Assembly Floor
- Chris Ward
The Assembly is now in session. Assembly Member Flora notices the absence of a quorum. Sergeant in arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call]
- Chris Ward
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and our visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the pledge. Today's prayer will be offered by our Assembly chaplain, Imam Yasir Khan. Imam Yasir.
- Mohammad Khan
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful, Almighty God, we ask that you pour out your blessings on our state this day. May these Assembly Members who are called here today as representatives of the people of the state be given an inspired vision of the common good, and may they meet the challenges they face with resolve and righteousness.
- Mohammad Khan
May your Grace bestow upon the Members of the State Assembly a lively hope and the virtues of justice, wisdom, and compassion, that they are instrumental in making this world a better place. We pray that their work will contribute to the flourishing of the state for generations to come. Amen.
- Chris Ward
We ask that you remain standing and join us in the flag salute. Please join us in Member Maienschein as he leads us in the pledge.
- Brian Maienschein
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation.
- Chris Ward
Thank you. You may be seated. Reading of the previous day's Journal .
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Chamber, Sacramento Wednesday, May 17, 2023 the Assembly met at 07:00 a.m. The Honorable Juan Carrillo, Assembly Member, 39th District, Presiding Chief .... at the desk,
- Chris Ward
Mr. Gallagher. Seconds of the reading of the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions, there are none. Introductions and references of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor There are none. Messages from the Senate? There are none. Moving to our motions and resolutions, the absences for the day will be deemed read and printed in the journal and Majority Leader Reyes, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assembly Members of Essayli, Lackey and Friedman to speak on an adjournment in memory today
- Chris Ward
Without objections Such shall be the order.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118 A to allow Assemblymember Ramos to have guests and photographers on the floor today and for Assembly Members Soria and Nguyen to have a guest seated at their desk.
- Chris Ward
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 42 C, I request unanimous consent to allow Assemblymember Ramos to print two letters in the journal regarding his AB 341,
- Chris Ward
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I request unanimous consent to withdraw ACR Waldron from the Appropriations Committee and order the resolution to the first day consent calendar. The resolution is no longer fiscal
- Chris Ward
Without objections that shall be the order.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 96. I request unanimous consent to re refer the following bills to Committee SB 429 Bradford from the Utilities and Energy Committee to the Communications and Conveyance Committee SB 558 Rubio from the Public Safety Committee to the Judiciary Committee SB 569 Glazer from the Revenue and Taxation Committee to the Elections Committee and SB 610 Wiener, from the Utilities and Energy Committee to the Natural Resources Committee and Local Government Committee
- Chris Ward
without objections. That shall be the order.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
At the request of the author, please remove item 14, SB 448 Becker from the consent calendar, and at the request of Assemblymember Jackson, please remove item 56, SB 698 Wilk from the consent calendar.
- Chris Ward
Clerk will note and Assemblewoman Addis, you are recognized at your desk for your guest introductions.
- Dawn Addis
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I'm incredibly proud today to have special guests in the gallery from my own district and my own County of San Luis Obispo. These are people who spend their waking hours caring for California's future by providing rigorous, culturally relevant and affirming education to elementary school children at two Spanish English dual immersion schools, Pacheco elementary and Baywood elementary, in San Luis Obispo County.
- Dawn Addis
So, Members, of note is that today we have both teachers and school administrators from one of California's oldest Spanish English dual immersion schools, Pacheco elementary, and one of California's newest Spanish English dual immersion schools, that these educators and I work tirelessly to get up and running, Baywood Elementary. So I'm proud to share that Baywood elementary recently received over a $400,000 grant to grow its dual immersion program, the largest grant given for expanding bilingual education thus far.
- Dawn Addis
And as you know, Members, I come to this Legislature as special education and dual immersion educator. But what you may not know is that I served in that capacity with the very folks in this gallery today until December 4, the day before my swearing in. So, colleagues, as you have welcomed me with open arms as a new Member, I hope you will help me in welcoming these teachers and principals of San Luis Coastal Unified School District's Spanish English Dual Immersion language programs. Thank you so much.
- Chris Ward
Thank you. Ms. Addis and Assembly Member Holden, you're recognized at your desk for your guest introductions.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm proud to recognize in the gallery today the young legislators from the 41st Assembly District. This is a program that we started eight years ago. And so this has the 8th anniversary of having young people, high school seniors in the 41st District, go through a four month program that teaches them about public engagement and advocacy. And we concluded by bringing them to Sacramento.
