Assembly Floor
- Reading Clerk
Test. Test.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
The Assembly is now in session and Assemblymember Wood notices the absence of a quorum. The Sergeant at Arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. Clerk will call the role.
- Reading Clerk
Addis, Aguiar-Curry, Alanis, Alvarez, Arambula, Bains, Bauer-Khan, Bennett, Berman, Boerner, Bonta, Bryan, Calderon, Juan Carrillo, Wendy Carrillo, Cervantes, Chen Connolly, Dahle, Davies, Dixon, Essayli, Flora, Mike Fong, Vince Fong, Friedman, Gabriel, Gallagher, Garcia, Gibson, Grayson, Haney, Hart, Holden, Hoover, Irwin, Jackson, Jones-Sawyer, Karla, Lackey, Lee, Lowenthal, Maienschein, Mathis McCarty, McKinnor, Muratsuchi, Nguyen, Ortega, Pacheco, Papan, Jim Patterson, Joe Patterson, Pellerin, Petrie-Norris, Quirk-Silva, Ramos, Reyes, Luz Rivas, Rodriguez, Rubio, Sanchez, Santiago, Schiavo, Soria, Ta, Ting, Valencia, Villapudua, Waldron, Wallace, Ward, Weber, Wicks, Wilson, Wood, Zabur, Mr. Speaker
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. Today's prayer will be offered by Assemblymember Valencia. Mr. Valencia.
- Avelino Valencia
Good afternoon and welcome back. Please join me in prayer. Almighty God, as we return for the remainder of this legislative year, we ask that you grant the individuals of this Assembly the courage, wisdom, integrity and love to best serve the residents of California. Guide all Members, especially those tasked with new roles and responsibilities as we continue the good works we have been elected to do nurture within us a collaborative spirit as we progress towards resolving challenges with commitment, person, purpose and humility.
- Avelino Valencia
We ask, Heavenly God, that the values of dedication and righteousness flow through each Assembly team Member to support the works of this body. By the same token, we ask for our families and loved ones who continue to provide encouragement and support along our journeys. May the decisions we make as elected leaders serve as a catalyst for impactful change for the betterment of California. Few of the challenges our state faces are simple, but as a collective and through your divinity, none are insoluble. We thank you, God, for this responsibility and the opportunity to serve. And we all say amen.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Thank you, Assemblymember. Assemblymember Bonta will lead us in the pledge.
- Mia Bonta
Members, please join me in the flag salute.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members and guests, please remain standing for a special moment of silence. Members, over the past few days, we have all been shocked and saddened by the news of Maui Wildfires, one of the deadliest fires in US. History. This disaster has taken the lives of over 90 people and destroyed thousands of buildings.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Many people remain missing to show our sorrow and support for the victims of the Maui wildfires, I ask that we all observe a moment of silence. Thank you, Members reading of the days of the previous day's journal.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly chairman of Sacramento. Wednesday, June 28th, 2023. The Assembly met at 07:00 a.m. The Honorable Freddie Rodriguez
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mr. Bryan moves Mr. Gallagher seconds, and that the reading of the previous day's journal will be dispensed with presentations and petitions. There are none. Introduction in reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor, there are none. Messages from the Senate there are none. Moving to motions and resolutions, the absences for the day for legislative business, Assembly Member Nguyen for illness, Assemblymember Garcia. Majority Leader Brian you are recognized for procedural motions.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you. Madam Speaker, I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assemblymember Dixon to speak on adjournment in memory today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118 A to allow Assemblymember Schiavo and Joe Patterson to have a guest seated at their desk today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
Madam speaker, please remove the following items from the consent calendar. File item 108 SB 91 Umberg, at the request of Assemblymember Berner and file item 109 SB 256 Dodd at the request of the author. Madam Speaker, I request unanimous consent to suspend joint rule. 62 A the File Notice Requirement to Allow the Accountability and Administrative Review Committee to Hear SB 74 Dodd on Wednesday, August 16 at 01:30 p.m in room 437.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
Madam speaker, there is a letter at the desk relative to ACA f5 Low pursuant to Assembly Rule 42 C, I request unanimous consent to print the letter in the journal.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the orders. The House will be in order. Please take your seats. Our speaker has some remarks. Mr. Speaker, you are recognized.
