, more farm workers experiencing food insecurity and increase in poverty. Farm workers play and continue to play a crucial role in the Covid-19 pandemic as frontline workers. During the height of Covid-19, the one area the grocery store that never experienced shortages was the fresh produce section, and that was thanks to their work throughout the state. Today, more than ever, it is important to acknowledge their crucial role in the economy by supporting SB 262, which will bring much needed relief to a population that is living day to day. Climate change will only intensify the drought conditions in California, and farm workers need a safety net to make sure they are not displaced from the place they have called home for decades. We believe the pilot project provision in this legislation is a good safeguard to provide the necessary data to assess the program and to make any recommendations to a long term program. It also will provide some geographic equity as well. In the 2022 budget, there was pilot programs in there, mostly centered in Los Angeles and the greater Southern California area, as well as the Bay Area. This would bring some equity into the San Joaquin Valley as well. I would like to once again thank Senator Hurtado for supporting farmers and their families and for championing the needs of their community. CFF strongly encourages an aye vote on SB 262. And we thank you for your time and consideration.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Great. Thank you. Any other witnesses in support? Thank. Yes. All right. Seeing none, we will move forward. Any witnesses in opposition, please? Yes. I thought you went the other way, but thank you. Thanks for coming back.
- Aliyah Smith
Aliyah Smith, on behalf of the Sacramento Youth Advocate fellowship pipeline, we are in support of this Bill. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Any others in support? Opposition? Great. Thank you. Moderator if we'd please prompt the individuals waiting to testify in support or opposition of Senate Bill 262. We will begin.
- Committee Secretary
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd like to testify in support. Opposition, you press 1 and 0 at this time. And first we go to line 40. Please go ahead.
- Rebecca Gonzales
Good afternoon. Rebecca Gonzalez with the National Association of Social Workers, California chapter, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
At this time, there's no others in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
All right, thank you so much. I would like to thank those of you who came as witnesses today, and we'll bring the discussion back to the members. And before I open it up to those on the Committee, Senator Hurtado, I want to again differentiate between the previous item and this item. This is a new program that you're proposing through this Bill, is that correct?
- Melissa Hurtado
That's correct.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
So with this new program, one of the areas that you're asking this Bill to elevate is supplemental cash assistance, is that correct? Okay. So I feel that one of the responsibilities that we have as elected officials is to be good stewards of our taxpayer dollars here in California. And we have such a rich economy, but yet we are still missing the mark. And obviously in food insecurity, we're continuing to miss the mark. And it is so frustrating and in some places, sometimes inhumane. And I'd love to see us get to a place where we in such a rich country and such a wealthy economy here in the state are able to provide real solutions. However, I still am struggling with creating new cash assistance programs in our state, and I would not be a good steward of those tax dollars and a representative of my district if I were to support this bill. So I do want to thank you for your testimony. And because this Bill did go through both houses last year during a pandemic, I do would want this bill to have the opportunity to move again with new members, many of those new members being on this Committee. So I will be abstaining from the vote. But I encourage all members of the Committee to vote freely and based on the districts, on your own district's best interest, I'll open it up to the others. Thank you, Senator Wahab, moving us right along. We have a motion on Senate Bill 262 item has been moved. Assistant, please call the roll. Sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry. Senator Hurtado, will you please close?
- Melissa Hurtado
Yes, of course. Well, thank you for your comments. And I just want to reemphasize and state that California farm workers play a critical role in helping feed the world. They're part of our food system. When disaster hits, they're there. They're ready to work in floods in the middle of the heat, and there's no FEMA to come in and help in and support our farmers. They do get some support if FEMA comes in or if the state comes in, but our farm workers don't really get the attention that they deserve. And so we're hoping that with the Senate Bill 262, they have some. A fair shot at getting to their American dream and helping continue to feed the world. And with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator. Now, assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item number four. The motion is do pass and re refer to the Committee on Governance and Finance. [roll call]
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
The Bill is out with three to zero. Thank you so much. All right, we're going to make a brief detour on our file order moving forward to SB 608 Becker, child health and safety.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Excuse me. My apologies. Before we get to you, Senator Becker, we have Senate Bill 462. Senator Wahab, General assistance.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. And thank you, Senator.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Just give me one moment, Senator. Senator Wahab, it appears that your Senate Bill 462 has moved to consent. You do not have to present. Okay. Would you like to address the Committee?