- Chris Holden
They've had an opportunity to make their way through the Silicon Valley over the previous few days, but they're here today to be able to see in person how the system works and how their government works. And these are the young leaders of the future. And I ask you to recognize them today and welcome the young legislators from the 41st Assembly District.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Mr. Holden. Welcome to the California Assembly. And Assemblywoman Soria, you're recognized at your desk for your guest introductions.
- Esmeralda Soria
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And Members, I am super excited and honored to have two of my family Members join me this morning. They came up yesterday to come and visit the work that I do here in Sacramento. They are from Florida, and so they are my in laws. And so I have Mike Thaler and Jenny Kellicott here visiting. And so I want to welcome them to the state Capitol and thank them for making the travel to be here to see the important work that happens in this chamber. So if you can help me welcome them here today.
- Chris Ward
And Members, we have a few birthdays to announce coming up tomorrow, Friday, June 3. Let's wish an early Happy birthday to Assemblymember Juan Carrillo. And over this weekend, we're going to have a happy birthday on Sunday, June 25, for Assemblymember Gipson.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, we will now move to honoring a retiring staffer of our Assembly community. Assembly Member Ramos, you are recognized in the rear of the Chamber for the Resolution Presentation to our Assembly minutes Clerk, Amy Leach.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Madam Speaker and all those on the floor. The Legislature Today I rise to honor and say thank you to our minute Clerk, Amy Leach, the longest serving staff person serving at the Assembly desk. Give her a round of applause there. The minute Clerk is responsible for keeping an accurate record of all the members'votes, on the floor and in committees and recording every official action of the Assembly.
- James Ramos
Amy has contributed not only 31 years of service to the Assembly, but also established new procedures to improve service and accuracy. She restructed Assembly publications to improve search functions, consistency, and reduction in publication cost. That was important because during her impressive career, she delivered more than 4000 history and journal publications four days a week over 16 legislative sessions. Amy also delivered final history and final journal publications totaling more than 80,000 pages.
- James Ramos
During her years in the Assembly, Amy has been recognized by receiving the 2015 Edward Burdick Memorial Scholarship and represented the Assembly and Office of the Chief Clerk before the American Society of Legislative Clerks and Secretaries. During her long, valuable, and deeply appreciated service, Amy has made significant and lasting contributions for the public good in our State of California. She has served with integrity, dedication, and friendship. We wish her and her wife, Bernadette McNulty, joy as Amy begins her new chapter in her life. On behalf of my colleagues and your fellow staff Members, please accept our sincerest thanks and best wishes and thank you most of all, Amy, for your service to the State of California.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Assembly Member Ward, you're recognized.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Madam Speaker, and I rise today as the Vice Chair of the LGBTQ Caucus and as Speaker Pro Tem to Congratulate Amy Leach on her retirement. She's been an exemplary leader for 31 years, serving the people of California and a dedicated public servant in the Assembly's chief clerk's office. And regardless of her role over the years, Amy's always strived to improve the efficiency and the accuracy of her work.
- Chris Ward
She's someone who is creative, who loves to share her expertise, and who has left a lasting legacy in this institution for those who work alongside her and those who will follow her in the years to come. She started here in 1992 as an engrossing and enrolling Clerk, helping to proofread version after version of the budget late into the night.
- Chris Ward
Her efforts early in the career have helped to build the foundation for our modern system, ensuring that both our staff and the public have timely and accurate legislative information at their fingertips. And you've heard about the 80,000 pages of the final history and final journal that she's been able to have for more than 4000 publications, 16 legislative sessions. She's processed 22,000 floor votes. This is an incredible amount of wealth that she's been able to give back and make sure that our record is preserved immemorium.
- Chris Ward
The State of California has greatly benefited from Amy's integrity, dedication and friendship throughout her years of service. And I'm excited to extend all the recognition for her many exceptional achievements and for exemplifying the character and competence that marked the best of our staff. I'm sure she's got a lot of stories from serving at the Assembly desk under 13 different speakers for a number of history making debates and policy discussions, including the early years of domestic partnership debates.
- Chris Ward
And I'm proud that in the years since, our state has championed equality and progress. And after 31 years, Amy, we congratulate you on your dedication to this institution, to your colleagues, and to your work. She has consistently raised the bar and implemented improvements to our history here in the Assembly. And I join my colleagues here today in thanking her and wishing her well in retirement.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Assemblymember Bauer Kahan, you are recognized.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I just wanted to rise. Many of you know, I spent three years presiding over this esteemed body and through some of the darkest days of the pandemic. And Amy sat up there, and I think a lot of days we came in here and we voted, and we don't pay much attention to what is happening at the desk.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And those of us that have the privilege of presiding over this body see every day the work that goes into making sure that this place runs smoothly, that our votes have integrity, and that everything we do works the way the people of California want to. And Amy is an absolute example of the incredible work of the desk. And I had the privilege of seeing it and working with her, always with a smile, even on her hardest days when she came in.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And it wasn't easy for her to get here. She was here serving us, serving the people. And I just want to express my incredible gratitude for her partnership over those three years. So thank you, Amy.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members and staff, you're all invited to a reception in Amy's honor upon adjournment of session in Capitol Room 317.