- Robert Rivas
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Pro TEM and colleagues, I am honored to welcome you all back for the last month of the legislative year. Hope the time off was a busy time, a worthwhile time. As we all know that work doesn't end for us when we leave for recess. One of our colleagues came up to me and said it shouldn't be called recess because we get even more work when we go back home for a month.
- Robert Rivas
But certainly I don't need to tell you what's left on the horizon for the next month that we have here in Sacramento. We all know that we have a lot of work to do and hopefully not too many long nights ahead of us. Lastly, I get asked a lot about some priorities, and my top priority is working with each and every one of you to get your bills across the finish line.
- Robert Rivas
I'm excited, excited to work with all of you and ensure that we deliver over the next month for all of the residents of our state. And so with that thank you, Madam Speaker.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Moving on to guests. Assemblymember Wilson, you are recognized for your guest introduction.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you, Madam Speaker. On behalf of the California Legislative Black Caucus, it is my honor to acknowledge our California pioneers who have joined us today in celebration of the founding of hip-hop 50 years ago. At the time of its founding, hip-hop was met with vitriol from politicians. However, today, a host of politicians, community organizations and leaders have convened to honor the pioneers and architects of the hip-hop movement on the west steps of the Capitol. I hope you stop by.
- Lori Wilson
As well as this evening, the Black Caucus, in partnership with RIAA invites you to join us at 05:30 p.m. To 730 at Mixed Restaurant for a celebratory reception. We are going to have a good time and turn up with that. I would like to name a few of the pioneers we have with us today in the gallery. And we have a ton representing so many that half of them are outside and still waiting to rotate on the inside.
- Lori Wilson
So we have Joe Plato of the Recording Artists of America Association, there he goes. Dione Taylor, Corrine Bailey, Layla Steinberg, Lonzo Williams, Michael Latt, Mikhail Heyon Helen, Rory Kaufman, Jalen Justice, Perry Motts, Violet Brown, as well as King T, Arabian Princess. I'm sorry. Arabian Prince Excuse me? Arabian Prince. Let me get it right and Casual. We are so excited. Let's have all those who've come to support hip-hop, stand-up, please.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Assemblymember Wilson, Assemblymember Ortega, you are recognized for your guest introductions.
- Liz Ortega
Welcome back, Members. Excited to be here today in the gallery. We have some very special visitors and constituents from my beautiful District 20. Vanessa Rhodes grew up in the rough and tumble labor struggles of the Central Valley. Vanessa's parents fought alongside Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, raising standards and wages for the working people of her community. But today, just as if not more importantly, she is raising our next generation of strong women.
- Liz Ortega
And today she is here with two of my youngest and I would argue some of my cutest district constituents. Amelia Vera Sota, age six, and Amaya Violetta Sota, age four. Please join me in welcoming them.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Moving on. Let's recognize all the Members who celebrate a birthday over summer recess. We would like to wish a happy birthday belated birthday to the Assembly Members lori Wilson, heath Flora, Chris Holden, David Alvarez, megan Dolly, Christopher Ward, Cottie petrie north us, buffy wicks, and Wendy correo. Finally, Members, we had two weddings during the recess. Please join me in congratulating Assembly Members Rubio and Assembly Member wood. I know. And no, they didn't marry. Okay, we're moving to the business. On the daily file second reading, the. Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bills 233 with Amendments, 286 with Amendments, 410 with Amendments, 619 with Amendments, 283 with Amendments, 291, 531 with Amendments, 413 with Amendments, 46 with Amendments, 332 with Amendments, 725, 45 with Amendments, 478 with Amendments, 508 with Amendments, 335 with Amendments, 411 with Amendments, 598 with Amendments, 729 with Amendments, 88 with Amendments, 323 with Amendments, 509 with Amendments, 760 with Amendments, 427 with Amendments, 274 with Amendments, 76 with Amendments, 544 with Amendments, 747 with Amendments, 4 with Amendments, 423 with amendments, and Senate Bill 537 with Amendments.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
All bills will be deemed read and all amendments will be deemed adopted. Moving on, concurrence and Senate amendments Members, we are on file. Item 39 AB 1761 by Assembly Member Pellerin the Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1761 by the Committee on Elections and accolades to redistricting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you very much. Thank you, madam speaker and Members. Good afternoon. AB 1761 is an Assembly elections committee Bill that was introduced at the request of the California citizens redistricting commission to make minor changes to state law governing the operations of that commission. The Senate amendments added a provision to the Bill to make it clear that the commission can rotate the Members serving as chair and vice chair. Both the 2010 and 2020 commissions chose to rotate Members through those roles.