- Aisha Wahab
I appreciate it, and I think that this is just a clarification Bill, and I hope that all of you guys can support it in the future as well. So, thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Moving right along. Okay. We're going to open up the consent calendar right now. We have. I'm sorry.
- Aisha Wahab
I'll move the consent calendar.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator Wahab. So we'll move to the consent calendar. We have two bills, Senate Bill 462, Senator Wahab, and Senate Bill 246, Senator Ochoa Bogh. [Roll Call] Thank you, 50. So we will close the vote on both of those. Both bills are out.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Okay. Thank you, Senator Becker, for being so patient with me today. We will now move to Senate Bill 608, child health and safety. Have a heart, be a star. Help our kids license plate program.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. Good afternoon, chair Alvarado-Gil. Members, thank you for the opportunity to present SB 608, a bill that will give renewed support to child health and safety programs all across the state. The kids plate Specialty Vehicle License program provides critical funding to essential local commissions and state departments committed to children's safety. Since enacted, kids plate has generated over 60 million in plate sales and renewals for child safety programs, and approximately 4.5 million is deposited into the Child Health and Safety Fund each year. However, the Kids Play Program has not been updated since 1992, it's creation. Despite the needs of the communities it serves, changing and growing as a consequence. Only 15 counties have successfully accessed these funds in the last two years, and in 2018, the California Childcare Research and referral network identified that only 23% of California's licensed childcare needs are being met. SB 608 increases funding and improves accessibility of the Child Health and Safety Fund to county commissions and local childcare and development planning councils in providing this much needed training to their communities by increasing the kids'plate issuance and renewal fee and allocating funds directly to them, again, directly to the county commissions and local childcare and development planning councils. This will equitably distribute funds to all counties opposed to remember I said before, only 15 counties have gotten funding last two years. So this will equitably distribute funding to all counties and increase the opportunity of funding so that the dollars directly impact the communities that need it most. SB 608 provides support to California's child health and safety system and funds the work that these communities are already doing. With that, I have two witnesses with me here to testify in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Accept our first lead witness and testimony of support.
- Lucas Frerichs
Well, good afternoon, Madam Chair and Senators. My name is Lucas Ferricks. I'm a Yolo County supervisor. In addition, I'm also a Commissioner on Yolo County's First Five Commission. I would be happy to be here today in support of Senator Becker's SB 608, which would make needed enhancements to the Kids plate specialty license plate program.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Next witness, please.
- Catherine Barankin
Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members of the Committee. I'm Cathy Barankin, and I have been the Executive Director of the California Coalition for Children's Safety and Health for over 30 years. And I echo the thanks to Senator Becker for sponsoring this important piece of legislation. Childhood injury prevention is so critical that we recognize that it's the number one leading cause of death and fatality, death and injuries for our young children. So keeping the work going on this issue is particularly important. Our organization, along with the Children's Advocacy Institute, were the sponsors of the original legislation carried by then assemblywoman Jackie Spear. Now, former congresswoman Spear asked me to extend her best wishes to you and is sorry that she can't be here to testify and support herself, but other commitments have kept her from getting to Sacramento. So the Bill before you will propose the original legislation will repurpose the original legislation by sending the injury prevention funds from the Kids plate program to all 58 counties, which was just mentioned. That's important because only very few counties have been getting this funding. And when you think about it, people from all over the state are buying these plates to support these efforts, yet no money is coming back to their counties to implement injury prevention and other childcare programs. The coalition staff and board members have been working over 18 months to come up with what they think is the best solution, and we're very fortunate that Senator Becker agrees with that and has proposed this particular bill. Since its inception 30 years ago, the kids plate pricing has not been adjusted. For those that have a question about why we're raising the fee, we have 1992 prices, which is roughly half the amount that's being raised by other license plate programs. So in summary, Senator Becker's bill will bring a new level of equity for distribution of the kids slate funding. It will address California's need for more childcare providers, and it will fund care training programs, and as I said earlier, perhaps most importantly, support expanded childhood injury prevention efforts and save countless children's lives. Thank you so much for your consideration, and thank you, Senator Becker, for your efforts.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Any more witnesses.
- Kathleen Mossburg
Chair and members, Kathy Mossburg with the first five Association of California in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Any other witnesses in support? Any witnesses here in opposition? Okay, thank you. Hearing and seeing none moderator will you please prompt the individuals waiting to testify in support of Senate Bill 608 to proceed please.