- Chris Ward
We are moving to business on the daily file. Second reading. The Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5, Senate Bill 728, 741, 722 with amendments 19. With amendments 651. With amendments 39, 275, 293, 437,421, 437, 448, 566, 748, 789,790, 835,829 with amendments 867 with amendments 225 with amendments 597 with amendments 477 with Amendments Seven 1713 and Senate Bill 769 with amendments all bills are deemed read.
- Chris Ward
All amendments will be deemed adopted. And on Senate, excuse me, on concurrence, we have one item for concurrence today. We're going to take a file item 29. This is AB 1151. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1151 by Assembly Member McKinnor an act relating to Community Colleges.
- Chris Ward
And Assembly Member McKinnor, you may open on Concurrence.
- Tina McKinnor
Good morning, Mr. Speaker and Members. AB 1151 updates parts of the Education Code to provide flexibility for community college governing boards to set fees associated with lease agreements at competitive amounts relative to the surrounding community. Senate amendments are clarified in nature and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Ms. McKinnor. Seeing no Members wishing to speak on the Bill, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close roll tally the votes. Ayes 68 noes zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Chris Ward
Next, we will take up item 36, HR 37. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
House Resolution 37 by Assembly Member Boerner and others relative to Title nine.
- Chris Ward
Assembly Member Boerner, you may open on the resolution.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. HR 37 would recognize the 51st anniversary of title nine protections against sex based discrimination in schools and would urge Californians to continue to work together to achieve its goals of more equal opportunities for our youth. Enacted in 1972, title nine prohibits sex discrimination, including discrimination based on pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender identity, and any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
- Tasha Boerner
HR 37 focuses on two main impacts of title nine on the lives of girls and women, opportunities for participation in athletics and greater protection against sexual harassment, assault abuse on college campuses. The promise of Title nine is that it guarantees educational equity for everyone, regardless of sex, gender identity or gender expression. While this law has increased opportunities for girls and women in academics, sports and other educational activities, it has not yet achieved the goal of full equality.
- Tasha Boerner
In a National Federation of State High School Association survey of athletics participation in the 201819 school year, girls accounted for 43% of all high school players. In the 1971 72 school years, girls made up 7% in high school athletics. HR 37 recognizes the strides that we have made since Title nine has become law and urges us to continue our fight for equal opportunities. I'd like the first role to be open for coauthors, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Chris Ward
Assemblymember Quirk-Silva, you are recognized.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise today to support HR 37 in commemoration of the 51st anniversary of the enactment of Title nine. Title nine of the Education Amendments of 1972 paved the way for equity in education, sports and everyday life. Bernice Sandler, the godmother of Title IX, afforded so many women and girls the right to equal opportunities in education. Members, I want to share a personal story going back to 1981, when I started high school.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
I had been a swimmer in junior high and wanted to play on the water polo team. Some of you may not realize that there was actually not a girls water polo team, so I wanted to play on a water polo team, which meant me asking to play on the boys water polo team. There were two other girls and myself who joined in, but the coach made us try out in front of all of the boys to see if we could actually swim.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Now, why would I want to join a water polo team if I couldn't swim? But the point is that I did indeed join the water polo team, and I played for two years in high school. I wasn't very good, but I kept at it. And that's the point of sports for people. You don't always win, but you stay at it. Because of title nine, I was able to fully participate in a sport that I loved.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Tennis star and living legend Billy Jean King notes that in 1971, before Title one, title ixed, only a dismal 1% of college athletic budgets went to women's sports and programs. Title IX has evolved over the years and has greatly expanded women's participation in collegiate athletics, as well as added protections against sexual harassment and assault. However, compliance with the law still remains an issue. While the law requires equity in facilities, benefits, and tournaments, women's sports continue to lag behind men's sports.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
In terms of support on our college campuses, sexual misconduct, violence, and violence continues to be a problem. Every individual deserves the right to an equal and safe educational experience. In California, we are not willing to go backwards. We will continue to fight for the rights of our female athletes, proactive and create campuses free of any form of sexual discrimination and harassment. I ask for your support on HR 37.
- Chris Ward
Assembly Member Waldron, you are recognized.