- Gail Pellerin
AB 1761 is supported by the California citizens redistricting commission, has no opposition, and has received unanimous bipartisan support throughout the legislative process. Thank you for your consideration, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on concurrence and Senate amendments. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, this is a 54-vote Bill. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Vote is aye, 58. No zero. The Senate amendments are concurred in. Members, we're moving to file number 41, AB 30. Assemblymember Ward. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 30 by Assemblymember Ward and others. Relate to atmosphere rivers.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Ward you recognize.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Assembly Bill 30 is back for concurrence and Senate amendments. The Senate amendments were clarifying technical in nature. This Bill will help us to optimize our water infrastructure in the state of California. Ask for your aye vote on concurrence and amendments.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll aye-64, no, zero. Senate amendments are concurred. In moving on to file number 42 I know we haven't seen each other for a while, but let's move this along. File number 42, AB 271. Assemblymember Quirk-Silva. Clerk will read.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 271 by Assembly Member Quirk-Silva and others in. Accolade of homelessness
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. You are recognized.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members. Assembly Bill 271 would allow not require counties to create a homeless death review committee. The information would assist policymakers and counties in identifying factors contributing to preventable deaths and help develop specialized prevention strategies. Senate amendments clarify the information the review committee can collect. AB 271 has enjoyed unanimous bipartisan support in both houses of the Legislature and has had no opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member. Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Aye 73, No, 0. Senate amendments are concurred. In moving to file number 47, AB 1686, Assembly Member Grayson.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1686 by Assembly Member Grayson and accolade in the ports and harbors.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Grayson. You are recognized.
- Timothy Grayson
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 1686 is back on concurrence. Senate amendments reduced the sunset date extension from 2033 to 2029. This Bill has no opposition and has received unanimous bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll aye 72, no zero. Senate amendments are concurred in third reading. All right, Members, we're going to third reading. Assembly bills. Assemblymember Kalra, file number 56, ACR 90. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 90 by Assembly Member Kalra and others relative to India's Independence Day.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, I rise to present ACR 90, which honors India's Independence Day, a holiday celebrated by Indian Americans to honor their heritage and pay tribute to the cultural and political significance of India's independence from Great Britain. On August 15, 1947, after years of nonviolent resistance to over 200 years of British colonial rule, India's first prime minister raised the Indian national flag and in doing so, gave rise to the world's largest democracy.
- Ash Kalra
As an independent nation, India was able to open up its economy and give way to an era of industrialization and prosperity that we all benefit from today. In fact, over the last couple of years, India surpassed Great Britain, their former colonizers, to become the fifth largest economy in the world. This has not only increased the quality of life of its own people, but that success also allowed many Indian Americans to immigrate to the United States leading to even more positive change and innovation here.
- Ash Kalra
California is home to the largest population of Indian Americans in the country, many of whom have made vast contributions to the tech, medical industry, service industry, agriculture industry, and various other business industries. Independence Day is one of India's most important national holidays and honors the country's embrace of freedom, tolerance, and justice, which has served as an inspiration and beacon of hope to people around the world.