- Committee Secretary
Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to testify, you may press 1 and 0 at this time. I see no one in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. So, for individuals willing to provide public comment, today's participant number is 877-226-8163 and the access code is 6948930 so I will bring this back to the members now. And I just want to thank you, Senator Becker, for bringing this bill forward. Bringing equity to the 52 counties in California is so important when it comes to serving our kids and ensuring that our rural communities have access to funds to serve their community just as much as the urban centers do as well. So I appreciate you bringing this forward, and thank you for those who came here today. Any comments? Yes. Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, chair. As chair of budget subcommitee number three, there are some concerns I want to raise here to the author. So, currently, the Department of Social Services receives $4 million from these license plates revenues, and it funds licensing childcare. 25% of the funds go to child abuse prevention, and the rest support the Department of Public Health Injury prevention. Right now, as the state is looking to ramp up the expansion of childcare here in our state, I'm wondering why you believe now is the right time to redirect funding away from childcare licensing and child abuse prevention.
- Josh Becker
Sure, I'll answer. I'd love by either Kathy or Steve Barrow to maybe chime in quickly, if that's possible. So, first of all, we reached out to DSS, and so they have $30 million from a series of license fees, penalty fees, state general funds, and we've reached out to them on a couple of occasions for this bill and not heard back yet about any particular concerns that they have, and happy to address them as we keep going. But I will say, I think it's our belief that by giving this money directly to the counties, we're also helping the mission of DSS. But we're giving the money to people at the county and local level who have the most, who are kind of closest to the needs of the community and in terms of figuring out how that money can be spent, and again, getting to all counties, as opposed to just a few, would it be ok to have.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Yes, please.
- Steve Barrow
Hi, my name is Steve Barrow. I'm the state program Director for the California Coalition for Children's Safety and Health, and I actually sat at then assemblymember Jackie Spears desk, along with Professor Felmoth to help her draft this bill back in 1992 and have been shepherding the program ever since. The thing that we have to remember is that this is contributions, voluntary contributions made by people buying those plates and sending them into that, to children's safety programs. The licensing program back then in 1992 didn't exist. So with that bill back, AB 3087 Chapter 1316, back in 1992, we created the childcare licensing how to do CPR, how to change a diaper. All that stuff came from assemblymember Spear and her efforts to have some meaningful requirements for childcare providers. We use kids plates in the first few years just to establish that. Now that agency is funded just like all other licensing agencies, barber licensing, mechanic licensing, they're all paid for. The licensing oversight is paid for by licensing fees, penalty fees, general fund money like you're working on in your subcommitee and federal dollars. This money was meant to help with, this is voluntary contributions that was meant to help with, What are the other problems going on with whatever the issue area, and in this case, the biggest problem we have in our state is childcare providers. We don't have enough. We only have for every hundred families going to work, moms going to work, only 25 are going to find childcare. When I was a young parent, just a couple of years ago, I used to carry my young son on my back here at the Capitol and different members of the committees would take care of my son while I was testifying or while I was back in the hallways writing on the bills because we couldn't find childcare. And now it's even worse. And so the money, what Senator Becker's bill does, and we applaud him for looking at this, is how do you get more childcare providers? Well, the state has been working on it for 20 years and we're still at 25%. So why not hand this voluntary money to all 58 county childcare councils and the RNRs that are out there in the councils at the community level and let them recruit the new providers and train the new providers. So that's what this change is. It doesn't take away from the licensing oversight. They already have 26 million, $30 million in that pocket from all the different sources to do the licensing oversight. So we don't affect the licensing oversight of how it's normally paid for. We're just trying to help with the problems that exist for current families in California.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Senator Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Yes. No, thank you so much. I would like to see a plan for how this funding will be backfilled in the Department. I will vote this Bill out of the Committee, and I hope that you continue working with the Department to answer some of my concerns. And I do reserve my right to change my vote later on.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you. Other comments, questions Senator? All right. Senator, would you like to close?