- Marie Waldron
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I rise in support of HR 37. This resolution recognizes title nine and supports the ongoing efforts towards equality and fair treatment for all students. Title nine emphasizes the importance of providing increased opportunities for girls and women in academic sports and other educational activities. As an athlete myself in high school, track and basketball, as well as college varsity, cross country and track. I know firsthand how important this recognition is.
- Marie Waldron
If it were not for title nine, we as young women would not have had the opportunities to experience scholastic sports and the valuable life lessons that it provides. The resources provided from title Nine gave myself and other young women the ability to be successful both in school and in life. Learning invaluable life lessons of teamwork, commitment, discipline and leadership. Title Nine continues to pave the way for more inclusive and equitable future. We should celebrate the progress we have made in the journey to achieve equality. I urgent an aye vote.
- Chris Ward
Assemblymember Bonta, you are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Thank you. I rise today in support of HR 37. I wasn't actually planning to speak on this, but on my way into Sacramento today, I got a brief opportunity to talk to my daughter Reina, who many of you know who have been following my and my partner's social media accounts, is in this moment playing soccer, professional soccer in Brazil.
- Mia Bonta
And I could only have about a five minute conversation with her because there was Bachata music playing in the background so loud that she couldn't actually have an opportunity to have a full conversation with me. And it made me miss her dearly. And it also made me think about her journey to play soccer as a professional player. I thought about those many, many days since the time she was two years old, being on the side of a soccer field with her and her teammates.
- Mia Bonta
And I thought about the experience that they had playing at the high school level, looking towards the collegiate level. And I remembered things like them not getting the preferred field time because they were the women's team and had to yield to the boys team. I remember that the equipment that they got was just a little less precious because they were the women's team and not the boys team.
- Mia Bonta
And I remember visiting with so many of them, these beautiful players who were going on to play for the US women's national team, to play professionally throughout their careers, to play collegiately. I remember being on so many of their college tours and being able to see distinctly the difference in the facilities, the resources, the coaching staff, everything. That was just a little less than for the women's teams versus the men's teams. And that's with the existence of title nine. Now, what would it be?
- Mia Bonta
Imagine a world where those beautiful young women at the collegiate level, as they were striving towards that incredible goal, actually felt like they had full equality. Full equality. Our girls, our young women would know from the time that they were 2 and 3 and 4 and 10 and 15, as they were deciding to go to practice instead of prom, that they were valued. So I rise today in full support of our striving to achieve absolute equality in Title IX for all of our women players across this country and certainly in this state.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Assembly Member Aguiar Curry. You are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
First of all, I'd like to thank Assembly Member burner for bringing this forward. I stand because we need to improve Title IX. There's a lot more work to do, and I get frustrated. Yes, we've done some wonderful things, and it's going to be great. And I really appreciate you bringing us forward to bring the light upon the things that we still need to do for women in our athletic departments.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I, too, have a daughter who played sports, but she was in the time when she was harassed and beat up and bullied. So there's a lot of good things that are coming out of Title IX. But I just want to state for the record, we can do better, and we need to continue to do better. There's audits being done throughout the State of California. CSU is doing some audits, personal audits. So with that Assembly Member, I really appreciate you bringing this to the forefront.
- Chris Ward
Seeing no other Members wishing to speak. Assembly Member Boerner, do you wish to provide further closing comments?
- Tasha Boerner
I respectfully ask for your. aye vote.
- Chris Ward
The Clerk will open the roll for co-authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. There are 70 co-authors. Without objection, we will take a voice vote on the resolution. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed say nay. The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted.
- Alex Lee
Members. Next, we will take up file item 39, HR 47 by Majority Leader Reyes. The Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
House Resolution 47 by Assembly Member Reyes and others related to Speaker Anthony Rendon Conference Room.
