Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary
- Thomas Umberg
You welcome the public for in person and via teleconference participation for individuals wishing to provide public comment. Today's participant number is 877-226-8143, and the access code is 736-2835. We're holding this Committee hearing in the state Capitol. I ask all Members of the Committee to make themselves present in room 113 so we can establish a quorum and begin our hearing. Actually, let's call the role for establishment of the quorum. Madam Secretary.
- Committee Secretary
Umberg here. Wilk present. Allen present. Ashby here. Caballero. Duraso here. Laird. Min here. Niello Here. Stern. Wiener. You have a quorum.
- Thomas Umberg
All right, thank you. I want to note that we will allow two witnesses in support and two witnesses in opposition. Each witness will get two minutes to speak. If the support and opposition witnesses have spoken, we'll hear from all the metoos in the hearing room, and then we'll turn to phone testimony. We will hear from both support and opposition in the phone testimony. At the same time. There'll be a 15 minutes limit on phone testimony.
- Thomas Umberg
For those on the phone, please limit your testimony to your name, your affiliation, your position. If you wish to further expand on your position, you can submit a letter to the Committee using one of the methods described on the Judiciary Committee's website. Today, we have only one Bill, SB 35. And I'm going to turn over the Chair to our esteemed Vice Chair, Senator Wilk.
- Scott Wilk
As again, as mentioned by the Chair, we have one Bill today, SB 35, to be presented by Senator Umberg. So whenever you're comfortable, please begin.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mr. Chair. SB 35 concerns itself with care. Court. It simply makes some amendments so that Care Court can function with the same mission and purpose that it was intended. In particular, it provides that health records can be provided to certain individuals, including the judge, if necessary so that the court can order adequate medication and perhaps other treatment. Urge an aye vote.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, sir. Do we have any lead witnesses in support? Any other witnesses in support in the room? Seeing none. We'll move to lead witnesses in opposition, seeing none. Any opposition witnesses that want to add a me too. Seeing none. Moderator let's turn to the phones. And at this time, we will take all witnesses, both pro and con, for SB 35.
- Committee Moderator
If you would like to testify in support or opposition to SB 35, please press 10. At this time. It and we do have one person queuing up it'll just be a moment, please, while we provide them with their line number. All right. And now we will hear from line 14. Please go ahead.
- Jolie Onodera
Thank you. Good morning. Jolie Onodera with the California State Association of Counties calling in support. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no further comments at this time.
- Scott Wilk
Mr. Moderator, I want to thank you for your yeoman effort today, pulling it back.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Back to Committee. Any questions, comments, concerns?
- MarĂa Elena Durazo
I'll move the item.
- Scott Wilk
Okay. The item has been moved. Senator, Umberg, you may close.
- Thomas Umberg
I want to thank the Committee and urge and aye vote well done.
- Scott Wilk
Secretary if we can call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
This is file item number one, SB 35. The motion is that the Assembly amendments be concurred in Umberg aye. Wilk aye. Allen aye. Ashby aye. Caballero aye. Durazo aye. Laird. Min aye. Niello aye. Stern aye. Wiener aye. Nine to zero.
- Scott Wilk
All right. Nine to zero.
- Thomas Umberg
Let me ask if we just keep the roll open for a few moments for Senator Laird.
- Scott Wilk
He's not coming.
- Thomas Umberg
Not coming. All right. Never. Okay. I don't know why I suggested that. All right.
- Scott Wilk
With that?
- Thomas Umberg
What? Announce the vote.
- Scott Wilk
I did announce the vote.
- Thomas Umberg
You can what?
- Scott Wilk
Yeah, I see that.
- Thomas Umberg
All right. Thank you. Okay. Thank you very much, Members. Thank you. Well.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion:Â Â September 14, 2023
Previous bill discussion:Â Â September 7, 2023