Assembly Standing Committee on Emergency Management
- Freddie Rodriguez
All right, we got a quorum. Well, good afternoon, folks. This is our first hearing of emergency management Committee. So with that, let's bring this hearing to order.
- Freddie Rodriguez
For those of you attending our Joint Hearing, appreciate your patience. Let's turn to today's agenda. Remind everyone from the ground rules for today's hearing. We seek to protect the rights of all who participate in the legislative process so that we can effective deliberation and decisions on the critical issues facing California. In order to facilitate these goals, we will not permit conduct that disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of the legislative process. At today's hearing, we will take public comments from those in the room.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Members of the public may submit testimony to the Committee at AEM.Assembly.Ca.Gov. First, establish a quorum. Committee Secretary, please take the role.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Freddie Rodriguez
We do have a quorum, so with that, looks like we do have a quorum. Our next order of business is adopting the Committee's rules. A copy of the Committee's rules were shared with your staff last month and a hard copy is in your binder. I would like to see if I have a motion and second approve the Committee's rules. We have a motion, a second motion by Mr. Alvarez, second by Assemblymember Curry. Hearing a motion, a second.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Secretary, please call the role in the motion to approve the Committee rules on.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Freddie Rodriguez
And I believe those are out. The Committee adopt rules have been adopted. Our next order business is consideration of the consent calendar. The following bills are on the consent calendar. AB 277 Rodriguez, AB 415. Rodriguez, AB 474. Rodriguez and Vice Chair Waldron. AB 570 by Gallagher. AB 609 by Assembly Member Pappen. Is there a motion do pass Committee appropriate motion a second by Assembly Member Alvarez. Second by Aglar Curry. Without the motion. I'm sorry, go back to the first one.
- Freddie Rodriguez
AB 277. The motion was do passed to the Committee on Water Parks and Wildlife. AB 415. The motion was do passed to the Committee on Communications Conveyance. AB 474 motion do pass the Committee on Public Safety. AB 570 by Gallagher. The motion is do pass to the Committee on Appropriations and AB 69. The motion do pass Committee on appropriations. So I believe there was a motion a second to approve the consent calendar. Secretary call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
AB 277. Motion is do pass to Committee on water, Parks and Wildlife. AB 415. Motion is to do pass to the Committee on Communications and conveyance. AB 474. The motion is do pass to the Committee on Public Safety. AB 570. The motion is do pass to Committee on appropriations. AB 607. The motion is do passed to the Committee on Appropriations [Roll Call]
- Freddie Rodriguez
And consent calendar has been approved. So next we have remaining item on our agenda, AB 267 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan. Assembly Member, when you're ready.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. I'm presenting AB 267 which updates the flammability standards for tents to a requirement to protect customers while no longer requiring chemical treatment. Fire retardant chemicals are known to be toxic to humans, especially young children who are exposed to their play tents as well as.
- Freddie Rodriguez
When you're ready, go ahead.
- Unidentified Speaker
Employer Marmot based in Rohnert Park, California. We are supporters of California... Association. And allows our industry to be more environmentally sustainable. As the Raw Materials Specialist for Marmot and a former product developer at Patagonia, it means as much to us on the brand side as it does to the consumer to make sure that our products are non-toxic and sustainable for our customers and the environment.
- Unidentified Speaker
While tents used to be made out of very flammable materials decades ago, today we manufacture tents made out of polyester and nylon. And the flame retardant standards are very outdated. Thank you so much for your time and allowing me to provide testimony today.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you. Is there anyone else in support? Is there anyone in opposition to this? Oh, you're in support?
- Freddie Rodriguez
Okay, when you're ready, go ahead.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Unidentified Speaker
Retailers Association in support. Thank you.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Anyone in support? Anyone else? Anyone opposition? Seeing none. Bring it back to the Committee. Any questions Committee Members? Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you for bringing this forward. I must admit I giggled when I saw this because I remember so clearly when we were kids, my dad had a big old canvas kit and he wrestled inside that thing for hours to try to get it out. And anyway, so I just love your Bill. Thank you very much.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Any other questions? Comments? Assembly Member, would you like any closing comments?
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
No. I respectfully as for your Aye vote.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you very much. I do have an Aye recco. So, Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call].
- Freddie Rodriguez
And it looks like that motion is out. Do pass to the Committee on Appropriations. Thank you, Assembly Member. And with that, we will hold the roll open for our missing Member for about another five minutes. And thank you all for being here on our first EM Committee hearing of the year.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Okay, Ms. Secretary, can you please open the roll on AB 267. Call the missing Member.
- Committee Secretary
AB 267. Schiavo?
- Pilar Schiavo
- Freddie Rodriguez
Okay. Now let's go back to the consent calendar. Our consent calendar is AB 277, Rodriguez, AB 415, Rodriguez, AB 474, Rodriguez, AB 570, Assembly Member Gallagher AB 609, Assembly Member Papan. Secretary, can you call the missing Member on consent calendar?
- Committee Secretary
Yes. AB 277 on consent. AB 415, do pass to Committee on Communications and Conveyance on consent. AB 474, do pass to Committee on Public Safety on consent. AB 570, do pass to Committee on Appropriations on consent. AB 609, do pass to Committee on Appropriations on consent. Schiavo?
- Pilar Schiavo
- Freddie Rodriguez
And with that, consent is out. One last one is adopting the Committee rules. So, Secretary, can you call the roll on our Committee rules for today's meeting?
- Committee Secretary
To adopt Committee rules. Schiavo?
- Pilar Schiavo
- Freddie Rodriguez
And with that, Committee rules have been adopted. And with that, I believe we have everything covered. And with that, that concludes today's hearing. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you. Thanks.