- Alex Lee
Madam Majority Leader Reyes, you may open.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members. I rise today to present HR 47, which dedicates State Capitol Room 317 in honor of our Assembly Speaker, Anthony Rendon. For more than seven years, Speaker Rendon has led our House, making him the second longest serving speaker of the Assembly in California history, second only to Willie Brown. I want to be clear, as many of you can imagine, this is not an easy task.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
As elected leaders representing our communities, being a leader amongst leaders is one of the most difficult tasks one can undertake. Speaker Rendon has done so with integrity, serving this House and its Members, and I know that California is better for it. There is no question that Speaker Rendon's tenure has been one of the most meaningful in California history.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
From a policy perspective, during his time as speaker, this body passed the nation's first statewide $15 minimum wage, extending California's climate change reduction goals, made a multibillion dollar investment in our state's transportation infrastructure, and so much more. From a procedural standpoint, his leadership has been transformative as the Assembly has implemented many seemingly common sense changes that we may take for granted.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Today for the Democratic caucus, he made sure to automate the production of the Democratic floor alert to make sure that Members and staff quickly received up to date information on bills coming to the Assembly floor across our House, he distributed the preseason document to all Members offices to provide context regarding the bills being brought up. This was sent to all Members of this body on both sides of the aisle. During his tenure, we also moved much of our work to issued iPads.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
We piloted and later enacted the Member portfolio application, Member Actions Portal, and position letter portal, making us one of the most modern legislative houses in the country. He has been a Speaker of many firsts. He appointed the first Buddhist chaplain in the Assembly history and the first Muslim chaplain in the history of the United States.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
He appointed the first women in Assembly history to serve as both Chief sergeant and Chief Clerk, and he is the first speaker to lead a House of a record breaking 62 Democrats. He has upheld the commitment that he made to empower chairs, giving decision making power back to policy Committee chairs and delegating many duties to his leadership team.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
To put this in perspective, over 75% of this legislative body, Republican and Democrat, has served under the leadership exclusively of Speaker Rendon up to today, meaning this era of empowered chairs is all we have ever experienced. This includes me. This has put Assembly Members in positions to be the leaders we were elected to be and has forever shaped this institution and its history.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I can continue on and on regarding how much Speaker Anthony Rendon has and continues to mean to the State Assembly, but I know this isn't what he likes to hear. So I will end by recognizing what I know is his proudest accomplishment during his speakership. And that is becoming father to his daughter, Vienna Lamb Rendon.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Speaker Rendon continues to serve this institution honorably, and he deserves to be recognized for years to come for the work he has done during his tenure as speaker, benefiting this House and the State of California. I request your. aye vote on HR 47, which would name Room 317, the Speaker Anthony Rendon Conference Room.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Speaker Pro Tem Ward. You are recognized.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am excited today to help rise and support HR 47 to honor the Speaker's legacy and accomplishments and thank him for his leadership by naming Room 317 in this building, the Speaker Anthony Rendon Conference Room.
- Chris Ward
I think it's a fair observation to many of us that our speaker doesn't do things to seek Recognition. In fact, I think we all know that he has really spent his time as seven years as a speaker to empower other Members, to allow them to be able to lead on so many of the issues that California faces.
- Chris Ward
But this resolution really mirrors something that is really special in this institution, that from time to time, we have the opportunity to be able to memorialize a speakership someplace in this building. We have a very special conference room here for Speaker Brown. We have a portico for Speaker Perez. We had a hearing room for Speaker Unruh. And hopefully we'll have that back when our new annex is rebuilt.
- Chris Ward
And so HR 47 allows us to not miss that moment as well, to make sure that the special opportunities that the longest serving speaker in the era of term limits has afforded this institution are memorialized here. And why room 317? You all have been there. This is a place where Californians come together with some of your constituents or stakeholder groups to be able to have great conversations, to deliberate, to discuss, to educate. It's a place that we receive dignitaries, both foreign and domestic.
- Chris Ward
And it's a place that we make ourselves available to the press and share what's going on in the work that we are doing. It is a place of engagement and collaboration and communication, which I believe are qualities that define the speakership of Anthony Rendon. So, for these reasons, I ask you to respectfully vote Aye on HR 47.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Senator Ward. Senator Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker and Members, I also rise in support of this resolution, Resolution 47. To name and to recognize Room 317 on the third floor of the State Capitol as the Speaker Anthony Rendon Press Room. I want to thank my colleague from San Bernardino for bringing this resolution before us. I am proud to speak in support of this resolution 47. We recognize my colleague, my friend, our Speaker Anthony Rendon, representing the Bellflower community.
- Mike Gipson
Overtime, my colleague has proven himself to be a hard worker speaker and dedicated to this state Assembly. He has been the second longest serving speaker in the California's history, transformed the Legislature during his tenure. And I won't be redundant, because if I stand here, it will be all day. In terms of highlighting the great work that he has done in terms of policies, the kind of policies that has moved this state forward, we are indeed grateful again.
- Mike Gipson
Since I've begun to serve with Speaker Anthony Rendon, he has been there. He has transformed not only policies, empowered chairs, he has done a yeoman's job. And to name this room after him would be a great honor. Members, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on HR 47.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Senator Gipson. Senator Holden, you are recognized.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's an honor to be able to rise today and join with others in support of HR 47. Honoring Speaker Anthony Rendon for his leadership throughout the years and establishing his legacy in the California State Capitol, Rendon became the 70th speaker of the Assembly in 2016 and ushered in a new era of decentralized speakership and Member empowerment. He is the longest serving speaker of the Assembly of the State of California.