- Ash Kalra
ACR 90 is an opportunity to honor the great contributions and deep connections so many of our community Members have to India's rich cultural history, celebrating that it is our diversity as a state that makes us stronger. As the first Indian American to serve in the history of the California Legislature, it is my privilege to recognize India's Independence Day for all Californians and celebrate our nation's shared values of democracy and fair representation as we work towards a more unified global community. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assemblymember Kalra. Assemblymember Reyes, you're recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I also rise in support of the 76th anniversary of the Indian independence which marks the end of the British rule in India. This independence movement was the culmination of 90 years of resistance, civil disobedience and armed conflict with the British Empire. Colonial rule was incredibly oppressive and we are still seeing the effects of colonization in the form of structural inequalities.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
The struggles and resistance of the Indian people, such as the early organization of religious groups that spread the message of freedom and independence include our Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim organizations who are essential in mobilizing the nationalist movement. These groups mirror the fights for independence Latin American countries fought for during the 18 hundreds against the Spanish Empire as we too had religious organizations call for independence, including the message from Father Hidalgo.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
In 2018, a delegation led by my colleague from San Jose visited the beautiful people and leaders throughout India, including our speaker and my colleague from Fullerton. I would be remiss not to mention the contributions of women to this historic movement. When Gandhi was arrested in 1930, it was Sarojini Naidu, a woman's emancipation and anti-imperialist activist who became the new leader of the movement. The women of India fought with true spirit and undaunted courage and faced various tortures, exploitations, and hardships to earn their freedom.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
As my colleague mentioned, he is the first Indian American to be elected to the California state Legislature and that was something that was applauded by many we visited in India and I applaud him today for that as well.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you Assemblymember Reyes, for those nice remarks. Assemblymember Kalra, would you like to close?
- Ash Kalra
I respectfully ask for an aye vote and certainly appreciate my colleague and would ask all to not just support ACR 90 but ask that the first role be open for co-authors. For those who would like to join on. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much. The Clerk will open the roll for co-authors. Members this is for co-authors. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, this is for co-authors. Clerk close the roll. Aye 70. Pardon me. 74 co-authors. We will take a voice vote on this resolution. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Ayes have it, resolution is adopted. All right, thank you very much, Mr. Kalra. Let's move on to let's see here file number 57. HR. 46, Assemblymember Ward, you are recognized. Clerk open.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Read the
- Reading Clerk
House resolution 46 by Assembly Member Ward relative to homeless service providers.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You are recognized. Assembly Member Ward.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, house Resolution 46 recognizes the month of November 2023 as Homelessness Awareness Month and shines a spotlight and commends the invaluable work, compassion, and dedication our service providers do every day to end homelessness in the State of California. Members, as you all know, an estimated 172,000 Californians are experiencing homelessness on any given night in our state, and this has been a 7% increase since 2020 due to the rise of rents and more Californians losing their homes.
- Chris Ward
During this time, we've relied heavily on our providers in both public and nonprofit organizations to do the hard work of connecting with individuals, building those relationships, and providing pathways to stability and housing. These groups play vital roles in implementing programs such as Project Roomkey and Homekey, which provided shelter and safety during one of the most challenging periods in our state's history.
- Chris Ward
Now, as we move past the pandemic and these particular programs expire, we continue to rely on service providers as direct responders to our homelessness crisis for outreach, for street medicine, food assistance, benefit enrollment, rapid rehousing, veterans programs, housing, navigation, and more. And despite our budget challenges this year, we sought to prevent cuts to these jobs and programs necessary to tackle this crisis.
- Chris Ward
Still, providers often struggle with strained operating budgets and increases in the cost of living, leading many of those and their dedicated staff to struggle financially and sometimes pushed to the brink of homelessness themselves. Turnover can be high under these conditions, making it difficult for clients to again. Build trust
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Excuse me, Mr. Ward.
- Chris Ward
Yes, ma'am.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I would like to make sure people are paying attention. I appreciate what you're sharing with us today. So, Members, if we could all take a deep breath for a minute, we'd like to finish with Mr. Ward. Thank you.
- Chris Ward
Assembly Member thank you, Madam Speaker. I appreciate that attention. As I was saying, turnover can be extremely high under some of these conditions. It makes it difficult for clients to be able to build that trust, and the replacements would take additional time to become familiar with some of their assignments, and we should do better. HR. 46 joins the federal government in recognizing Homelessness Awareness Month in the month of November.
- Chris Ward
But more importantly, it provides recognition to the individuals, providing resilience, compassion, dedication, and dignity to those most vulnerable among us. This recognition should encourage further action to provide sufficient support and resources to ensure that their work is appreciated and that there is stability to better produce more effective outcomes. For these reasons, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on HR. 46.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member. Assembly Member Jackson. You recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. I rise in support of HR. 46. Many times we think about those who are homeless or unsheltered as being homeless and then going right into a home or a shelter, not understanding all the hard work that it takes for that to even happen. In between a whole process of being able to identify being able to be a trusted messenger and gain the trust, assess the various needs of the population and then hopefully walking them through a series of services.