- Josh Becker
Yes, thank you. I appreciate the questions. And, Senator Menjivar, do look forward to continuing to have conversations with you and your role, budget, sub three and dss as we go forward. And with that, respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Do we have a motion? Thank you, Senator Wahab. So, the Bill has been moved by Senator Wahab. Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item number eight. The motion is do pass and re refer to the Committee on Transportation. [Roll Call]
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
All right, 5-0. That bill is out. Thank you, Senator Becker. And I will correct myself. 58 counties. I know we have 58 counties. I erroneously said 52, but thank you.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, chair.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And you nodded along with me. It has been a long day. Thank you so much.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
All right. Great. We will continue moving along. Our other bills are Committee bills. Senator Menjivar, are you ready? All right. We will move to Senate Bill 260: Menjivar, the CalWORKs and supportive services bill.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Madam Chair, Members. First, I want to take this moment to thank the Committee Consultant staff for their work with my team in this bill. So I'm here to report on--present to you SB 260, which would expand the CalWORKs grant amount by adding a monthly allotment of 20 dollars for each CalWORKs recipient that needs to purchase menstrual products. This monthly allotment, administrated by the Department of Social Services, is a necessary investment in supporting California's families participating in CalWORKs.
- Caroline Menjivar
It would move California closer to equity by making menstrual products accessible to all menstruating persons in our most vulnerable communities. I commend the legislators before my time, as California has taken the lead in supporting children and families. For example, in 2017, it was clarified in state law through AB 480 that diapers were necessary and expanded the CalWORKs monthly benefit to add an extra 30 dollars of assistance for diapers.
- Caroline Menjivar
AB 367 in 2021 was enacted to require all public schools serving sixth or twelfth graders, community colleges, and California State Universities to stock restrooms with free menstrual products. But again, we know not everyone is in school and these products are not offered during the weekend or school breaks. Despite the progress to increase menstrual equity, access continues to this day to be an issue for most vulnerable communities.
- Caroline Menjivar
According to the Lines for Period Supplies in 2021, one in three low income women report missing work, school, or similar commitments due to a lack of access to menstrual products. Another survey in 2021 found that gaps continue to exist for Black, indigenous, and people of color, our BIPOC community. A quarter of Black and Latinx people with periods strongly agree that they have struggled to afford period products in the past year.
- Caroline Menjivar
The impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic and the rising costs of menstrual products have exacerbated the issue of menstrual product insecurity. I don't want parents to have to choose between necessities for their families or menstrual products which impact their health and ability to work. But they do. I come from working as a director at a nonprofit where we would constantly see families and moms come and tell us that they would choose paying rent, buying baby formula and food before they chose to buy themselves menstrual products.
- Caroline Menjivar
Without access, menstruating people may opt to use makeshift products or wear these products for longer than the recommended time. This can lead to serious health concerns such as toxic shock syndrome or other infections. To that end, SB 260 would ensure that we continue the progress made in increasing menstrual equity across and supporting our California families participating in CalWORKs. I want to thank Committee Members like Senator Hurtado and Senator Wahab for being coauthors on this very much-needed bill.
- Caroline Menjivar
So here today to testify is Fiona Lu, Policy Director with the California High School Democrats and one of the cosponsors, and Giovanna, a college student and a SPARC leader with CalWORKS, SPARC being a project known as the Student Parents Reimagining CalWORKs.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Please come forward.
- Fiona Lu
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. My name is Fiona Lu and I'm a senior in high school in Orange County. I also currently serve as the Policy Director for California High School Democrats. I'm here in strong support of SB 260, which would push for menstrual product access for low income people on CalWORKs. I've had the privilege of being one of the youth who have been championing SB 260, and I'm proud to say that this bill has been a vastly youth-led effort.
- Fiona Lu
SB 260 would be a strong continuation of California's dedication to providing menstrual products for all menstruators, recognizing that this is essential health care access and a human right. California has historically served as a model state for anti-period poverty policies, and this bill would set inspirational precedent for many other states and future menstrual equity efforts.
- Fiona Lu
As a student who has grown up in a low income family relying on programs such as CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and Free and Reduced Lunch, I witnessed my family's own frugal spending on necessary items such as menstrual products. My mom would tell me to use pads sparingly because of the taxing fees these products pose on my family's limited income. Oftentimes, low income people on CalWORKs face the same struggles, if not worse.
- Fiona Lu
Menstruators who do not have access to products have reported using makeshift products, reusing products, or not using products at all. Although free menstrual products are now fortunately provided in schools at select grade levels, SB 260 additionally addresses menstrual product needs for low income adults, at home use, and younger menstruators. For these reasons, I urge your aye vote on SB 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. My name is Giovanna and I'm a SPARC leader with Project SPARC. We are Student Parents Reimagining CalWORKs, and we are in support of Senate Bill 260. Senate Bill 260 would provide much-needed support for families on CalWORKs who are still struggling to stretch their grant to cover basic necessities by providing 20 dollars per month to cover menstrual products.