- Chris Holden
In the term limit era, speaker rendered worked to pass landmark progressive legislation focused on true equity, the nation's first statewide minimum, $15 minimum wage, overtime pay for farm workers, universal T-K, and groundbreaking policies on gun and tobacco use in the Assembly, he appointed women to nearly all the major staff and officer roles. Progressive legislation coupled with a progressive leadership truly showcased the power of diversity in the State of California.
- Chris Holden
And these are victories that all of us can share in, because Speaker Rendon also decided not to carry legislation on his own. And as a Member who came in in 2012 and recognizing the speakerships that followed, it was big bills that originated out of the Speaker's office. Since that time of Anthony Rendon becoming Speaker, big bills originated amongst us. We had the opportunity to step forward and provide leadership on things that were meaningful, as I mentioned in the list previously.
- Chris Holden
And that's important because we all came here to be relevant. And I'm reminded of a famous African proverb, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Under his leadership, we put California's first, and we're empowered to advocate for the needs of our constituents. It is a fitting honor to recognize and ensure his leadership will never be forgotten by naming Room 317, the Anthony Rendon Conference Room. I urge your support.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Senator Holden. Assembly Member Ramos, you're recognized.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of HR 47, honoring Speaker Anthony Rendon, the longest serving speaker of the Assembly in the term limit era, serving since March 7, 2016. Under his leadership, in March of 2021, he authorized me to establish the first California Native American Legislative Caucus, which many Members on this floor are part of that caucus. And last year, he gave me the great honor of serving as the first California Native American Chair of the Assembly Rules Committee.
- James Ramos
He also created the first Assembly Select Committee on Native American affairs, which established a means to share information about California tribal issues, such as missing and murdered Indigenous women, and water issues, health, access, and education. The informational hearings were not just about information sharing, but also served as incubators for legislation and for allowing tribal leaders to share their voices here in the Capitol that was drowned out. For over 173 years, he created these significant and genuine opportunities for increased California Native American representation and leadership.
- James Ramos
Along with many in this body, we moved forward on a lot of issues. Those historic actions that will send out ripples of change for generations and the Legislature and across California, and have now paved the way for leadership in the future to continue these dialogues. To continue these issues. Moving Forward. We look forward to continuing to work on those issues. For that, I am most grateful for paving the way to ensure that California has its first California Indian elected. Under his leadership and under the future leadership, we look forward to electing more California Indian people. Thank you.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Assembly Ramos. Assembly Member Luz Rivas, you are recognized.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wasn't planning on speaking today, but I know that the Member from Lakewood, downtown LA, or Whittier, or wherever he moved in to move in for his Assembly District is from, is probably annoyed and miserable at hearing all of these speeches, and I like that. I'm not sure if I'm going to support HR 47. We. I feel like we're being jammed with this resolution. There hasn't been enough discussion. I didn't know about it. Right. We didn't discuss this in caucus.
- Luz Rivas
There's a lot of unintended consequences from renaming this room. I know it is 317. I've been here for five years. Now my staff is going to tell me to go to the Speaker Anthony Rendon Room. I'm not going to know where to go. I'm going to get confused. It's going to cause a lot of disruption in the Legislature. And what about the fiscal impacts? How much is that bronze plaque going to cost the state? This is a bad budget year, right.
- Luz Rivas
We need to save money at all costs. And so I don't think this is the right time to make this fast decision. But I listened to my colleagues talk about the policy accomplishments that have happened under this speaker and the legacy that he's leaving. So I'm willing to give a courtesy aye for today to move this measure forward and rename Room 317, the Speaker Anthony Rendon Room. Thank you.
- Alex Lee
Thank you for your generous courtesy Assembly Member Rivas. Now we will go to recognize Assembly Muratsuchi.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I'm going to continue to annoy Speaker Rendon by thanking him for his principled leadership. Speaker Rendon earned my respect not only for his record of accomplishments as the second longest serving speaker in the history of the State of California, but for me, the ultimate test of a leader is when he leads, he or she leads, sticking to their principles, sticking to their core values, even when sometimes it means pushing back against our allies and our friends.
- Al Muratsuchi
I know that Speaker Rendon and I work together on many climate change, know we talk a lot about how climate change is the existential threat of our generation, and yet, too many times, we let the special interest politics prevail to kill bills necessary for California to lead in the fight against this global existential threat.
- Al Muratsuchi
And I know that Speaker Rendon, even to the consternation of so many of us on the floor here, he distinguished himself by standing true to his core values, to his core principles, and especially when it put us all in difficult positions of often going against, pushing back against our allies and our friends. And so, Speaker Rendon, I want to thank you for your principled leadership. And I think that this HR 47 is a very fitting honor to your record of courageous and bold leadership.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Mr. Muratsuchi. Assembly Member Gallagher, you're recognized.