- Corey Jackson
A series? Of agreements necessary to ensure that not only are they in the right placement, but ensuring that they are also familiar with all the different services that are available to them, so that once they are sheltered that they can also continue on their journey to upward mobility.
- Corey Jackson
And so, indeed, the work that those who are working, walking the streets, those are the community health workers, the social workers, the street teams who are truly doing the hard work, the arduous work of dealing with some of our most troubled populations in California. So we owe them a debt of gratitude, and they are truly doing God's work in doing so. And we thank them.
- Corey Jackson
And we should be thanking them even more and more frequently for the great work that they're doing for the state of California and the communities that they reside in. Thank you very much, Madam Speaker.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much. Assembly Member Jackson. Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. You are recognized.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. Today I rise to support HR. 46. Many of you know that I have spent many years now working on homelessness. In fact, before I was even elected to the State Assembly in the city of Fullerton, a homeless schizophrenic man was killed on the streets of Fullerton. This is well before the housing crisis and all of the homeless had started, which was well over a decade ago.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
The outrage of seeing the photo of this schizophrenic, mentally ill man on our streets that was beaten to death propelled me not only to work towards finding solutions for homelessness, but even personally. Many of us have been touched. Many of us have been touched by family Members that have suffered from sobriety issues. And even more, some of you know the story of my brother Billy, who died on the streets of Orange County. This is the crisis of our lifetime, and it is challenging.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
And solutions sometimes seem far off and unattainable. But we cannot accept thousands of people sleeping on the streets and dying on our streets. And these navigators, these connectors, these mentors, and even friends that work as service providers for homeless individuals, in fact, save lives. And for that I am grateful. But we must do more. And we must not walk by when we see homeless encampments with disgust and disdain. We must stand up and stand tall and say, what else can we do?
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
I know that there's questions about the money that's been spent, but the question for all of us is how do we accept thousands? And in Orange County, one of the wealthiest communities, almost 40 individuals dieing a month? With that, I ask for your support on HR 46.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. Seeing no other debate or discussion, Assembly Member Ward, would you like to close?
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I want to thank my colleagues from Fullerton and Marino Valley for their articulate and wonderful additive thoughts. Members, as we are on legislative recess, of course, during November, remember that the work that is being done out there and the direct engagement that we can also provide in our districts can help solve this crisis.
- Chris Ward
Some of the district activity we could be focused on includes spending a day with these outreach workers walking in their shoes, visiting a supportive housing project to actually talk to clients and learn how they were successful, organizing local philanthropy to enhance food services or other resources or more. And most importantly, November is a very good time to take in that experience and think about what we can do better through policy and through budget that can be brought back to this body in 2024 through HR 46.
- Chris Ward
Please join me in celebrating the work that these organizations do and recognize the individual team Members who make it all possible. I would respectfully ask that the first role be open for coauthors.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member. Clerk will open the roll. This is for co authors. Members, this is for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk, close the roll. ayes 74 co authors, we will now take a voice vote on this resolution. All those in favor, say aye. Aye. Opposed? Seeing none ayes have it. The resolution is adopted. Thank you very much. Assembly Member, I believe you have guests in the gallery today. Would you like to do your introduction?
- Chris Ward
Yes. Thank you, Madam Speaker. In coordination with HR 46, I've invited special guests into the chamber, some service providers who represent the thousands of Californians doing the direct response work out in our communities. By way of example, for all of them, I just wanted to highlight a few directly above me.
- Chris Ward
Teresa Olivus, who began social work when she went to Volunteers of America to help at the Women's Residential Program with children in 2018, and then became a navigator with the Downtown Sacramento Partnership to interact directly with clients and today provides regional support with El Hogar, community services at the guest House homeless programs.
- Chris Ward
Crystal Sheffield, who in 2008 began volunteering at Francis House Center, a program that serves disadvantaged populations and continues on with the Downtown Sacramento Partnership for five years, providing outreach services until she joined the Federal Defender's Office. Vernon Mczek, who has spent the last five years performing outreach as a case manager and employment specialist with the Downtown Streets Team, earning the trust of those experiencing homelessness to help them attain housing, employment and reach self sufficiency.