- Unidentified Speaker
As a CalWORK student parent attending community college and working more than 20 hours a week struggles with access to basic necessities such as menstrual products would and has created an obstacle to maintain motivation to pursue a higher education. By providing relief from basic necessities, such as menstrual products, it is an important benefit for CalWORKs families to ensure that we provide relief for great Californians.
- Unidentified Speaker
And it is critical because not only are basic necessities crucial to providing for our children, but the stability of our finances is a major contributor to stability for our family's lives. As a parent in the system, I know I speak for most of us, if not all, when it comes to budgeting every single penny of our benefits. And it comes with a little bit of embarrassment to say that comes with menstrual products, too.
- Unidentified Speaker
I've learned to set aside about 20 to 30 dollars a month, and if I can make last month stretch into the next month, I do because then I have that 20, 30 dollars for the next month. And this isn't something that's obviously comforting or easy to come to the Senate with, but if it helps end period poverty and it helps other CalWORKS moms and dads in the system and children, I'm here for it.
- Unidentified Speaker
SB 260's benefits would not only bring relief to my home, but the homes of CalWORKS families across the state. I thank you Chair and Members for your time, and it is for these reasons I urge your aye for vote SB 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. You did great. Others, please?
- Unidentified Speaker
California Welfare Rights Organizations, strong support. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Andrew Shane
Andrew Shane with GRACE End Child Poverty California, in strong support. Thank you, Senator.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Linda Wanner
Linda Wanner with the California Catholic Conference, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Any others in support? Any witnesses in opposition? Thank you. Hearing and seeing none. So Moderator, if you'll please prompt individuals waiting to testify in support or opposition of Senate Bill 260. Please begin.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd like to testify in support or opposition, you may press one then zero at this time. First, we go to line 70. Please go ahead.
- Kristen Acosta
Hello. My name is Kristen Acosta, and I'm representing the Women's Building, also a cosponsor of the bill, and I'm calling in strong support of SB 260. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 54. Please, go ahead. Line 54, your line is open. We'll move on to next, line nine. Go ahead.
- Molly Mauck
Hi. My name is Molly Mauck. I'm a staff attorney with Public Counsel, and I'm calling in support of SB 260.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 28. Please, go ahead.
- Nix Richards
Hello. This is Nix Richards on behalf of Cramps, the coalition for reproductive products. We're in strong support of Bill 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 35. Please, go ahead.
- Hannah Bragstad
Hannah Bragstad with the Cal State Student Association, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 46. Please, go ahead.
- Michelle Teran-Woolfork
Chair and Members, Michelle Teran-Woolfork with the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, in strong support of SB 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 51. Please, go ahead.
- Janice O'Malley
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Janice O'Malley with the American Federation of State and County Municipal Employees, in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 62. Please, go ahead.
- Mark Radosevich
Good afternoon, Mark Radosevich on behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice California, in support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 65. Please, go ahead.
- Abby Davidson
Hi. Abby Davidson with the California Association of **, calling in support of SB 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 48. Please, go ahead.
- Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez with the Western Center on Law and Poverty, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And next, we'll go to line 34. Please, go ahead.
- Ashley Steimer-King
Good afternoon. I'm Ashley Steimer-King with Girls Learn International and the Feminist Majority Foundation, calling in support of SB 260.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And next, we'll go to line 59. Please, go ahead. Move on to line 67. Please, go ahead.
- De'Anna Miller
Good afternoon, Honorable Members. My name is De'Anna Miller from Alliance for Girls, and I am calling in support of SB 260. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 64--or line 40. We'll go to line 40. Please go ahead. Line 40, your line is open.
- Rebecca Gonzales
Good afternoon. Rebecca Gonzales from the National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter, in strong support of this bill.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 63. Please go ahead.
- Alma Garcia
Hello. I'm Alma Garcia with the California High School Democrats, and I'm calling in support of SB 260.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 54. Please go ahead.
- Jessica Gutierrez
Good evening. This is Jessica Gutierrez with the Women's Building, and I'm calling in strong support of SB 260.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 64. Please go ahead.