- James Gallagher
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And Members, I rise to recognize Speaker Rendon on his service to this great body. And I've had the privilege of serving with him for going on nine years now, so longer than many people in this room, not everybody, but many in this room. And what I just want to say, what I've always appreciated about the speaker is that he listens.
- James Gallagher
And there's been countless times when I've gone and talked to him, and I feel like I've been heard. And so I appreciate that. And maybe even on bills you didn't want to hear from me, from. I think I was brazen enough in my first year to try and repeal his lead ammo ban Bill. But he heard me and we talked about that issue.
- James Gallagher
And I remember in Committee, one of my first committees, how you said, hey, I appreciate that you actually reached out to me on this issue. And since that time, many times that I've been able to go to you and talk about important issues that are facing the state. And we haven't always agreed, but Speaker Rendon has always been someone who has treated everyone with civility and respect and who has tried to preserve this institution. And for that, I'm very, very grateful.
- James Gallagher
Another thing that was very special to me is that when my district has gone through disasters, terrible disasters, the campfire, the Oroville Dam situation, and each and every time I got a text from this speaker saying, hey, brother, sorry for what you're going through. Let me know how I can help. And that means a lot. And you did, and my district is thankful to you for that as well.
- James Gallagher
And so I think you always tried to say, what can we do to help Members with issues that are really pertinent and important to their district? And you showed that leadership in your time here. So I know you wouldn't want us all to go on very long, and I won't. But thank you. I appreciate your service and want to be part of recognizing your great leadership in this body. Thank you.
- Alex Lee
Thank you, Republican leader Gallagher, seeing and hearing no other Members who wish to recognize, Majority Leader Reyes you may close.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I want to thank my colleagues for your comments and also for the comments you shared with me when you saw that this resolution was being proposed. And with that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote. And I'd ask the roll be open for co authors.
- Alex Lee
The Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All those who desire to vote, vote. All those who desire to vote, vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 72, no zero. We will take a roll call vote on this resolution. The Clerk will open the roll. All those who vote, who desire to vote. All those vote, who desire to vote, keep it. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 71, no zero. Resolution is adopted.
- Chris Ward
Members will be moving on to our consent calendar, and before we vote, we're going to first take up resolutions on the consent calendar for the purpose of adding co authors. Clerk will read the resolutions on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 64 by Senator Dodd and others relative to Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month.
- Chris Ward
Clerk will open the roll to allow any Members to add on as co authors. All those wishing to be a co author, please signify by casting your vote. This is on consent calendar resolutions Clerk will close the roll. There are 69 co authors moving to a vote on the consent calendar. Does any Member wish to pull an item from the consent calendar? Seeing and hearing none. Clerk will read the second day consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 360 by Senator Blake Spear and an act relating to Natural Resources
- Chris Ward
Clerk will open the roll on the consent calendar. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes I 71 no zero consent calendar is adopted. Clerk will read the remaining items on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Chris Ward
Members an additional reminder, the reception for Amy Leach will be upon adjournment in session in Capitol Room 317. You're welcome to stand by to come by and at this time we're going to be moving to adjournments in memory. Our quorum call is lifted. We ask if you are going to have conversations that you take them off the floor so we can give respectful attention to those granted prior permission to speak on an adjournment in memory. Members, at this time we'll be moving to our adjournments in memory. And Ms. Friedman, you are recognized at your desk for your adjournment in memory.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you Mr. Speaker and Members. This morning I rise to ask that the Assembly adjourn in the memory of my friend Barbara Bonnie Lazar. Born in 1948, Barbara was raised in the San Fernando Valley and attended Madison Junior High and Grant High School before attending UC Santa Barbara and graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in anthropology.
- Laura Friedman
After living for 10 years in Israel and earning a master's degree from the Technion and urban planning, Barbara returned to Los Angeles and began her 30 year long career as a city planner for the City of Burbank. Barbara was a force of nature in Burbank. In fact, even after she retired, she continued to freelance as a city planner. She served on the board of Family Promise to aid in their goal of helping families experiencing homelessness and Low income families achieve sustainable Independence.
- Laura Friedman
She was passionate about Judaism in Israel. She made her home a place of gathering and connection. Celebrating Friday night Shabbats with family Sukho and her elaborate Sukkah and large and inclusive Passover Seders. She opened her home to everyone and truly loved to be surrounded by family and friends. She was a dedicated supporter of Israel, committing herself to APAC and its mission and lobbying with them to Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Above all, she was devoted to her family.