- Chris Ward
And for my district representatives of Past San Diego, which started as a group providing food and clothing distribution and are now pioneers for the housing first model of assistance. Having ended homelessness for more than 9000 people by connecting them to permanent homes and services in 150 cities, each one of them, and others like them are working hard to end homelessness in California. Let us thank all of them for the work that they do every day in our communities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much. We are now moving at file number 59, ACR 3. Assembly Member Dixon Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Concurrent resolution 93 by Assembly Member Dixon relative to the Marion Burgerson Memorial Bridge.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Dixon, you are recognized.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, I rise today to present Assembly Concurrent Resolution 93. ACR 93 recognizes the accomplishments and dedication of former California legislator, secretary of Education, and my dear friend, Marian Bergeson. Marian Bergeson was born August 30, 1925, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and at age three months, her family moved to Westwood, California, where she grew up. She attended UCLA and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education.
- Diane Dixon
Marian began her lifelong endeavor to improve education as a teacher in the city of Santa Monica, then her family moved to Orange County in 1958. Marian was elected to the Newport Mesa Board of Education in 1964, and she was served four terms. The California School Boards Association established the Marian Burgeson Award in 1974, which is presented annually to district trustees throughout the state who promote public education through their governing board service and community efforts.
- Diane Dixon
Marian was elected in 1978 to serve in the Assembly, where she served three terms. I met Marian shortly after her election and began my decades-long admiration of her. In fact, Marian was the first person I talked to when deciding to run for my first elective office for the Newport Beach City Council. Marian was elected in 1984 to serve in the Senate, where she also served three terms and served as Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Local Government.
- Diane Dixon
And I believe Marian was the first Member to serve both in the first woman Member to serve in both the Assembly and the State Senate. The Marian Bergeson Elementary School in the city of Laguna, Niguel, was named in Marian's honor in 1986, as was the Marian Bergeson Aquatics Center in Newport Beach. Marian won the Republican nomination for and ran for Lieutenant Governor of California. In 1990, she was elected to the Orange County Board of supervisors, with more than 98% of the vote in 1994.
- Diane Dixon
Governor Pete Wilson appointed Marian as the Secretary for Education in 1996. In 1999, outgoing Governor Wilson and incoming Governor Gray Davis support appointed Marian to the State Board of Education. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Marian to the California Transportation Commission in 2004 and again in 2008.
- Diane Dixon
Marian's accolades include, but are not limited to, the University of California Irvine Medal in 2003, the National Conference for Community Justice, Humanitarian of the Year in 2000, women of the Year from the Assembly in 1997, lifetime achievement from the Senate in 1997 and the Orange County Bar Association's Liberty Bell Award in 1989. The Marian Bergeson Excellence in Public Service Leadership series was created in her honor to foster the development of future state leaders.
- Diane Dixon
We cannot conclude Marian's life story without mentioning her seven skydiving adventures, the last one taken on her ninetieth birthday, that demonstrated Marian's indomitable, courage, spirit, and determination. She even convinced I understand former state Senator Bill Leonard to join her once and other Members of the State Transportation Commission. They jumped only once, though, and she jumped seven times when she was over 80. Marian passed away in Newport Beach on July 6, 2016, a month before her 91st birthday.
- Diane Dixon
She was survived by her husband, Garth, who passed in 2019, three children, Garth Jr. Julie, and James, and eleven grandchildren. In recognition of Marian Bergeson's service to the State of California, Orange County and Newport Beach, it is fitting to designate the north arm of the Newport Bay Bridge in her honor.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much, Assembly Member Dixon.
- Diane Dixon
To introduce my guests, if I may. So thank you. Madam speaker Okay.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Essayli. You're recognized.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you. I just want to rise in strong support of my colleague's resolution honoring Ms. Marian Bergeson. Ms. Marian Bergeson had a distinguished and long career, one that started at her local school board level, where she was elected in 1964 in Newport Mesa. Ms. Bergeson was a strong advocate for parental rights, both at the local district level as well as within this body in the State Assembly.
- Bill Essayli
And we need more leaders like Marian Bergeson, both at local government and in state government leaders throughout our state and school board, like Sonia Shaw with Chino Valley School Board, and parents from Freedom Angels who are here today. So thank you so much, and I am strong support of this.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much. Assemblymember Dixon, would you like to close?