- Unidentified Speaker
Hi. I'm calling in strong support of SB 260.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And next, we'll go to line 71. Please go ahead.
- Carissa Smith
Hi. My name is Carissa Smith. I'm with Days for Girls, and calling in strong support of SB 260. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we'll go to line 38. Please go ahead.
- Ameer Abdul
Hi. Ameer Abdul calling from PERIOD, the Menstrual Movement, in strong support.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And at this time, there's no others in queue.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Moderator, and thank you to all of those who provided witness testimony and support and called in. We're going to bring the discussion back to the Members. I want to thank you, Senator Menjivar, for bringing this forward. I know that there are several bills that are looking around equity and menstrual products through various aspects. You certainly have been able to garner a lot of support from all genders and all age groups. So I look forward to seeing more work around equity.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And I'm curious on the costs. And I know that you also sit on the Subcommittee and this would not be implemented until 2025, but being that you have a voice in policy as well as a voice in the budget, I encourage you to dive deeper into that to ensure that we're equitable, not only in how we create allotments in CalWORKs, but how we spend our tax dollars.
- Caroline Menjivar
Absolutely. And the 20 dollars, you know--we're looking for research around where to get that actual number, and we found one out of the National Organization for Women, but we set that as a baseline and definitely are open to further communication on that, especially through my Sub Three.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Great. Thank you. I'm going to open it up to other Members for questions or comments, please.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I just want to make a comment with regards to just commending the many nonprofits, social services that are provided within communities that actually make great effort in trying to collect these items and have them available to community members.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I know that as I've been touring my district these past two years, many of our organization nonprofits are actually very engaged in acquiring donations with regards to diapers, female products, personal hygiene, just in general, just personal hygienes along with gifts. I know we have a nonprofit in our area called Santa Claus Inc., who actually provides Christmas gifts to children in the communities, and along with that as well, they're huge on making sure that families have detergent and they have all of that.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
So I won't be supporting the bill this time around on that end, just because I personally have seen many, many other organizations within my community stepping up on that end and meeting those needs in my community, but I thank you for the efforts in moving this forward, and I know that our office has actually--we attempted it.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
We didn't hold it because we had Covid in our office, but in our holiday open house, we actually were collecting diapers along with female products for our local nonprofits to be able to give those to our community members. So we're very engaged in that process because we know that there is a need, but thank you for bringing this bill forward.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you. As someone who's worked in a nonprofit, and I have seen some of the work, never in my any times that I worked there did we serve a million people. Never. We each represent one million people, and all the nonprofits in my district can't come up together, wouldn't be able to come together and provide feminine hygiene products for one million people. So while I respect the nonprofits who do the work, the need is still there.
- Caroline Menjivar
And whether--we can visit 500 nonprofits and the need would still be there. We can visit them and see the great work that they're doing, but the need is still there. Just like we heard about hunger, it's the same thing here. I appreciate your comments, and we can definitely work more on it later.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Senator Wahab? Any comments or questions? Okay. Great. All right. Would you like to close, Senator?
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you so much. Well, first, I do want to give such a round of applause or just commend the youth that are here. They're not our future. They're our present. Thank you so much for partnering with me. It's the youth that you heard are really lifting this up, so I ask my colleagues to support this and ensure that the recipients of CalWORKs, one of our most low income communities in California, get this monthly allotment of 20 dollars to help and poverty. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Committee Secretary
File item one, SB 9, Cortese. The motion is do pass and re-refer to the Committee on Judiciary, with the Chair voting aye. [Roll Call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. Do we have a motion for SB 260? Thank you, Senator Wahab. The bill has been moved by Senator Wahab. Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Six: the motion is 'do pass and re-refer to the Committee on Governmental Organization.' [Roll Call].
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
So the bill is out. We have four zero votes. Thank you so much. We will now. Okay, we need a motion. Okay. We will now move to lift the calls. Okay, we have two items, Senate Bill 9 and Senate Bill 242. I'm sorry, go ahead.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
That bill is out five, zero.
- Committee Secretary
File item two, SB 242 by Senator Skinner. The motion is do pass and re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations, with the Chair voting aye. [Roll Call].
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
That bill is out five, zero. Okay, great. All right. Thank you so much. So congratulations to everybody for sticking with me on my first chairing of the Human Services Committee. And thank you, members of the public, as well, for your participation. And we now conclude our meeting of the Human Services Committee. Thank you.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: April 19, 2023