- Laura Friedman
She cherished her role as a mother to her three children, Oren, Donna and Maya, and devoted her life to actively raising them with all the joy, love, creativity and beauty this world can offer to me. She was a friend that I met maybe back in 2014 or 15, and I remember when I would see her over the years. She would always grab my cheeks, sort of squeeze them and look into my eyes and say, beautiful, beautiful.
- Laura Friedman
And I would always look back into her eyes and think, you are indeed beautiful. You are someone who goes out of their way to see the beauty in everything and everybody. Because Barbara was beautiful inside and out. Truly, truly beautiful. Burbank and our entire region are a better place because of Barbara. I respectfully request that we adjourn in her memory today and extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and to everyone who knew her. May her memory be a blessing. Thank you.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Ms. Friedman and Assembly Lackey, you're recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Tom Lackey
Thank you. Mr. Speaker, I rise to request that we journe in memory of a good friend, an iconic public safety advocate, Mr. John Lovell. John passed away unexpectedly here in Sacramento on March 30, 2023 at the age of 78. The Capitol community lost a great principled man that had worked here in this building for decades. It'd be impossible to articulate the impact of John's enduring legacy.
- Tom Lackey
In his career spanning more than 50 years, he was a fierce advocate for organizations in the public safety space, representing the California Peace Officers Association, the California Police Chiefs Association, Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association, and the California Correctional Supervisors Organization among many. His longtime business partner, Paul Curry recalls that John was known for his innate ability to communicate with his clients'position. With adroit skill.
- Tom Lackey
He sometimes used polite but colorful language, drawing on the absurd or comical references, once referring to a Bill returning after being defeated the previous year as a dog returning to its own vomit. He was a proponent of grassroots organizations, training his clients membership and the importance of local engagement and how to fight for advantageous policies and against egregious ones. In his own words, if you're not at the table, you're on the menu. John was a college athlete, which very few people knew.
- Tom Lackey
He played football and demonstrated his battling talent as a boxer. He will be remembered for his tenacity and his ability to never back down in the face of obstacles or challenges. Those in law enforcement community were privileged to be represented by John, along with legislators like myself who got to work with him. We'll all miss him. John is survived by his wife, sister, two nephews and a memorial service that will be held next Thursday.
- Tom Lackey
I encourage those of you who knew him to attend and honor a life well lived. And I'll just add that John and I shared different parties and it never served as an obstacle because we focused on the things that we agreed upon and the things that united us instead of what divided us. He was a fierce battler and just an old school friend that I will miss Dearly and I ask we honor in his memory.
- Chris Ward
Thank you Mr. Lackey and Assembly Member of Essayli. You're recognized at your desk for your adjournment. In memory.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to adjourn the State Assembly in memory of Riverside County Sheriff Deputy Brett Harris. On the eve of Mother's Day, May Twelveth, Deputy Harris was involved in a car crash while responding to a call for backup. This crash left him with a fatal brain injury. He was only 26 years old. Brett Michael Harris was born on April 20, 596 in Sulfok, Virginia. He graduated from Great Oak High School in 2014, where he met his wife in 2012.
- Bill Essayli
Their mutual love and compassion for helping others led bread to pursue a criminal justice degree from California State University San Marcos, which he obtained in 2018. He and his wife tied the knot in the fall of 2019, and later that year he graduated from the Riverside Sheriff Academy. Shortly afterward, he began his career as a correctional officer until he was transferred to patrol at the Hemet station in January 2022. Brett was deeply committed to serving his community beyond his official duties.
- Bill Essayli
He participated in programs such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters and the Police Explorer Program, which educates children with an interest in law enforcement. Additionally, Brett would frequently volunteer to read to his sister's second grade class and visit her school to interact with the students. Brett's dedication continued until his untimely death. Although his life was tragically cut short, he was a hero to many. He is survived by his wife, his mother, father, twin sister and his brother Members.
- Bill Essayli
This is the third time I have risen to adjourn in memory of a fallen officer this year. The Riverside County Sheriff's Department has not had a line of duty death in over two decades, and now, tragically, we've lost three in a single year. I ask that we give extra appreciation to our entire law enforcement community as we adjourn in the memory of Deputy Brett Michael Harris. May God bless them all. Thank you.
- Chris Ward
Thank you, Mr. Essayli. Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the Journal. All requests to adjourn in the memory will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to announcements, the session schedules as follows. Friday, June 23. No check in session. No floor session. Monday, June 26. Our floor session is at 01:00 p.m. All other items remaining will be passed and retained. All motions shall be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business, I'm ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Fong moves and Mr. Essayli seconds that this house stands adjourned until Monday, June 26 at 01:00 p.m. We are adjourned.
No Bills Identified