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. In honor of Marian Bergeson, we have her daughter, Julie Bergeson McCormick, with us today. She is rising in the back on the downstairs gallery.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member, before you go further, we have to make sure we vote on it first. That's okay. We all do it okay. Would you like co-authors?
- Diane Dixon
Yes, I'd like to ask for your aye vote respectfully. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much.
- Diane Dixon
And co-authors as well. Thank you
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, this is for co-authors. Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is for co authors, Members. Clerk close the roll. Aye 60 excuse me. Pardon me. 64 co-authors. Excuse me. We will now open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Aye 65. No, zero. Assemblymember would you like to introduce your guests now?
- Diane Dixon
Thank you so much. Yes. I'm very honored to recognize Julie Ferguson McCormick, who's in the back of the gallery with us today. Julie has followed in her mother's footsteps and has been a teacher and administrator for 38 years in the Newport Mesa Unified School System. Also sitting with Julie is former Assemblywoman Sunny Mojane, and we welcome her back to the Assembly. For Sunny. There's the two of them there. Thank you very much. Sonny served in the Assembly from 1982 to 1990. Thank you, Madam Speaker.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member Dixon. Members, without objection, we will return briefly to motions and resolutions for a motion by Assembly Member Hart. Mr. Hart, you are recognized.
- Gregg Hart
Thank you. Madam Speaker, I request unanimous consent to rescind the action whereby, on June 29, 2023, SB 477 by the Senate Housing Committee was read a third time urgency clause adopted and was passed to the Senate. Please order the Bill to the inactive file without objection.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Such shall be the order back on the business on the daily filed, we will now go back to third reading. File number 64, SB 417.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 417 by Senator Blakespear and others in accolading the firearms.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Member Irwin, you are recognized.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you, Madam Speaker, I'm pleased to present SB 417 on behalf of Senator Blakespear this modifies existing signage already required in gun stores. SB 417 will inform potential purchasers of firearms to be aware of the risks of suicide, death, and injury, and ideally take steps to safely store their firearm. This Bill is supported by Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action. The Brady Campaign and every Town for Gun Safety. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote on this measure.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
See no debate or discussion. Assembly Member would you like to close?
- Jacqui Irwin
Just ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes, 53. No. Zero. Motion passes. Measure passes. All right, moving on. File number 80, SCR 17.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Senate Concurrent Resolution 17 by Senator Dodd relative to Artificial Intelligence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Low You are recognized.
- Evan Low
Thank you very much. Madam speaker, colleagues, allow me to present this SCR on behalf of Senator Dodd, which reaffirms California's commitment to our rights with respect to artificial intelligence outlined by President Biden's. Commitment ensuring consumer protection respectfully asks where aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Would you like co authors? We will open the roll for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Aye 60 knows. Close the roll. Excuse me. Clerk close the roll. We have 60 co authors voice vote. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed seeing none. Measure passes. Moving on to file number 94, SB 280. Senator Maienschein Clerk will read for amendments.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 280, with amendments biased only. Member Maienschein.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Summary Member Maienschein, you may start.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you. Madam speaker and Members, I rise on behalf of Senator Laird to present amendments to SB 280. These amendments are technical in nature and come as recommendations from the Judicial Council in order to address inconsistencies in the language that would cause unintended consequences. These amendments clarify and specify that delivery is to be performed by the conservator and to use the term delivery consistently in connection with the care plan. Thank you and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much. Assembly Member seeing no debate or discussion, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk close the roll. Aye 65. No zero amendments are adopted and out to print and back on file file number 98 SB 862.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 862 by Senator Laird and accolade in the taxation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you. Thank you. Madam speaker and Members, I rise on behalf of Senator Laird to present Senate Bill 862. The county cities and special districts of Santa Cruz County have expended their local transaction and use tax capacity, which is currently set at 2%. The Bill will allow Santa Cruz County voters to decide if the county should raise the combined tax rate limit above 2% for the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District called Metro.
- Gail Pellerin
With this additional tax capacity, Santa Cruz Metro would go to the ballot in November 2024 to pursue a half percentage increase in the transaction and use tax. The revenue generated would be used to support Metro's para cruise service and fixed route service and move the agency to fiscal solvency. I respectfully ask for your aye vote on Senate Bill 862. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Assembly Member Pellerin seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 48, No's 15. Measure passes. All right, Members, we are moving to the consent calendar. Before we vote, we will first take up resolutions on the consent calendar for the purpose of adding co-authors. The Clerk will read the resolutions on the consent calendar.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent Resolution 87 by Assembly Repertoire and others relative to Surf City, USA. Interchange. Assembly. Concurrent resolution. 92 by Assembly Representative Schiavo relative to Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Hagoff Jake Cargian memorial highway Assembly concurrent resolution 103 by Assembly Member Vince Fong and others relative to Valley Fever Awareness Month, a semicondurrent resolution 104 by Assembly Member Low relative to hepatitis. A semicondurrent resolution 105 by Assembly Member Berman and others relative to aromatic l amino acid decarboxylase deficiency awareness.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 96 by Assembly Member Hoover relative to the 23 Salamar AI principles. Senate concurrent resolution 21 by Senator Archuleta and others, relative to energy Senate concurrent Resolution 31 by Senator Laird and others, relative to the concho ashian Memorial Highway. Senate Concurrent Resolution three by Senator Hun relative to veterans Senate Concurrent Resolution 78 by Senator Neo and others relative to June dairy muff and sending Concurrent Resolution 24 by Senator Bradford and others relative to Cobalt mining
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk, will open the. Roll to allow any Member to add on as a co author to the resolutions. Members, this vote is for co authors. All Members who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. There are 67 co authors moving to a vote on the consent calendar. Does any Member wish to remove an item from the consent calendar? Seeing none and hearing none, the Clerk will read the second day consent calendar.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 87 by Assembly Member Ta and others relatives of the Serf City USA interchange,
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
the Clerk will open the. Roll on the consent calendar. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll, tally the vote. Aye 70 no zero. The consent calendar is adopted. The Clerk will read the remaining items on the consent calendar.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 92
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 103
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 104
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 105
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Assembly concurrent resolution 96
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 16
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 21
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 25
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 31
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate Senate Bill 699
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 3
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 78
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
Senate concurrent resolution 57
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Reading Clerk
And Senate concurrent resolution 24
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Aye 70, No 0
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, without objection, the quorum call is still in place. Please remain seated. We will now be moving to adjournments in memory. Please give your respectful attention to those who were granted prior permission to speak on enduretment in memory. Assemblymember Dixon, you are recognized.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. It is with great sorrow that I rise today to adjourn in memory of lifetime Orange County resident Martha Lydick. Martha passed away on Wednesday, June 7, at the age of 81. She grew up in Norwalk, and moved to Orange County and became a pillar of the Laguna Beach community. As a devoted leader for 32 years, she served as the President of the Friends of Laguna Beach Library.
- Diane Dixon
Martha additionally created the Friends of the Library Foundation and the Friends of Literacy and Library Foundation. Together, these foundations brought books to those who could not access a library. She poured her heart and soul into promoting literacy, education and a love of reading. When the county declared bankruptcy in 1994, closing the doors of many libraries, Martha organized fundraisers called Books by the beach to keep the Friends of Laguna Beach Library open for six days a week.
- Diane Dixon
She also served as President of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association for many years. She tirelessly advocated for transparency, accountability and efficiency. She dedicated her life to the community and touched many individuals with her kindness, empathy, and willingness to help. She brought books to those who needed them most and improved Laguna Beach for all. She has survived by her son Chip, his wife, Eden, and her two grandsons, Arden and Vaughn, as well as her many, many close friends in the community and book lovers across the county.
- Diane Dixon
Please join me in adjourning in the memory of Martha Lydeck, who will be greatly missed. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Assembly Member Dixon Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed red and printed in the journal. The session schedule is as follows tuesday, August 15, check in session. Wednesday, August 16, check in session. Thursday, August 17, floor session at 09:00 a.m.. All other items remaining will be passed and retained. All motions will be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business, I am ready to entertain a motion to adjourn.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mr. Bryant moves and Mr. Flora seconds that the House stands adjourned until Thursday, August 17, at 09:00 a.m.. The quorum call is lifted. The house is adjourned.
- Committee Secretary
Soria vote change. SBA 62 aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Soria Senate Bill 862, aye to not voting.
No Bills Identified